Journalists exposing corruption could face prosecution say West Yorkshire Police



Investigative journalism seeking out police misconduct and criminality.

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would assist with any police enquiries and very vigorously defend its position in any contemplated civil proceedings. Ms Stewart-Smith said: “We take all reasonable steps to ensure that our published material can be ‘stood up’ in court and that our views and facts are professionally presented”.“We utterly deplore both the complete lack of ‘balls’ of the officer hiding behind this anonymous email and the scarcely concealed bully boy tactics of PSD. It is in our certain knowledge that this bullying and uncultured approach is a regular and routine tactic when PSD do not get their own way”.The simple facts are these: If WYP had a Professional Standards Department/Anti-Corruption Unit worthy of its name - and pursued misconduct and criminal complaints appropriately - then uPSD, by its very definition, would not exist. Instead, our files get thicker by the week and the number of people coming forward with further evidence of serious impropriety continues to grow.uPSD abhor bullies, and the way to deal with these weak, ineffective, promotion-chasing officers is to continue to fearlessly, but fairly, report their own misdemeanours and those of the favoured few whom they choose to protect.So our message to PSD is very clear. We will operate within the law and we have absolutely no intention of backing down.

August 2012 unProfessional Standards DepartmentVolume 1, Issue 7 West Yorkshire Police

Anonymous PSD threat to send the boys roundIn an extraordinary development, an anonymous threat from the Professional Standards Department of West Yorkshire Police to pursue criminal charges or civil action against uPSD has been received by uPSD researcher, Felicity Stewart-Smith. In an unattributed email sent from the PSD Enquiries mailbox, the threat referred to ‘unsubstantiated allegations concerning an officer’s or staff member’s private and family life’. It is believed that it was sent in an effort to suppress a story concerning a PSD DCI and a PSD D/Sgt who were allegedly having an affair whilst purportedly ‘working’ on the same criminal investigation. The criminal trial that followed this ill-starred three year investigation, costing a sum well into six figures, collapsed in spectacular fashion at an abuse of process hearing. The trial judge rounded on the PSD D/Sgt concerning her evasive and untruthful evidence.That is what, we believe, PSD consider as constituting a right to ‘private and family life’. It should also be mentioned that the spouse of the PSD D/Sgt is a serving WYP officer, which amply demonstrates the care PSD had for that fellow officer’s ‘family life’.Supt Alan Lees was asked for his views on this type of occurrence. No comment has been received and the email sent on 17th August remains unacknowledged by him. This is, of course, in breach of the Police Pledge and Standards of Professional Behaviour that applies to all police officers.uPSD has viewed key documents in this criminal case, the most crucial being the responsibility of the PSD DCI as Senior Investigating Officer. On any impartial view, the whole investigation was a shambles: A conclusion underlined by the trial judge’s ‘serious impropriety’ comments and, more specifically after a very detailed examination, also drawn by an independent CPR33 expert witness. That expert is a former Head of Anti-Corruption in another police force, absolutely horrified at the goings-on in West Yorkshire having viewed documents pertaining to other similar cases. A view also shared by at least one other Head of Professional Standards in neighbouring police forces, and a former Chief Constable, to the certain knowledge of uPSD.After the anonymous threat, uPSD quickly made it’s position clear that it

“ Our views and facts are professionally presented.”Felicity Stewart-Smith UPSD


Honouring the Police Pledge

Felicity Stewart Smith uPSD Researcher

D/Supt. Alan Lees Head of PSD

unProfessional Standards Department West Yorkshire Police

The report exposed serious failings in West Yorkshire Police’s systems and how they fail the reporting centres connected to hate crime. It was a well-researched, intelligently constructed and quite damning report.

However, the reaction it provoked and the choice of spokesman informed plenty about the police’s real attitude towards this type of offence. DCC John Parkinson’s statement to the Yorkshire Post was not only the usual trite ‘we take this seriously and will review’ nonsense it also contained a factual error that was intended to deliberately mislead the public and attempt harm JWY’s credibility. Parkinson claimed that JWY had gone to the press at same time as informing the Force of it’s findings. Conveniently, omitting to mention that JWY had written to the Chief Constable on this very topic six weeks earlier and absolutely nothing had been done about it.

This latest press interaction with DCC Parkinson follows on from his unconvincing performance defending allegations of institutional racism within West Yorkshire Police on a recent BBC File on 4 radio programme. Coincidentally, another contributor to that same programme was former police officer Kash Ahmed who was widely acclaimed for his contribution and is, himself, a victim of racial hate crime.

At the time of writing, no results of the promised police ‘review’ into hate crime reporting were in evidence.

Police assault goes to second IPCC AppealFollowing a successful appeal to the IPCC concerning a shoddy first investigation, a second investigation outcome has now been sent to Wakefield businessman, Tony Ramsden. Characterised by untruths, strategic omissions and contradictions it is another astonishingly inept piece of work, signed off by DCI Osman Khan, that would shame a 12 year old. Unsurprisingly, Mr Ramsden’s solicitors are supervising a further IPCC Appeal before embarking on contemplated Court action to force disclosure of the relevant CCTV evidence. Chloe Ramsden, now 16, who was with her father at Elland Rd when the incidents took place is hoping to study to become a criminal psychologist. She has plenty of useful material if she decides to do a dissertation on this case.

Keeping it in the familyThere is a bizarre link to the story about the assaults on Mr Ramsden which may explain the extraordinary lengths the police are prepared to go to conceal the truth. The mounted officer alleged to have ridden her horse at Mr Ramsden, and then kicked him, is PC Marie Lawrenson. The latest officer to ‘review’ the perjury aspects of the case of the rape victim reported in issue 2 of uPSD, is none other than her husband, DCI Mick Lawrenson. That ‘review’ has been described by a former ECU Head as “weak and lacking in legal substance”. Plenty to talk about in the evenings in their executive detached house close to the exclusive Bradford Golf Club, (which also links to several of uPSD’s other cases files), but none of it likely to concern public duty and responsibility

Hate crime reporting exposes more lies and cover-upAn excellent piece of investigative analysis by Just West Yorkshire, a Bradford based civil liberties group has been widely reported in the regional press and resulted in JWY’s Kash Ahmed being interviewed on local radio.

In the next issuesWe have an excess of material as people inside and outside the police come forward with more cases. We will attempt to keep up with the flow and feature the most topical and relevant. In Contempt of Court featuring Mike Percival, Legal Services Manager has been deferred as it is intended to make this a Special Edition due out in mid-September.There will also be another 4 page Special Issue featuring FoI Fraud and Data Protection Deception coming soon.


DCC Parkinson misled the Yorkshire Post

Not something a member of the public would want

using as a missile

Osman Khan signed off poor report

Kash Ahmed just West Yorkshire

“ It is another astonishingly inept piece of work.”Neil Wilby – Investigative journalist

unProfessional Standards Department West Yorkshire Police

Contact usIf you want to get in touch email us at You may have a problem or a story about someone you know. watch out for our new Twitter and Facebook pages coming soon.


Liston suspended and to face disciplinary proceedingsDisgraced officer PC Kevin Liston, whose false testimony resulted in Danny Major wrongly going to jail, is currently suspended by West Yorkshire Police and facing disciplinary proceedings. A Police Federation rep said: “PC Liston’s status will change within the next three months”. What won’t change is uPSD’s utter determination to challenge Liston’s integrity and credibility and to seek appropriate sanction against those who have deliberately denied justice to the Major family by shielding this officer over an eight year period. Principal amongst those is DI Damian Carr, whose name was attached to a recent email concerning Liston that was sent to Danny Major’s solicitors.

Vause and the computer mysteryWest Yorkshire Police are still rebuffing every press and public enquiry concerning the computer allegedly not owned by PSD paedophile, DC Mick Vause (Damian Carr’s friend and bagman). There is still no explanation forthcoming from WYP, the CPS or the Police Authority as to why no child abuser has faced prosecution concerning the serious level 4 images found on Vause’s computer. uPSD’s infallible Inverse Rule of Police Honesty applies here: The longer it takes the police to provide an answer the less likely it is to be credible or truthful. Again we have no sight or sound of DCC Parkinson or the Chief Constable in denouncing paedophilia or promising to ruthlessly root it out. We wonder why?

PSD: Propensity to Self DestructIncivility, disrespect and discourtesy, failing to discharge duties appropriately and downright dishonesty: These are the failings in police officers that fatally undermine confidence in the police service as a whole. Yet, in West Yorkshire Police, this is the

daily diet served up by the Professional Standards Department/Anti-Corruption Unit: Ignore correspondence, not return call messages, slam a phone down, backdate a letter, lose a file, forge a document, obstruct an investigation of prima facie crime, assist an offender to evade prosecution, maliciously prosecute a ‘problem’ officer, intimidate a witness, put out a false statement to discredit a witness, threaten to search a victim’s home without just cause, procure a warrant under false premise. These are just a routine list of what goes on in a rotten-to-the-core PSD operation. How can uPSD be so sure? Well the answer is simple. We now have 26 hand-picked cases from which to abstract patterns of these types of misdemeanours. Once the matrix is formed and the same infractions occur by the largely the same group of officers you know that the die is cast.PSD have asked uPSD to provide evidence to back up their claims which is akin to an invitation to dance with the devil. Our answer to that is plain and simple: In June of this year an investigative journalist, Neil Wilby, made a written offer to provide Her Majesty’s Inspector of Constabulary, Mr Roger Baker, and the Head of Professional Standards of a neighbouring force with the material they would need to establish widespread incompetence/corruption within West Yorkshire Police. That offer was rebuffed by Mr Baker with embarrassing haste. without even referring to the other officer, Mr Wilby has met this highly regarded senior detective twice, professionally, and he has very considerable confidence in this officer’s ability and integrity. The offer to HMIC will remain on the table except that uPSD now have 26 cases under consideration and not just the 13 Mr Wilby referred to at the time. If West Yorkshire have nothing to hide they will welcome an external enquiry to clear their name. HMIC intervened in Cleveland with what is now Operation Sacristy and given uPSD’s inside knowledge of that operation we can confidently state that matters are worse in West Yorkshire than they ever were in Cleveland.

“ PC Liston’s status will change within the next three months”Police Federation

Sir Norman Bettison failed to denounce


Roger Baker rebuffed scoping offer

Ex-Professional Standards DC Michael Vause: Now a

convicted paedophile

unProfessional Standards Department August 2012 West Yorkshire Police Volume 1, Issue 7

The House of Fraser Following the report in Issue 6 of uPSD that Mr Mark Burns-Williamson has failed to either adopt integrity in his PCC election manifesto or denounce the corruption within PSD at West Yorkshire, uPSD has been liaising with investigative journalists and a forensic accountant in other police areas to expand on this: Burns-Williamson’s vice-chair on the Yorkshire and Humber Joint Police Authorities Committee, Cllr Jane Kenyon,

is under intense public and press scrutiny following revelations concerning fraud offences. These offences include the forgery of a Companies House document, failing to declare that she was

a controlling executive of a bankrupt company and serial misdeclarations on the register of interests. All the material that prove the allegations are open source and accessible to anyone. Kenyon has also managed to lose two Chief Constables and a Deputy CC, all stained with proven impropriety, on her watch at NYPA.This association and his failure to either denounce Kenyon or, more crucially, remove her from the vice-chair pending investigation, will stain Burns-Williamson’s candidacy for Police and Crime Commissioner.There is a further local link as Kenyon is the daughter of the infamous Sir Bernard Kenyon, a former Clerk to the West Riding County Council and central figure in the John Poulson/T Dan Smith council corruption scandal some years ago. A further bizarre link is that another investigative journalist Neil Wilby (see above) was, at one time, a next door neighbour of John and Cynthia Poulson in Carleton, Pontefract.It was about Jane Kenyon’s larger-than-life father that the famously pithy phrase was coined: “I suppose it is just about possible to believe in The Immaculate Conception of County Clerks but I cannot see how effective discipline can be exerted over minor public officials when the Chief is allowed this type of licence.”The Poulson scandal also engulfed the

Chairman of Durham Police Authority at the time. Alderman Andrew Cunningham and his wife were found to have taken holidays and been paid fees from tainted money. Mrs Cunningham narrowly avoided jail. The projects awarded to Poulson by Cunningham, and without tender, included the building of a new Police HQ at Sunderland.Corruption by police officials has no place in society and uPSD will relentlessly pursue those guilty of such practices, either directly or by association. We will place Mark Burns-Williamson, and his right hand man Fraser Sampson, under close scrutiny during the PCC election campaign as we believe that, not only by association with the discredited Miss Kenyon but much more crucially and the exposure of serious PSD corruption on his watch as West Yorkshire Police Authority chairman, they both have very many awkward questions to answer.

PCC Election WatchA quick trip to will give a measure of Mrs Carter’s commitment to the role of PCC. The site has not been updated for almost two months and she has still to respond to enquiries as to how she proposes to deal with integrity issues in West Yorkshire Police.Thankfully, there is a candidate waiting to step forward for PCC in West Yorkshire whose campaign will be centred around cleaning up the Force and delivery of a service that the public can trust and in whom they can take pride. A retired officer of managerial rank and of unimpeachable integrity himself he is well positioned to make that challenge. He is also expected to link up with two other regional candidates who share the same values and have the same campaign theme. These are Sultan Alam in Cleveland and Phil Butler in Northumbria. Both are also former officers in their respective forces. uPSD has good links with both and we wish them success.

“ The Police Authority has many questions to answer.”


Ploughland House WYPA’s prestigious HQ

Jane Kenyon NYPA Chairman

Fraser Sampson Chief Exec. WYPA

Mark Burns-Williamson PCC Candidate