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te p 4 s W 't A A OA (P-711113NT aind1111 Picture Arts and &is.. La Angeles Copyright Soc.. Town HsB of Cal. Club: Newport Harbor Yacht (Newpnrt Ranh. Cal 11. Flame 4435 I laskall An Encino CA 91316 Office: 6.110 Beverly Blvd Lis Angeles CA 90041

111.1NT, CARLTON CUYLER, JR., physiolosist, educator; b. Waiethory, Coo.. Aug. II, 1118; a Car lton Cuyler snoteadale F. (Weldemann) H.: LA., Columbia. 1919; M,D„ Cornell U.. 1942; m. 2d, Madan Itch, July 3, 1965. Imam, N.Y. Hoop., 1642.43, asst. faddist, 1946: research fellow Cornell U., 1946-11, Instr. physiology, 1946 m. follow NRC, 194842; nat. prof. halm Hopkins. 1151-52: Lao, Rockarallor Inst., 1952-55; pld. physiology Albert Elnanin Coll. Moitoon. 145547; pod ithnoolopy.4.4 .1.1611_ Utah 101764, Yalv 9.1, 1 061, 64; prod. allot phyo.dopy mal

. Wadnoo,... 1 1 611 0.1.14 OW. SI I tor, 1161 I ton onnoch nor, 11. 141111/.... E11/1._, 1962-6.1: spl. retentin scanory receptor.: I1l,nll . adv. renal NSF, 19511.59. f4111. 1959-62. S., end as med. ollicer WS, 1943-16. Mem. 1 loony Sow., Am. Soc. 11-tone 43 Wintireoroland PI St Lavas MO 63108

HUNT, CHARLES BROWNLOW. JR., coll. doan, mumelan; b. Nadivilk. July :16 1916; no Charles Brownhow and Mary Apo. (Buquol II . dollen Nonliwuilem IL. 1936, U.S.. M.A.. peralmay Cull. 110: rano/rad. Coalman Soh- Mimic, 1941; Ph.D., U.1 'al al lie AMJILICI. 1949: Starr/tort MilchclL Sept 1-1. 1971, chiehen, I 7.11,-.111401 III. rand Vann Mem. fo. uh)y• PIM 11 6,1 owe... . 6,..1 do , 1.r01 01. ant :oh I . 1 06 I hi .1..111 1 0. I N. I,, 1'70 /4, 6 an '.dl 1 inennININ 0141015 cud I um A11'.. III II .1 'illiondaln, 1134 ; bon Jo 11. cal at I as Angeles. 1n4749; prin. elatinettat Nashville Symphony ()Rh., 194641. Chinn. cult. tnnotharship Connell Grad. Sohn. U.S.. 1970.73; dun. coca. man. Nashville: U. Center, 1972-74; mem evaluation bd. Nat. Canna!' fro Accredaation Tan'. Edo.. 1964.66. 72. Pres. Nathan.. Symphony Ann.. 1971.73. Suomi with USNR, 1142-16. Mem_ Moan Edinators Nat. Coot, Nat. Assn. Sato. Musk irmeinrnrt. curricula 195666 foes. 1962.65, ctn. gnu'. hon. 11ifel, hormal. Conrad line Arta Deana. Hume: 303 N Division St Caro:mina IL 63911 MN:, Coll of Commanutinn. and Fine Aria So III U Carboadok IL 62901

11UNT, CIIARLES BUTLER, eons. geologist; h. Woo Point. N.Y„ Aug. 9, 1966; L Leland and Anna (Bader) II.; A.O. Colgate, U.. 1928; pr.mgred. Yak. 19211-30. na Alan Parker, Oct. 20, 1930: children butane Parker. Anne Beater (Mrs. John Maclariniddl. With lj.S. Gan. Survoy, 1930-53. 55.61; prof genorephy Johns flopairra, 1961.71; tuna gcalogist,197.1--; exec. dir. Am. Geol. last. 1933.55: WY. punt Earth SM. Div. NSF, 1960-61. ehmn.. 1962-63. divbional nom math. and phys. aces., 1964-65; distinguished via. prof. N.M. Siam U., 1973.74. Recipient Dap. Interim Distinguished Staving sword Mon Phi Ikta Kappa, Siam. Xi. Alithea Physiography of I loitol Nalas. in:Woof' of Soil.; Nahlrul Rintiont elw 1.1.thetl Som. on Condo Aditirs.: I SO, C' I. y 1 lot. I i, ck 1 as N al 011041

HUNT, DAVID FORD, lawyer; Is FL Womb. Apr. 7, 1931; s Jnhn Groffrey and Jahn Berra.. (Ford) If.; B.S.. N. Tao. State U., Ilunion, 1954,2.n., Vanderbils U..1960. Athollted iu Tex. boa 1961; how elk. to U.S. dirt pulp No. Dim. To,.. 1460.62; practice In Dann. 1962 ; partner lino I halo. my A 110111, 1907-70; individual practice 1170 . Ceochmn. pollwarchers coat. Da14e. County Republican Party, 1464. Sec. R. Jackson Reamirch Found.. 1972 . &Nauru Ranch. 10674; pees. So. Atalo.11.1 1.1 Lambda (la Inn Inland.. 1971-76 4.ived with A US. pi Li -50. Mont Am., Pool.. Tel., Duna. toir moo., An, FM. 1,41 'ors, 11 I mr solo all iiiii 11 A....11 1.,111... 10/7, r I 1.1-6. 1.1.o.. • Ilm 144,4,1,111 loom., I Inn 1 Nevanal. I :mu .4. 11.464,1 Ilmoo Onoli 22511 it.m.11.1.r I 5 two; UBh r. 21911 lii van 'num. Dalian IX 152111. 'the doll onostoe ora Asa r$ JO the rain's that hr pi:noes on .mat's.

HUNT, DOUGLASS, unix. dal; h. Wimo.n.Salem, N.C., 1924; John Douglas and Kate Thralls (Harrill) II.; A.B„ U. N.C., 1946; LLB. Yale. 1951; tn. Mary Jane Abdill. 1952; childnal Lloyd Abdal, John Douglas llh Amanda Carolina, Millar luidence_ Admitted to D C. tsar. 1932. Um U.S. Supreme Cu. Rasa tom Gardnel. him-risme and Rogan. Washington. 195141; npl. a‘,4 6, undersea. trcaauty, 1961.65. iti we- irenury, 1965.69; v.p. (or finance Colonber. 1969.71. dip. w prat. for tool. Woks, 1971-71, vac chancellor his adminalm. LI. N.C. id Chapel 11111, 1973- nand' em red. fulalionn Assn. Am. Unica. 197673; morn. las corn. Am. Cwirml uo dales., 1971 chmn. ornn. laxatlrm Nat. Man. Coll. and Univ. Dos, Offiorn, 1972.73. mum., 197345; ohms. root. own. anincil fanatics Draw U 1972.73. Chinn. Alexandria Cily Doman/tie Cam., 1939-61. Served with ALPS. 194646. Mom. Phi Boer Kappa. Mime 409 Westhood Dr Chapel Hill NC 27514

HUNT, E. GEORGE, business ea cc.; 1. 1920; married. With Divotany Corp., 1949 , v.p. U.S. chain. operathma 1966-69. CAM. v.p, 1969, res. dir, pool OA,: Ion W Marlow SI Chiramt 11 611mi

11(11111', EARL 111.A112;11161E, Won,. .11. pro.: 1. Johnson fcm., Sam. 14, 19I1; • burl tllashilmc and Tinninin Nine

(DeVorlt) IL. B S.. East Tann Stare, 11.. 1941; M: Div., Emmy 1946, 0-13.. ruaeglunl ca. 1 956: LL. 11., le. C'ignianghiga. 1457; Del-. Emory und Henry Cull.. 1965; 13.1) , Dukc, 196'1, m Slary Amt Kyker.Junn 13, 1943: I MIL Each Simian, Ordained lb Ininndry Meth. Ch.. 1944: pas4ur &Mb Math (11.. Atlanta, 1942-44, au.. m1119 Broad Soma Math. C'h., KinprporL Tom, 1944-15, Vev.ky Mora Shah. Ch., Chattannop, 1615-56 Rot Meth. Ch., Morram.wr6 Tom.. 1950- 56; pros. Emmy anel 'Inlay Coll,. 191466-1: Innen' IMIon Charhate Atom, Iraitol Meth. Cli.. 1964 Partkimmt Moth soils, Pomr-4401 II .n1116nonitk North WA 1 990: „ss., 10,16 „ oda . prim olt.1 1 loTl.noo 1401,1, 4.4.' 'Loa.% Inn , .71 111,111 !len I , 1016.1.01, 61, 5.6. Amman to mad U0.1,. 56.61.1. 104. ell .grin, marmot [horny lila thorn.' Atalh.

1961.72. nrcm, p0 council minimills., 1972 -; pros, Sollthcnsttrn JartralIctional Cr41, Bishops, 1973. Bd. dirs. 111111A11111

111111le. 1952-38: Irustec Berman Cull, Brevard Coll., Ihileda U. Grantable° Coll.. High Pinnt Coll.. Pfeilfer ('4111., Lake lonalio16 Meth Anciently: hd. mgrs. Charloon Muth. Home; bd. visitnrs laukc Dia Sch.; pre.. Inn. Homiletical Sonioa Inc.; morn, Corn- (hie Hendon'. Emmy U. Named young man of tsar Mnrrimown Ir. C. of C..1952. Mrn, Newamnen Sm., Pi 11appo Delo- Edimr: Storm, aid StarlIalo, 1174 Com*, numerous ardcies lu schidsrly map. 110111v 3012 Bcrodord Rd Charlotto NC 21711 Oillam flux 12003 Charlorta NC' 20205

HUNT, EVERE1TE IJOAVAR1), JR., author. tetired glint 111(.1 I. 11_ Ilamborg, N Y., tat 9. 1918; T. Evcrciie 11nwaid sod Eihnt loan ITatterdtlecl IL. A.B., Brown U., 1940; In Dorothy L Word Nee.). Sui. 7. 1949; childran -Lisa Tiffany, Kevan Temordale, Ilm md. David hInvic wcripl writer. Mareh of Time 1942.41; nue cnrr. Life nag, 1943: Intent 1947-10; amnia Am. umbany. Puri. Franca, 1949.44, Vienna, Austria. 1449.50, Mextco City. 1950.53; polii. ulTICet Vat Ent Coinmand, Tilnyo, Japan, 1154-56; In °maul Mona% nem Uruguay. 1957.6(b 171:61. IhL, 1961165; 54th IkIM. Slain% %Walloon. 19h6711: vp do. Rollo' P. I. A Ca...Washington. 197672: vona Ise Poes I.'4 1971.72 garvid nnl. IISN 6. 1.1 to 17 lo 1.1 It IJNAAI- . 194.646 clugganheam

1946. Club: Army and Noy (Washington) Author 52 604.1,1942-, mieurionyme Roban nktrich, John Bann, Gordon Dula David St. John. Condo. fan. again and polit ions. Home: 1245 NE 85th Si Miami FL 33138

HUNT, G. CARLETON. rd . lien lab. nee; b. Bridlepart. Com., Jan. 5, 1908; no Flury Bishop and EatclIc (Lynch) II., ed. Miami (Flo.) pub. schs., m, Una Ynung, May IS. 1929: children-Guy C, Roger 14. With Warner Btu. Theatres. 1921-35, New Eng. Thcntrn, 1935-36 with imp groups, 1938-41: with RICO Swains, Hollywood, Cat, 1941.51; %cc., ten. mgr. Unicorn Thastrea San Formiscel, 1952-51; pros. (inn Film I abs., omi, Cul., 1953.67; ohmic 61 Paolic hallo...1n. loc. San F. 1,1511.61. 6aInd 1 ion) mot 194.2 74, 1961•72; incs.

11.111y151..1 and N.S.C. Fellow Sta. Motimi Picture TVIagn. (pro.. 1967.1048 mem. Amid Motlitn Patine Arta and Facia-. Am. Soc. Cinc.naingraphera TV Acad. Ana and Sci.. Navy. Lugue, klmon Paiute Phnaurs Mama (Shriner). Club.: Catalina Island Yacht: Cal. Yeah': N.Y. Athhaic. lime-. 320 Entrada Dr Santa Monica CA 90403 also Pt/ Box 10307 Aspen CO 81611

1111161', GEORGE IIAISL'Y, allying:Imo b. Now-ton, Mass., Miry 71. 19113; a Rolla Elijah and Nellie (Tillinghast) 11.; A.B., Brown U., 1924; M.I). CnIumbio. 1926 tn. Mildred I__ Garlren, Jan. 32, 1932; I Ilan., alorlonn 1 jhlo Firth.] !X Komi 11,1.11, II. kiln. in 16191.10

11,1, 1', 1" :Ix I rpollo 1110 410 III.. K1,1114111 . II Inl! nlo .1 II p14144 . of 1 151'11S. 1916, nand p er ‘In ,161 7 1910, olsinceil Illterooll looks In too!. di.. (114.), 14,14; mil. alder, chiof suot urviees, marine hasps. USPI1S, 1936.45. asst. chef. din, hasps.. 1947.49, chin( die. hospa. 1949-52. mint Ougann gen„ man. chic! Bur. Mad. Services, 1951.56: dir. Cantcr fm Aging Research, 1956-56 chief din. Clan- Mod. Seim, 1958-62; oases die, Fetal Comm) fur Fan Med. Graduatea, Phila., 1962, ea= dir.. 1163-73_ Bd. trustees Med. Service of D.C., Inc. 1948-57, 39.62. Diphimmtv Am. Bd. Surgory. Fellow A.C.S. (Inv. 1948-17), Am. Pub. Ilealth Assn.; mom, A A.A.S., Ant Hap. Ann. Flamer 16497 Gabled. Rd San Dap CA 92121

HUNT, GEORGE PINNEY, ret nag. intim; b. Phila., July 17. 1918: s. Andrew Dickann and Elizabeth (Pinney) IL; B.A , Araharst Cnll. 1419; tn. Anita Ella. Apr. 2, 1942; children--Donna Elizabeth. Garage Pltincy. 51nr6isrel do to 13111,.' Wilk Tiara Inc, 194 I.7.3. offing boy. writer Fr./twin mpg_ mem. atiuTI.ifc may. 1948-69. corr., writer, bur. char. asst. mos, editor, 1955.61. rang_ editor, 1961-69, editor Time.-Lds Films, 1971.73. Chinn. Fusion•Eennomy Poly. HuntIngino. N.Y 1959.61, dir„ 1957-66. Served to maj. USMCR, 1941-45. It. col. Res. rat; PTO. Dacnrated Navy Cron. Silos, Star. Mcm, Pw tilTh111.41. Episcopalian. Claw Century, N.Y. Yacht, N Y. tlomory (N.Y C 111.110. Smolt, 19a I; Amts.. Navy lWir.11111111.11. Cowl (51411, Iheli. 1946; Shay of thc 115 Alnonea. 1051), Vow: 105 11,.. 1367 Imola Sound 11. 3.1455

IIUNT, HEROLD CHRISTIAN, edocatim b. Northville, Mich., Fob. 9. 1902: a Cronin E. and Kola. Inc E DIcrold) II.; A.B., U. Mich., 1923, M.A., 1927; 1613., Tchr., Colt.. Columbia. 1940; M.A., II lllll d, 1953; 1.1-17., Park Cull., Parkville. Mo., 1947. Wotan Mleh. Coll Edn..KalionarnO, 1947, Wis U., 1951, Si. Louis U., 1955: RD., Mu- Valley Coll., 1966. m. Isabel Lucile Wright, Aug. 24, 1 927; I non, Margins Wright. Tula. wain walks flesdngs (Mich.) Pub. lick . 1923-27; prin. St. Johns (Mich) High Salt, 1927.28,19-31; amt. cashior and Iran 11114:1:1S1.11111111i Nil_ Bank. 192629; slept schs Si ',se..., Ins 1 .ro, 6,,,Lemacon, 1911.17, Now R.srhrllr. N Y, Ill 17 in. 1. mom r it,. Rio I III 11 r.o ‘.4 .11, ash. . 1 I. I"1 / 11, 'n4 0.111 111441 !..1, I .1v, 17,017, VA I /11, Cholas Ordlioni lion pod 17111 I:1110111M 19111 , mole, see. Isculth. edh and wallare 145547; intr. annular maxim. Colombia. 1931, U. Chgo., 1944; Intr. summer :onion U 0.11;„ 1941, 45.1.1. Kansas City. 1943o14, 46,17. PlOrlIntlelltarn U., 1944, U. Deornr, 1945. U. WiL, 1946, 48. 0113. A. and M. Cull., 1946, Pita Am. Assn, Soh. Adminain,„ 1947.48, 1st ..p., 1148-19; 2d v.p. NIL Congress Parants and Taloa, 1948851; ohm. Am. Council Edo, 194649; chain. bd. Ionians LIM Tooting Sinai.. 1946 50; chmn. accrediting cononn. Nat. !tome Study Cauncil; mom 1943 yoirbonk cnmmn., chmn. 1948 ymohook crannin Ain. Assn. Sch. Adonnsua; mem 1943 yearbook comm.. Sch Pub. Retolona Assn,. 1946 yearbnin. coinnin Nai. Soc. fur StudyEdo; mem Am. Comma e.n Edn.'s commo to Study bnpkndnna of Armed Salvino Edit Prosrain, Cnmom. tmernin. Edn. and Cultural Relauoro; enmities. edn. nips. Na[. Cunt Chrisiitms and Jaw.. Rd. dirt Nat. Safety Council; cp., mem. ado. council Not cuuncil 'Boy Seams Am.; trustee Am. Sch., Chgn. Reciplem Am. Edn. award, 195$; Silva( Beaver, Antelope. Buffah. awards Buy Somas Am. Morn, Soc. MayOuwer 17CSCIL, Soc. Colonial Wan, N.E.A. (11(c). Horace Mann ',edam Am.. S.R., Phi Dolls KaPPL PI Delta Epsilon. Republican Epocooalian Mason. Clubs, Rotary (pros. Kansas 1946-47); University, Rotary (Chgn.); Faculty (Harvard) Author. Nod. Paul R. Piro ch llu Proeliec of lishnol Aalmittistomon, 1911. (with K. 1 Hie. lld,mnl Ihn 6.6.11Peo •I AdmInimmien, Poi t 1H11. 141 Wor1.1 Nod, Lucy,: celoornd artylun I lemalarai hhn1,1 Cu,odnl. 01101ea. Home 5 Lanier.. Lau Leahoprin MA 02173 (Me, Outman I ibeary Grad Soh Edn Harvard U Cambridge MA n2131

IIUNT, Ill/WARD BEFAIAN, phyaician: b. Winthrop. N.Y.. Sc 1. 23, 1902; a Levi Luthor and Cash.; (Boman) II.; A 13., U Cal.. 1922, A.10.1., 1936: M.D., Ilarvard. 1927 m. flan tin Nurion, Mar 21, 1930: children Chine Mao (Mrs, Robert linettim). R. 'Manus Newton. Intern surgery. radiology U. Mich, 1927.29; teaching follow physialogy Harvard, 1126-27, 6,511. rocrlipenolnly IL Mich., 191.2-117, vaunt acin naliology 11. Nile 1 'nil klobelne. 614: 11.16.1.,pn.i I 146 1, N,1, 61.11. 11.44. 11..5101 VA Imo 6,71,6 n's al, nsl 11...r .111411 I . lllll 11.1,10 i1.1 .111‘ 646 Mad :11.111% 1, Plan, 1.0.1(1- I. Ant ('moon 19.10-71. Rao-trim,' Boom:

nodal Am, Comet Ssa„ 1967. Fallow Am. Coll. Radiology (past bd. chancellors: sold mudal 1972); mem. A.M.A.. Am. Radium Snc (past 005.1. Sus Nuclear Medicine, Rocky Mountain Radio' Soc. (poi rum I. Ann Univ. Radio' SOC. N. An.. (1s1 v.p. 1955), Facdly Radimoggsts. Am. Stu. Thetapeutic Rndintogisr., Itooluan Ray Soc , Phi Bela Karma, Sigma Xi, Alpha Omega Alpha. Phi Chi. 11.111c; 0707 Capitol An Omaha NE 68114

IIUNT, 111)WARD FRANCIS, mychologilt. educator. b. Mnrganinan. Ya., Slay 19, 1918; s. I lanisun R. and lone (Fisher) 11. ,A II., Malt Slate Call.. 1940; P11.1) , U. Minn., 1443: mt. Ida Motion. Aug. 16. 1941; childom Carla Ann, William 11., Sievnn C., John IL Instr. psychology U. Minn., 1943.44, nisi. prof. psychology Stanford. 1946-11. anusprof U. Choi.. 194654, pent. 1954, chines dept. royal...logy. 1955.62; chic( psycho'. research (osYnhal011Y) N.Y Saw Nubia'. 111,1., N.Y C., 1962 ; prof. med. psychology Cull. Phys and Sorg.. 1963 ; prof ny.holugy Columbia. 1962 - kilo* Cynic, for Advanced Siudy in Boluvlural Sal., 1959-60. Clrmn. pp:Mahatma:Moly run. corn. Nat Inst. Mental linalth, 1958-61. man., 1971.74. mon sci cuiinsclors, 1961-63; mem. brain sob. cmo No. Aced. Sal •NRC, mem. N State Health Stvt Adv. Coon. il, 1175 1341 dn. Pounds islind her ReAcorah hl PsTchuaryn 1.16.1-65.. p 1411 dn. Chrlthola %allay, 1 Nolan Fro y, N 1 Solon (mama., hn Ix 111 I, I eSN14, I not 1 Uploulale din psycheaugy Am lid ',Laminar. Prot Psycholuay. l'allow Am. Psycho'. Ann.,

A.A.A.S., N.Y. Acad. kis.; mem. Ann Psychopath. Assn. (new 1964.651, 'Marna. Brain Research Orgn., Easicm Psycho]. Assn., Sigma Ni, Phi Kappa Phi, Kappa Sigma. Mon. Soc. of Friends. Conthr. ankles to pool. pubis. Mem. editorial bd. Jour. Abnormal Psythology, Jour. Psychlat. Research. lour, Paychistry and the Law;

adviser on psychology Ency. Brit., 1957-, editor: Dorsey Pres. Psycholnay Series; Jour. Abnormal Psychology, 1964-70. Home: Ardiley Park Irvingtanntn•Hudson NY 10533 Office 722 W larlia, St Hrot York City NY 10052

1111NT. JACOB TATE, edoutor; b. Swonwarel, Tenn, Aug. 22, 1916; s. Sounded lull and f Fritter Viol, I Ilenhd II.; ILA., Maryville f , 1918. SI S . 11 'Fenn , 1941, Ph 15,11, Cato Rerkelcy.

1,0.1 1,18,n1 ineadoctolal (dhow II. III., 1956-57; m. Hamer klrahvlh Dormil, Ione 17, 1944; 1 ton, Steven Crala. Tchr. pub. whs., Tenn., 1931-40, Wail.. 194642; inn:. U. Cal al BukelaY, 946.48; nos' pd. Wcstcrn Rea U., 1941.51; ant., then saw, prof. U N.C., 1951-57; prof. U. Aria, 1957-6,1, U. Wash., 196468; prof. spL odes., chmn. din. canon ional children U. Ga.. 1968-; summer vit. prof U Wnsh., 1952, 63.64, U. III., 1956, U. Colo., 1960,61, U. CaL eat Bcrkeley. 1962. Mom. mods, commn. cannexional children Western Lalcronta Commit. Mahar Edn., 195840; mem. Ga. Coordinating (inn. Ea.:apirist' Children, 1969--; cons. Saguaro Sch. Asthmaiic

hurled Cendual l'iday Aso. , Dcp. Health, Ed,. and 1141 .1111 1.11115 A..11 Monied 11,4,i1h, 1 11141 lel Sri vird .1111

I Inca. lair' 41 t home 1.141 111111.1h 111.115.11 115. Haar him 1101 /5. 151,5,1 Am hint Rausral; /1»a Ina:. 011111 1951.64, ahem. nditmoil coot 1965-691, Council Esceptieoull Children, Am, Paychra. Assn. Iniernat. Reading Assn., Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Delta Kappa. Methodim Author: Mentally Retarded Children, 1469. Editor Iligh Sch. 14i., 1953.56, Rev. Edn. Research, 1965-69; *no editor Excaptional Children, Jour. Spl. Edo., Scruffs Pied:magic' Emperhnentalis, 1967-_ Home 105 Chinquapin Way Athens GA 30601

HUNT, JAMES BAXTER, JR., It *CH. KC; b Guilford County, NZ, Miry 16, 1937; no James Banter and Elsie (Brame) H.' B.S. In Edn., N. Star; 11, 1959, M.S. in Eton, 1962; J.D., U. N.C., 1%4; m. Carolyn /o yes Leonard. Aug, 20, 1951; children-Rebecca Joyce. Jonas Baster 111. Rachel licordersan, Elizabeth Brame. Admitted to N.C. bar, 1964; ernes. adviser 11.M. Govt. of Nepal for Ford Found., 1964.56; maul. law nog Kirby, Webb S Hunt, 19-66.72; h. aov. 1973- .. Mem. Siam Bd. Edn., Stile Land Policy Council; vice chino. Council un Goals and Policy. Council of Stale. Indian Affairs Comm, tn. cons. Puce Corn, 1966-67. Mem. State Chunge, Stan Farm Bur.; active Jaycees, Good Noiahbor Conned. Bay Scotus Am., Arlo Council, Ednl. Dual. C,01111C11, 1966.72. State pres. Yawn Democrats, 1968; chmn. non. Study Cullom. 1961. Pres. Cronin Plain.16val. Ann.; hd. din. N.C. Stria 11. Pound. Raciplcot lint sun. Harry S. Truntna 'mad NM. Yuanyy Dctuturnda ('lob. 1975; named tiostunding Yuma 144,11 Or Poor, Web.. Jr. C. of C., 1969. Mcm,

N.C. State U. Alumni Moo. idira Presbyn. Author. Rally Around the Precinct. 1968. Horne: Route I Boo 138 Locums NC 17851 ORke Sou Legislative Bldg Rakish NC 27611

HUNT, JAMES CLAY, JR, ediseatoo b. Lexington, Ky., Jan. 21, 1915; s lames Clay and Marprct (Scott) H.; A.B.. U. Ky.. 1934 , M.A., 1935; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins U„ 1941. Irate. English, Wayne Sub U.. 163941; Instr. English. Williams Coll.. 1941-42, 1946-48. aut. prof., 1941-54• aura pod • 1954.58, prod., 1951-71. John Hawley Rohmis prof. Einlhla 1971 . Semen watt USNR„ 1942.46. Mem. N1.1411/ 1 ntnningi , A5511 , ivolenem Are, PIO /114 K 519.5

• lno .1 A01.1 loll. hooy. onst.

11.411. llos 611

Wills Imo, MA 111107

11UNT, JAMES ROBERT, librarian; b. West Brownsnille, Pa. May 5, 2925; a lamas Clarence and Jose (Sharp) H.; Ph.B.„ U. Detroit. 1951, M.A. in Pole. Sci., 1955: M.A. in L.S., U. Mich., 1959; m Gloria Solli, Jam 26. 1934; children-Chrisiopher James, MArya Madclinc. Megan Mona, Shelagh Maureen, Matthew Becket. Deirdre Mar. Co-mgr. Madonna Book Shop, Detroit, 195146; bookmobile -librarian Wayne Comely (Mich.) Library, 1956-57, edininsov. asst. to librarian, 1951-60. Wad central Novices, 196032: aw aloe libranan Minh. Siam Library. Lansing. 1%2-64; state librarian, ant sup; library scrvices 1 lewall Depi. Edn„ Honolulu, 1964-70, amino Jen supt edn.. 1970.71, state Iibrailan. 1971; dlr. Pub_ Library Cia. and Hanna. County 101 I971-. Mem. library Inch, nom. Lansing Community Cull.; chmn. Hawaii Guy's. Com. Suite Library Rmuurres. 1964; adv cam U. Howell Grad. Library Sch., 1962-; mem Gov.'. Coot on Hawaiian Textbook Materials, 1971; mem. ado. tom. Continuation of Library Planning and Evaluation Inst., Ohio State U., 1972.73; mem. Sloe Bd. Library Examinera, 1971. Mem. A.L A. (life mem.; v.p. Assn. State Library Asp. 197142, prin. 1972-73). Mich. (chino library admInstm. net 1501.621. 1Inwili (A.L.A. rep. 1964-61). Ohio library nom., I lawaiian 1161 Sr, (411r,), Fricurb of library. Cln.116t. Sae. (mon. Isd 19721. M.Semalt Sou.. 11.0 rub A.111111161rn. (.cc. IIuN4411u clip. 1165 1. Comb,. atheln to pima pollic Once: 800 Vine St Cincinnati 011 45102

thur.rr. JAMES WESLEY, aim Canc.; in Wellborn. Pb.., Aug. II. 14270. Richard W. and Cool, (Jamison) H , A.8., LI. Cbotannaga. 1950; grad. Ins. fur Orgy. Mgmt. U. N.C., Chapel Hill, 1957; peroparl. Ga. Init., Auhcria. 1964-65; m.1/1e1:111Clilit W11111.1.0.1- 31. 1931: children Lodi, Ruth, Richard Stevenson. Kimberly Anne, lama Patrick, Susan Palp. Indsl. duel. oaf. Carolina rigour & Light Co , Florence. N.C., 1957-59; Inge Union Cminty (S.C7.)C of C.. 1959; asp. anal. 1.111. of lilfl lireatcr Chatlom lop 1'. of C., 1959.61, CAM

Inio I 1,!, i,on I, I- , 11 Colo Sam II , 1%9 711 ma .1 I, mod III two 111. l0, • lion Com , Pro 1• flu. mein ash',

V111111411.411 S1a1C loch. 1111.1., 19.4•76: MVO NIV..111. U. Took at Chniumumga Mora Dead. Seminar, 1965-70; mem. Maynr's PAnnPnuer Adv. Com., 1969.70: mom, anomalous con. United Fund. 196670; roam Mat. Council for Community Services, 1967-70. Bd. din, YMCA. Strud wish USN.R , 1945-46. Mon. Chatianuoga Chamber Found. folec. v.p., seal Tenn Mao. C. of C. Execs. (past presa. hots. for Orp. Mgmt (bd. regantil, Am C of C. Eaus., So. Assn. C. of C. Eno. (div), Sale. ond Marketing Execs. Assn. blallullat ("award 195659, 67.70, Sunday Sch. Ida. 1966.64. chum_ ecumenical affairs 1961-701. Rotarian. Ilmne, SIB Bromood Dr Chatonunaa TN 37415 Office 1119 Brood St Chananoog. TN 17402

IIUNT, JOHN DAVID, banker, 6 W011.1Cf, Mass., May 2, 1925; loam J. 11.1 }111notini B. iTidly) II.; A.S., Brown U., 1949; neutron

44rilliam. Coll. Sch._ Sarding, 1966 Advanced Mona Program. I hornol, 1973: m. Claire A. Sullivan, June 25, 1949: child.", Barham A.. Kathryn R. Accountant, Harry W. Wallis Co.. Won:cuter, 194950; with Warangal Clardy Nat. Bank, 1952-, oat 195941. v.p.. 1961-69, sr v.p.,1969-73, exec. v.p., 1973-, loan officer. 196145. chmn. loan rev, corn., I961-, in loon officer, 1965 ; dir. RSC Industries, Minot Dead. Clop., Worresier Bus. naval. Corp., Munn! 1-Casing Corp., WInucalUr ('spiel limp,. Goma Inc., Warns' Ina Agy. Inc. Instr. Ann. Inst. Banking, 1157.MI Mem. dr. dal NnIrc 1501110 Acnd ;elm. fund dove Ginner Wine-near 1Juiled Appeal, 1172. Bd. dirs. United Cerebral Palmy Ann. Worcester County, 195747, Wormier Better Bas. Bur., 196449,

HUNT 1590

Wk o `I A &L)--t.

Sept. 2 1951: children: David Carter, DeAnne Elizabenh. U.S.,. Purdue

U. 1951; M.S., fora State U. 1954, Ph.D.. 19511. Reentered prod.

mgr„ Ill Inn,. to aces prof. lima State U., Arnie 1951-60; nem.

prof. U. lit Urbana, 19613.61, prof. awl. engrinn, 19611-; cons, in

field. Amble: Farm Power and Machinery Manse:anent 8th edit.

IMO. Palm Mnelme-ry Minh ' 1912' Served with KS Aamy,

194546. pulln:01 maniac, Ireland, 19696.1, 1:ellow Am, Ilea' , And

- man. Am, S.. Pairing. Edit Republican. l'tentryletion.

f . Dept Agri Engineering Univ 111 IV4 W Pennsylvania St

Urbana IL 61801

HUNT, DOUGLASS- unlanity oMcial: it Winston-Salem. N.C.,

1424; a. John Donlan and Kale Thelma (Harrell' II: es. Mary Jane

liavilah Abdill, 1952; children: Lloyd Abdill, John Douglas Ill,

Amanda (27ml:inn, Arthur Laurance A.B., U. N.C., 1949' LLB., Yale

U., 1951. Ran D.C. 1952. also U.S. Supreme Ct 1955. Ann. Ann

Gardner, Montano and Rogan. Washinglnit 1951.61; PM. San to

undersee treasury, 196165, to acc. oniony, 1965-69; ap for llama

Columbia U., 196971, dcp. it pre fur goo., affairs 1971-73: vice

chancellor for adminstrn. U. N.13., Chapel 11111. 1971-10 aMnnative

action nicer. 1973-81, ml. asst to chancellor, 1980 -: Mcm, council

an fed, telaliona Ann. Ant. Univ , 1970.11. Mem can cont. Am.

Council on Edo, 1911-; chin corn. tmanon Nat. Assn Coll. and

Univ. Bus_ Oaken, 1912-73. mem., 1971-15; chnin. exec. com council

families Drew U., 1972-73; Churn. Alexandria City lacmocrabc Cont.

1959-61. Saved with AUS, 1946-48. Mem. Phi Pieta Kappa lima:

409 Westwood On Chapel Hill NC 27514

IILINT, FA RI. nuNny, navel...Insist; h San Francium,. Jan. 9, 1933;

s 11.4oir 'Naha nail My! Mushy) II ; ni Mary I oil Smith, Iter. 211.

11114i .1•MItea Por..... 'Man Alai, Sierra (miens. I 'ontelt, lacil

NI: 11.A., Stn./aid I / , I911, Nil I., Pith' I0,,, I4041 64,, Nor

prycholaiy Yale U.. Now Haven. 1960 al; /it re mach as.. II e.iii.

AI Lm Angela, 1961-62; se. late. computer lei. U. Sydney, Australia,

1961.65: asso. prof. U. Calif. AI Los Augelea, 1963-66; prof.

psychology U. Wash., Sealik, 1966-, cons ,110111. 1971-76, Author 1

books; contbr. articles in field loiiton. Joins.. airier: Cognstive

Paychology, 1974- Served with USry C 1454-37. Fellow AAAS, Am.

Psychot Ann., mem. hrnehonomis Soc., Pwchomanc Sm. ()Mac:

Psycluelogy Dept U Wash Seattle WA 98143

HUNT. EARL GLADSTONE. JR., bishop. enItege president; b.

Johnann City, Tenn, 'km la, MIR; 1. Pail 4 iladmonc and 1 ;mime

Mss (Delaulti If; at Moly Ann Kyker, June 15, 1941: l ma, Cad

Stephen- 11.5.. East Tenn. Male U. 1941; Mika.. Emory U., 1946.

DD., 1983' DD., Tun-alum Ca. 1956. L =Muth Coll. 197k LL.D.,

U. ChatiWooga, 1937; DILL, Emory and Henry Coll., 1963; D.D.

Duko U., 1969; LI:CD., Belmont Abbey Coll., 1976, Fla. So. Cull.

1941. Onaaineil to ministry Maihodist Ch. 1544; pastor Sardis Meth.

Ch.. Atlanta. 1942.44: assn, pastor Prowl Suva. Meth. Ch., Kingsport.

Tenn.. 1944.45„ Wesley Mem'. Meth. Ch., Chattanooga, 1945-501, First

Meth. Ch.. Morristown. Tenn .1910- 36; pace. Emory and Henry Cull.,

1956:44; resident bishop Cho:Ione Alen, United Meth ('h. 1961-76.

Nashville area, 1916-80, Fla. arcs, PIRO-, Partitipani Meth. ivies

Protestant limit, nationwide liromkast, 1956: mem. Meth. Tien. ltd.

Edit. 195648; bd. kacran interpreter.' House. Inc., 1967-78; gtel.

Meth. Gm Cont 1956, :464, S.E. Jurisdictional Cool., 1952, 56, W.

64. diran gee. claumn family life lnified Meth Ci., 1968.71, MOM

gat council ministries 1972 10, china nnenseanial planning cone,

1978-80; pros. Soullmastern Jurisdictional Colt Bishops. 1973,

Southeastern Jurisdictional Conf. Council on Mtnotriat 19/840:

Gen. Bd. Higher Fan. and Minnire 1980-; Seco. numerous relignma

and WM. found,. Author: I 11ave Relieved, 1910; Edoor: Morms and

Starlight, 1914; Comb.. numerous arbela ici wholarly lours. map.

Trustee Emory U., Fla. So. Coll. Bethune-Coolunan Coil, Waskyan

['oil., fake lunaluska I 'cited Mesh Axaembly; anymore masker World

Medi roof , [Whim, 1510; nos. root Wortil Moth. Council, 1976

'lout,, N Ain ,Irv. Vail , MO n,,,„„olng lel Nos r'„mv•Il I le.

1901414. limn. ('Lan t tow I limillefl. 1,ov tl I Namod yowl% mesa to

year MorriSlorrn Jr. 1'. .4 1.. 1951 Mart. Nevidniont Sire., Illuc Kcy.

Pi Kappa Calla Addiem. I'll NA 1747 Lakeland PL 115112

111114T, OFTIE NEVA, univ adminair., edurnior; b. Waverly, III.. June

19. 1922; li. Abraham Luther and Fannie Ethel Miner) II. A.B.,

MacMurray Colt for Wooten, 1944: M.A., U. III, 1945. Ph.D.. 1950;

froargrad., Columbia U_. 1953, Univ. Coll., U. Lacidmi, 1949-50, Key

punch operator US. Treasury. 1945; spl. Ishrarian Kamm( U.. 1947,

U. Pa., 1948; inair. English U. Ill., 1930-51; librarian Library of

Cantinas. WAShing1on, 1951-52; asst. prof. English Mankato State

Colt, 19S2.1.1; 'aid. Radioed Coll, 1+59.6 1, rInnli. dept. English.

1961-61; mid. hol. Sine 11. 196.1 . dean. 1914 . Author wracks in

Ileld. Fultaeigni rnnirt. 1.4n. J11. M,... -1,11,1,, NIL& Not F 1,1114.11

Tchrs English. Ant Ann. Higher lieln . Audubon Suc. Mote: 3.121

abash Ave Tare Haute IN 47903 OfIkr. Cull Arta and Sae Ind

V . sate U Terre Haute IN 41309 /

HUNT, E(VEREITE) 110WARI), .111.. author. former government

I official; h. Hamburg. N Y . Get 9, 1918. s. Everette !toward and Ethel

I le11/1 (Tcotatlak) IL m. 17nroiliv L Wetzel, Sere 7, 1949 keel;

claildsm: Usa Tiffany, Keno Tonernatc. Howard. David,: m. Laura

E Martin, 1971; children: Austin 17ainrig, 1 lollls A.B.. Brawn U.,

1940. War car, Life mai. 1943: scram writer. 1947-49, attache Ain.

embassy, Para, France 194849. Vienna. Austna, 1949.50, Mex.co

Cny„ 1950-53; pont ',Meer Far Each Cornamusil. Tokyo, Japan, 1954-

56; 1st sec., mina, Monieridtio Uruguay. 1957-60; cons, Dept. Def..

196035; with Dept State, Washinstoss, 1969-70; v.p.. din, Roberi R.

Mullen & Co.. Washingoan 1970- 2; cans. 10 Psea. US,. 1971-72.

Movie script writs, editor March of Time, 1942-43; Author 56 Nuke

1942-; includini The Gaza Intercept 1991; Combr. articles la fin.

affairs and polit. yaws.; lean. Served with USNR. 1940421 in sal h.

USAAF, 194146. Ougnenbeim fellow, 1946. Club: Army and Navy

(Waslunfiloni Fed. planner, 1973-74,75.77, liana: 1245 NE 115th St

Miami Fl. 311111

DUN I, FRANK 11)1,1 11114,a1.1111••• i, II 0.1.0111 I '10iitli, Nolo hay

19. ISIS; s. 11 auk Neal awl Silva hrial (Hall) IL oa Iv.ficl kali

Phillips, Sept. 6, 19541; in, limn* Henderson Inane Ike 27. 1951.

Student, U. Nebr., 1934.15, U. Calif, Ilakelty, 19:17-18. larafisman

and :lasagna Irma In Calif.. 19311-42, 46-48; palm Malmo and I turd

(Architectia San (ransom. 1948-62, pres., 1962.71, had and Co.

(Architects), San Francisco, 1975.75, dir.. 197541: rep., dir. Kennedy!

Jenks Fain.. San Francisco. 1973-, Esker Co. 1966-. Prin narks

include Ono expansion. reeidence Ina, Crocker Nuclear Lab- at U.

Calif., Davis. 1914-61 halina for, VIII Olympic Winter flames.

Squaw Valley, Calif. 1956-60: Mal: U.S. Olympic Trig Calla. 1979

80_ : facilhies Mr Pacific No. Magma ale bids. lineman Kodak Co..

Sas Frain:Inn. 1456-5a. wares tit-armour phsnis, Mario Cloinly(Uald../

Municipal Water DAL 1931.71; l' B. Hunt Roodeme, 19)11 on:

1141111.A.neUltIn AI, hintinlam View 1 'eurctery, I Mahan', Calif., 1458•141,

74-76, 80-; Donner Animal Rioradiol. Lab., Lan-rend Berkeley

(Calif.) Lab, 1961-64. 76; music dassionm bldg. Calif. Slate U.,

'layers* 1963.66. Reno-Sputa (Non I Joint Water Pollution Crmlrol

. plant 19153,67, Ti-. San Francisco Ray Arca Rapid Transit Dist Olt • • ,• ..- ,:•.• F.-..noil

Region diobn. center, Eastman Kodak Co., San Ramon, Calil. 1967.

69. Kern County taihr I wales treatment plant 1973-76, San

Francisco SW Pumping Sta. 197690, (-antral Marin San. Agy

lielonlent Plant. San Rafael, Cold . 14110. . Served to Ir. USNR, 14/Z-

45 Recipient norneemn design 3.1116 including nicht'. mrNkN .1

Illsolt c Ilinpir Arena, V It Iltno r..setriwr. rrlaird material at %los

raid_ Irnklaml, fellow Al A, imai I ontain Noe. di. anon, torn ,

Am. Mil. Pori, 1'011, PHairtm I /reign Canna. Phi ;Iowa Delta

011ke. 20 Hawthorne St San Frandsen CA 941115

IRJNT, GEORGE NELSON, bishop; b. Louisville, Ike. 6, 1931: I.

George N. and Janie Mae II.; m. Barham Noel Man,. Jane

19, 1955; children: Susan, Paul. David FLA, U. South Sewnnee,

Tenn., 1953: Va. Tient Sem., Alexandria, 1956; 0.13. Yale

• 1980, Ordained to ministry Prinapal Ch., 1956; mar Holy Trinity

Ch., Oiliest; Wyn, 1956-60, poem in charge 51 John's Cl/., Upton,

Wyo.. 1937411, SI. Francis Rriln function. Way., 195960; ann. St.

Paul's at, Oakland, Calif., 196,141: rector St. Alhani Cl,.. Worland,

Wyn„ 1962-63, St Annie.; Cll., Lafayette, Calif.. 1965-70. St Paul's

Ch- 5.111111/1,1. Calif., 1970-75; exec. Wirer Easomal Liman Calif..

1917.90; bishop Episcopal Davao LI., Providence, 19911-: man.

vat. council ministry, 1973-79. Epiacepalian. Club: Universio

'Providence El Office 275 N Main SI Providence RI 029113 •

HUNT. GORDON. lawyer; is Ian Angela, 1kt 26, 1934; 7 Howard

Wilann and Father Nil, ( Dempsey) IL nt. Marie Ann Agoota, June 21,

1958: children --Marianne. Stephanie. B.A. in Pohl. Sci. U. Cali!. Los

Angeles, 1956,1 12.. U. Sc'. Calif . 1959- Rat: Calif. Jar 1960, Law elk.

Appellnir f kph , Superior Co I m Almelo. I ...mot 19a9-601 own

bon why., Onai ts, pal owl tam

Witriaa, 11..rtinari A 'find, I Augt1,-, 61t, gloom,. 1.41.4 d

11.111itnin Ilion A !lamina4.4r, Pa..olroa. 191.9 , aulltor

UCLA. 1971. 71. 1113. al. Cond. (min lu kgalgna,, ARA, 4-old Dar

Arm, (del_ 0111, 191141491, LuI Angela County Rat Awl rimer awn

teal property sect. 1910-73, ace 1972-73, thorn. 1970.771, Am.

Arbitration Aria. (arbitnslorl. Republican. Malhodnt. (ice: 194 N

Lake Ave Pasadena CA 91111

IIUNT, 11161101.1)) KEITIL business management ulocalor,

consultant; h. Apt. 16. 1911; married; 11 children. R.S. in Mk ti and

Minot. U. Utah, 1961, M.B.A. 19611 PhD. in Mktg, Northwestern

11, 1912. loor. Imperial Vallov 041, PI Crain., Calif 1962 64;

leaching 41‘11. Nor Iliworern U., I4l4.66, Waif,. 19116.67; asst

bus. mIntinatin. and pounalion 11 (tuna, 1967.71. cons. stall mcm.

lifilce Policy Manning and Evaluatiort, Washingtim, 197174:

assoc. pint. bus. adnunstrn. U Wyo., Laramie. 1974-15; assoc. prof.

bus. mann. Brigham Young U.. Proan, Utah 1475-711. prof., 19715-1

speaker In field: participant chmn various workshops seminan,

meetings; raearch raper', cons.. aspen witness in consumer reward'

FTC. 1974—, cons.. expert witness die drug advt. FDA. 1975,-;

cons. adv. nn consumer research. Coruumei and Corp. Affair; Can.

1978-. Ettilor. co-editor - (with Frances Magrahi) parks.

Interdisciplinary 'Consumer Research, 19111.1. I, ...lib Ralph Day]

Relining Concepts and Measures ril Cnnaurnar Saliafaetinn and

CompkinIng Baavior, 1980: mcin. edilorial MI: four. Consumer

Affairs, 1977-. Jour. Consumes Research, 1992 . .1011t. 11411,

PM-. Jou,. Mk ig nmi Pub. Policy, 19111 -. Recipleat vacant

Research award Brigham Yang U.. 1991; manila In residence ad.,

dem. U. III., 1979; Vta research scholar 1'011. Ilium Peons_ 11. Mn..

1990; via. research scholar dept mktg. and imnsp U. Tenn_ 19111:

NSF grantee. 192117. Mem. Alan. Cnnvnnror itesenich (chmn, 1977

cool. program corn. damn_ arrangemenn 1919 rani. pros 1979,

nominations cam 1990, woe. roc. 1963-I, Am. Acad. Adal. (ehma.

goat relations coat 1976-, editor Jour, Advt. 1975 -, pies. 1992413,

ace see 1981-1, Am Mkig Ann. fen-chain led, gm, 'lawn corn.

PDS /7. track NMI Marl. fraek imif.L Ant Poo Jul

A.m. Ain t ...IA II in, 1111,1r1.1... 11,1r Illninon Sialm,

K app.. Ian Alpha. 1 him nol lb lia 1.p.41.41. 114 liar 11 it is

E. I loch 1 "unary Dr them III 14051 I alive, loss Bus Menu Itrigliarn

Young U 632 I NRB Pow. III 94602

HUNT. HOWARD FRANCIS, psychologist, educator; h.

Morgantown, W.Va, May 29. 1918: a. Harrison R. and Jane {Fisher)

IL; n Ida Altman. Aug 16. 1941: children- Carol Ann 'WM Stark,

William H. Steven C., John II. A.B., Mich. State Coll, 19411; Ph.D.,

U. Minn. 1943, Diplamaie: din. payebolopy Am. Bd. Eaaminac Penn.

Psychology. Instr. psych:411y SI. Minn., 1941-44; ono. prof.

mychnIngy Mantrnd U 19464P: assn. peel. U. Ciao., 190134. puff..

0:14, chum. ikph peNhol..gy„ I955-62, lorl reiveldal. sesemoh

(osvelitilis91 N.Y. State INy.lital lust N.Y 1 196247, mot. med.

19111ithlgy t oft VII, Aid ir,,loiahia , 0,67 II;

prof. paychology Colundria 0.. 196147: prof. payclialogy $si

psychiatry Cornell U. Mod. Call.. N.Y.C.. 1977-; /menden;

wycholoeat N Y lione-Cornell Med. Center, 1976-; fellow fCema

for Advanced Stn.', in Behavioral Sett. 1959.60, churn.

psyeltupharmacology rev. corn. NIMII. 191841. man. 1971.74, matt

Ml. mi. counadors, 196165; men brain snit. nom, Nat. Acad. Sae-

NRC 1974.79; mem. N.Y. Stale 'leant A.11,. Council. 1975.7n.

Comb'. ankles to ronn. anh14; eilinnial Jimr. l'opelliary and she

Law; editorial ;Warier on mythology: F1..7. Itrit. 1457-: Wino.

llorsey Press Payehology Sara, 19 75.59- hair. Abnernuti Poicholgy,

1964-70. Bd. dirs. Founds. Pund for Research In Psychiatry. 1965.66;

a.p, bd. dirs. Village, Dubba Ferry. N.Y. Seri, ed from ensign

lo It. pig) USNR, 194446. Recipieni Salmon medal in psychiatry.

1916. fellow Am. Psychal Man., AAAS, N.Y Arad. Sao.; mem. Am.

ychopath. Ana (treas. I Wel-65), Internal Brain Research Drift,

stern Paychol, Arm. Sigma Xi. Phi Kappa Phi, Kappa Sigma.;

eat Soc. of Friend.. Ilona. Ardaley Park Ininginn-urnIlUllion NY

533 GlIke NY 1 lospitaliComell Sled Center 21 Bloraningilida Rd

White Plains NY 10605

If hat :fin 1A Ant. I. SArrinatrr, Tan, Arog 12,

SonAni 1.41 nun 1.1 xr Vv.} ii11.111,1 II I !noir, 140;1414

I Mourn. lone I I, 1944, 1 imp 11,1 Stan .111. 1,n. i

, 1931,13.1.51, U . III I) 11 Cad_ as 1k Ickyy, moat

Ford Found. monk:total Idiom II_ 1916$7. 7.4m, pub scout

Tam., 1938-41 Wash., 1941142; Only. U. t al Oalieley. 1444.49:

ant. pant. Watern Res. U U. 194951; amt_ then mom phi. II N.C..

1951.57; prof. U. Ariz. 195744, U. Wash, 1964-69 prof. $41. edit,

• div. exceptional children U. ria. 1961-; stmuna ma. pr J. U.

Wash., 1952, 63, 64, U. III., 1956, U. Colo. 1910, 61, U. Calif at

Berkeley, 1941; Mar. atmly COM/nn. CinerlinIral children Western

Inicratate Commn. Higher Edn.. 1953.641: mem. Ga. Coordinating

Can. Faceptional Children, 1969-; mos. Sagunto Sch. Aathmanc

Chibben. United :kaki! Pala Assn., 1 IILVO Aurhor• Mentally

Retarded I lnklren. 1969; Filing High Salt inn. lust 5n, 10, 1114.

Ranieri:h. 1965-69 l'111147A411111 And Iratifing of Ow Mentally Relnnisl:

asset cellaC Paceplinnal Chilthen, ham Spl. Lilo. Si:mon

Paeffilrliect Elacrimentalia. 1961-. Bd. ibis. l'ims Assn. Mental

Health, 1960-64. Served wilh USNR. 1942-45. (Hanna edn.

handicapped US. (Nike Edo.. 1964.71. Man. Am. Eilnl. Research

Assn !exec, corn. 195944. dom. editorial corm 1965-691. Council 911

IfUNT, JAMES BAXTER, JR., governor N.C.; b. °WIWI County,

N.C., May 16.1937; s. James name. and Elsie (Brame) II.; m. Carolyn

Joyce 1..nolarrl. Aug. 20. 1951; children• Rebecca !quill Hawley, James

Basler Ill, Rachel 'Lenderman, Elizabeth Ilrausr, BS. in fin., N.C.

Suite U„ 1459, M.S. in Peons,. 1962: 111, 11. N.C., 1964. Ilar N.C.

tena Yrnu. adviser IIM r tart of Nepal fru Fool Found 1,1:44.6;

12e 111111 Ku, In (Veld. A Isom, a Vito. IJ, II pot, Srne ,4 N

I'll Li). your.. (al Mato pies 1,mat I km iaale Vett, claim

Dent Minty Penman., 19611 Author - Acreage ('onlrols and Pitiindage

Controls. Ureic Effects on Mott Profitable ?radices for Eluc•Cured

Tobacco. 1964, Rally Around the Precinct, 1968. Recipient final ann.

Harry S. Truman award Nat. Young Deniccrant Club, 1975; named

thstatan.1ing Young Man of Yr. Wilson Jr. C. of C., 1969. Men. Nat

Gov,. Arm. (churn. task force no technol. inuovation. man. exec.

Wm, chain. ado. cnm. of ilte shales and nal task force on alit ha

icon. vowth 19111-83). Preabyaerian. Office: Gummi' Office State of

NC Rakrph NC 27611 •

!Tura. JAMES CALVIN. physician. university chancelkir; h.

LnxInglon. N.C. Sept I I. 1933; a. James Lee and Sarah Della 'Frani

m. Irene Rived Sept. 17, 1949; children-James Cabin. Michael

S., Cynthia Irene. Catawba Coll. 1949 M.D. Bowman Gray

Sch. Maficine, 1931; M.S., U. Minn., 1958. Inman N.C. Baps HOW.

Mastro-Salem, 1933-54; resident, fellow Mayo Grad Sen Medicine,

Rochester, Minn., 1954-58; practice medicine, specializing in internal

medicine Icardinvanailar.trasal diseasea). Po:chaster, 195978: care,

Male. to wit puff dept. malleine Maya Clime and Mayo Med. Sch.,

1958-63, ass°. plot., chant dia. nephroIngy, 1963-72. prof., churn.

dept. mabeine, 1974-79; prof., maw. dean clin. Mal. programs Mayo

Med Soli. 1972.74; prof. mall.ine, (I, Tenn_ Memphis. 11178 -.dem

11(9 MI r11.1, , noun NA, 11‘.11, 1111y. 41.,1 1'1..1 A.I.

....,1. f 11,. flora 1141

11/.11 /1., IAI do, kidney I oniel I Itna” 0 , ine.fre

1.7irlrliari 1.#41, 191.1. fits Mar IINAA I . ISO •11); Eltg

Redolent ()sting. Service *wan! Bowman (hay Sch.' Medicine, Wale

Foram 11, 1975; -Dining Alumnus award L'atawha C'011., 1414. Fallon

A.C.P., Am, Coll. Cardiology. Am. Haan Assn. (council en

mern Internet.. Ann. smn. nephroksy, Internet. Soc.

Hype:lamina, Sac. Nuclear Medicine Council !nu High ru.od

('tenure Research Am Ste Internal Medicine. AMA, Ain .' ilia.

Pharninvology and Thempaitica, Sigma Xi, Alpha Omega Alpha. Phi

Rho Sienna. Hume: 343 S Clockiwyn Memphis TN 31111 Office:

Center fin Health Sciaka Tenn 62 S Dunlap Si Memphis TN


11111'41, JAMES 911 1118.1111, Ifientrian; b. West 11nramsvilk. Pa., May 5,

1925; s. James Clarence and Jesse (Sharp) II.; n (Ilona lull,. Jaw 16.

1954; children-Christopher James. Mirya Madeline, Megan Mauna,

Shelagh Maureen. Matthew Rocket, Deirdre Mir. Phil. U. Damn

1951, M.A. in Polit. Sri, 1955, U. Mich, 1959. Co-mgr. Madonna Book

Shop. Detroit, 1951-56; bookmobile librarian Wayne County (Nick)

Lihrary. 1956-57, adminalre /111. in librarian, 195130, head central

terviev.. 196032; asst, site librarian Mich. State Library, Lanus"

1962.64: stale librarian, amt. nip!. library services Hawaii Dept. Edit

I 'mobilo, 1964-711, acling dep. aunt attn.. 197071. state lamina,

1971; die. litta Library and Hamilton County, Ohm, 1971-;

Man. hbncry lech. corn. Lansing Community Coll.; chmn. Flavin

rinvic ('inn, State Library Ranurces, 1964; ads. noon. V. Hawse

(iron. lihrary Sch., 1962 -; man (law's Coin. on I lawaiian Tcohook

Malarial., 1971: mem, adv. corn. C'imcinriptinn r4 Lawary Manna

and Emanation Inst. (*ill Slain U., 1971-73; mem. Male Bd. library

Eantilinera. 1971- Cando. sondes In pron. pails. Mcm. &LA. nife

toast: Cp. Ann. State Library Agys. 1971-72, pros. 1972.73a Mich,

Library Ann. (china, library adminsim. sect 1961-631.11awah Library

Assn. 1/..LA. rap. 1964411). Ohio Library Aron. limarian Ilist Sue

Prien.la of Literary, Kin. Hist Soc. (mem. bd. 1972). Mcdunell

Soo Ant Puk Adtsilown. SlIne. Honolulu chat. 1966 - Dar

sun •V no SI 41,11 4554

Iii iNI, JAN11 P.I.AINE. ancl.m •xvi- , MoSW, It. Itoo,m, how II,

ml. Edward 1'. and Belga V. .101.1.,rAt1 I I. A 11., Wellesky

1961; 1.1)., Harmed U.. 1965. floe NJ hat 1963. With Irving Inaa

Cot., N.Y.C. 1965 ep. personal treat dlr., 1976, v.p.. mg:, new het

and noble N.Y.C., trust xlmmairn., 1976-79, sr. s.p. nip. passing' trait

div., 1979-: mem. oana. on trust and estate gift plum fluaddla U.

Trance Bentley Call., 1981-. Man N.Y. Stale Balkan Assn.. Mt

Oar Assn., N.J. Bar Assn. Office: Irving Trust Co (fie Wall Si New

York NY 10015

III INT. JOE IIAROI at wilily company amnia; b. f inkman,

flee own, 1425; a. Virgil and Arum M 11 Al111111V11%1111111fillf.E. Jun(

14, 194-6: t Whiten: Blur, I 'avid, Foul, irissay. 11.6.1'.I' State

11 0149 Mont anw. Sootlinv-,119n 1101 'telephone Co, 194a, p,,

SL 11.011a. 191R- Bell I ciephone System. 049 oar, ten

Telephone Co.; ass.. v.p. AT&T; dlr. Mere. mast Co., Mere Hawaii

MI. Mrs_ Mot. I orsp., Ranken Tern_ uuraee Linde-wood Ca P.

Served with USN. 1944-46. 50-52. Mem. Ent Kappa Nu. Pk Kappa

Phi. Pi Mu Epsilon. Sigma Tau. Rapti.' Ideacont Office 11/10 Pim Si

Salm Lool, Mt/ 61151

1111NT, 301IN hionchnologv company cxecufin;

Mudmgee. Okla., July 14, 1913: In. Chnnial Pepin de nonnative; 4

children. &D. Ilunrand U., 1949 pnograd. Sorbonne. 1941649. U

Nava. 1949-50. Tchr. Thomas kilt:non Sch., St. Lewis. 190.56: caw

dir. Congress for Cultural Freedom, Paris, 195641; :tom vp, Salk

Ina. Biol. Studies, La Jolla, Calif.. 1968-10; dir. internal projects

Roynumont Email. Paris, 1970.73; v.p. Aspen MIL Homanitic

Studies. N.Y.C. and Aspen. 1973-76: v p., sec com, U. Pa. 1976.17.

• dir., sec corp., 1976-71, Inst. Advanced Wady. Princeton, N.L.

1977.41: damn., chid exec. °Meet BinTalinica Warta, Inc..

Cambridge, Man., 1991-- Author: Cleneintion. 1d Mrn. 1956 Imam

Water.. Writers Aran. Am, nominee Nat. Book award). The Goy

Henn Legal,. 1969 (Lit. Crulld n11.1; uff•Bromlway play Kmabts

laeuit, 1991 Saved 10 211 il. IISIMC, 194.1.46, Dererated Nat. Oder

4 !demi howl I biln- Ilananl, 1'0111111Y M1,11 I h.q. ID ...nod

At, 1Io II .,,,/.oleo Al* IN tun 111

Ihilloo St t 'imilortler Ala. ID I•111

11UNT, JOHN 13AVIIL hanker; b. Wian'enef, Mass., May 1 1925:1-

John J. and Itonores IL (Pally) IL: in Claim A. Sullivan, Sam IS.

1944; children: Barhaza A.. Kathryn R. A B.. Boon U. 1949;

mingrad. Williams Coll. Sch. Banking, 1960; Advanced Mine

Prngracrt llama.' U.. 197); LIRA. that Anna Maria Coll, I

Aixountius1 Harry W. Wallis & Co., Worcester. 1949-50: mill

Wmerster County Ni.a 1511alt, 1932-, asst 1959-6 1. v P. 196144

sr. ap.. 1965,71, nee. ep, 1973-77. prea, 1977-, kin 1961.

65, chitin. Iona rev. dim., 1961-. sr. Ines Istliccr. 1965-, Aso die. Mr.

1054'' to,Lsnx %lama Iletel. Conn. Wiseman Camay Nat. IIMIL

Won m1.0 Ilia. I keel. Corp.. Wilma! laming Corp, Wilmette:

Clialsi ()sly, Png,ilr (hoop lac.. %anal bet Agv. Male

Ses:untia Woloesles llancorp. Inc.; ion:, Am. ha, Ilardini

1951-60. Clime. fund drive Greater Worcester United Appeal. 1411;

Bd, din. United Cerebral Palsy Ann. WI-easter Connor. 1957.17:

Manta: Reiter Rua. Bar., 1964-69, Catholic Charities Wino:n°..1911.

75 I inner) Way . Worcester; cmpotator lialmemann Ilmp., Motet
