Job Interviews




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Job Interviews

After getting an appointment for the interview, there are several things to keep in mind

Take Important Things With You

Take all of the phone numbers and addresses you might need for the written application with you. Also take dates of employment, names of supervisors, etc. and a current resume if you have one.

Be On Time

Plan ahead to make sure you are on time for the interview. In fact, be a few minutes early so you can be calm when you are called in.

Be Prepared to Wait

Be prepared to wait past your appointment time in case something comes up to keep your interviewer from meeting with you when you arrive. Do not schedule other appointments so close that you can’t give your best at each interview.

Wait Properly

As you are waiting for the interview, act as if you are already being interviewed. Remember, the secretary or others by you could influence your getting the job or not by how you act before you get into the interview.

Once You Have the Interview Smile/Handshake Sit straight/Don’t look around Eye Contact Proper English Answer truthfully Be positive Clean Clothes/Body Dress for the interview


Be on time Smile Look attentive Use correct English Look good Relax!