JOHN D. MOXLEY - Wake Forest University · Before his Forest Park pastorate, Moxley was interim...


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SA-The Mount Airy NEWS.


Welcome Slates"Revival Meeting

Revival services Wl~· "-"'""-=c:.'at 11 a.m. Sunday atBa,p4st Church, locaBanertown community. Theywill continue at 7: 30 each eve-ning throughout the followingweek.

The Rev. John D. Moxley ofWinston-Salem will serve asguest speaker (or the ser-vices. Special singing is plan-ned.

A nursery will be providedfor children. The public is in-vited to attend.

The Rev. John D. Moxley,formerly of .Winston-Salem, has'begun his duties as the newpastor of Trollingwood BaptistChurch.Mr. Moxley, a formr West-

ern Electric Co. employe, waspastor of the Forest Park Bap-tist Church in Winston-Salem be-

resigning there on Sept. 30the Rev. Ke~eth

Charlotte Observer ;fConcord Tribune bDunn RecordDurham HeraldDurham SunElizabeth City AdvanceFayetteville ObserverGastonia GazetteGoldsboro News-ArgusGreensboro Dai ly NewsGr consbo ro Record

OCT 111968



Baptist Pastor Is Leaving

EL Winston-Salem, N. C. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1968

Church Notes

By VIR TIE STROUPStaff Religion Reporter

The Rev. John D. Moxley, who has been pastor ofForest Park Missionary BaptIst Church for six and one-.half years, has resigned, effective Sunday.

He will become pastor of Trollingwood BaptistChurch in Burlington on Oct. 6. The family will leave thecity Tuesday.

Before his Forest Park pastorate, Moxley was interimpastor at Gospel Light Baptist Church, was a supplypastor and had a radio program. He has been preachingabout 10 years and was ordained into the Baptist ministryin 1962.His wife, the former Anglene Davis, was licensedas a minister of Woodland Baptist Church in 1958.

Before going into the fulltime ministry, Moxleyworked with Western Electric Co. for 14 years. He and hiswife are natives of Boonville. They have three children:Debbie,15, David, 13, and Diane, 11.

During his pastorate with Forest Park, the congrega-tion purchased a three-acre site for a new unit to thechurch and additional land for a new parsonage. Thechurch is at 1994Bloomfield Drive in the southern part ofthe city. I REV. JOHN D. MOXLEY

Baptist Pastor Is Leaving-.

Winston-Salem, N. C. THURSDAY,

By VIRTIE STROUPStaff Religion Reporter

The Rey. John D. Moxley, who has been pastor ofForest Park Missionary BaptIst Church for six and one-half years, has resigned, effective Sunday.

He will become pastor of 'I'rollingwood BaptistChurch in Burlington on Oct. 6. The family will leave thecity Tuesday.

Before his Forest Park pastorate, Moxley was interimpastor at Gospel Light Baptist Church, was a supplypastor and had a radio program. He has been preachingabout 10 years and was ordained into the Baptist ministryin 1962. His wife, the former Anglene Davis, was licensedas a minister of Woodland Baptist Church in 1958.

Before going into the fulltime ministry, Moxleyworked with Western Electric Co. for 14 years. He and hiswife are natives of Boonville. They have three children:Debbie, 15, Davi~ 13, and Diane, 11.

During his pastorate with Forest Park, the congrega-tion purchased a three-acre site for a new unit to thechurch and additional land for a new parsonage. Thechurch is at 1994Bloomfield Drive in the southern part ofthe city.

Wilson Daily TimesWinston-Salem Journal

__.wP§tPu-Sa1$iPt SentinelNorfolk: Va. Pilof

bY'SEP 26 1968



MinisterIs NamedRev. John D. Moxley

Winston-Salem recently~llWweHttti"uun~s as pastor of

Church ontheMr. Moxleyhas served for the

past two years as a homemissionary in Wihston-Salemsponsored by the WoodlandBaptist Church.He has also served as pastor

of Trollingwood Baptist Churchin Haw River and attended thePiedmont Bible School inWinston-Salem.The new pastor is married

and has three children. He is aveteran of World War II withservice in the U. S. Navy.

Thomasville TimesTryon BulletinWashington Daily NewsWilmington StarWilmington NewsWilmington Star-NewsWilson Daily TimesWinston-Salem JournalWinston-Salem SentinelNor(jk: v«. Pilo_t

~cJ, (_ladf/JAN 271972
