Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Voluntary & Community Sector Assembly 21 st July 2011 Dr Pat...


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Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

Voluntary & Community Sector Assembly 21st July 2011

Dr Pat Diskett (Deputy Director of Public Health, NHS Bristol) and

Nick Smith (Bristol JSNA Project Manager)(0117) 90-37304 /

JSNA - What is it for?

JSNA is ongoing process to identify Bristol’s health and wellbeing needs - now & in the future

Jointly produced - City Council (CYPS & HSC) and NHS Bristol (Public Health), with input from LINk and VCS

Purpose is to help shape current services, and inform future commissioning plans – improve health outcomes

Strengthened influence in future - new statutory Health and Wellbeing Strategy (plus NHS commissioning plans)

JSNA 2010 2010 Update was end productof 3-year cycle, building on JSNABaseline and interactive Atlas tool.

Strategic focus to support Commissioning, inc Model for Health& Wellbeing – preventative services

All JSNA Reports, inc Baseline and new Summary are at:

Some Key Findings to date Population profile is changing - aging / growing faster than national

rate / increasing BME % (28% of Reception yr) Older people needs – as more older people / & more with long-term

conditions, forecast increases in dementia, heart disease & diabetes Children’s needs – High & increasing obesity levels (10% Reception;

18% Yr 6) / 7.5% have condition impacting on daily life Mental Health - Increase since recession / Evidence suggests 75% of

issues develop below the age of 25 Est. 40,000 unpaid carers in Bristol – many are aging, so further

increase in needs Lifestyle risk factors – impact on health outcomes (eg poor diet,

obesity, substance & alcohol misuse, smoking, risky sexual behaviours) Need for better planning – housing, transport, energy use, green space

for a more healthy city

JSNA 2011 - development JSNA 2011: Refresh of “Baseline” datasets Stakeholder engagement 2-way process re intelligence- Example 1: RNIB research – evidence-based input to Bristol

JSNA, led to increased focus on sight loss and ultimately improved services [nationally-quoted example]

- Example 2: Knowle West Health Park – uses JSNA data to shape services and demonstrate local need

Important role for VCS to feed into JSNA - Identify data gaps & local need

Why should you get involved?“In a time of major economic constraint, reductions in public service expenditure and significant change, JSNA offers a

route to ... better understand the needs of the local population, to innovate and provide quality and cost effective

services within available resources”Voluntary Organisations Disability Group (VODG)

“In the future, a JSNA will be an essential part of the commissioning cycle, guiding decisions made at all stages

from strategic planning and service provision through to monitoring and evaluation.”

NHS Confederation / Local Gov Improvement & Development

VCS and JSNAOpportunity for providers to shape local agenda: - providers hold wealth of data & information about service user needs - detailed knowledge about local services, including gaps in services and unmet need

Benefits for providers: - inclusion in the planning process - identify gaps in provision / new & innovative services

More resources at: [Developed jointly by VODG and Local Government Improvement & Development, to support VCS to contribute local intelligence to help shape local authorities and PCTs understanding of local need]

Taking the JSNA forward Enhanced JSNA - evidence base for new statutory

Health and Wellbeing Strategy – inform local commissioning (Local Authority and GP/clinical commissioning)

Partnership approach – Opportunity to expand focus around wider determinants of health – potential benefit for VCS

Well placed for transition to Children, Adults and Families, and for Public Health into Council

Embed JSNA key findings into strategic commissioning to influence health and wellbeing outcomes

JSNA: Future “Proofing”
