Johnny's Top 10 Outer Space Horror Movies List



The attached is my personal favorite outer space horror movies top 10 list. Notice I said outer space "horror" movies, not to be confused with just outer space movies and or alien movies, (the requirement is that they take place in outer space or a foreign planet and are horror movies.) enjoy...

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JOHNNYS TOP 10 SCI-FI OUTER SPACE HORROR MOVIES LIST.1. The Last Days on Mars Space zombies! (not original but pretty solid flick & good cast)

2. Pandorum Space zombies again! (less in space and more on the ship though.. still awesome Also good cast)

3. Prometheus Malevolent space aliens who are related to us!

4. Alien Previous malevolent space aliens invention The even more malevolent space alien!

5. Predators malevolent space aliens hunting humans for sport! (doesnt so much have a space feel though as it takes place on a planet much like our own Still good though!)

6. Pitch Black Alien bats that eat everything living! (obviously not indigenous)

7. Event Horizon Spaceship that goes to hell, picks up hell STD along the way! (mostly takes place on a ship, however, good decompression scene annnd creepy vibe.)

8. Apollo 18 Alien rocks that kill things! (good realistic space environment/atmosphere)

9. Planet of the Vampires Self explan (good flick for 65)

10. Stranded Christian Slater in space! (Nuff said) Oh, and some other kinda recognizable douchebag

BONUS LIST & NOTEABLE MENTION.1. The Thing John Carpenter flick, starring Kurt Russell, effin sweet monster Need I say more? Yes? Alright then effin sweet monster of alien origin! (Doesnt take place in space though so it didnt make the cut for the Outer Space Horror List.)

2. Doom Scary Things (Steve Carell voice)! Oh, and space (good for a video game movie, fun cast)