


Templeton Newsletter

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“Dedicated to Excellence” Vol. 11, Issue 136 July2011


1/2 kilo( 1 lb) . Pork, cut in cubes

1/2 kilo (1 lb) . Chicken, cut into pieces

1 head ........... Garlic, minced

1/2 ................. Yellow onion, diced

1/2 cup .......... Soy sauce

1 cup.............. Vinegar

2 cups ............ Water

1 tsp .............. Paprika

5 ................... Bay leaves

4 tbsp ............ Cooking oil

2 tbsp ............ Cornstarch

Salt and pepper to taste

3 tbsp ............ Water


1.In a big saucepan or wok, heat 2 tbsp of oil, then sauté the minced garl ic and onions.

2.Add the pork and chicken to the pan. Add 2 cups of water, 1/4 cup of soy sauce, vinegar, paprika and bay leaves. Bring to a boil. Cover and simmer for 30 minutes or when the meat is tender.

3.Remove the pork and chicken from the saucepan and on another pan, heat cooking oil and brown the pork and chicken for a few minutes.

4.Mix the browned pork and chicken back to the saucepan and a dd co rnstarch (dissolved in water to thicken).

5.Add salt and/or pepper if desired. Bring to a boil then simmer for an additional 5 minutes. Serve hot with the adobo gravy & rice. Enjoy!


Templeton Newsletter Mailing Address:

204– 2929 Nootka Street, Vancouver, BC V5M 4K4 Canada Published every month, if possible. Contributions are always welcome. The articles should be in, not later than day 25th of every month.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in Stroke Recoverer’s Review newsletter: articles, submissions and spotlights are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of Templeton Stroke Recovery or the editor of Stroke Recoverer’s Review. Editor reserves the right at any time to make changes as it deems necessary. It is the purpose of this periodical to share a variety of viewpoints mostly from stroke survivors.

July 2011 Contributors: Loy Lai Ollie Stogrin Werner Stephan Carol Roycroft Jose Suganob

Production of SRR: Jose Suganob Email: suganobj@gmail.com

Printing Pick-up Person: Valerie Offer

Inside this issue:

Page 2


She believed she could so

she did.

Cindy Crawford said:

The face you have at age

twenty-five is the face God

gave you, but the face you

have after fifty is the face

you earned.

What were the family names

of Shakespeare’s Romeo and


Answer: Montague and


The Doctor (jokeonly)

The doctor’s receptionist

was startled when a nun

stormed out of the doctor’s

office and left.

She asked the doctor what

Recipe Encouragements


Turtle and Hare


Last Month’s Happening


Laughing Why Timothy?


Jose Notes Lies


July 2011 Volume 11, Issue 136

Page 2

“There’s life after stroke”


S T R O K E R E C O V E R E R ’ S R E V I E W


Slow and steady wins the race, this is version of the story that

we’ve all grown up with.

But, by this time, turtle and hare had become pretty good

friends and they did some thinking together . Both realized

that the last race could have been run much better. So, the

turtle and the hare decided to do the last race again, but to

run as a team this time.

They started off at the riverbank, and this time hare carried

the turtle on his back. There on river, the turtle swam across

with the hare on his back. The hare carried the turtle on his

back and reached the finish line TOGETHER.

Note: Option to add crushed ginger to the onions & garlic

when sauteing. Ginger add a unique flavor to your adobo.

“Physical beauty is like a bottle of coke, it turns stale with time.

The mind is like a bottle of wine,

The longer it is kept the better it becomes.


“Well,” said the doctor,

“I examined her and told her

she was pregnant.”

“Doctor,” exclaimed the

receptionist, “That can’t be!”

“Of course not,” he said, “but

i t certainly cured her


Do not live life sad…

Good humor, Laughter. Rest.

Happiness. These replenish

health and bring long life.

The happy person has the

gift to improve the environ-

ment wherever they live.

“Good humor saves us from

the hands of the doctor.”

—submitted by Loy Lai,

Templeton Stroke Recovery


Summer has arrived! I know

it has, I have seen the sun 3

days in a row? I can hardly

believe it, as everyone

knows, it has not been a

great summer to me.

It seems, it should only be


It seemed the weather

wasn’t even good for

outings. Although, we did

manage to go to Edge

Water Casino on July 7th

and it didn’t rain! We had a

‘few winners’ and every-

body had a nice fun day,

quite different from our

‘Strides for Strokes’ day

where looking at the photos

everyone looks so COLD!

And that was in June which

should be the start of our


Finally, summer arrived July

28th!!! Just in time for our

picnic at Trout Lake. What a

wonderful day it turned out

to be. In more ways than

one, not just the sunshine, the food, as

always, was so good! And so much of it.

We could of fed another 40 people.

But most of all, we had all those wonderful

members from other groups that came.

They came from West Vancouver, North

Vancouver, Killarney, Delta and Douglas

Park. We had the site booked from 10 am

to 2 pm only. We were still there until 3:30

pm—that says ‘people had a nice time.’

We played horseshoes and bocci. Some

played cribbage. Others just sat and visited

us which also was nice as the members

were getting to know one another from

other groups. I would love for the picnic

become a yearly ‘get-together’ for the

SRABC. As everyone just seems to enjoy

attending our picnic. I think? They enjoy

just the visit (just sitting, watching and

listening other members from other


Our Joann, who once was our weekly

volunteer, came to volunteer (she has been

volunteering at Xmas dinner for the last 10

years, since 2000) and comes to our picnic

with her famous ‘peanut butter cookies.’

How about that for a long time volunteer?!

That’s just so great. Unfortunately, she

can’t volunteer weekly, but its great to

have her come two times a year. Thanks

again, JoAnn!

Speaking of volunteer, Jeanie’s sister, Julie

has come as a volunteer to Templeton until

she finds employment. She is such a help

and we also have Katelyn. She also has

helped out at Xmas. We really appreciate

having them helping us. Everyone is busy

working at paid employment.

I would like to remind anyone who reads

our newsletter that volunteering for ‘stroke

recovery groups’ gives anyone looking for

July 2011 Volume 11, Issue 136

Page 3

employment the experience of working

with seniors and handicapped people. This

kind of interactions (seniors and handi-

capped people) can lead to work in the

health field jobs. We have a number of

volunteers that are now working in the

health field because of volunteering for us.

It may be of help for the volunteer and it’s

definitely a great help to us or any ‘stroke

recovery group.’ We also give references for

anyone that puts in 3 months of volunteer-

ing for us, everybody gains.

In June, we had three (3) birthdays! Very

unusual to have 3 birthdays in a row in one

month. Only Wanda attended the Thursday

program and, of course, she came with a

beautiful cake! Thank you again, Wanda!

Also, Gabriel a brought a cake the following

week. We get so spoiled! All these goodies!!

Key had visitors, her niece, her husband and

baby from Winnipeg on their way to Hawaii!

What a treat. Jeanie is baby sitting her

grandson. Loy didn’t even make it to the

picnic as she has company and I’m

expecting company from Aussie in


So many people are so busy, summer will

be over before we turn around. Have a

good summer, see you next month.

-Ollie Stogrin

Templeton Stroke Recovery


“There’s life after stroke”

S T R O K E R E C O V E R E R ’ S R E V I E W

Page 3

Trout Lake Picnic 2011

www.templetonstrokerecovery.com Page 4

July 2011 Volume 11, Issue 136

Page 4

S T R O K E R E C O V E R E R ’ S R E V I E W

Some people think laughing

is a waste of time. It is a

luxury, they say, a frivolity,

something to indulge in

only every so often.

Nothing could be further

from the truth. Laughing is

essential to our equilibrium,

to our well-being, to our

aliveness. If we’re not well,

laughing helps us get well; if

we are well, laughing helps

us stay that way.

Scientific studies have

shown that laughter has a

curative effect on the body,

the mind and the emotions.

So, if you like laughing,

consider it sound medical

advice to indulge in it as

often as you can. If you

don’t like laughter, then

take your medicine—laugh


Use whatever makes you

laugh—movies, sitcoms,

Monty Python, records,

books, cartoons, jokes,

friends (funny).

Give yourself permission to

laugh - long and loud and

out loud - whenever any-

thing strikes you as funny.

The people around you may

think you’re strange, but

sooner or later they’ll join

in even if they don’t know

what you’re laughing about.

Some diseases may be contagious, but none is as contagious as the cure...laughter!


There were two Catholic boys, Timothy

Murphy and Antonio Secola, whose lives

parallel each other in amazing ways. In the

same year, Timothy was born in Ireland,

Antonio was born in Italy.

Faithfully, they attended parochial school,

from kindergarten through their senior

year in high school. They took their vows to

enter the priesthood, early in college and

upon graduation become priests.

Their careers had come to amaze the

world, but it was generally acknowledged

that Antonio Secola was just a wee cut

above Timothy Murphy in all respects.

Their rise through the ranks of Bishop,

Archbishop, and finally, Cardinal was swift

to say the least, and the Catholic world

knew that when the present Pope died, it

would be one of the two who would

become the next Pope.

In time the Pope did die, and the College of

Cardinals went to work. In less time than

anyone had expected, white some rose


from the chimney and the world waited to

see whom they had chosen.

The world, Catholic, Protestant and secular

was surprised to learn that Timothy

Murphy had been elected Pope!

Antonio Secola was beyond surprise. He

was devastated because even with all of

Timothy’s gifts, Antonio knew he was just a

bit better qualified.

With gall that shocked the Cardinals,

Antonio Secola asked for a private session

with them, which he candidly asked, “Why


After a long silence, an old Cardinal took

pity on the bewildered man and rose to

reply, “We knew you were the better of

the two, but we just could not bear the

thought of the leader of the Roman

Catholic Church being called POPE SE-


—Submitted by Carol Roycroft

Burnaby Stroke Recovery


I used to phone long distance to my

relatives in the Philippines and it cost me a

bundle. Internet-based and cable-based

phones are now found in more than one

million Canadian homes.

Skype, a free program that allows users to

make unlimited calls to other Skype users,

and charges an added fee when you call

cell phones or land line.

Last summer, Google did Skype one better

by adding their Internet telephone service,

Google Voice, to Gmail and offering

unlimited free calls to any number in North


Sarah, the self-appointed supreme

authority of the town’s moral, stuck her

nose into everyone’s business.

She made a mistake, however, when she

accused her neighbor, George of being an

alcoholic after spotting his pickup truck

parked in front of a bar one afternoon.

“George, everyone who sees it there will

know what you’re doing.” she told him in

front of their church group.

George ignored her and walked away. Later

that evening, he parked his pickup truck in

front of Sarah’s house and left it there all


“There’s life after stroke”


Have you heard the

saying: ‘If all else

fails, don’t overlook

the possibility of

telling the truth?’

Or remember the

writer George Or-

well, who wrote:

‘In time of universal deceit, telling the truth

is a revolutionary act?’

Some time ago, an Internet site asked: Who

can lie more successfully, men or women?

One of the answers: The one with the most

experience, of course. The magazine

(The Atlantic, 06/07/10) asked what they

(whoever ‘they’ maybe; the media, the

politicians, anybody?) are lying about.

The answer is everything. Some of their


A customer service representative will be

with you shortly (who believes it?)

Global warming (not whether or not it

happens, but why)

It is good for you (Yeaah right)

One web-discussion concerned about

philosophy and society asked: ‘How to lie

successfully?’ The answer: To redefine the

meaning of words or to distort the question

to create a believable lie.

To have access to a polygraph (lie detector)

certainly helps to detect lies, but even a

polygraph is only about 90% accurate. Also,

there are some very bad polygraph

examiners out there with no training what-


So, how do we detect lies? Ask the experts


Does the answer make sense? (some use

the environmental movement as an

example) We should learn to recognize

‘deflectors’ who deliberately are not

answering the question you asked but one

which you didn’t ask.

Illustrators and manipulators: Illustrators

are using hand gestures while they are

talking. This might be a sign of the answer

be true. Manipulators are the opposite;

they tend to play with their wrist-watch or

jewelry or pulling an earlobe, etc.

Mind exaggerated details because too

many details may indicate a desire to get

you to believe the lie.

Notice a person’s eye movement (shifty


There are many more signs to detect lies but

it takes an expert to correctly interpret them.

For most of us, our instinct will have to do to

detect lies. Also, we have to be aware of

cultural differences. Caution: If we become

too efficient in detecting lies, we might not

have any friends. Also, why lie? Just re-define

the meaning of a word or even of the whole


Somebody else is supposed to have advised:

’Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying

it, and eventually they (the people) will

believe it.’ No, I won’t tell you who said it,

just guess!

—by Werner Stephan, North Shore SRC,

Page 5

Our picnic was bless with

sunshine. Early in the week

everybody was tuned to

weather forecaster news,

sunny or rainy??? So, when

the sun was shining early

morning of picnic day, I was

happy. Maybe it’s the start

of summer, we’ll see!

Stroke Survivors and guests

from North Vancouver

(Werner, Deborah, Sue,

Ray), Killarney (three stroke

survivors, sorry, I forget get

their names), Delta (Karel

and Blair), Martha (Douglas

Park). Made a Smilebox of

the picnic (Photos and

video of the picnic).

More a decade of late

booking problem , Handy-

Dart finally gave us early

booking so that our stroke

recovery programs can start

on time. We want to thank

you, to Dwight D. Sayer and

Linda McGowan.

—Jose Suganob

July 2011 Volume 11, Issue 136

Page 5

“There’s life after stroke”


S T R O K E R E C O V E R E R ’ S R E V I E W


Some of Picnic Volunteers!