January 2015 Monthly Newsletter



St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, Wilmington NC, January 2015 Monthly Newsletter

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608 SOUTH COLLEGE ROAD WILMINGTON NC 28403 (910) 392-4444 FAX (910) 392-4905


January 2015

The Theophany of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

January 6

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church January 2015 v2


Fr. Jon Emanuelson

Parish Priest

Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 9AM – 2PM

Office Phone: 910-392-4444 Office Fax: 910-392-4905

Fr. Jon’s Mobile Number: 910-685-0080

Office Email: office@stnicholaswilmington.org

Fr. Jon’s Email: FrJon@stnicholaswilmington.org

Church Website: www.stnicholaswilmington.org

Find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/StNicholasWilmington



Angelique Skandalakis, Parish Office Administrator


Officers Members

Emanuel Miliotis, President Tina Bostic Debra Rallis

Evangelos Fragos, Vice President John Burgee Nick Saffo

Irene Sotiriou Vogiatzis, Secretary Peter Manaloukis Maria Stasios

Barbara Reynolds, Treasurer Peter Malahias

Religious Education…Richard Reynolds, Ministry Chair Communications - Technology Ministries…

Adult Education…Richard Reynolds Alexandros Theodoropolos, Ministry Group Leader

Youth Catechism…Courtney Malahias, Director Webmaster… Alexandros Theodoropolos

Bookstore/Library…Mary Ann Wall Publications…Angelique Skandalakis, Stella McTaggart

Oratorical Festival…Courtney Malahias Technology… Alexandros Theodoropolos

Media/Community Relations…Beth Burgee, Debra

Hellenic Culture…Kitsa Wiersteiner, Ministry Chair Rallis, Alexandros Theodoropolos

Hellenic School…Anestis Logothetis, Acting Director

Romiosini Dance Group… Zaharoula Katsikis Parish Family Life…**Volunteer Needed**

Zoyra Dance Group… Kitsa Wiersteiner Parish Family Night…**Volunteer Needed**

Choral…Dr. Michael Rallis Men’s Group…Richard Reynolds

Special Activities… Kitsa Wiersteiner Women’s Group…**Volunteer Needed**

Forever Young…Stella Vallianos

Youth Diakonia…Koula Katsikis, Ministry Chair LOVE…Stella McTaggart

GOYA…Mary Beth Miliotis, Tina Bostic, Dr. David

Snow, Irene Vogiatzis Outreach & Evangelism…Diane McGowan

HOPE/JOY… Joyce Patsalos, Renée Psilos, Sophia OCF…Fr. Jon, Alexandros Theodoropolos

Brewer, Connie Ronner, Jaime Saffo Hospitality…Ed and Kathleen Mayorga

Community Service…Christina Mount

Liturgical Life… Dr. Michael Rallis, Ministry Chair Parish Care…Pat Poulos, Tina Stamatakis

Liturgical Music… Dr. Michael Rallis

Acolytes…Doug Brown Philoptochos…Thalia Kefalas, Chapter President

Neokoros/Sexton…T. Keith Anderson

Stewardship…Debra Rallis

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church January 2015 v2


From the Desk of Father Jon

Good Habits vs. Bad Habits and the battle for a good year

Have you ever noticed the difference between good habits and bad habits? Most of the time it is easy to identi-

fy the good habits because we can naturally take pride in doing them and glorify God through them. The bad

habits are a lot more elusive to identify. Yet, if we are honest with ourselves, we can easily say what they are

and where they come from. The bad habits are suggested to us by the evil one, the devil. He is the one who

suggests laziness instead of hard work. He is the one who tells us, “Go ahead, over indulge, you deserve it.”

I have a plan! Kick the devil in the teeth in 2015! The battle for the new year begins now. Let us resolve to

conquer one bad spiritual habit and replace it with one good spiritual habit.

Now, you might ask, which one? Glad you asked my dear child of God, glad you asked. Listed below are

some possible great choices for 2015. You can choose one or two, but no more. I suggest you work on one of

the toughest ones if you are up to the challenge, or one of the lesser ones. Either way, my prayer is that you,

with God’s help, win and the devil loses. The choice is yours, but choose wisely!

There are many others each of us could think of for our lives. God help us in the new year to be the best Or-

thodox Christian we can be and the emissary for St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church.

Love always,

Fr. Jon

Bad Habit Good Habit

Come to church Christmas & Pascha Come to church weekly

Come to church late every time Come to church on time

Read nothing to improve my soul Read the Scriptures daily

Pray only when a crisis hits Pray daily, it is like spiritual vitamins

Hold a grudge in 2015 Let go, forgive, and pray for others in 2015

Be stingy with time, talents & treasures Give generously in the new year, for God loves a cheerful giver

Judge others Judge not, and you will not be judged

Gossip about others constantly Pray for others constantly

Avoid coming to church except Sunday Attend some new services in the new year

Coming to coffee hour but not church More church, less coffee!

Let anger get the best of you in your car Pray for those who drive in an unsafe manner

Say you’re going to pray for people but do not Pray for people whether they ask you to or not

Hate your enemies Love your enemies

Pray ONLY for those you love Pray for everyone

Always look to apply the Bible to others Always look to apply the Bible to yourself

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church January 2015 v2


From the Parish Council President

Emanuel Miliotis


I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas holiday with their family and friends. It is hard to be-

lieve that 2015 is here and we are getting ready to launch into a brand new year. I would like to offer a special

New Year’s welcome to the many new families who have joined our St. Nicholas community this year.

We are excited about this upcoming year and all the opportunities for growth. With that comes contin-

ued need for help with our ministries. If you have a desire to help, please reach out to any of our ministry

leaders or the parish council. With January upon us, here are a few of our upcoming events to mark on your


1/11 Vassilopita Sunday: Each year our Philoptochos ladies society, hosts a vassilopita “auction” in our

hall after our church service. The funds raised are used to support St. Basils academy in NY and a number

of worthwhile local charities.

1/17-1/19 HDF: Our dance teams and many from our community will be traveling to Charlotte to com-

pete in our Metropolis’s Hellenic Dance Fellowship. It will be a memorable weekend and the opportunity

for our youth to interact with others from different communities.

Finally as our new parish council gets kicked off for 2014, I would like to take a moment to and on

behalf our of parish council, thank Kim Dandulakis, who has faithfully served in the role of parish council in

her last term. Second, I would like to congratulate Peter Manaloukis for beginning his service as a new Parish

council member, may God grant him strength as he serves the church.

In Christ’s service


February 1 - Super Bowl Sunday

February 8 - Annual Outreach/Godparent Sunday

February 14 - Hellenic School/AHEPA Sweetheart Ball

February 14 - Intercultural Festival - UNCW


St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church January 2015 v2


Outreach and Evangelism Diane Kastran McGowan

Stop Hunger Now

Saturday, December 13th, was another historic day in

the life of our St. Nicholas Parish! On that Saturday,

we hosted another STOP HUNGER NOW meal-

packaging event in our Hellenic Center. Volunteers

from our St. Nicholas Parish and St. Basil the Great’s

Parish, AHEPA-Cape Fear Chapter No. 408 and

DaVita HealthCare Partners packaged over 40,000

meals in less than 3 hours.

This was made possible through the generous support

of both Orthodox Parishes, AHEPA 408 Philanthro-

pies, Inc. Ladies Philoptochos Society, GOYA and

our Hellenic School. In addition, we received a

$3,000 grant from the KT Community Foundation,

Inc. (DaVita HealthCare Partners). All total, we

raised $10,088 for our event!

A few volunteers met on Friday night to set-up the

Hellenic Center for the event. The next morning, oth-

er volunteers met at 9 AM to unload the SHN truck,

which contained the food items which were to be

packaged, including: rice, soy, flavoring mix and

multi-vitamin. In addition, they unloaded supplies

and equipment, which were used to bag, weigh, seal

the box the meal packages.

After the opening prayer and a brief orientation, we

started working. Approximately 130 volunteers were

able to package and box 6,667 bags of product, which

filled 185 boxes and were loaded on 3 pallets in the

SHN truck.

These meals will be shipped to developing countries,

where people are starving or ill due to hunger related

conditions. The meals are distributed via SHN’s

world-wide distribution partners, which include

school feeding programs, vocational training, child

development programs as well as orphanages and

medical clinics.

This was the third SHN meal-packaging event hosted

by our Parish during the past five years. Volunteers

are already asking if we will be doing this project

again next year.

For those unable to join us this year, please see more

photographs of this event, which show each step in

the food packing process, further in our Newsletter.

Hellenic Culture Kitsa Weirsteiner

The Hellenic Link Association with the school of

Modern Greek Language of the Aristotelion Univer-

sity of Thessaloniki has decided to enact a program

revolving around the Greek language. The President

of the HL Association is Dr. Konstantinos Efthimiou,

father of Barbara Harris of our parish. Dr. Efthimiou

explained that this program will be three weeks long

and will encompass two levels. The first level will

begin on June 15th, 2015 and will be completed on

July 3rd. The second level will take place from July

6th until July 24th. The tuition for each level is 600

euros ($750.00) for three credits. This course (two

levels) will be conducted in Greece at the Aristotelion

University for university and college level students.

If you are interested please sign up as soon as possi-

ble. The deadline for the registration is March 1st,


For more information go to www.http://

smg.web.auth.gr or through the HL email:

elen@smg.auth.gr or agiovani@smg.auth.gr.

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church January 2015 v2


Orthodox Christian Fellowship Alexandros Theodoropoulos

We hope that our students had a great and spiritually

uplifting Christmas Break and would further like to

wish all of our students a Happy New Year as well as

productive and successful academic semesters with

good Health, Wisdom, Strength and Enlightenment!

Please be reminded to look out for the pertinent com-

munications regarding our OCF group’s informal

Open Forum lunch meetings with Fr. Jon and Fr. Tim-

othy (from St. Basil) at the Varsity Cafe in the UNCW

Fisher Student Center starting at 12:00 pm and going

on until at least 2:00pm on every Wednesday. All are

welcome to join! In case you know of any students

that would be interested, please encourage them to


We would further like to identify potential host fami-

lies for our OCF students. The pertinent document/

form can be found on our website at


OutreachEvangelism/OCF/OCFSponsors.pdf . The

following are suggested ways that host families could

use to stay in touch with the student(s) they would be

matched with:

1. Email the students weekly. (Be sure to mention that

you have been appointed as a host family for the OCF

for this year in your first email.)

2. Text (Most of the students cell phones are

listed. You can do this after you establish email con-


3. Offer to help the students with rides to church and


4. Remind your host student of church services and

events coming up in the near future.

5. Invite the students for a home cooked meal!

Please see Fr. Jon for more information about our new

OCF Host Family or Sponsorship program. Please

consider becoming a host family for one of our OCF


Communications/Technology Alexandros Theodoropoulos

We hope that all of you had a wonderful and spiritual-

ly uplifting Christmas season and would further like to

wish all of you a Great and a Happy New Year with

good Health, Wisdom, Strength and Enlightenment!

We would like to have your photos and videos! In case

any of you has photos and videos from our various

parish life events, please consider sharing them with

our Communications Chair and our church office us-

ing the email addresses listed at the end of this article.

We are trying to collect all these items for our publica-

tions and online media. We would like to use this op-

portunity to extend special Thanks to all of you that

have contributed media content so far!

Also, please be reminded that our church has a pretty

active facebook page that can be accessed at https://

www.facebook.com/StNicholasWilmington . We

would appreciate very much any of your efforts to

help us further promote our FB page now that such

social networking media have been becoming more

popular. Also, our church’s email list has been grow-

ing as well. If you know of any parishioners or others

that are not in our list and would like to receive our

church’s email communications, like our weekly

email bulletin and so on, please have them forward

their email addresses to our church office.

Finally, listed below are two more reminders regard-

ing our new services:

The live streaming of our services at St. Nicholas

has been set up and can be seen on our website

directly at www.stnicholaswilmington.org/

LiveStreaming.html . In case you would like to

view our services on your mobile devices

(smartphones, tablets, iPads etc.), you could still

use the afore-mentioned link however there is also

an app available that is more suitable for this pur-

pose. For information on how to set your device

up with this app, you can contact Alexandros

Theodoropoulos at communica-

tions@stnicholaswilmington.org .

Our special hearing aid system that we recently

acquired is available to assist our older especially

parishioners with hearing issues to better listen

and follow our services. The system has, at this

point, four receivers available that are simple in

their use, feature volume controls and are carried

by each parishioner individually. Please see one of

the Pangari (candle stand) attendants on duty in

the Narthex area, in case you feel you would like

to try one of the receivers.

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church January 2015 v2


In case you have any suggestions or feedback that

could help us in our continuous effort communications

publications/media please contact our church office at

(910) 392-4444 or office@stnicholaswilmington.org

or our Communications Chair, at communica-

tions@stnicholaswilmington.org .

Hellenic School Anestis Logothetis, Interim Director

There will be no Greek School on Friday, January 2,

2015. Classes will resume on Friday, January 9, 2015.

Please join us on Sunday, January 25 in the Hellenic

Center during fellowship hour for the celebration of

the “Three Hierarchs.” The speaker will be Kathy

Dimopoulos. This program is sponsored by the Greek

School. Do not miss this very important event.

We wish you a Happy New Year!

Romiosini and Zoyra

Happy New Year! Our dancers would like to thank

everyone who participated in our Christmas Caroling

Fundraiser this year. It is always a joy to perform for

our fellow parishioners. And we will be performing at

our best at The Hellenic Dance Festival (HDF) which

will be held in Charlotte this year. We will be in

Charlotte January 16-19. We have 36 youth dancing

this year and over 70 people going from our St Nicho-

las community - Wow! We wish all our families a safe

trip and great memories. We thank Zaharoula Katsi-

kis and Nota Dukas for all their hard work in prepar-

ing us to do our best!

GOYA Koula Katsikis, Mary Beth Miliotis, Tina Bostic, David Snow,

Irene Vogiatzis

Happy New Year – we hope all our Goyans got a

much needed break during their school vacation.

Goya welcomes all youth in middle and high school

grades. We would like to thank everyone who helped

support our Christmas shopping project. High school

students in our local community will be getting some

much needed clothing and supplies. We would also

like to thank everyone who helped with our Stop Hun-

ger Now meal packaging event. What a wonderful

community event!

The Goyans will have Wednesday night discussion

group meetings with Fr. Jon. They meet at


A great community service project is helping at

the Good Shepherd Center on Friday’s at 4:00-

5:00pm. Adults and Goyans are welcome and en-

couraged to help. Please sign up in advance to

work a Friday shift.

All Goyans are invited to attend A New Years

Dance in Myrtle Beach on Jan 2nd. See flyer for

more info.

Hellenic (Greek) Folk Dance group for Pre-

K-1st H.O.P.E. Ages Alexandros Theodoropoulos

We hope that our aspiring little dancing angels as well

as all of our dancers had a merry and spiritually uplift-

ing Christmas with their families and would further

like to wish all of them and our St. Nicholas families a

Happy New Year with good Health, Wisdom, Enlight-

enment and full of Joy and Dancing!

We additionally need to thank our parents, Presvytera

Antonia, Sia Mayorga and Renee Karonis for assisting

with the dance instruction! The group will start meet-

ing again in the month of January on Sundays right

after the divine liturgy, please look out for pertinent

communications regarding schedule updates. We

would like to ask all of our families that have children

in these ages to join this group the goal of which is to

teach the fundamentals of Hellenic folk dancing to

these kids and better prepare them to advance in our

other dance groups of older ages. For more infor-

mation or to express your interest, please contact our

office at 910-392-4444 or

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church January 2015 v2


office@stnicholaswilmington.org or Alexandros The-

odoropoulos at messinian@alumni.utexas.net .

For information on our Hellenic Culture & Education

ministries in general please visit our website at

http://stnicholaswilmington.org/HellenicStudiesCulture.html .

For information on our Youth ministries in general

please visit our website at http://

stnicholaswilmington.org/YouthDiakonia.html .

Forever Young Stella Vallianos

Forever Young met on Tuesday, December 2nd for

their regular meeting. But this meeting was anything

but regular. Kay Skandalakis catered a wonderful

lunch for us in memory of her mother, Angeline, who

loved to come and sing with the rest of us the old well

-loved Greek songs and Kalanda. Besides the deli-

cious meal, she also had raffles and a number of at-

tendees won some lovely gifts to take home with

them. We were also so happy to have with us Alex

Theodoropoulos who always enhances our meetings

with his enthusiasm and guitar playing. Thank you

both so much for making our December meeting so


Our next meeting will take place on Tuesday, January

6th, 11:00 a.m., at the church. We will be going out to

eat. We hope to see some of the new faces back with


Our best wishes to all the church community for a

Happy Christmas and a New Year filled with God’s


LOVE Stella McTaggart

Happy New Year to all our Little LOVE members and

to the loving families that shelter and protect them.

One of the things I love to do the most with Fiona is to

read stories. So what better way to spend a cold win-

ter day than in a warm bookstore enjoying a special

story time. Please feel free to join us at the Wilming-

ton Barnes & Noble on Saturday, January 10 at 11am

for a story time and activity around the book “Please,

Mr. Panda.”

LOVE is a Ministry for all Parents-to-be, Parents,

Grandparents, or any other Caregiver for preschool or

younger aged children to come together for playtime

and fellowship as parishioners of St. Nicholas Greek

Orthodox Church. I truly hope anyone who has not

come to an event yet chooses to attend this month.

And, if anyone is interested in joining me in Leader-

ship, contact me to learn more about what goes into

preparing for events each month. It is a joy to be able

to plan events for families and get to know other pa-

rishioners with children in my owns age group.

Community News

Greek Festival

Mark your calendars for a Greek Festival information-

al meeting on January 5 at 7 PM in the Hellenic Cen-



The Cape Fear Chapter No. 408 of the Order of

AHEPA had a very busy month during December.

The chapter participated in a National AHEPA Project

by raising funds for the St. Nicholas National Shrine

at the World Trade Center in New York City. The

brothers raised a total of $3,200.00 for this project.

AHEPA 408 Philanthropies, Inc. made a $500.00 con-

tribution to the parish’s STOP HUNGER NOW fund-

raising campaign. On December 13th the brothers

volunteered at the parish’s SHN meal-packaging event

in our Hellenic Center, where over 40,000 meals were


On the following evening AHEPA Brothers and their

spouses gathered at Giorgio’s Italian Restaurant for

their annual Christmas social & dinner, where the par-

ty enjoyed fellowship, food and shared the Christmas


The brothers served a traditional Christmas dinner to

the residents and staff of the AHEPA 408 Apartments

on Monday, December 22nd. The meal is generously

donated by Brother Chris Tsingelis and his wife, An-

gela, of Chris’ Restaurant and plated and served to the

guests by the AHEPA Brothers that evening. Youth

from our parish attended and entertained the residents

by their beautiful Christmas caroling.

During 2014 four new members joined the Cape Fear

Chapter; they were: Brothers John Diakogiannis,

George Saridis, Cameron Calhoun and Jack Poulos.

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church January 2015 v2


Awards & Recognitions

We wish to congratulate Evangelos Fragos and Peter

Vogiatzis for receiving the Archangel Michael awards

this year! The Ceremony was held in Atlanta.

Beautification & Gratitude

We wish to thank James & Anna Patsalos and fami-

ly for their generous donation of kneelers for our

pews! Thank you all so much.

Following up on the Veterans Day ceremony our

church celebrated on November 9th, we would fur-

ther like to thank Pam Hale and Louis Batuyios for

donating American as well as Greek flags for our

church's flagpole all these years. In addition, we

would also like to recognize our youth member

Pantelis Poulos for assisting with replacing the old

flags with the new ones on the pole.

The flowers and evergreens beautifully surrounding

our icon of St. Nicholas on his Feast day were lov-

ingly placed by Helen Flowers and Thalia Kefalas.

They were donated by Lambra Koklanaris in eternal

memory of her father, Nicholas.


For all the people celebrating their birthday, anniver-

sary, and name day in the month of January may you

have many happy years! Many Happy Years!

Pam and Cameron Calhoun would like to announce

the birth of their son, Cameron Crawford Calhoun II,

born on Friday, November 28. Mother and son are

doing well. Να σας ζήσει!

Stephanie and Graham Harrill had a healthy baby boy,

Lukas, on December 4, 2014. Να σας ζήσει!

Sympathies and Memorials

Mrs. Katherine Lionikis, the mother of Manny Lioni-

kis, fell Asleep in the Lord on October 10, 2014 at the

age of 95. To read more about her life visit online:


obitID/14831/obit/Katherine-Lionikis. May her

memory be eternal.

On November 30 a 40-day memorial was held for

Bebe Saffo. May her memory be eternal!

On December 7 a memorial was held for Eleni

Vogiatzis, wife of Anastasios Vogiatzis and father of

Ioannis and Vasilios Vogiatzis. May her memory be


With the Saints, give rest to the souls of Your servants, where there is no pain, sorrow, or suffering, but life eternal.




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St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church January 2015 v2


John & Kathleen Anagnost In Memory of Vasili & Sophia Anagnost In Memory of Peter & Dorothy Jewell

Louis & Roula Andrews In Memory of Anthony, Arendou, Andrew Andrews

Evelyn & Angelo Angeledes In Memory of Angeledes & Apostolides Families

Tina Bostic In Memory of Ted & Pat Mavroidis

Gregory & Kimberly Dandulakis & Family In Honor of St. Nicholas Greek Church

Ifigenia & Yianni Diakogiannis In Memory of Zacharias Diakogiannis

Emanuel, Mary Beth, Pantelis & Alexandra Miliotis In Memory of Emanuel & Elepheria Miliotis

Nanette Musselwhite In Memory of James E. Wall

Anonymous In Memory of Ayed Nashed & Neemat Nashed

Lambros & Miki Papanicolaou In Memory of Marianthi & Vasilis

Ruth Pappamihiel Family In Memory of Louis Pappamihiel

Stella Pappas & Penny Wright In Memory of Nick Futris

Anna Patsalos In Memory of Haralambia Papaioannou In Honor of Nick, Joyce, Anna, Chris Patsalos

Anne Bakalis Pinkston In Memory of Nickie Bakalis & Chris Varellan

Jack & Donielle Poulos In Memory of Our Grandparents

Koula Poulos In Memory of Theodore Poulos In Memory of Steve & Elizabeth Koutsouflaki

The Rallis Family In Memory of George & Dalton Rallis

John & Barbara Vogiatzis In Memory of George Raptis In Memory of Eleni Vogiatzis

Doky & Despina Saffo In Memory of Elias N. Tripodes

Marian Saffo In Memory of Mathew Z. Saffo In Honor of Marika Saffo

Nick & Tia Saffo & Family In Memory of Elias Tripodes

Joanne Simotas In Memory of My Father

Kay Skandalakis & Family In Memory of Bill & Angeline Saffo

Jim & Maria Stasios In Memory of Our Parents Victor & Ethel Melts In Memory of Christos & Evelyn Stasios

George & Peggy Stephanou In Memory of Eli Aphrodite Christos

Christ is Born…

Glorify Him!!!

The Beautiful Poinsettias Decorating our Church

During Advent & Christmas Were Donated By:

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church January 2015 v2


Plato & Renee Theophilos Family In Memory of Eleni & Nicholas Psillas In Memory of Patula & Stavro Theophilos

Gus & Deborah Trantafillopoulos In Memory of Sam Triantis & Antigone Triantis

Chris & Jeannie Tsingelis In Memory of Christos & Elpetha Tsingelis In Memory of Andrew & Irene Frankos In Honor of Konstantinos Tsingelis

Stela Vallianos In Memory of Themistocles & Maria, Spyros & Rodomanthe

Anastasios & Georgia Vogiatzis In Memory of Ioannis & Dimitrios Vogiatzis In Memory of Eleni Vogiatzis

Vasilios, Irene & Peter Vogiatzis In Memory of Peter & Spyridoula Sotiriou In Memory of Mary Vourdaris In Memory of Eleni Vogiatzis

Irene Karafas Voneiff In Memory of Steve & Irene Karafas

Mary Ann G. Wall In Memory of James E. Wall In Memory of Mary & Andrew Gabor

Sam & Kitsa Wiersteiner In Memory of Richard & Elisabeth Wiersteiner In Memory of Conraerd Wiersteiner In Memory of Kleanthis & Gesthemani Adamides In Memory of George Adamides

Pete,Kathy, Vasili, Maria & George Dimopoulos In Memory of Panagiotis Lymperakis In Memory of Vasilios Dimopoulos & Maria Dimopoulos

Dr. Mary A. Frankos In Memory o Andrew E. Frank, Irene D. Xanthos, Dr. Dawn P. Dilley

Pamela M. Hale In Memory of Harry Hale, Ted & Mary Mavros

Joanne In Memory of Evelyn Stasios In Memory of Helen & Chris Kares

The Karonis Family In Memory of Our Angel, Annette Anastasia Karonis

Koula Katsikis & Dina Poulos In Memory of Pantelis Z. Poulos In Memory of Zane & Zaharoula Katsikis

Tasso, Laura, Spiros & Anastasia Kefalas In Memory of Spiros Kefalas

Dr. Emmanuel & Lambra Koklanaris In Honor of Our Children & Grand Children

The King Family In Memory of John Kazanzides

Matthew, Melissa, Zak & Emily Kirkby In Memory of MSGT Aaron Torian

Susan & Sam Lawler In Memory of Our Parents George & Marion Bobon

Emmanuel & Athanasia Lionikis In memory of James & Marina Sampanes In Memory of Presvytera Katherine Lionikis

Mike & Lola Loizides In Memory o Stavros, Efrosini & Nick Pantazis

Spiro Macris & Georgia Macris In Memory of James, Fani & Billy Macris In Memory of John Macris

Ed & Kathleen Mayorca In Honor of Sia Mayorca

Calvin & Diane McGowan & Stavros In Memory of Argiro Aretakis

Church Financial Snapshot of General Fund December 1, 2014

Nov Jan - Nov

Operating Income $28,468 $272,455

Operating Expense $27,345 $300,515

Net Operating Income / Loss $1,123 ($28,060)

Stewardship Pledged $230,200

Full Year Stewardship Goal $244,590

Stewardship Received $217,894

Children’s Christmas Program

December 10

Great Vespers

December 5

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church January 2015 v2


Stop Hunger Now Event

December 13

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church January 2015 v2


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608 S. College Road, Wilmington, NC 28403

