


life experiences

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7/18/2019 Jeep 1/1


Philippine public transport is a goddamn thrill! Pain in the ass as it may be, we can still never deny the amusement we get from these barbaric drivers and commuters. Commute in the Philippines is literally like a free for all war! If you think that your fellow commuters are your brothers in arms, uhh, think again.

"Damn! Nigga this is like American Football, only there are a hundred teams with one member each."-Black commuter

I could not imagine any local who have not tried riding a jeepney. Well, not quite sure about these so called conyotics (a relatively new breed who uses this horrible language that sounds like a giraffe with a sore throat that is apparently english with a mixture of tagalog whenever they run out of words to say.

"Oh my god! It's been like 20 minutes since I've called kuya and until now walapa rin unli rice ko."-Conyotic Mang-inasal customer

Anyway, let's go back to our topic. The dreaded but celebrated jeepneys! Necessary evil, that's what they are. Love them, hate them, but we still need them. However, these daredevils that seem to defy the law of physics (and of course the t

raffic law) are more than what they seem. Let me give you a quick history lesson about these devious