Java Web Programming Using Cloud Platform: Module 3



Java Web Programming Using Cloud Platform Training 18-22 Feb 2013 Module 3: Servlet Advanced Topics JDBC, NoSQL & Mongo DB, Servlet Filter, Servlet Listener

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Dr.Thanachart Numnonda

Dr,Thanisa Kruawaisayawan

18-22 February 2013

Module 3: Servlet Advanced Topics

JDBC, NoSQL & Mongo DB,Servlet Filter, Servlet Listener



Including, forwarding to, and redirecting to other web resources

Servlet & JDBC NoSQL & Mongo DB Session Tracking API Scope Objects Servlet Listener Servlet Filter


When to Include another Web resource?

When it is useful to add static or dynamic contents already created by another web resourceAdding a banner content or copyright information in

the response returned from a Web component


How to Include another Web resource?

Get RequestDispatcher object from ServletContext object

RequestDispatcher dispatcher =


Then, invoke the include() method of the RequestDispatcher object passing request and response objects dispatcher.include(request, response);


When to use “Forwarding” to another Web resource?

When you want to have one Web component do preliminary processing of a request and have another component generate the response

You might want to partially process a request and then transfer to another component depending on the nature of the request


How to do “Forwarding” to another Web resource?

Get RequestDispatcher object from HttpServletRequest object

Set “request URL” to the path of the forwarded page

RequestDispatcher dispatcher

= request.getRequestDispatcher(“/template.jsp");

If the original URL is required for any processing, you can save it as a request attribute

Invoke the forward() method of the RequestDispatcher object

dispatcher.forward(request, response);


Redirecting a Request

Two programming models for directing a request

Method 1:

response.setStatus(response.SC_MOVED_PERMANTLY);response.setHeader("Location", "http://...");

Method 2:response.sendRedirect("http://...");


Servlet & JDBC


What is JDBC?

Standard Java API for accessing relational databaseHides database specific details from


Part of Java SE (J2SE) Java SE 7 has JDBC 4.1



Defines a set of Java Interfaces, which are implemented by vendor-specific JDBC Drivers

Applications use this set of Java interfaces for performing database operations - portability

Majority of JDBC API is located in java.sql package

DriverManager, Connection, ResultSet, DatabaseMetaData, ResultSetMetaData, PreparedStatement, CallableStatement and Types

Other advanced functionality exists in the javax.sql package



JDBC Driver

Database specific implemention of JDBC interfacesEvery database server has corresponding

JDBC driver(s)

You can see the list of available drivers from



Database URL

Used to make a connection to the database

– Can contain server, port, protocol etc… jdbc:subprotocol_name:driver_dependant_databasename

– Oracle thin driver





MySQL Tools

mysql-installer- (Database)

mysql-workbench-gpi-5.2-40-win32.msi (GUI)

mysql-connector-java-5.1.19-bin.jar (Driver)Copy to C:\Program Files\Apache Software

Foundation\Apache Tomcat 7.0.27\lib


SQL Commands

CREATE - Builds a new table with the specified field name and types

INSERT - Adds a new record to the named table SELECT - Retrieves records from the named table DELETE - Removes one or more record(s) from the table UPDATE - Modified one or more field(s) of particular record(s) DROP - Completely removes a table from the database


CREATE Statement

The formal syntax

CREATE TABLE table_name(column [ , column] …)

For example

CREATE TABLE Books(ISBN varchar(5) not null PRIMATY KEY, title varchar(50) not null,

author varchar(50), price float);


INSERT Statement

The formal syntax INSERT INTO table_name (column [ , column] …) VALUES

(value [, value] …)

For example

INSERT INTO Books VALUES('11111', 'J2ME on Symbian OS', 'Sam', 40);


SELECT Statement

The formal syntax

SELECT [table.]column [ , [table].column] …

FROM table [ , table] …

[WHERE [table.]column OPERATOR VALUE

[AND] OR [table.]column OPERATOR VALUE …

[ORDER BY [table.]column [DESC] [ ,[table.]column [DESC}]

For example

SELECT * FROM Books WHERE ISBN = '11111';


DELETE Statement

The formal syntax

DELETE FROM table_name WHERE column OPERATOR value [AND | OR column OPERATOR value ] …

For exampleDELETE FROM Book WHERE ISBN = '11111';


Steps of Using JDBC

1. Load DB-specific JDBC driver

2. Get a Connection object

3. Get a Statement object

4. Execute queries and/or updates

5. Read results

6. Read Meta-data (optional step)

7. Close Statement and Connection objects


1. Load DB-Specific Database Driver

To manually load the database driver and register it with the DriverManager, load its class file – Class.forName(<database-driver>)

try {

// This loads an instance of the Pointbase DB Driver.

// The driver has to be in the classpath.


}catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe){

System.out.println("" + cnfe);



2. Get a Connection Object DriverManager class is responsible for selecting the

database and and creating the database connection

Using DataSource is a prefered means of getting a conection object

Create the database connection as follows: try { Connection connection =


"root", "root"); } catch(SQLException sqle) { System.out.println("" + sqle); }


DriverManager & Connection

java.sql.DriverManager• getConnection(String url, String user, String password) throws


java.sql.Connection• Statement createStatement() throws SQLException• void close() throws SQLException• void setAutoCommit(boolean b) throws SQLException• void commit() throws SQLException• void rollback() throws SQLException



DataSource interface and DataSource object

Properties of a DataSource object

JNDI registration of a DataSource object

DataSource object that implements Connection pooling


javax.sql.DataSource Interface and DataSource Object

Driver vendor implements the interface

DataSource object is the factory for creating database connections


Properties of DataSource Object A DataSource object has properties that can be modified when

necessary – these are defined in a container's configuration file

location of the database server

name of the database

network protocol to use to communicate with the server

The benefit is that because the data source's properties can be changed, any code accessing that data source does not need to be changed

In the GlassFish Application Server, a data source is called a JDBC resource


JNDI Registration of a DataSource (JDBC Resource) Object

The JNDI name of a JDBC resource is expected in the java:comp/env/jdbc subcontextFor example, the JNDI name for the resource of

a BookDB database could be java:comp/env/jdbc/BookDB

Because all resource JNDI names are in the java:comp/env subcontext, when you specify the JNDI name of a JDBC resource enter only jdbc/name. For example, for a payroll database, specify jdbc/BookDB


Why Connection Pooling? Database connection is an expensive and limited

resource Using connection pooling, a smaller number of

connections are shared by a larger number of clients

Creating and destroying database connections are expensive operations Using connection pooling, a set of connections are pre-

created and are available as needed basis cutting down on the overhead of creating and destroying database connections


Connection Pooling & DataSource

DataSource objects that implement connection pooling also produce a connection to the particular data source that the DataSource class represents

The connection object that the getConnection method returns is a handle to a PooledConnection object rather than being a physical connection

The application code works the same way


3. Get a Statement Object

Create a Statement Object from Connection object

• java.sql.Statement– ResultSet executeQuery(string sql)– int executeUpdate(String sql)

• Example:

Statement statement = connection.createStatement();

The same Statement object can be used for many, unrelated queries


4. Executing Query or Update

From the Statement object, the 2 most used commands are – (a) QUERY (SELECT)

• ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery("select * from customer_tbl");

– (b) ACTION COMMAND (UPDATE/DELETE)• int iReturnValue = statement.executeUpdate("update

manufacture_tbl set name = ‘IBM' where mfr_num = 19985678");


5. Reading Results

Loop through ResultSet retrieving information java.sql.ResultSet

boolean next() xxx getXxx(int columnNumber) xxx getXxx(String columnName) void close()

The iterator is initialized to a position before the first row

– You must call next() once to move it to the first row


5. Reading Results (cont.)

Once you have the ResultSet, you can easily retrieve the data by looping through it

while ({ // Wrong this will generate an error String value0 = rs.getString(0);

// Correct! String value1 = rs.getString(1); int value2 = rs.getInt(2); int value3 = rs.getInt(“ADDR_LN1");}


5. Reading Results (cont.)

When retrieving data from the ResultSet, use the appropriate getXXX() method

• getString()• getInt()• getDouble()• getObject()

There is an appropriate getXXX method of each java.sql.Types datatype


6. Read ResultSet MetaData and DatabaseMetaData (Optional)

Once you have the ResultSet or Connection objects, you can obtain the Meta Data about the database or the query

This gives valuable information about the data that you are retrieving or the database that you are using– DatabaseMetaData dbmd = connection.getMetaData(); – ResultSetMetaData rsMeta = rs.getMetaData();

• There are approximately 150 methods in the DatabaseMetaData class.



public void showDBInfo() {

try {

DatabaseMetaData dbmd = connection.getMetaData();

System.out.println("Product: " + dbmd.getDatabaseProductName());

System.out.println("Version: " + dbmd.getDatabaseProductVersion());

System.out.println ("Stored Procedures: " +


System.out.println("Transactions: " +


} catch (SQLException ex) {




public void showDBInfo() {

try {

DatabaseMetaData dbmd = connection.getMetaData();

System.out.println("Product: " + dbmd.getDatabaseProductName());

System.out.println("Version: " + dbmd.getDatabaseProductVersion());

System.out.println ("Stored Procedures: " +


System.out.println("Transactions: " +


} catch (SQLException ex) {





ResultSetMetaData Example

ResultSetMetaData meta = rs.getMetaData();//Return the column countint iColumnCount = meta.getColumnCount();

for (int i =1 ; i <= iColumnCount ; i++){ System.out.println(“Column Name: " + meta.getColumnName(i)); System.out.println(“Column Type" + meta.getColumnType(i)); System.out.println("Display Size: " + meta.getColumnDisplaySize(i) ); System.out.println("Precision: " + meta.getPrecision(i)); System.out.println(“Scale: " + meta.getScale(i) );}


What Are They?

PreparedStatement• SQL is sent to the database and compiled or prepared


CallableStatement• Executes SQL Stored Procedures


PreparedStatement Interface

To call the same SQL statement multiple times, use a PrepareStatement object.

Extend PreparedStatement from Statement class. public interface PreparedStatement extends Statement

AdvantageUsing Statement needs to compile every times. PreparedStatement will compile only once.



public void insertData() {

PreparedStatement pstmt;

String insertCmd = "INSERT INTO Book VALUES(?,?,?,?)";

try {

pstmt = connection.prepareStatement(insertCmd);


pstmt.setString(2,"J2ME on Symbian OS");




} catch (SQLException ex) {




public void insertData() {

PreparedStatement pstmt;

String insertCmd = "INSERT INTO Book VALUES(?,?,?,?)";

try {

pstmt = connection.prepareStatement(insertCmd);


pstmt.setString(2,"J2ME on Symbian OS");




} catch (SQLException ex) {






The interface used to execute SQL stored procedures A stored procedure is a group of SQL statements that form

a logical unit and perform a particular task A CallableStatement object contains a call to a stored

procedure; it does not contain the stored procedure itself. The part that is enclosed in curly braces is the escape

syntax for stored procedures. CallableStatement cs = connection.prepareCall("{call SHOW_SUPPLIERS}");

ResultSet rs = cs.executeQuery();




Servlet & JDBC


Servlet & JDBC (cont.)



Next generation operational datastores and database

Does not use SQL as a query language May not give ACID guarantee Horizontally scalable architecture Examples

– Document (MongoDB, CouchDB)

– Key/Value (Memcached, Dynamo)

– Tabular (Hadoop, BigTable)


Open-source, high performance, document-oriented database

Fast, Smart, Scalable Internal storage- Binary JSON


JSON Document

JavaScript Object Notation– Simple types only number, string,

arrays, embedded objects BSON – Binary JSON

– Added additional types such as Date, BinData

47Source: Introduction to MongoDB: D. Merriman

48Source: Building Apps with MongoDB: Nate Abele



Source: Building Apps with MongoDB: Nate Abele


Normal DB Stuff pattern-matching

db.posts.find({ "title" : /mongodb/i })

...find all posts tagged ‘MongoDB’? db.posts.find({ "tags" : "MongoDB" })

...find all Bob’s comments?db.posts.find({ "" :"" })

...change Bob’s email? db.posts.update(

{ "": "" },

{ $set : { "comments.$.email" : "" }})


Java and MongoDB : Make a connection

import com.mongodb.Mongo;

import com.mongodb.DB;

Mongo m = new Mongo();

Mongo m = new Mongo( "localhost" );

Mongo m = new Mongo( "localhost" , 27017 );

DB db = m.getDB( "mydb" );

Source:Java Development with MongoDB: James William


Inserting Documents

BasicDBObject doc = new BasicDBObject();

doc.put("name", "MongoDB");

doc.put("type", "database");

doc.put("count", 1);

BasicDBObject info = new BasicDBObject();

info.put("x", 203);

info.put("y", 102);

doc.put("info", info);


Source:Java Development with MongoDB: James William


Document Queries

DBObject myDoc = coll.findOne();

// can also use

BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); query.put("i", 71);

DBCursor cur = coll.find(query);

Source:Java Development with MongoDB: James William


Working with Collections

Getting all collections in the database

Set<String> colls = db.getCollectionNames();

for (String s : colls) {



Getting a single collection DBCollection coll = db.getCollection("testCollection")

Source:Java Development with MongoDB: James William




Why Session Tracking?

Need a mechanism to maintain state across a series of requests from the same user (or originating from the same browser) over some period of time Example: Online shopping cart

Yet, HTTP is stateless protocol Each time, a client talks to a web server, it opens a new

connection Server does not automatically maintains

“conversational state” of a user


Session Tracking Use Cases

When clients at an on- line store add an item to their shopping cart, how does the server know what’s already in the cart?

When clients decide to proceed to checkout, how can the server determine which previously created shopping cart is theirs?


A Session Maintains Client Identity and State across multiple HTTP requests

Session 1

Session 2

Client 1

Client 2

serverSession ID 1

Session ID 2


Three “underlying” Session Tracking Mechanisms

Cookies URL rewriting Hidden form fields Note that these are just underlying mechanisms of

passing “session id” do not provide high-level programming APIs do not provide a framework for managing sessions This is what Servlet Session Tracking feature provides


What is HTTP Cookie?

Cookie is a small amount of information sent by a servlet to a Web browser

Saved by the browser, and later sent back to the server in subsequent requests A cookie has a name, a single value, and optional attributes A cookie's value can uniquely identify a client

Server uses cookie's value to extract information about the session from some location on the server


Class Cookie


Cookies as Session Tracking Mechanism

Advantages:Very easy to implementHighly customizablePersist across browser shut-downs

Disadvantages:Often: users turn off cookies for privacy or

security reasonNot quite universal browser support


URL Rewriting

URLs can be rewritten or encoded to include session information.

URL rewriting usually includes a session id Example:http://localhost:8080/bookstore1/cashier;jsessionid



URL Rewriting as Session Tracking Mechanism

Advantages:Let user remain anonymousThey are universally supported(most styles)

Disadvantages:Tedious to rewrite all URLsOnly works for dynamically created



If Cookie is turned off..

If your application makes use of session objects you must ensure that session tracking is enabled

by having the application rewrite URLs whenever the client turns off cookies

by calling the response's encodeURL(URL) method on all URLs returned by a servlet

This method includes the session ID in the URL only if cookies are disabled; otherwise, it returns the URL unchanged


Example: response.encodeURL()

out.println("<strong><a href=\"" +

response.encodeURL(request.getContextPath() + "/cashier") + "\"></a></strong>");

If cookies are turned off http://localhost:8080/bookstore1/cashier;jsessionid=c0o7fszeb1

If cookies are turned on http://localhost:8080/bookstore1/cashier


Hidden Form Fields

Hidden form fields do not display in the browser, but can be sent back to the server by submit

<INPUT TYPE=”HIDDEN” NAME=”session” VALUE=”...”>

Fields can have identification (session id) or just some thing to remember (occupation)

Servlet reads the fields using req.getParameter()


Hidden Form Fields as Session Tracking Mechanism

Advantages:Universally supported.Allow anonymous users

Disadvantages:Only works for a sequence of dynamically

generated forms.Breaks down with static documents, emailed

documents, bookmarked documents.No browser shutdowns.



To get a user's existing or new session object:HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);

"true" means the server should create a new session object if necessary

HttpSession is Java interface

Container creates a object of HttpSession type


Example: Getting HttpSession Object

public class CatalogServlet extends HttpServlet { public void doGet (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {

// Get the user's session and shopping cart HttpSession session = request.getSession(true); ... out = response.getWriter(); ... } } ...


HttpSession Java Interface

Contains Methods toView and manipulate information about a session,

such as the session identifier, creation time, and last accessed time

Bind objects to sessions, allowing user information to persist across multiple user connections


HttpSession Methods

getId()Returns the unique identifier

isNew()Determines if session is new to client (not page)

getCreationTime()Returns time at which session was first created

getLastAccessedTime()Returns time at which the session was last sent from the

client invalidate()

Invalidate the session and unbind all objects associated with it


Store and Retrieve of Attribute

To stores values: session.setAttribute("cart", cart);

To retrieves values: session.getAttribute("cart");


Session Timeout

Used when an end-user can leave the browser without actively closing a session

Sessions usually timeout after 30 minutes of inactivity

Product specific

A different timeout may be set by server admin

getMaxInactiveInterval(), setMaxInactiveInterval() methods of HttpSession interface

Gets or sets the amount of time, session should go without access before being invalidated


Issues with “Stale” Session Objects

The number of “stale” session objects that are in “to be timed out” could be rather large

Example 1000 users with average 2 minutes session time, thus 15000

users during the 30 minutes period 4K bytes of data per session 15000 sessions * 4K -= 60M bytes of session data This is just for one Web application

Could have an performance impact Use the data space in Session object with care


Session Invalidation

Can be used by servlet programmer to end a session proactively when a user at the browser clicks on “log out” button when a business logic ends a session (“checkout” page in the example

code in the following slide)

public void invalidate() Expire the session and unbinds all objects with it

Caution Remember that a session object is shared by multiple servlets/JSP-

pages and invalidating it could destroy data that other servlet/JSP-pages are using


Example: Invalidate a Session public class ReceiptServlet extends HttpServlet { public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { ... scart = (ShoppingCart) session.getAttribute("examples.bookstore.cart"); ... // Clear out shopping cart by invalidating the session session.invalidate();

// set content type header before accessing the Writer response.setContentType("text/html"); out = response.getWriter(); ... }}


Scope Objects

Enables sharing information among collaborating web components via attributes maintained in Scope objectsAttributes are name/object pairs

Attributes maintained in the Scope objects are accessed with getAttribute() & setAttribute()

4 Scope objects are definedWeb context, session, request, page


Four Scope Objects: Accessibility

Web context (ServletContext)Accessible from Web components within a Web


SessionAccessible from Web components handling a request

that belongs to the session

RequestAccessible from Web components handling the


PageAccessible from JSP page that creates the object


Four Scope Objects: Class

Web contextjavax.servlet.ServletContext




Session, Application Scope

Session 1

Session 2

Client 1

Client 2

serverSession ID 1

Session ID 2


Client 1

Client 2


Session, Request, Page Scope

forward forward

request response request response

Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

Page scope Page scope Page scope Page scope

request scope request scope

Session scope



Scope of Objects


What is ServletContext For?

Used by servlets to Set and get context-wide (application-wide) object-

valued attributes Get request dispatcher

To forward to or include web component

Access Web context-wide initialization parameters set in the web.xml file

Access Web resources associated with the Web context Log Access other misc. information


Scope of ServletContext

Context-wide scope Shared by all servlets and JSP pages within a "web

application" Why it is called “web application scope”

A "web application" is a collection of servlets and content installed under a specific subset of the server's URL namespace and possibly installed via a *.war file

All servlets in BookStore web application share same ServletContext object

There is one ServletContext object per "web application" per Java Virtual Machine


Example: Getting Attribute Value from ServletContext

public class CatalogServlet extends HttpServlet {

private BookDB bookDB;

public void init() throws ServletException {

// Get context-wide attribute value from

// ServletContext object

bookDB = (BookDB)getServletContext().


if (bookDB == null) throw new

UnavailableException("Couldn't get database.");




What is Servlet Request? Contains data passed from client to servlet All servlet requests implement ServletRequest interface

which defines methods for accessing Client sent parameters

Object-valued attributes


Client and server

Input stream

Protocol information

Content type

If request is made over secure channel (HTTPS)



Request Servlet 1

Servlet 2

Servlet 3Response

Web Server

data, client, server, header servlet itself


Servlet Lifecycle Events

Support event notifications for state changes inServletContext

Startup/shutdown Attribute changes

HttpSession Creation and invalidation Changes in attributes


Listener Interfaces

ServletContextListener contextInitialized/Destroyed(ServletContextEvent)

ServletContextAttributeListener attributeAdded/Removed/Replaced(ServletContextAttributeEvent)

HttpSessionListener sessionCreated/Destroyed(HttpSessionEvent)

HttpSessionAttributeListener attributedAdded/Removed/Replaced(HttpSessionBindingEvent)

HttpSessionActivationListener Handles sessions migrate from one server to another




Listener Registration

Web container creates an instance of each listener class registers it for event notifications before processing first

request by the applicationRegisters the listener instances according to

the interfaces they implement the order in which they appear in the deployment

descriptor web.xml Listeners are invoked in the order of their registration

during execution


Steps for Implementing Servlet Lifecycle Event

1. Decide which scope object you want to receive an event notification

2. Implement appropriate interface

3. Override methods that need to respond to the events of interest

4. Obtain access to important Web application objects and use them

5. Configure web.xml accordingly

6. Provide any needed initialization parameters


Example: Context Listenerpublic final class ContextListener implements ServletContextListener { private ServletContext context = null;

public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent event) { context = event.getServletContext(); try { BookDB bookDB = new BookDB(); context.setAttribute("bookDB", bookDB); } catch (Exception ex) { context.log("Couldn't create bookstore database bean: " + ex.getMessage()); }

Counter counter = new Counter(); context.setAttribute("hitCounter", counter); counter = new Counter(); context.setAttribute("orderCounter", counter); }


Example: Context Listener

public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent event) { context = event.getServletContext(); BookDB bookDB =(BookDB)context.getAttribute("bookDB"); bookDB.remove(); context.removeAttribute("bookDB"); context.removeAttribute("hitCounter"); context.removeAttribute("orderCounter"); }}


Listener Configuration<web-app> <display-name>Bookstore1</display-name> <description>no description</description> <filter>..</filter> <filter-mapping>..</filter-mapping> <listener> <listener-class>listeners.ContextListener</listener-class> </listener> <servlet>..</servlet> <servlet-mapping>..</servlet-mapping> <session-config>..</session-config> <error-page>..</error-page> ...</web-app>


What are Java Servlet Filters?

New component framework for intercepting and modifying requests and responses Filters can be chained and plugged in to the system during

deployment time

Allows range of custom activities: Marking access, blocking access

Caching, compression, logging

Authentication, access control, encryption

Introduced in Servlet 2.3 (Tomcat 4.0) Content transformations


What Can a Filter Do?

Examine the request headers

Customize the request object if it wishes to modify request headers or data

Customize the response object if it wishes to modify response headers or data

Invoke the next entity in the filter chain

Examine response headers after it has invoked the next filter in the chain

Throw an exception to indicate an error in processing


How Servlet Filter Work?

Filter 2


Filter NFilter 1

ServletFilter Chain






javax.servlet.Filter Interface init(FilterConfig)

called only once when the filter is first initialized get ServletContext object from FilterConfig object and

save it somewhere so that doFilter() method can access it read filter initialization parameters from FilterConfig

object through getInitParameter() method destroy()

called only once when container removes filter object close files or database connections


How Filter Chain Works Multiple filters can be chained

order is dictated by the order of <filter> elements in the web.xml deployment descriptor

The first filter of the filter chain is invoked by the container via doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res, FilterChain

chain) the filter then perform whatever filter logic and then call the next

filter in the chain by calling chain.doFilter(..) method

The last filter's call to chain.doFilter() ends up calling service() method of the Servlet


Steps for Building a Servlet Filter

Decide what custom filtering behavior you want to implement for a web resource

Create a class that implements Filter interface Implement filtering logic in the doFilter() method Call the doFilter() method of FilterChain object

Configure the filter with Target servlets and JSP pages use <filter> and <filter-mapping> elements


Example: HitCounterFilterpublic final class HitCounterFilter implements Filter

{ private FilterConfig filterConfig = null;

public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException { this.filterConfig = filterConfig; } public void destroy() { this.filterConfig = null; }

// Continued in the next page...


Example: HitCounterFilter

public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {

if (filterConfig == null) return; StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(sw); Counter counter = (Counter)

filterConfig.getServletContext().getAttribute("hitCounter"); writer.println("The number of hits is: " + counter.incCounter()); // Log the resulting string writer.flush(); filterConfig.getServletContext().log(sw.getBuffer().toString()); ... chain.doFilter(request, wrapper); ... }}


HitCounterFilter Configuration<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC '-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN' ''>

<web-app> <display-name>Bookstore1</display-name> <description>no description</description> <filter> <filter-name>HitCounterFilter</filter-name> <filter-class>filters.HitCounterFilter</filter-class> </filter>

<filter-mapping> <filter-name>HitCounterFilter</filter-name> <url-pattern>/enter</url-pattern> </filter-mapping> ...


Configuration in web.xml

<filter> <filter-name>: assigns a name of your choosing to the filter <filter-class>: used by the container to identify the filter class

</filter> <filter-mapping>

<filter-name>: assigns a name of your choosing to the filter <url-pattern>: declares a pattern URLs (Web resources) to which

the filter applies </filter-mapping>


Concurrency Issues on a Servlet

The service() method of a servlet instance can be invoked by multiple clients (multiple threads)

Servlet programmer has to deal with concurrency issue shared data needs to be protected this is called “servlet synchronization”

use of synchronized block


Many Threads, One Servlet Instance

Web Server












Servlet container


Use of synchronized block

Synchronized blocks are used to guarantee only one thread at a time can execute within a section of code

synchronized(this) { myNumber = counter + 1; counter = myNumber; }...synchronized(this) { counter = counter + 1 ; }


Thank you
