JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGYACKNOWLEDGMENT Thefollowing have served as invited special reviewers for the...


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Stanley C. Holt, Editor (1982)University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Samuel Kaplan, Editor (1983)University of Illinois, Urbana

June J. Lascelles, Editor (1984)University of Cali'ornia, Los Angeles

Mark Achtman (1982)James Akagi (1982)David Apirion (1982)Arthur I. Aronson (1982)Gad Avigad (1983)Stephen D. Barbour (1982)Manfred E. Bayer (1982)Claire M. Berg (1983)Robert W. Bernlohr (1982)Terry J. Beveridge (1982)Dale C. Birdsell (1981)Edwin Boatman (1983)Winfried Boos (1982)H. D. Braymer (1982)Jean Brenchley (1983)Patrick J. Brennan (1981)Robert P. Burchard (1982)1. D. J. Burdett (1982)Richard 0. Burns (1983)Ercole Canale-Parola (1982)A. M. Chakrabarty (1983)Murray S. Cohn (1982)John W. Costerton (1983)Anthony R. Crofts (1982)John E. Cronan, Jr. (1983)Lolita Daneo-Moore (1981)Daniel V. Der Vartanian (1982)Walter J. Dobrogosz (1982)W. D. Donachie (1982)W. Ford Doolittle (1982)J. Allan Downie (1982)Gerhart Drews (1982)Charles Earhart (1981)A. Eisenstark (1982)David P. Fan (1981)Walton L. Fangman (1981)John D. Foulds (1982)

Simon Silver, Editor-in-Chief (1982)Washington University, St. Louis, Mo.

Elizabeth McFsil, Editor (1985)New York University, New York, N. Y.Donald P. Nierlich, Editor (1982)

University of California, Los AngelesAllen T. Phillips, Editor (1985)Pennsylvania State University,

University Park

Ann Ganesan (1982)J. F. Gardner (1981)Robert Gennis (1982)Bijan K. Ghosh (1981)David T. Gibson (1981)Harry E. GiDleland, Jr. (1982)Patricia L. GriLione (1982)Walter R. Guild (1981)Tadayo Hashimoto (1982)Gerald L. Hazelbauer (1981)Charles E. Hehmstetter (1982)Ulf Heinnng (1982)Peter Hirsch (1982)Bruce Holloway (1982)Phip Hylemon (1982)Karin Ihler (1981)Joseph elburgg (1981)Robert J. Kadner (1982)Eva R. Kashket (1981)Donald L. Keister (1983)Edward Kellenberger (1982)David E. KenneU (1983)Jordan Konisky (1981)K. W. Knox (1982)Thomas G. Lessle (1982)Donl R. Lueking (1981)Ben J. J. Lugtenberg (1983)Carolyn MacGregor (1981)Manley Mandel (1981)Barry Marrs (1981)Ann Matthysse (1982)Neil H. Mendelson (1981)Saly Ann Meyer (I198 1)Robert V. Miller (1981)David Mount (1982)R. G. E. Murray (1983)Walter G. Niehaus, Jr. (1981)Hiroshi Nitddo (1981)

Robert Rownd, Editor (1985)Northwestern Medical School

Chicago, Ill.Paul S. Sypherd, Editor (1984)University of California, Irvine

John H. Nordin (1982)Sunil Palchaudhuri (1982)Leo Parks (1982)Martin Pato (1981)Olga Pierucci (1981)Patrick J. Piggot (1981)William S. Rezaikoff (1982)Palmer Rogers (1981)Burton Rosan (1981)Barry P. Rosen (1983)Harry Rosenberg (1982)Antoinette Ryter (1982)Abigail Salyers (1981)Gene A. Scarborough (1982)June R. Scott (1981)Jane K. Setlow (1981)Peter Setbow (1981)J. A. Shapiro (1982)LuciUe Shapiro (1983)Douglas W. Smith (1983)Issar Smith (1981)Paul F. Smith (1982)Dieter G. Soil (1982)A. L. Sonenshelin (1983)Brian G. Spratt (1982)Eric J. Stanbrdge (1981)Roger Storck (1981)Stanley Streicher (1983)I. W. Sutheriand (1982)John L. Swanson (1981)Robert L. Switzer (1982)F. Robert Tabita (1981)Kenneth N. Timmis (1981)Alexander Tomasz (1983)James L. Van Etten (1982)James A. Wechsler (1981)Henry C. Wu (1981)Howard Zalkin (1982)

Walter G. Peter 111, Managing EditorGiselas Pollock, Assistant Managing Editor Linda M. Illig, Production Editor

1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006

EX OFFICIOFrederick C. Neidhardt, President (1981-1982) John C. Sherris, President-Elect (1981-1982)

J. Mehsen Joseph, Secretary Brinton M. Miller, Treasurer

The Journal of Bacteriology (ISSN 0021-9193), a publicationof the American Society for Microbiology, 1913 I St., NW,Washington, DC 20006, is devoted to the advancement anddissemination of fundamental knowledge concerning bacteriaand other microorganisms. Instructions to Authors are publishedin the January issue each year; reprints are available from theEditors and the Publications Office. The Journal is publishedmonthly, and the twelve numbers are divided into four volumesper year. The nonmember subscription price is $140 per year.Single copies are $14. The member subscription price is $30 peryear. Correspondence relating to subscriptions, reprints, defectivecopies, availability of back issues, lost or late proofs, dispositionof submitted manuscripts, and general editorial matters shouldbe directed to the ASM Publications Office, 1913 I St., NW,Washington, DC 20006 (area 202 833-9680).

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Author IndexAB, Geert, 782Ahmad, Fazal, 933Ahmad, Patricia M., 933Allen, Peter Z., 796

Barth, Peter T., 769Bennett, P., 788Braun-Breton, Catherine, 845,853

Brewster, James M., 897Brill, Winston J., 884Brunton, J., 788

Carr, Noel G., 980Clayton, Nancy-Lee, 804, 812Connelly, Mark C., 796

Danchin, Antoine, 753Drummond, Margaret C., 861

Eagon, Robert G., 995

Falkow, Stanley, 877Filer, David, 1006Fischer, Randy S., 1002Prancis, Marilyn, 998Freundlich, Martin, 998Furano, Anthony V., 1006

G6mez-Eichelmann, M. Carmen,745

Gordon, Joyce K., 884Goulbourne, Eric A., Jr., 837Greenberg, E. P., 837Grinsted, J., 788Gruber, Max, 782Guidi-Rontani, Chantal, 753Gunge, Norio, 988Gupta, Manju, 980

Hall, Carol V., 941Hedstrom, Richard C., 995Hegeman, G. D., 904, 991Hofnung, Maurice, 845, 853

Iino, Tetsuo, 973Ishimoto, Makoto, 762

Jackowski, Suzanne, 926Jacques, Nicholas A., 912

Kaji, Akira, 983Keith, Duane E., Jr., 869Kane, James F., 1002Kim, Y. M., 904, 991Konisky, J., 817

Lanka, Erich, 769Lepouce, Elisabeth, 853Liao, Hans H., 919Lindgren, David M., 950Lipke, Peter N., 889Lipsky, R. H., 1012Longmire, Maria E., 869

McCarthy, David. 804, 812Morgan, Edward' A., 897Morse, Stephen A., 796

Newman, Thomas, 998Niwa, Osami, 988Notani, Nihal K., 804, 812

Oostra, Ben A., 782

Portnoy, Daniel A., 877

Reeves, Michael W., 861Rock, Charles O., 926Rosenthal, R., 1012

Sakaguchi, Kenji, 988Setlow, Jane K., 804, 812Shah, Vinod K., 884Shockley, Robert K., 995Simon, Melvin, 829Stark, Avishay A., 956, 966Stein, Daniel C., 796Stirling, Lynne A., 933Strominger, Jack L., 950Sutton, Ann, 998Suzuki, Takahito, 973Szekely, Elizabeth, 829

Tager, Morris, 861Takagi, Michiko, 762Terrance, Kevin, 889Thorner, Jeremy, 919Tsuchiya, Tomofusa, 762

Ullmann, Agnes, 753

van Vliet, Adri J., 782Vold, Barbara S., 869

Wakim, Jubran, 1002Waxman, David J., 950Weaver, Craig A., 817Wittenberger, Charles L., 912

Yamamoto, Tatsumo, 983Yankofsky, Saul A., 956, 966Yanofsky, Charles, 941Yokota, Takeshi, 983Young, Frank E., 796

Redborg, A. Heger, 817 Zahler, S. A., 1012


The following have served as invited special reviewers for the Journal during 1981, and theirhelp is greatly appreciated.

Bruce AdamsJames N. AdamsSankar AdhyaJulius AdlerD. G. AhearnHenry C. AldrichGiovanna Ferro-Luzzi AmesRichard L. AndersonWilfred N. ArnoldH. N. ArstAlan G. AtherlyDaniel E. AtkinsonBarbara J. BachmannThomas 0. BaldwinClinton E. BallouRichard BaltzW. Lane BarksdaleEugene BarnesWayne M. BarnesJohn A. BarossPeter T. BarthJoel BasemanEdward BatonePaul BaumannSimon BaumbergEdwin A. BeacheyDiana BeattieJeffrey BeckerJonathan R. BeckwithM. P. BelaichRobert M. BellRobert A. BenderPeter M. BennettSpencer BensonR. BentleyRolf H. BenzingerDouglas E. BergR. BerkHarriet BernheimerRichard BernsteinKevin BertrandMervyn BibbMichael BjornFrancisco BoliverJudith S. BondPeter BorgiaSubir K. BoseDavid BotsteinKenneth F. BottVolkmar BraunHans BremerDon J. BrennerWinston J. BrillThomas D. BrockPaul M. A. BrodaStuart BrodyNathan BrotGeorge H. BrownellRobert BrubakerLawrence E. BryanD. BryantMarvin P. Bryant

Thomas M. BuchananKenneth BuddLee A. Bulla, Jr.Ward BullockVickers BurdettRichard BurgessB. F. BurnhamHoward BusseyB. R. ByersEnrico CabibDavid H. CalhounAllan M. CampbellJudy CampbellJohn CarbonMalcolm J. CasadabanMichael CashelB. Wesley CatlinRussell ChanMichael ChandlerA. K. ChatterjeeJ. S. ChenOscar P. ChilsonMary Dell ChiltonIan ChopraKoong Nah ChungA. J. ClarkSteven ClarkeDon B. ClewellStanley N. CohenJ. ColeRoger M. ColeSylvia E. ColemanH. Edward ConradTerrance CooperCatherine CostelloDonald L. CourtC. D. CoxNicholas CozzarelliWilliam A. CramerMarjorie CrandallIrving P. CrawfordJorge CrosaJames CutlerStanley DagleyH. DaileyNaomi DattaGaston 0. DaumyJulian DavisRowland DavisEdwin A. DawesFritz K. DeGraafJohn A. DeMossWalter DempseyPatrick J. DennisDavid DeRosierRobert DicksonWolfgang Dietz BauerRoy H. DoiWilliam DowhanH. L. DrakeJohn DrakeDavid A. Dubnau

Bruce DuncanMartin DworkinR. G. EagonHelen EberleGerald EdelmanHenry L. EhrlichMax E. EisenbergEric EisenstadtFrederick A. EiserlingGerald H. ElkanWilliam L. EllefsonBert ElyThomas F. EmeryJerald C. EnsignWolfgang EpsteinMichael S. EspositoKarl EsserHarold J. EvansDouglas E. EveleighStanley FalkowJames L. FarmerD. S. FeingoldJoseph J. FerrettiA. Howard FieldsteelDavid H. FigurskiRobert H. FillingameDavid FinkelsteinRichard FinkelsteinWilliam R. FinnertyPhilip Fitz-JamesJoel FlaksSeymour FogelTim J. FosterAudree FowlerMaurice FoxDan G. FraenkelS. FreerI. FridovichJames D. FriesenR. C. FullerChandler FultonClement E. FurlongJonathan GallantJohn E. GanderE. GarciaE. Peter GeiduschekPeter Gemski, Jr.Philipp GerhardtWilliam GhiorseCharles GilvargAnn GinsbergLuis GlaserA. N. GlazerBarry W. GlickmanDohn GlitzAlfred L. GoldbergHoward GoldfineM. C. G6mez-EichelmannSol H. GoodgalJoseph S. GotsG. GottschalkPeter E. Greenberg

E. M. GregoryDavid GriffithNeal B. GromanLorraine GudasJohn R. GuestErnest GumRichard I. GumportJames HaberBruce A. HaddockD. P. HaderLowell HagerGordon HamiltonR. E. W. HancockJohn HanksRichard S. HansonRonald HansonK. G. HardyFranklin M. HaroldDaniel L. HartlRichard A. HartlineFred C. HartmanLeland H. HartwellH. M. HassanJames M. HastingsG. Wesley HatfieldStanley M. HattmanRobert HaynesHarry E. HeathLaurel HeffernanGeorge HegemanD. R. HelinskiLeon A. HeppelRobert B. HespellWilliam HiattMichael L. HigginsPeter C. HinkleAnthony H. HitchinsJames A. HochSally HochJoy HochstadtLawrence I. HochsteinD. S. HodginsLaura HoganH. P. C. HogenkampAnita HopperDavid A. HopwoodThea HorodniceanuArnold HorwitzPaul Howard-FlandersDexter H. HowardMartha M. HoweF. Marion HulettJ. L. HurlbertRonald E. HurlbertJohn landoloJohn L. IngrahamMasayori InouyeV. N. IyerGeorge JacobyS. R. JaskinsRichard S. JaskunasRoy A. JensenLeland JohnstonElizabeth W. JonesClarence KadoDale KaiserAkira KajiJames F. Kane

Frank A. KapralD. KasperTakashi KawasakiJohn KempJost KemperEugene P. KennedyT. G. KinscherfNancy E. KlecknerBruce C. KlineHans J. KnackmussDavid KnaffArthur L. KochDennis J. KopeckoD. E. KoshlandDonald KrogstadSidney R. KushnerSydney G. KustuEmi KusunosaK. J. Kwon-ChungSanford LacksAlan LambowitzArthur LandyJanos K. LanyiCynthia LarkRainer LaufsDonald J. LeBlancMary LechvalierTerrance LeightonMark LevinthalStuart LevyS. M. LimE. C. C. LinLasse A. LindahlL. LjungdahlSven LofdahlWilliam LoomisRichard M. LosickL. LoudenJames S. LovettPaul S. LovettK. Brooks LowD. G. LundgrenS. E. LuriaJoan E. LuskJoseph F. LutkenhausWerner K. MaasT. J. MacAllisterR. A. MacLeodRobert M. MacNabDouglas MacNeilTanya MacNeilFrancis L. MacrinaJoan M. MacyPaul T. MageeRobert A. MahH. R. MahlerA. J. MakoffMichael H. MalamyG. R. MandelsThomas R. ManneyB. MansheimMartin G. MarinusJohn P. MarkwellRobert E. MarquisScott MartinWilliam J. MartinR. MartinezEric Martz

Warren E. MaskerG. A. MarzlufMargaret MatthewAnn G. MatthysseWilliam R. MayberryT. J. McAllisterD. R. McCallaJ. M. McCordR. N. McElhaneySarah McIntireJohn C. McMichaelLaura McMurryJohn MekalanosWalter MesserCharles G. MillerT. A. MillerThomas MitchellShoji MizushimaJaime MoraEdward A. MorganDavid R. MorrisDavid MorrisonRobert K. MortimerRobb E. MosesRaymond D. MostellerMiklos MullerR. S. MunfordEllen MurphyW. G. MurrellTeruko NakazawaN. NanningaR. K. NaumanK. H. NealsonDavid R. NelsonEugene W. NesterPeter NewellCarol NewlonElaine NewmanWayne NicholsRobert A. NiedermanDonald J. NiederpruemH. J. J. NijkampMasayasu NomuraKurt Nordstr6mAlois NowotnyWilliam NunnMax P. OeschgerItzhak OfekE. OhtsuboM. OisheRonald E. OlsenGeorge W. OrdalMichael OrlowskiPeter OwenDale OxenderSunil PalchaudhuriNorberto J. PalleroniPauline PanCharles PanosJames T. ParkCharlotte ParkerJack ParkerJohn S. ParkinsonPeter PatteeCrellin PaulingW. J. PayneJohn PaznokasJohn H. Pazur

H. PeckRobert D. PerryAlan PeterkofskyThomas PetesDavid E. PettijohnHerman PhaffCharles PlateTerrence PlattMartin PoeBurton PogellJeanne S. PoindexterBarry PoliskyJerry PollackLouise PrakashSatya PrakashCharles PrattJesse C. RabinowitzChristian RaetzLinda L. RandallKenneth RaperLester J. ReedE. T. ReesePeter R. ReevesHans ReichenbachWilliam S. ReznikoffS. G. RheeD. W. RibbonsCharles A. RichardsonHoward V. RickenbergArthur RiggsR. RippkaSydney C. RittenbergMarilyn C. RobertsRichard J. RobertsDonald C. RobertsonHoward J. RogersAntonio H. RomanoW. R. RomigA. H. RoseJohn R. RothLawrence I. RothfieldLucia B. Rothman-DenesHagai RottenbergW. Dean RuppJohn SadlerHarold L. SadoffRuth SagerM. R. J. SaltonKenneth E. SandersonMoselio SchaechterHans U. SchairerR. ScherrerRob A. Schilperoot

Laverne SchirchH. G. SchlegelRobert SchleifRudiger W. SchmittCarl A. SchnaitmanH. SchneiderJanet L. SchottelH. SchrempfJohn ScottJ. R. SeedRichard SetlowWilliam V. ShawRonald SheehyW. ShermanDavid SherrattMoshe ShiloGerald D. ShockmanEthan R. SignerThomas J. SilhavyMike SilvermanMelvin I. SimonWilliam SistromHutton SladeRalph SlepeckyJohn M. SmithLucile SmithMagdalene SoMarion D. SocolofskyJ. R. SokatchRonald L. SomervilleP. F. SparlingCatherine L. SquiresPaul A. SrereK. A. StaceyM. P. StarrNat L. StemnbergRolf SternglanzS. Edward Stevens, Jr.Roselynn StevensonM. StewartB. A. D. StockerA. H. StouthamerJohan StuyNoboru SueokaAnne 0. SummersMaurice SussmanIsamu SuzukiJon Y. TakemotoR. TannerW. TannerAustin L. TaylorB. L. TaylorDean Taylor

Evelyn S. TecomaEthel TessmanR. ThauerWilliam ThompsonCurtis ThorneJeremy ThornerW. TimberlakeDonald J. TipperHajime TokudaT. TorayaAnnamaria Torriani-GoriniDavid TuBonnie TylerR. UffenH. Edwin UmbargerIvo van de RijnJ. D. A. van EmbdenJames Van EttenM. Van MontaguJoseph VarnerJames C. VaryPatricia S. VaryH. VeldkampJulio VillanuevaR. C. von BorstelKasper von MeyenburgJames R. WalkerJudy WallLarry WaynePaul WeaverRobert WebbMorton WeberF. C. WedlerBernard WeisblumBernard WeissMariamne H. WhatleyReed B. WicknerSue WicknerGary L. WilcoxLuther WilliamsPeter A. WilliamsGail WillskyHerbert WinklerDieter WolfRalph S. WolfeMeyer J. WolinC. Peter WolkDavid WombleH. G. WoodNorris P. WoodDuane C. YochW. W. YotisI. Zabin



AB, Geert, 782Agabian, Nina, 163Ahmad, Fazal, 933Ahmad, Patricia M., 933Ainsworth, Teresa, 333Allen, Peter Z., 796Ames, Peter, 728Amy, Nancy Klein, 274Arceneaux, J. E. L., 527Ash, Greg, 30Austen, R. A., 333Ayling, P. D., 514

Baddiley, James, 406Banner, Carl D. B., 341Bardwell, Eva, 739Barth, Peter T., 769Beaman, Blaine L., 600Beatty, J. Thomas, 584Bek, Franz, 183Bender, Robert A., 734Bennett, P., 788Bergman, Kostia, 728Bernlohr, Robert W., 174, 365Bertram, Kenneth C., 406Binnerts, J. S., 58Birmingham, V. A., 301Bos, Cees J., 594Bott, Kenneth, 624Botta, G., 10Boudreaux, Don P., 480Bourgeois, A. Louis, 600Brandriss, Marjorie C., 241Braun-Breton, Catherine, 845,

853Brewster, James M., 897Brill, Winston J., 884Brown, Alfred E., 724Brunton, J., 788Buck, Gregory A., 131, 143, 153Buckley, J. T., 333Bulawa, Christine E., 391Burke, Kathleen A., 724Butz, Ursula, 183Byers, B. R., 527

Canale-Parola, E., 109, 117Canepari, P., 10Cannon, Gordon C., 572Carr, Noel G., 980Carreira, L. A., 508Chamberlain, J. B., 333Champe, Sewell P., 629Chapman, Peter J., 72

Clark, Alvin J., 386Clark, David, 521Clayton, Nancy-Lee, 804, 812Concino, Michael F., 220Connelly, Mark C., 796Conrad, Robert S., 487Cook, William R., 365Costa, John J., 124Cox, Graeme B., 1, 30

Dabbs, Eric R., 379Danchin, Antoine, 753Dazzo, Frank B., 697Deguchi, Yoriko, 64Denis-Duphil, Michele, 659Diekert, Gabriele, 459Donohue, Timothy J., 174Downie, J. Alan, 1Downie, J. Allan, 30Drummond, Margaret C., 861

Eagon, Robert G., 995Ensley, B. D., 508Eshdat, Yuval, 308

Fahlbusch, K., 371Falkinham, Joseph O., III, 736Falkow, Stanley, 877Fayle, David R. H., 30Filer, David, 1006Finan, Turlough M., 193Finnerty, W. R., 508Fischer, Randy S., 1002Fitz-James, Philip C., 341Fontana, R., 10Foster, John W., 394, 670Francis, Marilyn, 998Freese, Ernst, 480Freundlich, Martin, 998Frick, Kevin K., 498Fultz, Patricia N., 210Furano, Anthony V., 1006Furutani, Yasuji, 450

Gaines, C. G., 527Ganong, Barry R., 391Gebrosky, Janet, 639Gest, Howard, 584Gibson, Frank, 30Gilleland, H. E., Jr., 487Goldie, A. Hughes, 720G6mez-Eichelmann, M. Carmen,


Goodgal, Sol H., 220Gopinathan, K. P., 716Gordon, Joyce K., 435, 884Gottesman, Susan, 265Gottschalk, G., 371Goulbourne, Eric A., Jr., 837Greenberg, E. P., 837Grinsted, J., 788Groman, Neal B., 131, 143, 153Gruber, Max, 782Gude, Hans, 572Guidi-Rontani, Chantal, 753Guild, Walter R., 232Gunge, Norio, 988Gupta, Manju, 980

Hackstadt, Ted, 419Hall, Carol V., 941Hall, Geraldine C., 361Halpern, Ethan, 265Hancock, Ian C., 406Hansen, J. Norman, 465Harada, Wakako, 678Harwood, C. S., 109, 117Hashimoto, Hajime, 534Hazum, Shulamith, 232Head, Judy, 283Hecht, David W., 559Hedstrom, Richard C., 995Hegeman, G. D., 904, 991Hendson, Mavis, 374Henriques, J. A. P., 248Herv6, Guy, 659Hespell, R. B., 541Hirota, Norifumi, 399Hoch, James A., 624Hoffman, Joshua H., 365Hoffman, P. S., 508Hoffman, Paul S., 736Hofnung, Maurice, 845, 853Holley, Elizabeth A., 394Hook, Leonard A., 572Howard-Flanders, Paul, 739Hrabak, Estelle M., 697

Iino, Tetsuo, 973Ike, Yasuyoshi, 534Imae, Yasuo, 399Inoue, Satoru, 450Inouye, Masayori, 678Inouye, Sachiye, 413Inouye, Sumiko, 678Irwin, R. M., 508Ishiguro, E. E., 333


Ishiguro, Naotaka, 383Ishimoto, Makoto, 762

Jackowski, Suzanne, 926Jacques, Nicholas A., 912Janzer, Janice, 283Jensen, Roy A., 361Jordan, D. Carlyle, 193

Kadner, Robert J., 203Kaji, Akira, 983Kane, James F., 1002Katz, Edward, 670Kay, W. W., 333Keith, Duane E., Jr., 869Kemper, Jost, 210Keynan, Alex, 443Kim, Y. M., 904, 991Kolodrubetz, David, 472Konheiser, Ursula, 459Konisky, J., 817Konisky, Jordan, 498Krajewski, C., 684Kubitschek, H. E., 730Kunz, Daniel A., 72Kurtz, Myra Berman, 629

Lampson, Bert C., 559Lane, Candace M., 572Langman, Lyndall, 30Lanka, Erich, 769Larkin, John M., 572Lascelles, June, 724Lasko, Paul F., 241Lepouce, Elisabeth, 853Liao, Hans H., 919Lindgren, David M., 950Lipke, Peter N., 889Lipsky, R. H., 1012Lodge, J. S., 527Longmire, Maria E., 869Losick, Richard, 341

MacGregor, Carolyn H., 551Magnes, R. M., 374Maloy, Stanley R., 83Mans, A., 58Mathien-Shire, Yolande, 659Matsuura, Shusuke, 399McCarthy, David, 804, 812McCuHly, Vicki, 639, 647McElhaney, Gail E., 551Melzer, M., 684Michel, James L., 124Milhausen, Michael, 163Mink, Ronald W., 541Misono, Haruo, 43Mitsuhashi, Susumu, 534Mizushima, Shoji, 712Mochizuki, Noriko, 399

Moore, Richard A., 435Morgan, Edward A., 897Morgan, T. V., 508Moring, Stephen E., 600Morishita, Takashi, 64Morris, Sheldon L., 465Morse, Stephen A., 796Moustacchi, E., 248Murphy, John R., 124Mutoh, Norihiro, 399

Nakamura, Shinichi, 450Nakazawa, Atsushi, 413Nakazawa, Teruko, 413Newman, Thomas, 998Niwa, Osami, 988Notani, Nihal K., 804, 812Nunn, William D., 83

Ohue, Tomio, 450Oostra, Ben A., 782

Parisi, Joseph T., 559Pattee, P. A., 294, 301Piechulla, Karl, 459Pierucci, O., 684Portnoy, Daniel A., 877Postma, P. W., 257Prakash, Louise, 618

Quackenbush, Robert L., 498Querini, C., 684

Raetz, Christian R. H., 391Ramakrishnan, T., 716Rappuoli, Rino, 124Redborg, A. Heger, 817Reeves, Michael W., 861Reysset, Gilles, 653Ribbons, Douglas W., 72Rickert, M., 684Robbins, Jeff, 559Roberts, C. M., 647Roberts, Clive F., 594Rock, Charles O., 926Rosenberg, Eugene, 51Rosenberg, Harry, 1Rosenberg, Mel, 51Rosenbluh, Amy, 341Rosenthal, R., 1012

Sakaguchi, Kenji, 988Sakurai, Toshizo, 64Sanderson, Kenneth E., 283Sandler, Naomi, 443Sanwal, Bishnu D., 720Sato, Gihei, 383Satta, G., 10Schleif, Robert, 472

Scholte, B. J., 257Schuitema, A. R., 257Senior, Alan E., 30Setlow, Barbara, 20Setlow, Jane K., 804, 812Setlow, Peter, 20Shah, Vinod K., 884Sharon, Nathan, 308Shattuck-Eidens, Donna M., 203Shimizu, Masanao, 450Shively, Jessup M., 572Shockley, Robert K., 995Sievert, R., 371Silver, Simon, 1Silverblatt, Fredric J., 308Simon, Melvin, 829Simon, Robert D., 315Slakhorst, Marijke, 594Smith, Michael D., 232Smith, Paul F., 610Soda, Kenji, 43Sokatch, David J., 639Sokatch, John R., 639, 647Sparrow, Carl P., 391Srivastava, Rakesh, 716Stark, Avishay A., 956, 966Stein, Daniel C., 796Stirling, Lynne A., 933Stoeckenius, Walther, 352Strohl, William R., 572Strominger, Jack L., 950Stroynowski, Iwona T., 91, 101Stuy, Johan H., 565Sutton, Ann, 998Suzuki, Takahito, 973Swerdlow, Bonnie Massey, 20Szekely, Elizabeth, 829Szumilo, Tadeusz, 368

Tager, Morris, 861Takagi, Michiko, 762Tanizawa, Katsuyuki, 43Terrance, Kevin, 889Thauer, Rudolf K., 459Thompson, N. E., 294Thomson, Jennifer A., 374Thorner, Jeremy, 919Toyama, Seizen, 43Trisler, Patsy, 265Trust, T. J., 333Tsuchiya, Tomofusa, 762Tsukagoshi, Norihiro, 322

Udaka, Shigezo, 322Uhlin, Bernt E., 386Ullmann, Agnes, 753Urbano, Maria R., 697

Vaara, M., 426van Vliet, Adri J., 782



Visser, Jaap, 594Vold, Barbara S., 869

Wakim, Jubran, 1002Walter, Ronald B., 565Walther, R., 371Waxman, David J., 950Weaver, Craig A., 817Wilcox, David R., 618Wilkinson, Brian J., 610Williams, Jim C., 419

Wilson, Frances E., 624Wittenberger, Charles L., 912Woldringh, C. L., 58Wood, Janet M., 193Wurster, Bernd, 183

Yajima, Masako, 64Yamada, Hidehiko, 322Yamada, Hisami, 712Yarnagishi, Jun-ichi, 450Yamamoto, Tatsumo, 983

Yankofsky, Saul A., 956, 966Yanofsky, Charles, 941Yasuda, Masaaki, 43Yokota, Takeshi, 983Yoshikawa, Masanosuke, 383Young, Frank E., 796Yu, Fujio, 712Yura, Takashi, 64

Zahler, S. A., 1012Zusman, David, 678

VOL. 148, 1981



Acetate metabolismE. coli, 83fadR, 83

Acinetobacter calcoaceticusadherence, 51hexadecane, growth on, 51

Acinetobacter sp. strain HO1-Nbioenergetics, 508

Actinomycin D biosynthesisS. parvullus, 670tryptophan oxygenase activity, 670

Acyl coenzyme A carboxylaseP. shennanii, 933

Adenosine 3',5'-phosphate phosphodiesterasepheromone response, 919S. cerevisiae, 919

Adenosine triphosphatase complexE. coli, 30Fo assembly, 30

Adenosine 5'-triphosphate poolC. burnetii, 419pH, 419substrate, 419

Adenylate cyclase mutantE. coli, 753

AdherenceA. calcoaceticus grown on hexadecane, 51

Aeromonas salmonicidahigh-temperature culturing, 333virulence, 333

AgglutinationS. cerevisiae, 889

Allylglycine metabolismP. putida harboring a TOL plasmid, 72

Amino acid biosynthetic pathwayslactobacilli, 64

Amino acid fermentationATP-yielding pathways, 117marine spirochete, 109, 117

Amino acid transportT. thioparus, 956, 966

Ammonium transportA. vinelandii, 435

Anabaena sp. strain 7120glutamate synthase, 980

Aphanothece halophyticagliding motility, 315wall proteins in mot mutants, 315

L-Arabinose transportE. coli, 472

Aromatic biosynthetic enzyme complexB. subtilis, 527ferrisiderophore reductase, 527

Aspergillus nidulanspdhC, 594pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, 594spore color mutants defective in germination and

sexual development, 629

yb mutants, 629Azotobacter vinelandiiammonium transport, 435methylammonium transport, 435nitrogenase, feedback inhibition of, 884

Bacillus breviscell wall alteration, 322protein release, 322

Bacillus cereusiodoacetate, 465nitrosothiol, 465spore outgrowth, 465

Bacillus dehydrogenaseB. subtilis, 1002

Bacillus licheniformisglutaminase, 365glutamine synthetase, 174

Bacillus megateriumspores, 20

Bacillus sphaericusL-ornithine:a-ketoglutarate 8-aminotransferase, 43

Bacillus stearothermophiluspenicillin-binding proteins, 950

Bacillus subtilisaromatic biosynthetic enzyme complex, 527cell wall synthesis, 443DNA replication initiation, 443ferrisiderophore reductase, 527gln, 653glutamine-requiring mutants, 6530.4 kb gene, 341ksgA, 624penicillin-binding proteins, 950phage 43T DNA sequences, 91phages SP,B, 1012rrnA, 624rRNA gene, linked cluster of, 624sporulation, 341teichoic acid synthesis, 406thyP3 integrated into, 101tRNA

2-methylio- modification, 869thiolation, 869

Bacteriophage 4Cr30TC. crescentus, 734

Bacteriophage lambdaE. coli, 739recombination, 739

Bacteriophage lambda adsorptionE. coli, 853

Bacteriophage lambda receptorE. coli lamB missense mutants, 845

Bacteriophage 80a lysatescompetence-conferring factor, 294, 301S. aureus transformation, 294, 301

Bacteriophage 03Tiv

VOL. 148, 1981

DNA sequences in B. subtilis, related phages, andBacillus app., 91

thyP3 integrated into the B. subtilis chromosome,101

Bacteriophage TuIbE. coli, 712lipopolysaccharide and receptor function, 712

Bacteriophages SP,BB. subtilis, 1012sup-3 or sup-44, 1012

Beggiatoa albacarbon metabolism, 572

Bilinear cell growthE. coli, 730

Branched-chain keto acid dehydrogenaseP. putida, 639, 647

Buoyant densityE. coli, 58

Carbamyl phosphate synthetase-uracil-aspartatetranscarbamylase

S. cerevisiae, 659Carbon metabolism

B. alba, 572Carbon monoxide dehydrogenase

P. carboxydohydrogena, 904Carbon monoxide oxidation

P. carboxydohydrogena, 991Caulobacter crescentusphage oCr30T, 734polypeptide synthesis, 163

Cell envelope lipidP. aeruginosa, 487polymyxin resistancej 487

Cell wallalteration concomitant with protein release, 322B. brevis, 322

Cell wall modificationN. asteroides L-phase variants, 600

Cell wall synthesisB. subtilis, 443

ChemotaxisE. coli carrying the Cit plasmid, 383membrane potential, 837S. aurantia, 837tricarboxylic acids, 383

chli mutantsE. coli, 274molybdenum cofactor, 274

Citric acid cycleR. capsulata, 584

Clotting activityS. aureus, 861

Coaguasestaphylococcal clotting activity, 861

Coenzyme A biosynthesisE. coli, 926

Colicin IaE. coli immunity, 817

Colicin V genecloning, 498

Colony sortingenzymatic, 391



lipopolysaccharide, 283protein, 283recipient capacity, 283S. typhimurium, 283

Corynebacteriophage genomesmapping, 131

CorynebacteriophagesDNA fragment with diphtheria toxin gene, 153

Corynebacteriophages #,B and fBvirdiphtheria tox operon, 124restriction mapping, 124

Corynebacterium diphtheriaegenetic elements, novel, 143transposons, 143

Coxiella burnetiiATP pool, 419pH, 419substrate, 419

cis-Crotylglycine metabolismP. putida harboring a TOL plasmid, 72

Cytoplasmic membrane proteinassembly, 551E. coli, 551nitrate reductase, 551

3-Deoxy-D-arabinoheptulosonate 7-phosphate syn-thase

Anabaena sp. strain ATCC 29151, 361isozymes of, 361

Deoxyribonucleic acidB. subtilis, 443flagellar-phase variation, 829fragment with diphtheria toxin gene, 153H. influenzae polypeptides, 220K. pneumoniae, 10phage +3T DNA sequences in B. subtilis, related

phages, and Bacillus species, 91replication initiation, 10, 443Salmonella sp., 829

Deoxyribonucleic acid gyraseE. coli, 450, 782nalidixic acid resistance, 450RNA synthesis, 782

Deoxyribonucleic acid methylationmycobacteria, 716

Deoxyribonucleic acid primaseplasmid RP4, 769

Deoxyribonucleic acid segmentsaddition, deletion, substitution, 565H. influenzae, 565

Deuterated trimethylamineM. barkeri, 371trideuteromethane formation, 371

Dictyostelium discoideumfolic acid deaminase, 183pterin deaminase, 183

Diphtheria toxin genecorynebacteriophages, 153

Diphtheria tox operoncorynebacteriophages ,fc and flir, 124

Electrical potentialE. coli membrane, 399lipopolysaccharide, 399


Electron transportP. carboxydohydrogena, 991

Enzymatic sorting ofbacterial colonies labile activities,391

Escherichia coliacetate metabolism, 83adenylate cyclase mutant, 753L-arabinose transport, 472ATPase complex, 30bilinear cell growth, 730buoyant density, 58chemotaxis, 383chl mutants, 274Cit plasmid, 383coenzyme A biosynthesis, 926colicin Ta immunity, 817cytoplasmic membrane protein assembly, 551DNA gyrase, 450, 782Fo, F1, 30fad operon fusion, 521fadR, 83fatty acid degradation, 521filamentation, 265fimbriae, 308growth, 730heat-labile enterotoxin genes, 983heat-labile toxid-producing strains, 983hexose phosphate transport, 203ilvB operon, mutations in, 998lamB, 853lamB missense mutants, 845lipopolysaccharide and phage receptor, 712lipopolysaccharide mutants, 399Lon mutants, 265macromolecular synthesis, 684membrane potential, 399membrane protein assembly, 551minicells

nalidixic acid, 745novobiocin, 745plasmid pBR322, 745

molybdenum cofactor, 274nalidixic acid, 745nalidixic acid resistance, 450nitrate reductase, 551novobiocin, 745N-oxide reduction, 762phage lambda adsorption, 853phage lambda receptor, 845phage X-prophage recombination, 739phage TuIb receptor, 712phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase synthesis, 720pili, type 1, 308plasmid pBR322, 745proton translocation, 762Pst inorganic phosphate transport system, 1recA protein overproduction, 386recB21, 739recF143, 739ribosomal protein L31, 379RNA synthesis, 782rpmE, 379rRNA operon

IS1 insert, 897

Tn9 insert, 897sulA and sulB, 265tricarboxylic acids, 383trpS, 941tryptophanyl-transfer ribonucleic acid synthetase,

941uhp-lac operon fusions, 203uvrD152, 739

EthylenediaminetetraacetateP. aeruginosa outer membrane protein, 995

Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acidouter membrane resistance, 426S. typhimurium, 426

Excision repairS. cerevisiae mutants, 618

Fo, F1ATPase complex, 30E. coli, 30

Factor F430methanogenic bacteria, 459

fad operon fusionE. coli, 521

fadRacetate metabolism, 83E. coli, 83

Fatty acid degradationE. coli, 521

Fatty acidsB. subtilis, 480sporulation, 480

Ferrisiderophore reductasearomatic biosynthetic enzyme complex, 527B. subtilis, 527

FilamentationE. coli Lon mutants, 265sulA and sulB, 265

Fimbriaedissociation and reassembly, 308E. coli, 308

Flagellar hooksflaR, 973Salmonella spp., 973

Flagellar-phase variationhomology between DNAs, 829Salmonella sp., 829

flaRflagellar hook formation, 973Salmonella spp., 973

Folic acid deaminaseD. discoideum, 183

FructosyltransferaseS. salivarius, 912

D-Galactonate catabolismmycobacteria, 368

Gliding motilityA. halophytica, 315wall proteins, 315

gln mutationsB. subtilis, 653

Glutamate dehydrogenaseB. subtilis, 1002

Glutamate synthase


VOL. 148, 1981

Anabaena sp. strain 7120 heterocysts, 980Glutaminase

B. licheniformis, 365Glutamine-requiring mutants

B. subtilis, 653Glutamine synthetase

B. licheniformis, 174Glutamine transport system

methionine sulfoxide transport, 514S. typhimurium, 514

GrowthE. coli, 730

Haemophilus ducreyi,8-lactamase, 788plasmid pJB1, 788

Haemophilus influenzaeDNA segments, 565iodination of surface polypeptides, 220plasmid RSF0885, 804, 812polypeptides involved in DNA uptake, 220transformation, 804, 812

Heat-labile enterotoxin genesE. coli of human origin, 983molecular organization, 983

Heat-labile toxid-producing Escherichia coli strains,983

HexadecaneA. calcoaceticus, 51adherence, 51

Hexose phosphate transportE. coli, 203uhp-lac operon fusions, 203

H+ levelsB. megaterium spores, 20

H+ translocationE. coli, 762trimethylamine N-oxide reduction, 762

I11G1cS. typhimurium, 257

ilvB operonE. coli mutants, 998

Insertion sequence ISJE. coli rRNA operon, insertion in, 897

IodinationH. influenzae surface polypeptides, 220

lodoacetateB. cereus spore outgrowth, 465

Isopropylmatate isomeraseS. typhimurium, 210subunits, 210

Isozymes3-deoxy-D-arabinoheptulosonate 7-phosphate syn-

thase ofAnabaena sp. strain ATCC 29151, 361

0.4 kb geneB. subtilis, 341

Keto acid dehydrogenase, branched-chainlipoamide dehydrogenase, 639P. putida, 639, 647

Killer deoxyribonucleic acid plasmidsK. lactis, 988


Klebsiella pneumoniaeDNA replication initiation, 10lateral wall formation, 10mecillinam, 10

Kluyveromyces lactiskiller DNA plasmids, 988

ksgAB. subtilis, 624

Labile activityenzymatic sorting of bacterial colonies, 391

B8-LactamaseH. ducreyi, 788plasmid pJB1, 788

Lactobacilliamino acid biosynthetic pathways, 64nutritional requirements, 64

lamBE. coli, 853mapping, method for, 853

lamB missense mutantsE. coli, 845phage lambda, 845

Lateral wall formationK. pneumoniae, 10mecillinam, 10

LectinsN. gonorrhoeae, 796

L-form variantscell wall modification, 600N. asteroides, 600

LipidP. aeruginosa, 487polymyxin resistance, 487

Lipoamide dehydrogenasebranched-chain keto and dehydrogenase, 639P. putida, 639

Lipopolysaccharideconjugation, 283E. coli, 712E. coli mutants, 399phage TuIb receptor, 712R. trifolii, 697S. typhimurium, 283transmembrane electrical potential, 399trifoliin A interaction, 697

Lipopolysaccharide-outer membrane proteinEDTA extractable, 995P. aeruginosa, 995

Macrolide, lincosamide, streptogramin resistance plas-mid

pNE131, 559S. epidermidis, 559

Macromolecular synthesisE. coli, 684

MecillinamDNA replication initiation, 10K. pneumoniae, 10lateral wall formation, 10

MembraneE. coli, 399electrical potential, 399lipopolysaccharide, 399


Membrane fatty acidsB. subtilis, 480sporulation, 480

Membrane potentialchemotaxis, 837S. aurantia, 837

Membrane proteinassembly, 551E. coli, 551nitrate reductase, 551

MembranesB. stearothermophilus, 950B. subtilis, 950penicillin-binding proteins, 950

Methanobrevibacter smithiifactor F430, 459nickel requirement, 459

Methanocococcus vannieliifactor F430, 459nickel requirement, 459

Methanogenic bacteriafactor F40, 459nickel requirement, 459

Methanosarcina barkerifactor F430, 459nickel requirement, 459trideuteromethane formation, 371

Methanospirillum hungatiifactor F4wa, 459nickel requirement, 459

Methicillin susceptibilitiespeptidoglycan syntheses, 610S. aureus, 610

Methionine sulfoxide transportglutamine transport system, 514methionine transport system, 514S. typhimurium, 514

Methionine transport systemmethionine sulfoxide transport, 514S. typhimurium, 514

MethylamineM. barkeri, 371trideuteromethane formation, 371

Methylammonium transportA. vinelandii, 435

2-Metylthio- modificationB. subtilis tRNA's, 869

MinicellsE. coli, 745nalidixic acid, 745novobiocin, 745plasmid pBR322, 745

Molybdenum cofactorE. coli chi mutants, 274

Monovalent cationsB. megaterium spores, 20

Motilitynodule formation, 728R. meliloti, 728

mot mutantsA. halophytica, 315wall proteins, 315

Mutagenesistransposon Tn7 inserted into a Vibrio species, 374


Mutant detection by in situ colony assay, 391MycobacteriaDNA methylation, 716D-galactonate catabolism, 368

Myxococcus xanthusprotein S, 678

Nalidixic acidE. coli minicells, 745plasmid pBR322, 745

Nalidixic acid resistanceDNA gyrase, 450E. coli, 450

Neisseria gonorrhoeaelectin, 796pyocin 103, 796wheat germ agglutinin, 796

Nickel requirementmethanogenic bacteria, 459

Nicotinic acid phosphoribosyltransferasepncB, 394S. typhimurium, 394

Nitrate reductaseE. coli, 551post-translational processing, 551S. aureus, 724

NitrogenaseA. vinelandii, 884feedback inhibition, 884

NitrosothiolB. cereus spore outgrowth, 465

Nocardia asteroidescell wall modification, 600L-phase variants, 600

Nodule formation.motility, 728R. meliloti, 728

NovobiocinE. coli minicells, 745plasmid pBR322, 745

L-Ornithine:a-ketoglutarate 8-aminotransferaseB. sphaericus, 43

Outer membraneEDTA resistance, 426S. typhimurium, 426

Outer membrane protein-lipopolysaccharide complexEDTA extractable, 995P. aeruginosa, 995

N-Oxide reductionE. coli, 762proton translocation, 762

pdhCA. nidulans, 594

Penicillin-binding proteinsBacillus membranes, 950

Peptidoglycan synthesesmethicillin susceptibility, 610S. aureus, 610

pHC. burnetti, 419pH, 419


Pheromone responsecAMP phospodiesterase, 919

Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase synthesisE. coli, 720mutation affecting, 720

Phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent glucose phospho-transferase system

protein IIIGkc, 257S. typhimurium, 257

Pilidissociation and reassembly, 308E. coli, 308

Plasmid Citchemotaxis, 383E. coli, 383

Plasmid pBR322genetic expression in E. coli minicells, 745nalidixic acid, effect of, 745novobiocin, effect of, 745

Plasmid pColV-B188cloning of colicin V gene, 498

Plasmid pGKllK. lactis, 988

Plasmid pGK12K. lactis, 988

Plasmid pJB1H. ducreyi, 788f,-lactamase, 788

Plasmid pNE131macrolide, lincosamide, streptogramin resistance,

559S. epidermidis, 559

Plasmid Rms201segregation, 534

Plasmid RP4DNA primase, 769

Plasmid RSF0885H. influenzae transformation, 804, 812

PlasmidsY. enterocolitica, 877Y. pestis, 877

Plasmid TOLP. putida, 72xylDEGF operon regulation, 413xylS cloning, 413

pncBS. typhimurium, 394

Polymyxin resistancecell envelope lipid alterations, 487P. aeruginosa, 487

PolypeptidesDNA uptake, 220H. influenzae, 220iodination, 220

Polypeptide synthesisCaulobacter development, 163

Proline transportS. cerevisiae, 241

Prophage-lambda recombinationE. coli, 739recB21, 739recF143, 739uvrD152, 739

Propionibacterium shermanii

acyl coenzyme A carboxylase, 933Protein

conjugation, 283S. typhimurium, 283

Protein IIG1cS. typhimurium, 257

Protein productionB. brevis, 322cell wall alteration, 322

Protein SM. xanthus, 678

Protein synthesisC. cresentus, 163

Proteus vulgaristryptophanase induction, 736

Proton translocationE. coli, 762trimethylamine N-oxide reduction, 762

Pseudomonas aerguinosaouter membrane protein-lipopolysaccharide com-

plex, 995Pseudomonas aeruginosa

cell envelope lipid, 487polymyxin resistance, 487

Pseudomonas carboxydohydrogenacarbon monoxide dehydrogenase, 904CO oxidation, 991electron transport, 991

Pseudomonas putidaallylglycine metabolism, 72cis-crotylglycine metabolism, 72keto acid dehydrogenase, branched-chain, 639, 647lipoamide dehydrogenase, 639TOL plasmid, 72

PSO repair pathwayS. cerevisiae, 248

Pst inorganic phosphate transportE. coli, 1genetic analysis, 1

Pterin deaminaseD. discoideum, 183

Pyocin 103N. gonorrhoeae, 796

Pyrimidine dimer removalS. cerevisiae mutants, 618

Pyruvate dehydrogenase complexA. nidulans, 594

RAD repair pathwayS. cerevisiae, 248

recA protein overproductionE. coli, 386proteolytic activity, 386

Replication initiationDNA, 10K. pneumoniae, 10mecillinam, 10

Respiratory chain compositionAcinetobacter sp. strain HO1-N, 508

Rhizobium leguminosarumsuccinate transport, 193

Rhizobium melilotimotility, 728nodule formation, 728

VOL. 148, 1981


Rhizobium trifoliilipopolysaccharide, 697trifoliin A, 697

Rhodopseudomonas capsulatacitric acid cycle, 584

Ribonucleic acid, transferB. subtilis, 8692-methylthio- modification, 869thiolaton, 869

Ribosomal protein L31E. coli, 379rpmE, 379

Ribosomal ribonucleic acid geneslinked cluster in B. subtilis, 624

Ribosomal ribonucleic acid synthesisDNA gyrase, 782E. coli, 782

rpmEE. coli, 379ribosomal protein L31, 379

rrnAB. subtilis, 624

rrn operon

E. coli, 897ISI insert, 897Tn9 insert, 897

Saccharomyces cerevisiaeagglutination, 889cAMP phospodiesterase, 919carbamyl phosphate synthetase-uracil-aspartate

transcarbamylase, 659excision repair, 618pheromon response, 919proline transport, 241PSO repair pathway, 248pyrimidine dimer removal, 618RAD repair pathway, 248URA2 gene cluster product, 659

Salmonella sp.DNA, 829flagellar-phase variation, 829

Salmonella spp.flagellar hook formation, 973flaR, 973

Salmonella typhimuriumconjugation, 283EDTA resistance, 426glutamine transport system, 514isopropylmalate isomerase subunits, 210lipopolysaccharide, 283methionine sulfoxide transport, 514methionine transport system, 514outer membrane, 426phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent glucose phospho-

transferase system, 257pncB, 394protein, 283protein IIGIc, 257

Selenomonas ruminantiumlong-term mutant starvation, 541

Spirochaeta aurantiachemotaxis, 837membrane potential, 837


Spirocheteamino acid fermentation, 109amino acid fermentation, pathways of, 117

Spore outgrowthB. cereus, 465iodoacetate inhibition, 465nitrosothiol inhibitor, 465

SporesB. megaterium, 20H+ levels, 20monovalent cation levels, 20

SporulationB. subtilis, 341, 4800.4 kb gene, 341membrane fatty acids, 480

Staphylococcal clotting factors, 861Staphylococcus aureus

clotting activity, 861competence-conferring factor, 294, 301methicillin susceptibilities of peptidoglycan syn-

theses, 610nitrate reductase, 724peptidoglycan syntheses, 610phage 80a lysates, 294, 301transformation, 294, 301

Staphylococcus epidermidismacrolide, lincosamide, streptogramin resistance,

559plasmid pNE131, 559

Streptococcus salivariusfructosyltransferase, 912

Streptococcus spp.tet determinants, homology among, 232

Streptomyces parvullusactinomycin D biosynthesis, 670tryptophan oxygenase activity, 670

Succinate transportR. leguminosarum, 193

sulA and sulBE. coli Lon mutants, 265filamentation, 265

sup-3, sup-44phages SP,B, 1012

Teichoic acid synthesisB. subtilis protoplasts, 406

tet determinantshomology, 232streptococcal conjugative elements, 232

Thiobacillus thioparusamino acid auxotroph isolation method, 956amino acid transport, 956, 966

ThiolationB. subtilis tRNA's, 869

Thymidylate synthetase geneB. subtilis, 101phage 43T, 101

thyP3integration into the B. subtilis chromosome, 101phage 43T, 101

toxcorynebacteriophages, 153

tox operoncorynebacteriophages 1L andfiv,r, 124

VOL. 148, 1981

Transfer ribonucleic acidB. subtilis, 8692-methylthio- modification, 869thiolation, 869

Transfonnationcompetence-conferring factor, 294, 301H. influenzae, 804, 812plasmid RSF0885, 804, 812S. aureus, 294, 301

TransposonsC. diphtheriae, 143

Transposon Tn7mutagenesis by insertion into a Vibrio species, 374

Transposon Tn9E. coli rRNA operon, insertion in, 897

Trideuteromethane formationdeuterated trimethylamine, 371M. barkeri, 371methylamine, 371

Trifoliin Alipopolysaccharide interaction, 697R. trifoli4 697

trpSE. coli, 941tryptophanyl-transfer ribonucleic acid synthetase,

941Tryptophanase induction

P. vulgarisshort celLs, 736swarm cells, 736

Tryptophan oxygenase activityactinomycin D biosynthesis, 670S. parvullus, 670

Tryptophanyl-transfer ribonucleic acid synthetaseE. coli, 941


trpS, 941tuf

duplication in gram-negative bacteria, 1006

uhp-lac operon fusionsE. coli, 203hexose phosphate transport, 203

URA2 gene cluster productS. cerevisiae, 659

Vibrio speciesmutagenesis by insertion of Tn7, 374

VirulenceA. salmonicida cultured at high temperature, 333

Wall proteinsA. halophytica mot mutants, 315

WaLsby's square bacterium, 352Wheat gern agglutininN. gonorrhoeae, 796

xylDEGF operonP. putida, 413regulation, 413

xylScloning, 413plasmid TOL, 413xylDEGF operon regulation, 413

yb mutantsA. nidulans, 629

Yersinia enterocoliticaplasmids, 877

Yersinia pestisplasmids, 877


Date of Issue

13 October 198113 November 198116 December 1981













StanIey C. Holt, Editor (1982)University ofMassachusetts, Amherst

Samuel Kaplan, Editor (1983)University of Illinois, Urbana

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EX OFFICIOFrederick C. Neldhardt, President (1981-1982) John C. Sherris, President-Elect (1981-1982)

J. Mehsen Joseph, Secretary Brinton M. Miller, Treasurer

The Journal of Bacteriology (ISSN 0021-9193), a publicationof the American Society for Microbiology, 1913 I St., NW,Washington, DC 20006, is devoted to the advancement anddissemination of fundamental knowledge concerning bacteriaand other microorganisms. Instructions to Authors are publishedin the January issue each year; reprints are available from theEditors and the Publications Office. The Journal is publishedmonthly, and the twelve numbers are divided into four volumesper year. The nonmember subscription price is $140 per year.Single copies are $14. The member subscription price is $30 peryear. Correspondence relating to subscriptions, reprints, defectivecopies, availability of back issues, lost or late proofs, dispositionof submitted manuscripts, and general editorial matters shouldbe directed to the ASM Publications Office, 1913 I St., NW,Washington, DC 20006 (area 202 833-9680).

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