Jesús -- El Pan de Vida


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Reconciliation - Confessions Saturdays: 3:30 –4:45 p.m. Or by appt. Daily Mass Schedule Weekday: 7:30 a.m. Mondays - Communion Service Tuesday - Friday Mass English Only Rosary recited after mass Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 8 a.m. & 10 a.m. Inglés Domingo: 12 p.m. Español

Rosary recited 30 minutes before each mass

Mailing Address: 905 Water St. Bastrop, TX 78602 Physical Address: 804 Pine St. Bastrop, TX 78602 Office Phone: (512)321-3552 After Hours Emergency: (512)549-3709 Email: Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Closed during lunch 12 pm-1 pm

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time, August 7th & 8th, 2021

Raffle tickets are available for distribution and sale after each mass. Please stop by for your books. If interested in volunteering to help distribute raffle tickets after a mass, please contact Priscilla Knopik 512-963-0142 to sign up. All volunteers are welcome and appreciated! Los boletos de la rifa están disponibles para distribución y venta después de cada misa. Pasa por tus boletos. Si está interesado para ayudar a distribuir boletos de rifa después de una misa, comuníquese con Priscilla Knopik 512-963-0142 para inscribirse. ¡Todos los voluntarios son bienvenidos y apreciados!

Ethics & Integrity Ministry - Ética e Integridad en Ministerio We will have a workshop at Ascension on Wednesday, Aug. 18th at 7 p.m. in English and Saturday Aug. 21st at 9 a.m. in Spanish. You will need to register prior to attending the workshop. Class will be held at the Parish Hall. Tendremos un taller en Ascension el miercoles 18 de agosto 7 p.m. En Ingles el sábado 21 de agosto a las 9 a.m. Español. Deberá registrarse antes de asistir al taller. El taller se llevará a cabo en el salón parroquial.

On line registration begins Aug. 1st on our website. In person registration: Wednesday - Aug. 11th 12 p - 7 pm, in the RE Bldg. After all masses weekend of Aug. 21st & 22nd in the Parish Hall. Space is limited and returning students will get priority. El registro en línea comienza el 1 de agosto en nuestro sitio web. Inscripciones presenciales: Miércoles 11 de agosto de las 12-7 pm en el edificio de Educación Religiosa. Después de las misas el fin de semana del 21 y 22 de Agosto en el Salón Parro-quial. El espacio es limitado y los estudiantes que regresan tendrán prioridad.

We are in urgent need of volunteers that can play

the organ or keyboard. If interested please

contact: Parish Office 512-321-3552 or

Ray Tatum: or

Debi Goode:

Jesús -- El Pan de Vida

Youth Choir

We need your voices and talent!!

If you can sing or play any musical

or percussion instrument, please

join us to ramp up for the Sunday

Youth Mass. Practice will be every

Tuesday during the month of August

at 7 p.m. in the Youth Space.

†Wayne Dayton †James Robertson Anne Robertson †Simon Aguirre Mondragon

†Rita Hornak Carmalita Perales Joe Alba †Carmen Marlén M. Acosta

Ralph Danna †Leroy James Beck Leann & Michael Karg †Linda Murphy Donally Luis Hermosillo †Lorraine Busekus Susan Knight †Ralph Nisula †Paula Kaspar Evagelina Loya †Guillebaldo Banda Salazar

†Angela Sophia Najera Beatriz Ibarra

†Elias Miranda Martin Rodriguez †Salvador Garcia Godinez Jose Luis Valadez Angelica Morales †Mildred Jennett Graham †Patricia Schlickeisen †Adrianna R. Sepeda †Eliodoro Gómez †Anna Mae Schnieder †Ruby Randall Matl †Gilbert Corona †Terry Mullin Phyllis Manns †Ma. Estela Flores Jack Rhodes Familia Reyes-Pacheco †Armando Garza Salinas †Evelyn Weilert †Guillermo Galloso Miranda

Urbano Montelongo †Patricio Corona †Jesus Macias Mendieta Rebeca Casias †Lupita Vigil Pete Vigil Paul Cross Jesse Moran †Stephen Oswell Barbara Patterson Molly Scott Donna Arthur Vivian Shanahan Priscilla Knopik Antonio Trujillo Robert Rosales †Edgar Richter †Charlotte Dudley Candace Hightower Mia Mettala Lori Herschap Belinda Martinez Dora & Jose Jimenez Kathy Holliday †Bryon Appelt Jason Osborne Emily Ary Cruz Martinez Warren Pederson Luca Silva Lydia Vasquez Mike Patterson †Yoland (Yoli) De Leon Erlene Goertz Esther Buscus Lucille Riley


Rev. Ramiro Tarazona: Pastor Deacon Paul Cooke:

Deacon Corby Weiss: Debbie Moore: Bus. Admin. Deborah Esquivel: D.R.E. Priscilla Ruiz, Youth Director:

Debi Goode: Dir. of Liturgy Kathy Venzon: Bookkeeper

Margie Soto: Secretary

Call parish office to add

July 31st & August 1st



Regular Collection

$11,524.17 $286,603.56

Operating Expenses

$8,040.41 $240,448.98

Children’s $41.00 $1,634.07

Youth $0.00 $0.00 Building Fund $330.92 $8,382.99

2nd Collection $0.00 $11,796.00


Please call the Office for\ Favor de Llamar la oficina, para Baptism & Marriage \Bautismos y Matrimonios; Anointing of the sick \Uncion de los Enfermos. Recon-cilition\Confesiones: Saturdays\ Sabados: 3:30 –4:45 pm. Please call office/Favor de llamar a la oficina. 512-321-3552.

Bulletin Submissions due by Monday 5 pm

Altar Servers: Nicole Herring 512-308-2094 Altar Society: Nicole Herring 512-308-2094 Baptism: Deacon Corby: English Choir: Raymond Tatum— Spanish Choir : Cresencio Vega (512)844-9084 Evangelization: Tessy Dorantes—(512)848-4420 Extraordinary Ministers: Debbie Moore (225)802-4702 Finance Council Chair: Reid Sharp Hispanic Ministry: Guadalupe Lopez 512-799-6927 & Cresencio Vega (512)844-9084 Knights of Columbus: Benny Drozd -361-550-3594 KOCA: Susie Eberts (817) 905-3541; Lectors (English): Debi Goode Lectors (Spanish): Guadalupe Lopez 512-799-6927 Nursing Homes (weekdays) TBA Weekend Nursing Home & Home Bound: Karen Pinard (512)321-6939 Visitation Ministry: Sue Cooke 443-744-1079/ Pastoral Council Chair: Pat Malek (512)897-2542/ (512)549-9661* Prison Ministry: Dan Krischke- Sacristans: Generosa Lowden 512-303-0703 Sandwich Ministry: Steve Venzon (512)718-9408 THAT MAN IS YOU - Men’s Ministry - Larry Martin -512-789-5120 Legion of Mary English: Deacon Paul Cooke Legion of Maria Español: Leticia Vasquez (512)529-5713 Ushers: Joe Jimenez (512)468-6762 Pro Life: Deacon Paul Cooke Funeral Food Coordinator: Putzie Martin CRSP Hombres: Edwin Montenegro (512)748-8003 CRSP Mujeres: Cecilia Ibarra (512)545-6901 Danza Matachines: Jose Reyes RCIA: TBA Rey Jesus: Noe Cespedes (512)718-3076 Carismaticos: Guadalupe Muñoz & Angelica Navarette 512-718-0097

Ministry Volunteer Directory



Floral arrangements can be donated in memory of someone or to honor a special occasion. Contact the Parish office. Cost is $90.

ACTS Women’s Retreat

Ladies interested in attending our long awaited retreat, please contact Melissa Hernandez at 512-801-3323 Date of retreat: Sept. 2nd - 5th, 2021 Cost: $100 Registration form can be found on our church website:

Use of Church Facilities Uso de las instalaciones de la Iglesia

Please let the Parish Office know if your meeting dates/times change from those scheduled. It is important that we be aware of who and when the church facilities are being used. Please help us by returning chairs, tables and any items used to their regular storage area and throw out your trash. Thank you! Por favor hagan saber a la oficina parroquial si las fechas/horas de su reunión cambian de las programa-das. Es importante que saber quien y cuándo se utilizan las instalaciones de la iglesia. Por favor ayúdenos devolviendo sillas, mesas y cualquier artículo usado a su área de almacenamiento habit-ual y tire su basura. ¡Gracias!

Mon. Aug. 9th Dt 10:12-22/Mt 17:22-27 (413) Communion Service Tues. Aug.10th 2 Cor 9:6-10/Jn 12:24-26 (618) †Armando Salinas Wed. Aug. 11th Dt 34:1-2/Mt 18:15-20 †Grammie Duggan Thurs. Aug.12th Jos 3:7-10a,11,13-17/ Mt 18:21-19:1 (416) †Edward C. Cervantez Fri. Aug. 13th Jos 24:1-13/Mt 19:3-12 (417) †Bertha Garcia Sat. Aug. 14th Jos 24: 14-29/Mt 19:13-15 (418) Sun. Aug 15th Rv 11:19a,12:1-6a,10ab/1Cor 15:20-17 Lk 1:39-56 (622) Saturday 5:00 p.m. †Gilbert Ramos Sunday 8:00 a.m. †Linda Sue Miller 10:00 a.m. †John Weiss 12:00 p.m. †Jose Quintil Gomez; †Nicanor Gomez; †Trinidad Gomez; †J.Guadalupe Hernández Cervantez

Catholic Social Teaching

9th Sunday in Ordinary Time: At times in our life’s journey, we may experience periods of deep emptiness and pain, as Elijah did. Yet God feeds us not just with ordinary food, but with himself. Like Elijah, we must have the courage to trust in God, to receive the life-giving food God provides and to continue God’s work in hope and faith. What is that work? To witness to God’s presence in every human life; to respond to human need and to change systems that perpetuate suffering; to be a witness to human solidarity and to work for the common good. 19no. Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario: En algunos momentos en nuestra vida puede que experimentemos periodos de profundo vacío y dolor, tal como sucedió a Elías. Aún así, Dios nos alimenta, no sólo con alimento ordinario, sino consigo mismo. Como Elías, debemos tener el valor de confiar en Dios, para recibir el alimento dador de Vida que Dios provee y continuar su trabajo con esperan-za y fe ¿Cuál es ese trabajo? El dar testimonio de la presencia de Dios en cada ser humano; el responder a la necesidad humana y cambiar los sistemas que perpetúan el sufrimiento; el dar testimonio de la solidaridad humana y el trabajar por el bien común.

Blue Sparrow ©2020, Kakadu, LLC. Dynamic . Pp. 77

Do Something Beautiful for God The Essential Teaching of Mother Teresa

It is easy to smile at people outside your home. It is so easy to take care of the people that you don’t know well. It is difficult to be thoughtful and kind and to smile and be loving to those you live with day after day. This is especially true when we are tired and in a bad temper or bad mood. We all have these moments and that is the time that Christ comes to us in a dis-tressing disguise.

Haz Algo Atractivo para Dios Las Enseñanza Esenciales de Madre Teresa

Es fácil sonreír a la gente fuera de tu propia casa. Es muy fácil cuidar a la gente que no conoces bien. Es difcil ser consider-ado y amable, sonreír y ser cariñoso con aquellos con los que vives dia tras dia. Esto es especialmente cierto cuando esta-mos cansados y del mal humor. Todos tenemos estos mo-mentos y es cuando Cristo viene a nostoros con un disfraz angustiante.

Iniciando el lunes 2 de agosto 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Greetings community and faith leaders, I am reaching out because we are currently in desperate need of the following items for our clothes closet:

1. Family size shampoo and conditioner (We recom-mend Alberto V05 they are less than $1 each).

2. Feminine products 3. Deodorant (Men and women) 4. Bar soap (Ivory brand is cheaper) 5. Wash cloths/sponges

Any donation is greatly appreciated. We normally receive fed-eral funds to help purchase most of the items but the need is greater this year, and we are running out of most items. Thank you in advance! Please let me know if you have any additional questions. You are welcome to drop off items or we can schedule a pick up. Address: Family Resource Center 1602 Hill St. Bastrop 78602 All items may be dropped in a box I will place out in the RE lobby from now until August 9th at which time I will deliver to the Family & Social Services Department at the school. Any questions: call or text Ms P 512-733-4651

Together in Holiness Marriage Conference Saturday, November 6, 2021

Saint William Catholic Church | Round Rock, TX Presented by the St. John Paul II Foundation

Registration: $59/couple and $35/individual Early Bird discount available until September 20.

Scholarships available upon request. On-site childcare (2-5yrs); pre-registration required.

For more information, please visit or email

Lori Tuggle

Agent/Parishioner 815 Hwy 71 West, Suite D Bastrop, TX 78602 Bus 512-581-3939

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FIRST NATIONAL BANK Bastrop County’s Bank...Since 1889

Member FDIC

Open After All Masses

Legion of

Mary “Morning Star”

Meets every Tuesday in Rm #104 for the

Rosary & Tessera prayers 5:30 p.m.

Frontier Bank of Texas “Know You By Your First Name Banking”

Member FDIC

Wanda Rucker, Mgr. 1500 Chestnut St. Bastrop, TX 78602 512/303-5000


Commercial /Residential Interior /Exterior painting Office (512) 549-3611 Mobile: 512)721-9730

Albert Lopez

Owner & Parishioner

Saturday 9 - 12:30

Civil Engineering / Parishioner