Jaycee Journal 1(2), February 2, 1934



The Jaycee Journal is edited and published weekly by the journalism class of Coeur d'Alene Junior college

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.. ..... . ... - ~ - · .. .... ... . . ~t(;<~)' ?.'~f.'_l . ~ "-T 2 19~4

}!ISS BillfGAY HNI~-- .- - - - T-'- ---REPOR.T CARDS ISSuED;


iviiss Ellen Bungc..y, English instrt:.ctor -- +: +.ho Junior College, ho.s rocc i ved an invi­t :~~an to act as Rogistr~r and Recreational '-l~.t'Gcto r c..t tho W, W. C.A. Cc.inp on l:Iood!s :;.:::.n . .:.: l, SeabGck, Washington.

Thre0 hundred delegates from college ci,:-- .1.1 i.m:-:.vo rsity Vl.W.C.A. orgcmizc.tions o.re ex;cct od to nt~ond the t~o veek's session which ';r.i.11 oegin c.bout the mi ddl G of June.

In 1932 1-Iiss Bungo,y acted as Cnmp Eogistrc.r.




The Coour d'~lene J. C. hos chnllengGd tl•9 Spolwno Vc-.lloy J. C. to r. dobo..to on some n.'.:'.t icnnl problem.. If the Spoknne school [;,C c.., 0})tS tho chc.ll cnge, the debate \7ill oe hold horo bGforc the Cho.mber of Commorco Fr.bnu:.ry 26 '.)

Tho D.rgurncnt nill oe the first inter­c.,Jllc,g ic.te deoo.to in v1hich thG lo cal" junior ~oll egc ht!.s t c.kc n pc.rt, c..nd should be of cons ide rc.b lo intc r l.3 st<>

])c' !'l'J.c..rC'.,; socfr.l scj.'once instructor, -~-.- -~-~. ; ~ : t .. ' ~ ·t 1JC




11.10 s t'.liti,·.o:r tic·:kb-:s'-:t-o:r .thcYt'~o ..... ~ "s ·cery pl.ay "The Thirteenth Chn.ir0 which

.' ~ ·- 0 be g iven by t he Junior College on the ,· ·J~ - -;. f Februc.ry in the High School c.udi tor""' .J.!1 .:.s progressing sr.tistc.ctorily.

:~h ss Bungc.y, director of t :rn plc.y stnte ·J :. : , ·'.·

1tthe play is coming o.long beuutifullycH AnyonG vdshinf; to either buy or sell

· -~ c.kets should see Jc.ck Danb y . A compli-- · ·:~-- .,.ry ticket will be pre sented to every '

, -. -_; \..,_~- :~ v1ho s e lls t\7Glvo tickets. J)•-.:: t j_cket s nre being reserved free of

rp \';·:~ l son ' :=: P;m1'.'n.r..c,y ..

***** ,JO s,-q_h.DOi~; i10TIAY


Report cards for the first semester -_,r)1" issued today. All student averages have been computed, out the six student s ·7l10

p robably have t he h ichest o.verages accol'lL ,-s to the 2-ppearance of the cards a.re~

Sam Johnson 5 A's Elizabeth McCrea 5 A's lB i:::: Dorotliy .Anderson 4 A: s M~rgnr0t Lee 4 A's lB Winifred Joseph 4 A's 3B'G Erma Gordon 4 A's 3B's

Next ueek a list of o.11 students v; i10 have .o. five poin~ average or abo ve 1-rill oe ?Ubli shed .

***** V/HOtS vmo?

0 With Mr. Bernard's ability to o.cquJ. r o lmowledge o.nd vrHh my ovm personality t ::urc is absolutely no rGD.$011 \·1hy I should not be an out standing s uccessn, v10.s the sub st ru.1 · ~ of o. remark mo.de by George Sonnichs e n_, p.t --:·:J .L · · dent of the student body, in an intervien ye sterday afternoon v/o.2n he " stated tlmt Tfr~

Bern~rd wus his ideal. lir. Sonnichsen Y/8.S born in Coeur d ;: i_lei...,_,

i n 1912 and rrn.s grc.duo.tGd from the local. ~1.'...E, .. 1

school. His enrli e st re1:1emo rc.:1ces u cre of herding co vrn \·1 ith his b rother c.nd it u~s t ~1"~1.(°'

that he ler.rned to love humnn nature a.ncl r r.·· .-::'J."-~"

an adept ~t daydreaming. His first public D. pp GD.ranee [~S <:~ s 0 l u : vt

vms in an eighth g ro.de operetta "\7inc111iP s . ./ Ho.llo.nd" in uhich he ardentl y YJO OGd the olor,~lu Dorothy Iuiderson. His next issuance into -tri e limelight came ,,.-.1 hem he \7on t hG Ed ison con-(; .~; . .... for the h i gh school 2..nd county in 1930 .. 1. 11 11~

test covGred cont emporary problems c::.nri fn 1.: : ?

c::.nd per so nnli t y . In h igh s choo 1 he 1.-n:i.s c.. L ·

in seve r o..l co~c:ny ;:;kits o..nd r:ent out for +:--._ c k <::.nd d.eoo.te . In junio 1· ccllcgc he is L~~~c::- :.2~ ' C in de: bnte o.nd dro.rno.tics c:-~ s ext racurric· : . :~c..r

c::: ctivities c.nd his hobby is the collect::i.ng o:i_ hc.,ndk:erch.iefs c.nd volunt eer firemen ..

I,'Q-. Sonnichsen hns not yet d e cj_(J ·)rJ. ·:."• l'.e c.,spires to be c..s he sc..y s h e h ns too i i.~ . -v

ocCU!)O.ti.ons to choose from.. At preser,,t l.:.::; i 0 t ~l8 :p:~ ~;:-_- i rlGnt of the student t ody, jc:ni-c. u o ::.­t he coll ogc 2nd night school, f2.~ e rn-'1'J , '.J'JJ ' '· . ; ::... ·

c..ctor, so loist, c.,nd deoc.,ter . Anot;1er interesting fact i s t lmt Ttl .

h i s c.cti7i ti.c'J o. r G c c.r :ried on in ont..: ·J u. ·~ .... .. :::i ,

. t ~1e cit;y hDlL, :;-:e e <..=·':s, sl eG:ps, 8t11r" '. .-_~.: .. . '~ i i~,-,

· r).'1' ' (')1_~ :--: i·--:')D g Dny is ~1..-? r .e ago.in. At the tl ~c - : ; c~-~_ ::)J°i. , c.c. __ \1j .. Y- C'3 L . .:Y ~i..~ e x._l;-.:.!iS '-' 3, :.. . ~·:!_,.. __ , --::.: .:..-::,,,., '.·r-.: tj_x;g t ile r ::.: is : ~ .. ~tle I)robn.oil .~t ,,,· . ~ > ·c:ncUnc n o1y:_.r? .c.. .. d c;c ~s hi::! r 2 r:; ;:-:: ;_--:ti.·Y(• .- .,_. ",j ,,

·' ,.,.,,. ' ;.: }·. ·: ... r ' -.·" (l'•1 ' .\ -, . ~ ,, 'F ~\ ~ tl1r, s "1-y· ' "' l • ~ .._ • .- '· • ·· · ~"._"' • .. __ -·• ;.,. ..., ...... .._ .._ • • \, \. . • ' "'"t. I - · L.J ~ ' 'l-t,f -L. ~

,_'(: Ci. fJ j_ - ~11 · __ i.le n.vy ClL..:.-._/F~ Of rolling *-**n_.

-. , ,~ . Tf tho clo11a.s do t r8uk and he sees . . .

,f:. ________ ,...._... __ _

01 _~ j~ 1. __________ _ - - ·---- - :~r:ti T_'.~ :0 i.~ . -~/ -". -- ; _j_;)_~- ··--- --- __ ,. - - .. - . ---··----- ·, : . ')



Edited and published weekly by the journal ,-! irm class of Coeur d' Alene J unior College. · -s1 ~. t0-r Rob e~ ~- · ~~!~p.rult!nm .t

-2.::: :. ::. ~Ctte Edit or Jack ])an1Jy. ~Uv.i..~ GJ" 1'3'.7·2lyn McJ)onald. 0ports Julm J)ingler. _ri_jXchange s Victori a Scott . C~~rp i st s Er ma Go rd.on.

\Vin:!.f:red Joseph. P.eporters Le ona Johnson.

Zella 1~e We lch. Cla ss Adviser, IVtiss El l en Bungay


The consensus of stud.e~1t op.inion as voi 0ed t o us seems to be triat the Christ­~ ::z.s convocat i on addressed by })ea::: UcAllist­c;,.i.' Wu.S an event which v1i ll bear r epeating.

In about tno month s the second g reat reli­~)0us fe stival of the y ear takes place. Ui.thout doubt some sort of pro gr2.ra will be ~1 8.llled in observance of Easter . I th ink i t can be said that De an McAllist e r is one vf the best s pa akers who has so far appeared before the J unior College student body. He ho~e that either he or another man of his ~Dlibre Yt ill be sele cted to speak at the EnJte r convocation~ We even take the libert to suggest to the administrat ion that they ask h i trl. to speak again~


Students v1ho r ead the Whit e Pine page .in the Press v1 ill have noticed the comments on sport s_r.1anship wh ich have appeared in the last t v10 issues. A group of students at an i'.-+- .

1: letic contest of any sort are prone t':J T2 act to the situation \7ithout remembering tna.t they should be gentl emen and l ad.ies. Hather than copy those remarks I recornmcnd t~At you read them yourself . Let is neve r "' :. Jaid that a junior college st udent d.i6. ~ ~ ::i-c a.0-t.-.as. a ···g:entlernan or l ady .

**** ."'

1.lo rr. is S.arnp-s-On s.nys that he knO\'JS tno ~ ~he fifty fDrnous people in tho Unit e d Qt ~.r&- .UckE~y Mouse <=tnd tho Bic Bnd Uolf . ~r>C' Y>. }>0 lo.ffs_,__ __ o..nd l affs, nnd ln.ffs ~ ,1

* ~~ * * *

l\; sty Best tells us ;10 ho.s b oon burn­_ __ 6 G~Lu midnight oil lntcly . Yes , c:rid. j ust u-..:: u\1 8\JU JOU c.nd US , ;.l ·~ h r:. s OOGn ~JUY":< .;..·f! ~. u·i., __ o~linc too .

Wha t tall cur l y ..... ho.iTed bass s -i. n ,~:-:; r

writes so l ong i ngly of l';I j_ss Kath2:---·Ln8 Whitla's b lue eye s? Come, , come, Gee··,'.'.:·: 1

Think of your mo r al s.

It has been noised about that j . ~ t -·

"Dink" :Dingler hc::,s been unanimously Gl'l'.:- ;:: .: "1


* Greates t disappointment of the yea~

The Pr exy 's son h ad h i s Co~ds \7D. s he..d l

FASHION NOTES b y -.-ax Eustburn

I n order to b e noti ced this year, giri s should Tiear bright carmine dress e s and cute littl e 11 .:rto bin Hoo dn hats.

if Another budding romance: Ed Thonpson

ve r sus Larion Cnrlson . Isn 1 t that Suede?

4f We hear that Bob Frandsen ob lig ing l y

g nve e ve r yo n e i n the play cast a ride homo Ti i th Vicki Scott the other night~

4F To the M:nyor of Po st Falls:

No, I.Ir. LncPhe rs on, 1:1e c armot comp l y v:ith ~- our u ishes to include y our n OJ1G at l east t v1ico ea ch \78G k int his column. \'le nre sorry but your n omo i s too l engthy .. We a r o compe llGd by l ack of spo.c0 to use such compnct ho.ndles as John Delore Eite l Dre isb o, c- 1~

and such . G. and P.

# Yfo understand tho.t uhcn Joss Yfil lo.rd

Langfo rd is cfilled his full mmo ho ca l ml y r eto rts, 0 Them's fight in' i;JO rds!"

# Uc v7ill suggest thnt Th7ye r Bost , Pau l

Buhn1e st o r, and Donne Dro.komoye r buy n C 2.~

in cohoots so that they cnn nll go to see the:;..:;:' Fro,i ls from th o Fort Grounds at l east

Ho 1..•,re no\7 b eginning to 1i-10nder v1hat t h~

folkc::i ujll s ':'.~' -, hen uc don't take our r eport slips hcuc .)

\h \7ou2. d like to kno1;1 i f the n nrno 11 Ho.ys eod 11 g ive n to Dink Dingle r had o.nythi ng to d o ,,-1 ith h is 11 thc.tched roof? 11

* we suppos e that it is only a m~t t er of t i me before .Al e ne \!ilcox vJil l · b.o sporting o.. clc..ssy oa.skot ba ll S\"JCD,:t.er u i th a n o,tty go ld numb o r throe on it o

JL 11

Vlho uould t 11i nk t ha t tho vJb.o l e b o.thth tho ction of tho gloo club nould thtnrt to lithp c..11 o.t ontho7

Zo..rnc st :t3 ·~ r ~ _;;:. 1, G 2.[:_ ·.J of Spokcmo Ve Uoy , stntoz thc.-t our b o.sl.:ot b nll t 0 run should be e<::.ll od .gqUQ1'1s~for .. e pc.u:i.lo..r-18'--·t.b.a papoose s ...

1/ • , l .. ...... -.:.....:....~-~--------~-



~~itor's ~J · ~ 2 : T~ i s i.s t~e first oi a series Gf bco k aG~ p lay Te ­views to ·be preser1teG.. each weolt ,_,y lVIi s s Scott. A r e view of 11 :':l e ­~:: i gn for Jii ving 11 b y Nu e l Cowo.:L·d vJ i~l ;1 :ppes.r in +, he .Tay cee Jour·­nal ne Lii west,

Llv Vi cki Scott

;:Pla y Parades" by Noel Coward is a co llection of t he aut~or's s even best plays qo, 18cted by himself, at the suggestion of t.~"!P 1'11lhlisher, Nelson Doubleday&

-"Bitter Sweet" was chosen by the au­L:1o r t ec.:;i.use it g ave him more satisfaction tlrnn any other plc.y he h a,s ever written. n Cav8.1cade, 11 because it vras t he product of re;. l rng cherished am·oi tion to ni t e a big r 1 ?.y ~n a 'big scale. trr11he Vortex, u because • ~ '1::: :. :.:1.r:}.{)i;'L,·_~;~.°t>' B1~. C.°<.'H? f-Vil. .e.s t ~b.J..~·~ha:(a., Ai.jo~(. as ;f .::;. ~ . "'...r.. .;/ 1ffi e;ht and an actor., "Hay Fever, u

oe ~a~s e i t is conside r e1 by many to be Noel Uovvard~s b e s t comedy~ nP:d.vate Lives," nas ch osen because it is a g ood comedy. rat he r unusua l, and 'be ca1J.se it g iv8 s the rm"bl ic a chanc e to i mag ine "cocktails, 11

~ -· evening clress" and "repartee; :' a few of its f a vorit e allusions whe r e Noel Coward is c.01.:.ce rned.Q "Post-IvI0rtem, 11 was n othing more or less than an exhaust pipe for the au ~·

thor 's pent u p ene r gy. 11 It opened a lcr~

of windov.f o in my 'bra.in and allowed me to l et off a great dBal of steam which might have remained inside me and combusted later on, to the considerable detr ii.':.1ent of "Caval­cade" and "Design for Living, 11 says l'Joel C t:.'J': '.UC. .

":'.)esign For Living~ 11 although it rested ~.l 1 the 'back of the author's mind for eleven ye ars, was fin.ally written for the purpose of' giving three people the oppo r tunity of acting together. Thes e thr ee ve re the 8.nt hor, No e l Covmrd, Lynn Font am: e ~ and Al :f':- ed Lunt. For many years they h s.d looked t orward to this opportun :ty. At last, when hJ pe had nearly died, t hey realized their d..r eam in "De sign For Livingo 1


This play has been produced, pu"blished, :: .. nd reviewed., It h a s been 1 ilced a~.d dis ··· : .:_ked, hated and a dmired. , but H h& J na ve r be en r eally love d b y any but i t s ttr8e l s ~d­

J ng a ct ors,., N-l"t e l Coward is considere cl one of the

·:'.J P. verPst of living English dramatists. His :~o..~c has· appeared on Broadvmy i:1 Nevv York and Pi ccaclilly in London more oft en during 'Ll1e last ten years t han that of any of hi_ s con temporarie s. He combined his abil~ ty to write with the intellig ence to produce and J

?d i n h is ovm plays. Each new play i s 1

=~.1 .T ::_J risingly different from its predecessory,..;f a:1d each one is enormously popul a r, yet , .... obviously of a superior quality; intelli,..: / ge nt~ ke en) sometimes not bitter but bitter­sweet. His plays are alway s intere sting , \7hether they aN produced on the stage, :i,.n the movies, or raad from a oooka

Page ·::. .. .. , .. 1\ t') . ')

A copy of the Stanford. :na.:i.::.y :tJ.:.._ : ., is the only exchP.nge paper whi 1·n ha s u0C •.t

received 'by the Jo u rnal i s m cl A-ss as y t:'L o.

Arrangements are be ing marl..e wH h seve2:.-1,.L colleges and unive r s it i8 s ~- n. v.a:r:l0u p parts of the cou:r:rt l·y fo:i.' rct;i.::_:.1. :.:-. :~ e;r"'11s :rw ­c0 with Coeur d? Alene Junio:c Cc ::.::. . ~;

The Stanford Daily is puli:.i..:i.0i i.(;~ ·-.. :_ the st·J.d. e n.ts, cmd e dited by .Abe lVit- ~..1. i.'.1

k off ~ Th e front p 2{fg of this paper __ ~-C.e voted mainly to il1t e rnational news L .. :- ~).

st 1.J.dent activities are confined -t c t h.~

inner and back pages. , Upon glancing through the staff

of the Stanford Tiaily we notice t hat Harry LeClaire, who was g radue,ted fr om Coeur d'Alene High Schoo l in l9 32

1 h~s

attained a position on the busine s3 staff of this papera Mr .. JJeClaire Yv'o.s

an active member of the Y111i.t e Pine ad­vertising staff during his Hig:: 2 ~h('C' 1


career. Exchange papers will b e k ept on

file in Miss Bung ay' s ro orn _: arii. s·Lu:Lmi; b

are invited to r e ad theLl~


1(J.rs. 11 . A. Brakemeyer, wife of Pr e s­ident Brakemeyer_, will 'be the guest of honor at a tea to be g iven 'by t he women of the Coeur d 'Alen.e Junior Colleg e fo r the entertaL:.r,1e nt of their mothe rs JI Feoruary 21, in the colleg e assembly room.

Committees in charge of arrange~ ments are: Invitations: :Doro '.: >y '·~n· ­

tlerson, Ch., Zella Val sh and Ti~:J. ci.lJ. ' J.. ne Uhi tla.. RefreshmE:mt s : Imogene S1!ohn, Ch., Alene Wilcox, Evelyn McDonald :: Ro~;alea Sanderson, and Doris · Wonderlich, Decorating : I.l--trgaret Lee, Ch., Clovilla. Koos, Elizabeth l:IcCre a, and Alberta Brown. General Ar:r 1Jj_~ ~i:sement s ~ Vivi an Hagadone .4

Ch., Clerni s /.J 12 ~-...r2 :- " Progr am ~ lio.x ine Eo.stbv..n1:. Ch~. , ~r let ori a. Seo ct 1 and Jane Pr,i VJe l .i. ·:

* 't<***

N 0 T I C E

Anv student who would like to try out for a debate afainst Spokane Valley Junior College on the question-- Resol­ved: "That the povJe rs of the President of the United · States should 'be su"bstan­tially increased~ as a settle~ . poliey'-­please see i.Ir. Bernard. The 'deb at e is a~hed-u.le ~ for Febr~ary 26, 1~34 ~

* ;;< '"' ~' t.

The .Jun.:.:)"::' C\;.lJ.. ege wa s -vv-el l repre­H~te'd. at · ,l?r~'sident Roosevelt !s Eirthda,~r 11.ll ~-4.a7 .nlght. Si Lewis' band which p!Jl~ a't th4' .KC !Ta1~1 ovcnr sa.tw:d~y night

J\:;t_,_"u.a..t·y :2 , iS:-H . _....,,..-.u .~ .. ._,_ .-., -,- __ ,.._ ,,_., _.,,, ' ... -- ·1·. ---- --- . __ .. J_;,, : __ ,..:...i;.i.;:_ _

JAYCEE r;un:TET \'iiL:G 1.· \'/ lL30N J ;..Rs I!i


\Jr l-. l Vo - ?.

The Coeur d' lene Juhi&r Coli eg·e rfoske-t : The Junior College; hc.skotod l tec.rn , l ecl -::.l c:ll i;earr u ill :p l ay a home and'.. home· series ;by Gc.r \ 'ilson; flo.shy forrmrci who pers on e,lly :-ii th the Uni ve:rsi t y of I daho Freshrien in t he : gnr norod i 3· points , dec isi velY d :ru_bbe <i the V'\

00 r futu re ., Cheney No r moJ Pc.pooses lnst night by [:. ::core .1' ~ Y' 1;mgern.ente' have just · been complet ed of 4 1-to 24 .

-;_;,_, l,,70c n thE'3 two achoo ls for ~ tYrn-:-game . The go,irn ·1c,s h<:,rd.:...fought throughout, ser i es... The first game wili oe played at the score being tied 18 to 18 u.t hc.lf-:-time . 1.fos co\! on February 19.t The second game vri.11 The Ho r mel toc.tn trds in tho le t d 1~1ost of the D'3 at Coeur di Alerie February 25.i time during the fit st hdf. ~ {~bout 3·0 s ec-

The Idcilo Fro'~h 'bo n.st Gf one 0 f the onds befo r o the ho.lf ended; h0\78VGr' John J:S tiO'ri§est Freshrhen tea.ms in th~ history of J) ing ler, olongo.te d Jo.ycoe gunrd , s c.nk c. long the schdql antl i t is probabl~ that thes e shot to tiG t he score game s· frill develop into fast~ hard--::fou.ght In the second hc::.lf, tho l ocal pl nye r s t}ont~~t~ rw ro hitting tho bL',sket from e very c.ngl c ,

scoring 23 po ints to their opponents sixo *****


Sevor~l cunus ing e vents happened, c::.nd rncmy "bo os" ' r18rc dircc t od c.t the referee ~


In tho l a st half the r efe re e pormittod 1lilo Gorton, Jc.y cco forwc.rd, to throu o. foul shot i nto tho mong bo.sket~ Tho rul e definitely sto.tes tho.t it ie up to the referee to se e

Tnere is ~po ssibility that qoeur ,tho.t the p l ayer shoots fouls in the right d'Alen~ b&sketball fans may see three pm7er""'bo.sket . . ful basketball teams in a ct i on at Coeur The teums uill plny c.gci n in Chene y d'Alene in the near futur e~ February 12.

Pre sident Brakerneyer is making nego - Lineup 1.1nd summary tiations for ganes v1 i th three traveling Coeur d' Alene temJs: Th e Colored (}hosts, The House of Gorton ]avid1 o.nd, the Terr ibl e S\"!edes ~ These teams \l ilsort tour the country each year, and alv1ays hn ve NicCo.11 f~st ~all clubs~ . Dingler

The Ghosts n ili oe in t he vicinity of Boothe Co eur diAlene about February fifteenth; The Thomps on

_ .. . House Of :Dav id quint et VJi u · be in Spokane Cho.Se ·e'b r "J.c.ry tYrenty-fifth; and the Swedes v1 ill Maddox

be tli::..' oUgh about tiarch ninth. Mo rken Should arr abgeme n ts 'be completed v1 i th Best

the~e teams the io~l basketball fans ure Hutso n assux~d of fast ahd excitihg game s~



Wotk~ of v-1otld.~fa.mous a:rtist~·-·arQ to be studied. this year by the members o f the Phi.l.

---~~ary club under t he direction of Mra. R. H- Eld~r. They have also been ues iat ing the Red Cross in welfare w ork~

The first .. d.is·c~i.o.n-l1.Aucient .and Medieval Art "> YJi 11 be led by Ro S8. l ile s a:nd 1Targ~i"~:i-b Fraemo.n . I

Cheney Lnd.erson Greene Roundy Strc.ndberg D11vis S-b:rong Ke ith Hend.e:rson Go.11 He inemr.'J.tl. -~ . .. _


FG 1 6 4 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 0

FG 2 0 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 0

FT 2 1 0

· 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

FT 0 4 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0

T 4

13 8 9 6 1 0 0 0 0 0


T 4 4 6 7 2 0 1 0 0 0

Alma et four years ago) several girls* J uppe:r ... clnss.men in Coeur d. 'Alena high school,,. J 1!emb~ rs bf th~ club who tll'e students of

__ ,.....o.,r_ganizBd the first Philorn.o;t ·heon lit<a:tary J'Uhior College o.r e ? V1ctorin.. Scott, .Bo~"' .- club . At thut time llr.43., Pobert Elder rms so..nd.e.rson, :rvr~ine-- F..£1$-tburn, Ifothe:rine \:thitln,

chosen for the $1X}n~or 1 and throue;h the Evelyn HcDon~.ld, nnd Jo.ne Po\1ell Other me -ensuing y~tJ.n she h.t'l.s~d~llS---SUCh for be rs o..re: T:Lil dred Egbe rs, 1.:-:.dge Albertson, each su.cceEJd.ing olu.b.,. U::-.rthc. Eg'bers, Rosr. Hiles , Ler gnret Freemen,

Aa so.ch g:r.~t illf} clu,e s d.isqutll ified Junni tc. Rust, Arda th Bakke, N;rmc. Skoglund , :t s memhe.r a. of the club, muny girls rn~re . c. r:.1 J'~ H0e ToreJ.le.1 ~~s i rous of forming un Alumni Association As a re sult the JUunmi Philomo.t :·w on Clql: -- -":! . ~ fo "':' me d in the fall of 1 933.. Lrs ,., Elder i...,..'.'"1C:. ~~i' G . Gr ant Fishe r ne t c:.0 c.J. t0rn-- : . ..; s~onsor s .

'l' U'Jr":'y f::~ J.!:: . s , [ ,L.i_t -~ here isn ' t ro om *

I~ enough for the collo s.::·.:_ ,'.0kc tr,j s \781? k . ¥

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