JFSR - Ethique...JFSR - Ethique L’Institut français de Suède et l’am assade de Frane en Suède...


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JFSR - Ethique

L’Institut français de Suède et l’ambassade de France en Suède organisent le 21 octobre au Tekniska

Museet, la 23e édition de la journée franco-suédoise de la recherche qui propose un rendez-vous

annuel à la communauté de chercheurs français et suédois francophiles. Cet événement est ouvert à

tous chercheurs et jeunes chercheurs de toutes les disciplines et est l’occasion d’aborder une

thématique particulière avec un invité venant de France : interdisciplinarité (2019), les réponses

scientifiques et techniques pour les défis globaux (2018), l’Arctique et le développement durable


Pour l’édition 2020, le sujet traité sera l’Intégrité scientifique et l’éthique dans la recherche. La

programmation abordera la question de l’intégrité scientifique sous un angle interdisciplinaire ou, du

moins, les grandes questions d’éthiques et d’intégrité qui se posent à tous chercheurs (questions

autour des publications et de l’open science, méconduites en recherche, conflits d’intérêt, confiance

des citoyens envers la science/les scientifiques ainsi que les décideurs politiques etc.) et non pas

uniquement sur les questions relatives à la recherche biomédicales bien qu’il s’agisse d’un sujet aussi


Programme :

09.00 – 09.30 Welcome coffee

09.30 – 09.40 Welcome words

09.40 – 10.00 Joël EYER, French Office for scientific Integrity (OFIS)

The French Office for Scientific Integrity (OFIS)

10.05 – 10.25 Jörgen SVIDÉN, Ethics Review Appeals Board

Structure for ethical vetting in Sweden and supervision of the Ethical Review Act

10.25 – 10.45 Poster Session

10.45 – 10.55 Cissi BILLGREN ASKWALL, Vetenskap & Allmänhet, VA

Understanding public trust and distrust in science

11.00 – 12.00 Panel: Public trust in sciences and duty of researchers towards society

Marie Anna MORETTI, Luleå University of Technology, Merve ATASOY, KTH, Cassandre

MOREL, Karolinska Institutet, Mathieu GABORIT, KTH

Moderated by Jörgen SVIDÉN, Ethics Review Appeals Board.

12.00 – 13.25 Lunch

13.25 – 13.30 Speech of the French Ambassador, Etienne De GONNEVILLE

13.30 – 13.45 Daniel NORMARK, STS (Science, technology and society).

Macchiarini and scientific identity, institutions and infrastructure

13.45 – 14.00 Véronique SIMON, Uppsala University.

Ethics and limitations in research within the field of educational sciences

14.00 – 14.15 Håkan SALWÉN, Stockholm University.

Teaching research ethics to doctoral students

14.15 – 14.30 Sara BELFRAGE, Stockholm University

Providing support to researchers on ethics and integrity

14.30 – 14.45 Christophe PREMAT, Stockholm University

Plagiarism issues in Swedish Universities

14.45 – 15.00 Tayana ARAKCHAA, KTH

Research Ethics in Siberian Indigenous Community

15.00 – 15.15 Break

15.15 – 16.15 Panel: Open data and open science


Moderated by Valérie LEMARQUAND, French Institute in Sweden.

16.15 – 17.00 Mingle



Anna MORETTI, Luleå University of Technology

Présentation intervenants

Joël Eyer

Research Director at INSERM (National Institute of Health and Medical Research), Joël completed his PhD in 1989 at the Strasbourg Neurochemical Center investigating the biology of neurofilaments, the intermediate filaments specifically expressed in neurons. Then, he did a Postdoctoral fellowship at McGill University with Pr. Alan Peterson, where he produced and analysed several lines of transgenic mice based on neurofilament genes. Recruited at INSERM in 1992, he continued his work on the neuronal cytoskeleton, its biology and its roles in normal or pathological situations. This work uses as experimental approaches transgenesis, cellular and molecular biology and different optical and electron microscopy techniques. Currently, he is working on peptides, which correspond to tubulin binding sites on neurofilaments. These

peptides show unexpected characteristics such as the selective targeting of certain cancer cells or neural stem cells. Depending on the cell type, peptides may affect the microtubule network. He managed a research structure in Angers for 3 successive terms (2000-2016), and he is the co-founder and scientific advisor of two start-ups.

Since 2005, he has chaired the Ethics Committee in Animal Experimentation of Pays-de-la-Loire (CEEA N ° 6), and has several responsibilities at the European Commission (Scientific Chairperson or Expert, Chairperson or Expert for ethics, Mid-term and Final Reviewer). Since 2018 he is Scientific Advisor at HCERES (High Council for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education) and at OFIS (French Office for Scientific Integrity).

Jörgen Svidén

I am a lawyer and have worked for several years in different

ministries at the Swedish Government, as well at different legal

positions in the Swedish Parliament. Thereafter I was, for six

years, the General Secretary for an international organization

working with social issues. I have been the Swedish

representative of ENRIO, the European Network of Research

Integrity Offices. Since 2015 I am the director for the Ethics

Review Appeals Board. The Board have two main duties: to

handle appeals from the Swedish Ethical Review Authority and

to have supervision of the observance of the Ethical Review Act

and regulations supported by the law.

Daniel Normark

Daniel Normark is director of Uppsala STS, a multidisciplinary research network studying knowledge and society at Uppsala University and a researcher within that network. He is an associate professor in sociology (since august 2020) and holds a PhD (since dec. 2007) in science and technology studies (STS) at the sociological department, University of Gothenburg. He is affiliated with Medical history and Heritage, Karolinska Institutet, a research and curating organization managing the collections of KI. He has been a researcher at the Gothenburg Research Institute, especially Centre for Consumer Science (CFK) within the University of Gothenburg, at the Mobility Studio at the Interactive Institute and a research assistant at the Viktoria Institute in the Mobile Informatics Program. His research focuses on sites of negotiation from the interactions within the laboratory to the mundane features of mobility.

Véronique Simon

Véronique Simon, PhD (1998, Uppsala university) Véronique Simon’s teaching and research focus since many years back on the inclusion of new arrivals in the Swedish education system. She has led a number of international projects on plurilingualism and theories and practices dealing with inclusion, discrimination and racism. She is even through her engagement in NGOs in Sweden and abroad involved in actions concerning those issues. Current positions: Associate professor - language didactics, multilingualism, Dpt. of Education, Uppsala university; Board member, chair, Forum for Africa Studies, Uppsala University; Board member, Federal Board of the Swedish United Nations Association.

Håkan Salwén

Håkan Salwén, is Associate Professor of Practical Philosophy at

Stockholm University. He is the author of the

book Forskningsetik för Humaniora as well as journal articles

on research ethics. He also teaches research ethics to graduate

as well as to undergraduate students.

Sara Belfrage

Sara Belfrage (PhD) works as Research Officer at the Office for

Research, Engagement and Innovation Services at Stockholm

University. She gives support to researchers and University

leadership on issues concerning research ethics and research


Christophe Premat

Christophe Premat, PhD, is an associate professor in French

and cultural studies at the Department of Romance Studies

and Classics. He also works at the Centre for the Advancement

of University Teaching where he focuses on ethics and

plagiarism issues. He is head of the Centre for Canadian Studies

at Stockholm University. His research areas include critical

discourse analysis, memory studies and Francophone studies.

He co-edited in 2019 a book on Political discourses at the

extremes: expressions of populism in romance-speaking

countries and published in 2018 a book on the

institutionalization of Francophonie organization (Pour une

généalogie critique de la Francophonie) at Stockholm

University Press.

Tayana Arakchaa

I am a cultural anthropologist. I studied at the Irkutsk State

Linguistic University (Russia), University of Arizona, Boise State

University, and University of Alaska Fairbanks. Also, I worked

as an instructor at the Tuvan State University in my homeland,

the Republic of Tyva (Russia). As of October, 2019, I began a

postdoc position at the Division of History of Science,

Technology and Environment, KTH Royal Institute of

Technology. I am a part of the historical project "Greening the

Poles: Science, the Environment, and the Creation of the

Modern Arctic and Antarctic" (GRETPOL). The main goal of the

project is to investigate how certain international agreements

concerning marine resources and minerals in Antarctica were

developed from the 1960s through the 1990s. I am focusing on

Antarctic krill fishing in the former Soviet Union.

Cissi BILLGREN ASKWALL, Secretary General of the Swedish non-profit association Vetenskap &

Allmänhet, VA (Public & Science)

Cissi Askwall is the Secretary General of the Swedish non-profit

association Vetenskap & Allmänhet, VA (Public & Science). VA

promotes dialogue and openness between the public and

researchers, and develops new formats for science

communication, public engagement and stakeholder


Cissi previously worked as a news journalist at Swedish Radio

and the national news agency TT. She has also been

Communication Director at the Royal Swedish Academy of

Engineering Sciences and at VA.

She has a diploma in journalism, and has studied political

science, psychology and theology.

Cissi is Vice President of the European Science Engagement Association, EUSEA, Board Member of

Örebro University and Research Committee Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and


Panel Discussion

Merve Atasoy

I am working as a postdoctoral researcher at the chemical engineering

department, KTH Royal Institute of Technology. I completed my

doctoral degree in the same department in September 2020. I have a

bachelor’s degree in environmental engineering and a master’s degree

in environmental biotechnology. During my PhD, I focused on resource

recovery from waste streams. In particular, I am working on the

enhancement of volatile fatty acids production via mixed culture

fermentation of industrial wastewaters.

Marie Anna Moretti

After graduating from my engineering school in Bordeaux,

France, I started a PhD in the field of solid mechanics and

materials science at Luleå University of Technology, Sweden.

During this PhD, I am part of the ENABLE project, a European

project funded by Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie

Actions (H2020-MSCA). This project involves nine early stage

researchers and several universities and industries across

Europe, with the aim of improving the scientific understanding

and numerical modelling of manufacturing processes for

diverse metallic alloys used in the aerospace industry. My

research focuses on understanding and modelling the

deformation behaviour of a nickel-based alloy (alloy 718) for

high deformation temperatures and speeds. This study

includes both experimental investigations, such as mechanical tests and microscopic observations, and

numerical simulations.

Cassandre Morel

I am Cassandre Morel, a PhD student in Pr. Rochellys Diaz Heijtz's

Laboratory in the Department of Neuroscience of the Karolinska

Institutet Biomemdicum building in Stockholm, Sweden. I am co-

supervised in Rouen, France by Dr. Nicolas Chartrel's team,

belonging to the INSERM unit 1239 called "Différenciation et

Communication Neuronale et Neuroendocrine" in the University

of Rouen Normandie.

My PhD project focuses on the role of the gut microbiota on the

development and function of the hypothalamic oxytocin

neurons and its implication in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).

My main objectives are to decipher the role of the gur

microbiota, and especially components of the gut microbiota

called the peptidoglycans, on oxytocin neurons development and if this effect would have an influence

on social behavior later in adulthood.

Mathieu Gaborit

Mathieu Gaborit did his PhD between the LAUM UMR CNRS 6613

in Le Mans, France and the Marcus Wallenberg Laboratory at

KTH in Stockholm, Sweden. He defended his thesis titled

"Modelling strategies for imperfect interfaces and layers" in

December 2019 after 3 years working on the acoustics and

uncertainties in poroelastic media (for instance open-cell foams).

Mathieu is now a post-doc researcher at the ECO2 Centre for

Economical and Ecological Vehicle design at KTH and works on

the physical description of Kelvin-Cell packings as idealised

foams and their optimisation for mechanical constraints