July 15, 2018 - Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time


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July 15, 2018 - Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Rev. M. Keith LaBove, Pastor Parish Website: www.stpat.org


Office Hours

Monday – Thursday: 8:30 am – 3:00 pm; Friday 8:30 am – 12 noon Celebration of the Eucharist

Saturday: 4:00 pm – Sunday: 8:30 & 10:00 am Monday through Friday: 7:30 am

Holydays of Obligation: 7:30 am only


Seminars are held every other month - register

by calling the office. At-tendance is suggested

during pregnancy.

Anointing of the Sick The Church recom-

mends this sacrament for those who are grave-

ly ill or in danger of death. Call the priest to

arrange a visit.


Arrangements must be made at least six

months in advance to allow time for prepara-

tion and planning.

406 East Pinhook Road Lafayette, LA 70501-8727

Phone: (337) 237-0988

Welcome to St. Patrick Church

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 15, 2018


Saturday, July 14--Vigil of the Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:00 PM: Dr. Leonard & Betty Rolfes; Howard Fournet; Betty Fournet (living); Patricia Andrus; Andrus, Cashman & Turner Families; B. Tebbets & S. Rick (living);

M/M Alfred Hitter, Sr.; Monty & Pierre Montagnet Sunday, July 15--Fifteenth Sunday in Ordi-nary Time 8:30 AM: George Sigue & Siblings; Lorraine Day; Lloyd Sigue; Helen Vallot; Frank Garber & Family; Dr. Kenneth Odinet; Johnny Suire

10:00 AM: Parishioners of St. Patrick’s Monday, July 16--Our Lady of Mount Car-mel 7:30 AM: Bella & Yvonne Hernandez; Adam Hernandez

Tuesday, July 17--Weekday

7:30 AM: Richard, Kenneth, Ronnie & Lanny Stutes Wednesday, July 18--St. Camillus de Lellis, Priest 7:30 AM: Dr. Tommy Comeaux & Dorinne; Col. Clark Comeaux & Catherine (living); Col. Kimberly Fedele (living) Thursday, July 19--Weekday 7:30 AM: Helen Sibley (living); Sick List Friday, July 20--St. Apollinaris, Bishop and Martyr 7:30 AM: Dr. Charles Stewart Altar Flowers In Loving Memory of: Monty & Pierre Montagnet Truth shall spring out of the earth, and justice shall look down from heaven. — Psalm 85:12

Non-Liturgical Devotions Daily Rosary: Monday - Thursday 6:55 am Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena: Tues-day 7:15 am Rosary for Priests: Wednesday 7:00 am Chaplet of Divine Mercy: Thursday 7:15 am Pro-Life Rosary: 1st Fri. of the month 7 am Position Open-Sacristan Note: We are looking for someone to handle sacristan duties on weekdays - Mon-Fri. This person will be available to be present at all weekday worship services in our church, par-ticularly our weekday morning Mass, as well as the occasional funeral or wedding. Duties include opening and locking the Church, set-ting up for Mass, etc., seeing to the care and upkeep of liturgical vessels and other items, etc. Anyone interested in this part-time, posi-tion please contact Fr. Keith at the office - 337-237-0988. Welcome: To Sue Street, our pa-rishioner who has accepted the position of weekend sacristan. Please make her welcome!

Prayer for Hurricane Season

O God, Master of this passing world, hear the humble voices of your children. The Sea of Galilee obeyed your order

and returned to its former quietude. You are still the Master of land and sea. We live the shadow of a danger over which we have no control: the gulf, like a provoked and angry giant, can awake from its seeming lethargy, overstep its conventional boundaries, invade our land and spread chaos and disaster. Dur-ing this hurricane season we turn to you, loving Father. Spare us from past tragedies whose memories are still so vivid and whose wounds seem to refuse to heal with the passing of time. O Virgin, Star of the Sea, Our Beloved Mother, we ask you to plead with you Son in our behalf, so that spared from the calam-ities common to this area and animated with a true spirit of grat-itude, we will walk in the footsteps of your divine Son to reach heavenly Jerusalem where a stormless eternity awaits us. Amen. Bishop Maurice Shexnayder

Help Needed: While we did receive a response from sev-eral parishioners to serve at Mass, most of them are for 10 am Mass and Weekdays. If you attend 4 or 8:30 Mass, we are in dire need of Altar Servers especially, and of Com-munion Ministers. Training will be provided!! Is the Lord calling you to Ministry? Please call the office: 237-0988.

A Grateful Sacristan Joyce Stelly would like to thank all the parishioners for the retirement wishes, for the generous gifts and for their pres-ence at the reception in her honor last Saturday! And, we thank all who helped to organize and to prepare for the Retirement Reception. Many elves, many thanks!! CCD Registration Students from St. Patrick’s who would like to attend CCD Program—all grades, First Communion and Confirmation, need to register at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, 818 12th. St., Lafayette. Registration begins July 23 until Au-gust 2, 2018; at IHM CCD Office: Monday — Thursday, 8:30 am.—5:30 pm. No registrations accepted on Fridays. Late registration begins Monday, August 6, 2018 and a $20.00 late fee will be added to the registration fee. Stu-dents will be accepted on a first come first serve basis. All new students must have a copy of their baptismal certifi-cate on the day of registration. If your child has not been baptized, please bring a copy of your child’s Birth Certifi-cate on the day of registration. For fees and additional in-formation please call: 235-6323. Come Lord Jesus This is a weekly study/support group that focuses on the upcoming Sunday readings in a small group setting. Through study, prayer and faith-sharing in a small group, members are able to deepen their faith, as well as their ap-preciation for the Sunday Eucharist, as a help to living out the Gospel day by day. We have an active group that meets on Tuesdays, at 6 pm, in the classroom directly behind the Church (across from the restrooms). Anyone interested in deepening their faith and appreciation for the Eucharist is welcome to try it out. No need to register, just come and see! Volunteer for Ministry! We are still welcoming those willing to serve as minister at our weekend & weekday services—ushers, Communion ministers, lectors & altar servers. Sign-up sheets are avail-able on the table near the main entrance of the Church. A special invitation is offered to married couples who might find this a wonderful way to minister to God’s people to-gether — as Communion ministers, as ushers, as lector and altar server. Serving God’s people together is a wonderful way to live out your sacrament of marriage! Sign In Please New schedules are out for our liturgical ministers. All are encouraged to use the phone lists to find a substitute when you are unable to serve. This is especially important dur-ing this transition between sacristans. Also, when you ar-rive at Church, please sign in!!! That way, we know you are here, and don’t have to worry about scrounging up a sub. Be a Good Steward of the Environment—Stop Plastic Pollution -Reduce -Reuse -Recycle: —Many stores have containers to recycle plastic bags, even newspaper wraps. Utilize them.

Centennial News Pope Chooses Lafayette’s First Bishop-- On July 18, 1918 the Archdiocese of New Orleans received an important letter from Pope Benedict XV. The Holy Father signed the order appointing Jules B. Jeanmard as the first Bishop of the Diocese of Lafayette on July 4, 1918. The Pope had created the Diocese almost 6 months earlier on January 11th, but no Bishop had been named. Many suspected that Fr. Teurlings may have been named Bishop, but the 38 year old native of Breaux Bridge was chosen. Jeanmard was shocked to receive the news, and wrote to a friend proclaiming: “I am still hoping against hope that it many not be true...Poor Lafayette is getting a sorry specimen for its first shepherd.” National Association of Catholic Family Life Minis-tries — in this Centennial Year, the Diocese of Lafa-yette is happy to host a national Marriage and family Conference, July 15-17 at the Cajundome Convention Center. The precious holiness of marriage and family must be strengthened and cherished. Come and join us. For information on the conference and to register, visit, www.nacflm.org August 15 —Fete Dieu de Vermilion. The Eucharis-tic Adoration will be on the Vermilion River this year beginning in Abbeville at St. Mary Magdalen with a Mass in French at 8 am. The river procession will begin after with a Rosary and Benediction in Milton at 11:35 at Wawees, then a Rosary and Benediction at River Ranch, at 1:40 at Rufino’s, then a foot proces-sion at 3:45 pm from Beaver Park to Cathedral up Uni-versity St. to the Cathedral—Vespers at 5 pm and Mass at 5:30 with Bishop Deshotel. To register your boat, please visit www.fetedieuduteche.org or call 337-394-6550. Consider being a part of this extraordinary event. Note: The telephone number published for sev-eral weeks was incorrect. The above number is the cor-rect one. Annulment Process Workshop July 24, 2018, the Judicial Vicar for the Diocese of Lafayette, Msgr. Robie Robichaux, will be presenting workshops on Declaration of Nullity and what is need-ed to begin the process. Two workshop times are of-fered: 10:00 am –noon, or 6:00 pm –8:00 pm, at the Diocesan offices, Immaculata Center, 1408 Carmel Drive, Lafayette. All are invited to attend. Prior to at-tending one of the sessions, please register by calling 261-5623, or via email to catrahan@diolaf.org. There is no charge for this workshop. STEWARDSHIP OF THE PAST WEEK Our Response to God’s Generosity to Us Offertory…………….……… $ 3,709.41 Catholic Communications….. $ 659.10 Thank you!!


Saturday, July 21 4:00 p.m.

Sunday, July 22 8:30 a.m.

Sunday, July 22 10:00 a.m.

Lectors Kathy Kalweit Linda Garber Robin Roy

Eucharistic Ministers

Harold Guilbeau Peggy Spruill

Suzanne Lavergne Gerrie McGovern

Jean Arceneaux Janeth Harrington

Altar Servers Oren Spruill Fred Vallot Harry DeMette

Ushers Martha Thompson George Guidry

Rachelle Trahan Keith Toups

Jenny Feehan Ben Berthelot

Liturgical Roles for July

From the Pastor’s Desk

After sharing last week the remarks of Cardinal Parolin on our responsibility to care for our ‘common home’, the environment, it seems appropriate to recall a bit of what Pope Francis himself had to say in his encyc-lical, “Laudato Si”. After quoting concerns about the environment from Popes Paul VI, Saint John Paul II & Bene-dict XVI, he draws upon the life and example of his patron, St. Francis of Assissi:

11. Francis helps us to see that an integral ecology calls for openness to categories which transcend the lan-guage of mathematics and biology, and take us to the heart of what it is to be human. Just as happens when we fall in love with someone, whenever he would gaze at the sun, the moon or the smallest of animals, he burst into song, drawing all other creatures into his praise. He communed with all creation, even preaching to the flowers, inviting them “to praise the Lord, just as if they were endowed with reason”. His response to the world around him was so much more than intellectual appreciation or economic calculus, for to him each and every creature was a sister unit-ed to him by bonds of affection. That is why he felt called to care for all that exists. His disciple Saint Bonaventure tells us that, “from a reflection on the primary source of all things, filled with even more abundant piety, he would call creatures, no matter how small, by the name of ‘brother’ or ‘sister’”. Such a conviction cannot be written off as naive romanticism, for it affects the choices which determine our behavior. If we approach nature and the environ-ment without this openness to awe and wonder, if we no longer speak the language of fraternity and beauty in our relationship with the world, our attitude will be that of masters, consumers, ruthless exploiters, unable to set limits on their immediate needs. By contrast, if we feel intimately united with all that exists, then sobriety and care will well up spontaneously. The poverty and austerity of Saint Francis were no mere veneer of asceticism, but something much more radical: a refusal to turn reality into an object simply to be used and controlled.

12. What is more, Saint Francis, faithful to Scripture, invites us to see nature as a magnificent book in which God speaks to us and grants us a glimpse of his infinite beauty and goodness. “Through the greatness and the beauty of creatures one comes to know by analogy their maker” (Wis 13:5); indeed, “his eternal power and divinity have been made known through his works since the creation of the world” (Rom 1:20). For this reason, Francis asked that part of the friary garden always be left untouched, so that wild flowers and herbs could grow there, and those who saw them could raise their minds to God, the Creator of such beauty. Rather than a problem to be solved, the world is a joyful mystery to be contemplated with gladness and praise.

Readings for the Week

Monday Is 1:10-17; Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23; Mt 10:34 — 11:1

Tuesday Is 7:1-9; Ps 48:2-8; Mt 11:20-24

Wednesday Is 10:5-7, 13b-16; Ps 94:5-10, 14-15; Mt 11:25-27

Thursday Is 26:7-9, 12, 16-19; Ps 102:13-14ab, 15-21; Mt 11:28-30

Friday Is 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8; Is 38:10-12abcd, 16; Mt 12:1-8

Saturday Mi 2:1-5; Ps 10:1-4, 7-8, 14; Mt 12:14-21

Sunday Jer 23:1-6; Ps 23:1-6; Eph 2:13-18; Mk 6:30-34
