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I 1,1, I lUi~


II 01







II 01

























Directions: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken 1n Engllsl'l They will be spoken only one trme and will not be printed rn your test book. Select the best response to the

question or statement and mark the letter (A). (8), or (C) on your answer sheet


You will hear· Where is the meeting room?

You wrll also hear: (A) To meet tM new drrector tB> It's the hrst room on the nghl

(C) Yes. at two o'clock

The best response to the queStion "Where IS the meeting room?" Is choice (B). "It's the ftrst room on the nght. • so (8) is the correct answer You should mark answer (B) on your answer sheet

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on yotrr answer sheet. 28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 29. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 31. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 32. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on yovr answer sheet. 33. Mar1< your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 34. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 35. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 36. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 37. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on yovr answer sheet. 38. Mark your answer on your an$wer $heet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 39. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 40. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.


Oilec:tions; You w hear some conversatiOns between two people You Wll be asked to answer

ee QuestJons about what the speakers say 1n each conversa110n Select the best response to each quost1on and mark the letter (A) , (B). (C). or (0) on your answer sheet The conversations will

spoken onty one bme and will not be printed rn your test book

C1 Who most likely are they?

A A JOb C"lndldate and an inlei'V!ewer. B A 'Tiarkebng manager and a personnel

manager C Co-workers who wor1< rn the same department

of a company. D Ad -.nt and a shop empJoyee

Q. Why •• the man reluctant to transfer to another department?

1-< appy wrth h1S current jOb. He r-.. that he 1 not qual•h-.:1 lor the op411


- Ha doesn't like the people In the Marketing Department He would have 10 aceept a pay cut of he got hrteC'

C3. wr.at will the man probably do?

1'. Put s apprca110n and fdC& the outcome 3) Talk to h1s boss about ge«ing more details

about the pos1tion C Disregard the opportunrty and wart tor another

tme Worlc harder to be considered lor the next promotion.

44. Who is the woman?

(A) A vls1tor (B) A bulld1ng security guard. (C) A parkrng attendant (D) An ar11st

45. What suggestion does the woman receive from the man?

(A) See the art exhibtt. (8) Park In the underground garage. (C) Tum back and dnve down to the intersecllon. (0) Walk back to her house.

46. What will the woman most likely do?

{A) Drive back home CB) Buy a bcket to the exhibit. (C) Pay lor the toWing lee. (D) Park her car somewhere etse.


II 01

47. What is the man doing?

(A) Argu1ng abool1he seat. ttl) Searchong for the right spot. (C) Trymg to catch fish. D MoVIng to a different house

48. How tong has the man been here?

(A) 15 minutes. (6) 30 minutes. (C) 60 m1nutes. (0) 120 minutes.

49. Whet does the woman suggest may be the reason for the man's problem?

!A) He IS S1tl1ng in the wrong pi.Jce. (B) He ts uSing the wrong baot. (C) He has been waibng too tong (D) He Is not thinking properly.

50. What Is the man doing?

(A H .. , trying to buy some ctol!ung tBJ Ho •s looking for a bani.

(C) He ts prepenng to start a bus.ness (D) He 1s S9Mng a customer

51. Where will the man most likely go next?

(A) To another store. (B) To the back part of the store. (C) To a fashion show (D) To tee a customer

52. What 1s special about this ptaoe?

(A) The otems are reasonably pncud.


(6) It IS located close to the man's place. (C) It carr~es otems that other stores don't have. (D) It has been In business lot many years.

53. What Is the man ask1ng the woman about?

(A) An e~ro n•dP n h1s psychecl tB)Awarnong he t1ad r9C81ved at worx (C) The lunch meflu at a restauront ho wants to

go to (01 A no1ohcnt•on of an unpaid b11l

54. What will the man do?

(A) Drop by the bank. (B) Take care of a misunderstanding (C) Call another electrician. !D) Go on an errand.

55. When was the boll taken care ol?

A WodneSday. !B) Thursday (C) Fr~day. (D) This mornong.

56. When will the exhibition be held?

(AJ On the thtrd of this month

!B) At the end ol October

(C) tn a oouple ol weeks (D) After three days.

57. How tong does it take to send the Items to the Detroit plant?

(A) One day (B) Two days (C) Three days. (Dl Foil"" days

58. According to the woman. wily is the delivery betng rushed?

(A) To have plenty olttme to deal wtlh a problem done occurs.

(B) To prepere for the company's move. (C) To a110td runnong onto the possobthty ol a Stock

Shonaga (D) To obloge the demand of Mr. Johnson

!i8. How tar did the man's team go in the tournament?

A 1 ~ey reach ad the finals before getting defeated

S l'hey gotll'to the s..m lonals dltar beabng the sales team

C They were defeated In the first round of the ~mament

0 They went all the way to thelonals and won.

a Accotd•ng to the woman, whydld her team not compete in the tournament?

A. ~~ '"Y of her staH members were out of town "' uusiness

Bi Hor boss does not like baseball very much. C She fell down the sta1rs and broke her ankle. :J ~ ·~.am Tnmbers wme too busy With worlt.

11 What does the man mention about some of the man"98<s in the compeny?

A Tht~y don't cons•der company morale to be very tmportant

B: They Slress . ..nnongllle !OtJrnQmPnt too much. C They worked very hard prepanng for the

tournament. They waste too much bme tallung aboul .. ports.

12. Accotd•ng to the woman, why has the company gone over its budget this quarter?

· 'Y employees are making unneceSbary •

"8 Tt> staff members are stay1ng at very e ">11SIV9 hotels

:: T r travel expenses have shot up 'D) Th• cost of u'lsurance has more than doubled.

ll. What does the man suggest they do to solve the problem?

A more people YIO<k from theor hom "I B OISCnmtnate aga10st those planntng to travel. C Work out a better deal with the 81rhne

company D GAt the worlters to pay lor thetr own meals.

ll. What does the woman say •s the reason why the man ·s suggestion won 1 wor1<?

A) People tend to get lazy working at home S ;,.., management cannot Judg l wh1ch tnps

are absolutely necessary Cl They are already gethng a spectal rate from

rh atr1 ne company tho•y deal w1th. 0) Th• rest of the managers at the company

don't think It's a good idea

65. Where is the conversa!Jon most likely taking place? (A) At an auto repa1r shop. (B) At a gas sta!Jon. (C) In a computer store 10) Alongsid a freeway

66. What does the woman say is the problem?

(A)~.~,. computer is down.

(B) The car J9n111on doesn~ worl< (C) The car uses too much gas (0) Her broth¥ doesn' g111e good adv.:.-

67. What advice does the man give her?

lAi •sten to hN brother (B) Get a new car. (C) Have the car towed (0) Replace the batte<y

68. For how many nights wll the man stay at the hotel?

(A) One. (B) Two. (C) Three (0) Seven.

69. What did the man request?

(A) Room seMce.

(B) A wakEKJp cal, (C) Valet parkmg . (0) Cleaning service

70. What will the man most likely be doing at 9 In the morning?

(A) G•VIng a speech. (B) Having a meal. (C) Sw1mm1ng in the Ia~ e. (0) Tak1ng a flight out

11 I !lj.Jd j lsi-~


II 01


D~ ectlons: You w I hear some short talks goven by a song e speaker You wo I be asked to answer

111ree quesoons abOut what lhe speaker says In each short talk Select the best response to each questiOn and marl< lhe letter {A) (8) (Cl or (DI on your answer sheet The talks wo be spoken

only one ~me and woll not be pnnted n your test book

71. On which day does this message take place?

(A) Saturday (B) Monday (C) Friday (D) Tuesday

n. Why is the caller getting this message?

(A) AI tne 1 nes are busy. (BJ It os a nabonal holiday. (C) Everyone IS out to lunch. (0) ltos after woriung hours

73. What should those who wish to make a change In their service do?

(A) Stay on !he lone (B) Call back another lime. (C) Press a bunon on the phone. ( 0 ) Talk to an operator

74. Who would most likely be listening to this talk?

(AJ Teacho~<S at local schools. (B) Communoty residents (C) Students from out of town. '0) EntMBonetS

75. How often will the class mentioned be held?

(A) Once a week. (B) Twice a week (C) Three tomes a week. (D) Every day.

76. What are those Interested in the class asked to do?


(A) Sogn up today at the community center. (B) Speak woth the coordonators after the talk. (C) Oeposot a check into the bank aocount (D) Take on admoSSIOfls test after the talk.

n, What does the speaker mention is special about Mr. Rowe?

(A) He Is the youngest person to head a company (B) He has followed on the footsteps of his great

lather. (C) He macte a lot of money by onvesbng on stocks (01 He os related lo the company presodent

78. Who does Sam credit his success to?

Ao t.4 Smolll. (8) One of the onvestors. (C) The company CEO. (0) HIS father

79. What woll Mr. Rowe talk about?

(A) How to get In on the good Investments. (B) How to make good business contacts. (C) How to climb up the corporate ladder. (0) How to become optimistoc about work

80. What is the purpose of the speech?

oA) To onvote people 10 a chantable fu~ (8) To ontroduca the MXt speaker

tC) To gove thanks for the dona lions

(0 To announce an upocmong event

81 . Who ts Mr. Gleane?

(A) A Barrie County resident. (B) The mayor of Barrie County. (C) A government worker (0) The presodent ol a paont company.

82. According to Gus's report, what is considered to be most harmful to the environment?

(A) Toxoc sprays (8) Secondhand smoke (C) Gas fumes (0) Toxoc chemicals.

C. Vlhat is the purpose of the announcement?

~ rnVIte stall members to a company event. o call for an emergency meeting.

-., '111tify employees of future repair work on lhe elevator. • guide the listeners to safety.

1M. hat does the speaker ask the listeners to do?

~..,ediately speak to their supervisors. -ake the elevator up to the tenth floor.

~ Walk patiently out of the building. Read through the safety manual.

E. hen should a listener talk to the boss?

someone is not present. R.oght after the announcement.

C Before lhe end of the day. The first th~ng in the mormng.

l!l. .'>latiS theo store celebrating?

""e opening of a new store. A reocord year for sales.

:; '"he retirement of a staff member. - M 1mportant anniversary.

G V.hen does the sale begin?


Fnday. Se1Urday. Sl"'lday.

a 'tll'ten does the store open this Saturday?

a.m ~am.

Bam 9a.m

89. When will the construction start?

(A) January 15. (B) January 25. (C) March t5. (D) March 25.

90. According to the speaker, who will be mostly affected by the construction?

(A) Sales staff. (B) Receptionists. (C) Customers. (D) Staff members without cars.

91. Which of the following is NOT mentioned by the speaker?

(A) All staff members should patk In a specific place.

(B) Some ottlle employees should commuta by bus. (C) People who live close to the office should

share a ride. (D) Sales reps should speak with the receptioniSt.

92. What is causing the flight delays at Heathrow Airport?

(A) A flight accident. (B) The local weather. (C) A secunty alert. (D) The overbooking of flights.

93. When was the Hight originally scheduled for take­off?

(A) t2 o'clock. (B) 2 o'clock. (C) 5 o'clock. (0) 7 o'clock.

94. What is being offered to the passengers at the second floor lounge?

(A) A meal. (B) Accommodations. (C) Snacks and dnnks. (D) Flight tickets.

• ... l.!lfhi!Mi Hi. 17


95. What Is the speaker doing?

(A) G1v1ng OUI on award (B) ln~oducmg u QV<-St.

(C) Making a sales prosentabon (0) Ct--duc~ng an ontel'\liew

98. Whal does lh8 speaker say is in pian fOr Codak in lhe early part of next year?

(A) They"' buy oul Japanese company (B) They W111 shut down one of lhe1r faCIOnes (C) They woll embark 011 a buSIMSS partnership. (0) They W111 merge w11h anolher company.

97. Which of lhe following is NOT true aboul Codak lncorporaled?


(A) It has OV< r 100.000 employees. (B) The company started a decade ago. (0) II has a branch offiCe In Japan. tO) The company 1s plann•ng :o add more planls

98. What Is being advertised?

(A) A ora"' ' agency (B) A gelaway resort (C) A fitness center } A fr ./ fA 'I"'•

99. What does lh8 speaker say about The Adoms and Aphrod1te Paradise?

1A) h • .d by many rave"''$. (B) There are over 500 rooms. (C) Famous people vacatrM lhere. (0) It •• Sllualed near an ocean

100. Which of lhe following is NOT part of lhe amenities offered?

(A) An an1mal shew. (B) Great cuiSine (C) A sw•mm1ng pool. (0) Cycf1ng

Reading Test

In the readong test you wll read a vanety of texts and answer severa different types of reading comprehension questiOnS. The ent..e read ng test wtlllast 75 mu>utes There are ttvee parts and d rvc:tfons are 9J11811for each part You are encouraged to answer as many quesi!Or1S as poss ble w1th1n the time allowed

PartS Directions: A word or phrase Is m1ss1ng 1n each of the sentences llelow four answer choices are g1ven below each sentence Select the best answer to com e e he sentence. Then. mark the letter (A), (8), (C), or (0) on your answer ~l

101 . you want to receive additional information regarding the services we offer, please log onto our website at www. healthelub.com today.

J It B For C) Despite

(D) Whether

102. Sandy Duncan was handpicked by the general manager to head the next project because of

expelience in this field.

(AII>.lr (B) hors (C herself (OSha

103. The changes made In the work1ng condrt1ons at our company resulted in remarkable Improvements in all aspects of our business and ...... more so in the morale of our employees.

tA)all IB) any (C) even (D) a lthough


104. All commuters the ma1n highway to get to the center of the city will face delays of up to an hour today because ot on-going construcbOn.

~use used

C)usmg !DlWI use

1 05. In order to become a member of the country club. applicants have to meet the strict -set by the club president.

(AI requ;re (tl) requ res (C) requ nng (D) requirements

106. The outcome of our meeting today w1th the board of d1rectors will -- - the course of action we will take this year.

(AI determine (B) determtnes (C) determonlng tDI determ1nato<>n

107. The announcement of John Stanton's ret•rement was not well received by most of the staff members, but Leslie, his long time friend end eolleagu e, was extremely ···- to hear that Mr. Stanton will now be able to enJOY some leisure time.

(A) happ1est (8) happily

(C) happ1er (D) happy

1 08. Because many of the warehouse workers were out sick today, Mr. M1ller had to stock the goods on the shelves ••

(A) 1tself (8) himself (C) herself (0) themselves

109. Please accept our - apology for the inconvenience this delay Is causing all the passengers here at Pearson International Airport.

(A) ~•ncere (8) orlg•nal (C) est•mated (0) completed

11 0. The majOrity of the contract - that took place during the year were handled by lawyers from a local law finn.

1AJ negohate (8) negotiations (C) negotiable (0 ne(IOtl8tor

111. It will be next to Impossible to - a room at the Ashton Hotel this week because of the film festival.

(A) reserve (8) respond

(C) connect (D) appoint

112. The presentation of this evening's winners will commene& ---- at seven following dinner at six.

1\1 preci .. (8) preciSIOn (C) precisely oJ precis.JneSS

113. The new sports complex willeceommodate an Olympic-sized SWimming pool and other

- , Including a mness center and a spa, to name just a few.

A fact1b..., I B) categor1es (C) qualities ID)supphos

114. Our new product will be put through a number of --· tests before being released to the public.

(A) dependent 18) foundud

Withhold (0) stringent

115. Mr. Chan's main role in the company for the next two weelks Is to look -· the right person to take over Mr. Shaw's position when he leaves at the end of the month.

(A) in (8• for Cover

(0) from

116. People unanimously agreed that John would have performed a great deal better under more -· circumstances.

(A) favorable (B) favorably tCI favonte (01 favor


II 01

117. After a long and difficult strike, the plant wO<kers will show up to work - Monday.

IAI starting on (B) afterwards (C) instead

(0) outside

118. Scalborough General Hospital has two ·-- for cert•fied x-ray technictans to start


(A open

(B) opener (C) openings (0) openness

119. Matk's Warehouse Clearance Store IS ha111ng a sale with savings of up to 40 percent off on all clothing this weekend • •• celebration of 1ts 25th anniversary.

(A) in

\B) at IC)on (0) of

120. Probe Magazine condu.:ted a survey asking one thousand employees who work in low· paying Industries to express ..... their biggest concerns are.

!hoW (B) when (C) what (D) which

121. Should there be any requests for schedule changes, please notify us ···- ·.

~I prompt

"'·prompted I promptly

(0) prompllng


122. For this weekend only. Bad Boys Electronics Store IS celebrating its first year In bus<ness woth up to thuty percent • on all rterns in the store.

(AI ratml iB) market

(C) economy

(0) diSCOI..nls

123. 1he automobrie parts we requested fOe' our customer got here on - -.

(A) authonty (B) condotoon

(C) schedu e (0) appolnt~ent

124. 1he advertosements pnnted .n th1s magazine do not Imply endOfiiOillent by the management.

(A) highly

(8) barely C gradually

10 ~ecessanly

125. The newly Installed alarm system. which is directly connected to the pollee, will go off if the correct security code Is not entered •••••• 60 seconds of touching the keypad.

E U>der (C) W1thin

10) d rectly

126. The alr11ne requested a call to ensure a seat on my flight back home.

(AI coni rrn

IB) conhrrned (C) confrrrmng

(0) conf1rmahon

127. If the task is too complicated to figure out on own, please don't hesrtate to ask one

of our representatives. who are here to help.


IB) your iC)yoors (0) yourself

128. The hard wor1< put in during his younger years made him become --· sound in his later years.

!A) finance

1Bl fmances !C) fonancial (D) f~nnnclally

129. Ms. Taylor has called the managers to her in the main conference room to discuss next year's budget.

(A) met IB) meet (C) have met !D) will meet

130. .. announcing his retirement, Mr. Kinsley has been busy trying to train his replacement.

(A) Because (B) Once (C) Sonce {D)Whle

131. Please fax us the information immediately because I need to --- the client right away.

(A) notoly (B) speak (C) report (DI attend

132. One of the reasons why our sales team has become a leader today is that they are put through a numb&< of vigorous trainong sessions to keep up with the -- ChangeS Q 1 that occur in the mar1<et.

,A) pro. •Pt>rous (B) continuous (C) straoght (0) mature

133. John is a bit netVOUS because he will gove a speech the board members thos altemoot~.

,A) by (B) on (C) to (D) during

134. Of the many radio statlons in the city. FM 1 09 is conSidered to play the ·- • listening music.

1~ easy (B) easoest (C) more 88SAiy (0) most easoly

135. The new, expensive software was purchased to help keep better ----- of the clients we have here at our company.

(A) recOfd• (B) states ICI poonts oO) mar1<s

136. Only after requests by the tenants did the superintendent do something about the broken intercoms In some of the apartments.

(A) repeat (9) repeated (C) repeatong 10) repetrtoon


137. A rain shower ------- by cold winds is exPeCted to reach our region by this eveoing.

AJ accompany (8) accompan•ed (C) accompanying (D) w1ll accompany

138. The special deal offened by our supplier will last only for a ------ time.

(A) llmrted 18) mir>or (C) paltlal



139. something drastic happens before midnight. the postal WOI1<ers will most likely walk out on their jobs.


(8) Except (C) Unless (D) Therefore

140. The defense attorney contemplated a long time before finally making his decision to

the accused In court.

(A)nttend (B) represent (C) e>.preSS

(0) PC<torm


Directions: A word or phrase Is missing In each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below each santence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then, mark the letter (A). (B). (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 141·143 refer to the following ar1ide.

Bank Mortgage Rates Will Fall

Several of Canada's largest banks --····· to de<:rease their mortgage rates. Royal Bank 141. (A) decide

(B) deciding (C) was decided (D) have decided

revealed its plan to cut key mortgage rates by a tenth of a percentage point across the board,

while T[) Canada Trust w ill decrease its rates by the same ---· except for 142. (A) margin

(B) allowance (C) space (D) surplus

its 10-year rate. The Bank of Montreal will also lower its fixed -rate mortgages on four-year

terms and longer by a tenth of a percentage point.

And lastly, Vancouver Trust has also jumped on the wagon by announcing that it is planning

to ····-- its rates, but the exact n01mbers are still unknown. However, insiders are predicting

143. (A) turn down (B} shorten (C) reduce (D) narrow

that the reduction rates will be similar to those of other banks.



Ill 01

Questions 144-146 refer to the following ai:!vertlsement.


= = =


II 11111111 II 1111111 1111111111 II I 1111111111111 111111111111111'1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~

~~~~~-Smillion ~ in just 4 years using London Life's ~

simple wealth strategy" 1§ - Jane Booth and Glenda Jackson - Investment Advisers

If you're looking to get on the --- to financial freedom but aren't sure of what steps

144. 1A1 path ;: (B)acce" (C) hne (D) track

to take or If your existing Investment portfolio is not doing Its job and needs a major shake up.

then we can help.

Many middle-Income earners have expressed their opinions on how difficult It is to get honest.

straightforward, and unb lased advice that supports their financial goals. According to one

couple, they were working hard as teachers and ne.er thought that they could get ahead on

their until they discovered

145. (A) costs (8) prices (LI charges


London Ufe's simple effective invest•ng teChniques. By following our simple strategy, 146. (A) once

(BJ still y<>t

" ....... we were able to amass a small fortune for the couple! Now, we can show you how you can. too.


=illllllllllll llllllllllll llllll lllllllllllllll lllll llllllll ll lllllllllllll lllllllllllll lllll lllllllllllllllllllllll lllll lll lllllllllllllll lllll llllllllllllllllllliT


Questions 147·149 reler to the follOwing notice.

---- ---------------------------,


Promoting Cycling in our City

An essenJia/ elemem ofthf! 1ranspor1a1ion system in mat'l)' ofrhe cilies around the world is cycUns The city

of Buffalo recot:m:es this and has t/1!>·~/0ped a IO..>ear plan to promote mo,. cycling in 0111" ci (I"

The city's developmen 1 plan includes the addition of more cycling ·- • to our streets. 147. (A) admission

(B) entrance (C) ac:ceRs (0) pa:iS

This, of course, is with the intention of encouraging greater cycling by our citizens in 148. (A) participate

(B) participation {C) partiCipates (0 partiCipated

an effon to mimic the benefits other global cities have experienced, >ueh as the reduction of pollution and trnflic congestion as well as health and social advantages.

Other plans include a coordinated network of bicycle lanes to be interconnected to the surrounding towns as well as the sening up of a number of social programs to provide information to the cyclists.

The eity wishes to hear your thoughts about its ·-· . t='urther information and submission 149. (A) effects

(B operat1ons (C) remed1es (0) proposals

forms are available at our website at: www.cityofbuffalo.gov.us, by visiting your local Neighborhood Service Center, or by calling 755-9333.



:. 01


Questions 150-152 refer to the following email.


Allin Jonathan Wong (mallto:jonathan.wong~hydetransport.com] .. Monday,O<:tober27, 200711:07 AM

10 John Devereux; Ste~ Tracey; Brian Kibble

Co : Alfredo Chen; Jenny Lee

Su~ . Visit to Global Logistics

., ·.~ ·-: __ .. : z -;:··.;::r; ·.

On bellalf of Alfredo Chen and Hydetransport Taiwan, I would like ID thank you for your W3llll hospitalrty dunng our '<isit to Global logistics. ~ was a pleaslre meebng all of you and seeing your operatJons and setup. We were very impressed with your ·-···- facility and your Investment In technology.

150. (A) secure (B) secured (C) securely (0) to secure

As we diSQISSed, we would like to extend our gralilllde by inviting you to Taipei when you are available in the -·--- future. Please let me know when you would like to schedule your----. 151 • (A) prevalent 152. (A) tounsm

(B) surfac<ng (BI tnp (C) foreseeable (C) talk (O)ongoing (0) request

As a se<:ond step, we would also like fur1her to explore your business ventures with Hydetransport. As part of your plan to expand globally, we see much synergy and advantage for both parties to pursue a business partnership in Taiwan.

Thank you once again and I'm looking folward to your respouse

BeS'I regards,

Jonathan Wong . Olrootor I Planning Group

.. .;.. . , ... ~." .. ._. ~ • .·""' . ;


Part 1 Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magaz1ne and newspaper articles, le11ers. and advertisements. Each text Is followed by several questions. Select !he best answer for each question and mark the le11er (A), (B). (C). or (0) on your answer sheet.

Questions 153-155 refer to the following letter_


---- --..------------ ---.-----, October 20, 2006

Mr. Joe Fernandez 1385 Midland Ave. Detroit. Michigan

Dear Mr. Fernandez,

As the president, I am prou.c:J to announce that thts Friday marks the 30th annlversary of our long and successful running country club. This of course, calls for a night of celebration. And lor this reason. we have reserved the Grand Hall at the Falcon Hotel this Frtday at 7 p m. for a night of fine dining and dancing.

On this special evening, the newest members of our club will get an opportumty to listen to the thoughts of our otd~tr members and exchange Ideas in an informal atmosphere. The newest members, who will be carrymg on our tradition, should hear what the older members have to say.

Further, the food will be superb. I've had a chance to d1ne at the hotel several times In the past in other functions. and it was the food that convinced me to hold our event there. I am quite certain that all· of our members Will share my feeling. Anyhow. I am looking forward to this Friday when all of our members can let loose and have some fun.

Therefore. thiS ls a letter OffiCially to inv1te you and your spouse or significant otller to JOin us on thi$ memorable evening.

Please let us know if you can't attend.

Yours sincerely,

I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

' I J I I



l I I ' I I I I I

·------------~-- ~----~---~~---.. ~--~~--~----- ... ------~~--.-.J


153. What Is the main purpose of this letter?

(A) To prov1de Information about the club's history (B) To nobly the members of a yearly meeting (C) To welCome the newest member to the club (D) To 1nv1te the members to an upcormng event

154. Which of the follow1ng Will NOT be part of the event?

(A) DISCUSSionS (B) Entertainment (C) PresentatiOns (0) D1nner

155. According to Mr. Connelly, what led him ~o hold the event there?

(A) It has become a tradition at the club. (B) He has spec1a1 bes with the hotel staff. (C) The hOtel Is located close to the club. (D) He was 1mpressed w1th 1ts menu.



Questions 156-159 refer to the following guidelines.



On arrival at your new horne:

• Try to remember the names of your host family If unsure abOOt how to address them rt os okay

to ask how they would Ike to be cal ed For example H It IS mpol te m your country to call

someone elder by theor first name, ask If It's okay to add Mr or Mrs 1n front of the•r names.

Some Amencans do not hke to be addressed th1s way because 1t makes them feel old.

• Show your family that you are grateful for be1ng your host. But do not g1ve expensive gifts It Is,

however, considered appropnate to bring 1nexpens1ve handcrafts from your country or a small

gilt lor the children of the host famoly

• Your host tam ty w be cunous to know more about you Bnng photos of your tam ly and

friends to share With them. Th1s 1s also a great way to break the tee w1th them.

• After you get settled, your host family wlil help you make a call to your parents to assure them that you have arrived safely.

• After you've had donner, you may ask the hOst family to be exct.Sed early. They wl be fully

aware of the fact that you might be jetlagged so feel free to ask them

On your first day of school:

• On your forst day of school. your host lam1iy w1il take you to school and help you with the

necessary regiStratiOn paperwork.

• Your host fam1!y wtn also make sure that you know yom way to and from school They wiU also

teach you how to use publoc transportabon

• When traveling atone. you should at all times carry a map and the phone number of your nos!


• In case you are lost and cannot get on touch With your host famoly. you can contact the

"Homestay Network"

156. For whom are th<l guidelines intended?

tA Host fam1h& (81 Foretgn studeots (C) School staff (D Alrbn<l work«

157. Which of the folloWing is NOT lllM!ioned in the gu;dehoos?

fA, Fond out how you .hould address the host fam ly (8) Always be prepared for the unexpected (C) Be prompt dur~ng meal times (D) Establish a rapport wolh the host family

158. What might be nn appropriate present for the host family?

(AI A toy train (81 A bOttle of whoskey (C) A camera (D) A cellular phone

159. What IS imploed by the guodelioos?

(Al Americans prefer to .ddress each other formally. (8) Newly amved students often gel lost on the City. (C) Host fam1iles come from educated backgrounds. (DJ Students will depend on the host family to settle in.

11+ l!.h' ,( ,~


Ill 01

Questions 160-161 refer to the following advertisement.



Pump It special offer

Look your best this summer with our state of the art equipment and a tailor-made training Jl(ogram made spec1ally for you by one of our top-rated personal tra1ners.

If you are having a difficult time getting motivated, Pump It js

where you want to be.

With a personal trainer assigned to you, you'U be placed in a tailor-made program that will make you look your best in just 12 weeks..

With our program, you will get the full benefits of ... • Our one-on-one support and expert guidance by the top trainers in our industry • The use or the most updated fitness equipment money can buy, including free weights,

tread mills, bikes, and even a his amd hefS sauna • Ongoing group classes, from aerobi<:1> to yoga to dancercise to 'abs-butts·thighs', just to

name a few • For the time being, absolutely no joming fee and a very affordable monthly membership


So come for a free consultation, and get started today!

Don't miss out! Offer is good until this Friday

310 St. Ge<>rge Street, Suite 601, Chicago T: 755-3422 W: pumpitclub.com

160. Who does this advertisement mainly target?

(A) Anyone who fa•led at dieting dunng the summer (B) PeopJe without much time on their hands IC) Athletes tra~n•ng for upcom1ng compet1t1ons (0) People who need a little nudge at getting into shape

161. What Is NOT offered in the advertisement?

(A) Continuation of organized lessons (B) Personalized coaching to su~ mdividuals' needs (C) Free signup (0) Annual membership discounts





BANKS There 8181wo banl<s on lhe comer of Main and Welsley Street. h's walking distance from the hotel. The hours are Mon-Frt 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

HOSPITAL St. George Hospital, 1000 Bathurst Street. Eme<gency service open 24 hours a day.

POST OFFICE Nearest post offic-e - 4 min. walk down Gerald Road. Hours 9 - S weel<days.

PHARMACY Ground floor of the hotel. Open 24 hours a day.

POLICE STATION Close to tho hotel - On the corner of University and College Streets. Emergency 911

PHOTO DEVELOPING Service available from 9 until 6 dally from your room. Call the front desk. Ext. 000

162. Where would this fnfOOTiatlon most likely be posted?

(A) At a bus stop (B) In a hotel lobby (C) At a shopping center (D) At a post office

MUSEUM 130 Main Road (Near Fairv1ew MaiQ. Bus Nt will take you directly to the museum. It runs every 15 minutes.

TAXI STAND Just outside lhe east wing door. Ask the front desk clerk for assistance with luggage.

GYM 1st aa-nent floor of 11>e hotel

SHUTTLE BUS Shuttle service to the alrpor1 f1V«Y 10 min. Free. Atlhe front <loor.

SHOPPING 250 Main Road. Hours are from 10 a.m.- 6 p.m. on weekdays. 12-5 on Saturday. Closed Sunday.


163. According to the Information, which can be performed at 1 o'clock In the morning?

(A) Withdraw"'9 some cash (B) Working out at the gym (C) Getting medicine for a cold (D) Getting poctures devek>ped

164. What can be inferred from the information?

(A) A nde to the a.rport iS available very Infrequently. (B) Packages can be sent dunng business hours. (C) Guests can get their su1ts pressed right from their rooms. (0) Help Wlth lhe bags is ava La.ble w1th JUSt a phone call.


Questlons 165-169 refer to the following memorandum . ................. ................ = • • ~ • t f • ' • • ; • • • • • • • • c I

• • • ' c : ~ • I • • I • • ! • • • • • • •

TO: Marketing stJiff FROM: jonathan Bl3ir

DATE: August 22


RE: .New Advertising Campaign

We are very excited about our new line of infant clothes thi s year. The following

will give you a general outline of the marketing strategies we have planned to help

promote our new clothes. As you all kno", thi~ is our fin.t anempt in this market, and

we are "nticipating great resultS. And to add to this, we have put together our biggest

and moSI expensive ad campaign in several of the country's largest media .




A thirty-second commercial on 3 of the largest networks duru\g pnmetime hours (7·9 p.m.) for three months . A total of 4 showings on each stat ion dally. Also 5 showings between 9-t 1 p.m. on Saturdays and 6 showings on Sundays.

Will feature a three-page advertisement complete with colorful illustrations and dtscount coupons. Will be inserted Into the middle of all majot' newspaper.; 1n the crty on weekend editions for two months .

Advertising posters on major routes around the city. A total of 5,000 posters will be posted for 1 month.

Everyone is encouraged to submit comments and ideas to the Marketing Department •

• • t •

! •

i i • • • I •


• ~ • • I

.................. • :111 •• • ...... • .. :a .... • .__. • r••w-• •• • ••:w• ... • • • •


165. What IS the maJn purpose of the memorandum?

(A) To recru.t talented people to work on an advertising project {B) To announce the company's future plans (C) To 1nform the ~tall me"1bf>rs about a teleV•SlOil documootary (0) To find a model spokesperson for the posters

166. Who IS the target audience for the new products be1ng launched?

(AI Babies (BlChldren (C)Aduns (D) Seniors

167. What can be inferred from the memorandum?

(AI Local television Is alnng a special oo the company. 181 The company is break ng into a new market. (C) An artiCle abOut the company has been pnnted m the local paper. (OJ The subway ond bus strikes w111 affect the company.

168. How many times will the ad be aired oo a weakday on one station?

(Al 3 bmes

tBl 4 limes (C) 5 times

!D) & times

169. Which of the following is NOT true about the newspaper ad?

(A II Wll' be pnnted 1n van .US COl~.

(B) II w11 be featured on I front page. (C) It will offer discount vouchers. (D) II will be included in the weekend edibons



Questlona17G-172 refer to the following notice.

Are you suffering from RAGWEED ALLERGIES?

Are you one of those people who suffer from:

sneezing? runny, itchy noses?

red, watery, itchy eyes?

during the latter part of the summer months .. .

The Research Institute of Ragweed Allergoes os

currently conducting a study and is asking volunteers

to participate In testing an experimental drug.

Those who pass the qualification procedure

will recetve compensation for his/her part in contributJng to the study.

Call: 905-629-3333 (ext. 1) or Toll free: 1-80CJ.RIRA-5544

E-mail: vo/unteef@research/n$1/tute-ragweed.com Regular hours of operation: Monday to Friday: 9 a.m . to 6 p .m.

Saturday: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Research Institute of RA 4520 Olxla Rd In Mlsslsauga

2 blocl<s SO<J1I1 of Eljllnglon Ave. WWWrllla dWlStrtut~.c:om

170. What is the primary reason for tal<Jng out this noticol?

(A) To announce a mediCal breakthrough 1n curing ragweed allerg1es (8) To Inform the public about the spread of a new type of an allergy (C) To recruit people who are w11i1ng to come forward for a medical cause (0) To prov1de the results of a test conducted by the research lnstotute

171. What can be Implied about ragweed allergies from the notice?

(A) They're most prevalent during the late summer months. (8) Research about them has been O<lgolng for the ent1ra summer.

(C) They have been the mam publiC ISSU8 111 recent months. (0) They affec:t a great number of people living 1n hot climates.

172. Which of the following lnformaUO<l Is NOT found In the noUce?

lA A number where onte<ested people could cal


(8) The specific compensation each partiCipant wtll receove for volunteenng (C) The subJec:t o f the study being conducted (OJ The conditions required for those who want to make a contribution

Questions 173-174 refer to the follOwing adllerusement.

) 1






ICR'S ExclusiVe S15-mlllion Computer Search Program The only one of its kind in the wortd

How credit agencies may not in compliance

with the Canadian Consumer Reporong Act and what you can do about it.

"WE REPAIR CREDIT ..• LEGALLY" • All information is strictly confidential."

Consolidate debts into lower monthly payments!

Call for an appointment: 416-755-7898

173. Who is the intended audience of this advertisement?

People w 10 a ... ".eg "'""'e li Anyone whO IS haw'9 financial problems C) Bus1nesses that are 1n need of tax breaks (0) Workers who must do thetr yearly Income taxes

17 4. What type of soonce does the company offer?

1 It helps thOse who are 1n debt (8) II lends money at low Interest. (Cill invests In potenhal compan1es. (D) It proVIOeS legal counsefong to people'" trouble.


Questions 175-178 refer to the following facsomile.

H/K Services Ltd .

··---~ 431 Bloor Street EMI &ktttlt. W3ith•nQIOM


HanKyu Services Ltd. T~20675688et

Fa~(. 201 ns 8666 Etl'lllllt enQU*'rOhankyu.eom


~---- ------------------~--------------~ To: Room 1204- Mr. Mark Newman, Island Pac1f1c Hotel From· Maggoe Wong Date. November 3

Fax : 555-8624 Fax 775-8655 Pages: 1 page

Please pass thos message on to your guest, Mr. Mark Newman, who IS staying In Room 1204. Thanks.

Dear Mr. Newman,

Mr Ron Devereux has asked me to let you know that he WOUld be very rrterested on meeting wrth you some ~me tomorrow on Saturday. November 4 Please give 11om a can on h1s mobtle poone at (206) 755-1456 to orronge a time. ThMks

Kino ·•ooaro•.

II a;~tt- WOI(j Magg1eWoog PA to Ron Devereux

175. Why did Ms. Wong send the fax?

(A To rese<ve a room at the h">tel B) To convey a message on behalf of her boss

(C) To ask about the price of a room at the hotel (0 To cane• • meetong wrth a customer

176. Who Is the intended recipient of this fax?

(A) HanKyu Services Limited (8 Ron Devereux (C) Mrui< Newman (D) Island Pactfic Hotel

1n. What will the recipient of the fax do?

(AI Check out of the l'totet

(B) Get his room key (C) Go to Mr. Devereux's off•ce (01 Make a telephone can

178. Who IS Maggie Wong?


(AI The prestdent of HanKyu Services Umited (81 A hotel front desk clerk (C) A guest who IS staying at the hotel (0) The personal assostant of the person send1ng the fax

Questions 179-180 refer to the following menu.

..,::_:: .. -i·..o~ .

. :::........ '


Free Dish Choose any one dish from the menu on the back (restricted to $8 or

less food items) with any order over $40 (before tax). Not valid in conjunction with any other offers.

Free Chicken Wings With any order over $18 (before tax). One per order only.

Not valid in conjunction with any other offers.

PickUp Special

20%0FF Not valid in conjunction with any other offers.

Cash payment only. Daily Combo & Complete Dinners excluded.

f79. How can one receive a meal for free?

(A} By paying for the meal In cash

(B) By ordering over a certain amount (C) By picking up the food

2145 Jane Rd. (206) 755-1235

(0) By coming to the restaurant at a certain hour

180. What can be interred from the menu?

(A) The restaurant accepts credit cards. (B) Delivery is not available during weekends. (C) Only one coupon can be used at one time. (0) All the food that is picked up is 20% off the regular price.


• 01

Questions 181·185 refer to !he fotlow•ng letter and e-matl message.



Suzanne Rog&rs Ultra-Ergonon.tc Fum•turo Sales and Sluppmg Department Surte 58. 1 07 Moms Circle Moorabbtn, Vtctoria 3206

Dear Ms. Rogers.

As I'm sure you are aware. our company has been organiung conventions, resttvals, and other large corporate events for tho last fifteen years, nnd In fact we are leaders In the held. We have relied on Ultre· Ergo110mte Furniture for purchase and rental supplies of high-quality furnl1ure for IN! entire period, and we've ,_. had any cause lor complaints with regard to your seMces.

1 am wntlog to you personally to ask e special favor. We recently made an order wtlh your comp3ny for tho supply of rental furniture !hat Includes chairs, tables, partitions, and lectem:o lor an auto show (sec order no. 11·35698A). Unfortunately, a oerioos e<TOr was made In fact tho exposl1Jon begons one week carl>er than lndiCaled on tho ordet lorm. The startmg ~to Is actually July 7. I woutd app<eetato 11 very much '' you could try to do everything you can to ensure that our order bo delivered to us on lh"l date. Also, 11 possible, I'd like to add 20 Pop-up displays on lop of our original ordor.

I realize that thi$ rs a big laVOf to a!<, but on lhe basis ol our tono-term business relat.onsh• p, I hope that you Will be able to find o way.

I'm really sorry for any inconvenience. Please contact me soon

Yours smceroty.

MIChael Robinson Properties Manager mrobinsonOblc.com

Dear Mr. Robinson,

ThanK you fer yoor lett•~ ·was SIJJ)Iised. and of course conceme<J. that you rllld yourself In liltS unto unate situatioo. And of course lwtll do my best to help you. Your company has been one of our best clients Since we began operations In 1978.

l>lr{'~. 1 pt!SOilall)' look a ~ <b•m to our wareoouse thiS mowilg to 'lave a closer lOok at our stock to see d we have all the thmgs you need for your conventtoo - which 1 believe is from July 7 to July 14 1 am happy to say ll\at we will tie able to provide you with everything you originally ri!Quested flowever. as for the additional reQUeSt you made. H woo't be possiiJI;> becatr we ha>n .. ready renlld them out ro anolher dieot dunng ll\at week.

My suggestion is ll\at you come doWn to my offiCe to doscuss other possibiltttes. 1 can take you down to our warehouse. and you can look at our inveotOIY So, please cal me soon to arrange a bme

Kind regards,

Suzanne Rogers. Sales and Sh pping Department

181. Why did Mr. Robinson write the letter?

11- To makr a comptatnt abOut a late del1very (81 To ask for a chango 1n the deltvery date (C) To ~nv•te Ms. Rogers to an auto show

(0) To cancel an O<der he had made

182. What setVice does Mr. Roi:Mnson's business provide?

"''Sell ng 1n1 "'nllng office fumrture (B) Manufactunng aulomobtles (C) Arranging large, organized affairs (0) Oellvenng heavy equ•pment

183. What does Suzanne say abOut Micl1ael's company?

(AI It has been a loyal customer of her company for a number of years. (81 It will eventually get Itself out of the unfortunate s~uat10n 1t 1S lacing at the moment. (C) n should outSO\Irce some of the wori< to speed up the work process. (Dl It needs to expand mto other areas of business.

184. What wtll probably happen when Ms. Rogers meet wtth Mr. Robinson?

l1ltl)l Nl anve 1o1M to the auto show together. B) Ms. Rogers w M opologize lor her mistakes.

(C) They w•ll have a look around the warehouse. (0) Mr. Robinson will hand over a check.

185. Which of the following does Ms. Rogers say she will NOT be able to provide?

(A) Chatrs (81 Tables (C) PM1hons iD) Pop-up displays

Ill 01

8- I, f,,f,: i:liU: ...


Questions 186-190 refer 10 lhe following advertisement and e·mail message •


.. •

Prestige Properties now Available

For discerning customers seoking unique properties, The Hills ReaJ Estate Agency is pleased to

announce the .availability of the following residences in the most upscale parts of our city:

S&w ~ 'fuis benuUlUJ Spantsh·scyle mansion extends over n gently sloping bn.lf:acre block. Conslruct.cd during the boom period of i.he 1920s, il hru:; rei.atned many origbml ru:ch ltcctnral and ltlstorJcal

tCntures while t.he kitchen and bathrooms ha\•e been tastefully mode.t'U.tzcd. Stututing sandstone cooUa<Jts with green l.UW11S and oolodul Dower statden.s., with \iews of Uae ocean from the second Ooor. eau UO\V, lO arrauge a \1eWlug.

ol!.!~·l!loou..._. ( ou,c'f'ilon

If you are seeking an opcn·plan style apartment located In Ute heart of Ute vlbro.nt Inner ci~·

Utolls quiet and secure with a tro.nqull courl)'lltd in Hs heart. thl• i• the proJ>ert.Y ror )'<>"· Tn~y n mdque opr»>rtunil-y, this 3-hcdroom. 2 -balh..roont, ru"Cltitect·dcsigncd conversion eM ofTer t.mnquJllty o.ncl spnce for your ru1JstJc endeavors or can ope;n up to he the perfect party house. Inspect now.

.. \"ldorlan Tcrt"UA.'t•

They do11't conte mucl1 1nore sophisUcat.ecl than U1h; l~·story Victorian terrace built ln 1885. Located on a ·wide semi·clrculnr sU"eet opposite elcgaJtt Vlctotia Park, t.he front garden t\Jld wide upper· level balcony ru·c bathed in generous sunshine during the wtinte.r mouths while being protected from the wlnd. A m.rc opporb.utity for Utose who Jo,·e CQmbining comfot-wble living with elegant enlcriJti>ting. A huge Uv!ng room adjoins a magnificent dining area scl'\·cd by n modern

kitchen wltll JPlenLy of bench·spoc~. Three upstairs bedrooms. two with en-snit£ bathroom.~. plus vt n gu~t bathroom on the ground Ooor. cOnllplete. the plchu"C.

Por JhrtJu~r infonnAUOn ta,nd to arrnnge inspections (appointme:nt only) plense eull our offic."e at 965·2254 or 965-2255 or e·ru.ail atjoh.ncotulor@thehills.com

.. - • .-,I'-~ ;,ro~ .. -~~-,~~~_...-~--:o·--~::::=.~•'OJ"T~~.-.;~IJ'-'-r-:'""'----,zt#-l~~i\7~~

· . -·· _ · <~.:'.·:::.'// -.. · ' -~~-: '· :~?:::.·,-_ -~,-.. · / ·:;T -.'-.. (.:··:··:


- -- -----

Dear Mr. Connor,

I was very interested in your recent advertisement. I am seeking a residence that ca11 accommodate an art studio and possibly hold private exhibitions for the work I do. One of the listed places sounds like ~could be suitable for my needs. Theref01e. I would lik.e to meet with you soon to take a look at lhe place. Could you please let me know when a good time for you is? I am okay anytime this week except lor Wednesday evening. Please get back to be as soon as possible.

Thanks so much for your attentioo.

Lisa Brown: 755·1207

· '

- .. ----=----===..:_ - . ........., :_ , ...... ~--.::;; .. -:.~=--- - .. ~

186. For whom IS ttus advertisement most hkefy tntended?

N., .. yweds who IOOkong for a cozy place (B) People who have financially establoshed themselves (C) Anyone who Is loOking for a bargain (0) Families woth many children

187. Who is John Connor?

AI An arcMec1 IB) A real estate agent (C) An artist (0) A hostory professor

186. According to the e-ma1l, Which of the fOllowing places woll most likely suit Ms. Brown the most?

(A) Santa Rosa (BI Warehouse Conversion (C Voctorian Terrace 0 None of them

189. What is the main purpose of the &-mail?

(AI To receive information about an art exhibit (B) To set up an appointment C) To put her apartment on the market 0) To reply to an onquuy she received from the man

190. What can be Implied about Ms. Brown?

lA She is an artost. B) She buys and 5e1 propemes. C) She IS interested In taking out an ed (0) She COO<donates serrunars and conferences for a hvong.



Questlon s 191·195 refer to the following pohcy and memo.














- ---- ________ .__. _____ ._..

Nnl Vocation Polley

All ·-- clclya - be toloM wfdlln riNt calendar year wfdl -" ,..._.. sulomlltH and appaowad by your direct JUpae vllo.rt:

I.AII n-emp~ .,... ontltled tD three weeks' paid -=arion per )'UI'·

l.Any emfllo7- on dleir probationary period will not be lnclud«< under policy until his/her 3 months Is up.

l.Ait - requesa - be mode In Wl'lq .. least 2 --. In ad¥anca of ~r requested do-. These will be approwd at thto d iscredon of your supervisor accordin& to your clepanmontal .....tclced ~romems.

4.AII YIC8don days ,.... be caJr.n wldlln the calendar )'lllr. Oth-.., ~will lose diem.

5. Only one person per Individual ~ moy be ""''f on vacation for a period of a week or mo... (to ensure sufficlent ltlfllna Is available In eath clepar;mt~).

6. Emfllo7- wiM recelw an extra week of vacation dme for ... ry 5 yean of addldonal service.

7.A ...xlmwn of two weel<s' vacation (at one dme) moy be taken. Certain requests for forcer period of nation moy be considered for oxceptlonal circumstances. Pleue ... your supervisor If this Is ... pllcallle

8. W. ~ enc:ou'""' al our ••'l>k>>- tD spread out ~r vacation days and enJo7 them..,__

--- ---------------..-Vacation Request Metno

To Sally Benson. Supervisor, H""""' Resources From Mary Black Date January 5 2007 Re Vacabon Request- for January 25- febrJal)' 8 2007


Th1s ia a memo to g•ve you advance no11ce of my request lor my upcom1ng vacat•on days of January :'>5 - F&btuary 8

~ wriUen on the vaca!JOI'I poloc:y. ' am provo<J ng ample no~co of my reqcol$tocl days So hopefully, theSe 2 woeks wo be okay to be oway fiom ll'>e office We are p annong a fam ly retrto.~ which "-d been planned for the last couple of years.

I know that I have JUst recently to•red the company and normally wou d reed to wa t unt l my probatoonary period s over before taking My vacatJOO days Howeve< 110 )'<lU may recall thls request for aome advance days was dOlCUSS<>d and ogreod to ., our negoiJaloon meetong$ "' late November

Thank you for your understandlfiQ, I will make sure that my work 1s covered to a:vOKI any disruption In my projects.












191. WhiCh of the followtng is NOT stated In the policy7

A "'gular employ.~ are allowed at •.. ,st three wetoks off tn a year Any request for ttme off can be rejected depend1ng on the corcumstances.

1 Any vacalton time not taken will be compensated at the end of the year. tl) A three-week holiday can be granted If a legitimate reason Is provided,

d2. Aeeotd1ng to the poltey, how many vacabon weeks would an employee who has worked at the ompany for 11 years receive?


!I Four Ave Six

'tS3 Why did Mary write the memo?

To make a request well ahead of lime To 1nform the staff of the new policy

To poont out a mistake on the polocy To ask for a day off next week

~ What can be inferred about Mary from the memo?

Sh has been W1lh thP company for le•s titan three months. She has not met ner larmty for over two years. She has Close toes to some tmpo<tant people on the company. She took her last vocation 1n November 2006.

t95. Which of the following Information Is true?

~"'Y w mo.,; I g.,· exempted from rule number 2.

Mary 1S not abidtng by rule number 3. Mary 1s ent1tled to take advantage of rule number 1.

D) Mary only has a year left to go to be cons1dered for rule number 6.


Ill 01

Questions 196-200 refer to the following information and application.

Preferred Customer Card Application Procedure

Please complete the attached form at least two weeks prior to your next visit to Trinity Spa. A photocopy of some photo identification must be included as well as full payment for administrative fees in order to assure the full benefits of the P1·eferred Customet· status as oudined in our information package. Please send the completed form by fax (416) 538-2099 to the attention of "The Preferred Customer Card Administrator' or to the following address:

"Tize Preferred Customer Card Administrator• Trinity Spa, J Hazel/Tee Lmze, Toronto, ON

Please allow two weeks for proper processing. If you have any questions or comments, please send an email to PCCA@trinityspa.org. We are looking forward to welcoming you as a Preferred Customer.

..---------------------·-----------------· ' Trinity Spa Preferred Customer Card Application Form


First Name: .s'·~ Surname: 1111A-L Please check: Mr. Mrs. v' Miss

Date of Birth: October 16. 1976

Mailing Address: .115 t{,,_.,,C, .s'~ .s'«<l'd~ T.t-..e., (}_, ~#5!/-389

Preferred Services:

1 h.,;,/~ 2. A-.tr«£~ 3. 1/ •• Cii

Home phone: 755-4900 Business phone: 243-2840 Fax. No. (area code): 416·243·0400 E-mail: sallyh@pj.com

Ms. Dr. Other


1 I v'J Pick up at Customer Se!vice Center

I [ ]Bymail 1

~~-s~-,~~==----~~~:~ _________ , ____ _j 34

'96. What Is asked to be sent with the application fonn?

A) The memberstup card (Bl A passport-sized J)lcture

(C) The document process1ng fee (D) The annva mernbe<Shop fee

• 97. How can someone make further onquines?

' By fiiX

IBI By e-ma11 (C) By phone ,O)Bymall

198. What Information Is NOT requested In the fonn?

tAl Last name IBl Birthplace C) Contact number

!D Today"s date

199. How will Sally Hancock receive the card?

;AI By regular ~a, (B) By showong up on person C) By send1ng her assistant 0) By a special delivery

200. When will Sally Hancock"s application be .approved?

lA) September 25 (B) October 9 (C) October t 6 0) Octobe< 30









8. I






















Directions: You will near a question or statement and tnree responses spoken '" E nghsh They will be spoken only one lime and will not be onnted in your test book. Select the bes1 response to tile

<Juestion or statement and mark the letter (A) (B), or (C) on your nnswm shoot


You Will hear Where •s tile meeting room?

You will also hear· (Al Tt' 'lleel'l•t> n~w d~rector (8) It's the first ovm on the nght (C) Yes, atlWo o clock

The best response to tile question ''\'>!here Is the rneetmg room?" Is choice (B), "It's the first room on the nght," so (B) 1sthe correct answe< You should mark answer (B) on your answe< shoot

Mark your answer on your answer sheet 26. Marl< your answer on your answer sheet

Mark your ans~ on your answM sheet. 27. Mark your answer on your an~-wtn t;}lttttt.

Mark your answe< on your answer sheet 28. Marl< your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 29. Marl< your answer on your answer sheet

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 30. Marl< your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet 31. Marl< your answer on your answer sheet.

Mall< your answer on your answer sheet 32. Marl< your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 33. Marl< your answer on yo~>r answer sheet

Mall< your answe< on your answer sheet. 34. Marl< your answer on your answer sheet

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 35. Marl< your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answB< sheet. 36. Marl< your answer on your answer sheet.

Mall< your answer on your answer sheet. 37. Marl< your answer on your answer sheet.

Mall< your answer on your answer sheeL 38. Mar11 your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 39. Marl< your answer on your answer sheet.

Mall< your answer on your answer sheet. 40. Marl< your answer on your answer sheet

... *as: You w I hear some conversa~or,s belwccn lwo people You Will be asked to answer = about wt>at the speakers say Ill each ccrversa!lOn Select the best response to

=~m and mark the letter (A) {BI (C) or ( Ol on your answer sheet. The conversalions Wll

~ nme a!'d will no: be pnrted on your tast book

access som<r.h111g on his

~-.:»~'>a owner for f'!ars lo'lles great service.

1111<1 oaan os Mr brother

w::!""311 s car

44. What was lhe man supposed to have received from Mr. Jones?

(A) Fax IB) Erna• (C) Phone ca I !O)Mai

45. What did Jlllle do yesterday?

(A) Left a message. I B) Seot 01.1 an o.der. (C) Received fax. (0) Talked 10 Mr Jones.

46. What is lhe man worried about?

(A) He won l have time to "1€€1 " lh the cli9fll. (B) He thinks he is not marag111g his stair welt. (C) He mig,t not have enoogh tune to deliveclhe

order (D) H~ has no, been able to respond to a cneors




47. How long has lhe Hoght been delayed?

Al · ho<Jr

(B ) 2 hol;rs. {C)3 hours. t0 )4 hours

48. What is ttle reason tor tile delay?

(A) The weather condttoon ·~bad

iB) There's a seculltyoomplocatJon. (C) An engine problem h:Js ~ 0) The a1111ne sta" made a book1ng m.sta~a.

411. What Will the man do?

'A I Use another mo<l8 cf tn~nsportatJOn (B) Ask the cfiont to come to the office. (C) Schedul" the mn<1llng for a later ome {())Attend the SGm,nar a little early.

50. What has S:,oMe done lhts morning?

tAl Plo....Ja o

(B) O<dered tuncn.

(C) Met w11h a cllaflt (0) Po <I he< phon• hill

51, Where is Sylllie?

(A) Allunch (B) At tile lactory

(C) In a meeton9 (0) In her ... ~

52. When IS Sylvie expected to return•

IAH an hot ·


I B ) In two hours (C) In three noure (D) In four hours

53. What does the woman want to know?

A The Jlf\C8 of lhe &peCial mer " (B) Today's se cellon of lood (C) The brand o1 oonee avail&ble (O't 'he ye"' of It¥' 'NIIl"' ~. <'"'<<

64. What is being offered at no cost? (AJ OrtnKs (8\0essert tC) Appet12e• (D) Soup

!>5o What Will the woman most l•kely do next?

r.t; I Order food

(B) Pay lor her meal (C) Th1nk of what to eat

(0) Eat her food

56. Where is the conversatiM taklng place?

A n a bani<. tB)At a photo studio

(C) In an accountong offoco CD) At a :store open ng

57. What does the man want to do?

tAl Writ" out a checl tBI Ma<e an to card (C) Open a baok account 10, Tak& a PICIUfe,

58. What do&s lhe woman request from lhe man?


(8) A OISoCOUOI coupon I C) A pic ture 10 (D) Some forms

59. What will the woman most likely do today?

(A) Go for a JOb lntetvlew IBl Visit the art gallery. (0) Ring up an old fnend (D) Me!ltWJth her brother.

60. On which part of the day is the conversation most likely taking place?

(A) In the momlng. (B) During lunch. (C) In the attemoon. (D) In the evening.

61. What can be inferred about the man?

(A) He works at the company the woman is applying to.

(B) He is an aV>d arllover. (0) He doesn't get along With his supervisor. (D) He •s looking for a better opportunity.

li2. What does the man ask the woman to do?

\A) A«end a meebng on h1s bahall (B) Take care ot an existing cltent. CO) Dnve him to h1s chant's oft1ce. I D) Pick him up at 5 o'clock.

13. Why Is the man asking for a favor?

A) He 1S tied up at his office. B) He has to attend to something else C) He doesnl toke working alone.

D) He has a family emergency to take care ot.

k When will Susan meet with Mike?

AI Belore she goes on her appointment B' After she meets woth the new client. C) At three o'clock In the afternoon. D Alter she finishes with the emergency


65. Who most likely Is Mr. Jackson?

(A) The proofreader. (B) The author. (C) A publisher. (D) The photographer.

66. When will the final draft be ready?

(A) In May (B) This weekend. (C) Next week. (0) At the end of this month.

67. Howwilltheymeet the deadline?

(A) By reeerving the pictures thrs month. (B) By hrnng more writers. (C) By asking the staff to work overtima. (D) By getting an extensoon on the deadline.

68. What are they talking about?

(A) An article the woman read In ltle local newspaper.

(B) A plan for a »urprise blrlhday pany e>t a co-worker.

(C) A place where the man can take his wife on a special day,

(D) How lhe woman was proposed by her fiance

69. How does the man know of the place the woman had gone over the weekend?

(A) He read It In the local paper. (B) His fnend had mentioned rt (C) He went there before. (D) ~le lives nearby.

70. Which of the following doss !he woman mention about ihe place?

(A) The pnce is very affordable. (B) The food is rather good. (C) It has a relaxing atmosphere (0) It is her favorije restaurant.




Directions: You w11f hear some short talks g1ven by a smgte w eaker. You wilt be asked to arswer

three questions about Willi! the speaker says .n each short talk Select the best response to each

quesoon ana mark the letter (A) (B). (C) , or (0) on your answer sheet The talks w111 be spokeq only one time arK~ w I not be pnnted In your test book.

71. Who is Mike Lee?

(A) A travel agent. (B) An airline &mployee. (C) A passenger. (0) A delivery person

n. Why is the caller leaving the message?

(A) To not1ly ol a found luggage. (B) To confirm a !light reservat1on. (C) To report a miss1ng 1tem. (D) To apologiJ:e for a mix-up.

73. What does the speaker request from tne listener?

(A) To call him back. (B) To pick up the bag. (C) To pay for the tickets. (D) To proVIde more 1n!ormatior~

74. What Is the main purpose of the announcement?

(A) To tell the shoppers that the store will close soon.

(B) To announce tomorrow·s apeclals to tne customers.

(C) To thank the customers for shopping at the store

(D) To not1ly a change 'n the store hours to thB customers.

75. Where should those Interested in the special go?

(A) To the vegetable section (B) To the checkout counter (C) ro the manager's office (0) ro lh" m<>at depo.rtm<>nt.

76. How much is one kilogram of the European sausages?


(A) Two do• tars. (B) Four dollars (C) FIVe O<lllars. (D) Ten dollars.

n. Who Is Richand?

(A) A chef (B) A wa1tperson. (C) A customer (D) A baker

78. Which of the following is NOT part of the set meals?

<A) Wine. (B) loo cream (C) Coffee (D) Cake.

79. How much does t1sh dinner cost?

(A) Five dollatS. (B) Twelve dollars (C) Alteen dollars (D) Twenty dollars.

80. Who is speaking?

(A) The company president (B) The sales manager (C) A satisfied customer. (0) An accountant

81 . Aocordlng to the speaker, what did the sales manager say?

(A) The sales have surpassed everyone's expectabon

(B) The sales reps are working hare! to meet the~r quotas.

(C) The customers are not very salis«ed WJth tho!~ :lervice

(D) They need 10 Increase the price or !heir pnoducts

82. What does the speaker say might happen at the end of the year?

(A) The company will mtrOduce a new producl (B) The sales manl!ger will get s promotion (C) They will get the result of the survey (D) The workers wtll receive a b1g bon~s.

83. Who is Ms. Boothby?

(A) A folk singer. tB)Thehosl (C) An eng1neer. (0) A cC>nduclor

84. Which of the following is mentioned about the Young Asia Ensemble?

(A) The muSlcal group was put togethef only recently.

(B) Alllhe members do not share the same nabonality

(C) The group is currently on a lour around Asia. (0) They speciafize in natural acoustic sound~

85. When will the mentioned groups perfonn at the festival?

tA1Today 1 B) Th1s weekend. (C) Next week :D) Next month.

86. How often is the event held?

(A) Onoe a year (B) Once ewry two years. (C) Once every five years 1D) Once evetyten years.

17. Who is Nathan Davidson?

(A) Ash1pbu1lder. iBJ A SCientiSL [C) The- convaner. '0} A publisher.

88. According to the speaker, what is expected to happen toward the end of the year?

tAl Another sem1nar will taKe place. tB) The research pro)ecl will be oompteted tC} A book Will be published. 10) The world'& largest ship will be built

89. Who is Michael Sanderson?

(A) An actor. (B)Thenost (C) A C1111C.

(D) The director.

90. What is •oanget'ous Mission"?

(A) A radiC> show. (B)Af1lm (C) A book. (D) A play.

91. What will be alnad first?

(AJ An mterview wilh lhe stars (B) Commercial breaks (C) Behind the seem• stories. (D) The Cline's opinion.

92. What is being advertise-d?

(A) Electromcs store. (B) Supermarket. (C) Record sh()p (Dl Pa1nt~ng store.

93. When will the event take place?

(A) Today. (B) Th•s weel<ena (C) Next week. (D) Next month


94. Which of the following will NOT be part of the day's event?

CA) Price d1scounts (B) Face paintings. (C} Performances. (D) Free gweaways


115. What is an appropnata topic of the report?

A) Tho Q"v@mm...,•·~ olan to fWQd•cal f'lt~lubon In ou· air

(B) The fishermen and their way olltfe tn tho sea (C) The d""th ollhoosands o• tlsh ln our Jakes (0\ Tlte •. •IC wa:;tt on thi!IS!JttM river~

98. What caused the problem mentioned?

A) The''"' ·•s frol"' ~utomOI> ··••n tn.. "Y tB) The SIMU ng or wast& from local c;ompanies. (C) The lack of fund to clean up the ctty

(D) Tha ma•s &Kodus of city workers to other ~tat ...

f7. Ac<X>rding to the repo<t, what Is the gowmment th11'1klng of doing?


A\ Banning fishing '" the IO<:aJ lakes (B) Hiking up fines lor tllegal dumping.

(C) Build1ng more waterways Ill the C"Jty tO) Hlnng more gowmment ofloclafs

98. Why is the woman calling?

tAl To 01 ,, 'ndw """ pment (B) To set up a dat<> lor the move tCI To gi\'9 detatts of a day's e.ent. 10) ro m•~ .. plan• •-. the 'Nil"' •1nd

98. When WtM Michael·s staff be busy?

(A) Thur·d~~ (B) frtday (C) sarunday :D) Monday

100. What will Michael most likely do on Friday?

tAl Help" th fho ,.,..-.~ (81 Stay home tC) Pack away personal items .0) Set up lhe eqwpmenl

All • ..,Teet In IN retlding test. you will read a variety of texta and answer -.1 dil!erent type$ of reading

compreheiiBion quaatlona. Tha entire raadng teat wll lUI 75 mlnutas. ~ ara three parts. and di.alolll n given !of each part. You.., 8I1COUIIIgld 10 answer as ITIIfiY ~Ions as possible

within the lime allowed.

Dke al ~- A word or phi-. Ia mleaing in e.:h crllhe Ml1t8nCeS below Four -wer choice&.,. given below each aentence. Select the bast .,,_ to complete the sentence. Then, mark the

~(AI. (8). (C). or (D) on l/OUI' .,._ sMaL I

101. Due to popular demand by lhe staff members, the scheduled talk by Mr. Smith w1lltake place

Room 15 instead of Room 20 as was first planned.

\A) n (B) on (C) of

(OJ as

102. I extend my Sincere • • to the lamily and friends of John Miller, whO hu suddenly left us at the age of 54.

(A) apo<ecl8toOn

(6) descnpt on (C) condo·ences

(D) cnorges

103. Hotel employees are remlrldiJd to be ... _ and courteous, especially to flfSI·time gues1s.


·. ' r..,.-,c:J

(8) frl(>rlds IC) fnendly

10) fnendsh1p

104. Tha government Issued a warning to lace' compan1es tho1 all waste must be d1sposed of

·-·· or they will lace heavy titles.

{A) corrects (6) corn,cting

(C) correcllon

(0 C01'18CII)'

105. Golf Weekly Is a newly published magazJne that caters .. to experienced and Inexperienced goiters who are just learn1ng to play the game.

• bolh

1BI nettle< (C) either

(D) so

108. We are seeking an to represent us In talks with our Japanese clients.

.. ontarpret {l:l) llltetpreter

(CI interpret11'9 (0) interpreta:1on

107. FolloWing a widespread dispute over wages, both parties Involved --- came to an agree"""'' ro end the three-month watl<out. as lhe company offeted higher wages and jOt) guaramees.

(AI .,.qualty (Bl finally CCJ annuatty (D) lncroaslflQty

1011. A new booklet explaining the process ot course selec-Jol\ alOng Wl'd'l coun&eling serv..:es Is -- to any student Interested rn receiving ll~lp .

A rotemoJ B) av:t>:lble C) expressed

10) IIPPIOaching

109. Tl'e vast number ot new businesses the coty •s attractrng Is gooc! news for the local economy; however the -- of vacant office space Is something the mayor has to figure out soon.

ll tl'8101f>g

(C) Gl1ortage

101 exaggera~ion

110. We believe that recent changes in state laws. the majority vote standard is now ln the best Interests of the company and its sharehoklefs.

IAI due to IBlwhereas (Ct 01 herwlse

101 ins'ead of

1 11. - In universities around the nation has more than tripled compared to this time last year.

1A) Enroll tBl Enrolls (Cl Enrolling D) Enroliment

112. Mr. Pennlogton retires, he will receive an annual pensron of more than fifty thousand dollars from Paclo.ouu tncO<pOrated.

(I' Often tB)Once !C) Whoever tDI Somebmes

113. .. Mr. Bingham's promotion became official, many of his colleagues have approached tom to congratulate him.

\Af Despite (8) Ctolt (C) Since (D) During

114. John Clarke, who Is in the prime of his career, has been ranked --- the top 1 0 players In tenniS history by Sports Daily.

A) at (13) Into (C)amor19 (0) from

115. Due to th-e heavy damage the storm has caused in some rural areas. It Is predicted that the cost ot fruots and vegetables Will be th•S summer.

(A)rncrease (B) ·~creases (C) 10 increase (D) oncrea:song

116. All of our stores will be extending their busoness lloora during the holrday season, but we will go back to our -- hours Bftet the new year.

(AI "'!JUiar

fB)regUals fC) "'!JUianty

10) regulantles



117. Sarah Ewing received rave f04' her outstanding pertom>ance In her portrayal of a slngle mother raiSing two Children m the ghetto in the 70s In the new blockbuster rn<lVl8 S.ngle MOO'n.

cA, mspectlons (Iii artJcles

IC ~·ews \0) SUM!YS

118. Bad Boys E:ectronlcS Store fOI.fld under tn<:reased medlll attenbon after rts manag« woo ind<cted for embezzling an undtscloted amount of money.

I 00'>

(B) thetrS 1Cl himself (0) •!•elf

11 g, S04'ne of our ctlents have complatned that the time It takes lo get a - from a serv.ce representative Is enough lo make them not want to use our services agatn.

' .ospons4

Col rospondtng (C) resoonded (0) respond

120. After a long and gruesome season, Jeff Willis has been performing better since the playoffs started a week ago.

~· StO v~

{RI e~gn~•canl (C) • ignificMey {0) s.gnif•cnnlly

121 . The new store, - Is currently undergoing


construction, will have hs grand opening sometllne ne~t spring.


(Bi wnere !Ci wnen (0) which

122. In a desperate move to Increase lhe•r revenues to meet lhe•r sales goal, the company Is plannong to offer a specoal diSCOUnt its customer.;.

(A) by (B) to C) wjtt,


123. ---- In computer techno! ogy are allowing users to reec;h omo a11y part of :he wO<Id by just cl.ckong a mouse.

(A) A<:Jvan~cmenl

(B) A<:Jvaoces (C) Advancing

!D) AQvur-ce

124. The company's profits are -- to hot the•r peak n me next quMer maonly doe 10 the ..-or ns new line of cloll\ing.

!A) forec<11t IB) foreca1t•ng C) to forecast

10} will forecast

125. Mr. Gonzales. who hal' been a --·-·· member of the ccunlty club f04' over 25 years, has recently been appoonted presodent.

•AI first (B) valued (CI st rong


126. The - of clombing to the top of the COqXlrllle 'adder is best oet ned •n the new book publiShed by Soot! Thompsot' one of tho most successful businessmen In htstor.y.

'A) chall""'l·

(1::1 cwnensoon (Cltntrodu<:L-on (01 compi!S!;ion

t27. The --- tough training given by our company cte81eS strong end able sales representab';es who perform wei above others in 11\e same fiekl.

IA)ondlffer-e"tly (B) presumably

(C) completely IDl vnbearably

128. The new dOme builtin the center of town hovses many new facij''-· oncludong a hotel - 'OOITlS tholt NM• A ~ view Of the stadium that is

A ompress B t.'""1oression

G Impressive


1211. 011' staff prefers to lly than to use otheo' MOdes of ttansportatoOn Slnce rt IS much mote

"' OPtona• protectiVe

..., e.xceSSIV8

10 conveni~t

130. the job market Is not stable, those who persist will be able to land jobs eventually.

nhelhe. Therefore Eve-n if So that

t11 Oor team enjoyed a I O·game winning streak at the start of this season, -····· our position 89 the top team In baseball.



'C) reconfirming


132. Mr. Bonn reassured 8VefyOOe that a ···­copy ot the report woll be available by this afternoon's ~ng

(A ....-.ose (]) revosing

(C) rev,.oon

(0) revised


133. They tlad to stop the production hne for nearly two hours alter a problem was discove<ed and the woll<ers had to waot until IIIey -··· instructiOnS from ltlelr supenas

(Al raosed (8) receiwd (C) persuaded (Ol contended

134. My plant workers .. overtime work al1ould immediately speak to their supefVisor right alter this announcement.

(A) """" (8)-.l<s (C) seek ng (0) w•ll seek

135. how difficult the shuatlon may seem, it is v-ery important to remember that tl'lere are ot~e<S who are in WO<Se situations.

11'1 As,, IBJ Even so IC) As though

(D) No matter

136. The detective ···-- the aolvlng of this case to an oanonymous phone calltt1e police received a lew hours before the arrest took place.

(A) accused

(B) presented (C) attributed



137. l t is easy to read Sam because he---· ­squints when he fincls himself in an uncomfortable Situation.

(AI habotually (81 habotual (C) habota IDJ habit

138. Many fans wwe shocked when the team captaln. John Turner, Signed a two-yaar


contract with a - team for an und•sclosed amount.

(.Ai flval (BJ partoal (C) renewed

(01 contrastong

139. The --- behind the yellow tape is prohibited to anyone without a precs pass.

(A) P'"'tong (B) scenery (C) exte<>or tO) area

140. One ol the things that a good manager should do Is to - - -· the work on equal shares amongst the t~ memb41ra.

(A) a 'oiiCXl (Bld!V>ded

!Cl d•vl<les (D) dlwtong

Part6 Dloactlana: A word or p.'Y&Se os mi9Sk1g ., each olthe "'t~es below FO<Jt 81'$- choicel 8111 Q 2 ~ below each se!lleoce. Select the best answer to complete the sent•mce Then <nark the *'-' w. (B), (C), or (1)) on your answer sheet.

Gue&llona 141·143 relerto the follow~ng e-mail


1 beloeve you should by now have recerved 11M! copy ol our company profile Ulat we ·---·-- in our last 141. (A) are dSCUSSing

(81 had d SCU$sed

(C) were on d1scussoon (DI wolf be discussing

meeting. In it you will find the nec;essary Information you requested. If you still haven't r&celved It, please feel free to contact me.

M~ay, to keep the ball rolflng, our Chairman, Mr. Langley would like to have a meeting with Ms R~ end/or you In Detroit on eny date tram March 20111 to March 24th to have a lwtller diSCussion on 11M!--- of cu cooperation. 142. AI most feasi:>Je

Bi feastbl) ,C, feas.b< ry D) more feasoble

Tho6e dates have been chosen since Mr. Langley will be lr1rveflng extensively in -· - Mart:h end 143. (AI ne<lher

(BI either (C) oach

(D) both

Apllf. However, if our suggested dates do not suit Ms. Russell, lhen please let us know your preferred date for the meeting.

Best regards,


OlMCtiona144-146 refer to the follo•~~no adven•sement.



London's premier clusical m&J5ic matu•ne. 30 Symphony, is seeking a designer to join o&Jr team.

The ideal candidate is someone qualifications m&Jst include a working knowledge. of 144. (AJ who

'Blwhorn _\whose

:o whlct\

Adobe Creative Suite 2 (lndesi,n, Adol>e Acrobat. Photoshop and lllustl'lltor) on a MAC OS

X platfonn. An undersanding of matiUlne layoot. press ad design, and pre-press Will l>t highly = - -. :

145. regard reg:liCS

• regartfed lDI regardtng

The position is p3rt· time from Wednesday to Friday. and the person must be able to woric to

the press&Jre of strict deadlines. The candidate m&Jst also be reliable and possess a keen eye for

detail.lr selected. you'll have the advantage of working within a young and dynamic team

~SIOflS of mterest can be emailed to joan@threedsymphony.com.

146. (AI Circumstances tB) enwonment IL) baCk[;~rOUOd

(0) ll'ddent



~ Ulllf 111111 111111 IIUJIUIIII IIIII, IU I IIU IIIIIIUUIII !Jill 1111111111 IIIL 1 1 11 lllltJIIIIl llllllf ttl I llllllltU 11111 IIUII II


Questions 147·149 refer to the IOllowong news

----- --------------------------------Pet DisUkes of Urban Life

According to a survey conducted b) the city of Bo>l<•n, traffic, poUunon and noose wen: found

to be the lea,, - • aspects or"""& in lhe city. 147. ~ des rable

• ) e<ectaLe !Cl seasonable ID) permissib le

The . administered as part of the city's locnl action plan. a.'ked lhe c1tizcn~ of Boston 148. 1 •


- J<JNf1Y rl r'IV':I A~i;.l.()n

aboultheor likes and dislikes of1heir surroundings.

The resuiiS of 1he survey communicated proxirruty (27.02 percent) and communoty charac1er/

•illage feel ( II.S4 percent) to be at the top of lhc li't of things most liked about cuy hk

The respondents felt the protectoon or enhancemenl of hentagc ( 16. I percent) and open space

(15.:59 pereenl) weoe tlo: lwu ~nngs ohey most desired lhc city 10 have.

On the Other hand. traftlc ( I 0 .22 percent), general noise (9.98 pcrcenl). and parking (7.52 percent) withm the main con: or the city were lbc

149. anractive part> of II'~~~~ m the city.

E.­, .... a few (0) least

---------- ----------------------------------- -




Editor's Welcome

Welcome to sum Ufe's l•ve and •ntinvtr crlrbration of thr 200th ed•tion of --. 1 so. ~ publj9h

• : IUblislw1g

·- to pubtiStl 10) to be published

In the next few pages. wr N1le a spea.l feature to let you meet thr luminaries who have

INdr grut contnbutions to O<K maguine. l'Mw special ~ wll also entertain you

tho> Fnd.ly, Octob« 27, at the Srmt Uft 200th Edition G.tQ Qlebr.tJOn at Queen's Qui~.

Ton:>nto If you can't ph)'$1ca"Y be !herr tonight. settle ~ and enroy our magazuw.

and try to ----~ of these talented artists the next time they are 1n your area.

161. (A) win (8) ga•n ,Cieam tDl catch

So u thr curtains go up on the night of nights - Slrttl Lift's celebration of 200

fabulous ed•tions- please raose your glass to Ton:>nto's most popular magazine

Ht're's to ---- 200 editions! 162. (A) other

bl another iCI one anott>er !01 each otner

Carl Strveru

Part 7 Dlreetlons: In th1s oart you w111 read a select1ori ot texts, such as magaz1ne and newspaper

articles. luttcors, ano odvcrliwments. Ea~h t .. xt Is followed by several questions. Select the best answer lor each question and mar'< the let1er (A), (8) , (C), or (D) on your answer shr.et

QIJost!on@ 1!;;!-1 ~s refer to the following advertisement.

SAVE .20°/o I~• only o phone

call owoy


Over 30 fi.ve-star hotels all over the nation to suit your every need

Reserve a room today, and you will save 20% on all rooms at Maycott "Room lor the Day" (excluding tax) by using your Amertcan Express Corporate Carel.

Due to seasonal demands, the availability of rooms may be subject to each hotel's situation.

An advanced reservation, to be made by calling our toiHree number 1·800·755·0090 at least 10 working days before your stay, is required to qualify for the discount.

153. Which of the follow1ng is NOT a condition plaoed on receiving the discount?

(AI A guest must use a spec1flc type of cred.t card to pay for a room. (B) The booking must be done well in advance of checking Into the hofel. (C) The reservations must be carried out by calling the to!Hree number. (D) Guest>; must make U1eir payments In casll.

154. What will the discount apply to?

(A) Accommodations

(B) Meais (C) TransponaMn

(D) Sales tax

155. What can be implied from the advertisement?


lA) Most travelers don't make a hab~ of making reservations prior to checking ln. (B) There Is a business relationship between the credit card company and the hoteL (C) fhe hotel gets very busy dunng the summer season. (D) It usually takes a m1mmum of 10 days for a credit card to clear.

Unmarried Women Becoming Homeowners

An increasing number of single women are buying ow,;, own homes, according to Industry

experts. By contrd>~ the figures for unmarr•ed men buying houses or apartments show

no increase. What Is behind this trend7 I put the question to analysts at the Real Estate

Institute, who came up with the follow~ng obs~rvatioru:

• Wuu•~n no longtr sttk mormg~ and a hom~maklnj! role as their first priority, but wanl ~

st.a.u!t job or carter ln!!ttt.ad1 c1nd this puts them in a po~ilion where they un own ~ homt


• Smgl~ men ••, no long~ prtssund to "s.ttl d<>,vn," which traditionally m•,•M gettm~ • sr.>bl•

Job With • rar.~r path .ond then gertmg married and bu~wg• bou.·• 'lh•y l<nd, theroft'r~. lo h•

less likely ro have stable jobs.

• Womon are increasingly .,.ltrr qualified and in many ueas h•~ 1urpassed men. ThiS enables

rh•· to obt.un better .and mort hi~hly pa•d jobs.

• Wnmen seem to be more capable of seeking good advice and completing the form.a.hties of

obwn!ng a mortgage.

~rts at th~ 111 .ritute t!CJ)«t tht trend to continue, .u home ownership providts fiJW>cial and

tJDOtion.l security lor women who ue not )'tt re•dy to ... k • •p•rtn., mr l•f•

IS. Whal-s the matn purpose of the artiCle?

AI To proVIde -format on about the steps reqwred in OOA'!ling a home To rtorm the publ c eoout the !';Pes of mortgages IMltlnbln tod3y

!Cl To l'l)port the oponlo"'' ul the experts 1n the real estate market D) To ~ncourage people lo work harder to achieve thetr career goals

1151. Wluctl of the lolowlng Is NOT a trend mentioned by the analysts?

Jeanene Jones

A)\ "''ttn art. pfac1ng ~ •mpottaf'l eon u~ traCIIfl()r'I.O ro1es a... omumak.ers. m Men are QlYI11Q in to tile pressure and set!fong dow~ <>aoly. Cl Women are taking over posit>ore ·hat were f'l()(mafty 'leld by men. D) Men are less likely to eM~n Bit'"' oound lnve&tmant aolllce.

158. What do the experts at the • nstitute predi~1?

(A ,., . ..,. are beg nning to •'>Ow an;- ~-tin e real estate market. (8) Men will 1'11Cla•m the pos•hons tney lost to women C) Women won continue to mvest•n homes.

(0) Women wtn resort to mamage lor emot ona1 secunty.



Questions 15~160 refer 10 the following contest


WIN! Name:

Phone number:


With this Futora Slender and Juicer. you'll be on your way to a healthier body and a dea....r mind but without the strain of diets and strict exl!rciSe regimes. Try some fresh frutt and

vqctable juice firot thong in the morning. and you'll chase away those Monday morning blues!

The Futoro Blender and Juicer Is easy to use. It automatically peels apples. pears, kiwi fruot,

carrots. and many other fruits and vegetables. You only need to rinse them. It's a breeu to

clean, and the waste makes excellent compost for your garden. The Futon Blender and Juic:er. val~ ar only S99. comes with a doetary iUide and reope book for SO delidous and healthful

fruit and vegetable drinks.

158. How can one become efigible to won :he contest?

(A) By sen dong the coupon to the company (9) By pockong up a blender (Ci By lookong lltSode the box (Ol By fiUong out a contest entry form

160. Whoch of the following is NOT true about the Futore Blender and Juicer?

!At It Is prioced under $100. IB) It IS not very difficult to clean. (C) It comes With VIIIIOI.S ac~.

(0) H oncJudeo lnstructlO<'S on llOW to make dnnks.


a.-tlons 161-163 refer to the following news article.


Are health food bars really good for you? A recent analysis

by Diet and Health magazine failed to find any benefits in

health food bars. In fact many of the most popular bars proved to be

positively unh!lalthy, with high levels of fats. sugar, salt. pr!IS!lrvatives.

and other chemicals plus an inordinate amount of packagtng. Rather

than substituting a health bar for your breakfast or lunch, consumers

would be well-adv•sed to skip them completely. A balanced diet of

freshly-prepared food Is still the best, apparently!

161 . What is the main reason for writing this news?

~~To alert the public about a new health product (B) To report the find•ng of a stL>dy conducted by a magazine ":)To correct false information printed In an earl•er article

\D) To suggest some food for a heanhy breakfast

162. What does the article advise the consumers to do?

(A; Always eat breakfast 9) Gonsume less food

C) Stay away from health b<>rs (01 Read the labels carefully

163. What can be inferred from th-e article?

lA) Health bars will be taken off the store shelves. fBi Many health bars are found lo be Q~cesslvely wrapped. (CI M31'y people are subst•tuting at least one meal v11th health bars. 101 Health bars have all the nutr.ents a body needs.



Questions 164-167 refer to lhe following information.




Our special correspOndent

According to health and cxcrct;c: spcctahst<, computer' .tre beconun11 a ,;eno"' tlueat w the hcJith and general wcll·hetng of a l.tr~e portion of our so<iet). Dr. Alan

Parsons. ol the Uruvc,.ity of Teehnolog}, claims th;u a ~tnd uf "nerd ~)ndrome" ts

s\\o!epmg thmugh out· M>.:tcty. and tt\ ha•mg >cnou> ctl'ccts on people'S' physical and psychlllt~gicallwalth plus carry-over eftects "n society its.elf.

Computer game fanatics easil) become absorbed in game~. lose tra,;k of thetr responsihilnies, and >UtTer from aches Hnd pains as><>ciutcd with long periods <>f sitting. no11v mentjon e~~-~1raln

And the solution'/ In a ltght·hean~d weblog entry Dr. Par~ons suj!gcstcd thJt everything can hoc soh·cd by ... ti~hing! As a countermeasure to Cl,mputer game-s. fishmg. apparently, has ever~ 1hing to n.>commeod. Here\ \\ h}:

I Computer screen~ are l\\o-d<metl>ional ami Jvn't moH;. Stanng at .t

computer screen is an unnatural tixation that guanmtecs sore eyes. Fish. on rll(' otht~r hand. move m rhrcl! dimc.~.~tonli..

') At l>Cst, computer games pro\lde only a sunulauuu <>f tbc r~al '"'rltl 11 " - therefore impossible to get a genuine sense or accomplishment no matter

ho\'. \\ell Y•>U rlay or how many rom~; you ><:ore. In fact. your necJ fM accomplishment \\ill l>e ~onlinuall~ l'rumated

") hsh ne,~r <uiTcr from bugs, ghlchcs. or gremlins. When you ~o ti'hlrl)', _l you ran nc,~r be c-bombcd. ;.t.tlkc-J. or spammcd. 'ou'll ne\n h:wc '''

re;et or reconfigUJ'(' a fish.

4 No mailer how exciting a computer game is. >Ou >trU ~n"" prcll) mud what's gomg to b:tppen. But \'.ith fishing. you never <'an tell!

S: No maltcr h-ow complu:at~d a game i~. il is never a~t complex as re-' . .iJitv - J (\•mrutcr g;Jtnt:.\ .:;m be ma;tered. but you'll never he an ah-;olute master

m the real world. Thut's "here tlw real challenge>. un:!

164. What is the general view of the experts on computer usage?

(Ao It is causing serious health hazards to the pullllc. (8' It has become necessary to survive In today's world. (Cilt has made the Iivas of millions of people much easier. (DJ II is takong up most of our tome on the wor11p10ce.

165. What is NOT menboned about computer game addicts?

(A) They often suffer from medical side effects. (Bt They spend too much time on·line. (C) They neg·ect their everyday chores. (D} They suffer from mental breakdowns.

166. Where did Or. Parsons first make his suggestive solution be known?

(AI In a maga~lne (6) In a newspape• (C) On a webp<lge (D) In a television interview

167. Which of the following is NOT stated by Dr. Parsons in comparing computer games and fishing?

:.A.) Foshong brings less strain to the eyes.

'B) A real sense of achievement cannot be attained by computer games. (C) Fishing is unpredictable. (0) Computer games cannot be played outdoors.


• 02

Questlons168-172 refer to the tollowlng entry rules.

let's face it. Gardening fanatics like nothing better than to have theor hands stuck in the so•l

or to be trimming, pruning. or harvesting the fruiu of their labors. But for once. here Is an obsession which benefits the whole community by beautifying the envoronment and producing

cooler, more fragrant. and cleaner air. To recognize that fact, the Tampa Coty Council has decoded

to award generous prizes to the most beautiful displays this spring.



1. Sorry, but only residents of the City of Tampa are eligible. 2. Judges will be selected by the Tampa City Council on Apnl 25. ancs no personal

information about any judges Will be provided by the council. Judge$ may not be

contacted by any entrant. 3. The appointed judges have total discretiOn. and no correspondence will be

entered Into regarding judges· decisions. A .4-•Jtv> main,noint of this contest is the beautoficatoon of Tampa, we require that

all gardens entered in the competlllon be easily visible from the street. 5. Contestants are 1nvited to enter ono or more categories. First, second. and third

place prizes wiD be awarded on each category. (See the application form lor categories.) Judges may. where they see fit, change entnes from one category

to another. 6. Contestants should perrnH a council photographer to enter and take photographs

lor display at the final awards ceremony and exhibition on August 3. These photographs woU remain council property.

7. Judges will assess each garden according to the following criteria (i) Overall desogn (ii) Plant health (HI) Color (IV) Contribution to the streetscape (v) Eco-lrlendliness (See the application lorrn lor details.)

8. No entries wiD be accepted after 5:00p.m. on Friday. May 12. 9. All gardens entered shOuld be ready tor judg1ng by June 1. Contestants will be

given 24-hours' nobce of the tudges' ontention to visit.

10. This competition iS not open to coundl employees or their relatives, or eft1)1oyees ot any agency contracted by the council or judges or 1heor relatives.

11. Please send your entries to: Tampa Garden Compatotion Tampa Crty Counat 1 Cons~tutlon Place Tampa

The Tampa 2006 Beautiful Gardens Competition

168. Who is the Intended audience of this contest?

(A) All residents of Tampa 181 The owners of gardenrng stores (C) The members of the Tampa Crty Councrl (0) The judges ot the competition

169. What is the main purpose of this competHion?

tAl To promote gardening In the city tB) To create Jobs rn the city IC) To bnng ttle communrty closer together ID) ro spruce up the look ot the city

170. What condition is placed on those who wish to enter the contest?

fAl Therr gardens must be out rn U'e open (B) They must be referred bye city council member. (C) They must subm•r a photo of their gardens. 10) They can only enter one category of the contest.

171. Which of the following will NOT be evaluated by the judges?

(AI The condrhon of the flower.; !B) The arrangement of the garden (C) The •ppearance of the garden (01 The scent of the flowers

172. When will the judging begin?

IAJ February 12 i8)Ap<jl25 (C) June 1

r.DJ August 3



OuMIIona 173-175 refer fo the following inVItation.


SEACLOUDINVESTMENTS A 4l&llbei of the W. for 10.-w>g" V'".JU?

Planning for a creative retirement Plan now for a re'Jrement which wtll a lOw yoo fo live proae'Jve.'Y and creat•velyl

Dear Ms Reid,

What happens when you ~t~re 1 Ale you just goong to let all that e~penence a I those

qualifications, and all that C/'418\ive enef11Y slide Into obhv on? Seadoucf• Creative Retllement

A4vrsory Servas can design a package tor you which tne U<leS but goes. far beyor>d f.nanc.a

independence. W17f dorl't you came 10 one of our free lntroouctory MSSions to IIRd out \..tlat

"craoiMI retirement" can meat\?

Here's the basic idea "creative rehrement" plann•ng nas three ~ial dimensiOil$. The llrsl

Is ftnanclallndeoendence. The second IS health and balance. And the last. equally nnponant

dimension IS creatiVity.

Take this opportun•ty to hear the msp~ra!lonal founder of Seacloud Investments, Brenton

Mcleod, at a special free seminar. Your hfe may never be the same again!

Tuesday, M.-ch 21. 2006

REGISTRATION; 11:00 il.m

LUNO< 11·00 a.m SEMINAR liME 1.00 p.m

LOCAllON lmpenal Six Thaalor

101 ......... .,.,._,.,.East.~

SPEAKER Brenton Mcleod-CEO


by ~ Man:!> 2. 2006

PlUM contact our sales representative tor further details.


Cliic:llgO, -Tel: 755·3265 Fu; 7515-2222 TaiHrer. 1~7._5330

173. How is Ms. Retd asked to respond to the 1nvitanon?

(A) Bye·mall (Bl By fax (CI By phone (01 By letter

174. Who Is Brenton McLeod?

(A) A sales representative (B) The company president (C) A client (0) A health care specialist

175. Which ofthe following lnfoonation is NOT Included in the invitation?

(AI The seminar date (B) The lunch menu (C) The place of the seminar (0) The main speaker



Questlons 176·178 refer to the foll0w1J19Ietter.



Dear Tammy,

How are things wtlh you? I've now established Karen Jones & Assoc1ates (KJA), an Independent consultong pract1ce that leverages my proven strengths '" strafeg•-c planning, people development. creating and •mproving processes. and brand market ng. I work extensively w1th consumer product companies and also now w1th trd1.stner. that are regroupmg due to a merger or major change 1n thelf compet1tlve SltuatJon. I help them manage the pressurv to achieve more tn their mari<etplace by reaWrlg rue out o! me people and resources they have. What 1hey say os ol untQUB value to them os my experu,e a1 creatong new links between marl<etong. cunure, and talent. This makes a company mot!' e'tlCIBfl! and successful

I'm really excited about how I can help compames address the•r bUSiness problems w1th what 1 do. 1 wouldllovo to get your Input. I'm Interested in your thoughts as to who 1n your circle could benoflt from learning about what I do. You don't need to flnd out If they are hiring or have a definite need. I'm just interested •n having a conversa!lon W•th them to learn more about thelf marketing challenges and HR concerns and to shale w•lh them some 1nnovat111e ways I've helped other com panes achieve the most 1r1 tho5e areas.

If th1s sounds tnterestJng, I'd appreciate your hnkong me to people you know. I will ca I you in a lew days lor a quick catch-up conversation. In 1he meant..~ I've attached an informatiOn sheet about KJA and its pract•ce areas. Please fral!lly fOtWa1d It nov. and any time to business contacts you think could be Interested •n knowu~g abcxlt thiS Thanks, and t'm looking forward to catching up with you.


176. What has Ms. Jo..- done lately?

tA.t She begnn her own business. jB) She wos promoted to HR manager. (C) S.,e m8!1}nd hor company wiih anothe1. (0) Sf\8 developed a new product.

177. According to Karen. which of the following c~les does sl>e NOT deal w'.:h?

I~ Companies thai ate lUst begonn~ (B) F1rms that retaol rtemsto the general p~blic (C) Corperellons that have receotly 101ned together (D) Industries that have gone through an organlznttonal changa

178. What kind of work does Karen do?


,A, She"""~~' .two compan.es to mako· ~ s:ronger compa~y. iS I She helps C0f111)111oesllire the best people lor the JObs req......cl. (C) She C008<lits companoes to recogntZAI and rectify their problemS

!D) She bnnqs together oosoness contacts to help one another.

Questions 179-180 refer to the following e-mail.


I w111 be making a business trip to the US and Canada, and t was wondenrg if you could get in comact with your counterpart at EMA Carada rll\!arding a !O>JI ol their plant s.te. t will be arrlvtng in Chicago n tl1e mornirg of Nov. 20 to see you and tile operations of your plant s•te and wlil then be off to Toronto on Nov. 22. 11 they are avanable on that day I WOIJid like to get a chanoe to meet with them to see their operation ftrst hand as well. Furthermore. our president, Barl)' Ma~dez, will be making a trip early next year and would also like to visit the plant site in Toronto witll the Singapore presidool

I apologiZe for the sudden notice.

5est regards,

Thomas Ghiu, Oirettor I Plann•ng Group & Business De•Jelopment E-Solutions, Hoog Kong, Umlteo

----- ------ - - - - - - -

179. What does Mr. Chiu ask MaJgaretto do for him'?'

1A) Take a trip to Toronto to check out the factory operation I.BI Anange a meeting with her Canad an counterpart (C) Show h.s president around the plant site 1D) Get in touch wuh the Stngapore presodent

180. Where does Margaret work'?

(At The United States :s1 Canada :Cl Singapore iD) Hong Kong


Q..ations 181·185 refer to the following letter and Its response.


March 26. 2006

Mr. Samuel Brown Truestar Corporation Flnarooe Department Manager Re: Account • :>958A

Deer Mr. BrQWI\,

I want tu u ... lk yuu IUf' ""' <XJme<Sationlhat- heclewltertoday and lot IIQIIIOblg to a r<>ductJon 1n payment lor my OulalandlflQ ICI;OWlL Aa <ltiCUIIed, I wWI Implement 8 bt weekly payment of 5250, effective Friday. Marctl 31 . I Will enau,.. that payment IS '" my blink eocount for your automatic wrthdrawol by 10:00 a.m. (!IJfJKV Fnday payment periOd unlll my IICGOUnt It pald '"full

I very much epprec ate your understanding my current financi8J Situet>On. and wt l contact you &hould things omprove

Please do no1 hetilate to contact me 1f you have any QUM!lOnS

Best regards.

J"as11( tM.&t#

• ~

l ~


' I l ' I

' I -----------~---------------- ----------------~


Septenller 3. 2006 Jason Ctoal~~ers 21 Ree'ster Boulevard Vancouver. 8C

Dear Jason.

I am wr i ting to update you on your account status (#2958Al w1tll TnJ~star Corporation. As e result of our conso11dated efforts to res~ruc~ure your r~nt p1en 1n March of th1s year . 1t 1s w1lh gredt s•tlsf•ct on that I let you know that your account lias now been cleared and pald 1n ful'. With dill gence and cooperation. we have successfully worked t cugh ;.~is financial sltuetlon.

We would be pleased to offer our ~ervlces shoulO )-eM; neec1 U>ea ~ ., '" the fu~ure. Please contact us with your request.

Best wi shes. and we look forward to working with you again soon

TrJestar Corporation Finance Oeparu.ent Manager

181. The word "outstanding• In the first letter, line 2 is closest in meaning to

fA) supenor (B) noticeable (C) unpaio 10) essential

182. How will Mr. Chalmers rem~ the payment?

lA) He will send a checl< every month. I B) II will be takan out of his bank account. (C) It will automatically be deleted from his paycheck. (0) He will bring cash to the company.

183. Why did Mr. Brown write the letter?

(A) To request an overdue payment (B) To ask for an extens10n on payment due (C) To notHy the client that the account has been settled (0) To of!er a speCial type or a service

184. According to the second letter, when should Jason contact Mr. Brown again?

(A) If he runs nto further problems w1th payments (B) As soon as he •s ready to make the payment

(C) If he IS '" need ot us1ng the service agam (0) Once he fin•shes paying off all the money

185. How long d id it take for the account to be cleared?

lA) Two months (B) Six months IC)OneyeaJ (0) Two years



Questions 186-190 refer to the following announcement and notice.


Downtown Artisan's Club Art Exhibit

Please marl< Saturday, October 21, on your calendars so that you con attend the inaugural Downtown Artisan's Club Art Exhibit!

There will be beautiful works of crt and poetry, crafted by the Downtown Artisan's Club, ovoiloble for showing as well os for sole. The remarkably talented young orlisls hove worked oil summer to prepare for this event, which promises to Impress end astound. Visitors will hove on opportunity to meet these talented artists. All proceeds from this event will be contributed to the continued operations of the Downtown Artisan's Club, which provides amazing classes and support for young artists.

Tickets ore on sole now and are available lOr $1 0 {adults) and $5 (students and seniorsj. Children under the age of 12 will be admitted lor free.

The Downtown Artisan's Club loob forward to seeing you there! Please contoctJim at (905) 412-8980 lor more information.

Dowatcnm Ardaan'a Oub Art Exhibit - Desdline liJr your In Stlbmissfon/

To all our talented young artlsta - get ra.ly for our upcoming Art Exhibit! !¥& you al know - our Downtown Artisan's Club Art Exhibit Is coming up exactly one month from today.

Paintings, drawings, sculptun~~~ and writing wll be needed for both tha ~ and for aalel

Don't forget to hava lham completed and handed In by ll8ld Frtday to 88CUI8 your spot In our show.

Remember, thara will also be caeh ewads, judged by cu panel of art crlllcs, and 1he winning plecee will be fMtured In cu Art Book. The a11sta of the winning placea wiD also be lnvltad to att.Jd the 2-waak lln1lmll' art CIIITIP In Paris - nut eumrner.

Have fun- and plaae subnit ycu a1work on t1ma1

186. For whom is the announcement Intended?

(A) Artists (B) Residents (C)J1m (D) Judges

187. How much would an elde<1y couple in their micJ.sixties have to pay to enter the exhibit?

(A) $5.00 (B) $10.00 (C) $1!'>.00 (0)$20.00

188. What Is NOT ment•oned about the awards?

lA) They wi II be judged by more then one person. (B) Money will be given away to the winners. (C) Winners will get a chance to go away next summer. (D) The winning pieees will be pres&nted In an art musoom.

189. In the notice, what are the participants asked to do by next Friday?

(A) Subm~ their artwork (B) Pay th .. entry fee (C) Speak to tile coordinator

(D) Send '" lheir checks

190. On which day was the notice posted?

lA) September 21 (B) October 21 (C) November 1

(0} November 21



Queatlons191-195 refer to the following advertlsoment end e·ma11.



We're Hiring

Oalec-: ~r· ·rnb..·r 3, 2006

Quah[icatw,,.; llnd~o••t.:r•Ju.at'" ~t:.:ri'l: m bu••nes~. Minim urn f. yt~u·t ol rel.,t~J work t!)(r~·ri<'nce. c,.mforlabf~ ...at~ -I!Uf'"' ¥iri:uu v€ .... 1 I( IIIUd .Jtnm~ multi-t.a111Ling .Lill •. c..1~··}(1 Wit~ SMI'OIJ,t' llml •• tt:r .. ·~

l~o·,.Ju. l:x.·C'lll.' nl .bud(f't m•n•.:cii\C'nt .b,l,tiC't ~lo.rt be w-illin; tt, tf•hl (25%- 6{Nb) ""'I work

v...o.:.u.••n•lh· c..•n --~c:k4.'ud •.

flow lv Atlply: Plt.oaH.• ttnd u: ~'Y ,·mAil only ynm rt'1trme, •~~b~·...t •HR Man.lFT- :":•h JM) Cp.·J.a' ra

\l.na,ge-r. •·• br®•piJ.or' by ~..-pt~mlu:·r 30. '\u phon• ~·II~ plu~e. We •ill ccntad vnly th •.• ~ (·andu!atc• ....-1ed~d f,,r lnkrvil!"'l't M'l ("ctobC'r 3

Ot-utnl r:,"'~• Comp.~ryy 1 ~hin Strcd 'l'uron-t.J~ 0~



I am writing n respo11se lo )'OUr job oper ng ao tor ·t-.anm Ollt!f~tions Manager.·

Please find artaclled my detailed resuTe, outlining my re1e•1ant employrnent h stor'J and Skill sets IOf your coos:dcm!JOn

na..e Sjlellt lite <1St 8 )t>ars oeveiOpiOQ rrr1 talents anO ex~·~nce w1th n tne 1oo0 sei-"Ces 10011s1ry ano currently am lhe Regional Opera:ioo~ Manager for the Bread Company. My work history sllengths and Interests are perfectly SJitr.d to the 01). 00r ad<ertiscd. as r m r~ to take the cha lenge of '!1<113Q1110 on a naiJOnat~.

I woolo be very pleased Ia have tile opportunity to discuss my cualificatlons In person ~review my irformatiOII and ca·l me at (416) 332·1902 to set up a meeting

Tl.w yru I~~ lor fU COOS!ulrati<:'l

I hope lh~l 1t will bo okay for me to lo<low up with a pnono call to ensure tllat you nave receiVeO tlrls su1Jmiss1011

llesl~. JackWhlt8


191. What is NOT a requirement for this job?

lA) Strong computer programming ~k•lls (B) A bachelor's degree on business {CI The abli1ty to taka on many things at once (0'1 n.., ftelub1hty ta move aruum.l

192. When Is the last day to apply for the position with the General Foods Company?

(AI September 3

IBJ September 24 (C) September 30 (0) October 3

193. What can be inferred about Jack White?

{Allie is between jobs at the moment (1:1) He os not nappy w•th where he Is now. (C) He hopes to enter the food industry. (0) He is eaqe< to take on mO<e responslb llues.

194. What does Mr. While say he will do In the next few days?

(AI Mall h•S resume oBI Gall to double check on something he sent (C) Meet with tne General Foods C6mpa~y staff

(0) Come by tre company to drop off some documents

195-. Which of the following actions contradict what is stated in 1he ad?

lA) Jack ask•ng If 1t's okaY to make a follow-up call

1B) Jack send•ng his resume by e-mail (C) Jack requesting to meet In pelSOn

(OJ Jack revealing -sens1t·ve information about the food industry



a ... lions 198-200 refer to the following article and letter.

• •'""'-•'A•'""'-•'""'-•V\.•"-A.•'A•V\..

S~ Cross-cultural Communication in Business Negotiations SS. Business Weekly by Dr. Rod Steiner November 2006

S. ~ 11u: j"'I'Vtlanct- of cff(·<:·tiv~ (•JVM"'cuhural c-onunuhi<'Rlion during busiut'"'"\ t•unrt'lt"U('~i 7 or negotiatJOnK i" nflf"-n un:~ppreciatt>d. And )t'l it i~ not just the ammr(Jiatt- {IUicome of

~ 1hr tli'"-fJtiatinn \\hll'h j, al .,.ta_kt• hut aJ .. o tht" po...,.,.ibilit~ of a po .. ith~~ on-.ninl_{ husinl"_<;f; ~ 7 relation..Jtip. 7 ~ Here's 8 •lffiJtlr t\Omple, ~rnm·l mi' hu>inr-i and plea:>llf".- ... 'd)o llunlong f>Ur-ehes to ~

7 be t'lllcif'nl Anft ''"•rtuuu.e. .... Bu.t tc)'lll~ t1) nPp-oti.-.t.- "'th that anituflP m Ntmw ntlu-r t·uhure:-. } may "'ell (.'C.lU""t· n 1n-ltt·rnntion in your hCko>t. TititJ in tum \\ill l'f"SUit in t•n..,.. .. "i.ulturul inaldtiun

S• and may \\·rll put future relationships untlt>r ~ duud. So, the .fi.a.t n1le- ~houhl 1..- IH ~tudy the ~ cui lure of dw: JWOpl~ with whom )'OU art- t(Olug .I) 1Wgoti;.1W. ~

S Dr. Rod 'itm~r. u.s..ta•JJ luwr•r, /Jrpan.mm/ of /Jwwess ~luriw< .. ';auth ltulf"l'''" ln.<JiJutr S s ofTechnolo/('1. s • ""'•'-"' •'-"' •'-"' """'. ""'.""'.""' •"'-•"'-."' •'\1\.. '\1\..


Delr Dr. Sllii ... ,

South Australian Institute of Tem.~.o~oe Department of Bualnesa Studies

44 E!erMck St Ada 'alcte Aullralla 5066

November 24 2008

'\lbu IN lbeatutlly right when you highlight pa 11lble ·~--­ClAn. we would - saciate bulinell tranuetlciM . ,. llaahol and going~ nightclubs. Ho...,.., .,..._men «•a •" ttqsln.JipM.

t hope ~ apeo:lilllze In this - olltudy - I ~. In CIOI_ ... and a.r. why I haVe chaaan IIIIo to ltudy 101'1111 fooaign 1111111111111

•'9~ for fUither reading, oauld you piiMe lit me lcrlcNfl

196. What does the article suggest?

(A) To take a course 1n international business rela~ionsl'ups at the institute (B) Always to be alert or hints thai can damage an ongoing business relationship (C) Not to mix business and pleasure when dealing with any cultura (0) To l<now the culture of your business count&rpart

197. In the article, the word •consternation" in paragraph 2, line 3 Is closest in meaning to

(A) alarm (B) admtretion (C) feai (0) assurance

196. What does Ms. Luddon want to do?

<[A)Inqulre about the source or Information mentioned in the article ~B) Contradict what Or. Steiner had said in his art1cle Ci Learn as many languages as possible OJ Pursue a car88(1n cross-cu~ura1 communication

199. What can be Inferred about Julie Luddon?

(Al She Is wntlng a book about cultural negotiations. (B) She !las already received a bachelor's degree (C) She Is studying to become a university professor.

(0} She wants to wort< In a foreign country.

200. What do Julie and Or. Steine-r have In common?

lA! Boll\ are •nterested in the same subject. <Bl BoUt have lived overseas In the past. (C) Both are writing books tO} Both wort< In the same un1vers11y.












• 03

























DlrectiOil$: You will hear a quesuon or statement and three responses spoken 1n English. They w1ll be spoken only one time and will not be pnnted 1n your test book Select the best response to the question or statement and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your answer sheet.


You will hear Where 1s the meeting room?

You w111 also hear (Al Tc. meet the new d<rcrtOl (B) It's the hr~t rc.0m on tte nght

(C) Yes, at two o'clock

The best response to the question "Where Is the meeting room?' Is choice (B). "It's the first room on the right." so (B) is the correct answer You should mark answer (B) on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 2'7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 2·8. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 29. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 31. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 32. Marl< your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 33. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 34. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Marl< your answer on your answer sheet. 35. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 36. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 37. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 38. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 39. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 40. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.


















DlrectiOil$: You will hear a quesuon or statement and three responses spoken 1n English. They w1ll be spoken only one time and will not be pnnted 1n your test book Select the best response to the question or statement and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your answer sheet.


You will hear Where 1s the meeting room?

You w111 also hear (Al Tc. meet the new d<rcrtOl (B) It's the hr~t rc.0m on tte nght

(C) Yes, at two o'clock

The best response to the question "Where Is the meeting room?' Is choice (B). "It's the first room on the right." so (B) is the correct answer You should mark answer (B) on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 2'7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 2·8. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 29. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 31. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 32. Marl< your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 33. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 34. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Marl< your answer on your answer sheet. 35. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 36. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 37. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 38. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 39. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 40. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.


Directions: You will hear some conversations between two people You will be asked to answer

three questions abou t what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to

each question and mark the letter (A), (B). (C), or (0) on your answer sheet The conversations will

be spoken only one lime and will not be printed in your test book.

41 . Who is the woman speaking to?

(A) A mailman. (B) A job applicant

(C) A potential employer. (D) A phone operator.

42. What is the purpose of the call?

(A) To inqwe about an open position. (B) To check to see if something he sent has

arrived safely. I C) To seek Information about a company


D) To further d1scuss a job offer.

43. What does the woman ask the man to do?

,A) Call back again later. (B) Come to the office in person. (C) Try another phone number. (D) Mall his resume to her office.

44. How did the man learn of this place?

(A) He saw an ad In the paper.

(B) He was told about It by a close friend. (C) He was referred there by someone. (D) He found it by luck.

45. What does the woman mention is special about this place?

(A) They carry clothes for heavy people.

(B) They are very co nvenient!y located. (C) They sell the cheapest clothing in town.

(D) They are very well known in the area.

46. What will the man do next?

(A) Paylor his purchase

(B) Go to another store. (C) Walk up to the next floor. (D) Try on some clothes.


47. When was the report submitted?

(A) Today. (B) Yesterday. (C) Last week. (D) Two weeks ago.

48. Why doos the man want to meet with the woman?

(A) To ask her to clarify something he doos not understand

(B) To ask for her help in preparing for the presentation.

(C) To discuss a personal problem w1th her (D) To ask her to talk to his client

49. When will the speakers most likely meet?

(A) This afternoon. (B) This evening. (C) Tomorrow morning. CD) Tomorrow afternoon.

!50. According to the woman, what will most likely cause the traffic to be congested?

(A) Rush hour. (B) Bad weather. (C) Accidents. (D) Road construction.

51. What will the man do first?

(A) Walk down to the lobby. (B) Drop by Mr. Kim's office. (C) Put on h1s coat. (D) Buy a train ticket.

52. How will they get to Mr. Rowe's office?

(A) They will drive there


(B) They will use public transportation. (C) They will get a lift from the woman, (D) They will walk there.

53. Where is the conversation taking place?

(A) In a copy store. (B) In a restaurant (C) At an airport. (D) At a post off1ce.

54. What does the woman ask fo~?

(A) Extra copies. (B) Some dessert. (C) The reoe1pt. (D) A few stamps.

55. What can be inferred about the place?

(A) It can hold many people at one time. (B) It has many regular customers. (C) It closes earty during weekdays. (D) It is convemently located in the center of


56. When will the speakers arrive at the airport?

(A) 12:00. (B) 1:00. (0) 3:00. (D) 4:00.

57. Why is the man tired?

(A) He has been traveling a lot lately. (B) He worked until late yesterday (0) He slill has jetlag (0) He gave a long presentation.

56. What does the woman sugge:.t the man do?

(A) Speak more clearly. (B) Lie back on his chair. (C) Wake up a bJt early 10 the morn1ng. (D) Prepare more lor the presentation

59. What does the man want to do?

(A) Get his money bac~. (B) Take another product (C) Buy acellular phone. (D) Try some cal<es.

60. What is NOT mentioned about the X-100 model?

(A) Its applicabons. (B) Its price (C) Its quality (D) Its popularity.

61. Who is the man speaking with?

(A) A co-worker. (B) A bank teller (C) A baker. (D) A salesperson

62. How d id the man find this place?

(A) He read about it1n a newspaper ad. (B) He heard about1t through a person he knows. (C) It was referred to him by a real estate agent. (D) He saw an ad posted on the window.

63. According to the woman, what is special about this place?

(A) It is conveniendy located. (B) It has many rooms. (C) It IS very affordable. (D) It opens with a special key.

64. What will the woman do first?· (A) Remove the tor-rent s1gn. (B) Walk up to the fifth floor. (C) Bring out a lease agreement. (D) Retrieve the key.

65. Why Is the woman being complimented?

(A) She was promoted to the director's position. (B) She convinced Mr. Shaw to sign a contract. (C) Her proposal was accepted by the directors. (D) Her co-workers have positive feelings for her.

66. What does the man say?

(A) She gave a great talk. (B) She should work a bit harder (C) She will have to give a spee<:h. (D) She won't gel the contract.

67. Who does the woman say is responsible for the outcome?

(A) The keynote speaker. (B) Her team members. (C) The directors. (D) The man.

68. Where was the man born?

(A) Toronto. (B) Detroit. (C) Buffalo. (D) Los Angeles.

69. When odid the man move to the clly he Is living now?

(A) When he was a child. (B) Three years ago. (C) During his high school days. (D) He was bom here

70. Who is the man's roommate?

(A) Dave. (B) Steve. (C) Larry. (D) Jane.





Dllecllans: You will hear some short talks given by a single speaker You will be asked 10 answer three QUeStiOnS about what the speaker says on each short ta k Select the best response 10 each questoon and mark the leiter (A), (B), (C), or (0 ) on your answer Sheet The talks won be spoken

only one time and woll not be pronled on your lest book.

11. What is the purposa of the announcement?

(A) To Inform people of a pohcy change (B) To publicize a new product. (C) To introduce the new sales manager. (0) To Show appreclatoon for good work

72. What has happened in the past six months?

(A) There was a change in management (B) Sales have stoadoly increased (C) The company bought out a hotel. (0) The per!ormance of the worl<ers were


73. What is going to happen this weekend?

(A) A new company sales goal will be set (B) The staff members Will go on a trip. (C) There Will be a luncheon party. (0) A family gat-together w•U take place

74. What is Ms. Bartlett's current position?

(A) Choaf Executive otfottlf (B) Consultant (C) News reporter. (0) Food cntlc.

75. When will Susan leave her job?

(A) At the end of thos week. I B) Sometime next month. (C) later thos year (0) Early next year

78. What has the company started doing?

(A) Importing fOOd from ASia (B) Seeking a new leader (C) Hiring more consultants. (0) Reporting busoness news


77. Who most lokety os listening to this talk?

(A) Journalists (B) Golfers. (C) Security guards. (0) Referees

78. How long os the event supposed to last?

(A) One day. (B) Two days (C) Seven days. (0) Twenty days.

79. What does the speaker ask the listeners to do?

(A) Prepare for the competotoon. (B) Turn off their cell phones. (C) Take tums asking questions 10) Tall< to the security guard

80. Who is the Intended audience for this talk?

(A) Grocery store clerks (B) Health club Instructors. (C) Restaurant emplOyees. (0) Company worl<ers.

81. Which of the following was NOT menlioned by the speaker when mentioning the menu?

(A) AppebZet$ (B)Dessalts (C) Beverages (O) En1rees

82. Aocording to the speaker, where will the listeners be able 10 see the information?

.A) Next to the Mack stand (B) In the lunchroom CC) On the Internet. (0) In the staff room

83. What is the talk mainly about?

(A) How to get a bargain durmg Christmas. (B) How to overcome stress at a worl<place. (C) How to become closer to family members. (D) How to drive safety during the holiday season.

84. Which of the following is NOT a Up menUoned by the speaker?

(A) Don1 drive alone. (B) Pull over when tlfed. (C) Drink a lot of coffee. (D) Do not drive too tate

85. How often is the show aired?

(A) Every day. (B) Once a week. (C) Twice a week. (D) Only on weekdays.

86. What is the purpose of the talk?

(A) To alert customers about a new dish. (B) To notify the staff about tha new location ot the

restaurant. (C) To gather suggestions about a new menu for

the place. (D) To announce a new chef for the restaurant.

r:r. What is going to happen at the end of the month?

(A) They will move out to a new place. (B) The chef will renegotiate his contract (C) A French restaurant will open next door (D) The theater will hold ols forst Broadway play.

18. What is mentioned about the place?

<iA) It has recently opened. (B) It has a long history. (C) II has the best food in town. (D) It is very busy.

89. Who is the speaker most likely addressing?

(A) A group of new employees. (B) A bunch of managers. (C) Some volunteer guides. (D) Cafeteria workers.

90. Who most likely is Mr. O'Brien?

(A) The pen>Onnel manager (B) The keynote speaker. (C) The company policy maker.

(D) The production manager.

91. When will the listeners tour the factory floor?

(A) At 11:00. (B) At 12:30. (C)At 1:30. (D)At3:00.

92. According to the speaker, what is the goal of the survey?

(A) To see ii they can collect more money. (B) To find collections of old art. (C) To look into the cause of the damages. (D) To find ways to fix the damages.

93. What does the result of the survey report?

(A) The place is beyond repairs. (B) The building is need of repa~rs. (C) The structure is in good condition. (D) The gallery Is due for palnt job.

94. What does the consultant advise?

(A) To move to another more suitable place. (B) To buy more art at the auction. (C) To recruit more volunteers to help out (D) To respond right away lo reduce future costs.



95. What Is the talk mainly about?

(A) The tour <~las of thn city (B) Tho oocar businessmon iC) The makeup of the City ·o·-- . ·ers

96. Which of the following Is NOT mentioned about the underground structure?

~ o · n · typ.,~ Ul bO!U"rtS

tBJ u ·~ connecllld Ill ll!llce:l tllroughou1 the city. (C) II prolocts peoplo from bad weather (0) IllS fully •lr-condrbonlld

!17. What os mentioned about the weather on Toronto?

1A) t goes u and .,., (B) It is qUito cold (C) It s stable. (0) It S very Wll'dy


98. According to the speaker. who would most benefit from multitasking?

:AJ ThoS" . !'t' "''too bu•;y 10 •x~rcrse.

~ B) Peope wnoarE: 11ealu. """"'•:SCIOUS. (C) Cyclists who are seekong challenges. (0) Peop•- ··h hill' clo~ t t workrl;;-

99. Which of the following is NOT a benefit mentioned by the speaker rn the example goven?

One 11 '<lOd · "' (B) One can earn to relax.

(C) One can save some monoy '0~ On& can fin• .... h wort far•.-

100. What will those who partiCipate rn the evoot recerve at no cost?

(A) A meal (B) A bicycle

(C) A heahh cfl.b rnember:;.'llp (0) A relaxotron massage

Reading Test

In the reading test. you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading comprehension questions. The entire reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible within the time allowed.

PartS Directions: A word or phrase Is missing In each of the sentences below. Four answer chOices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then, mark the letter (A). (B), (C). or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. Our new social organizer's personal favorites do not include jazz or classical music, but she loves listening to techno, world music, -----­rock.

{A) so (B) but (C) yet (D) and

102. It is strongly advised that you check that you have all your essential documents In a briefcase -···-· you set out on an international trip.

(A) upon (B) before (C) beside (D) next to

103. The most ··-··· piece in the collection was acquired by our founder and principal patron during an archaeological &xpedition he undertook in 1935.

(A) value (B) valuing (C) values (D) valuable


104. At this year's orientation session. the general manager --- took the time to personally welcome all new recruits in her usual, affable manner.

(A) she (B) her (C) hers (D) herself

1 OS.. Our latest customer ··-- survey reveals some problems in the after-sales service area. especially the lack of a telephone hotllne.

(A) satisfying (B) satisfied (C) satisfaction (D) satisfactory

106. Our ongoing, ·-·-- development seminars allow staff members to develop their skills in various directions.

(A) profession (B) professionally (C) professional (D) professionalism

107. If you wish to registe< for State University's new Academic News Update - -. please log in, click on the "regtSte<" box, and then list your preferences.

(A) sefVIC8

(B) serv1c1ng (C) serviced (D) serviceable

108. The music faculty offefS fRMI weel<ly seminars designed to encourage young musocians to begin --- thelf own masterpieces.

(AI composer :B) composes (C) composed (iD) compos1ng

109. At the latest meeting of the Business Advisory Council, the newly elected president ----­that the council extend 1ts activities to the fiekl of social justice.

(A) propose

(B) proposal (C) proposing (D) proposed

110. To celebrate our tenth year In the stationery supply business, we'd like to offer a special bonus discount ()U( most loyal customers.

lA) to !B) by

(C) as (D) at

111. - ------ recent adjustments In Income tax mtes, worl<e<s will find t~lves pleasantly surprised by an increase In the size of their paychecks.

(AI Due to !B) While (C) In fact (D) Whether

112. Much of investors' long-held est""' in the oornpany --- during the share-matket boom when executives we<e in\IOIVed in accounting lmegulanties.

(A) losing (B) loses (C) was lost (D) is lost

113. The Springbotg Hotel chain's attention to detail and business-friendly pricing structure make ()U( hotels -- to any othet's 1n the mid-priced hotel bracket.

(A) better (B) improved (C) scuperior (D) advanced

114. Professor Barkley is not an expert in cla$sical economics bu1 also a wOOd­renowned speciafLSt in international banking laws.

(A) over (B) only (C) less (D) alone

115. Under the new law, consumers are entitled to --if products malfunction or fall to perform as promised.

lA) compensate (B) compensated (C) compensating (D) compensation

116. During the one-month trial period, customers are under no ---- to slgn any con1Tacts

IAI pledge (8) prornLSe (C) obligation (0) engagement



117. Educa1ional expen- ate tax-deductible --- the taxpay« can show that these elq)enSeS enhanced his or her profEISSIOOal skills or expertlse.

(A) only of

(8) as 1f (C) as many as (D) as much as

118. 11 you cannot make up your mifld -- •• destinabOn to choose for your summer holidays, why not talk wrth our expenenced travel oonsultants?

!A) whom

(B) which

(C) on

(D) about

119. The Public Transport Commission's commitment to runnong our city's traofiS and buses as as I)O$SI'ble has reduced costs to the taxpayer by 5%.

(AI efficoent

(B) efficiency

(C) efficiently

(D) effocoencoes

120. Unfortunately, any benefits gained by lowering prices never If they are achieved by a reduc110n In qualrty.

(A, last

tB) pass

(C) spend

(D) retain

121. ----- serious disadvantage of the existing plan! is the lack of adequate ventilation; workers frequently complain of nausea and headaches.

(A Any

(B) Other (C) Anolher

(D) One anolher


122. Encounter Enwonmental Tours offers trips to some of the mosl beautoful and ISOlated wildernesses In the w0<1d all the comforts of frve-star accommodatoons.


\Bl plus (C) though

(DJ togelher

123. A recent surv&y showed that the 1ncrease in the number of random tax audots on businesses has been • unpopular.


:Sl predtcllon

(C) to predict

(Dl predictably

124. The oompany is pleased to announce that we have invited several members of our experienced and casual staff to become permanent employees.

<AI mtnor

(B) lengthy

(C) temporary

(D) duplicale

125. The company admotted that ~ had been entirety at fault and announced that all professional fees that h had collected were to befully •

w refunds

(B) refundong

(C) refunded

(D) IS refunded

126. Media organizations can be called before a tribunal if they fail to operate --- the guidelines 18ld out by federal legislation.


(B) among

(C) between (D) from

127. These days manage<s and deslgne;s are expected to wot1< to a greater extent than in the past.

(AI collaboratively (8) collabotal!ve (C) collaboration (0) collaborate

128. The unemployment figures o• last June. no doubt due to the surpnse closure of several lead•ng Australian manufacturers.

I e<>larged

(oJ reached IC) peaked (D) magnified

129. The business council stated Its opinion that the new penalties for tax evasion are out of

with the seriousness of the crime.


(8) proportion (C) eqUIValence (Dl comb'"abon

130. In the interests of consumer safety. the senior management unanimously -- to recall all versions of tha Alphington and Executive sedans.

IAI settled {B) piCked (C) decided (0) established

131. We will be welcoming our keynote ····•o• at a reception to be given In the Emerald Room. which is located on the mezzanine. at 8:00 p.m.


CBI spoken (C) speaker (D) speaking

132. Any new staff member who has not already subm1tted a recent photo Should go -­to tha Persoonel OffiCe. whate a staff photographer is in attendanoe. Q 3 (A) unexpectedly (8) Immediately (C) especially (0) recently

133. Other ·-grammatical errors lnci\Jde failure to use appropriate punctUatiOn, especially apostrophes, colons. and semi-colons.

CAl comnon (8) genu1ne !C) level (D) even

134. In addition to improvements to the company cafeteria, the company sports facllrty will


-· be upgraded.

!AI bes4des 18) e<ther (C) also (0) too

135. It remains o•····· that a merger will Increase pro fila bility in the medium term because of tha high cost of redundancy packages.

CAl doubt (B) doubted (C) doubtful

(D) doubtfully

136. The Hytex Hotel, in ••o··- with the organizers of the annual film festival, Is offering a package which Includes travel, accommodations. and movie tickets.

(} agreement (8) alignment (C) relabon (0) conjunction


137. The Judge's ----- ·WOlds were directed to the company's head of financial accounting, who freely utlli2ed investors' funds for his own benefit.

AI hatsher

(B) harshly (C) harshest (D) mom harshly

138. A new health report today warned of the


- ·- tendency for newly qualifled doctors to refuse practices In the country.

(A) worry {B) WOI'l'ied (C)womes (0) worrying

139. ---- unnamed sources, the central bank is unlikely to raise interest rates over the next 6 months.

(A1 Accoro•ng to 1B1in case of (C) On behalf of (D) In common w1th

140. A senior management committee believes that we should immediately the new government oguidelines on sexual harassment.

(A) spend (B) waste (C) ach1eve (D) Implement

PartS DlnM:tlons: A WOfd or phrase tS 1'mSS111Q tn each of the sentences belOw. fOlK answer choiCes 1118 gtven below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then, mark the letter (A), (S), (C). or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 141-143 refer to the following notice.


The High Park Harvest Festival

A trio of colorful fall events gets underway In October with a horse and wagon

ride -···-··· High Park from Grenadier CaM to Colborne lodge. 141. (A) after

(B) before (C) dunng (D) through

All •g~s. Oct. 1 . S2. Storytelling, face painting, nature-themed crafts, and a marketplace full of autumn treats take - residence at the Children's Garden.

142. (A) off (B) on (C) up (D) care

Agu thrM and up. Oct. 1. FrM. When the sun sets, brave the Haunted High

Park tour, a moonht stroll set to the eerie tales of old Chicago. PrMegistration is


Ag~• ~lght and up. Oct. 27 and 28. Adults SlO, ages eight and up SS.

The playground In the northwest corner of the park becomes pumpkin carving

central, when creations are set adrift on the water ···---· the annual High Park 143. (A) until

(B) while iC) during (D) between

Pumpkin Float. Warm up afterward with some hot cider and storytelling. Ag~•

two to t~n Oct. 29. S2 per pumpkin.


,,,,, ,,,J,ilj ;>Jh~


Questions 144-146 refer to the following letter.

· II ~ II l II! 11111 ! II II Ill 1111 II IIIII 1111111


Mr. Sean Ronald 1385 Midland Ave. Sydney

II II 1111111111111111111111111111111UIII111111111 Ullllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIHIIIII

'"' ""' ·~






Dear Mr. Ronald,

On September 3. you asked me to make hotel reservauons fcx your guests. As per your Instruction, l rooms (double-bed requested) have been booked at the Marco Polo Hong Kong Hotel ~ -~- details as shown:

144. (A) Wltfl

(B) by (C) for ID)along

Gu•st Names= Chtck· in Date:

Check·out D1te:

Mr. John Simpson & Mr. Mark frluier

Sept. 2 2. 2006 Sept 25, 2006

Hotot Addro .. : 3 Canton Road, Harbour Oty, Tlim Silo Tsu• Kowioon

HototTelephone: (852) 21130088

Room Rote: HKS 1,250 net per room per night

Totoi Room Rate: HK$1,2SOx 3 nightsx 2rooms • HK$7,500

There is a hotel shuttle bus that can take the guesu to the hotel. Simply proceed to counters A 16 or B 16 (Parldane Counter) at the Amval Hall and pay HK$130 per person for the shuttle bus fare. The shuttle bus will take you to the hotel.

ApexiHKG will the room rate for the guests first. Thus, the guests are not required to pay the 145. (A) decide

till select settle

(D) detour

room rate when checking out. ApexiHKG will --~~· them later. However. If room service such as 146. (A) accuse

(8) loan (C)cted1t

10) charge

the minibar is used, the guests will need to settle them when checking out.


eo,.! IVAi~ Cory White




Questions 147·1 49 refer to the folloWing advertisement.


The Grand llotel, which is situated at Fort Worth International Airport in Dallru;, has a covered.

climate-controlled skywalk that conn«tS the hotel din:<:tly to Tenninal 3 and to an Auto mated

People Mover going to Terminal I .

Our check-in kiosks, recently installed in the lobby. allow om guests to check in for flights and

receive their boarding passes from the hotel. Guests can also check their baggage here 147. (1\ nght

oghtly , ....... nohtful

nghlfu ly

and not have to worry about lining up at the airport. The monitors set up next to the kiosks

display Right departure and arrivul times to ensure that you're -······ on time. 148. (A) often

(B) finally (C) arways

1 (0) almOSt I

AI the Grand Hotel, you will feel right at home the moment you set foot in our hotel. Our warm

and. friendly staff will go out of their way to make you fee I right at home. Relax and unwind

from the stresses of ·-- in one of our recently renovated guest rooms, complete with a 149. tAl viSit

(BJ tour (C) travel :0) arrival

jacuzzi in each room.

So the next time you're in Dallas. experience how comfortable and convenient travel can be.

When you ch«k into the Grand Hotel, you don'tjust stay, you belong.

Ill :03


Questions 150-152 refer to the following email.

Cindy Williams (mailto:cindy.williams@costwonh.com]

1 setiti ~' ~ •:J...:T.:,ue;;;:s;;;d•~Y.:,;· Oct;;,::;;o:.:;be~r:.;2;::5,~2;00::.;7.,:5:;::3;;:,8.:,:PM:.;;_ __________ =iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii0iiiiooj

lb .. ·c •.. . C.. seanharris@giat.com

aa~~~···-".:·_'1-~~~~----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -T •· _ i Peter Channings

~;-- : _,, Another SalesLead

·- ~' -· .

Dear Sean,

1 _ I have anotller sales lead for you today. The ·------ is to send a package by express cargo mode

150. (A) job (B) chance

I· (C) lim~



(D) pursuit

from FRA to NY. The shipments' content Is printed matter weighing approximately 200 kgs, and it will be sent every other day (3 times a week). We are looking for an arrival on tile day alter shipment. I would like to know ........ you are able to hand!& this and if you can meet this service requirement

151. (A) how (B) that (C) what (D) whether

n so, can you please quote us the delivery rates and all ----- charges in NY? As for profit sharing, 152. (A) defended

(B) refused (C) incurred (D) conveyed

1 would like to say 50150 as we discussed earlier. 1 am hoping that this will be okay with you •

I look forward to your reply soon. Thanks!

Best regards,

Cindy Williams Costworth Ltd.


; -.


Part 7 Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts. such as magazine and newspaper

articles. letters. and advertisements. Each text Is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for each quaslton and marl< the letter (A). {B), {C). or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 153-154 refer loth& following menu.

. .


• B.B.Q. Ribs • Honey Ga~ic Ribs

· Sweet & Sour Ribs

• B.B.Q Pork Slices

·Sweet & Sour Chicken Balls

·Deep Fried Chicken Wings · Diced Beef with Vegetables · Sweet & Sour Breaded Shrimp • lemon Chicken • Beef with Broccoli

· Chicken Chop Suey

• Kung Pao Chicken

• Pan· Fried Mixed Vegetables

·Curry Beef • Beef & Green Peppers In Black Bean Sauce ·Chicken Fried Rice

Choose anyt dish from the menu $425

25 Choose any 2 dishes from the menu $5

All above orders include Egg Roll & Fried Rice. Cash payment only • For Lemon Chicken or Chicken Fried Rice. add $1.00

• • !1


I..._ ... . ....... I~ tl;;, • ...._ 1;

~ "' f .._..._....._w l

" ,__w " 1925 WESTON ROAD

(Weston Road & Church Street)




FREE Delivery with min. order over $10 {before tax)

Mon- Thurs 11 a.m. - 11 p.m. • Fri 11 a.m. - 1 a.m.

Sat4p.m. -1 a.m. • Sun 3p.m. -11 p.m.



Our food is freshly prepared and Individually cooked to your order

and delivered to you piping hot in our spec;al heat retaining containers.

11:0" ·;

153. How much would a combo special with Lemon Chicken and Curry Beef cost before tax?

(A) $4.25 (B) $5.25 (C) $6.25 (D) $7.25

154. What can NOT be inferred from the menu?

(A) A cash payment must be made to get a discount on the daily combo specials.

(B) A choice of any one dish on the menu will cost $4.25 plus tax. (C) A delivery charge will be added for orders that add up to a total of less than ten dollars.

(D) Several kinds of credit cards are accepted by the restaurant.


'1+1tli.iilij!l, ··;~

Questions 155-158 refer to the follow1ng notice.

Christmas and Boxing Day Arrangements

As Chr!Stlll<U and Boxmg Dav fall on a Thuroday and Fnday this >ear, all pcrlodk al payments

falhng on those two dar• will ~ paid c;lrly on Wednc«.la•·· Staff w1U be pr<>':r"1ng authorluhons

and tran•ferring fund• until midni~ht (Australian Western Standard T1m<) on the 24th of

Utcembu. Regular banking s<rvi<<> will re.um< on the following Monday, the 29th of J>c,cmh<r.

1hen: will be no chang.: In the nllt'r.tlion~ o( our Automath: Teller Madline~ or J.lcc:tronl!.. Fund!lo

Tr.m)fer~. Ou.r financial advisory foeTYIC:d lCRIL"TS will. however. he d(ls.cd un Chri\trHa\ and

Boxing Day. Internet trun>a<llon• may he 1<heduled hut wUI not be pro<c"<d until Mond.l), the

29th of Decem~r. Phone banlung servt,es ,.i)) not he avadabl< on the 25th, 26th, lith, "r 2Rth.

We apol<>g~zc for any lnconvcntcn<c.

W< wiSh aU of our customers a \'n')" haf'P) •nd sate Cltnstmas!

155. Who Is the intended audience of this notice?

(A) Bank employees

(8) Customers

(C) Dflvers

(0) Security guards

156. What is the purpose of the notice?

,.. To announce the hOI iday scn..aule

(B) To notify custometS of a holiday sale

(C) To apotogae for a m.stake

{0) To advertiSe a new type of se<v~ce

157. Which of the following services can be perlonned on the 25th?

(A) Paying utility b1lls at the teller's window

(B) Receiving financial advice from the Institution

(C) Transferring money by telephone

(OJ Taking money out of a cash dispenser

156. What will happen to regular payments that fall on the 26th this year?

(AI The payments will have to be mruled out.

(B) They won't be taken care of unlll the 29th. (C) The transactiOIIS w111 occur on that day. (0) They win go out a few days early.


Questions 159-160 refer to the following form.






Sophie's Place Questionnaire

Dear Guests,

Your continuous support and patronage is our greatest source of comfort. Your heartfelt comments are our compelling drive to provide better service for you. Please kindly complete

this questionnaire to let us know your thoughts. Thank you very much.

Name: J.~ M'ltiur.­Telephone: 755-2563 Date of Visit tV..-: 26, 2a\$

Time of Visit: 6:30 / ·"'·

,.......,.... Quafrty of Food Good



r-Quality ot Service Good

Efficiency of Service ( )

StaHCotNtosy ( )

Cleanliness ( )

Fyrt!Jer Comments:



( )


( v )

( )


( )

- - - -



( )

( )

( )

Very Poor

( )

( )

( )

We had to waH ~er an hour for our food to arrive. 'I'M food was: very tasty. but I 111m~ tile place

nu<k more people to waH on custo~

















---------~~---------/ 1Sa. Nhich of the following is NOT true about the results of the questionnaire?

" Mr. Williams felt that the restaurant was understaffed. :B Mr, Williams llked th& food he had today.

Mr. Williams felt that the price was very unreasonable.

1 Mr. Williams thought the menu selection needs were limited.

He had dinner at the restaura11t ;a He came with several guests. : He IS a regular customer.

~ He is a very picky person.


Questions 161-164 refer to the following notice.

Re: the estate of Michael Gordon, formerly of 7 Golden Circus, Victoria, British

Co'lumbia, deceased on the 19th of November, 2006.

Notice is hereby given that any further creditors and other claimants against the

said estate should contact the offices of Sankin and Sankin, Solicitors, Suite 9, 432

Wilberforce Road, Victoria, VSW 3R3, the executors of the will of Michael Gordon, no

later than December 22, 2006. After that date, we, the executors, will distribute the

estate among the parties entitledl to it, taking Into consideration only claims received

by the due date.

161. What i~ "\tlv mi\in pvrpo~e gf tl1i§ notice?

(A) To announce the passing away of Mr. Michael Gordon (B) To find a missing person (C) To remember a person who did good deeds

(D) To in1orm people of a due date to make claims against a person

162. In which pert of the newspaper would this notice be printed?

(A) In the editorial section (B) In the obituary section (C) In the buSlness section

(D) In the want ad section

163. Who most likely took out this notice?

(A) Mr. Gordon's family (B) Michael (C) A law firm (D) A bank

164. According to the notice, what is going to occur after December 22?

(A) A funeral will be held in honor of Mr. Gordon.


(B) Crednors will get a chance to submH their claims to the debtor.

{C) Michael'~ ~tate will be di~tributed among lho~e who mat!v a cl~rn. {D) The appointment of the executors of the will is going to take place.

Questions 165-167 refer to the follOwing poiJCy. ..... • • • • • • • • •

Joy-Market Retums Polley

With a lew exceptions, anything purchased from a Joy Market store may be exchanged or returned

for a full refund of tho purchase pnce wrthln 30 days prO'Jlded

1) that the goods are unused,

2) that the goods ore placed '" the•r ongonal package and

3) that proof of purChase •s provided.

~~IIIUH.III!tt Food purchased from our fresh food counters must be returned no later than 24 hours after the

tJme of purchase.

Some 1tems must be returned unopeneo. These Items ora toys. music COs and OVOs, computer

software and hardware, videos. glassware. kllchenwd<e, undergarments. and packap,ed hardware


Customers. or those returmng Joy-Market 1tems rece1ved as g1fts. should prOVICIC photo

1dentificaUon at the Umo of apphcatJon.

Customers rewrn ng goods valued at less than SlOO will be •ssued an exellango ccrtlf•cate or

money order on the spot

For returns of goods valued at $100 or more, a check w111 be ma•led to the purchaser Wlth•n 3 work1ng days of the return.

The amount of refunds or exchange certifiCates Will be the same as the pr.ce pa1d for the 1tem


165. What is NOT stated In tile policy?

(A) Goods must be brought back 1n their original form. (8/ Tire origirla/ IIJ<."eipt must accompany tile retumed item. (C) A time limit IS placed on items being returned.

. ......_.

(0) A full refund will be proVIded for all items 1f returned w•thln 24 hours.

166. In which of the folloWing sltuations would a person have to show photo identification?

(A) When returning rtetn~o that are valued over S 100 before tax (B)If the merchand•se was ongmally bought by someone other than the person returning 1t (C) In situatiOns where the boxes have been opened and used (0) If a cred1l card was used when making the purchase

167. According to the policy, how long will~ take to get a refund for a purchase made under $1007

(A) It depends on the product purchased. (8) A refund Will be provtded nghl away. (C] At least 3 business days (OJ 24 hours if rec81pt IS provided



Questions 168-170 refer to the following e-mail.

Dear colleagues,

Kindly be infooned that Indonesia will be celebrating a long holiday from October 23-28, 2006, for Hari Raya ledul Fitri. There will be no pid\-ups and deliveries, but clearance will still run as normal.

In addition. for inbound shipments that are directed to cities outside Jakarta, th~ last transshipment by local agents will be on October 20. Arrt shipment we receive alter that day wtil' Oe on ~Oil!' til 0\lr office and ~e sent out after tile long holiday on October 30.

Furthennore, for shlpmenls headed to smaller towns, there will be a further delay because lhe holiday festivities will be ongoing until the 4th in many nural areas. This situation will return to normal on tile 6th of November.

Thank you for your kind atlentlon.


Rudl DSLI JKT Customer 5elvice Department

- ~~-- ~--- -- -~-- --~-----


168. Why was this e-mail written?

(A) To request a shipment (B) To notify someone of an upcoming schedule

(C) To send an invitation lot a celebration (D) To inquire about a sh1pment

169. What will happen to an Incoming shipment heading to a small town on October 21?

(A) It will be returned to the sender.

(B) It will be held until the 30th.

(C) It will reach its destination alter the 6th of November. (D) It will be delivened the next day,

170. When was this e-mail sent?

(A) October 4th (B) October 20th

(C) October 30th (D) November 4th



Que:stions 171· 175 refer to the following anicie.


Gaz International Sells Its Siberian Oil Operations to Local Company

ZURICH - Yevgenl Star, a mid-sized Russian oil company, has bought the Siberlan oil and gas operations of Zurich-based Gaz International. Wilde no offic1al figures have been released by either firm, the deal is believed to worth In the vicinity of $145 million.

Until recently, Gaz International had been seeking to expand Its exploration and refining operations, but it has reportedly been frustrated by local regulatory bodies. Gaz lnlemational shares rose by 1% as news of the sale filtered Into the media.

Yevgenl Star, which has some cross-share holdings with large industrial corporations in related and unrelated fields, notably In tlhe energy and shipbuilding sectors, will become one of Russian's leading players in the vital strategic area of energy supplies.

Explalnlng the reasons for the sale, Gaz International CEO Fritz Faschler told reporters yesterday, ·our

board of directors believes tlhatthls is the ideal time to consolidate our operations by concentrating on less-risky investments while at the same time boosting our interests in research and development I mean, in particular, research Into alternative fuels and energy sources. I have no doubt tlhatlhis deal is 1n the inlerests of both parties.·

Ills known that the deal includes significant technology transfers. A team of Gaz International engineers and administrators will train Yevgeni engineers In the operation or exploration and extraction technology developed by the International gianl.

Yevgeni Star operators were also keen to acquire Gaz International's license to explore and develop northern oil fields until 2015. The current produCtion of 10,000 barrels a day is expected to at least double over the next 5 years.

Due to the complex nalllre of legal arrangements surrounding the transfer of licenses and technological information. the deal is not expected to be sewn up before January of next year. Approval for tlhe

license transfer must be nego~ated Wllh Russian aUthorities while several major Swiss banks will vet the financial arrangements and the details of technology transfer.

171. What is true about Gazlnternational?

(A) It is a Russian-owned company. (B) it took control of another company. (C) Its stock price has slipped due to a false rumor.

(D) Jt wo1s Involved In a multi-million dollar transaction recently.

172. Which of the following will be the resu~ of a deal mentioned in the article?

(A) Gazlnternat1onaJ will become the leading company in its field. (B) Yevgeni Star seems to have gotten the better end of the deal.

(C) Gaz International wlll now focus on establishing its business in new areas. (D) Yevgeni Star will distribute shares to its top management staff.

173. Who is Mr. Fritz Faschier?

(A) A reporter for a local newspaper (B) The president of Gaz International (C) A spokesperson for Yevgeni Star (D) A Russian authority

174. According to the article, when wi ll the deal be finalized?

(A) In 2015

(B) In five years (C) Within the following weeks fD) By early next year

175. What is the main cause of the delay in closing the deal?

(A) 8oth companies want to take it slow. I B) Some complications have surfaced regarding legal issues.

(C) The Russian authorities usually take a long time to process a new license. (D) There are many details to be worked out.



Questions 176·178 refer to the following letter.


Fly-by-night Ttavel Agency Su~e 9 Chicago Life Building l.al<e Shore Square Chicago II. 60637

April 3, 2006

Lightning Computer Supplies 152 Whacl<er Road Chicago 60401

Re: faulty print cartridges

Dea1 Madam or Sir

On a recent visit to your store, I purchased a box of Onyx Print Cartridges for our 3 printers. As you are well aware, fast and high-quality prin~ng is essential in any business, big or small. these days. You can Imagine our disappointment when, after installation, we found that the cartridges were fautty, either In the feed mechanism or in the Ink Itself. When we examined the packages, we discovered! that all three cartridges had passed their use-by date. However, when I returned them to your store, I was refused free replacement cartridges as the rece1pt had unfortunately somehow been misplaced. This was extremely disappointing to me, as I am a long­term customer of your store. Am I not to be trusted? The cartridges were clear1y expired. I have since bought cartridges elsewhere, and I have no intention of returning to your store. But I

wanted to express my dissatisfaction to you, and I hope that you will examine your policy on returns.

Thank you.

Senior Trave1 Consultant

176. Why did Julie write this letter?

(A) To place an order lor some ink cartridges (B) To voice her disappointment regarding the store's rules (C) To find out if the stone carries a specific type of cartridge (0) To get the printer serviced by a technician

177. Why was Ms. Nixon's request turned down by the store?

(A) The goods wene brought back too late. (B) The boxes of the items were opened. (C) The proof of purchase could not be provided. (0) The store has a no-refund policy.

178. Why were the cartridges returned to the stone?

(A) They wene not the right model. (B) They were expired. (C) They wene damaged. (D) They wene the wrong color.


Questions 179-180 refer to the following card.

I 'Be Clean, 'Be Green

Dear Guests,

Each year. many of the major waterways in the world get polluted by va~t amounls of detergents used to wash bed linen and towels in hotels.

In nn effort to belp preserve the environment, we'd like to ask all of our guests to please leave the towels that you intend to re-use on the towel rack and place tho;,e towels you want exchanged in the bathtub.

May we also ask that you leave this card on the bed if you do not require your bed !mens changed'

We'd like to thank you for your cooperation in helping to improve our environment.

The Management

179. What is being asked of those who do not want their bedsheets changed to do?

(A) Call the management staff tl:l) Talk to the hotel maid IC) Leave a do-not-disturb Sign 0<1 the door (0) Place the card 0<1 tha bed

180. What can be •nferred about the hotel?

It •S !tying to do rts part to help a go00 cause. (B) It •s tf)'lng to cut down on •Is cleamng costs.. (C) lt1s short of clean•ng staff. (0) It only uses environment-friendly products.



Questions 181·185 refer to the following advertisement and letter.


Door2Daor Since 1962 A natne you can trust

Thinking of relocating? Why not contact Door2Door. the west coast's leading specialists in

moving, p<~cking. and storage? Since 1962 weve been helping families and businesses start new

lives without the stress of worrying about the safety of their valued possessions. Our secret?

Well, it's simple - planning and organi1..aliM, combined with state-of-the-art equipment and

packing materials. and, of course, experienced manpower. We can pack for you, or, if you prefer

to dn it yourself, we can offer you advice and the best shock-absorbing pmtectivc packaging

materials. Need to ship overseas? We have the cont.1cts and the experience in Europe and parts

of some Asian nations. Storage? We have a wide range of options' Insurance? No problem • Our

insurance is cheap because we don't take .chances with your precious goods.

Call our advisers now at 888·8888 or 888-9999. Or check out our new website www.door2door.

com for a comprehensive guide to our services. We are located at 343 Pril1ce Highway, Caulfield



343 Prince Highway

Caulfield South 3005


Dear Ooor20oor,

I Intend to move overseas with my family at the start ol next year. Between us, we have

many valuable personal possessions - musical instruments, computers, audio systems.

etc. -which we intend to take with us.

The country where we'll be living for the next 5 years (I'm taking up an academic position)

is France. We know little about that country and even less about how lo ship goods

overseas I really need to get some good advice soon. How can I arrange to speak with

one of your consultants?

Could you please call me at 934·1134, or ema11 me at robsted@gomait.com?

Yours sincerely,

181. What kind of business is being advertised?

(A) An 1nsurance company (B) An equ1pment rental company (C) A moving company (D) A web design company

182. Which of the following does NOT describe Door2Door?

(A) It uses the best type of equipment.

(B) II is internationally connected, (C) It has experienced workers. (D) It is a family-operated business.

183. What is the purpose of the letter?

(A) To apply to an overseas company

(B) To seek information about some musical equipment (C) To get a cost assessment of some personal possess1ons (D) To arrange an appointment to get a consultation

184. What is Mr. Steddon scheduled to do earl)' next year?

(A) Take French lessons (B) Meet w"h an overseas client (C) Work at a consulting firm (D) Teach In a foreign country

185. For which of !tie following reasons will Door2Door be able to help Robert?

(A) Door2Door has a business relationship In tine country Robert will be moving to. (B) Door2Door has a special discounted package that Robert can take advantage of. (C) Door2Door specializes In storing valuable goods at a reasonable cost. (D) Door2Door has offices all around the country, especially In the city that Robert lives.



Questions 186-190 refer to the following le11er and Its response.


New World Supermarkets 5'' Floor Federation Tower Melbourne September 8, 2006

Dear Sir or Madam.

r received the bi II for my August account on September 5, 2006, and was very surprised to find that I had been charged for a box of diapers I didn't buy. I am an old-age pensioner, and my children ore all grown up. It's very unlikely that I will be needing diapers any time soon.

I have to say that I am surprised. I have shopped at New Worrd Supermarkets for 30 years. and rve generally been very satisfied with your standards of service.

Could you please check your accounts and sort out the problem;> I have o fixed income. so a bill for $50 for something I never bought is making me very worried. Please let me know as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,

#.s>. S' «Ztll/' ~e- rh~e-.s>

Ms. Suzanne Jones 87 Bluff Rd. Melbourne

Re: New World Account no. 33782A for August

Dear Ms. Jones:

Please accept our apologies. You were indeed correct that an error was made In your August account dated and sent out on September 3, 2006. We have ascertained that this error occurred in several accounts, in which extra charges W8f9 added, due to a glitch In the computer program.

Rest assured that we have rectified the error in your account and modified our automated accounts system to ensure that no mls.takes will be made in the future.

An updated account will be sent with your next statement. However, please do not hesitate to contact mo If you prefer a replacement statement immediately or if you have any other query.

Yours faithfully,

Ju.te. LPI(riol( Accounts Department

1 &6. What is the purpose of the first letter?

(A) To po1nt out a mistake on an invoice (B) To complain about a late delivery

(C) To show appreciat•on for good service (0) To inquire about a product on sale

187. What is suggested about Ms. Jones?

(A) She has never Shopped at the supermarket before. (B) She has had problems with her bill before.

(C) She only has a limited income.

(0) She will never shop at the store again.

188. What caused the problem to occur?

(A) An accounting error by one of the staff members (B) A malfunction In the computer program (C) A delivery mix-up at the warehouse (0) A shortage of staff In the Accounting Department

189. When should Ms. Jones contact Julie London?

(A) If the problem persists

(B) As soon as the next bill arrives

(C) If sha Is curious to know the cause of the problem (0) If she wants the correct statement right away

190. How many days after the store sent out its bill d id Ms. Jones write back?

(A) 2 days (B) 3 days (C) 4 days (O)Sdays


• 03

Questions 191-195 refer to the following advertisements.

Try our new "Call Right" phone service, and get the first year's long distance calls for free!

Hard to befieva? We are celebrating our 1 Olh birthday and would like to extend an invitation

to everyone to try our amazing new phone SOfVice and get the first year's long distance calls

(to anywhere in the world) for free! The retail price for this package after the first year - will be 559/month. We want to say thank you for helping us become the number-one phone

company in our region.

The first 1,000 customef'S will also receive 2 state-of-the-art phone sets, which will optlmize

the "Call Right" experience. The sets can be used for your office or in your home. Please see

our full page insert for full details.

Contact CAW Phone Co. immediately to take advantaye of this amazing offer!

Customers in Lakefield Call Toll-Free 1-800-511-1111

Culilomer$ oul$ide of Lakefield Call Toll-Free 1-m-255-1902

Extended Invitation for "Call Right" phone service, and get the first year's long distance calls for free!

Due to the overwhelming response to our recent ad - offering 2 state-of-the-art

phone sets when signing up for our amazing new services for $59fmonth - we are pleased to announce an extension of this offer to an additional 3,000 customers.

We knew that this offer was irresistible, but within the first day of the ad, all the free gifts were gone. And to be fair to more of our loyal customers who have § helped in our success, we are happy to announce that we will continue this offer to I an additional 3,000 customers. ~

Thank you for your responses!

To take advantage of this continued amazing offer, please contact the CRW Phone

Co. right away.

Customers in Lakefield Call Toll-Free 1-800-511-1111 Customers outside of Lakefield Call Toll-Free 1-999-255-1902

I I I 'wmmmn.uiiiLHJ I I I I I


191. What is an attractive feature being offered?

(A) All oew customers who sign up lor a year will receive a new phone as a gift (B) The new service allows a year's worth of overseas calls lor free. (C) The rates for internatiOnal calls have been reduced by 59% lor everyone. (D) The basic monthly charge has been deleted from everyone's b•ll altogether.

192. How can an Interested person become eligible for this special offer?

(A) By s1gmng up lor a new service

(B) By purchasing a phone (C) By having used the service for one year (D) By making a certain number of international calls

193. What can be inferred from the second ad?

(A) There was an explosion of interest from the first ad. (B) The phon& company spent a lot of money on marketing. (C) The first ad did not go as well as they had hoped. (D) The existing customers are not happy with the offer.

194. What is the main reason for the offer being eX1ended?

(A) The company wants to provide an opportunity to more of its faithful customers. (B) The company felt that the original offer period was too short.

(C) The company wants to improve its image by prolonging the attention they are getting. (D) The company fs afraid that their sales might drop if the offer ends.

195. How many customers will get the free gift?

(A) 1,000 (B) 2,000 (C) 3,000 (D) 4,000



Questions 196-200 refer to the following classified ad and website.

,. ............ ..-------·~-~·-..-~-....--- ----- _,_ __ ------------------..,



WOMAN'S FUR COAT beautiful mink full-length coat. dark brown fur. si~e: medium. 5 months old. non-smoker owner. $800 or best offer. Call (416) 9()9.2020

WEDDING DRESS worn once, white lace, 'ir.e 8. Also available - long. matching veil and si?.e 7 shoes. Comes packaged in beautiful box, ready to wear. Please call (after 6:00 p.m.) (416) 770-2948

USED BOOKS wonderful sch,>cflon of bestsellers. Over a thousand edition~ to choose from. All for $5 each. Open hous1< on Monday- Tuesday. 4:00-8:00 p.m .. 2 Jones Avenue. Call (416) 342-0SSS

RRDROOM FURNITURE Bed, 2 side tables. 8-drawer armoire. and small sofa. PurchaS<!d one year ago. Must sell to relocate out of country. In almost new shape! Call (905) 224-6900

NEW TOYS Top Children's Toys (Brand new in package. never used). Sec full list on my website (yotoy<.com). Order by phone (eaJit.8()().585-2011) or online. Delivery available,


' I I


.. __ ~-~--------------------------- ------------



(As seen in the classified section of Sun Daily)


Top Children's Toys - Brand new in package! Never used!

Here's a full ! ist of what's available: -Model cars

-Antique robots

- Stuffed .animals

- Dolls

• Jewelry-making beads

- Miniature cookware

- Chemistry sets

• Painting sets - Activity books

- Sports equipment

-Computer games

• Pius More!

·All name brands


Any orders over $100 will entitle you to free delivery within the city limits. Act now by

calling 1·80().585·2011 or by clicking on the link at the bottom of this page to purchase

online. This offer will end soon!

196. Which of the following is being sold due to the owner moving overseas?

(A) A woman's fur coat (B) A wedding dress (C) Bedroom furniture (D) Used books

197. What do the ads have In common?

(A) API of them sell second-hand items. (B) All of them offer free delivery. (C) All of tnam have eontact numbers. (0) All of them are priced under $500.

198. Wheroe most likely is the advertisement located?

(A) In a magazine (B) In a newspaper (C) In a book (D) In a brochum

199. Which of the following items Is NOT sold online?

(A) M1o1atura ears (B) Teddy bears (C) Rings (D) Pastels

200. For whom will the free delivery NOT apply?

(A) Those who buy Items worth a certain amount of money (8) Those who live within a certain area (C) Those who make purchases within a given time (D) Those who submit vouchers oflemd in the ad


• 03




























Dheluid w "'at a 1.1\J&SIIol'l or S1atemortl and """" raepon-IPOken In Eng rlh They WJ'I y • Me and ... ~ be printed .. )'1.)111 lest ~ Select lhe best respci'SeiO :ne '' 1 >nd nwk •he letter (A Ill). or (C) on YQut answer sheet


Where is tt:P. meeLng room?

Ynuwll nl;o h<J:tr (fl) To lll<H1l u-.o ~ Clrretlor

tO) It's u,,, frml room oo tt>o r><Jhl tCl Yc:~, Ollwo o'c.ock

hA lx!•t rMilQnse to lhe questOn "Where os lhe moonng room?" rs chorce I B) "l!'slhe hrst rool'l n tho!> ri9hl" so (0) Is lhe cw.,.;t nrnwcr You nhould m:u1< answer (81 on yoo.. ana"'er ~Net.

Ma"'- your answer on Yl)(.r a,_ aheel. 21. l.4atk your-- on your answer~

Mart< your ""3W•1f on your answer •I-t 27. Mar~ your anawer on your An•*"" II'-!

'Aar1< your answe< on your nn6weo t.heet 21. Mar< your 1nawer on your M8-r r,hool

MArl< li"U' anowor on your an-sheet. 29. MaO< your ar.s.,..,.. on )'OL'f a,_ sheet.

Marl< your anr.'Mlf M your 11!1s.,·er 8'-1. 30. Ma1< your answer on your answ. sheet.

MArk your an~wor 011 your answer aheel. 31. Mark your nnAwer 011 your anawer sheet.

Marte your ens- on yoor an:;wer ltleel. 32. 'Aarl< yo111 an...- on your an-~

Mark your answer on your answer sheet 33. Mark your answer on your ens- S'-1.

Marl< yo"r nnswe< un your answer sheet 34. MarK your answer on your answer sheet

Mrul< your 8111WU on your an- - 35. Marl< your an, .. _. on yo~~r •n,_ ,_,

M'" • '100" M&-on your answer sheet 36. Ma1< your answe< on your an.-slleet

Marl< your ansW« on your answer sheet. 37. Mark your answer on your an!IWOr sheet.

Ma.1< your a"'! ... vr on your a,_ atreet. 31. Maok your _,_on your an&wer-

l.'arl< VO<•• answer on ycur a-. shoot 38. Marl< your answer on your ane-,er slwel

Marte your answer on your answor sneet. 40. Marl< your Answer on your answer &heel.


1se to the


1er sheet.

ror shoot

,e, sheet

rer sheet.

rer sheel

•er sheet

•er 3heot

1ar f-lheet.

•er sheet.

•er sheet

•er sheet,


You V\'111 hear some conversat ons between two people. You will be asked to ans\•1er

questions about wnat tbe speakers say 1n each conversation Select lhe best response to

o qlJ&sllon :;md mark 1h&t lotlOr (A), (B), (C). or {0) on your answet sheet The conv~rsalions will

only one time ~nd will not t)e pnntP.d in your test book.

is the man wa1bng to hear?

Al.rha· '"''"II of his promotion.

Bjl'hedaltaof h is next bus1ness trip.

44. Why did Ms. Sato postpone her tt1p?

{A\ She 'WH~ 11ul s~l!sfi~Ml will1 tlG f lt""~\:iotJnln\lflft rnnlerial.

Ttl& announcement of hi$ nex-t job kx:ation ol hiS new oUM.--e

(Bl She suddenly h.'ld to ottrmrt to otOP.r l'lo••~-:i "ll7 ~.

(C) She woke liP late and n·i~se<11 u~r t>.uly 11111111

(0) She could not gm a pku-.e t•oktH tv Chic~~>:.••

\he man hear about the news?

t-rorn ll •S boss.

From a display board. From the company newsletter. From a phor1e can from his man~gor.

VVltat ojoe•sthe woman think of the tnan?

Ha should gel a long wsth h is boss better

has boen slackmg olf lately, He i~ an exooiJonl speaker. lie is good at what ha does

45. When w i.l the speakers attend the meeting?

(A) 10·01)

(B) 11 '00 \Ci 11:30. (0) 12:00

46. What will the man most likely do before the meeting?

(A) Gall lu; chen!

(B) Make a pJano hO:sarvaliou (CJ Sr'!tHtl< to Mt-o S:::.lo

(0) M•k~ coptes ol th~ prllj)(Js"l



47. Where are they?

nu ant

48. 'o'nly IS the man apo10g1zmg to the woman?

to k rnvka .1 n• ;P.h'.nhon t.: c "'' nl tu~ sto:1lf melllbors rna de i:IIU!st.l:lke ' II do(. , no know how to use the computrcr

101 ..-li·J o'!tnw:lnl ts closed for buslnAM tnrlav

49. What do~s the fJ1~n offer the woman?

1111 /'o flO"'"'"·'' coupon (I~) t\rh~nuut on tho morn ((,) 1\ \ll.'<"tll< 111 lhH parf<.

(I)} Internet accos''·

50. Why did tho woman drop by George's garage?

• 1 r 1 1 '''' on -.nrnp new hms. 1 Ill I" Jlh lo Cloorg'l II I [Q 10~·~ L:af~ ot A bill

IIJ I rn ~11! •111 Oil Change

51. Why did the man take his car somewhere else?

I, AI I l< wBs not h~flPY W11h 111e ,;e,v>ce at George's 4 ra!')H

I) I lu 1111 "'' 1 " ch~ar"r place closerto his "1f>i:1ri1W.!fll

~~ .. ~ I ho 11IO<:I\Of11C wl1o look cnm of his car did a r tJ' tllle job.

•.0) l hA wom:"tn had teconlflltlnded ;;molhPr place lt1ht1u

52. According to the man, what happened to the mechanic he knows at George's garage?

'"\) I~" qotl•md

'H) ,,... Wl.l'; J>ILiiHOled.

•(.:) ll•jskuttK.IIJi~ OWI1 buSiness.

rl J) 11~ went to work lor Hnothe< shop.


53. When does the meeting begin?

{/>) 11.00.

(II} 12:00.

(C) 1 00. ,ll)?:IJO.

54. Why do they have to take oil early for the conference?

{A) To have ltlnch Wllh somt! cutmls (I I) To f" a pare lor the po&'...-.ntahon ((;) l o talk to U1e event orqAniTPI {II) li> avo1d gettlnq stuck in ll alf,c.

55. Where is the man going now?

(A) To a meet1hg. (13) Tu see a client. (C) I() have lunch. (11) To get some equ1p111P.nl

56. When did the woman first make the call?

(A) Last wool<. (B) A few days ago.

(C) Yesterd·'Y (U) Today.

57. Who most hkely IS the man?

(A) A <IO<;tor

(II) A weather 1epu1l"r (G) A ohotocop1er technician (0) A newspape1 employfle.

58. What is the problem?

(A) The weather has suddenly gotten very c:olo (Ll) The man has come down w1th a cold. (C) Some Important papRrs SI R missing

(P) The copier Is not wor1<ing properly.

tore dO<lS the man want to go?

Cfty Hall.

will the man get to his destination?

will it take lor the man to get to his

did the man get to work this morning?

He drove his car took public transportation

vl'le Qot a !ida with a r.o-worker. Hewalkoo.

has the woman been thinking 01 doing?

Taki~g the bus to work Getting rid ol her ca1. Catch up on her readrng.

r::JtCh,lllQinq hor inS11rance COmpany

1ball dO~ tlla man suggest the woman do?

Sell he< car.

Buy mora insuranctl.

65. What are they discussing?

(A} PtOI)Iems at thorr fac.tor~

(B) One of their loyal custnrno" (C:, TI1e IXlSsibthly of ,1 big dmtl (0) Thei1 ''J.'h'O"••nn bus•r~o~~ tnp

66. Why is Mr. Sanchez coming?

(A) To chc·ck 011: rhP. piAn I (13) 1o pmsent" rlool (Ct To make a sale. (DI To give a speech.

67. Why does the man want to take off early?

(A} To avord hf>avy tralfic (B) To catch an early fftghl

(CI To meet a client attlte tactu• I'· (D) To close a dt~<~l

68. Why did the man go to the mall?

(A) To buy som~ !)roceries (Fl} Tn get so~,., medtctne.

(C) To rem a v!de(l I! l.el

69. What does the man mention about U1e supermarket?

(A) II i~ located in the mall

(B) II ~ells over-the-couniAr Cit uq>

(C) It lakes about M il an ho111 lo netlll< ru un toot.

(D) II opens early on Tuasday<

70. What day is it today?

(A) Monday. (B) Tuesday. (C) Wednesday (0) Thursday


II oe


Directions: You will hear some short talks given by a smgle speaker. You wtil be as¥-tld to aroswer

q est>ons about what trn. speaker says •n each short talk. Select the best response to each

,ucn ard mark the letter (A), (8), (C) or (IJ) on your answer sheet The lalks will bA llPQken

only one hme and will no I be pnnted In your tesl book.

71. When will I he move- take place?

(/\} V'A~df1~::1ciAy

(U) Tl•uroo~y

(C) [ nuay. (!>i Mon~~Y

72. What does the speaker r1;100mmend lhe listeners du?

(1\J Show 11p an hour eatlief lhan the movers. lfll Pw:k •woy thetr perS<m"l goods. rc i elp look ~or oorne lOst 1lomc;

!I>' f11esc; formnlly 1or 'ihP OCC:aSlQil,

73. What will be provided to tl1e listeners on the day ot the move?

(J\) 1\ ht''~' rnfJ.(.l l

;f\) LXII u ~"Y· :t :) A 11de home \D)Ap~rly.

7 4. Why is the speaker leaving the message?

<A) lo postuon~ hHr dfJP')in1mant

(A) In ,rlrtp a job rrllervr"w lr.) ro ICfJ<J•I an ~cciflent on lhe road

(0) lo tJfJl U"'l& nurnberof a co-workm

75. Where most likely is the caller now?

I A) AI l1<•r ulhco. rt I) On lhA 'I lbWAy

!C) Ill" ho•pilal ID' In hr'l qn

76. When dces the caller say that she will be available?


!1\) Hlglllnuw

II II [hi' e;'9ntng

• L;) NQxl wr.ok t.li) I hi~ w•~k~1nd

77. What does Academic Enlerprises ptovide?

(A) Educational books (B) Free consultalions (C) Free delivery services.

(D) ·1 m '""~ classes.

78. Whal should a caller with a question about a delivery do?

(A) PreS$ 1

m) Prass2. (C) Press 3. !Di Press4

79. Who should wart on the line?

lA) Those who are already cus tom•rs

(8) Those who do not want to deal w•U• n mildli tC) Those who don't have touch-tone phones. (D) Those who do no I know the extension nurnbe·

80. Where is tho talk mostll~ely taking placa?

(A) AI a hosprtal (8) AI" puiJlic sclrool (C) AI a !healer

(D) AI an mi gallery.

81. Who is Dr. Cummins?

(A) A d1Jr1<:.,-, (13) An arlisl. (C) The headmaster. (D) The produc()r

82. Which of the following was mentioned by the speaker?

\A) The performers spent hours puling together the show.

(B) Ms. Wong Is the leading dancer ot tonight s perlom1ance.

I C) n'e theater is a lull house tor the firstlillle since tiS oper\ing.

10) All of the dancers ore up-an<f-COmlng pro fesslonals.

is rmplied about tooay's event?

are mora people in 1ht: auditmce 111an amicipated. faday's evont Is one ott he oost events war put on. The audtence members have warted o I mg time tor 1t

II was very dilfic.ult to get tonrght's gues1

1aldOEIS the speaker mention about today's

is a university student Is a history teRCh"r. is a very good talker is vary famom. wurldwrde.

audienCQ memher~ wlllta~e an intennissiOII Ureak

S~~~t speak" r Will take tho Stann speaker will grve a brief 1ntroduc1•ou ol the

orphanages. Unemployed members of society

is the speaker asking the listeners to do?

· Donate some money. Votuntoor time at a charrty !unction Give unused blankets. Prepare a Christmas present.

wllllhey be contacted by the charitab',e

Before the end of today. Toward the end ot this week.

' 89. Where is the announcement most trkety taking place?

(A) At a rnatl

(B) At " coif e., sho~. (C) At a sarulw1ch store. (D) At a doctor's off1co

90. When wilt the special offer end?

(AlAI noon.

(Br Th•s evening. (C) romorrow (D) Th1s wool< end

91. What IS the original cost of a sandw1ch set?

(A) rwo dollars (B) Three dollars. (C) !'our doll~rs (D) S•x dollars.

92. Who is listening to the talk?

(A) Hotot vmployees. (13) Guests. (C) Fitness instructors (D) floSt(IUI"ant 51.111

93. Which of the following Is offered for tree?

(A) MAn's and Wc'lmarfs spas.

(B) A styl1sh bath1ng surt (C) A muscle rubdown (D) A w01koul trarmnglesson

94. What is available at the reception desk?

(A) A oiscount coupon. (B) A day's pass. (C) Workout outfits. (D) Squash mckets.

Ill ...... 05

95. What is !he main purpose ollhe report?

, , n11 ~ lnl

mf!k",Vtnem tit t r the ut•; II J f'!lllt.jd ••ti

nq ,, ":! rt"~mOJ! •v

96. Which country wrll be most affected?

d 11 I

97. w nat drd the representative of the Triton Tire Company announce today?


' ,r.:.,,nr sumnhtY'"-r.JWIIIhn~r~t.

ft'f '"' cwnpanv ,.., phtuuno to expnn.J 1 ( ) /\II • ·I tl :nnlrnct~ will be renowOO

I D) 1\ n 'A h mGh oftn..:e "-ill ,liK'fl in ftlr•)pe.

98. Who is the Intended audience of <hrs talk?

(I\) rhro r,hOj>f"'15.

(fa rhft chtld's custodmn (( ) nv .. olllce rnnn::tqe~s ((J) llle arhnintSifa!IVPSt-Otf

99. Where is the manager's office located?

(1\) un lh'l grounrl noor (I 'I On the m~;nnd floor rr :) On the 111lh noor till On the basem»nl IIOOf

100. Which of the followmg besl describes Damian's condition now?

IAI Ha ;, rtistressud. {ll) Ho I~; F.timt 1late< I (1~) He w •rnpress..U (IJ) Ho I<; !Jrtaved

Reading Test

n th• re..cbng test. you will read a vanety or texts and answer several different types o• readlng comprehension ques~ons The entire reading t!st W1il last 75 minutes There are three ca~s. and d11ectoons are Q1ven for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many quesbO<'S as possible

wijhin the time allowed


Directions: A word or phrase is missing In eac1 of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the se~tence Then. mark the letter (A). (8}, (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. ----- -economic growth rates have stagnated over the last 6 months, we cannot expect any rise rn the value of the dollar.

fill Su (O)As

IG) F01

rrJ} Although

102. It seems certain------- our industry will be faced w•th multiple cMIJenges in the near and medrum tenm, principally because of changes rn the International political landscape.

(A) because t>lithat ({') lor


103. One of the city's landmark department stores has fiiQd for bankruptcy: howl:lver thArA iAn() indication that the historic building will be demolished or redeveloped.

IA) il (0) its (C) rt s (0) otse!f


104. Mitusa Motors today announced that its headquarters -·· -·· to the port city of Kumamoto in order to take advantage of cheaper transportation costs.

(A) relocated (B) relocating (C) have relocated (n) will be relocated

105. Any reports produced by this department should be edited and proofread -- by someone other thRn the writer.

(A) equally (B) apparently (C) exclusively (D) thoroughly

106. The mineruls boom has brought abOut an er..onomic boom. which In tum has meant that real estate values have ------- to record (evels.

(A) rose (l:l) raised (C) risen (D) been raisrng

107. In response to our question on overall customer s.atlstactJOO, 23% of respondents tndocated that tney were somewhat or very

(A) d ssatosfy

(BI d ssaosfted

(C) dlssat.sfyjng

(D) are dlssatisfted

108. A new strateg•c plan · ······ increasing productlvi1y was introduced at the last meeting ol the board of directors.

(A) In

(6) by

(C) lur


109. EmplOyees at the Maroubra plant wwe thai operations would cease 111 approx•mately 6 months and that generous rebrement packages would be given to all employees.

(Aj tnformtng

(B) mformed

(C) Informative

(0) Information

110. The president----- his difficult childhood wi1h giving him the strength of character needed to succeed in a fiercely competitive &nv1ronmont.

tAl provides

fBI credits

tClrewatds tO) presents

111. any surprise subm:ssions th1s onornooo, the court case should be wrappod up tOday aftor 2 years of bitter wrangling.

(AI Declining

(0) Bllrrlng (C)Aiiowing

(D) Regretting

112. When operating in a new cuttul'fl. II is very important to be -- of focal practiCes WI'IICh a! firs! srght, may s....rn 5trat~Q&

(A) respecl

!B) respectful

(q rospectM•

(OJ rw.;pec!Jvely

113. The report by Absolute Consultants advised that al least year will be required before the company can attain profitability.

(/\) other

(B) others

(C) another

1 0) the otheo'

114. -- that rt os undesirable to 1rea1 our production ine WOfl<ers ~ke robots. we have Introduced a poliCy of freQUent )00 rotatiOnS

tAl Recognize lA) Recognrzed IC) f1ecogmzing 111) Having been recognized

115. The Personne l Department has lost no time seeking a----·· for Dr. Roberts, who recently rettred after 30 years o l servico.

(A) cons;deration (Bt replacement (C) m.,•menance (OJ pos~11on

116. Any employee W1Shmg to termrn3ta h s or ha< employment before lhe ond of the contract may do so aner grv•ng 30 days wntten

(A) sign

(B) contact

(C) nonce

(11) approval



111. The task of the hlgh·prolile planning commtttee wlU be to lhA A~tAn Games organ.zers to choose our city as the site of the ~•tgames.





118. Government regulaltons stale that no one c~n be to the closed reading room without first obtaining a security clearance.

: 1\! suite<:! il3) mqu1red {< :) ndmilted

(IJJ disposed

119. There can he no doubt that our Marketing Department has grown -· • -- confidence and ability with each new success.


IBI Willi (('.) "mong (f ;i oet\veen

120. Th<> catering unit -··-·- that all patrons complet~ U1a questionnaire so that we r.an provide the best possible service at the most reasonable cost.

{AI assur"s

181 questions

tr-t reqiiC!,il$

11 II Understands

121. New procedures for the operation ollhe secunty system will -----· to ensure that there are no more delays in accessing the building on weekends.

tAt 1ntrodvcc itl) Introducing II.~) Introduction

1 D) be inl rocluced


122. · - application procedures have resuhed "' a drop In int·erest in our in\lestment atKI other financial services packages.

lA) Complicating !BI Compl1ca!ed

(C) Complicates

(D) Complicate

123. Customers need to cons1der caretully -­kind of interior fittings will oest satisfy both their needs and tastes.

{A) WhiCh

(B) •ince

(C! thet (D) as

124. Before adding new stocks·--... - your investment portfolio. why not attend one of our Investment seminars, whe(e you will be able to meet our consultants in a small group selling?

(A) at (R)tn

/C) for (D) with

125. Mining operations at the southwestern mine have been ---- until the question or ownership has been resolved by the courts.

(Al halted (B) earned

(C) endured

(D) registered

126. All employees are reminded that there is much satisfaction to be gained lrom ---- lhe community in some voluntary capacity.

(A) serving

(B) dasONing

(C) reserving

(D) preserving

127. - pla.rwng requ•res p<aebcal knov.1edge, attention to deta 1. an aD l•ty to I sten to ail stal<&-holders. and lle•oOII•ty.

tAl Anent 'e 1R1 Ef!ectove (C) ACtiVe (D) Subjective

128. The purpose of th•S ptaonlng meet1ng 1s to ensure !hat our move to the new Site wfl not cause any ·· - in our Htllices.


18) comoptoon

tCI .nstrucbon

lJ):t •nte11uphon

129. The CEO of Gnff1n tnvostmonts said today that he had absolutely no heSitation In • •• that his company had always operated wllhl~ strict. ethical guidelines.

cA) alfinmng tB completmg

(C) onent1ng (0/ expand•ng

130. - for any reason you are unable to attend tomorrow's meeting. please nobly Ms. Clifton as 600(1 a.. possoble so that me cate<ing arraogemoots can be modofied.

!A) Though (8} If

(C) &cept !hat (0) Unless

131 . For the ... -· news and views on all important developments In the business world. make sure you tune In to "Financial Focus• at 8:00 p.m.

tA) late

iBI Iator (C) lately

I'D) latest

132. n ... s te sa1ectoon commnee will be m:00ng a fina• tour of all sotes triiS altm-.n -malung their fina decision thiS EMnlng

(Ill on i!l} on (l 'along (ll) b~fore

133. One of tne aspects of the n<Jw headquarters iS Its closllnoss to the lively downto ... 1'1 area of the crty

(A) please tl:l) pleases

(C) pleaseo (0) pleas1ng

134. The Mizuku Department Storo advises Its customers that the amount of the r purchases must be paid Wtthln 30 days In order not to incur •ate lees.


!B) full (C) much (D) avery

135. Chief Engineer Mike Myers' expert•se chemical materials has enobled h1m to move to the very top ol Ills f•etd

(Aj d\).'Lnst

(IJ) for

(<..1on (0)011

136. Should you require speclol laave lor reasons other than ....... listed in the company regulations. please dlscu!S the matter w1th the Personnel Department.

fl\) who

(81 whom

(C) !he'll

(I}) tho>e



137. Ills Nghly that an poctgraduate sludants keep a daily rocom of their reading as- as • pe<30N1 journal

138. II all thosa present are In , we w II


adjourn thiS meeMg for approximately 20 mtnutes to get refreshments

' q'l'""<f (111 ~grees IC) agoeeog

~I 11 Wl"'""'~nt

139. tn recent months. much academic debate has ansen ~~ ~~~ !11e government's inlentloo to prlvabze the public lransportahon and ambulance serw:as

'II by

Ulto tGI WJtll

tOt over

140. The job of the prOduction process i'las beoo given to a well-known engltleerfng consultant.

·A) streamhnes :B) srream•tned (C) to strenmllne ID) strea'lli nlng

Part6 Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the ~entences below. Four answer chotces ""' gtven below each sentence. Select the best ansl•er to complete the sentence, Then, mark th e

letter (A), (B), (C), or (0) on your aflswer sh11et.

Questions 141·143 refer to the following announcement.

Halls will Come to Life with Music

Albert Hall and Royal Hall have disclosed their schedules for the upcoming season, with

everything ···-··· classical music to stand-up comedy acts and lots in between. 141. (A) over

(l:l; at (C) uo (D) from

The Smoths are set to make their debut at 1 00-ycar-old Albert Hall on jan 25, 2007. The venerable venue ·--·-- will host Bruce Thornton on january 17, Ron Ghanem on january 3,

142. (A) besides (8) of

(C) also (D) either

'Terry Lightfoot on january 9, and folk superstar Judith Bachman on february 1 2, 13, and 1 4.

At Royal Hall, in its classical --·-·-, American soprano Rosemary Voogt, Canadian soprano 143. (A) series

(B) ~1cps (C) occasions (D) separattons

Jonathon Pierre, Canadian baritone Mel Finley, and Po lish contralto George Podles are on the bill.


Ouest1011s 144· 146 refe r to the fottow<ng news a rticle.

I Ill II IIIII II 111111111 I I d d tllllll lllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllll d 111111111111111111111 IIIII lllc

Thornhill Sales Increased 124% In June

Trimart's Housing Report gave Thornhill the number one ranking in sal<!.$ for the month of June.

Sales in Thornhill increased by 124%, with 330 sales co a M•y rally of 147. 144. (A) Gompansons

(B) e<>tllparod (C) comparing (D) co mpamllve

This dramatic - was the result of the outstanding success of the Saxton Group's launch of

145. 11\l clecrease (B) tift (C) reduction (0) il!<.al:!atla

their new, affordable subdivision Home Sweet Horne.

In Its first weekend, Home Sweet Home completely sold out its I 52-unit inventory In the

Thornhill area. A more - increase of 16% was recorded in the Toronto region, comprised

146. {A) caUfiOIIS

tl:l) careful (C) mooorate tO) deliberate

of North York, East York, Etobicoke. York. and Central Toronto.

The total market area experienced a 5% increase in sales over May.

Ill lj"ll !II II t IIIII II 111111 Ullllllll 1 jllltllllllllllllt IIIIIIIIIIU lilt ll!tiiiiUIII UIIIIIUIIII Jfiiiii11H 111111111111 llllll lllfUIIIIII IIIIII II HI Uil lllllif


Questions 147·149 refer to the following a:clvertisemenl.

w---------------------------- -------Dreamaker 0 5

The professionals that make your njghts comfortable

1l1e Dreamaker Plus ·•••· the exclusive coil system eve1yone's been [Uikin_g about 147. lA) lakes

(B) features (C) accounts (D) calculates

For the past 50 years, the experts at Drcamakcr have dedicated their t ime and effort to brmg the

Americans a good night's rest by us ing our reliable and proven technology.

Compared to aoy conventional spring system.~ available in the industry, the Ureatnakcr l'lus has

nearly rw1ce ~~e coils of any others. Quality comfort layers and fablics to ensure a

comfortable and durable sleeping surf.1ce.

148. lA) wa-s used tiiJ hov~ h"f!ll 11sed

iC) am to use (D) will be use<J

By incrca.~ing the wire thickness in the outer two rows, Dreamaker Plus--------149. (AI provide

(0) prOVISIOn'

(C) proV!t11r>g (D) prov1des

a ftrmer seating edge, increases lhe \!Sable Sitcpmg space, and helpS tO prevem that ""roll out of bed" feeling.

·--- ... , ·-----------------------


OuesUons 150-152 refer to the to!lowlnglener.


MIChc!le L S1nnolt

The M':el Umi'd!d

.:s Landseown~> Road Seatt" Wash r,glon

Dear Ms Sinnott

Mr Steven Oav•s. who is currenUy employed as a junior accountant at your firm , has

recently shown his interest in a similar post with and has proVIded your name as

a reference.

150. 1A, you (Bl us iCl •hem IO)hom

I would b1l grateful to race1ve any mformabOn rogard•ng h•s worK othoc. character,

and Achoevements Furthermore, or you can provide your persona l views of how his with you have been and what your opinion Is regarding Mr. Davis taking on

151. 1 t.,cllot.-11 1 valuH~

fl .) ~eoVIC.,.

' I opf.l<lrtunol us full responsibili ty as an accountant in a very large and busy department. I would

apprecoate lt.

am - -··· a .... -are that Mr. Davis graduated from George Brown College with an

152. '' "nougll 11 1 thoroughly tC1 entorely !Ul fully

accounting degree but I am more interested tn how he has performed under your

supervision since he began woriting for you.

I! there os any other information you feel I can use, I would appreaate II very much I'd

like to thank you in aovance and add that any information you provode will be treated as

strictly confidential.


Brian S. Simpson

Accounting Manager

Coram Incorporated

(200) 755 8956

Part 7 0 rl!ctions: lr t~ s part you will reed a seiACtion of te~ts. such as maga~ ne and nel'.soape•

_ttF.fS and advert sements. Each l~<l Is follm'ed by several que-stions. Select toe oes: ""l;:>r each qcest1on and mark 111e letter {A). (B), {C). or (D) on ycur aflSwer sheet

Questions 153-154 refer 10 the following form.

Order your free Kitchen Fixer Upper's Guide here Hurry. Stocks are limited


Send to: K1tchen Fixer Upper, 7 47 Dundas Road, Suite #305, Toronto, Ontario M4S-251

I J] Please contact me to arrange my 'no obligation' design and quote I ] Please send me a FREE kitchen Fixer Upper's Guide I 1 Please send mill a FREE brochure

Name: Tel No.:



t..,.t. tf(,(},~ 755-t207

.NT ,e., • ..;, R..l lltP-sB3 ~.c., o.~ IM~@jM~~~-·H~--------

We have added you to our mailing list. If you wish to be removed from our mailing list, please call 1-800-755-8978.

153. What does Ms. McCowan requ""t'?

(A1 A pnr.-e quot<'

IRI A till debook (C) A bfqchure •. L)) An appoinhnent

154. In wh1ch of the following situatloos should Leslie call the company?

lA) If sho wan1s to recf?'iva a let1er It ll Atl<>r <h9 dOGides nn the work datA u .J As soo11 as she wants to VISit tho store 1 lJ V\'hen !ihP. no longer wishes to recetve mail


Questions 155-157 refer to the lollowtng message

Th.s IS one of our biggest projects so tar, so let's gel busy. HerP. l~ my su9gested umeline As yuu call see, our hrst meeting with the clients IS n~xt Monday, and lhP. lln~l portfolio mus1 be finished and approved by tne client no later than Marth 1

Monday, Jan 2:5

TueSday, Jan 26

Fl'l<lay, Jan 29


Thu"Sday, Feb 4

Monday, Feb 8

Meeting With rrench Spl'lng's marketing people

I et's !lave~ brolnstOtmlng sesstollt.tllcJ lher1 wor,.; separately on """'tlve ideos

I've schec11J\fKI a totw ot Frenc" Sprin:g"s drsplay centftf for '"".,.,,..,group. L~·~ al mwt111 the studiO to Vtew designS and dJ9cl.,ss.

Ftnatu>e hr$1 pr-ntaLon !olio

Fw~t pre&erltQIIOR to Cllont

Rest cl February WOI1< on final pre~ntat10n ___ ..____::....,L_

Wllat do you thinl<l Please get oock lo me trJOay You have my email address. My eel phone n~mber Is 224·0099.

155. Why d d M• Baker leav<! the message?

<'· lo ask IO< SOIJitl assiStance wnh the t•c,oct (ltj To rec&Mo lt..Uback on a proposal

(C) To""" a new proJeCt

til) To make an appotntment for a "'""~"~

156. When wtll the staff meet to assess and produce new Ideas for the work?

(A) Monday, January 2!>

(8) Tuoc.dny, Jenuaty 26 (C) Saturct~y. January 30

(OJ Monday. r ebruary 8

157 wtw w•tl Ms. MOO<» do aft"" she re3de the mooooge?

I Submit the WO<k sho hns done to Mr. ~'""' (13) Give o presenla!Jon to :he cr..,nt

IC> Suggc:l her opnoos on the tJmetablo she roceiVVd Get 01 1ouch •11h Fr£'llCh Spnng s m;,oketll'lg IJO!Opla


Questions 158-160 refer to the 1o11ow1ng news report.







- - - - - - - -N York (April 14, 2.006)-The famoua New York institution, ew the Wincheste{ Hotel, ostablbhcd in 1887, has just announced 1ts intention to enter the conYCDtion market. In a press release today, the hqtel's management a.nnouneed that it will demolish several adj;went bu:illlings, which it also owns, to make way for a new convention center to be known as the Winchester Center. The design, already approved by lhe :-1~ York City Council, involves ultra-modern facilities Hmt will he II!I ked to the ~xisting hotel by an atrium.

One of Ne York's most successfiLI architects, the award-winning Lars Svend r~en, lias accepted the challenge of creatins a beautiful and functio~al new center while not diminishing lbc elegance of the existing hotel. "My design intend~ to complement the beautiful Victorian structure. ll )s understated, but at the same tinle elegant It will also be multi-functional. The atrium will encourage informal meetin&S. while theo

new convention center will offer state of the art audio-vi8ualtcchnology, exhibition balls of sevl:ral ~ and, not fqr qway, access tu a health club, r""t~\lrjlnto, Ancl hAr._ My a.im i• to con..,rvc the best of a. past world while offering a silitiulating contrast in the design of the new center."

- -158. W hat was NOT announced a t tho press meeting?

(AI A few 11earby 'o1.11ldlngs near tM hotel w il l bo torn down.

IB) The planned structure will be attached to the hotel.

ICJ The arch•tectuml s'kelcl1 of the new building has been accepted by the city counc1L (U) 1 he design ot tM new build ing 11as won the Archltectuml De~ign ur th" Y~a' Award.

159. What can be Inferred about Lars Svendersen?

:A) He has a good chance or gettln!)lhe iob to tlooign the new building.

(BI He h'ds alraady est:abllshed himself with his work.

lCI He has been nomin~ted for the architect of the year awarcl. (0\ He has a good rol<>tionshlp with the city council staif

160. What w1ll the new convention center NOT have in its new build ing?


Oil R<>Stauranto d~) A f1~1ess center l'-:1 1 heaters 1tj Exhil>lbon halls









Questions 161-163 refer to the following letter.

Oe<:ernber 1, 2006

Jcssl<;o Robin~on

25 Miher Road Soc;romcnto, CA 95852

Deor Ms. Robinson,

We recently received an order of your n~w model Angle Grinder. which your solesmott odvtsed us to offer os port of cur handyman ronge. Although we hove only had them In stock for tt>e last two weeks, we: have already hod 3 returns. Customecs hO\'e complained to us thotthe locking ring stmply docs not work properly, which causes the disk to loll off

You con lmag>ne our embarrassment. Tl11s is truly a dangerous sltuotion, and we svggest tltul you stop supplying this llem Immediately. You should als(>lssue recall notices.

we ore returning the entire ordef. Most of them are stltl >n thetr bo~es I realize that your power too•s ore generally of very high quolfly, so 1 hope you sort this problem out QUickly for the sake of your reputalton.

Please lssua us with a credit notice for the entire valve of the order.

Yours faithfully,

Paul Richman Store Manager

161. What is the purpose ol the letter?

(A) To suggest o different shipping methoo (B) To place an ordAr for some power tools (C) To request a reruna ror faulty prnaucts

(0\ To complatn about a rude salesp<>"on

162. What does lhe' sender suggest should be done about the Angle Gri11<lers?

(A) They should be packaged in stronger containers. (BJ They should have a longer warranty period. (C) TI1ey shou'd be taken off the store shelves. 10} Titey should be reduoed in pnce.

163. What Is being sent along with the letter?

A proot at purchase H A copy ol the onvoice

IC1 A mlund reQuest fonn CO! "n l!t'lure O<der ol the products


Questions 164·166 refer to the following information.

No need to wait in line to check out with


To serve our guests better. all details needed to check out have already been takefl care

of when you checked in. In the early morning of your dep.rture, please fill out the section

at the bottom, and hang It on the doorknob. W ithin the nex:t hour, a statement with all

charges will be slipped under your door. Please make sure the statement is correct. If

everything is in order, simply call the front desk.

F1·om the minibar:

just place the key on the nightstand in your room as you leave.

Thank you for thoosing Grand Suite.s.

164. Where would this information be found?

(A) In o 11otcl roorn (11) At tho hotof fronl u~sk ({.;) On a no tree board In the hotel lobby

il>llll the hotel bar

165. According to the information provided, what happens when a guest checks into the hotel?

!AI 1111> yuesl gets anded lo ihe holel's mailing list. Ill) A ce>mpllrnAntary brnakfnst coupon IS provided. r•'r Til., yvesl's luggage gtrts sent up the room. rDI TI1a check·oullnforrnation Rutomatlcally gels prepared.

166. What can be Inferred about the procedure mentioned?


V\.1 It must be checked witn the fror•t desk clerk hcfQrc proceeding. tB) Ills made lo facilitate the process ot c.hccl<ing out. (Cl H mn be rt!a<l on the notice board orr the first floor.

(O) It was made as a r~JSUII of complaints received from the Quest:;

Questions 167-169 refer to the lollowing movie review.

~ • .. . -• . -• • • .. • .... .. ~

~ • • • II

" .-

•• .. " Ill .• .. • ••• • • • II ... • ·""- .. • • • •

MOVIES Ratings out of 5

lll'LTIIE .1\UNQ'.t\I,!R 'S.).IAZB This movie oelongs to a completely oow genre perhaps. l's a hislllfical h<JrrO' m<Me set m anoont Greece. trous.;nds 01 years ago. Fil'lled on location 111 beautnul Crete. rt features beaubful young people from al ever Chece be<rjj

sn•pped a.~ sacrifices to me M.notaur. The oontrast behveen the spail<!ing light o' me Greek <sands and me dark<II)SS or tne mysterious Minotaur's maze is stu11ningly dcoe. A gripp•ng and visuall'i11lJXI!SSlve mOVIe. • • • 112 lleP Klrg

1-'WLAT '\\.[) TILOOH

1 his Spamsh nonucuon nt(IIVfe set during tne Cr.~ war deservooly won tne cntlcs' pnze at last year's loroulo Rim 1-estival. fllrred in a ratucatlstlc style, it to laws the lives of 4 once·close lnends wno are sepa<ated b•tthe vfar Realistic and dramatiC, It paints an aU·too·beliB'Iable piC1Um of a world turned upside-dtlwn by wa<. ReoJm11e11ded IEngQsh subtitles) "" Jane Stevenson

l'£ This Is an awtul attempt at a •romantic drama ·Young Hearts In Venice tnes lo exp'latt ihe venetian senlr·g to grve tl~s •KJry ord<nary lll11e story a II~ but uuerly fails. Two couples intent on a romantic Venetian nOIIdav accidentally meet They spend lime tn()eiJler and ... y011 guessed it: there are unexpected dlemical reactions Till! problem is that the scr pt and acting are S(l poor that we couldn't care less about any of the fliOiagon;;tsl Not recommellded • M. H.


If you enjOy IIOrrDf mov<es where cil)' sliCkers u1intenllonally !)Bt ~lll(;k k< sinister Luuntry towns, tills miMe iS fo< yoo Red Rain IS a finely crafted elf~ from ooe of me maste•s of schVJCk·norror. Jim Mltldleton Tlwe·s nothing new in llle olot, but the spec~al ertecrs, dectlf. and scnpt a1e ~xcellen~ and the acting, mosft)· h)' unl<llnwrs, •s also first-rate " • 112 Jane Ste•~enson

167. Which movie received the best revrew?

(A) In the M<nolaur's MI!Ze (B) Sweat and· Blood (C) Young Hoarts In Vemce (D) Red Rain

168. Whar do In the Mlnotau."''s Maze and Red Ram have In common?

(A) TI1ey were filmed in the same tocat<on (Bl They were directed by the same person. (CI They both bombed at I he bo~ office.

(D) They received the same ratings.

169. What does Jane Stevenson NOT mention about the movie Sweat and Blood?

It was II mea dunn<) 1he CIVil War, B) tt receJVP.d gOOd r~v•ews tram 1he movie cnlics. C) Irs a worthwhtle mov1e to see.

Dill Is based on a true story.


Ouest ions 170-172 refer to the following feller

1!1 It "'' "''"'II !! 'lllf•l! !! !W .. Ill

1dr"" john:10n I Ar dmr RuJJ

Clw ·'<:' • f I 600 Ill

PcJ, ,\Jr. Johnson

l'lr3~ Jcctpt 1hy .lpOI('I~ie~ on odt:llf ('lf'Tyco Elec.Jric:,J Appli;mrr Supplit(. fut oa reason I rt~llv don't

undcrnand. you1 ordc:~ w~~ Hot prou·sscd in Lhc usuJl manner, rMuldng m .1 dda)' in the delivery rime.

N(l douh• )'OU <Jtc ·•n:dow: rro rrc.:d"~ ymu l:Ja:r.-k ~p~l~.:c H :'~IH a.~ ~001\ as possible hcfon: wimer really

S<:t.'Jo m. \Vc lt:wc givc1~ jY<lut o1·clca prh-'• i1y stat"Us, nnd you ~;;hould H'cdvc youc pur("hasc ~om orr<>\\' ur th(' f(..J(t1Willg dJ)'.

:\!. J. gond\1t'dl r,eunr{', llm c:ndosi11g In thl-; lcc-tcr n girL ~~auchet which }'Ou am usc at :tny IY<:o Stt>re;

.\lu1uld )'fill txpC'ricnc.:c ·::ut~· fun her prohlems, pleas~ do not hcsic"t(' co con~n me pc:r~onally aL 977 ..()(}37.

C rul J.~ekman

HC'~H.l ot S.1lc-.\

170. Why was the teller wrlllen?

·~ 1 To fii<>VIoe ~ clelctiled explanation of the Sh1ppu1g procedure 'lit lu t:omp nin about a dehvery that has not arrived ;q ro •~sponct to a teller rcceivect frnm a customer

11•• ~u armlogize for sending the wrong item

171. How is Carol gomg to compensate Mr. Johnson for the m•stake?

'~I Bv r>rvvidong a gofl certificate 10 bo used In the stom

'LJ By roducong the pnce o" this ordet •( )13~ df'hverlny U1e pmducts personally

"Jl Bv Citl'lng the delivery sarvit;e lo ploce a special orcler

172. In whtch of the following situations should Mr. Johnson call Ms. Jackman's direct numbe<?

111 If hn fPe·S that th<> goods reco1ved are too expenslve

IH) If tho siliD<nent doesn't arrive wolhin the next couple or days

tr.llf ho <loos not receive a phone call fr0111 a salos representative (Di ll the o~Je< lorm ir. too rompllcated to understand

Questions 173·175 refer to the following adve~isemenl




' ' ' I l I


Tt1i~ large An Deco style apanmem is a r~re opportunity for the disceming buyer Situated in a building constructed In 1938. it has or.ginal decorative features aplenty and is in perfect condition. II has three bedrooms (2 master-size wit~ rl•;er views}. a large living area with separate dining room, and a bnlcony also offering sweeping views. The kitchen and bathroom 11ava be€n tastefully remodeled without destroying any ol the Oi'IQinal f~el. Located a stone'~ throw from VIbrant Hawkesbury Road, this apartment combines comfo•·t With rare elegance and convenience. Inspect now!

• Three bedrooms • Dining area • LRrge formal lounge with balcony and sweeping ;lews • Ground floor parking • Man'/ 01 iy•nal arc1itectura1 features • Wooo fireplaces

Please contact Brian Jones al 876-2286 or 565·2288 to arrange an inspection.

.._ ____ -- -------- --------------173. For whom is this advertisement most likely intended?

(A) Build1ng m•nagers (A} Would-be homebuyers (C) Real estate agents (D) Architect"

174. Which of the following amenities is NOT inclusive with the property?

(A) fo.. fireplace (B) Sceni~ berirooms {C) Underground parking (D) A terrace

175. What are the readers asked to do?

(A) Come to tho open house (13) Call !tie owner of the apartment \C) Get In touch 1V1th the real estate agent (0) Talk to the buiJUb l\J UJC:Ulagemem ~ran

OuesUons 171>-180 refer to the following e-rnail.


H•. Margaret.

l'li like first or all to send you my congratulations. As you may have guessed, your lnterv>e>.V last hurseay went tremendous·y well. and your awlica!ion fo1 the IJC)Sitiou n our Paris off'ce has been

approved. We'd like )'OU to be ready to fly on Juue d because you'll need about a week to get adjusted to \'lll.r new environment. You'll begin work orientatiOn ()0 the 11th.

I reallzo that you speak French fluently and you have spr.nt lime in France. However, I strongly advise you to take advantage or the company's resettlement course, w1ich includes all kinds of benefits. Here Is a sample:

• You car update your rreod\ with a pr~oale tutor before you leave. Tl<is will particularty helo you wittl IJ1e technical asw;ts in~oolved in your new p<l5ition over there.

• We will gt~e you scvool seminars onlhe French legal system and culture. • Some adv1ce on renting accommodations a11d paying for serlices will be cove·ed as well.

k; you know, ou1 company has had offices in many diHerenl cilies aroond the world for over 15 ye~rs. so you 'eally should make lhe most o• our experience.

"lease call me today, or call !he Personnel Department for demlls of your onomatlon package. and I'll be pleased to answer any of your questions ff I can.


Gam Foley

176. To whom is Mr. Foley wrii.Jng this e-mail?

(A) A -:-.w e1 1p.u,..ee who · ~3s fU~t -'Oinea tnu compnny

(HI A colleague at a branch oHtce n Fro~ce (C) A co-workt!l who h:IS r:hown an llltt!restan rei orating (D) A st&ff rne<:"'ber who worl<• on tho> Personnel Department

1 n. For what rooson will Margaret be goven a week to spend in France?

(A) To dtl.,n<J a conferunce

(B) To havn time to settle in

(CI To look for a .ob (0) To vbit some clients

178. Wh:lt can bo Inferred about Matg!IMI?

(A) She is bilingual

(B) She 1s not haopy about relocating.

(C) She rrajored tn FrcrlCI tn untvP.rSrty.

(0) She M• t'>f><l<1 wllnthe comp;111y for 15 Ytf"'~·

179. What will NOT be taught rn the company's relocatioo course?

(A) F'IHlch laws

(B) How to pay the bills

(C) V'lhvro to get an ufrord.1blo op.o1ment (0) How to tali< to a c:lrent

180. Wha' rs Implied in thee mail?

(A) Many 11n•e gone through the coors~ (B) Margaret•s go1ng to get in contact with Gaw> today.

(C) Only a few applied tor the poSitiOn.

(I)J l'1e cost oltiVIng In °renca ,. vtJty l1iqh

0.-111-115 <P.eriO-Iolkwong adllertisement end e-ma11.


St. George MEDIA

s• Gecxge Modoa. the publisher of leading consumer modia titles lnclud1ng LIFE IN THE CITY, MOVIE REVIEW. TEEN GOSSIP and BRIDE & GROOM, is hiring for the following roht!l:

Sales & Marketing • 01 oc• .. ,r ln1Prtlctive Sales • Acwunllno Manager • lnl• IOCtlve Markeling Manager • f" 11~s Manager

Web Production • l'roJCCt Ma13ger • w.m [)co;eloper

• \',eb ProgramtT'.er lr.•nlm•"' of 2 yean expenence)

I YOL ""'19 any que•·ions Of are nte•os:ed In any of lhe above posit ons, please send your ;umo to jslesterCstgeol9&medoa.cO<r.

W<J 'hank nil npplicants. nowe~e<. only those selected lor intef"\'lews v.lll be contacted.

Cood cnomi"Q

frSI t 1 a!l. I W1tl! to mcnli'-'1 lhall am an 8'lld realler oj one of Y'U magaMe5 The artx:1es '" Y'U fll31l.1111l0 Ileal m:n 'll3IISSI.-es, and I cspecia,'Jy lcke readilg tl1o5e coU!rs wt1e'e tile realle<s ·Mrte" about !her opr;oos ot na ISSJCS ar~ered" )Ull maganroe The reasml.or my cocladllg you 1t1s morrwliJis becliJse llhnk I can be cl Sllfl'e 'lelp :o yoo a: this 1r.oe. 1 came upon your J(Jt p4acemel< a:l v.fl:lo briJ•'~"""'!Q lhrot9! your magazine.! ~!eli r.alled a I)ClSOI'IIi<nOW 111 )'011 company :o seek more inlwwatoon and reatired that you are ptanntng a l!1aJOf face!Jfl of )'OUr ~ny w~UJ·' .lnd are look1119 101 U1e tlQht people

i<nOvt lllatthe nrocess of ~lllng :ogcU1cr n v ahle web llla"l ca~ be a slow process. I also know t1a1 t can be ~LII contly. I used to lllilnagc a web team al my past company, and we ran mto prohiA'llS we could rocl ~rllclpale

Wohstarters 1s a company llaa! was establishod In 1990 with the PUfllOSe of help ng companies Ike )'O'.IIS set 1p d10 m~·nl~m IYPI:$ites We lldve a team Ql e)(f)Crts IMI understands t~e balance of lechnology des1gn. nnd

0001~1'111 th~l m"'tes an nllectiw web llfescnce. Weostan~rs' ~pmentteam combines r.rotess1or~t gr3jllloe Joll:IQ'I, lnle'nd P'og:ammi"'] lll<OCrii~.C. ad'oonccd I11Chn1cnl SI<IRs. And ~bslle markell<lg knowledge to create w!)bs(.es 11\at are ,'L.,taf'v aQCJe1 Ing. eas"JIO n.m;JJte. and accomplish 100' bosiness gools

!IroN 11\aii'IU i'.IOOOOCIIS to ~ \'001 aMI web team. but do consldel ether aJlerllalrooeS r..e CUSOtJti10 10 a CCII1lilfl'l Ike mone. I iJ,slll'-9JIIle a 1'1\i:EfiW,.. PlcJSC COOSICler, and caB me to <mnge a rr.ee\lllg 10 CISCUSS l!le possO.~ ftrtlc( lila:'\ )W lor your 11me

Suzie IAI'Ief l'resldool Webs~~:.ners

- ~--~------- --· ---------~ -----~- 'I

181. What type of business has taken ou1 the advertisement?

AI A " , I) oovalopong compnny

\BI A ttol .. v•~lon stud1o

(C} A publish ng comp..ny l[)f A wedding llouhque

182. Which of tho following ind1v'd~a1s would be most qual•fled for a posltiO'I morttlonod'" tho aaverllsement?

'\1 A rocont colleo · qrnaunto w1th a anq• "' lr • ccournlng

Ill} A ·c.,l<m I'CP'""""''"t"e who has two 11 onlhs •I expenm co ill Ill$ h<kl tc) A fft.llllan t-.~~CJt•c~ .. ~ 1\dn(_t~l Wtth 2 ywt~ 01 ':!>Cpe••~•n;e

(D) A co111poller programmer wllh 5 years of hands-on expeflcnce

183. What is the main purpose of the e-mail?

1 ~~ ro seek lurther mtomrat•o. abolll an ooen pos•hon (El) To find out abo out th< resuns of a job I oterv• u (CJ To 5how an a ternAtf\#e wa)' of r-.nnrlucung hu~tnAS:.; D) To subscnbA to a m~azi, a at a d1sco •nted •alA

184. What s NOT menboned about Webstarters In the e-mall?

~) ''"' ,~ 1 •• •u.l\1 1111 j\){)

(B) It mal<es and ma1ntau1s wtollSiles for compames.

{:) II • 111 lh pr<• "'s c expandlrog 1ts st. oil, 10) Its own<lf has past expene<rce web·rdattld won-.

185. Which of the following magazines does Ms Miller most likely read?

1 ~~ Lll·£ IN Tl·ll: CITY




a.-ions 1116-190 re'er to tt>e loltow1ng announcomon1 and memorandum.


New Employee Workshop

It h." been a tradiron at our company to hold ot1entabon workshops throughout the year for our new employees. Those who have been wl th the company lor less than n year are raqwed to attend these work.shops.

Place: Sacarton Hotel-Grand 8~11 Room Date: Noverpber 20 21, :?006

Tt'S ourpose of these worKshops is to provide the most updated tra1ning tO our newest members of our company. Dunng the two days in No11ember. each partoclpant Wtll get a chance to become acqu" nted wtth our executll/e personnel as well as each other. Part>etpants will also be exposed to our ~1!est ''"" o· products and w II be tnlormed of the compary's VJSlon and goals fO< the ye~r 2007.

Altenuance is mandato.y. Those who, fOf medical or personal reasons , cannot attend mu't gel permtss on from thetr immediate managers. Thank you. and llool< forward to see1nq you them.

ua!Ku e(/I(«<~J.? D'"Lri~l General Manager

----: .. • •

To: li!mCS Conway From: rlarry Stewart Re: New Employee Workshop

Dear James,

You requested that all managNs submi t the names of their employees who w•ll be attending the workshop s.<heduled for November. Here is my l ist:

John Stack Mary Fisher Terry Dillon Sean Gomez

These four oeople on my team will be '" attendance As for lenny Brown, he has provided written permission to be excused from the orientation. The rea\On for hts absence is that his grandfather has passed away, so he must make a trip to hts home count ry to attend thr funera •. The s•tuat,on is unfortunate for his family but as for the or; entation, 1 thtnk it w111 be okay Lenny has been with us just under a year, and I thtnk he can afford to mtss thts onentat1on.

·=----------- ---- .

186. Wh:u "'mentioned about the workshop?

IAI Evti·. one 1s req.med to alieno

!AI Only lt'OSe w th a good r<•ason can sk1p 11

IC) Attendees woi be goven a medocal cneekup.

(D) The general m:lflager Will make d prdl!<lntat'OII.

187. How many days will the •YO<I<shop last?

(A) One !O)Two

(C) Three iD)Fo'"

188. What is the purpose of the e-mail?

tA) To provode t,. names ot tt1ose wtoo will oo ntteondln') the workshop (B) ro get permir.l;lon to be excused from au .. llltng the wo<ksllop

(C) To 5691< informat1on about the directions to the hnte

(D) To nfonn the QAO(lt'al manager about'' co-wori<A>'s tau Ar nassing away

189. Who is exempted 'rom atteod1~g t"e worl<shop?

(II) Jonn Stnck (AI James Conway

(C\ Teny Dollon (D) Lenny Brown

190. What can ba lnfenoo about Sean Gomez?

(A) He •s an irnm'9'3nL

(0) lie has ottlll'ded mony orientato<> .. In tne past

I ' t'

(C) He has be$<1 woth the CXlf'lpany IO< laS• than a ytldr

(DI He rs due to gwe a stioe presentation at t~e workshop



OuesUons 191·195 refer to the following e-marl and information.

w.m rP1erencc to tile GSS Collfc,vrx;a e-mail I sei1\ on bellalf of Mtehael 0'&1er vesterclay, 1 would uko to seek yvur cor.fm~atlon on tile ava•labl.ty of the ~v Ofliaa Visit Lunch & Oinrer on Wed, Decemner 6, by this com•ng lhJrsday, Novem!M>J 16 Add•barlall)'. rf you have not yet confinred with me your scllfldule for lhe oon'ererce, please e-mwl rr c flSAP

Please nme that you are B~POCteo to check m G'l DeceMber 6 and check out on necembcr 8. Your room lVIII cost H~$800 net per niQIII (break1ast fo- 1 •ncluded). However. d you would Ike to extend yru sl~i by checking i1 al w1 earlier dale or chec~rng ool at a later date. please letmu know because t11e rate 1~11 be different and llOQkir'IJ In advanc~ Is nelllleo.

1'\e attaclled 00111a infrxmatron regardinQ lhe conference 1~lh th•s a-marl. Should you have any aueries, ple>.se fee, · ·oo ·~ e-rnall me a1 crndy.cholv@gs.;.com. or ring me at (652) 2255-1265.

Th>.• •ks & best re9ards


GSS Conference Dec. 7·8, 2006

I britf <chroole is as ~h011 n \\Cl! l1ec h - """ Ollkc Visit I l.uucb I Dinner (<>()lion.rll I bur" IJ.;c '-GSS l'ouComKci Lunch I Dinner Fn, D.:c S- GSS Ce>nfcrcnce/ Lunch

llolel ,\If aucnlkc.< arc <.:hcdukd to stay J t t he Star.lust IHotol. Hnrd auur.:>' Llll C'amphell Rnnd East llotd Lclcphone· 852-2268

Shuttle Uu~ w,- >uggc>l taking tbc shuule bu; t'ro111 the airport to the hotel. You c~Ul simply rcgisr.cr you~dr nl Cow riel A a1 the lll'n"d hnll of I he airport. The ru.rc is II K$130 per trip per persun

Our 'lew Oflice Our New ()flic~·~ ntldr·~« i< Unit 707, l iS Campb.;ll Ro:.J [a<l. whJch is about a 5-millule \vall.. rwm lhc hofcl.

~ tatl \map <howlng <he lo:>cation< <.>( I) our New Ollice. 2) the Stardust Hold, aml 3) the restaurant \' il ('IC ''c ,~,.,If be .. .hnmg l in Dec 0 will he ~nu1 ilcd l<' YOll later this week..


,.. ... ..., ._...,.. .. .A..._...,..,. .... .._.._,. ,....,,..m 156

191. By when should the recipient of the e-mail respond if they are onteror->ted 1n Viliii•11Q the new off~?

(A) December 6 (8.) November 16 tC) December 7 (D) November 14

192. What is implied about the hotel in the e-mail?

(A} It is very expensive.

(BI It only has non·smokong rooms.

(C) It is located withtn a walktng dtstance of the ai1port.

(D) It woll be very busy during the time ol the conference.

193. For V1ose interested, how will they most likely go to lM new office?

(AJ A ca1 I tas boon arranged to pick them up. (Bt llley woll catch a c~b (C) A shuttle buo lo ovailable at the hotel. (01 They will walk over

194. Whoch or the following will NOT be sent this week?

(A} A tflHp of the hotel (B) A map of the now office (C) A map of the restaurant (D) A map or the conference place

195. Who will most hkely send the maps?

(AJ Michael O'Onen (0) Cindy Chow (C) Edward Ngan (D} Renee Anderson


Questions 196-200 mler to the lollow•ng memorandum and notice .

. - ... 0 •

' • ,.

1 am due to make the closing comments at our end·of·tl'le·)lllaJ party this Friday 1 know irs the day

aNer tomooow and this is sudden notice, bull have to leave eerly that evening to catch a plane out ol town. TherefOie. l must ask you to takO rny place tllat evening.

I wRs suf11JOSed to give a bnef 1~11< about our Rchievements and lhRnk tllose who ma~e s•gn1fir.ant contrillulions Ulis )'e<lr. The speeclll will only be aiJout 10 minutes long and I !lave already draftoo a COP'/ of m·f talk, whiCh I will g•ve to you. I'm -eally sorry that I aJil putUng this on you, but I promise I will make,, up to you.

Please drop by my olfice this afternoon.

~\ ·------ ---- - ~------· ------~--- .


COMPANY NOTICE You are invited to ...

THE S IMPLETONS The party of the year!

Please join us for the event of the yean




All staH

Frlday, Evening- December 15, 2006 6 PM until1 AM

Formal (Slack Tie Affair)

lhnerary: Pre-dl~ner Cocktails and Piano Bar Opan ng Speech by Our President Awards Ceremony: Employee of the Year

Contemporary European Cuisine Dinner

Dancing and Networking Closing Comments: Vice Pmsident

Where: The elegant conrtnes of the Old Mill Inn, 55 Old Mill A:oad, Kingston, ON M7X 107 Tel. 243-2840

196. In the memo. the word •·sudden' in paragraph 1, line 2 is closest In meaning to

(A) short

(B) surprising (C) Immediate (D) omportant

197. On which date did Mr. Letterman write the memo?

(A) Uecember 15

(B) December 14

(C) December 13 (D) December 12

198. Who wrote the message?

(A) Th<l vice presldent

(B) The president (C) The sales manager (D) TI1e personnel m~nager

199. What would be an appropriate outfit fO< the party?

(A) Jear;s and a jacket (B) A Sh1rt and lie

(C) A oult (D) A tuxedo

200. What can NOT be inferred about the notice?

(A) Everyone is invited to the event. (B) It will be finished alter midnight. (C) There are speeches scheduled by the executives.

(D) Tha attendeGS will Mjoy a buffet style d1iiner.





- - r- 1

r- r "' ~



.. ~- . :,• .

II oe





I o1


£lam pie

11. tv,ark your (11 1!:\'o't'l Ull yuuf i\riSWer sheet. 26. t .. lark your ;,nswer on your answer sheet

12. t,.·la( .t. your nn:;.wor on ycur ans\• .. er sheet 2.7. t,.1ark your answer on your answer sheet

13. ME~rk ~'·:.>ur ans·.ve:- on your answer sheet. 28. f..'larK your an&we .. on your arlswer sheet.

14. Mark ~':>U(f. "lSWt:!t un y<.Y; r an~wer s~.eet. 29. r ... ~ark your ;:rswer ::Jn yol;r answer s~.eet.

15. rv:ar k yuur a·rsw~u on ~·o,:r answer ?11eet. 30. Mmk ynur nn:-;· ... ·ar on yovr answer sheet.

16. M.;uk your i?IOS\'•'er on vour answer ~heet. 31. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

17. t·Aali< your arlswer 011 your a r swer ~heet. 32. Mark your answer on you-- answer shaet.

18. Mafk your answer o;: your :.im;wer ~;~u-~ct. 33. M(jrk yoor ans,Nar on your answer sheet.

'19. r .. :1ark your :m~wr:r on y~1rrr (ln~.wor snaet. ~4. Mark your answe-r on your answer s:'\eet.

20. Mark ycur answer en y01..1r ans•,ver sheet. 35. Mark your answer on yo:;r ans•~~rer sheet.

2,, Vlark yo1.1r answer en your ans·.•,;~r shee:. 36. Mark your ans'"'·er en y~ur answer sheet

22. Mark yot:r nnGWor on your fH'oS\'.'er sheet 37. Mark your answer on your s•,s·~·:er sheet

23. Mrlrk your answer 01 your ans·wer sheet 38. Mark }'·our answer O"\ yOur answer sheet.

24. Mark yOur' ar swer ::m your answer she0t. 39. r•.o1ark your answer on your answer sheet.

25. r ... 1ark your armwc:·r nn your <111~\V(:r :;hoot. 40. r•o~1arl< your answer on your .:..nswar sheet.


is ih"' wonmn yuiny tod•y? 44. When is the date of the conference?

tfi1dt: r:~'h!:.:~ :ion. V<; This ~·londay. \Oj f<Jn).(t wr..:k.

:Gj In t\\0 wcckz_ !1):, f\Jox1 month

45. Whnt io thr. problem?

(/-"~} Mf. IJ(Jlan ca.1 not atterld lhe <:<:,nicrr:rtGG

(Oj r aul rni:::.1aken!y made tv.·n r.onf!i0tin!J p\ :;,n~. (C) Sally forgot to book U1e rout~o.


(f>} Mr. Singh has not returned from r.kl ;r:)t.

46. Who most liKely is going to maKe the presentation in New ·fork?

(A) Mr. l~olc.n

(0) Sail~. (C) Pau

(D) Mr. Singh.


47. Whyisthemanretiewd?

fA) Jot'ln hn, rill.-JIIy ;e1 1 111 1 t~~ t fmo1 his ,,acotlon.

(l') A rf'pl:"1(~.4)111efll tor il Vt\CCll)t WJ.Sition il«S OOan fot•n""

IC t~» .,.t· H<:nry too~ C•.rt a:g bfir:ging on JP'} II ;

(l)l A h•yl··poyil' 9 joh i!: llJ l,•o?•"tn oHen:"~(1 to him.

48. Wnere ood t tenry v.oi< before?

fl\} "' ,. f~t'W~~per-oor.ll);lH'I. ~B! A\ n r.o llputer lr:~rr·r.l r t"'l'l' p:my

(Gj {\~ 0. JC!IJ fUt,.fuiting ·:tfj o\;11 ~:y,

iD~ A1 U1~·, • :v•, •IJtu l';':s Cnmr;l1 nf?i; ;~·;.

49. WI" at wil hllppen ncx· Mondgy?

tA~ lhr. (.(J lllJ311Y ;:1d will t)f; pitl!P.I1

(C~ f\ I;~;· u;t+ ~~ffict! w i1 :)ottn.

(• .. :' /l· 1i"'f.,., <•·np\ :· .. ·~·;j w1l1 ~1brt 'l1nh. tnt ~t~~ ~ , .. ,, i'C ~ "'elr'qt"J\6t•t J')()rt:-t"fl)r ... ell••

50. Whore is lila conversatio~ mos: li~ely tAkin!J place?

<A. At;-- 'v'l ~-e­~ B} At .m te'II'J..'0•1. {C'> At ,1 rP.rtlt l S1o:·e. ~c·;. J\l .:t :, .·t·.:•1l <!f!(m::;y

51. What doos lhe man r.omptaln about?

!.A~ ! i '""' lt~l'V'/ ~:~h.~~ !> ~ P.:I t-kw• fc.i' ttv: ~•rnon ir.. ::c; H!;w t.:~r·Jr:Pivn lha ticl,.g r~ ::.(e.

tOJ I trr~·,. difficu' : $ t:l \r~ Hlfr~:~.

SZ. W'mt can be inrened ol':nut thA 'NOman?

(!-·. '; ~::hP \I(>~~! n··•t lit\~.") trt~.''~l.

•:!.:') Bho <)t'I:J !111).'$ B:<!Jell~"vo th n~~. (C) ~ ::'k: i .l:~ f!;C£1)' ch~ldro.,

•.0! ehu t..l'> lx'.t;;-l ~'"'~ many • mes.

5J. W1nt "'"they talking aoout?

:J•) 1 l ' ft C:)lff:I'IJt' HiCJ YIOI'li<Jn hi:ld ! &llf!lldot1.

~B) •' nc·~A·S!)flpvr· tu tiC•& U ~~~ wc·man r.ad re::td. {C') Th~ ·~nm;,; ;hualicu c' the n.,loon

(f.~' Till! 1! 1~'\·n OOVJ ' "''(Jkl.;,n.etlt cppor.urtity.

54. Acoorcing to the man, what d'd hi~ lrien,d rr.c.ontly de?

~1\) •)ra.f • .-J!•"' ,.r.m ::cheoi.

((l) _and a r 9'i' nb.

l<'·) S Uitt a bt ~}! rl~)$8.

(D) Write a nevJt:p;Jpnr .1r1ir:!s.

55. Whor. di:l the 'l'llllo goaduale frorr r.ntlAgP.?

{II) 1\ :tear ago.

(H) Two yea'" ago.

(C) T11ree Y""'" ago. (ll) Fno or years a9o.

56. Wll&re onostlokely Is the convers&li~n l•<iny place?

(.A.j ~t ttn e '¥.:trCntCS store. (lli tn ~ tr>oct (';~ A l il dty' p:11 t

{L>: In :J W:lr:;;!'JCUS€:.

57. Wily did !l.lr. Brown call?

lA) I<• pi:)('".c P' 01~.

(B~ ro ··-o~..:ue~~t a q Ji~k dcli'tery (t,~·. 1('. ch,ln9...> I ,j,, (,) dcr.

(D, To ta~k 10 the irud~ driver.

58. Aa:cr.ling to Oave. vkoere vlil the :rur:l< drive< tiosl go"l (A) To !he B"d 1:1<>-;• t:to.ctronics Store.

cH~ To tho cornpa1w warehCillse (C) To tho ,·.om;KOII>O' de!)<'rnneou. {0\ Ta h~ lflJC:\.

What is the man doing? fA) Buying o computer. (8) Showmg oH his new purchase. (C) Typmg up some work. !P; lnlrQdllCing his hrother.

happened to the man's old computer'/

He lostlt

don't weigh very much. They have goHen smaller.

What led te> the decision made by the boss?

:A) The experience or the ~-a••didates. (B) The words or advice from Mr. Lee.

The work ethics or Ms Snnpson. (D) The lllttHest tihuwn by the emptoyaes.

According to the woman, why did Ms. Simpson out of the race?

·fAJ;:;na fall that she was not qualtlled r~Bir Srte was not feeling well.

Sho is not inlerestad in WOiklllg hardfir She has othjlr things to do.

65. How will they get to the city?

(A) By trotn (Bl By bus (C) Hy car (D) fly terry

66. When wm they meet Mr. Johnson?

(A) At 3 O'cloc~

(!J) AI 4 o'cloo~. (C) AI 5 o'clock (OJ Al6 o'clo f :

67. Why didn't Mr. Johnson go on the trip?

(A) He couldn~ e~~tr.h a U·qht (8) l-ll:i client c~nceli.,..J lhtt rnt:ehn~

<C• I horo was a l e.::SP.I Vdtlon m 1x np flt th hr,ft•l

WI 1 he trw11 sto~p"J runntng

68. What are they discussing?

(A) A prO) <lei UleV afP. Cllffl'nUy WI orl<lnq ''" {13) The posSiblt: leador of d~fJ u~~~~ p.-oji'd

(C) Th" maten.alto be used 1 the1 I''CJ"~ lD) lho1r co workers Ill lhtt cornpfln \i

69. According to the man. who does he tJunk rs a good person to lead the project?

(A) l~ick

(BlJoe (C) JAn.

(D) Mr Brown

/U. What can be Inferred aboul Joe?

(A) lie 1s young (B) He is smart (C) He is aggreSSIVb.

(0) Ht~ is eager to tenu the project

··- .......-· --·

PART' 4 . . . . . _·_ ~ f., .\ .r. ·, . _._.,

£Jirudions: .You, wit it~~!' so ... a ~hort talks given lly n r.ir•ole s~~;,~~/·v~1.i ~ytit • ~~ bl\k~,g,ts;nnswer. th 1 ~e qu~srul's ·aboJt ~v11m th" "P"~kor says 1n each shcm tai '< .~S.oect tne best respons-e to 'each cJ;~'110il a.·ro rnu;k the let:er (A), {0), ;C). or (U) on ytM unswe( sheet. T!'" taks wn' ti!. ·!;lc;Jo~cn 01-.y :>nR :irle <![d wi' 1101 be pfin:Ad in yow test book.

71. According to :ne speaker, what is the cun·eni rued cnnMition of l li~JhVIay 7'1

(Ai It lr. tlt a ... un:p:e:~ ~tnnc1""lt•ll

(Rl It 1• 11'1C'Ji"9 without much trouble. (G j It 1$ n:u..,ic y at a vory ,;low ~n.:o:

(0) It " ~,('>(1 off ou• to tl•e nor.k:Mt.

72. Whal dnn• 1he speaker advise the motorists to <.!~.;?

O~J l t-t;)•,.·e- Hte1r cars at h·:m1"; lr"~···w.

'H) I l11.~ a:llt::mative road!}. fCt ~r, -+ qi .. ?..ar-S<>eei•lor ;tnv char.ge;:. ll>J M"lkO ~.Jr~ lo "ldW ll1tm u~t.urance ~-:.'Y.cl~ . ...,H,

11111'1) ,

73. \Nil~ .,,ill the next update be aired?

(/\) 111 I'm minutes. {i~l At-: .... ~·ckx:k

:c; 1~ nn lll1u

tv: N !J·:-r.

74. w~o is the i1tonded audienC$ ol tllis ar•ncunce:nent?

~.t\ : l'i~ C\'l.h:H3k~rc.

:11·} r~ nt'"'H • • '\Jf'ker$.

~t·J "l ot! .J !Y<:., &x..!i rtcmh;laU

rU} · ·'f" •A1fPiei i3 VI.'C'~~.€'1"~ .

75. WhEre wll the me~ting tok~ r t•ce?

\A) In lt"t:s sngill'~~r\:I~JIJvi i'J ''r1· (FI1 ''lltti' A(lven:sing D~p~1n·enL

~(.;) ;.~ duil:li' •Y 5. (0) t' .r·t: r.omp .. '"l•~y ~!;,·~YV

76. Wh6' <Joe-~ t~a: spe3km r.ny ·.-.·ill ho available at tht.' rneoting?

{ i},) [i )·. J• Ilr•HI 1 1'• ~J i: t ':)rlfiJ.ti'Jrl.

r. IJ) :•orne t.~~·j"1rtHJG.S.

(C) Ar.lvmli~irtg tip~.

tO) :.;ume sr.ac<S.

77. \%n\ will thay most likely do at the Orchid Cnl6'

{A) I '0"€- :SCfTit) .;..'j tf~(t

tfl ) Meat all the parlk: l'!nts. IC! fill their- storr·uth5. 10 ; Take an 1-o)uo boelil<.

78. What does the sp11aker Imply atoutlhe <.f"y? ~

(A) 1\ i(; g~>ing t;J I.Jtt a ~h\'s .cal dny. ·.1 ~) l!1nrs •uill b~ diU&I tml typl';::; ~,;f fuod uvoi!obk. (Ci The ciev will ho pMn.::t ror :he waiY.. (O'o Th~ h k111Q tnp wll be scmeY!nal oongomor..

~A: Vi:.;il F-1•; l;.uy luul<\,ut. ~ ~ ~; \•'in!k up (lht n~t•.uu·. :rail. (<.;) t::n:ov :-;o lm:wt f .:1 t ov ... tf'::; . (D) E·,b.u lllu o:;:! h'L


1 ___ ______ ,_ .. ..... ,

80. W'IO mcst fikely is the speaker?

(A't Tho co~~;)O nhop owno ... (H) A me.11nor (1 f ~h~ d•'ls.ign \E:-a•n.

1G) A rh-:")tow.al>ller. {0) Th~ oWen. reccptb list

61. Why did the speaker inWA tt" Iii;!"""'"?

(A) To <>Sl< thw o tv hulp d u>i4n tht> ~mlutypt! .

(E!) Tn go: thr.~il h11r1A'it np:nions ~b~ut !hF.t ·~:c-d~placc.

I ~8) To Ee·~ their ri'Jsp-:m•"lo in r£og<-Jrds to ilil1 11$\\'

procuc:. ~ <_Uj h:: <;hnt intotm~il;· C" 'J~) ··::. cup c · \.!J ·re e;~. 1

• 12. Why does the sp<N~ker NO I want the listeners b.

reveal themsel\'es?

('" ... ) Ho 'Nnr:t~ Ci'lldirt •)!>inion£. (B; --ic do\:)~;n·t WOI't to fH''llJnrrf.s> then•

.:c; He is not inlorosted in ~'10\Vi'ig thmr .

.:r-'(1 He doesn't kno~rJ "'"t' cl their nanc.:s. ' l


the purpose of the talk? 89. What is lt"e li~tener being asked to <lo?

0. ir>!m·dU<';e ~n invu~hn8flt opporhmity \.4) ! !;;we a t;eat ir1 thE.' wai1u1g ar·~a. iJQ <?<ll.!~.ate thes:aft h) werk mor~ ethci~?ntly. (8) \•'\'alk. i11 to ~se Ms. Th ir!clJf-,.c.n.

not1fy people <.it"-,nl :1 the results ot a rnrn·Hil l ~i · •:C) T.li-:C t;orno:-J papers hnrn:7. to fill t!1e'u o! 1r. annuuncc tl:o :J~te o) 1 ::t rutun; rrF::>et:r.g. (D) F•r-:;\lirlA SOrY!E: i r:t~xrr:~1ti.:,.n i!! ·.•.:• it,nn.

place yesterday?

t11eycha11ye the course of action? ,. ask!ng a te.:.m of ·:'(ln.:;ultanls tn ~:i':n 1tini1.e .. , Of.:~:v..:. lior:s .

d i~;tdbnting :ha company's ~tn~;i( sh;.1re!> ths e·np.ioy~u~.

ltirinrl rnore •No:ktHs to nm tf'eir opc;ro.tiors SJnCothly.

likely is giving the talk?

90. Wli"l should llilr. Arldcrsor; do if he has any queries?

(.e..j Cr;~l! a ~;pocia! number. (B) T!-l l~ to ch~ speaker.

(C) (;.:ms·.J!t vJith Helen

(Dj H'i'le: tu a guidebook.

91 . Where is the conversation taking place?

(A) At Mr. Anderson's office. (B) At a doctor's offlc(>. (C) A: a pharrnA•"Y r.nrrnter. (D) f,: a hair treatment center.

92. Wiry is Mr. Reid being delayed?

<A) H s plane is not oblr. to take otr.

(!lo Ho could not book a llight tick,•,l. <C) 1·1e has to attend to something olm. (ll) I iis secretary is not back frorr1 Hew Yb;t.

mentionedaboc tllie day's specia?

offen::d at a d!swuntno price. a'/ailat •le only rcr a imited lirrr..

93. When is Mr. Reid expocted to arrive in Now York?


has just lmRn f'i(Jti er.f t·:.'~ their ment..

,H'·crom;;s '/.lith o r,:bob:~ of VG-fJetabll:ls.

llle cl1icken dish prepared''


(8 ) Ill noo~.


(ll) Allwo.

94. What does the caller request frorlr Mr. Stcl<es?

{A) lo provide a cvntad numoet (R) Tv greot ner at tl1e airpor t. (C) 1(, m~ke a trip tc f'\ew Yn.rk

(D) to attenrl Ills meeting.


II 06

95. 'Nhe<· is Tracy expected to arrive?

~Ai Ill • 1vvni·~J. 0$-h 'i'h· ...... ~, ... , "'f')ii;fl ,

{C) p,;:-; :,:.;.:..;n U:f fD) ~~··n ~c;n n••,•,

96. What does the speakAr ao\1sA thoS<> i ivin~ along tl113 shoreli ·a~ lo da'?

tA.; :-:~ .... lcllttJ •n •r ' '~'ll~tolv

~n) ~~':1.~'/ ·tt•J..:x:')rlJ

;_('] ;3~ .. !~ Joi.t ol toed. :r~~ P.·~!"'"ll~ tu\·bre1li!.

97. Who" wi i toe next update air?

V; !:"I t•·n nir:•.!l<;(>

: B:· !I ' !! thty !HiiiiJh) ,I,

1(:~! jp ::;~ly !'!'!i'tl 1\~1·";

(t !) !t 1 n·nct·:· rr;tPUtl')~.


91!. Accoruiogto tl·e report, hnw =ny hotl's are &moe kids in lnd•1 wnrkirg ln a day?

(A} 9 ho-..•r .. ,;:.

(R) 10 h<>l-rs. (C) 11 ;lfJU'".

(' ~) 1?. nours.

99. How are some poor families making a living?

(t\) By re<~\'CI :19 .:.1ood ~.

1 R) By btggir~t .

(C} il'i Ee lirA g;y.lfJ~

(U} By f3ii.';Eli'iino VltilfaJ l'.

100. Wl1at does the •tudy rovnnl?

(/\) I he n: .... ~;f'\"".1 -rlg IH.IM .._vn' I;'J hJ .. :1.11 t:t nJ.

(ti} l he· ctlidJI:n o f tnrU~ ;~ro ~till vary ! 1et=:~Jll r·(. ' (C) Tbe curr·o1t workin~ slh l.?.:ton he.e Uan 1a~~hg


{D} The poor :>eop e wi I ~oon ro~P.ivo hc.:-lp.

I ·I

I 1 1 l

l l

101. Simms Enc;;ineering es:irnate.s t'"tat the p'Dp•:l .s~d rnodiiications -~-· · ~··- your original (1esi!.i11 ·.·:ill cost h the region of S200,000.

!/ '.) ai

(:;)) 3::>

~C) r>y :.t.-::, lo

102. ~o\ll of the offi.:;es in the nAw c.ompiP.x - .....

l<.eyless entry systems. · .. ·ideo interphone$, nnd 24-hour ;.tc.:ct'~~ tu $1::!<,;Uit! J>;.11ki11y.

:p.j o:.a:-.·~

(l'i ~~:~r:r

;•;:t n; plaGe

(f)) ·fr:<1t ,;n3

1 C3. It is becom ng apparent thE,! all medium to lmgn hi;ninnt~! : ·:~~• vd;l ~~(~tf< lc -.. --... .. lh~i:

operations l)'l n.;ducing thr;~ :1umber d midCie r nall\.\\,it' ·~.


•:/\) r:tr•.1:ln-I I ~I IC

• o:..}; :~tr~.:=lliihlE:S

~ :~:. ::-lrt:;:t('\li! .~~J

:,r=:~ >tr-s:anlir iri;J

104. The president. -·--·- · comments in a press conference lzst \Neek arou.sed co:1sider:.~bie

criticism, v,·ill again address \he media toda).._

(t\) 'NiiO

(H) ihat

{C) \\•h<mc;

(lJ! ·~·.•hat

105. All staff will t:e required to allend a seminar n~nling with changes .. -··· ... _ ou~ral ny procedures.

it\'; 111

''-'l so (C) C~bout

·:D; SUd1

106. f"1nny ~pccialish; believ~ ... ......... thoa housing boom will continue for some time unle$S the government i"lten.·anes.

(!~) if

{f~) th:~i

!C} \'•'~;,t

(Dj \'Jt",icll


j ~

1 : ~ ..

' •

107. W::stliald A'\81lces belie'ffl that • ·- · mamber or each :eam shoulcl he eJiowed 1<:> contritx.1e h s or h·,_r thoughts free-ly during hr?.in~tormhg sessions.

(/-l.J ~V.;JI ~I

~8.: o:hr:r

{C} moS'! (l.lJ~al

108. A frequent · ••·• · made ty our regular clients 1$ t hat we 6'XPit ln o ur c-pemting l'ne:noos 111 non-techn r.nl lan[)t.age.

{l-\; ··equ<~~~

{B) rc~unsH:'Ig

!Cl ""lt•wac ~1} mt'f..m .. ,.

109. Ocr c~·npany has aiways souyhl th~ most ........ qcolifled and skilled pructitlonars ir the fi~l<1 ot Mana~eme"lt.

~~ :"liy:'1<'1

(!:l) high iC) hgheSI

(DJ h<!)hly

110. I h~ staff here at Ccmpudesign ., . ., .... ... to satisfyina th" n"'3ds ol all of ou· compul<:r system ~urr."'k'\setS.

("~ >'(l\\1!(1

(13! e•r>e<:too .~q hr:·:"~Orftd

·:.Dj COlli Yll'.tt;rl

111. Whether ··--·-- rout yoc nave obtained security dearanett, JJI....w fill ;-, the logbOOk clcMy and accll'alely C'IO!Y tima you ..met this bulcit' g on weeknnc:ts.

(A) -.)f

\t-;; it (C) lhrx,gll {D) al5u

112. When I""'""" to wnting repor.s. we ti<rc<>ur<190 you to ------· $1\ emphasis on clarity a!~d simp lic;ily ur ,anguage.

(J~.; :.:~l.$t;

(B) c;ut 1:act ((.;;. pla~c

(!1; dc~t

113. •· ·-- - det:tils aro subjeclto contirl<>ntiality requlro;ma~ts in accordQnco with the Ia!'"' wo··kplac~ n~yuiCJ tions.

(1\) t;oul.rC<o:

(!!; C<lntmctod (C 1 Contraction

(l'l: Contracting

114. Applicants seeking r.J"If'("IC\1 considera<:ion n 1...1s l sub~ it 'II the require<l documents ....... 5 :00 fl.m. 0 11 Thursday at thO •atesl.

(!\) :or tkJ ~moO() ((,; l>y

ftl; b6tween

115 . ...... · the tn rmal part o r this eveniny's procnod ings, you are all wAtcome to pnss inlo the dininQ h:lll for o relaxe<l buffet dinn•r.

(II) Fol"""'ed

tL) r OIOWillQ

\C/ rot:ow~ (D) Follow

116. Graduates - ----- qu~lificatlons in account r g, banking. or economic$ an:t tit1C•:.uraged to nr>f'lv for research po,;ili<><r$ ;.-,our campony.

(I\) to

(13\ or (C) at (OJ wolh



117. In ::xiav'~ ~~~ittt,. r.~~noir<. "'Crld. r.~ prd.ess;ona y;;sn - iO pass -IP the OUJ..'<.:r.unity to U(')f)(Od~ his cr "ler .., ... w t<~f' C'f"!".

~G: r~ rr\.J! ll

tr.: i1H.h·1 iu

118. Anc lit~e~Uy, !Ot:uw.t'hk·o to bok forvnrc ihe >VY1Ual r.omp;my picnic, w~ ch t~ s 'l'l'lf w n tlke place In beautir.J H,.OO P:lrl<.

.~t ·; 1>:: (.:.)! C·! !

119. A nr.v.- Interne: secur ty S}'stcm hos been instal ~c thal . · notifies the moderator -.,no~ J!Jdeli·'o'}s "'e brcach9d.

if-! ••lJ.:.i:;u ty

~~: :n ·:.i' :d:l'Y (" ~i i ' , .;:!;! l~

120. A~ti tax-redur.tin n lnhhyl<'!s c.laim that the ~rof.)ose:J tax euts w II only Lll~ riuhest at ti e ~xpcn.ac r.f ~nr:i:a l wet rare prc}lra"Tls.

/1( .:.f:-:t"!d

•l.::i ,:;g'IO"'~ .~·:_. !"-":lo;":.11it

·. ~:- ·~··J!r~x·3'~

12 J. Tt:e le(~SJ cflicer is c~men:ly rewriting reu.J ntior::; tl"e personaJ use of ~-mail and tht1 lnl~rnttt (,.hr n!=J office hours.

•. ·. ·, r'2~_t~.t~:

:::<: ~g.-:n·;· ":""; ,(~:a.-.:r~: ~--" -.·.~r 1•1fit1.rc1Q"J

122. AI ton...,ts may ac-.c.ess the t:>utdiuy uut!ii:lr. of normal o1ice ""''"' by enteri"!'' --- the security door on U1e swUo side .

1 \ion (\J, ~·ron

((~> n •nA•gt· (l)) b 9 i'•.'l'·86':'!

123. After you have ex ted the opemt ng ~~r.>tP.m nne ~hut d:Y..vn :ho projector, p\eooe flick 1he m~ls IJ:.w;er sw itc:h tn -:hn " .• positi::m.

:.\J ti!

11:!1 to :l;j orr fl); O\'~r

124. The design <;ommittee i$ currently consider ng plnns for a complex wl~ich will u~ aok~ to

up to 1 :>O sl>Ops and ollices.

~;,, 'f0a5 .E) fOiillti

.C1 :;it~te ·.D) act:untmodf119

'125. Tu.lentspotto~.:; Agnnr.y I~ ,,nw · · -=ashion models .=tnd actors wi th potHulios \VhO vo~ish l:J •Nork in advertlsing. film. or television.

t~"· i IO"'~.i·~J

~tl} St~i .. ,:: ir;., ;t).1sr.cfiog

.-! ;'; aq~~iOf"l~

126. ·we can expect . ... . temr.erawres anrl c•lrro conditions h the central and soorthern cegions for at least the next \~·rae days.

;.~'\) ff! t.:rJtm .. lt:..: ,r.j nKI(i~rC~.tez

~t...:: '"l()(i~)i't~tot'j

·:.); !!IDdcmtK:m




' .

r f. v


127. · way you look at lit• prutlom, it is clear that 1~0 solulion .:;an be IO!Jnc: withcut thO c:reati.;ily \.11 1<J C!>Tlnlitment 0 1 lhC 5!aff ther·selves.

~,.~ 'llti~l\'t

:1:1) Cine~

!f.~} \"/lliC!l

(DI T'!.i1

128. It ts often r~ported I• the pross •· -· ... bonuses puid to chief exnr:..J!iVDS are exc:a'\!\iVP. and do 1101 tol<n oct~ol perform once into cOrtsideration.

:.A; o t ~ll} I(}(

(G·1 !ha1

(f")'l '.'Jt),:tt

129. n-., hig~ resolution camera nlru<lucad las\ leo;mbe.- has ·- been supv<Seded as a

result o· recent .•clmolcjjical developm~rts.

(i~.'· £;0

(f;l :SI!CO~j'

~~~ SUI.i"­

(L'•t ye;

130. It has been · · ·~ tiC y~.jJ l:i ~inco our current ~resident first waJ <ed through the&>,-~ ot Ulis ilustrious nstitutiort.

(1-J ttnlirely (fJ:, nt:~ar!y

~t:~ CVC'"

131. • .... his apf)Ohtmant as our hood of t-'\Ccountin~ se1vicAs. Petul Robinoon \.vtls wo·King as a hl~ll ·pcwcrcc mere~ ant hnnker il Loucon.

i'-i Stt>ce (f~1 Pn·x to (\,'.) l~XC~~;t

{n) St :..:· .. 'l.;se

132. Our cnr~tlltar-ts ar<e expocte<J to <.;U·)'nrm In o hlgl1 standard of ------ <:onduc;t In lt' eir r~latior:s ,,,_..ith cr ent$.

:..!\; p•(lff'•lc.iOO

~E;; t:rct$SSioos {C t pm1t?t'!sional (! )', pn..f~:~~sionally

133. =u aright Sp~lal" i3 o 1\-eei-Jy aimed at t nivei'Sity ::;tudents a.nd y<:ung P"Ofes.slr.nf)·S who lcvo 1he vibrant rnu~ic s~ene n1ared by o~;r city·.

;'>.\ pui.A:shcd (:;• pubhsll<!r lC! , .uhli~ation

(f''•~ pul:>lishing

134. The managAment reQrets that. due lo M c~~ight. no advar.ce notification • · the <iP.Cision to cut powet supplies was given.

~:·'.) r,t !.F'.j iiS

\( ) I!Mt

t,t } ''*;ctuM:

·135. t ho ' inal choice of location s - -·· upor fae\::)1> suer as tran!ipOrtal!or co.tt• Md :foe pre~mnce of a comn'1\.lrucatioffi infras:r .. cture.

(ll.;+ a 111dd

(0) 3 S$()citlted

(Cl contlnnem (D) d<:t">i<tdilile

136. II is untorlunalo that, due to o glitch 11 the c;ompul~r system. sevtJral of our u·nst · .. •a\ucd ~u•lomers ---- incOil'cclly.

('" l.•llu (JJ ·nl's. b.ll r~

fCJ Vv"rr..- b!lle-:1 \D'! 1H1'.11' llllecJ


137. For some years now. our investment fund has been ··-· ••• from the rapid rise in the price o f gold.

(A) benefited

(f~) boncfiting

(C) will benefit

(l>) to benefit

138. · · ··-·the purchase of three inexpensive d igital cameras, no new equipment orders were made by our department dortng the last financial ye.;;1r.

(A) LAt alore (B) Aside :rom

(G) Because or tD) In r~sponse to


139. One of the main tasks of statistic ians is to ......... update databases s.o that accurate reports can be published as needed.

(A) regular (8) regularly

(C) regularity

(D) most regulru

140. The city council adm"s that -···-- of the new ttmnel will seriously disrupt vehicular and pedestrian traffic over the next 9 months.

(A) constructed

(6) constructtng

(C) construction

(D) to construct

Part 6 Pireetions~ A 'h()(d·or p1ra.so is. moSl\'[ng in &ach of 111~ seutuuces below. Fcur answer r.hnic.ns arE: given belov. .e•ch S1011lef'lce. S<!lect -:he.hest nnswe' to complete lhe senterco. Then. merk the.

l11ttor (A), (B), (Cj, or (D) on yo1.1r answer stoeel. ·

06 ~ - .. . .

··-~-..2~:~~·- .:_.: .. r. ... .: ::_:......:_~ ~:_::;;:~~~. ·~-·~----·----·---- -··-·-:·--~·"'·- ~ ·-..... :~ ..

Ovestions 141-143 f9f_.r to tho following o m~il.

Malt Stewan (ITIOiilto:mstewan@Thompsonp."lunm]

T~esday, March 07, 2007 7:24 >M

Jane Ph~llps _ ="-"-"'"".:........:.------'--'--'--------- r, . Thompson Ooy Clean-Up

Dear jane:

Thanks to :te support you and your business poovi<IOO. Thompson Family llay turned out to be a wooderfu' su:cess. Tile e'jent ------ --ovar 300 residents and was a very posiLvt: experience

141. (Aj has attrac:ed tBt Vl'ilS a11r;:.rted

(Cl attracts (rl) &ltracled

for everyunu ·,vito panlr.lpRtM.

As I'm s~ru you saw, everyone really enjoyed the pizza during snack time. 11 was delicious and -------- wMI the occosiuu call eo for. I hope that this taste-testing, ccmbined witlt the coupou~ we 142.. \AI ~<llt:tly

!B) oin:,-;oly

tCi repsatedly (D) Ulli'lUHiy

diSllibutcd to the families l)artlcipating, witl generate some additional business for you In the weeks and months ahead. It was cartain:y meaningful to me tl1at you chose to support this kind of event. tt ~ays somethhg ~bout your business.

I will be sure to.let you know abOut future promotional ----· ··· for your business In Thompson. 143. (A) examplos

(6) serv.cea t:) fncll ties (0) O!J!X>rl.o'l ies

n wcoJO llC rrv priv~ege to suppcrt your busiol8Ss 1\flle :f"(l suppcrt the pal<! If you ha>e arrt questilns or suggestions, please don't hesitate to calf.

Once agafn, tllark you very much tor ycur interest in and sup~url of the park.


MattStewan Friends of Thompson Park (718) 755-1212



uuesticns 144-146 reter 10 the tottowing acvert semcnt


li l'••'f!OIIol :t tC I!: '~Jii! :!l t·S 11Uil11IJI;j l fl f!J ,•n·•=liiil'' t· ; : ; ttl·!


. -R~cover. rdax. :md l'evive u the: SLargate Sauna nnd Spa. Start with <1 5nw·n or .~tE'am, soak in a · •

rei;~X'ng spa. ·· · ·· revitalize and sootj,c your 50UI with one of Stargace 's massages. 144. li-\1 ~)(!II

•l1! dfi!Y

,, ;., tt'"·)~

•1-' l l~t ...

Choose fron1 ;:. tr-aditional Chinese llli'ISS.i'lg<"', Korean style, arornad1erapy. body scrub, or ; g<>od

old-fashiouo.d hcnd ~nd foot r.1.ssage. W ith over 20 professional licensed masscu•·s on staff ever y

day, we are sm·e to have the style co ·slit your .... • ... .

145. 11.1·: •:i!e··1:. (t\ 1 {1\l'ic..~

~) prr.m_::;:;: ,nt<J-a.~

'1\lr. h~e .,eparac~. luxurious, lou~e a1·eas fo1· ,,..en ;,:nd w.>men to re1ax in. So the next time ycu feel the need to · yourself, come and c"'QC1<. us out..

146. (1\) "'P""' (I)) "!1.:reatc

1.( ;) n~juvNta:te

{n·~ re.•o\·ate

·-'- 'il .... f l "·.''/Ttll' ( ~.(l ... AJ-~ ~ .. ~~a~U.

;; .. :~:t, .. ;~.! 1~ .. ,1<.· F'\:';11 i p:~1

Questions 147·149 refer to the follow rg c.assiied ao.

·--------- -------------- -----·· ··------- . .. .... ... . ....

I •




Experienced Office/Administrative Assistant

FnNgetic .. f1ew public rei•Li:ms aqency is looKing for a · ········ talented Oliice/Admilli>t ra llvc

147. (II) hlghn•<SS (l~) 111c~.er

(Cl hi·~Mst (D) hv~o!y

Assistan: to join and hl!lp organize a small but rapidly yrowinH lean. You will h~ve Bl fpa<r 7-3

~ars olti<" e~v•rie,~•. IJ<! a ~If-starter with a ·can do' at~itudc, 111d have the •bohty tn h'ing

order to chao>! Duties will ncludc: word j)roces,lno ' "rh a< lett!:'~. reports, and prnposal~;

developing Po·,...,erPoint p'"c-sentlltions; creating ;,nrt mMntaining filing ~yslems; crrating Ex:..~::l

spreadsheets; organi;rin!t mr.-C'tings; and mana~tn~ the ctiMiQS or consultants and other gt'w:ral ofrce lllCUl?.lqP.ment dutlt"$. ··· · ...... experience as a11 1.1<'h""'inl$trt, tiVe as~btcutl in lhe I>R nr l'l'lt=-diil

148. (A) While iEl) lf ( ('.~ VJ n.:.thiV (DJ Since

inrlu<try is of value. it Is net essential. To be sucwu ful in this role, you will have t'x(t'llc'lt

comm1. nication >kilb, be -····- · in all Microsul t • ppl•c:ations, particularly PowerPoint, •nd h~ve

149. (A) ~r:nmplt,ll<>d

(6) yiCI"d (C} protidHr.l

(0~ qu~li fieu

a•l ourstanriing cyr. for dct.1ils. The position is open to bo\h part-time and full li""' ~flplicnr.ts,

a.,ci ilt'!xibl(· working cunditions are offe-red.

If you believe you fit the criteria, ore bright. energetic, and proactive, pl•ose submit a CV

oullining yuur specific experience by Friday, July 7 to recruitm•nt@s'nclnir.com.

Plea>e note only candidates th~t meet the criteria will ne <hnrt-listed and contactod.

'"- . .. ... ~· , ...... ' "' """ - ... - ..... ·- ........ ~ ... - ....... - ... - ·-- ... --- --- - .... - · --- ....... -~ • •• ·~ ...... J i

Questions 15().152 r€1er to !he loRnw,,o in/ormation. --·---...


Tongue at last Givec away Their New Album Title

Tltc Shllrp funguf has ........ let <h~ world in on I he title oft he gwup 's next 31hwrL 150. ' ... ".:• finally

•:H~ ~o.:~r

(CJ la::l~·'~

(D; p.;m-... "'"''Y

'"""""'' Tyron ond <.:u. have decidiXI on F.qnali>er~ as the ll>llow-up w 2004's >·.:.dio

dfhr: in Rl~volu1io:r1~ ---·-· the band~s ruoua)!cr. ~ha~,·n Lewinsky. 15 1. fA) acctordong to

(Eii cJepending nn (l~) in ;tCCOrd~mco

iDl io compiiance

Tl~ album i~ St:\ lO hit stores naLinnwid~ on ~0\·C:nbcr l?. whih~ 4hc~ ftnu ~;ng~, .. To Kill~

will be yin ainng on the r.ubo in two wccl>.

l!quali:ers was prodnc•<l by John Stack, whose extensive credits include Th• Stun•,

F.,·oJution. The Girls, Bryan McAdums, and Thol'arty . .\fore dc.tnils ur the

as well tts lour plans are expt·c tcll to be mrdc: pub I i..: 1i1 !he comi.11g we<'lks. 152. f•') release

il )) IHltiG~

,q conlidcnce :Ol.:Jvaibblity

The limKu• uow ""-' sc•cml tours scheduled. indn:ling one h~r-- in oor cily at the Grand Oowe on IJcccmhcr 14.

·" . .. -·.


f .. ' .

I >

Questions 153-154 refer I~ l~e following memorandum.

; ,:/ · ---~--.-. .... , , .. ,.·


·----····· --··-··--- .... .. , ... \ .f To: ·:-<.~ tlnL<..i:Jtt:-.

\ \

\ J ', .. j J


front :'-olark RJcc\rd<>

:\.~ th.:: compa.ly i~ doing some revi<'ws on cost rc<:uctlon measure~. th<T-: '"ill b<.· a m~:O.Jh1gt·uKul vhil Lo our olli\ ~ n.:>~t week. \,Xfh;r:c:\'('r tlw n•snlt!; of tlw \i~ir mt~y he:, l w ilnt

t;,) (:on•:inc:e :n.magl.'mr.nt thatlh<· tar~L'l of tlu.: co~l rcdu::Lion :-lwulcl not be 4Hlr hr~:1eh.

I '·""·Hl'. cv<.·rybody w put on their v~ry h~t (UJtrits a :1d. bl'~ on fttH :\k•rt. Ph.~;.\S<:' m:lk<:' SllrC

:.hal th.;: dl"nnl!ncss of our ofike Sl!li'OL• :uling~ ;.•:u.l shuwroom'> i:-; :n tc>p cmtdilion. W'e n~t:d lt.l he \'ery d<!tt~i l<!d ill our dally matntcn·.t tKX' •Nit lt a h.>tal <.:hang<;: itt Lht· uutlook of tiLU'

oi!icc. itKiuding a full scruh of our \•/:tUs :md tloorf. w1thi ''the offi(~.

I nr.<'d :3 V(•ln ol.ltcrs from amun~~l yott LO <.:a::ry f.\Ul Lhi~ la~k. :\nybody mlen:'ilt:d. i:1 worldug overt im~ pl< .. ~l St.> appr<la<:h Ly·n.n or rnysdf by t{ld<.\y.

I <till sure that :.,u or liS will stand t~l through this test <.UlCl <:mNg<' vic.toriously.

153. W»at is 1he purpose cf the memo?

~J.\• it'~ l'ne~SVI'~ th~~ ~ a:Ji!.bi!ities c.: all the branch office mani:\gers

{B:· "Th ?f:!eu~e 11-:e t)verhEHicl cost 1r1 the branch office-:'C) ·r~., recruil ·.'Oit..t! !leer~·. I1Jr a ..:h;il ity <.:·r;;t:.\niz.:Jticn to help the needy

{IJ) 'FJ ai€·11. and pr~pare th~ Et'lllp:o·:,;ees for c. ~.:is it Oy tt1e .:;omp.any d ir€<.tors

154. Which of the :oiiowing ir. NOT n mqucst m;"~dO ir the momo?

(.'\; F\l<:rtonc sho~J! r:i \f-.'P.::J.r th,;~ ir Oest cl<:th~s to v.;nrk,


~.l'$.) MA <:t'! t•ure H!~! cffi<,e; !s ~~n ic-and .. span. (;.::·; t:\' ~}1 yoro rmmt m:hmit t~.oir 1nrg~t !):l;}!!> fm ti~A yc.:::r. (D) Sorr,;~ ~J.;op!c need io work extra hours.

! j

I l


( (

' l ·~

/ .,


Questions 155-157 rnterto the follo·.~ing anr1uu1u~ment.

-· ·-· ~, . " .'.: .~ .

) -, .:~ ' . . . ., -< . . . ·''.<.· . . ,:~::;·,-;;... Art Jn. N~tq,r.e . . ) <;:· .. . :,'I,':·:. ·.,:!"; \'' • :'• I ' ... ~· •. ,_,:• _:~, ~··: . ~:.;~::·.' ! • ) . Calling all .ai;!: loversi'Tii~·National Arts Devl!lopment Council is bringing to you this

AUgu$~ a ~satian~l at1.;eXIijbltlon 'like' pever ~oiel Presenting Art in Nature. \I>Je are J • .Spl~i'sed thart~!~:e?<l)_ibk\~,n; is, r,n~d~'pq~~l.bl~::b~~th~ generosity ot loc~! enterpris.es, '). :~::,~(a~iJess ~~~i~~~;~ ~oq,W~l~~rfi(~r-O~.!ciil(. ot~er'~~ntries who have co~tiibuted to.Art' • Jf!. Nature .. ':~""' · ·· •. ""' ...... : ..... ,_ .•. ··· ·t .,._ ~

.• ~~~.i:~·· ~ . ·-::-~;.:~ ... · ·::~:~~ . ~~ .. ~: ;. . .':~_<p··~. . . ) .:.~-r.Jl~ .. e~hlbjJ;~-~~~lch; cO,!it~s .;'i!~l\~:.~~"fl?e yafW>.'_;~t t:nore than 50 world-renowned : , , fsl£ulf?t~~~/~l~ .oe·di$p1~fe?Jn t.tlli;~~~ri, tlelds-~J·:the National Botanical Gardens. These l • .. ~ne outdooi'-sc!Jiftur'«1'Jji.IOolt just as b~Mi(u~in. 51ur parks and gardens as they do in a J ... ': muSeum_or anY:tiriv.i~-~~in; p~~oJ .. ~ .. t_hey\~~;~fiated to be part of nature. . , ·,;~ .. ;~r/ .... ~~~.);J;:~.:'g ,.{.:;·:;f:·:.;-;:.~, ~.1~.~- -~~··~·:.· ·-" -<·:.-:jf· • J : .. ~·Whilt better way:.ii the~·flNest· ana J4llax thiin to·:~ake a walk in the "Immerse with Art . ' ..... ~· ......... . . ..,- · ... i · Jn . N~ure~-ar~a in the fi!ld~f.ilf theSe Dea!Jtifll~artistic sculptures? Come and join us

· Jor afterno!)IJ tea anf:! -~!ax-around ~ese ~ulpt1.1res during this 1-month free ent~nce ) •: , .. Pitnod, ·We w~l~m.¢,·c~li((lfer1:df:,~.dy,a~e; ·~u.~. ~e·~trongly!suggest that you leave your

·, ~pets 8J home .. -:J .~' ~:· _:7;;.·t:~,t-~,(, tl· ' . ,:-F:;' ' • ,•:• •.:;~·· -- ~ <' ~ . -~~/::-~:.. ·-~~--~.: . : _: ·~: .. We expect you at tht~:B!'>~nica! Ca.rdeml -S~ you around!

)~-- .:j';-~~- ,,,~ l~}( -~~({ ':; ig: ':~~:.' ·~'

155. Wnich of t he foiluwing is NOT true A.boJt he exhibit?

(/ \) It will sirn:.Jlt:lnoou::;.ly t>e t1eiC it' four n;-ttion:_...

iBo it is goin!l tc take place cort<ICO<S. iC) It 'lnll b e an UOflOI!<.:ECGirtRd eYAI''·

(!'):1 ,·t i3 going to h., :~pon~o--t,cJ LJ:.' loca! ousinese6s

156. What can be .r.fene.. l!bout this exhihit.on?

(1\) Lucal ar:ists lltWt' ,..-.ade SI~Jnitir.rml con~dt;ulitJI I ::i.

(8} it i!<t ho~llo '-liov .. wh'l~ reimdn(J \\' tlb Zl c;up or tea.

~ (C;• I hor~ \\'II be !)i1 E-ntr<.1f1Ct! tee afler SCi"'rrn tin~.

(fr~ C':hi&rtrt>!) \Mtlgot ~ .,,cd oul ur the di~p&Dys.

157. 'What re~lric:tion is mer'ticned in the r-~nnoun:;emGnt?

{A} Btt\'crages are M)' alcr.•.>ed on the ~JIOJtin.

{a) ChiCIId'l• rn~mt t#.t 8<)C()mp.il:i,IW by an am..tll. (C) il.nin\als are n<JI ~!vwed it'l Ute exhih:t

([;) Vi~II'C•I s rray not tv .Jch nny of the t~culpl~ trer.>


1!1 06

Oul!stions 158-160 refer to the foflowino advertisement

- II --- ·---.__,·---•-•=w•..-_.-.

Forest Chalets A getaway tnaf you must have .. .


Does !he ringing or yotr oll!rm clock. •ne rush for o QUICk b reaktost. dashing lhroug~ lne orowd to c!llch I he sub\YO'f 'o make 11 to w<:rk Ju!t on • me. ord worillng foborioosly It your desk ltx more than 8 ho~r; o dO'I' round like your life? Then, bleak <rf1' from 1fe's momentum. a1~ gel away lo erjGy life 01d b9VQildl We undewo~tl yoor getowa'{ needs a· for~· Ct>clels. Yoo ne-.er ho.-e hme lc rest. tcve ne-~e~ ~lo,~ed tor a gelowoy, and o•e o,'/lf11S Ired from your OOily •o(l(. We romol chonge ¥OUr l~e at <ocesl CroleiS, but wa guo•onhle o ICJ~Nerofing experience and~ wend ol retaxo•on We will teocn )Cu ho'IIIO resl and relol

Fo•est Chalets s sHuoted on on 800-mere<-high moun loin In flig m>Osr cf o oeouliful ralnfo·esl Complete wHh oil chalet facrlilies, •119 aHer the loll owing wilh a $300 'Special GE)Idwov' package:

• Spec a Double Deluxe Room • rree ~Sage a! CUI gym • Breakfast ol vour fingertips • 18-hole goll course ·'All You Cor Ear l~rdt end d'nne· • COmplirrer.-ary entry to our spa

Olllel SEIV«S tMJ riOI;io

• Vll>olc dav pass to our spo foCifilies • Fulll:iody ma S$0Qe'

• Aromalherapy lrectmenr • Acupressure lleotmenr • Couple massage 1 AromalhetuJ ;JOckogc• • Guided golt wi·h a professional golfer --

' 17)• 11 liCensed mosseor or rhewpisl

$25 sso $55 SSG

$20tl Sl80

C:Jilnaw.and book all~·l234.or go tow .. w.le~es'Cho'els.c;)llllor rro:edetols.

158. Who does this actvertl9ement mainty target?

(Aj People who w1111t to pursue a different direction tn llfa (B) People who don't w sh to spend muo11 money on vacation (C) People who need to get back into shape (D) Peopla who are caught up with the daily routones of life

159. What is NOT pan of the package being offered?

(AI Meals

(6) Fitness center (C) Gulf lessa<1S (D) Greom; ff'ns

160. Which of the following serv>ce is NOT pertormed by a certified specialist?

(A) Full body massage


(8) Aromali1e<OC>Y treaument (C) A round af golt woth a pro golfer (Dl Couple massogo

[ l I r

0\le&tions 161-164 refer to the fo.low,ny aunuurccmont.

Important Notice ('l'u bC' kC'pt pusccd in clear vh .. -w ar )0 timet)

Stlbject: Schedu~c: \)!" R1tild\ug \X'ork.s :'llottce dale: .'larch H dt \\:rittcn by: ttiikc t:O nt\0 1'. Ch.1inma.n o l thr: Ofti<'~t.: of t•ublic Reco•ds

1bc Office of puJ,Iit· Rr.\ unls l._,s ~o sch«hded for a stties of rcn0\'1ttioo \\'tW"k~ n11:1f:in,c (ronl new wiri1!g 2nd lhr timnl(ing u: tik-s and catpet"i to the: in~al!it.tior. 0: fi.o: ptel-"eJ\tin: p:.a.1k"l~. ' I his will he <~ne ft(J(K ;,y floor bcsinnhlg ()(I -\pril 1. Am.x.'\cd offi~s wm be rempor.uily rd()('alcd m :1n<llllu·r <\llot~tl'd spo:.ce v.rithin 1he hui1diug. Tlu: :t£Tcctt.:d fll)()t'$, t-eloc:~tion sdtedult'"t and alloattd "'pac.-:a.~ ;iri.' :'S fol!Ol\'S:

ii;~fflf-ll0B:{I-"•-t1>¢'~~~1l,fi!!~"(I;;:':'~'Sf~ l'itr·:itil'¢:'.ll.-· .· · ~'*~?;~~~~-~~ijl;i~~~· ,:~f.i~!2{;.ti,~e· .. ~~ I ·: ··········· ...... ;:,;;'-;l;··.

1:o .. · ~~::::·~::7 ·· ·----

1 :

A,oril<: 1·30 - ·-·-·-~·--·- ·· -·-·· --···· · -·-

May '·9 1--r.n Fklo·

Fou""' ~loof ----lL will ;,e neces5:11')' ro make nl·w sch<.xiulc rh.a,;;~ ,hi unr:~~:pctic:d delays may OC\."UI, ncp:trtmc:nts with r.10J'e sraff " 'ill C':II.J •t":ri t~n((~ h:tnpocary ovc«:'OWdi:lf( . 'lre urge all , .. lsitots to the.c;e ol1il<."S to

come during mtnm1l up~.:tHiillp. hm11~ hefur~ ~tud aflcr the rcndV'.ttion~ ro 3\'0id an)' lnt:onvl~nic>:n,·r-~.

W'e waul w 4;.'Xprcss t>Ut thanks for your kutd \1 nd<:r:.:umdJ•lg asH1 tc)ll~r.uu.:<.: ww:u'(b our .~ul r during this unpJca~ant and Jt'1r.onve1\it~n1 pc:ri<.ld,

161, What IS the purpQS9Q11he an~ncement'?

{Aj To re6:.1ic.t ur'lf~tf~t.tUi' ~taff mombers fronl visit no thP. 'N~I( ar~..a

~6) To provie:~ " tirnot.uole for some office rcncvo1 1C"II'\ vlorl<.

~Cl -:-o thank oiTlploy.a.es rr,r their suJ.)po~L in ttto v,·OI'I< ~Dl 10 p~pare t,,r nn 1.1n~x:pected shipnu:)nt c1Aia~·

162. Where will emoloyeoes on tho ground floor like.ly be on March 1 5'1

(A~ Th~ fir~: flt;r.r (0) TI1~ ~td t oor (tj The U.rd ft~:>< !,!Jl Tilt! fourlh floor

163. The 'Nord "urge" in paragraph 2, line 2 is closes~ n meaning to

(l\i htluence

(!3} en.:;omaae

(C) fil 1pport

(i.J) command

1 64. !luring whicr p8:'iod will the employ;,.,. IHt lhe fourth floor not be affected?

(."JApnl •:- 20

~~ Apnl21<10 (C) May 1-9

(0) May 111 1!1

~ 06 ... • ·~ "'

I' ,,


Qucenona 10~·1 67 refer to the followiwJ lener.


··:-.. ~==~=-:::;.-.=:..~=:--·~..,_ ---::~~----.--~=-~ ~ ----;-;;-~:- d ··"

I .- Aliaon Gail -.~ t -

·- .· ,, ... , :. ~

Omnmherl. 2~( ~~·· -~ . ; ·'"'• :l ;

Armstrong lete.c~m · : 1 .1 ., ·' I! CustDnt$r Service Do~in<>nt :r

!iAf) Nnw~ I'd Av.~t,.i~ ;, ~ .. ~l' ;: '~;.:,~::: ':-~ :~;·· ~- ··:·::.::.;~:~~:-~(.~~ .. : · -~ , 1

i,! Konnedy. ·MA D213W. -)I._ J

1_ 1 :: ~ :,;;. ,. • .; ..:i. ·~: ;":r,:·d:~ ·-~-~:~r~- .:·~.; : · ·1·, :···; •

.• . . ·· .. ~ · ;r:·· .. -:;' . 1• ,:_.,:f,;:i', ' · :-··-;~: /.:.:';j'{j.l(i; .. ~.;:~h.-:J:':· 'J ~-... ~~·· ·; .• J

Ot~ArOfhcer~in·ch~rgel -~ .: I rv l "\J .#f ;· - :;~~--·-... ..; .. ;:·..;;,.~"'-..f:; .. .-~· " '• -· ' · .'• .... : . : •· , ;•,,, -~.:~j; ' ."\: _;, ··. ~'~~-:-~~-· :.::~ .... ~-i:;_, ;_-.,_ ·;r,. , _.

Deing plaao<.>cl'witfr ~he qilolity or tolep~M~ 4ei'Vice 'prci'viclei:l oily Armsfi'b'l'fg ·ri>tccbt\1; 1 have· bt~~ll', .' ~ hnPI>V cuswrner: of yo'f company- ICir moii!_l~~~· .1'2 yoorf. Vour.~~~rn<it ~5rvice 1~ 'somet~ln.s I : wouiOIIKetobnngtoyoUijallea,bout~Utty. :\ .. .:::·.::.f.: ·.:<?:~:.:: .' ~,?.:.: ... : : ;. ~ . ;

! .. \ • • •• . --~;17 ' ••••• ' '. · - . .... • ,,

1 started using" dial-up conne~t]on '!"ilh}orlnstrol)gJete""n! ln~liiiligl!ys ~-~ut 7 ye3ra a9o when lntcrnot access '"as a rising trend. As tile l'le'fKl fOI' 100m :sP.<!ed'<!ll'ose; I sigrll!<lliP lor yo" broadband service .V. months ogo, OlC'p<lctong a ttemeridQui ·;;;,~tent·in Internet ~ si'Qcd. : J The lntern<>t bandwidth was w~ my otpnctAtlons lh~la~ tiUt .-.. a !"* ~S, evely -te a I visited started to crawl like a sriail. Your 1~-call L'<ignccniSitQ(! arv1 Checked my broadband !! wi~ng and assured me that ~rtg was ,ounual. He said~!Jrc prObl~ I fllced was ~y~· -if


to "ouddm surge in Internet tra~c. . . .•· · -· , __ . ·.. 11

i; About 2 months ago, I called to comp;ni~ l!Qnln. :~IY'.J~ ;~~.t, a~il'nswer that the company ;.,as· \ !i upgrac.llng some lntorncrt networking deviOl'S· I, WM p;>ticnt nrnl_w-!\fled f~r:~e lml!"ovement, bot the I 1' It II t .. ,.. • ~ ,,._ ,. ,:.-- . . i' n U(l on go even worse. • ·• v • : .. : · ··•·"·': ! .,._: . . - ·, · · . ·

}:·: ,j' r.un now fe~ up, und, If the ~roble~ p~r~~~~.~·-.(~tr' !1~:t}~~~-~t;~f~i~;r:~;~ ·s~VIt~hir;·" my tntern~r :f ;i acpcss prov:der. I am requesttng tho n<)fultqn tn t l\1'$ fl("l>l~ttri,be'la!ltlraJ~<><l lmtn&<loat$ly, or I w ill· . !I • ' • ,.,_- . .; •.•.J•-- - '---· ¥:§ . ·_ ' • ! J ~ugn ·t,lp With a new JXOYider. ! , ·~>· '';> .. 1; .or ·, -~~)·~.:~/•:;;· -~~~- ···~~ ~ ·'!I

f. ~;;o;~att . ·: 1 ):•:~·: ~~_.~\~;;;·~~~~~·! -.. .· ,: ·)I ?-~ . . -.~.,if~t: :--r.._ .. ,:. .· · 1

~.;.~ .... ,_,_ ... "::;_______ .. :_::..:.•

165. Why dkl Ms. Ca l wr:r this letter?

~I'\) lo ">how her ~.ppt'ecia:bn 'o .. the quality 00!'\' CEt she ~fdS ~~j y .. ·:=:s th~ ;·o;trr. -:e·; ':'u '<~1un~t tho r~-::t•nnect on of flef' -:e cphono lin'l ~f~) To m~kc il no11p!~int atcut h~r lnte1not OOI,noctinn (l)) 10 u~>~Jmdc t~·c ~pood of hor Internet ~.:unnac~kr··,

160. When did Ms. Ga.il slo·l u~iny tht~ ~;ompnny'A lntArnet sen,ice?

il\} 12 y~:irS H~J'.l (C\) 7 y.:)ars :~~o ~~ ;; f , r:lCIIltl:.; a~o

~0; ? mcrHhS a~o

167. '•'lhat will r<>SUH if Ms. 3airs reQuest is 001 mel?


;"l A 'ega! battle wil e!lS\.e.

'e: fnt"'·~ot Jn"" Will h) {lisconne<::OCI. fCl ,.,,e comfil"'~· ~.'I.IW o~ a customer. (Dj S.l11~ lf{i I ~ .. uch<.me :nothc' tc'cphonc.

· ~ ··.

I t

Questions 168-1 70 roter to the toecwiiy news report .


( ·: ]··-2 J\1 Comp l!ters bas to-pp-:-d 1 t:c \Vi ti I S1ree1 h~a(i ljne-s ;.vjth i 1 ... \)rga.n i1mjc•n

..... J . __ ) .~, . . wide 1esuucturing. cx...:n.:i,_~~. Ob.l\·1 Cvmputers,_ a com puler t!iaur, ~;t">ld · ics Jtv~v mat'g:n Cl'>fliJ)cliti v:: <.h:Sl'.ltlp div!sio11 . l n f 'C~:::·.l y.,:urs. UI:!Yl ComptH~:·s lw-; ~pent

hill ions oi' dollnrs invest:ng it: tl:e dc:-.klnp <Jivjsic•n. '..\'here l t ~'-•· t l hl Jutuu:fuvmr~·:rs ha.-.·c mHI\Ht}t>d h.' St~l}' at th~ h )p ,~r ~ he (.'Ofllpt:lth .. "ll. n~)\Vt;':Cr, GE~·1's desktop JH'adn\.:1~ ha\·~

virtually s-topped t•vu!vinl! and c.cas.:d mak:u!l n..:.w produ~ts despite it::t h\•avy SJJemling

'm R&D. This l:a$ cauc.ed 1hc C:lsh-~lrickt!n rompauy In ,,ffcr its loss-makiny \hv;si-::m

to ElceLwuica. /\. ')one or the leadin~ compu11~r ~mnpacies. E.lcctnmic;, J><liJ $5 hllhvn l\t h:J.y the divisi ... :tu . T he mark-:.:1 t.Lc..:nl~ thi::; as Jn~)r.,; f:-W\HH.h c lo GEM. a~ it rca:ivrd

more 1han what it dt':r.t:rvc.;, 1'or -:.rlhn~ tb ... ,., dj~o·jsioH. l t h :;xp\;Ch.xl to pay fdT 1n 1H I of it:~

tnUJtimiJt)OH do~!;lr I oat.') itlld avoid filing ror l;w "krttpt~y for Snlllt: l ime. }!.,;~)1~~)(i) j :., l,s

comment that GE.:vt will Sl::) rl lurning :l. profit as 10 1~& ~H it kc~ps wilh Hs COlt pmJ w.:l!> or mi nl comiYJCC'I':'. anrl mtl.inf!'am~ <systems.

}_3to._. ~..._.._.._.......,.. ..... ~.,---·~··~-~1 ..-......,.,..,._ .... ~- .~.-...o..--------c=.

168. Whi'lt is being reported?

~A~ The ~-;lew ds9 oF I !i~ ,·Jo:;klup d!vi~; or· tn t•lo. top vt ils "1r.ld :1.1) I ho i!siifl{ l o't a computer curnpr.lny cr. tho si<Jcl, rn.Y.rK&~

fq The ne\<\• B£lf!rdfn!J hu<.1~Jet ror GEM C<':f'.iput(l; 1& R&D Oepttrtrnont

~0) ! lie spl~ing of a struf,J~Jiiu\J a1visio .·, <,. !=.t.:rv. '...:on !f.JUltns

169. \'Vhy did GEM Gompute<c rrnkn H,; decision to make the mcwr;'l

{A) Be-~rvnic-a ma.~ an uHer Uiey cotlidn't t"3fuse.

(Qj 1 he compan~r w as 01 1 tht"( \'ergc of h nnh:r ,aptc~"·

((~) Tho division was 1 1 1.:L 111~:king enuuqh ptofil~.

(L:) Tho:~ (J~rnnnd fof C·Jil'Pl tf!r dosk lop s was low.

170. How is 1he ne·i,s bei119 inlt>rprt>led by the ma:1\el7

(A) GEM will smM& t~r.~mt'!- o.>so!(:.te.

(il} GBA golthe net:l nf lhn neal.

{-..-:) E~iwdca wiil utnrt tllt'i<Mg ~ let of t~lt!'f.

{Oj lll€ d~~k.tup di\'ision w11, rtK)E'h .. e 0)0{1.: fund~


Qu~t~tion::s 1 71·t7';t reter to tne- roll owing dO•JUifl€'1ll.

.. · ~~

, ,, ,


,. ·~.


•· ~-· :-~· ,. : .. ...... ,,; :~~"-'\~' :..:~ ~; .; ~-~ .. ~~":'~.~ .. ,. ,.«·::·.•.$'\,~·~->...,·:·N:•a:•~~:.; :·-.~~.: ·~ .... ~:~":.~·~·'.:>'~.-::...-... ·;·~~ ·~~:~~·~~.~~~~~{~.~-·-.. : .... ~ -~ '·''~'~:...·m:N.· ·Y ..

Ol,ersetts Americau Ba11k PO I ~I" X ~51·4-1.~.1

~f''k J~f$t~y, ~y :28891-·1·1.~3

Card t~·,-.e-: no It: Visa

Ac4:ouut l1ultle•:: .td:.n \~·1 :il .::.

A.t•.cuunl. IUitnhtr: 5444 l ~.~"'- :'99S 38~~

< .~ .. 44M . 4> .. M4 <-~ ..

Apci.l >'~t,.lc:.nu•nl r,.,. : 1~:-: .<.lut•• .o:•·• ivity l.f:_m, l'v1:o;x:h · . . :~n<•6 thr('oue,h ~·k!rch :i 1, 2(){Ji;

{l'ag.e I ,,f ::')

l're\'i t'l . ~>l.; hiilance: $:!9~J .4:: Crc~_~ \l.line: .$5 ,S(if;·

.\icwchar:;c.s: $r.l1:5.25 i .t1!-l p.~ylll~l\1 li)~ •·;e.: _Mili'C.h I 0. 2(106

l.i' !'t payment illl'Cii lllt: $2'11;).42

F·.rmnc..;. ch:trg<.~~: SO.~lO

:\v~~H~tl:-h.·· cn.:o.lil,; $rl ,•>~H .·! 5 \·liuimum t•aymcnt One: $35.00

M.err.hanl 'l'rans.action Oate. ---------:----~-


;~ :<.in<liy ref.:.-r :o Pa~L' 2 JQr L~t.··h•ii::-..1 Hn.ao;._:~ ~: hillf:e~.

·:) 'V(HI may \·i~il cur ..... d_,~) l~: :~t: \.,.'•Nw.nalu:Wilo;~r Clill'.t5 a~ i ·3·J0-988·~SR:{ l(w: R~:q1.1t..;1 li·1:· :l ·~CI)L'nt histo-:·y Chang~ ofbjl~i•.lg ,'l.ddtc:)~

Olhe( :\CC<'Unt rc !~h:liJ~Hlll.<',r'>



--- . ----1 $~05.25 ;

. , r~

;: f. ~ ? ·~

~, ~ • . • ~~-~~, .. ·.·.J:· *'·~·:..--...-w.~~.o.: ~~~·;;.:-;. ~~~ .... -.:.·~'":'~,..,.: :.;~.,.·~ ~,,..,,~~::-~-. 'C'o~· . ~\·-~ ... w~~'\~'-'<:lt~~::~~t...::~~~· ·· ~~:...;.-..~,~::-:.:-,.;*~ .~~--; :$-~·. ~»~



., '


.~ •l '

l '

i '


171. What sort ·31 documenlls l~is'!

iAi A \..~ed . \-::rd :::~rntemen\

t3) A b3:l~ ~m.T .. ,chm • oc<Ord ~r~ An •;c.co,J. i~in~ stnto.ncm

(•Ji ft. l,\:i1 hdrsv,·;.l tcnn

172. What is the small~st oay11e~l lhe account holder must pay by Apri ?0. 2035?

(/',; ~s.on {8} s 1 7':l~ ~~ ;qt~.4;'

~Di :tao:E.2o

173. 'Nhat ~5 knov..rn about 1he acco~1nt holder?

•:/\j Hn ~an b1~(m soaruJin~ l li :~ . n :')n.t:~' ur~\·\·:sely.

-:a} He truvolrx-J to ll'l:'lf'ly r.i ties in fvla1ch.

(C;; He !lc:!-i lo r:-:an vdl l:l!' ~ra'-.•e!in9.

1 D) H& is W'lf'y fo! 1f l c,f ~>.01k~ fo(;(J-:;

174. What shocld Mr. Wh~e do It he wishes tu h•·•e ·>u til ocntto a new location?

( .. ~; Viri':e a ~aa- to :tm Nn\v ''~>?..; o:nce ("1t (:.;;! t"'~ :oil-;· .. ~ nu nt>ot·

~\.":;) E-1nail tl 1o ~c:;OLII1t ma•~•:,ger

t)) Vi$it !he 1v~n:ost Amel tl.:;)r; f:i.::·k

175. On •,vhidt d<1to rtirl tvlr. White withdra•.v the mosl i.111tOunt ot money irurn an ATM?

(!\) f·.'lilfC:h 3, 2006

(t;) Marc!' lv. 2006 {:.';} M;:n:>r ?.5, 2006 lD) l>ib& 15. :?006

II 06

OuodiOM 17G. 117 rof~r to •.h., fcllowino n~!'fir.oticn form.

' ..

' tinonciollnformarion: • l<>l. [mployment: _ ... • Hnploo,•e•·:

• • \Vhnt i\ \'Ollr ar .... ual ~·age! (C~ .. ~ ~~e b::np " , . n tc« th.m ~ 1 u.ooo o s1 0-~2$ilOO c:; -~2.~·~}0, t~o.;o .ls.c~ >.oo,ooo o mo·c than s 1 oo,coo ...

• r>v yoJ ~old any other ernUl ~a.rd,~'t (1 1 jt~} l~ ·~~'>j_ 1.f~~51. ~~~.~~~~l~~ic~te. t)>p .. -:s tlr < r~il c..<~rt.h you hold. 'i

(E;<: Vi:-~s, Ma'>l~rCard. Diners ~luo, f.!~·~ ~~ :;~\~p lo' J~:..~r+.;·. _~: ~;~1 :~':~ : . :t~:>- ·: ('I) (2) · ., . .,;,, ~;;0)<.. N ~ "::;,·.,"t-f;- ·(4) "'•' "•· t

y ~ ............... "'o!('~~· ' .'. ·""-"~~~--:~

• Oo ynu hav!lt~ny outstanding )oJn~ \'ll~ih\vtl(:: c.l,-~::{.;ie~~·~r1;~;~ .. ;5· i c no) U yes, plen$C lncii(.)f(: :·· .. :

\h~ Lype{s) ot loan(s) :m.t th~ r~mll!i'lj,,9 t)•lllrlce(s) :,~.;·'"".<_~·-~.~.~::_ ···:·i~i;~ ·::·· ·. ,, ! (1) ' ... '• .. ~::~-:.::~_., J

(2) .• ' .. '· ,· ;~~ ~,~-;~~~~;~~. :";

..;:; . ..,.._,_.... _ .. ___ _ ~>~-~-:... -~ -- - ... --..---.. •


176. Whzt '«'<luld mcst li<ely happen if an nppllcant cid ncl provide al! the infoMlation?

c:~·: T;·f' st::ptica.tb·) "'"''til a~ r.omalieet.lly be 1 " ;ectud. :·· ·:· Tl'•(! o.pp1:cr:~tto1i w .i.l ff'kP.Ion;Jer ta be p1'C..lCe&r,cc1. tCJ i 1ll') tq;p:icant rng11t h\lVP. tn Pt\Y:. ~t:t\lir;a r:~lar:1e.

:'! h l llB appiic:anr$ nlllp!oyf';:- w ill hA r:(ln i .:C.l! l o~?d .

177. Whicl" of lhe rollu)Nhg infmmntion io NOT asked?


.:1 •.• Nmno

It-:': t 1rOJC~~j()..,

~C) Cr~.xJ t card rur~r

;l~·i \4;v-y i•lCOine

Questions 178·180 referto the following announoement.

) ) )

Topic>: ~·•·uritit·~ Tro~~n,.lu tion ... UJMI A ... .,d lta't4·lu-.ur·· At

'\\ ritt~u It~ : \t'\:WHhU~ Ot,N.nl ncn

At, CIUI)Ioyc·~ t•C u .. toeuritiel? hmkt•l, we nn· ull ,..ubje, lt'11 lt) 11w or~ ~·t·•Hiti~ Tnm ... lf't nn ... ,u,.l

A .. ·h'l U 1 t•lt'rotlt' 1\t {""T:~Hl2.ll \vh.--h hoa. t.•,•u 'nnth_,, lu ut•I'IO' t .... ~~~ft1k' 111 II~+• n •ll,.ln

\,1 ,. 1111 u~t"t-• Ollt' ll'tllllt\. .. IIO ••Uhh'll' n Iii• M·l It i" J. hf.IUan UH·nlltt' I IH fl'Ck' tll•· iM t llil t'H'I)

nnplo~ ,. h1 n-..:~d t•.a·••iully.

f All e-nOioy.c ~ ·n & fil out ,,.. S-20 lorm Cle<:ldrl"'::jlt~ '"' ...nles purchase<J an<l>Oid

during tne 111 3 monll s for each qu.'llt'r of the' y(';lr l)arlu.'ry. Apnl, July, October

2 All em;>loy.c ·1 rnustltl WI '"' \ ~r t ''m dec <1nng the sec~ purchased end 'Old 0y !herr trntnM~te r .... nty (soouse. P.111"1tS. ,.. J ~~ngs) lor the last 6 months lor

"'"'Y srx mon11 01 ttc )'t!,1r IJ<l~Wfy ,1n:1 July I

~ All emol~s ra.St ftll out 1n 5 4 :> 'orm dtX'annq a detdtlelf lt.Ur l<J ul "" ~·!Cull itt'S

JUtcJid\t'<l c'l'ld SCkllrM lh"li'Sl year Wtrh itllll"'JCI ill etS listed (FCbrU<t:yj

• 'N·unlu•:-; ~ue"h J -. f•)• ~~. lllUiu .• l fwMI.'), ruiiU'f' " nn.l t,.. uloo~ IUUISIII't ·'I'( '·''' .1. \llli.U 1\'hnnoo; wpla

om rq•uvu1e-ul o l' u~Jit) lltau ~ 10.0(10 .n ~ uttl' ll t"" \alut• ·nut-~ 1 IM-· l't'pnr"<·d ~ "t·ll.

• fmpluH·t·"t' J•IUJ" '1) v 1 lh" un I bunL. t.IC HkUU •h ao.»l · ut lite nlil)Of" 4i"K'b 1h.at 11111~ 1"-' tlf"'' I .,,.J ~ ... "t' I 11te ~llln'- itnt.l Luyau.;: lr~ulslC hu.., uf ,d pnJ'(lM11l !'> tuu-.l aJ~ l"'" tlrt•l.!/l"fJ

178. 1/1/hat tS the purposo of th s announcement?

fA) To C\A >VI11' a ""'" onvernmbl>t n tl .. (B To dtsdose <he wrllf)gdoiogs ol employ-. t<.. To report the r.omf\any's ~n •• ncltll status

t01 To drstrrbute sl1dl"" of the company stock~

179. Which of the folowtng Information should be provided on the S-30 form?

(A) I h9 Interest carl\tld from a savings ao<;ounl

(BI Tho dtvldeods roc. rved from t.loc rnvo< ntent~

(C Tho Investment e:..-nings colt..ctt:d by a spouse (I l) II a rocroased va._.e of a prOf .,,,Y

180. rhe wotd "adhere" In paragraph 1,1ine 3 is closest lnmeantng to

~ .... ,t (Bl :orn (C)nhor~



OuootionG 181-185 r·efer tn th" following memorandum and e-mail message.


To: All staff Subject: Mandarin speaking staff

Mr. Wang, a very distinguished guest who manufactures and distributes red wines in China, wi II visit us in New York next Monday. Although Mr. Wang is well versed in written English, he has expressed concerns about his conversational skills since this will be his first visit to America.

As Great Wall Red Wine is a potential big buyer of our grape products, we want to make his trl p a memorable one. I would like to extend this Invitation to anyone who speaks Mandarin to assist Mr. Wang for the seven days when 11e is in town to resolve any language barriers and to avoid any unnecessary misunderstandings. I would prefer this person be a current employee of Sweety Grapes as he or she will have the added advantage of understanding our company's wor1<ing style and culture.

The job is simple. You will pick Mr. Wang up at the airport with some of our executives to welcome hif'll. You will serve as an interpreter during his visits and meetings in the office. We will also require your presence and assistance when we take him for meals and city tours during the weekend. For seven days, you may be required to perform social activities at night and on !he weekend. We hope that we can get someone from our team to assist us.

My sincere gratitude, Lucy Mayson {lucym@sweetygrapes.com)

Dearr~s Mayson.

1 am sure lhat 1 can be of assistance II you stilluecd someone for the translation ~:x;lgnmP.nt. I am a U.S. cttlzo~. out my parents arc Chinese. Being a traditional Chinese family, M~nrlaml is usetl as our lloosehold language. 1 will be all right w'th conversational Cninese and most of the translation requirerrents except with

technical or special terminology, fo· which I wll need to refer to a dictionary.


I w.ll be availab'e 'or the whole next week with Ule exception of the neea to go on an onsite inspection on Wc:dncSI!ay. tam quite certain that t can reschedule that inspection If necessary. I will make myself availab'e

and open to meet any ol Mr. Wang;s scheduled actil('ties during his time with us.


181. What is the purpose cf tho m~moraruicm?

~~Y! To r~:cquc!"->t sc,rllt~ :.~ ·;Si$•. :-:~; <.:e

·J3i l() unnoUI1lXo; th~ b:;s;r.e::.:; t.'"ip of a col!&ag•;E:~

~c:: T...:· i!1vib the r.;ttJ.:-!1<> (• Ghh.t-:-se p.1rty

•.0: Tc 'lieAcoma a nev.· ~~~: I.~JiiJ/'1~~ to tile curnpany

182. What cnn be in'errec ai.Juut lvlr. Wong?

·~A:t .-i1.1 c:v:r ot spo.-1~\ n ·.vo(d of Enniish.

·:8) Ha ;s net ve:y f<ir·d o.~ ·ira ·.:cling to 1'-Jo~th An··~ri r~;!. (q t ~c: ow;.$ th~:: lar;wfit w·ne m~u n:far;lurinH plan-: ·n C~ti r: .:;t. ~Di t"'IG w:ll be ·,,.•€11 :ilk en r:am •Y' d1 1ring h:~ 'lisi1 .

183. VVhy did Wayne writP. tha e-me.il?

{/\1 To teq~Jest tl tr.in!.;T~I ' 1·o the ::on:pcmy\ t)r.:;nc: : :;nice in Chir:S:

{f.~) To rt!tipond to a message he n::~~iv~:•d t~on~ !. .:q• Mai{>(,n

:Cj ·:·u ar.k f.:):- a vleek ctf to v i::;it h!:~ ft,miry i~'emh:~r.'i

{fJ) !~ voruntaN ror an as:~ignrnen! :~1en!ioned :r; tr.e rnern:m~···.<J. , f""

104. ·~ovhat r·nal<es Wayne a good candiUatl:l .ror :he job?

·Aj He i :.~ l;i:ingm•l.

(BJ 1-l!': hf\:; bP.en working at th(: c.c.np<:t• •.f fvr 11 kU •Y v::.;r~~. (C) He is fwdliar with th0 <'iicn: .

·:D) I le i$ 1101 busy b r f:)~ ~mlire v.•c..-;k.

185. ·~Vh.ll can be implied i."e tr·,e ~-mail'?

(/'-.~ rh.:~ r.,{:mpany 1.Nill start i-'nporlinQ 9n,1ds !rou1 Ct.in:1

·~f~.:· !vf:. Lee V·.'il! be tn,r;y :1'SCOri;ng !\:lr. ',·Vnng n~xt •seck.

((;) \•\ 't•Y••c ··.<t,•il! be ta·-<iog Ct c r:)Sh cm{r:1n in Ct.im~se. (LJ) Tlli: Cl l$ite inspectior: w ill yu a:; ~~d'.!7jUied.


II 06

Ou•cttinncr. 1 AA·1 90 refer to thA followino rl3c:.c:.if~ 111nct P.~mt'i l mP.SS"Qe.

• • "a ,•.•~ "-~·.•.•.•.••"'••n•• ~

Secondhand Goods for Sale

AU the goods and furniture in my apartment are for S<lle at unbelievable prices,

Item f-go Condaion!Remarks Pt!CI

Computet des'< with t1 reading 1 yr

Lookc now and wetl mainta;Ped. $•10

tamp Am r.or scratch oo the .side of the <fP.5k.

Loo11¥.=tr scfa and an armcha·r 3yrs In great CO<ldlt>On. $80

Smalt boo-c. cabinet 'Yr.\ WOOden cabinet. $45

SOOy 42" !eleV1st0n 2yrs Bt11nd new. EJ<colklnt btJY! $300

WaShlf'lg r..acnlne 5yrs FunctlOfli.IL Winor is'iUE!S: with 4)1'0Qramm.ng

$811 bun on.

MK:tOW~'Je oven 3yrs St.c:uul<s....._ $100

Cooki11g ltensf.s l 3yr$ Su~ollle for simple coc~ing. $20

You won't ~et prices like these anywhere. Everything listed must be sold by the end of this month. as I witt be leaving the country on the first of January. t am open to negotiating a deal with anyone

picking up 3 items or more.

t can also orovide transport for the bulky items listed above if delivery is within the city. E-mail, johnlittle@hotmail.com.


·~ ... ' ~ .. .. ... .... .. ... :.. ·"' .. ~ "

· .. -· " • .. ::

' '"' : - I ' • ' • "' • ·~ ·':

I • ~'I~· ' '; : ' ; •' ;~

• ~~!" •

- • '! : !- i . . ' .

Hi. t saw your ad>lenisemeul 111 Ute Oa ''I News l am nf!\Y in tile cirf and have a new. empty apartment. Your hst cau~Pl rroy auenlioo right away, as the tni~os you have lor sale are just wnal I need tor my new apartment. I need the llasit stulf lor my clally needs anrl it would be great 11 1 could come and tal<e a look at the items. 4!so. could 'IOU provide me wllh lhn drJl;~ils of tho problem you mentioned with your washing machine? I really could use il since I ha•1e lo walk livu lJioct<s to do my laundry.


A so, I'd li~.e ID !<now how much of a discount yo~ are willing to olfcr me If I pick up too sofa, tul~vislon. and {13Shlng 'l'achine?

f.l'rWd'f due :o 111'/long wofl<lng tollS and n~t C'aSS, I am orJy a\'allable to meet 041 Tuesda·1 and 111Uf'SitJy

rliq~ts 1 am a.ailable the whol!l da'J on Satt.tcays and SJroays. My mabie Is (852) 4.i39·9889


186. VVhnt is beinq o :rered to thft huyer at nc cos:'?

(t\1 Oclivc:ry .:B) Cookin~ u:•m$i :~

(.C:1 /'.. rondin·:J !arnp (D:! One rncnth's rent

187. Whv is the owner gettin9 rid of h·s used ooods?

fA} !·tv plans tc repl3ce t11eut ;r..itt: ,K;w t,rnit~;re.

(H) Hr: will t •e m0vin~ overseas. iC} He s i"• net:.d of .-none·:/ ri9ht nwoy. (D.: l ie .s inovir~~; i .. 1to .:1 furn!r.h~d ap~rtm~r •L

188. \1\;'hat is u-,e purpose of the e-mail message?

(.to.;. To inquire ~.bout til<~ <tems t)l1 SHit!

(£{1 To seek information .1hout t'!1e ap~rtrnen·:

(G:' To respond tc (~ tHqUFJ~>t rn;:td~:·

(0 } To f-n·) {:ut if ~jelivel').' is a:,r.:ti able

189. On ).vhic:1 day will ,James hfl av;J.ilab\e to n1eet lNith John?

~:P<• n 1:'!:\<lay mcrr ing ~:8: Thursday aftmn<,V~

~:c; Sntunir:y :lftP.rnoon

·:D) Anytimn on 'HI?~kday~

190. :-low much 'ifJil· it cost Jame!i lo pick up the items ~ie is intorested in without thA d iscount?

I:A:• $80 (13) $160 (C) S~1GO (Di $.<60



> ' ' • ;, ~'f{$!1'' . . .,-., l\u6Afroi"\A ~tH.-~(\S t'~ll!!<~t lo lhe. follow\ng t~lePh~n~ r,;.il ~;{~ ,''"'n·:"'\li"Cenient

. .. ~ ~ . . --.. .· ., .... _,., ~- ~ .... ~ .. . , .... ""'· ... . . -·· - ....... . ,,- ·'"'··' .. , ....... ..... ..-,

' / '


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·' r--····". ----- ------- ·-- ------·---···--------'·· ..... ,., 1

Sun Telecommunications V/'i•.rv:.su"te l~coms.com

(01 O> 245-gs&a

ha::k: S•.IJ:><.:•iption Ci:t' G.:\!ls to 2.i'.'t Csi Phones n r-e-:-:1 ) lalii'I<J.Ct"Jrr esrlc (Otu of Cily} C::JII:; Dtrl:':;l U~aling lnterr.a~iooal Long Di3lance Calls Su~cr Surt~r l r.ocm~l A.::c~~.s

.......... ·-. -- .................. ............. .

21 :l 1 U1 CUH1

502 ooc 33 17 5C? noc 331i

a 2:ni·1.

15 mitt 1 (l 111in.


$2.25 $1.50

(fi2:• 2 2l)C6 12:3,1 {27; 3 &55 3456·

8. l<orco S.Arric;;~

510.00 $0.00 $~.55

$1!':.60 $2S.OC

Total: S!.>~l.1 Lo

7 min. a ... in.


$8.82 I '---------~--'--------.1..----···-··--------·-.. -------~---------·-··--·-·--,--·-.... '-.... -....... )

·-...... · ...... •. , -, • .,__,-., -· - ...... . " '- -·· ~- ....,.J .._r-.. .._ -,_, .-•• .- -.. ' · ... • ., ·""· ,- ' "' .• •· --~ .._ . ' · . •,./ '··" • , .. ..._,-.._ ..,. ..... ... ·· ... -....... .

. , ~! ~ j

J! !' i ' j. !j ~~ 1: " <' ,. ~· < ..

'I 'i ,.

W(;! would like U: anr'IOUI'\(E' a Change in r<:~teS P.fte:::IVC Jul>' 1, 2C06. VIJ~ ha\'~ !;UrnmClrized luy.v i( will ilf1~t you in the fcllowing table.

$0.11 p~r l'l n•ltA

D ll' e :.t C ~~1 ing l)om~~ ti r. Cal!~ i- -..........

$C.1 b per l 'll !tuto .


num~ '."'."1:1 ;)l) ~n lnc.m;)~r,-.of iln ~vCragt; OS~ per mim 1tc for Oirei:t Dialing !nt~m<llion,)\ C.\ll!o. Tile country

listing !S ~·.rai\able at ·.v•;.,.w.suntel~coN's.comi'ULJintl .

Olher updales •• of July 1, 2006: • U5t:>r~ CJf ovr Super Surfer Serl•ic~ cc,'li:Ow· ettby an mteroqe •);creme of t.ifl.!f; ir• .1fltrrnr: hon:1w.:dr.'l due to O·:Jf

t!.:JUip•;l~•~! i.IP.l)'IJ:i•'r:~ . • l"/1- .'vi"~ f.·1rt~'O'i!>d <>ur u:r..'l.'lfai/.m;ffln9 tc lrnorov~ ot.r rcsoonse ~.i:r:t< fur Otl}' \+:ro::=c:~ ;.'<11.'s .

• ~J!.f.ng i•1fomw .o:1 af',·/ SWI~n,r.ms bt :r;P. pa-;r ~ 2 o"l::>M/1! orr: r.o.v avoi.1(•bfl:' 011 1'11t' ·veh<tU: with us.:J •cg,l:'.

Fleosc apply for }'0.:1." .rC~go.~ TCiday ot 'Nl:I~'J.suntek:'um; '\,.( nm.:,'()gfn.

~: (

' '

) \


{ ' ' .,

·• i


i i (

. .. .. ; .

191. How mud: v~ill r ... ts. ~arker pay ror Llorm::~Lic l(jng distance cal,s?

(.>\)so. on (g) $H.fiS

(~~~ $1 5.l~l:

\D) $~~~1 .1 5

192. What does the phone bill imply?

(/\} h1s. Parker !n:ll \(~-~ lfl{Jnt ol hm .::;'1115 ff..:;m t:6r (:e•: ph()n~:.

(8) Tb•.: k:n~1 d iGIWlGH Gal~~~ an:~ ~:heap$( on tt~e vvC(~kt::IHit>.

(C) l'here.i!i a 1ix~.::i r:,tc! ()n u-.~~ telephone ':>1!1 eo,,;e~J' rnonth.

(~:;; /\ngnlinn iJpnm:J~ n lot of brne surf'lr.·~ tr'i-:~ lt•tn• nf;t.

193. V•ihich of tt'r: 1ollova~ing ser1ice will NOt be available in July?

(.t..) n-,:;:e:- :r~~!tllBI ~onnt.:c!ion

tl~J ~~peed:er ,r:::ernalion~' · >.;alit: {C) Oui•::kcr LE:c1lilical servic·::>

{Dj ft:.t~li 3bili:}·· ot bil:ing ::-.tu:~· ....... ents

194. Starting in July, from •Nhich se-vice \\'ill tha users benefil?

{A) lf•lermtliuna! ca·i!;

(Bj l J.:Jmestic ·~al:s (L -::~ lnl.f!rnat n::;cGst

(U; ~~~1Sic; ~. tJb:J.CriJJiio; ·

195. Lookin~- at the telephone b ill, v./hich serv·ce \vill likel;,. affect Ms. Parker the least in July?

U\1 lr.tn:·nr.J1 ·ar:ces:-;

(13) lnt(~rnt1tioqa! pnon~ coils

~~ ~.' Dcms~::ic cells t~· (it:ll ~'lhtH) .;.:,~;;

{t>:• Basir. mo."li:11;' r~~t

• 06

'-lu<>auon~ 1 :to-zoo reJer ;o llle lolloVJinQ news rAr>ort and pnl.

.. ~. ·· ..

' ·'

'• ;· .



flll}t.\ mii1ir~no r~f 1.)f.~op1•.$ in Ku.'ilu LHmplll' ·.•;h.o c~JmmnU:' to ·:':('rk cv(:r·y d~:Y Ar't.) ~hd 1 J. .V up wr:.!t thflrr d;l.1l:t tra-.:t!l~. Mnny s.>luLlt:t'l& lo the l ... nUic pl"trhleiUo\o, mcludulg

L!J.e ~n\-rudurti.tm of A }i?,h'. r1iJ :.i.)''l;:lc..•m, '"'"..'l"C hichwil~!o, ~-:ut.l \\icier J'\"111..13 by 1,1\f' J'l'<lii!CfJOrt

Auih~1rlty, h~Wf; lt~;,;n p n>pO!H:d a nd implP.IJICntr.rl in. l'<:r :E;~r'l. t ):v.drl:f to f!a~te th~ trnfr11:

iilualH\1\. H C'lwt"V•.!«', vt!Lh uupre"'flil:i~tble 'htLytn:.Oic jAms. eout.inlJOu,o n.xld ,·uu~truclion

and t'<.'t~r~t;..:n. a-,rl n-:cidentf<.., 1 he.so ~,1utiorl" u~cd h,v polkymak('n~ lra\'C n<•l mnrlr~ nn1c-h

dift(w9.uce t•) (·.••nunul.~ot1'S .

Thi~ J,~J"()blc.tu Oll Cf:: f:~tlin bt:(,_'lUHO IH(lt'() :lflPJ:Il'('nt lhm~ VIJI.iJ.~· p()ll~ th;n. '•"01'(: tHken rrom Th~ .':ihilil.l:l 'rim .. ~ aud ncnh• Harinn. Th~)' "il-t""t«l lh.at lhc J'W"tlple ar~ voicing :he-ir <utC ... "' I"fUi to pvtil"ynlAkers.. Uut t.u 1.hu e:x1.r:".;lr!:VC' r•~tti3 tuvl:"ra,R:c·~. the Q\dwri~ici' kllttW Llu:' tl•:nplc· ur f.{un.l.q LUlnJ111t OJ'~' lookiu.~; (Qr Oll.jWer~. ,,,l)r<' t l•:·JU thr~~·QU:ll'f,.-: r l.'f thH polls; bdi•:..t»j tht• L-affk prnblern :u; ih!!' Dltl:d. ;.•Q(c"nl i~~uo..

Cimu lt ~ucu•~l! l y, ,;:i t.y plann('l'~ a1'1~ Ul\1\•i1li•:t: Lo lli<lt-UC a Utx incn·~nl. :a:-·uew trau.'ipo!'t. P~"Jjocr~ IM:!Calb<t" the i~uc ofl.nx.cs hA~ ~tlwn.,.·.., bo.'cn very s~nl'i1.t\·e:. 'l'hls illtpreat~t· n (~•.at ou •lthor :-: ... 1 ~ pmj~cts l) r t l~W hono:Js tCJ h;.o htsu.~d Lv fund u nc:w tra nsit l"y!.t(!m •1r !':d1

~;: . .:..(;~· • ~_r,,· AVIf',;_: "'~


196. What o11s t11e Transport Aulhwily NOT done 10 lry an:l improv" the traffic problems?

(N Builtl ffiOfO oighvmyr. ~B; Y.:idP.n th~ ICcaj ru.lds

~C! Have rnor·e trains rum:r.G :DJ Blln c~'s f~<.-.n t busy nrea~

197. What is 3"'ita Ha!iln?

~~~~ A ['>OIIinq r.:omoa!"'y

(f-3) Thtt Tr:msport h 1\1'10rity (Cl A ra I company (Dj A QOVO'OmeM In lllli~

198. According to the rEpo1t, why are lhu government authorities reluctant to propose a n~w Iran sport pmjcct?

\.'\) n, .. cunstnoct 01 will tako ;oo loilg.

iB) Olh<i' project fcndwo will be cut. ,.C) T!1ey (Hoi thP. curttnl systom i$ \I'Jorking fin(:1.

•DJ Tr.oro Is r,o do::mard tor a qo:-\•l sy~~tc-r..

199. Accor<.lin~ to : he poll. how <jo most of the citi7ens of KL al~ Lu:11pur commute?

(A) f3y cur

!B) By bu~ (G) t!y ll~ht <ail (Di By ~llbv:ay

200. What does th" res~.n ot question number 4 in me poU su9gest?

{AI The r~oV~i':'lrm;n· ~I H) Uid f.Jnd the. i'lt!VY projnct.C) t>y incrcanu,g ta)<.eS.

{H) I 11ft bust wny to fL111tl ne'll proi~~ts 1:::. C;'l cvl\lng 0U1er st~te project~.

{G} Tt~ gcvGrnmBni. ..»houkt tr:/ getting pri"oJi:te fund~. {0) ll>t: IOC31 gt<l!tlr!WTIO'•I m.JSI n•k I he ledernf governm<:nl for support.

II 06



II 07











Directoons: Yoc w•ll r '>ar a quesuon or statoment and ttwoo responses spoken on Enqhsh. They will oa spoken only one !line and won not he prlnl<>d In your tH">l book S"!l~t t'l>• best ri)SpMse to the

que• LOn cr statOO'"" an< mao~ the 1 ltor 1Ai (B). or \C) on your unswer sheet


You w'·ll ~ear. W'h~m ts the meeting room?

You"'''' also hear (Ai lo '1100! !Jif' now dll<dor \B) lfs ·h~ '"''room on tho r.rohl. IC\ Yes, at 'AD o'rlock

The ~st respor"· to th<' q~.oeshon "W'•cre '" tM n ~·'!I roomr IS r.nooce (BJ, •trs the firslooom on ttou ng'lt," so (B) 1s tha correct answer You ~hould mnrk answ•n (R) on your answor sheot

11. Mark your AI)Swer on your at1swor sheet. 26. Marl< your answer on your aoswer sheet

12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet

13. Mtuk your answer on your answe-r sheet. 26. Marl< your aMwer on your answer shoot

14. Marl< yoor answer on your answer sheet. 29. Mark your anr.wer on your answe• shcot.

15. Warl< your Mswer on ;-our answe< sheet. 30. Mall< your an'l\\ler on ;-our answeo shoot

18. ~o~ your o•'3wc' en yvt.~r dnsv.or Sheel. 31. Marl< your ans¥1er on ;oo~r answer shoot.

17. Mar'f vour rtn..<m"r on your answer ~oet 32. Marl< 'fOOl ans-• on your answ« sheet

18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 33. I.' ark your answer on your answer sheet

19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 34. MArl< your enswer on your answer s"'eet

20. Mao k ;-our an SYler on your answer sheet. 35. MarK your answer on your answer she~ I

21. \4a.rk your answer on your answer sheet. 36. Mark your answer on your answer sheet

22. Mark your anSW91 on your ans\\er shoot. 31. Mall< your answer on your answer shttal

23. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 3a. Mar1< your answer on your answer sl •~t't.

24. t.<ark your nnswer on your answer sheet. 39. 'vlask your ans-r on your answN sheet.

25. Mark your answer on your answer si'eet 40. Mark your enswer on ;-our answer sheet.



Directions: You will Mar SOMe converst~ttons belw09n two peopla You will 110 a·k~'CI 1 ~wvr tllf<M~ quo~tJOns About what the ~peo~ . ..,s say 10 e<~~h .:orversa110n Setocr I~·? best l''"ponsu It

eac." question and rmr1< the letter (A), !B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. 1 he conversatiO~s Will be spoken only one I orne and w II not~ pnnred •"' YQIJr t10"1 hook

Wny IS the man asking the woman If he can take oH earry today?

fA} H wan, k 1noe1 a r:'1ent to lund1 IB) He wams 10 go !lome and relax. (C) tW waro · 10 look~ • a pla •. r In Gilly

(0) I 1<1 Wdlllb I gUI ht tooth luui<od :ot

t2. What does the woman ask the man to do before he leaves?

(A) Finosh wrrllng a "'1-'0<' (B) Scl1adulc an appoinlcnunt W•lh her •i••nl.»l.

(C)Ait .. n~ II• ""'"'ling"''" th" C" <l~r:JI mariJJ0"' (D) Read"''"' the ,.,,,~rt tu ch"' the to s

43. Who Will the man see before he lakes ol'? {AJ The gun~ral nmn~q. If (Bi lad RroJrll<ly

iCi The woman (D J I los c<oeol

44. Who is SCheduled 1o drop by? (/ .> •• . _.,

(hi ~r RO<JnyUt:z

ICt M1 11 "'"' (C'' f'•c .• s 11\,u,ay r

45. When willlhe vtsrt"Qt" como?

(. 1 ft>f1~

( J I his WOO< E-m!

(C} Nel'l wvek

ID) N,,., morollo

46. \Yhy dO thtt tc~AkNo- 0(\l.lnrl N01 hut-JfiY h:.o hou1


fA The f'*' &~n COli 1 to1 <=l w.;st l1IWr1 hatln•


(ll) 1 II• IM $ lhtJy "' llt!t·~o.lve 1. 11111 0111 ·I

lh~y had ''"''"0 (Cj lho. ho.:Jgvtltu· "''"" '''duced I<X ""'' (D) C<HIIu ol Ut<l .. tl<q~~; 'f•lo1 won h, I I 9u



47. What does tha woman "•ant to know?

•,, ·~'''' , 'f ~~ thnr a tlJ) t1nw rm tho w~taurant is. tC) Wh~o" to yet o,orne 'JOO<IInowl I" .f-,.,VI ,,, ..... "l I ~f" lf {)(i dJl-h

AR \o\lh-:l.t de. a~ tho ~"non ~,_.ggoot lha- WUtllt:Sif Uv?

~~ tu , .4, \UI LOt'll 1r1 the yn low pa~J'J',. (C) T&e or a roow hrJIJIJy. ., '''"·lr:l 11 J. b0clk

49. Ateordlng!o the man. Vitia! will Jeff do?

l~ell-n rn~taurau:

fJ J M •vH tc anothnr tO'Nn H.. vvwe a hoot.. D) Seo iJ Uncto1

50. Acccrding to the man. what do !hey have 1o do soon?

,, " ;pl n I tv llltl d· 1\Uflfh\ 01 r. '"V\IIh"Jif1m'8

tBJ t~o:~JIII lfl;atP n llmcOMp•· ·1y l~ont·l$1

(C) C.:·tHHrlp Wtlll r1 IWT ·•' >T lhtl r n9W l>rt><hiCt 4'"1' J:nltl Wil'f"l to save 11' "'~Y ,.or thr' comp~rty

51. Wh<!ra do they mosl rokely work?

f • ,, .. *~( n:'f("C) st1<m 18) Ae<•nsullrng !1111

(G)Arl,rlo .!nro

((l ~ C.11llnm numnfnrtt•IOQ cornr> •ny

52. W"al does the woman sugges! they do?


' ·rof *CIIl tnrr•pJU1'( Ll f.: ~·•HIDa nowpt(Jtlu · nn lhPr•-trk~t (;) Gel the OJSton,ers h 10tvecl

0) Pravll>di=uJII•; In - ~ •r.on·,,.,.,ero

53. Where is lhe woman going?

11\J It• ck ~fl !,cr -II ··om'"' n-traye 1 B) lc""""" her ca to anolhO< place (C:j To buy &<JmPthfn .. Jt tlw• !'i"'IP''tfnAik•·t •')) If• • ..., . .. 1 lr""'w lhu p .. ~

:>4. Wnattome rs 11 now most likely?

lA) Ar1 ·urd lw;~lvo "'r ~:k. IB) ,h rst &fiN or~t~" o<.k. (C) JIJSI IJefom tv11. a clock (!)) I •n·•'y lour" •.lock

55. What does the man menbon about lhe supermarl<et?

fA) 111~. 'lvmq a .otle llOW

1 R) It ,., lrtnt lu lJ<Uli lhP.te

C) ll rs 100 lor ftO<r ""' ollooe. :D) Ill• nc~ted en Jano R<Jad

56. What are they lnlkillg about?

'") lh1 Nnmun·<~: b' nu~;.u lnp 1 A) A tl'.IW wllopui•J• .ollwnro ((;} noo horoch m••nu IJl A co-"""oker

57. What does !he man want to know?

lA) Whether tho Wlllnan toed withe computer tB) It ,Jchn nstall"<< fiht 1•ogmm onl\ftr C(}CnJ•••or. 'G) Hov, "" .tlhu no· ,. r.ornf)UIH< IS. 0) l-lt.•w diH.,rRnt "hft w•mnand keys ilm

58. Whal wlilthe wo!Mn do at lunch?

cA) OnY'· 1'0 !'HIOi'lrb•( 1-1 Jluure· · tB) r 1oVK1o the l l l<Jn o~t: "han answer.

<C) f'·r:k p •.nroo ~ftwMe lor hAo cumputor (n) l.fHhA •o, hm ~-1r4no~n lnp

Wh<m <!lid the man start wor1<ing at this company?

. Five years ago.

John leaving the company?

He l s setting up his own company He is going back to college. He got a bett"r otferrwm anothiU fi1m He is not gett~ng along w1th tt1e mamba" of his staff

iWI>at <0011S the woman want the man to do?

''!AI Cc11nt> to her graduatoon cerem011Y Get his colleg• degree. Make ~ lot of money Wait tor her a hllle longer.

will the woman get to the party?

By getti•·g a nde with somoono By d riving her own cor. By taking putlhc transportation By walking thflre

(A) At the auto repair shop nerMuse

Before they go to the meeting. Ounng lunch hour. Ea~y tomorrow morning Right alte< lllOii. tod•y

65. What does the man want to do?

lA) Aehre from h1s Job 1 B) W<>rk rn anothe1 Mid tC) Go on a busot"ess '''P flJ) Save money lor l11s lulurn

66. How will the woman help the man?

(A) Uy refeuing him to somi'ane :,lfa knows. (B) By getting h1m a rob i111..-v1ew (C) By lending hun some ll' onay. (D) By workulg overt me

&7. When Will the man most likely receive a phone call?

(A) 1~1ght away (B) Th1s a1ter11oon (C) fhis aveulng (lJ) tomorrow morntng,

68. How do some of the managers probably feel right now?

(A/ Nmvous (B) Excited (C) Angry

(D) Happy.

69. When do they expect the news to be announced?

(A) Today (B) Later Uus week.

(C) Some tim., next"''"'~ (0) Next month.

70. What does the man say about some of the managers?

(A) They are hardworking peonle (B) Tiu~y deSP,rve to ~Promoted

(C) they dese< vu to getllrOd. (0) TitttV make too mucn money



Dlrecllons: Y'ou wn I ~ear some Short talks s;.vcn tJy a smgte $pP.aker You wdt be asked to answer

Ut!P'I quest10no olhltll wllar tho speaker says •n each shurt tlllk. Select the best response to each

qL '''" ard n·ark tho Jetter (II) (R), (C), Of D) on your answer sheot The talk~ will be spoken

nrly one broo ard wilt not be pnnted on yoot laSt book

71. Wl1atis betng advert•sed?

1A) /\n Hll II tf hn~;pftDI

\)A lfl•.• Iff

A n , !;t111t!


72. What does the spook or mentoon about the event?

• tl '' v '-""" housJ. H J 1 oV>J<•I WltlJe , ~ o11 c n

t • I \.;)"ll!ij,JI)IIf)f)lq~l)lln

73. WhO wdl beneltt tne most from this event? 1h leU ~let

tf ) ,, I lJtl I 1 1 ,, t'll ans


.,. ... Whu '• ,,.., u 1le~ •tJ~ tsU\Jfence of tniS :tnl'lOuncemenf'

\tfflUil{J "'; enterlaliP'I'1

I ,and r

75. Wt>y ••me soeaker menbomnq a cnange in the schodulo?

' A l'il • P.f!t \\tllh lbu ,.:O!•ntl '>y-;1 ·11 ha,.

""" ) n .me we o nol enougfl ~rhf~>nn1'3

) 1 "' >o;: IS rolloohng well ln<l~y 1Pl I h•tr41 was 1 IJ'~'''r-rrlelt1aorl for the m.:1qi ...


76. WhO 1s Mr. Sanders?

(A, •':1pi;W\ nf ll·e Ship.


v~n ,.,. 1 " '!''lferlg n9f'

lit ( :h til

])) 1.. "'•st of lim qw show

n. What is being announced?

<A1l hll cklslng or lh>J store (H} An ~::1merqen.,.y ovacuahuJ 1 d1lll (ll The sale ol til<! d<ly

"'tit ui)Wf"'''9'"mP"'YI.-'id~)l"

78. Whot does the speaker ask the workers to do?

tA' C~lmly extllh•' buRdmq (PI f 'Ay tor thr• 41' ~-

1(') Put on lha · ""'" ""'''" (Ill Talk to lha lire w~rrle11~.

79. W~at does the speaker ad\11&8 those ville> ere tn tne moddle ol the building to do?

(I\) Take tho ~ nvnlors. !Ill THke 11111 <''II:Jtlntors I( ) Run out nl ·no bullc1tnq !OJ lise the emornencv sta•rs

. . .. , 80. Wl1al old the repesentabve of IZH announce?

f /t. l fh~ growth \! I tJ ~~ OOffipAOy lOCkS

11 \J lllu r~gnntion of 1t~ (:htttl ex,cutive ofhr.e1 iC.I rht:l su~o~n~lon 01 its C::flflirlr mqn~l>tlw.

ill) I~~ amount ol moo'>'( on"""' lhe C0011""•

·~ -81. How did they learn of several fActs?

fA From thf" contpany spQt·u ~~ro;on

ll\1 rrorn an unwtidosed intonnant

cC. • f-rom lf:tt chi~JI executJvR olfteer. II J • From lho lnr.nl police

82. According to :t>e speaker, how lOng w:u the ·n~tigabon last?


(IliA low mn11tlls (C Qnpyear H'l, It~ un~nown

Who is Nathan Boyce?

(A) A unoversity proleSSOI. (B) A write• (C) A physici"' 1

(D) /1 his1ory l«&cller

What will Nathan doscuss today?

(A) His thM at h1s unlvar;lty. (ll) European hisloty (C) II s pholosophic&l views of hte (D) ff,s Mes1 book

What dod Nathan learn during his !rip to Ireland?

(A) He will be laadong • now research f'<"OfE>CI (B) Some new lindong• about hl>tory (C) I he university has namP.d hln an llOil()rAry


(D) Tho<e will be a book wntton Jbout him

86. For how many years has the event been taking place?

(A) One yeao

(£3) Two vows {C) Avo years. (D) Ten yeurs.

87. What •oould those arrilling befor& 9 get a chance to®?

lA) Meet w1tl1 H1e <lnvers (I:!) lake the cars lor a t<ISI clrive. (C) G•l the aulogra~los ullloe drivers {0) R~vPI a rHsrount on I hr. ontty Ius

88. How much would a 65-year-otd man have to pay to get into !he place?

(A) Two dollars (B) ·1 hrA<> rto•tat> (C) Five doiiAIS. (D) rwelvd d<>llars.

89. Who most likely is giving lfle talk?

(A) l ht. rattu 1y msln,Gto (A' 1\ lOut 9Uide.

(C) A 1t1c~" r:lirniJer

(U) A W• d~urlt--11

90. Why has the plan been changed?

(AJ 1-iain is corrur1fJ {!own hHrd <.uJI• Ide

(Bt l he rHflihU in"ll ucto1 r:uuiU tt~lllu.Jkr 11 (C) llu h~ . .U:Iflt)(S V\•lt:ld 1u Uo m.~nk JIH) •·1St-. (Q) I he WQtut tevd h,t!: 1 i::uu Utyund wti<..H 1:. ·~·II•

91. Which of the followong actovities is NOT a pan of the day's events?

(A) llikiuy. (f:l) Wlndsurtong. (C) S•Mtfl!rung (D) Jul of.tlng

92. Who is the intended audience of this talk? (A) leucf·,,_,, (B) Stulie111:, {C) Yo:-t•\ l• """'u' ~.

{U) f h ,..,s play1.11 (<

93. What will the participaools do in the morrmgs alter breakfast?

{At I t1:un lh"" nd t•l he~nc1vmltng (8) ll~;hHtlr.• trlt; lr C4•lll-l'd~1Ut~S 1t1U· (f .. t (11} ln1 a shNt "· ~lk

(I H Read &~H•t! Journi.11

94. What does the speaKer mention about dinner?

(Al l 'VIlli h<t :::;i&IVE:d t:xucUv ol ~'"' o'dn. 1..:

(f\J rh.Jra 1s gotno ..J l•O ;1 vanety ot <h!~np.• '' t..hJOSO hHill

(CJ The f)<lrtlci[Ktnf: wdl 1•repu1e llllh,hf·:Ohn.r

(OJ It will 00 'HJit l O:iltHI lht1 intonllill ~ .. t ·..-un~u

95. What 15 tfle report mamly about?

1,1\1 I h~ ~hlllll!q d11wr• , · r -;tam,w.f

1 ;, A 111 lnric.tl vi• !W ol the oly ilfldm.1rk

,t.jlt'•! ··~1Y••f;1vervl rn011.S rJChbusrn•?ss-nan '') , ... htr• •I ln~III•'J'flrnq u'tst9tn1!1•"•fly

96. Hnw old 1 s the business?

,f\ lf!fl v tt nl· I

B} fwr·ntv·II'J l ~~f!i nid

H ") ftl y ... P'U!l (lkl

II' 'ln" 'twt• h~d ~CIIS r·ld

97. What does the speaker mention about the business?

, ~

t A1 II , ilm~ •mly h) the r~e:h

( 1) II wrU hHVP rts gmrtd O(Xlruno tiQOn

r.-:) fit .. E:njn~,.,.d· by ~~.1pfe rrorn an walks,, life. 1l ~) u~, Ji• ·~tll..lt tly hns dit uin•shnd n~cen1Jy.

98. What Is being planned?

(A) i1 lro,ll·pag!l n"WS;>:.Jj')Or Gtvry (Bl A r.ompany·~ annive'M'Y ·~lcbrnlton (C) I he elact1on of II•• c1ty's llldyor

(D) I he reletl5R of a n'lw hlot.:kbush"'r IOOWJ

99. What is scheduled to happen on Monday evening?

lA) 1\ d1nner lunchon (B) •I lour nf the bulld111q (C 1 A movie scre('nutg

\DJ A hook sale.

100. Who is the ontended audience of th1s announcement?

(A) Company A111p1oy • .,.,s.

(0) The gover11oo. (...:) rhe librariAno.

fi)! The moviqgoors

Reading Test

In the read1n g test, you will read a variety of texts a·1d answer several different types of reading

r-om prehension c;ues:lons The er tire reading teSt Ill HI I ast 75 minutes. T~ere are three parts, and d1rections are given for P.ach pArt You are enco0raqed to answer as many questions as possible wilnin lhll time allowed.

Part 5 Directions: A wotd or 'phrase is missing In eaCh of the sentences oelow. Four answer Ch01ces areo

given below each sentence. Select the oest answer to complete the sentence. Then, mark the letter lA/. (B), (C), or (Oj on your answor sheet.


101 . Recent graduates often ITnd it a challenge to communicate ---- less-qualified but more ... experienced workers.

[A} by 18) ~r ;qtor

(IJ) with

102. Tho successful ---- of a large corporat1on requires a variety of skills and talents.

(t\) administer

Hit ad mil I{Stration C) admlnlstenng Tn AdrninlcdmbiC"

103. Our company prides itself on making many special recrea!lonal ana educational programs

to Its wor1<ers.

(II) presel't able (B) reachable (C) ava•laole (0) en1oyable


104. The company chairman expressed disappointment in the behaVior of some staff members---· said lhat most employees had followed company guidelines.

{A) and (B) bul

(CJ or (0) else

105. A spokesman for tha board of directors announced that the chairman will step down -----and when ft becomes necessary.

(A) if (B) there (C) then (D) so

106. Following criticism by government regulatO<S, the company will issue ------- safety guidelines in the near future.

(A) revise (B) revised (C) revision (D) l&ViSing

107. Our new dlrector IS not only highly qualifted and experienced. - also has a gteat deal of petSOnal Charm.

lA; he

(BJ hiS (C) hun


1 08. The In· Transit Travel Agency w II do everylh.ng possible to • - your stay In Asia relax~ng and enjoyabe.

(Ado !B) hOve

tC) give (O)make

109. The new \racking system will ······· our company's ability to d&hver packages and letters on or ahead of schedule

1'\1 sue<:eed !A) enhance (C) obtain I D) COfiSider

110. The Department of Energy nnnounced that \he president -··· will make a tour of the new facility when it opens a week from today.

lA) nseli (1'11 herself !C) oneself

(I)J m~sell

111 . ... -- the introductron of any new evidence. \he investigating judge Ia expected to deliVer a preliminary judgment sometime today.

(A) U~less (B) Except (C) Eles;de (0) Baning

112.. Desp;te be1ng a newcorl'er to \he loeld of V.pi>tnld"'!), Upgtad• Eng•"'"""'9 """ acn.ev.d - resutts Ill ts f1n.t year

lA) env•er (1:1) liOVy,ng (C) enviable ([)) envyingly

113. The acting medical superintendent wll1 be rep aced by someone for U·e posrtion

(1\J quafoflt!<l !B) more q..alllled ll;l most q..aldied

1.01 more qualificat•or-.s

114. Advance Personnel guarantees salary and conditions • with your skll.s and prolesSionalrsm.

(AJ attractiVe

U:ll sufflciMI !C) oommensu-ato 10) capable

115. rhe survey Indicated \hat teenage boys who consume alcohol are ... to experience stress during exam periods.

(A) hke

(fll lrkeness jC) l1ked (0) more likely

118. The bu.ldrng management has lntroouced guidelines aimed at streamlining U16 process of ------ exisbng leases.

(A) renewing (8) reacting (C) remtndlll!J

(OJ relunmnq

• 07


117. Fill t~e reservoir With cold water. and place one scoop of coffee '" the filleT; ····- • press the start button for wonderful. fresh coffee.

b<>fa<e tt>erefore

C.l lol OY<lMg

01 than

118. Easter break. a skeleton staff ot volunteers will maintain all essential services to keep the business running.

lfl) Wh•lo

!Ell At11md 1C) During \U) S·nce

119. All applications for the current positions should be submitted to the personnel section

triplicate and In separate envelopes.

[1\) by (tl\ ; ...

IC! on {D) to

120. perso11nel are required to partiCipate in professional development programs and to submit program evaluations.

lA) Some of

IB) Every (C) Most (U)AII

121. We would like to Inform our employees that any complaints should be ---- to their union representative at ffrst.

(A) outli11eu (B) addressed (l!i focused (Diapplled

122. It is true that the numbor of traffic accidents Involving cyclists has increased ····-over the last 1 0 years.

{A) meagerly (B) fundamentally (C) Significantly (0) adequately

123. Natura ly, our company utilizes the production process -·----- guarantoos the moSl satisfactory results.

(A) that

/B) who (C) what (D) how

124. The unexpected surge In the prices of steel and other minerals will result in a dramatic Increase In tax this year.

(A) rates (ai charQes (C) expense:; (0) revenues

125. Following media criticism ····- the Defense Secretary's performance, the President today spoke in his defense at a special press conference.

(A) at (B) vf

(CI for (0) from

126. The new tax cuts are designed -·­low-Income eametS and those whh young families.

(A) benefits (B) to benefit (C) benefited (D) benefiting

127. An ondependent investigator -- --· a report on the company's financial operatiO<lS wh1ch, tor some unknown reason, was never released.

(A} contracted (B) confirmed (C) complied (0} oonvortad

128. After a highly profitable first six months, the restaurant's profits fO< the second half of the year were a great------.

(A) disappoints (B) disappointed (C) disappointing (D) disappointment

129. ---··- you are no doubt aware, the new security system requires the insta!latia.n of a backup power source in case an emergency situation arises.

(A) As (B) For (C) Wijh


130. Electron Recycling has developed a profitable business by recycling metals retrieved from ------electronic components.

(A) discarded (B) extended (C) unoccupied (D) suppressed

13'1. Consultation with the appropriate experts is essential ir we are to arrive at an-- -­decision.

(A) 10forrned (B) obtained (C) enlightened (D) acquainted

132. Once you have paid the appropnate student fees, YQU will be ablo to · - - the medical, recreational, and other facilities.

(A) access

(B) accessQd

(C) accessory

(D) accesstble

133. Should you experience ----- in obtaining access to the buikling on the weekend, please contact the Security Department.

(A) hardness (B) dlfftculty {C) burden

(D) predicament

134. The Department of Social Welfare's report this yeer Indicated that it is focus1ng -------on tha homeless and long-term unemployed.

(A) distinctly (B) Individually (C) excepuonally (D) panicularly

135. Numerous speakers came fooNard to express their gratitude------ the retiring secretary's unfai ling courtesy and efficiency.

(A) for (B) at (C) to (D) with

136. ---- good evaluations from their immediate bosses should be the maJn obJective of those

who wish to be promoted I his year.

(A) Attain (B) Al1ained (C) Attaining (D) Attainable

• 07


127. An Independent 1nvest•gator ·····- a report on the company's finllflcial operations which. !or some unknown naason, w.lS never released.

(/\) COI1tracted (B) confirmed (C) compiled (D) conve<led

128. After a highly profitable first six months. the restaurant's profits for the second hal1 of the year were a great --·--··.

(A) dtsappoinhl (1:1) d sappomted (C) d1sappotn110g (DJ dlsappomtment

129. • •• you are no doubt awar&, the new security system requires the installation of a backup power source In cose an emergency situation arises

(A) A> {B) For {C) W1th (OlSo

130. Electron Recycling has developed a profitable business 1:/f recycijng ll"l$tals retrieved from

electroniC components.

(A) diSCAri(fed (B) extended <Cl unoccuped (0) suppressed

131. Consultat ion wtth the appropr.ate .. -t~ iS essential ;t we are to amve a1 an decls1on.

(/\) lttform;,d (B) obtained (C) enlightenetl (D) acquainted

132. Once you have pa>d the appropriate student fees, you w1U be ab~ 10 the meduce. recteatiOilal, and other faciMies

(/\) access (B) accessed (C) occe•sory (D) accessible

133. Should you experience -- 10 Obta!lling acc;ees to lhe building on the ••eekend. p4ease contact the Security Department.

(Al hatdness (Bi dllf.eu~y (C) burden (0) predlr.nment

134. The Department of Social Welfare's repon thiS year Indicated lhat it Is focusing •••• on the homeless and long-term unemployed

(Aj d••tonct'Y (B) llld<VIdually (C) exceptionally (0) partiCUlatty

135. Nu morous speakers came forward to exp1ess their gratitude - the retiring secretaty's unla1nng courtesy and eff.eiency.

(A) for (B) nt tC) to (0) With

136. --- - good I!Yaluatlons trom the.r 1mmed1ate oosses shoul<lt>e the mBIIl object.ve of thOSe who WISh to be promoted thls year.

(A) Attaln (R) AttAitled (C) Attawung (D) Attainable

Ill 07


137. A small group of contestants has been selected following a nationwide search ---·· over the last six months.

lAJ olerted iS) engaged 1r;) prutected iD) conducted

138. As we------ in our guidelines for applicants, please submit documents in triplicate before 5:00p.m. on Friday.

(A) exceeded (B) Indicated (C) l".(lnducted (0) reserved


139. The sudden rainstorm arrived -----, leaving a trail of damage which many predict will take some time to repair.

(II) unexpected (B) unexpectant (C) unexpectedly (D) unexpectedness

140. Pease re!ld the ------- passages carefully, and t~en answer the multiple choice questions below within the time allotted.

(AI consecutive (B) constan1 (C) following (0) subsequ~t

Part S

DirKtlons: A word o< p)lrase is msatng on uch oltt111 ....,tencn below. Four answer chooces arc grvon beh.1w e11ch wntence 58lect the IJasl answer to complete the •~ntence Then, rnark 111~ letter (A). (B), tC), or (D) on your answer wet

Queationa t 41·143 refer 10 lhe foiiOwrog a-mall.

.. ·-~.,_;--;·~·~~~~

From ; Pauline Campbell!mallto:paui!M!.campbetlfpoy~erJecruiuom] I Tq :.·<' Mr. Justrn Long l Sent ' Tues. 20 Jun 2007 2.44 PM ! Subj.at ' . Th.ank You .I ·~ .. ...,,

.~ 'F :., .. ·'·"' ·p :•" ~..;•·,;, .--;; "~.,

First I'd like to thank you for IBI<Jng the trme to forward your resume and for expressrng your mterest in employment opportunities wrlh RECRUIT USA, Inc Your ·-- will be rev.ewed within the next few

141. (A) employment (Bj applle<otiOn (C) subscrlphon CO) aum'' U:)Utt\•v: 1

busrness day:.

Should your qualifications .... •• oot requirements, we will contact you ditecUy to 3lTIVlge an intervieW 142. (A) D(l(ee

(B) equal tC) match (D) ti!St

. the volume oC apphcabons we receive_ 'Nft cannnt CJI~loo th~t your,~.,. .• ~, con fik.

I 143. (A) Due to

(B) Even thQugh (C) In ~te ol (0) In addrtlon to

for an extended period or time As new positions are posted on a regular baSis, v1e encourage you to reviSn our Site and suornrt further apphcations as appropriate.

we WISh you Ule best of tuck In yoor pursuit or new career opporturubes and thank you agillllor yoor

I· iTierestln RECRUIT USA, Inc.


Pauline campbell tluman Raources


. . · •• -., , ... ,~~; .. ;,o~o..;;-~~~~.·-·,.j;;;.: .. , .• ~.' :: . . : .

• 07


Questions 144-146 refer to tile lolfowln9 nohce.

II ll!llfllllf'IIIIIJIJI 141 Ill 1111111111111111 1111111111 11111 111111111111111111111111111! I II' lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllilllllllltt:


SJ\eraton CoUege ln{fnd' to t:"'te:r Ulto ~contract for- c.onsuldng services wrth a pote:nuaJ

compony for the purpose of dt'ltioping and implement>"& • cornp<J$-wide one-and system.

The Identification c~rd will provide acceu to a multitude of campus a.pphcations to aU persons

with the college. The system must coordinate •nd integnte with e~isdng ond future 144. lA) assisted


r associated 101 Ll'tled

ard·Nsed computer Jystem~

-- - wdl be given to those Individuals or Arms with equal or superior knowledge and

145. iAI Constder II:!) Consoderatlon (C) ConsiDered JJ~a~e

proven consulting 'n the areas or one-card assessment, de.sicn. tnstallat1on, producu, and lmplement~tion

Appli~atm will be required \1) sign an affidavit stating they are not now •ffillaud with nor are

r•ceiving compensatlof1 from any card system vendors, r1nancial consortiums. vendor groupl. card

lnstJtuteJ. or banldng onsututes

t"or lnformauon or a copy of the Request fOr f'roponl. contact. justin 1\•dd. Sheraton Collece Faeiht>es Servkes, H78 Euclod Ave .• Utah. 7SS·OOOO.

The college reserves t.he rl&ht. to reject any of all proposals or to waive any $pecifkatlon or

requtrement deterrnl"ed to be in the best-------- of the college. 146. (Aj.,teroots

(B),ntf!feSted (q interestong (0) intereslingly

Proposals are due and will b• publicly opened at the Shemoo> College Facilltle• Services. 2478 Euclid

Avo . Room SS. Utah, ul:OO p.m. on Monday, January IS. 2007.


~IIIII It IIIII III IU.IIIIIIIItlllllllllll 1111111 111111111111111111111= 11111111111111111 ·1111111111111111111111111, 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111if


au .. tiona 147·149 refer to the following rev,...,.

·---------------------------------------------I I I I I I I I I I I


AT THE MOVIES RevieM by Eli so Reigns RaringsourafS


Canada's two officoal cultures clash ·· ···· an uptight, by-the-book poli~e officer (Jerry Kirkland)

147. W despite (B) wnen (C) because of (OJ unw

from Van<ouver hooks up with a rule·breakong street cop from Quebec (Bruce Huard) for a

drug-relal~ murder investigation. Th~ chemtstry -· the lt3d acton h good, but tho: 148. (Aj wothon

(B) oveo (C) bt:lween (D) along

outdated Canadian cliches displayed throughout the movie sometimes were a bit too much for

the audiMce. The SIC)()' line begins ··- · - but staru to lag on toward the latter half of the

149. (AJ fairly (8) dit.,..;lly (C) exactly (0) quickly

movie, and the plot was too ob111ous to re<etve a good rating. •• Elisa Re'9ru




~-----~------------- - ------------- - -------- ----~



Questions 150-152 ~•no tl'1e follow1ng leiter


Your accoonl information Yll If lc.IDC" Dumber II 5-1005 Your account number: 58124

Wclco1ne Mr. Patrick Dillon:

Thanks for choosing Zone. Our prom1sc is simple: we alway• offer you Ute best

with greater choice and flexibility. ln this spirit, we invite y0\1 to gel to know 150. (A) vaJu•

16) valor (C) valuable (D) valid1ty

all aboul7 .Qne.

·nuee et~sy guides! Tons of tips and rewards to di~cove1·!

11tis package will help you gel familiar with the ·----- privileges of your prepaid 1 :>1. (A) much

(13) many (C) every (D) mosl

service and the mnovative services Zooe offers you, frbm text messaging to mobile lnternet service. You ·11 also discover all U1e ways to manage your account oo zone. com. You can also

visit ZOI\e.com for loads of tips on making the most of your-------. 152. (A) computer ';·

(B) handset i< (C) textboo~ (D) account

lf you have any questions, sinnpty 1•isit <One. com, or call 116, free of charge, from your Zone.

or call 1-800-7555-zone (exL 451).

[.xplor~ away!

Andrew Chiva

Vice-president, Customer Relations

' :


Part 7 Directions: In this part you will read a aeJectlcn Cltilxl&, ~ell: at magatlne and newspaper "'"" ~- •etters, a no aoven•sements. ttacn text Is fOllOwed by UVtf81 Questions. Select the best at'sv.er tor each Quest1on and marl\ the letter (A), (B), (C), or (OJ on your answer sheet.

Questions 153-154 refer to the following advertisement.

Office Supply & Depot Welcome to our Grand Opening Sale!


It Is our pleasure to Introduce our 3rd branch store In the metropolitan city of Chicago. '.

Located In the center of the busy business district, ~ is our largest store yet. And, to get you

familiar with our store, we are having a Grand Opening Sale that you don't want to miss .

.:.u uu1u~ vn uown, ana pay us a VISit to oe a part ot tn1s great Sale. Sta.rt1ng trom November

25 until December 2, everything in the st.ore will b€ discounted 30%. This is going to be an

excellent oppot1unity to get in on some of li'Hit best bruyairt::; ~ver;

Hewlett Packard A4 inkjet paper (400 sheets) $15.00 c1~ar blue balipoi~i p;;ns-(2o·;;~nsi ....... •• ............ $4.99 Pa;;c.ii ·si&ii~·,;;;~: ;g.;;· .. ·· .. · .. ··· .. ·· .. ··· .. :.::·:::::::::::: I~ ~-:Sii Sonv C~B. (?.Q.P.l~!<~.~l ... ........ .. .................... J:l?:?~ ~tic_kY.P.a.d_s_ !?~~.~-~ _1 ~7~~).. .. .. ............ .. ........ -~~--~~

When you are in tha store, take a moment of your time to join our Premier Discount Club. It's

tree, and with It you will get an additional 5% off on all items purchased In any of our stores

in the city. There are no obligations or strings attached. Just sign up when you v•sit us, and

maximize your discounts to the fullest.

153. What is suggested in the advertisement?

(A) The store will be celebrating Its third year of business. iB) The pnce ol items in the store will be siasherl roughly by one third. (C) The sale period will last for two months. (Di Th" discounts wilt only be available to premier members.

154. How can a customer receive the largest d iscount?

(AI By coming 1n early to the store


(B) By pL1rChU3ing two Of' more items

(C) By s1gnong up for a special memoorship card (0) By becomino a reaular customer


; i



t '• i l, \



Oueotiona 155·156 refer to the following news report .

• • •""Vi\.-

/(),JJ pu\•c•lait-an all lime hi~h o( $75 pet b6rre~l With tht' I.'Urlrnt sJtuah n

Vt:.V illlJ 1.1l the raht it it go~ up, it may hil $80 pt:-r 1J•rrol ~'ath a.n .Jl b m~ rec\lrJ hiih, the new ,,rice bu r•a..t"J tbe- '!');eb"'"'' cJ e\.':on~mush, •lu1 ••Y ,,,me dir~d 1nd indi.red ne!llative ~He~tt from the new pri-..-e "" au•i~Jr •c..lort

wi ll be inevll•llltt. Son~c troalhle(1 aitllniJI iltugslin(i M 1)1<1 ntaw lht~u n~ub, h.wl"

announc~J th .. l t1acy cannot cov..:r the.r iucl et.1sU i( ", j) pnc<e: hat $SO pt:r b1rr~l

Addtn5" to ti1Al, th~ d.c)mclht:: tra'l~l r.nduatry it ~in~ hat by t.bc- .t.ll-lillle htgh ,.)

J>ri;:c. Travel AJ:rnls are ea~t-r1y ~xpeclin.; ..1 drop in ,,jJ prices lo lu~u•l the h1llfl1Hl

induatry t" gut mofe p.:opltJ in their vvhi.,let dri"'int 4Muud the \ivuuhy. Wlut i.­

)'ll't a,, ~•u•c tt~ m...,.l UU(M-.:l un tb.e t"Conumy is the u~ll•l•\IC' JiS(:rctilliiA')" spcnJanf

Ly cun~umt•r· on on~r;y. A. pvoplt' Ah: fclud4od\ ,, •• ,., muTe ru. C'UCit:)'r Llu.:)' tlfl'

,-..c~t~urcJ tu cut eotl"S. 8'-"!unomil'll.s au." ..:tlllt..~roeJ tlul the ec011oifll)' uceds a ~lll>at r~'\lltcr t.ha.n thai phrnontt!lhlll

• • • •

165. What Is the report nwnly al>OUI7

lA) The rlsrng price of oil and its etf&ets on the or:onomy IB) TI1e troubled airlines and its revival plan IC) The need lot a boost in the tra\/$1 induslly (0) Spending pattema ., the COIIS<JmOI' rnatket

... J


156. According to the report, what will likely strike the ocon<>my ~he hel'dcot lithe pr1ce of oM tilts the $1!0 ~ barrel matk?

• (A) The tounsm rnrustry (B) Consumer spending (C) Alrhntls 101 Gas e.tations


Ouestlons157-159 refer to the following questionnaire.


- Salaa SUShi -

To our distinguished guests. we would like to request your kind foodback after you have

lr1ed our food and se,._;ce. This will help us to bet1er 118rve you arod Imp-ova ourselves In

the quahty of food, To show o~r apj:lreclatlon for the ttme taken to fill ou1 this form, we wlll provide you with a coupon worth 20% off on your ne)(t meal With us!

Please Indicate s number for uch quertion, wlih • 1• being not so good and •s• being axes/lent:

1 How do you rate our food and service overall?

?.. Do you think our manu Is helpful and clear when ordering?

3 What Is your opinibn of the quality ot our food?

4. How do you rate the cleanh~9!l.~ of our restaurant7

5. How do you lind our interior setup and ambience?

Please tick one bo;r for e,sch question:

6. How fast was your food served?

0 less lt'tan 15 minutes 0 1 S·;JO mlrMee

2 3 4 s 2 3 4 5

2 3 4 5

, 2 3 4 5

2 3 4 5

0 30-45 minutes 0 mona than 45 mll'lutes

7. How would you rate the service qualhy of your witter I waitress? I Impolite L average

l. above average and helpful L very helpfUl and polite

You may write any comments or suggestions here:

Many thanks!

Mr. Hitachi, Man~ger

157. What is the malo purpose of the questlonnarre7

(A) To provide discounts to its regular customers

(B) To find out what th& most popular menu item is at the restaurant (C/ To gather perscnallnformatioo aboul the customers (0) To discover what is good and bad about the restaurant

158. What rs being offered to those guests who fill out the questionnaire?

(A) The best table rn the restaurant (B) A Mure discount on food (C) A free dnnk of their choice

(0) An all·you·can·eat salad bar

159. Which of the followiroy is NOT beJng asked·/

(A) The quallty of service received from the waiter (B) The clarity of the merlu choices (C) The atmosphere of the restaurant (0) The trme it took to finrsh the meal



Queatlon.a 160-163 refer to the following e-mail message.

Dear t.!r Baker,

My apologies lor the late reply as I was away from tile ofhce to attend the WJSC {World Internet Secunty Conference) In New Yorl<

vWh regard to your l)foposal of a possible collaboration between Security Systems and SafeNet to co-develop a new Internet security product, I find it somewhat interesting. The reason Is because. as Y01J may well know, SafeNetls a company that specialims in Internet ~ecurity appliances, e~eclally In the area of firewall awllcatlons. and we are currently looking for some new technology U1at could add to our pwtection on a netwurk level. Therefore, I was glad to reoelve an email message from you. I know that with Internet security protection on botll tlle application and netwol1< level, we coukl intrO!tuce a phenomenal product by working together.

Alter talking to some of my colleagues. I le~rned that Security Systems has done some outstanding researcll and development in the arE!a of Internet security on the netwol1< lewl, especially in host prevention systems We currently have a W()(king relationship With a vendllf doing similar protection systems on llnux-based systems. This does not necessarily imply that we cannot wo11< together with Security 5ystems. ln fact. II el'e()lthlng wo11<s out we are more lllan Willing to swiich over and let you handle all the wor1< In the future.

Please send me a roadmap of our proouct devaiOI>lllll~l. a business proposal wilh details ot possib'e collaboration. and ail;() full product details with technical specifications and a brochure to start with.

I'm lod<illo f01ward to vour rcotv.

Andrew K811nedy o:rector of R&O, SafeNet

160. Why is Mr. Kennedy apologizing?

(A) l-lo l':t)Ufd 1'\1'\t r'nAkA it tn tk<& oonf0r9n.ee.

(B) He took too long to wme back. {C) t-Ie Is not Interested in working together. (D) t-Ie d1dn't heve time to visit Mr. Baker in New York.

161. Why did Mr. Baker initially contact Mr. Kennedy?

(A) To have his Internet connected (B) To inquire about some security Issues (V) ro get direcuons to the offlce

(0) To propose a part~>ership project

162. Why was Mr. Kennedy happy to be contacted by Security Systems?

(A) Ha heard good things about the company from his colleagues. (tl) He was searching for a similar company. IC) He wanted to work together with Security Systems. {0) He realizes that Security Systems has the program he needs.

163. Which of the following is NOT requel;ted?

(A) A map of the company !6) A company booklet (C) A business-layout plan fOl Complete features ot tho product


QuesUona1 64-166 refer to the following documenL ·•m~mh ~~\\\.,.. _.,..., • ., ... M • __ ,... .. ,.,.,.., • ., . ., __ ,..,..,.,. ______ 11""'-

, : •• ., ·;·.· •• 1 ;;.,·~~~

• ·.. ~ • '-~ • ' .. J't">t' '.:.:,.JJ~.

Date: July 1s•, 2006 Tolal Wolght: 5.25 kQ ' Total Cost $40 11

From: Greg Mo:etlel 377 St. Kil<la Street Deytone Beacn. FL 32029 Unitod States of America

To: I ee Oa Sau 42 a.ng Oing Building 21 ·33 KWAI CHUNG New TemtO<Y · IO<>g 1<01'!1

Country: Hong Kong ; Tel: (852) 6423-0829

..... , . ~ 1 ~ -~ •. • .... ~-

. ~··. \ ' ~ . .. ... ,~· :' ".:·- _, W...:b1 1 (

Documents (JcM Molls} l Books Statloneoy



80kg .45kg


........ so

$24 ~·z

• Cift rt Commercial t-'roduct

\ ' ' ' •~ r ·~f.~ ' I ' ! • :t:

• ~ 1 • .o~- '~ .• uSl. r Retum Slllp'llent to - alter ~ days

0 by '""met ma.l

0 Return lmmadiately to •~der L by expo'<m ma.t U "Y nor mol maol

164. Who is lhe rec.pem of this delivery?

(A) Mr. MitChell

(B)Mr. Lee (<;) Mr. Chow (0) Mr MJJts

Cooside< It abandonod

165. How should the delivery M handled If " does not reacn the rec.p<ent?

(A) Retum 1t to tho sender oght away

(B) RNend it to an allernnto address

(C) Keep it at the post office for safekeeping

(D) DISpOSe of 11 altet 30 days

166. Which of the folklwlng Information Is NOT In the document?

(At The shoppong cost ttl) 1 he de~very elate

(Ct Tne number olltems

tO} The sender's conract number



Questions 167-171 refer lo the lolioY11ng letter.

l1<.i nher II\ !006

jc>Sica l'arker

555 George Stree!

lu< Angete<. C'.A '1009$

Dear Ms. Parker.

Sports Today .165 Boulevard ~""'nue Nl"W Ynrk, '" I O!H2

~'\'c want to dclnowledge rocetpt of and thank ynu for your letter dated Sepl<'mlwr ZS'"

«•tKenlittg tuues of Spari.J Tada)' nut 5ent to YI'U. We have lnve5tlgated thr matter

and found that you should have received your Sept~mber and October lssu<!s a< your

<ubscrlption Is not up for renewal until Nov<!rnber I, 2()()6.

\\c \I<Ould herL-I>y Ilk• tu apologu.e ~inet'rely for our mi~takes. I ha\'t~ corrected the error and

oit~>~J -:a p::a.d·ing ordQr to bt •••:n to you tomorrow on October l9, 2006, forth~ two mi$~\ng

issues. And to make up fnr the mistakes we ha•e made, we have enclosed our two other

be< I sellinR magazmes (Can Today and Horn~ Tnda)·) in a differmt package.

We'd al<o like to let you know that we value you as an Important customer tn Spotts Today.

I would like to take tillS oppprtunity to Invite you to renew your subscription 1\llh u< for •n•llhcr year. We have attached a self-~ddressed, postage paid ~n .. elope and a subscription

form with" special dlscllunt of 25% off our nomlal ratd for your convenltn<.'<!.

Once again, plea•e accept our $lllcerc apolo~· for the Jnconv~ence we caused you. !'eel

lree to wntart "' or ~!mall us if )'OU need any furlhtr help or darification. We wiU always be Jl ynur 'eni~

ToM g,.ldp Customer 5erYicc Officer


167. What is Mr. Bridg!!$' main purpose In wrttlng this lett8f1

(A) To than I< the customer for subscribing to their magazine {B) To make D. complaint about some b.ad Sl:ftvit.:4:!

{C) To renew the subscription for anotner year

{D) To provide an answer to an inquiry the customer h3d maae

168. When did Ms. Par1<.er send the lettea

(A) October 1 8

(B) September 28 (C) November 1

(D) October 19

169. What will Ms. Parker receive as compensation?

(A) A 25% discount on her next subscription

(B} Other publications from the same company nt no cost

(C) A check for the missing magazines

(0) An apology letta.· from the president of the company

110. The phrase •up for'' In paragraph 1. trne 4 is closest in meaning to

(A) owed

(B) appropriated

(C) expected

(D) suited

171. What is being sent wfth this letter?

(A) Magazines

(B) A check

(C) An envelope

(0) A receipt of purchase



Questions 172-175 refer to fhe following infonnafion.

7:00·8:00 A.M.

8:00·9:00 A.M.

9:15-9:45 A.M.

11 :00·11 :45 A.M.

12:00·1 :30 P.M.

1 :30·2:00 P.M.

2:15-4:15 P.M.

4:30-5:00 P.M.

5:1 0·5:20 P.M.

Straton Life Assurance New Employee Training

Theme: Nerv Bc,qlrm/Jtg.s, New Cltallenycs

Pick up orientation materials and name tags at the desk at the e11trance of the Grand Hall. (Please wear your name tag at all times so that others can recognize your name and the branch office you work in.)

Buffet-style breakfast at the main floor re~taurant.

Opening speech outlining the company's history by Vice Presid"nt Jack Thornton.

"Your Role and How You Can Make a Difference," by General Sales Manager Mr. Sam Bowe.

"Straton Life in 2007" address by CEO Leslie Gown.

Lunch at the Shanghai Chinese Restaurant on the first basement floor.

Small group activities and rote playing. (You will be assigned to a group. The list wi II be posted at the entrance when you return from lunch.)

Question and Answer session with the management staff.

A motivational speech by last year's rookie of the year. Mr. H'arry Sinclair.

Closing comments from the event coordl11ator, Ms. Teresa Penn.

return. to yow·IJranr.fl <Offices. ~ • Please do nor. forget to write a report to be submitted to your managers wlwn !fOIL J

~~ &466~~~·~~····~·······~~ .. ~~~!


172. What is scheduled to happen follOwing the presldent"s address?

(A) Participants will onjoy some Chtnese cuisine.

(B) The attendees will listen to an opening speech by Jack Thornton.

(Cj New employees will participate in group activities.

(D) Staff members will check the list by the front entrance.

173. What are the participants requested to do all day?

(A) Be on their best behavtor

(B) Have name tags on their bodies

(C) Refer to the ti~t !w any changes in venue

(D) Jot down questions to ask at the end of the day

174. Who Is Harry Sinclair?

(A) One of the managers

(B) The event eoordiMt61

(C) The previous year's new employee of the year {D) A motlvahonaJ speaker

175. What are the participants reminded to do?

(A) Ask a lot of questions

(B) Thank the coordinator

(C) Retum the oame tags

(D) Draft a report



Questions 176-178 reler to lhe loilowlng pamphlet

Aklra QulkMotlon QM·208 Scdety GUide

Congratulations on your purchase of an Ak1ra OulkMotlon Dlgltol VIdeo Camera. With dua C011' and proper mo<ntenonce, your video coml!fd Will prOvide you wHh good ond clear 'lid eo Images lor

many years to come. Please read lhe fOllOWing guldelino-'lto ensur• maximUM IJS(Ige of your video comero

• Lid11unHo!l hatWIIcs (Ll-808) have been lpeclftcally configured far thl~ model. lJ•e only 1he;o batteries. and. should you n~d replacement batteries, conta~l Y<JUr l6o:al Akira dealer. l>!Sposal ot hatte:rle~ should be m •ccordnnce with your local UfCIY. regulalionJ.

• The bundled chor1ing Uttlt (CJ.l-99) and power eord (CO•l2) should be the only charger u~ed to recharge the batlery. If you ob~ene a uetcrlorntion in bauery performance, allow it to he fully discharged before ehorgina again. You should charge the battery fur the fullS hour• for maximum battery Life before uMng it oganr.

• Wet ctmrlition• are not suihlble for your video camera to operate. In the event that your camera becomes wet, you $hould slop usmg it und ~tore the camera in a dry envlfonmcnt wnh 1he baucry retuo,..,d for 24 hours before re-using it again,

• I ho camera and battery •hould be k~pt, Slorod, and operated in an environment with 8

u:mpetaturc rangmp ltoml} to 40"C (32 and 104'1'),

' Do OQl dlsmamloo lhc Camero pam Under any situallon or cirC1ll'n~t~nce~ Tiu1 may pi!M! a po>>~ble health ltatard as tHe camera may cause. an electrical fihO<:lt to tl1e handler, Conlufl your locul Akira dealer f9t !ny technical anlstanee.


Should )'ou hal't any further qudiu 0r roqulnt &upport, colttacl youf loct~l Aklra dmur, '" •IIUJil ILl

ur: infu®aklra.com.

176. Who would most likely be reading this pamphlet?

tAl People who are thinking or buying a video camera (B) Anyone who is Inte rested In taking pictures (Ci People who have just purchased the video camera

lnl Anv inrlivirl11~l loki no • nhott\()r.ohy course at sckool

177. What should a user d-o If the video camera is accidentally dropped In water?

(A) Take 11 apa11 and d1y" W1th a dry towel (B) Take it to the nearest dealer right away

(CI Remove the baltei'f ~nd not use " for a lull day (Ol ReplaOA the battery with a dry one right away

178. What are use!"$ warned not to do?


fA) Take the camem apart to see what is in lt (R) Get It wet (C) Keep it 1n a cold place (D) Lot the battery cosnpletely run oul

a .... tlonl 179· 1&0 refer 10 the lollowong dassJfoed adwrt~ts


... ... • •• • ~

~ :-• •

. . . ············-·.-..·.-.·.5 •. ~·.-.· • a a a ·~--~.·.~~ ........ I

Apartment for Rent

Peaceful Corn.r House: Sot.oateo tn a wann and IUCure n~ T"'o

stones, three rooms, and two bathrooms. Latge, fonced garden area. MQillhly

$1,800. Two· months' rental deposot requlriKI Call All· (:>7) 233·6030

One- room Apartment; Suotal>le for students and songles. Compact wrth

small kitchon OrM, to1tet, and aufhc..,..t opooo fot a bod, oofu. u...J Uc~ bUt

comfortable MllllmUm 2-months' deposit requited. Monthly rent $400 ~


City Condo: Located on the hean of New York . ·wo-room unfurnos~ed

apartment on the 5th floor. Easily accessoboe to central to"'n area. Elevator

avollablt No pets pleose. $1,500 P« moo1th. E-mail Mr. Wayow wayneOemail

com .. -- --- --- --Vacation Gueathouse: Romantic guesthouse beside the water at Lake loba

fur 3 month renta... An uofOtQftUat:Me gota..-.y .....,,,.,. ~t.hl....._. --..-'""",. Clll'"1d

sunset, jUSt the nght place for couplal, famtfy gatherings, or a ref,.shong tome

away from work. Avalloblt from May 1 - August 1 GueslhoU!\41 t<AJy furntSted

woth four bedrooms and a fireplace. Only $1,500 per month. Contac; Tom

Keoth' tom ketthOtobahouse.corn

• • • ..

~ . . ·.·.·~.-.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.-.·.·.·.·~-·.-.-.·.·····5················~·············~·.· . . ~ .

179. If you he-<8 a famly ot fOII ..,,th a carwM, whoch 8d woula you most likely respond to?

fA) Pe.~ceful Corne• House (B) One room Apw1ment

(C) C.ty Conoo (0) Voca1o0n Gu&>thOuse

180. What •!he mam advantage ol rcnt.ng the Cny Condo?

VII It IS the most affordable.

(B) " Is luiV 10011Shed (Cin os wlthtn the City cent•. (01 It is very spaciOUS.

jSJ '·' I ,,,> 213

0.-tiono 181·185 relar to ll>e following announcement and e-mail message.


Morse in Franklin

The Franklin Museum of Telegraphy in Philadelphia wi ll present an exhibition on the life and invention of Samuel Finley Breese Morse, the inventor of Morse code. In those days, the transmitting of information using short signals or binary code was impossible. Samuel F. 8. Morse's invention brought about the enhancement of telegraphs, the further developmer>t of binary code, and the adoption of electromagnetism into this transmission


Models of the first telegraph and the early days of the electrical telegraph will be displayed at the exhibition. Portraits and palntrngs of historic scenes by Samuel F. 8. Morse will be on display as well .. We will be giving free demonstrations. of Morse code transmission and providing a full explanation of the development of binary code. We will also be giving out small booklets on !Morse code to child,en to understand Morse code In a fun way.

There will also be some film clips anol talks that will give visitors a deeper understanding of Morse's life. It will be shown to visitors at the end of the tour so that everyone can fully

grasp the meaning of the exhibition.

The exhibition will commence from May 1 through July 30 at the Franklin Museum or Telegraphy. nckets are available at S 20 for adults, S 10 for children below the age of 12, and a group rate of S100 for 10 or more people. Children below the age of 5 get in for

free. Ple3se contact us at Mo!1e@franldin.org for further Inquiries.

Dear Franklin Museum.

A grQIJp of j 2 people. Including my family and friellds. Is lool<lng forward to visiting the MOISe exhibitil)(r. However, I was wondering if l/le exhibition is handicapped friendly and provi~s easy """""" to wtteetct tato ·uov110 poople liKe toy b!Otller. we also have a friend !rom Ch'na wllo Is vls•tlll!) us and Will come aloll!l to the exhibition. He Is not ver1lamiliar wtUtlhB English language alld American cu.rure. May I ask if there are brochures or exptanaUoo materials in languages other than ~gllsh? 1\re trnnsl~tiQ119 provi<Jed diJn~g Ule video clJps and talks ~s mil?

Thank you

181. Which or the following will NOT be a part of the eXhibit?

!AI A shOwing of Mr. Mo<se's onventoos

(B) A description of the lnvenllon pmcess (C) A po<trart of IIWI inventor and his other artworks

(D) A sognad bool< by lhe tlll!entor himself

182. Wheo wllllhe VISitors watch a video?

(A) As Iiley begin their tour

(B) lmM>diately alta< they rec:elvo a booklet

(C) N. tile completiOn of the1r visit (D) Anytime clunng the day

183. Why clicl Ben Hawkins wnte to the museum?

(A) To reserve !tekets in 3dvMce (Bf To r8QUeSIIIlfonnalion about the lncit~,.,.

(C) To ask lhat some brochures be sent to htS address

(D) To volunteer his tlme as a l!anslator

184. How much will Mr. Hawk1ns mostllkely pay to visit the museum?


(B) $180.00 (C) $120.00 (D)S100 00

185. In the announcement. the wool ·ennancement• in paragraph \, '""' 4 is closest•n meanong to

(A) improvement

tB) acldnion (CI companionship (OJ supplement

• 07


au..tlons UMHto reler 10 11\e fo8ow•'ll adYe~ and •ener. ·~ '"" ''W ""'I I I fl 111111 1111 Ill Jllltllllllllll 111111111 II Ulllllllllll 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

1011; OFF on

olt rt•mslt!

Adventurer's Camping Equipment Nulonwt<M. Salt!

Let's tj\(e a look .1t some good dc~ls:

From now till

Jun • JOthl!l

Camping Tent Camping A ccesso,.ies

f>g••• 4""'n T<nt - (wn $1 >0) How just ~ IJOI

Eas~de'uxe 8-m•n Tttnt - (was $300) Now jvtt Jl .. Ol

l(ol<y ~ ~ (wu ' I )S) How just $1011

Kelty Coo1<1111 s..,... - (was $)0) How jun J241

Waterproof Clothing REI M..,·, J><ktl - (was $180) Now jun $1«1

REI l""en·J Pa, u - (was '60) Now just .1411

= E =

" ~ I 1U ltl'111 · 11111111111111 Ill r 111111 '111111111 11111111111111 111111111111111 111111111111111 tilt ltiiiHIIIIIII t 11111111111111 111111111 It ll llllllltlllll"lll Ill II ff


June 25. 2006

Advenlurer'l Campong Equ•pment ~-4t"""' Lole"Wit\,tft.ri-

New YO<lt NY 10025

Door Advenlurer'a C..m.,;ng Equipmen~

John Waikinson 512 Dough Ave. Irvine, CA 92697

I went to the Irvine store located on Hamson Slrem lAst Friday etter I saw the sales ad on the paper and was hoping to pick up some items lor my summe< camping lrip. (I have attaehed the ad to verify tile valldhy of the sales promotion on a nationwide level.) I wanted to spend some lime shopping at your store, so I left my office ea~y. But to my dismay, instead of a wonderful shOf)ping expenence. I

found the oromotlon ad not entirely valid 11nd a ooor custome< service store attendant

From the prrnted ad, twas led to belrevo that ""ery item in the s1D111 was 20% otl the regular price. Unf0f1uoately, I do scovered that ~e<ns fhal were on discount aP!lhd only 10 those that were labeled

v.ilh a "SALE' slld<flf in the store. In this case. not more than ten hem6 _. on sate. I thought lhls contmdlcted to llle ad published. I therefO<e chllltenged the store attendanl woth a copy of the ad I had brought To my surp<ise. twas told that the discount on aO Hems was not ~llcabte to the store on Hamson Street. t was then referred to the store manager after insisting that the ad mentlooed a nationwide ssle. The manager did not bother to resolve the issue but Insisted. with a very unwilling attitude, that the ed was a mistake! t left the store fuming withorrl A •Inola purch•••·

I have been a faithful customer of your store for n very long time, but the experlenoe I had. along W<th my encounter w.lh the staff at the st0111 on Hamson Street, is just not acceptlble.

u-=-----..-..=-- ,_ •: ,,,, ~ .. · • •;,-. ~

186. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the advertisement?

(A) The description ot the Items on sale

(B) The beginning dots of the sales pertod (C) Tl ,., discounts on the Items

(D) Tho name of the store

187. According to the ad, how m uch would It cost to p urchase a 4-mao tent and a Sleeping bag?

(A) $130

(B) $150 (C)$238


188. Wllat ls the pUfPl>M l'>f 11\eletter?

(A) To clarify a m isprint In an ad

(B) To make a COmplaint about a da.1eotlv6 1t~m (C) To ask for a refund for a product purchased

(D) To accuse the store of false advertising

189. In the let1er, the word "attached" in paragraph 1, line 21s closest in meaning to

(A) fastened

(B) inc luded

(C) restralned

(0) disposed

190. Who did Mr. Waikinson write the let1er to?

(A) The manager of the Irvin e stOfe

(B) The s tore clerk he spoke with (C) The main office of the store

(D) The advenising division of the new$paper

*'+ ,,.,,;., ~''·> 211


O...UOM 1111·195 refer to the lollowlrog review and e-mail message.

trs IT Technology Rov1ew by'' "'.-· · " .Otsncoml

·V' ·'V'.·'V'.·'V'.·V\s Smarte<h T20i- Fin in OIHI Power Device

'ou rll-'botNy C<lrr) ont (\f nlf\rt Clf Lhese Lt('\'l('t:~ at .-all Hmr<- an organm~·r, fl rhone bvok d dJ{!ttal camc.r.&~ a.n MP1 rla)tr. a \1dco rcc;:t'lJdtr, a ""ice tttt~rdcr, or a rtmtHc t:c•ntrol. We hav~ been apcctmg a ("''t'n dt:\xe that b1' all the fuuct~n~ )OU need with mu.1mum performafK'C' Fur- nutn) )UJ' L.tus v...t- JU~t a. drtam. but now thi\ d~"'ce of the furure is 8\o11JI~~t and affordable.

1 htre tS !<.imJ•I)· o" way 10 compare the Tl'91 w1tlt the new 'r20i. You jt1st canntlL ,_1 he 119i was:\ IC"tdo.a,.n for 1111 rtrforma~ hue the JlOt i• f.u superior \!though Lhc l20t contain~ a wide variet)'

,. ,., T)QJOftl (C\'C.f~thtng )'OU C\pecl m 1 n\C)f,lle phone). II~·" ID-e ur lO )OUT ~pxlations for lh

rtrform•·m\.t. 1·or lbc la't IR monrh .. , Sru.utecb wc:nt ba<:k to baslcs rr()CIC.).'IoU)S p<mr:r and hult mc:ntC'H')'. The T20i Is nell rcl<;kd science o r n new lll\ICntion: it is ~unply. plainly n power device. Ft:Huring tht' l;tle-'it p101.:t~~or n1th 2401b And a huge: memory or lOOG B. the T20i Is the only cko,1t% c.m tl~ nYrk:d to store tnc\~ than 1'0 KIO'<'ng.i or 10 <'r more f'I'I--WK .. \lot'ro\"t"r, the T20i ",11 1hoc:k tbc v.orkt ~ith it ... ,.,t tl's il' bt2 a' o,)IJr palm. end ""1:1$hs no n-.orc-lhan }'l'lur ""-'~•nesscanl holder.

Tht"rt. i~ no c..mclC" mnb-1le rhouc on the mat•krl w1lh a di&•Lt&l camera of mor-t than R meg;.lpt~cls. Tlu: T'h'\ .. ~"· n"i ... ~(' mrh tiM.W Thtt "'~'"' hioh resoJUtK'!n ~lUTt.S on ll.ll"lt LCD 'C.:rctn frnm ~our moblk phonc1 Wb\ carry :ln<Hhc:r -.hgua.l camera tround with you'? The MPJ rundJOD include~ both voice: and viJeo recording. and playbuc._, JUSt Jike tile mcdi3 player on your cornputer. All five functions ~'(Ht cxr«l 111 1hc ·r201 are at ma:xnnum pcrfortn<mce. Unlike tllany current Oc"·1ce:s, which 11d~ either a l(l(l'J cantcra ('lr a good MP~. the T2Ch hu bolhl The 1'20i ha.~ WJlhit('l(\() !.LNngent u-.J~tt)· t~t' for 1lt re:habtlit) and performJ•~e~t as oondUi.:tcd by the 1\alional IT Standards~

s s s 5 5 s s s s s

One last ~~~~~~~ to con.s1dtr before y{')u pull yuvr credit cant out frorn your """Uet Lhouah •~ that tb111 •

' '"'• fonio<lir '''" "'' wHI '""" vnu " "'lllllll'liiR $2,01.)0.00 > V\.•'V A•V\•V\.•V\.•"'•V\•

To Mr. V•ncent

I fl<r;e been a Ia lit J realer ol 'IT's IT lecfn)()g)• fle,lew" I!Ne<'l-. a~ 1 1.-.r1 10 ll'liCe ""' ~-· 3llOII1 Int.; ~martetn lllll pnnu:o 1r. r.)u• ld.J' t.,::~Ue 1 rn..~tvcd u~e T201 a& a gl1\ borv montl'\8 i)gO. I mltj.\ gay \t fe:i!fly IS 00

expenSive glflll would 1101 have bO\lghllt lor mv own US<Iye had II rl(l\ been g1·1en to me as a gift I 01l~k It 1$ <M!fprlcodl

I"" J ""'-· aQiee 11ta1 the dolb does Qtite an a•ofllllollof ib ,jze N; a lemncal US8f I~ ~nd some Rlt't\al.IOnS cfllle m TNt l'<'tllll5 1 tool\'"" lall\ast.;alf ctear .m cnsp "''h 11s a meg<1110"-" ._, 4 doe$ not have lhe ~r•h·~hilke feature w~lth ·~ nrMenlln most staoo;ud digital cameras. I am oot able to lake My poctUres as long as I am I~ mo'loo, amllmMn even the shghtesl mrmment The cable connectiOn inl~rtace to the computer IS really unstable I was tr1 '1!1 to oorra:t my I ?01 kJ more t11a11 a• hour lUst to OO.."lioad one pd.rrcl lllr! conneclt0'1was lntermlncnt W: ~ i!fliJIStau.: w•••Om For 1118 pnce )00 rrost flit!' 10 getlhe T2CI. I wWcf no1 riiCml01elld bo.!111'1QC personal)'



191. Which applicatioo does the T20i NOT Include?

(A) A daily planner (B) A printer (C) An aud•o recorder (D) A telephone d irectory

192. What is the T20i?

(A) A camera (B) An IMP3 player (C) A e>ellular phoue (D) A camcorder

193. According to the review, what makes the T20i stand out?

(A) II is the smallest and lightest product on the market today. (B) Its users can watch mov19s ror I"'" (Cj II is the most wtdely-usE>d product by technicians. (D) It has a lot of memory.

194. Why did Moses Stone write thee-mall message?

(A) To complain about a pl'Qduct he recently plcl<ed up

(B) To thank lhe reader for the great gift he received (C) To l"eceive rnortelnfvu•,:c~.lion about thou~ o r it111 tunct•-o.n•

(D) To p<ovide h1s op<nion ol the new product

195. On Which of the following aspects do Mr. Stone and Mr. Vincent both share similar thoughts?

(A) ll1e quality of the pictures (B) The cost o f the Item (C) The size o f the product (D) The speed of I he prod wet


Questions 196-200 refer to the following Invoice and memorandum.



~e: ~ '0. 2006 Purchase Ofder No.: 8928

Invoice No.: 015454978E Bill or Lading/Air Waybifl N<>.: 2309456703W

SHIPPER Contact name; Dan Richman Company name: Scan Tcctmo'ogy, Ltd. Cnmpany address' 2 South Wab>ash

Chicago. IL 60637 Telephone nu.rnher.{1) !'1~ 554 81 1 E-mail: danricllman·@sr.Antech.com

8021 1 Base Ca«~muntcator

80211 Gables and canneetors


80211 11

Comments: Mr. lee, I am able to offer a 8% d lsc.:oonl since your total purchase Is above $500. V!Je value your business and are looking frvwrurt ro mnrA nooortumtie-~ witil you

Shipper'• • lg nature: !J«.I( Rr~i,rll.l(

1o O~b+l.dHu

From: Lee H11<> .,lie

Suj,ject.: H#ndheld Scanners

CONSIGNEE Contact name: Lee Hao J ie Company name.: First Computers Co.

Company addrus: 35 HeOong Road Beij<ng. Chma

Tel@phone number. {SG) 134591 \ 02 f .,mail: haojJe@firstcom.eom.cn




USA Invoice Sub Total


Number of Packages

Total Weight





$651 .50



5.15 kg

Debbie, I received the parul from Scan Technology In 1 piece. The scanner model they .... e I• comoct, and ~"• '\\I"" "H-·::t •~ rtgtn. 1 lowovor;. 1 cll('oCQvcf'Cd "t\e CSI_,~I$9 aBel connecwre .-res all wrong. They ~rs not &utt.able for

themo<ls1&02 1 101.

Can you do me a 51!11111 favor and90 ~hrough the product Information webeiU •nd ••• if tile c.al>lee and ... .,n .....,ot..o.-.o .., ... c .. 1.-m ~omp•-t>t~IG wtt.h t.hc 002 '1 101 o c;.a rmer"? I h<!!~ rtO wt9h to unpack tht C:~\Jirf 11n~

connector& aRid try connsctJng th~ to tht &canner&. I b61isve we will have pr.oblem aekln,g ft>r ilh c.xchange if the c•~e& iind connsctors are not. c;ompatlble. lf the w.ebslte 9uggests ~n 1-ncomp.ttlltlllty, plt:O'&e contaGt

Dan R5c,hman, and request. an exchange for the corre<:t model. (Refer to the invoice f()f' his emalladdre&&.}

I vril only use the ec.nnel'tl for our f!"''J•ct OfiU ~ hm resolved the m<ck>n\!'• '""""· W• shculd H<>t p1'<>U4d unfsss we get conftrmo~tlon on tM-Ir compatibili$y. l am looking to rt&Oive &his In t he s hortest po-s~ible tin~e

n lt would be .d.isa~~ to W;tit for t.hie e:xc.hange wtthout making progre.&& on the project..

196. Which of the following information is NOT Included In the invoice?

(A) The recipient's contact number (B) The sender's address (C) The names of the items sent (D) Tl1e weight of the individual items

197. What can be inferred from the invoice?

(A) Mr. Lee is a regular customer. {B) The company only sends shipments to China. (C) The company provides: a discount on purchases of ove.- $500. (0) The shipment will arrive at its point of destination on December 10, ?006.

198. Who is Debbie Hu?

(A) A delivery personnel

(B) An employee of thQ Rrst Compu\Qnl Co. (C) A customs officer (D) Dan Richman's secretary

199. What is stopping Mr. Jle from opening all the packages?

{A) l~e wants to send them back. (B) He Is going lo forward I hem to Ms. Hu. (C) He received some ilem..:: a.ddr0$.CU~d to eocnoono ok;c.

(D) He wants to double-check on the adaptability of some items.

2.00. Which of the following does Ms. Hu need to know from the invoice If the cables are found to be incompatible with the scanners?

(A) Model number: 802110<1 (B) E-mail address: danrichman@scantech.com (C) Company ad(lress: 34 HeOong Road (D) A1r Waybill No.: 2309456703W

