Journey Of Sales Manager


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Journey Of Sales ManTo A Sales Manager (Leader)

S. M. Habibur Rahman Tipu

How Did Things Change?

Sales Executive


How Role Changes

Sales Executive

Responsible for his own work.


Responsible for getting work done from his people (Team).

Role of Manager

Men Money Material Time Territory

To Manage

How Can You Do It ?

Plan: Which market/customer to be covered.

Organize: How each market , customer to be covered.

Monitor: See that is your people working as per beat plan.

Correct: Deviations from plan.

Responsibility of Sales Manager

Achieve sales objective of his area. To build a winning team out of his team

mates. Ensure implementation of strategy. Motivate team members. Provide on the job guidance through

demonstration. Work with team members in the field to

evaluate how they are working and Check reports of team members.

Train and guide team members.

Plan work of his team members.

Organize work of team members.

Make corrections if required.

Maintain Relationship with key customers.

Responsibility of Sales Manager

Skills required for managers are different from skills required as sales person.

Skills Required for Managers

Management Skills at Various Levels








Management Skills at Various Levels

Technical: Ability to use knowledge, methods, techniques for performance of specific tasks acquired form experience, education and training.

Human Skill: Ability and judgement in working with and through people, including an understanding of motivation and an application of effective leadership.

Conceptual skill: Ability to get the big picture and how one’s role fits into overall scheme of things. This knowledge permits acting to overall objectives of organization rather than only the basis of the goals and needs of one’s own immediate group.

Purpose of Joint Field Work

To know how

your people are

working. To provide on the job

training. To help him to tackle

difficult customers. To boost moral of

ASM/ TSO. To identify Key


Build relations with key customers.

Know the impact of marketing strategy.

Know competitors activity. To know what customer

actually needs. To motivate peoples/Team.

How To Do Joint Working

Inform your people well in advance, so that they are prepared, this will improve their efficiency.

Let him do the first call, don't disturb him at all, you will come to know his natural way of working.

Do the next call yourself to demonstrate how he should be working.

Allow him to work don’t substitute his work offer him tea/cold drink in between the work to refresh his energy levels.

Ensure coverage of all customers of beat are covered without fail otherwise you my miss them for entire month.

How To Do Joint Working

Don’t discuss negative things with him during calls, don't discuss sales with him during calls, only put sales efforts, discuss how to improve next call.

Motivate your people during the calls because only if they are motivated they will produce better result, appreciate him for good orders booked by him.

How To Do Joint Working

When you have finished the joint work, sit some where, take him for tea and do a post call analysis, what was good and praise him on the spot.

How To Do Joint Working

Discuss what was the improvement area and how he can improve it.

Discuss sales performance (end of the day) till date and balance to be achieved and how he is going to achieve the month.

How To Do Joint Working

Always Leave Your People Motivated

When you leave the sales person he should be motivated so that he work with better skills he has learned from you for rest of the month.

Never leave your sales person de-motivated, this will spoil his efficiency for many days.

Leave Your People Motivated

Your success depends on how your people work in your absence than how they work in your presence.

Understand Your Team Members

Each member of team is different.

They have different strengths and different weakness.

They have different motivating factor.

They have different likes and dislikes.

Combine the strength of each one your area becomes full of strengths.

To combine them you have to build a team.

Remember your job is not to catch people doing wrong things and punish them, your job is to identify weakness, mistakes and correct.

Understand Your Team Members

How to Motivate People ?

You can only find out what motivates them and help them to achieve.

Use tools available to for motivation-like Incentive, Career Growth, Recognition.

One of the major responsibility of a manger is to motivate people.

How To Build Team ??

To build a team out of team members a manager needs to be a good leader.

Who is a leader ???

You are a leader if you can influence your team members to follow you willingly to work towards achieving target of your area.

You are a leader if your team members can approach you any time without fear, be open with you and look forward to solve their problems.

You are a leader, if they accept their mistakes before without fear, and believe that you will help them to correct their mistake.

You are a Leader if your people/team follow you blindly.

Team Building

Retaining People

Retaining Good people is major responsibility of managers.

People work for BOSS not for the Company.

70% of the people who leave they leave because of the BOSS not because of the company.

For an employee his immediate BOSS is the company, because he lives in the environment created by him.

Hire The Best

It is not often true that applicants, who look like they can sell, can actually sell.

Your success depends on right selection of sales person.

See that candidate has right attitude. See his market experience. See that he is good in calculation. See that he is computer literate. See that he is not a job hopper.

What Makes You Win ?

It's not the will to win, but the will to prepare to win that makes the difference.

It is the team work which makes you win.

Final Lesson

Remember you will be successful as a Sales Manager when your team wants you to be successful.

So build a team out of your sales force, and establish your Leadership and you will be a successful Sales Manager.

Thank You
