June Vistas 2010



SVLC Monthly Newsletter for June 2010

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Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church

Our Mission: We are a welcoming family in Christ who serves through celebrating and sharing our many gifts.


The Season after Pentecost, June 2010

JUNE EVENTS Sun. June 6 – Sunday School Teacher recognition at 10:30 Worship Book Exchange and Salad Lunch after 10:30 Worship Thurs. June 10 – ABC Barn "Graduation" 10:00 am Sun. June 13 – FIRST SUNDAY OF SUMMER


Hope Temecula Puppet Ministry Dinner Theater at SVLC 6:00 pm dinner, 7:00 pm show

Fri. June 18 - Pancakes for Dads at the ABC Barn 7:00 am - 10:00 am Sat. June 19 – Farm Animal Task Force and Work Party at SVLC, 7am-12pm Sun. June 20 – Father’s Day with Litany Blessing of Fathers SAVE THESE DATES IN JULY: Sun., July 11 - Blessing and Sending for our Colorado Backpackers Sun. July 18 – Brunch and SVLC Singing visits to nursing homes after worship. Sat., July 31 - SVLC Family BBQ/Pool Party at the Zeiglers’. And coming up in August... Beach Hymn Sing, and the Summer Pictures and Stories Evening Event. So start collecting your pictures, everyone!

HOPE LUTHERAN TEMECULA BRINGS PUPPET MINISTRY TO SVLC! Hope’s Puppeteers, Hands of Hope and Fingers of Faith, have joined together along with the new Youth Music Group to create one amazing show and one awesome summer tour! It’s called the Revolution Music Tour, and during the week of June 12 - June 17 we will share our gifts of music and puppetry to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to southwest Riverside County and San Diego County. Our adventure will take us them to seven churches, two preschools and to the Ronald MacDonald House in San Diego - nine shows in six days!

This year’s musical, Marvelous Light, is an original musical written by Nataly Talka, a Hope member and member of Fingers of Faith. This is the story of God’s Light – lost, found, and shared! It will feature contemporary songs. See them at SVLC on Sunday, June 13.

Please pray for the directors, Bekkah Weinberger, Youth Music Group; Shirley Lee, Puppeteer director; Pastor Brian; the parent chaperones, the members of the Youth Music Group; and the puppeteers as we tour this summer.

The Hands of Hope performing at 2009 Synod Assembly in Riverside

Stewardship Note of the month:

Stewardship is at the heart of Christian life. When we get our money into perspective, much of the rest of the Christian life falls into place.

SVLC Vistas The Season after Pentecost June 2010

WILLIAM WALTER KRUEGER December 6, 1912 – May 16, 2010

William (Bill) Krueger was born in Fairfax, South Dakota. His father, Fredrick was an immigrant from Germany and his mother, Otilla was an immigrant from Russia. Bill was the middle child in a family of 11 children and was raised on a farm. After high school, he joined the Army and served for four years. Upon leaving the military, he relocated to Minneapolis, Minnesota where he met and married his wife Irene. Shortly after their marriage, they moved to San Diego to take advantage of the warm weather and job opportunities. They began their family in 1941 with the birth of their first son, DuWayne and a second son, Richard, followed in 1945.

After working for a defense contractor during World War II, Bill began what turned out to be a long career as a truck driver. The majority of that time was spent with a small family owned trucking company whose primary customer was the telephone company. He spent the last ten years of his working career as a truck driver for the city of San Diego and retired in 1987. After retirement, he and his wife became active volunteers for the Salvation Army and were selected as San Diego County volunteers of the year. As a couple, they worked with the Salvation Army for almost 25 years only stopping when Irene became no longer able. He and Irene were married for 62 years before she passed in 2006. Bill loved sports and being a show off. As a youth in high school and in the Army he was involved in both basketball and baseball. As an adult, he was loved to bowl and was both a Padres and a Chargers fan. At the Salvation Army, he was known for the wild short and shirt outfits that his wife made for him. One of his biggest goals was to live longer than his grandfather which he accomplished earlier this year when he turned 97.

Bill leaves behind two sons, six grandchildren and seven great grandchildren who will miss both his sense of humor and the amazement of how long he was able to stay active and physically fit.

Bill’s memorial service took place on Saturday, May 22 here at Shepherd of the Valley.

Our Welcoming Family in Christ…


Thank you evangelists...

to Becca Ajer for preaching on May 23. We continue to keep her, her family And the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (where she is studying) in our prayers.

Dear Beth, Dave, Doug, Tommy and our Brothers and Sisters at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church, Thank you for the beautiful Prayer Quilt! You have touched my heart. Your prayers mean so much and are a balm on my soul as we are traveling on this part of our journey. We keep you in our prayers too. God loves you and so do we,

Karen and David

Does anyone have a room or small apartment for rent, or need house sitters? A young Lutheran married couple from Florida (Yes, there are Lutherans in Florida, and young ones) found us through "Lutheran" connections. Veterinarian grad student and her husband on a summer internship need a place to stay in San Diego for 3 months. If you can help them, please contact the church office.

to Pastor Darin Johnson for preaching on May 30. We continue to keep him, his family and Lutheran Campus Ministry (Agape House) in San Diego in our prayers.

The Out to Lunch Bunch is meeting at Tyler’s Taste of Texas, 576 North Second St., El Cajon, CA 92021 at 1:00pm on Thursday, June 17. Questions? Call Donna Sass.

SVLC Vistas The Season after Pentecost June 2010


…Celebrating Our Many Gifts

And speaking of reading... Just a quick notice that all are welcome at the Read ‘em and Eat group. We meet at noon on the last Wednesday of every month. Join us for tasty food and lively conversation. Call Lois Hellberg for more information.

This Month at the ABC Barn Children’s Place…

The Pre-K “Graduation” Ceremony will be on Thursday, June 10 at 10am for students who will be going to kindergarten in the Fall. Come brighten your day and theirs. Quite possibly the cutest thing you’ve ever seen!

End-of-the-school year celebration will be on Thursday, June 17th at 9:30am to 12:30pm. We will have a cartoonist, a bouncy house, face painting, and pizza! All students are invited to come and celebrate the end of the school year! Pancakes for Pops! Hey Dads, you’re invited! Join us at the ABC Barn on the new grass,

7-10am Friday morning, June 18 for Pancakes with Dads…as we celebrate you!

Summer Session begins Monday, June 21. School-age students (K-5th grade) will be going

on field trips every Wednesday. We have a fun and cool summer planned for them and we can't wait to get the summer started!

Book Exchange! There will be a Book Exchange on Sunday June 6th right after service. Bring books you have read and enjoyed to pass them onto others! Please sign up in the narthex so we can know how many people to expect. Bring your favorite salad too so we can have a little lunch and swap some books. Any unclaimed or excess books will be donated to a nearby nursing home.

Congratulations to SVLC Graduates!

Kimberly Gannon is graduating from Steele Canyon High School and will be attending Cuyamaca College.

Michael Durham is also graduating from Steele Canyon High School and will be attending the Air Force Academy. Matt Durham is graduating from the Air Force Academy.

Our Unsung Shepherd for June is... Carol Andersen! Have you ever wondered where we get our communion bread? Carol bakes it! How about the Sunday School? Where do we get the curriculum? Carol writes it! And who coordinates the teachers and supplies? Carol does that too! And those are just a few of the ways Carol has blessed us over the years. God Bless YOU Carol!

SVLC Vistas The Season after Pentecost June 2010

ABC BARN CHAPEL SCHEDULE All are welcome to join us at 9:30 am

Theme for June: SUMMER STORIES

Tues., June 8 – Jonah and the Whale June 14 – The Puppet Ministries of Hope Temecula! June 22 – The Good Samaritan June 28 – The Prodigal Son

Worship in the Center


The congregation has spoken and... In May SVLC worship attendees voted to have one combined Sunday worship service during the summer . So we'll see you at 9:30AM on Sunday, beginning June 13.


I’m So Glad Jesus Lifted Me -- ELW 860

In the early nineteenth century, African Americans were involved in the “Second Awakening.” They met in camp meetings and sang without any hymnbooks. Spontaneous songs were composed on the spot. As negro spirituals are Christian songs, most of them concern what the Bible says and how to live with the Spirit of God. They were mostly sung outside of churches, working in fields or elsewhere outdoors. Learn our June HOM by heart, and try singing it in the heat this summer!

MONTHLY LECTIONARY READINGS – These are the readings we’ll be hearing in church this month. You’re encouraged to read ahead, join the conversation @ bookoffaith.org, and/or come to one of our Bible Studies (see page 6).

SECOND SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST June 6, 2010 1 Kings 17:17-24 Psalm 30 (2) Galatians 1:11-24 Luke 7:11-17 THIRD SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST June 13, 2010 2 Samuel 11:26–12:10, 13-15 Psalm 32 (5) Galatians 2:15-21 Luke 7:36–8:3

FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST June 20, 2010 Isaiah 65:1-9 Psalm 22:19-28 (22) Galatians 3:23-29 Luke 8:26-39

FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST June 27, 2010 1 Kings 19:15-16, 19-21 Psalm 16 (8) Galatians 5:1, 13-25 Luke 9:51-62

UPDATE ON THE SVLC MINISTER OF MUSIC POSITION: The church council approved a job description in May, and the search has begun. We will be interviewing applicants through June, and are hoping to have a “Minister of Music” in place by late July or early August. Please keep our congregation and our leaders in your prayers as we move through this time of transition and through this very important process.

Also, please help us spread the word. (From the job description) We are seeking an energetic musician, who can draw the congregation into a worship experience that is authentic, relevant and meaningful…We desire someone with the openness and ability to play in various musical styles and liturgies, including but not limited to folk, blues, gospel, Taize and other global styles, praise, jazz, in addition to classic Lutheran hymnody, the “repertoire of our heritage.” Competitive salary, ~16 hours/week, both services and special services, directing choir/s, involving children, teaching, continuing education, and more. If you know anyone who is interested, please have them contact Pastor Dan for a full job description and application.

SVLC Vistas The Season after Pentecost June 2010

Serving and Sharing in Response Knots for Nets fundraiser for the Lutheran Malaria Initiative

The Lutheran Malaria Initiative, approved at the 2009 ELCA Churchwide Assembly, is an unprecedented collaborative effort among the ELCA, The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod and Lutheran World Relief to mobilize the nearly 8 million Lutherans in the United States to join the battle against malaria -- a preventable and treatable disease that kills more than one million people a year. The goal is to eradicate malaria.

An expression of our faith and of God's love for all, the Lutheran Malaria Initiative (LMI) will educate U.S. Lutherans about malaria, advocate for global health initiatives, and raise funds to help combat malaria. By combining proven field strategies, experience, expertise, and resources, LMI brings together a worldwide network of Lutheran congregations, partner churches, missionaries, and service providers in the fight against malaria.

Thanks to everyone who helped out with SVLC’s “Spring Sing” mission project at the Pacifica Assembly in May. The outing was a tremendous blessing to the people we visited (at five care centers in the San Diego area) and to the singers themselves. (We had close to 40 singers and drivers, about 1/3 of them from SVLC!) Look for information coming soon about a singing ministry at SVLC to schedule regular musical visits to our members at Collwood Terrace, Victoria Special Care, and other local care centers.


Farm Animals Task Force The monthly Work Day in June will be dedicated to refurbishing, cutting and painting new and old ABC Barn animals for our front fence. Come join the impromptu “Farm Animal Task Force” on Saturday, June 19. Breakfast will be served at 7:15, then there are lots of FUN projects to keep us busy for a few hours. Be there!

Quilting Blitz

Have you ever received a quilt? Given a quilt? Tied a quilt? If so, then this day is for you. We are going to have a day to say thank you to the amazing 3 women who have been tirelessly making quilts for the last few years. They need your help to keep up

with the growing demand for quilts and a little boost to know they are appreciated. If you can cut, iron, or sew we can use you. Lunch & Day Care provided. Coming July 17.

We tied 27 quilts in 2009 - in 2008 it was 36. Three women made those quilts. We will have tied 17 quilts for this year. Four women made those quilts. If one didn't eat, sleep, or do anything else, it would take 36+ hours to make one quilt.

SVLC is helping to raise funds with the Knots for Nets campaign. A ten dollar donation will provide one child in Africa with a treated bed net and preventive education to adults. For your donation, a hand-made bracelet (courtesy of LRCC) will be given to you. Wear it as a reminder that we together can protect one another.

SVLC Vistas The Season after Pentecost June 2010

Learning and Growing


Observe a few moments of silence each week this month to

remember and pray a prayer of lament for all life and threatened

life in the Gulf of Mexico.

The Sunday School will be “on vacation” for the summer, beginning June 6. We will honor our wonderful Sunday School Teachers on that Sunday: Many Thanks to Carol Andersen, Mary Grube, John Williams, Stefanie King and all of the fabulous helpers and subs this year.

“For God so Loved the World: Christianity and the Planet Earth” PASTOR’S CLASS continues in June. How might Lutheran Christians approach environmental issues? Join us for an exploration of the crossovers of Lutheran theology and ecology. 9:30 thru June 6, then at 8:15.

SVLC Bible Studies

Monday Night Bible Study

The Monday night Bible Study group takes a break for the summer, but from our Bible studies in May

we felt the Spirit nudging us deeper into community, and we are committing ourselves to reaching out to our own members -- particularly

those who we haven’t seen for some time -- through notes and phone calls through the

summer. We’d invite you all to make contact with someone with whom you’ve lost touch. God

is “shaking” our church closer together!

“When they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken; and they

were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God with boldness.” Acts 4:31

The Tuesday Morning Bible Study Group

continues our study with the Lutheran Women Today magazine. Meets at 10am in the

SVLC library.

What's Pastor Reading? NEW BOOK OF FESTIVALS AND



by Philip H. Pfatteicher

CONFIRMATION SUMMER TO FALL LINE-UP We continue to “surround ourselves with the stories”…

SUMMER 2010 -- OLD/NEW TESTAMENT “Prophets and Exile” -- June 12 -- Julian “Jesus and his Ministry” -- July 8 – Pacific Beach “Jesus, Death and Resurrection” – Balboa Park “Acts and the Early Church” -- July 29 -- TACO “The Letters of Paul”-- August 5 – San Diego Union-Tribune “The Jesus of History and the Christ of Faith” -- August 14 – Mission Bay

FALL 2010 -- REFORMATION/LUTHER’S SMALL CATECHISM (incoming & outgoing classes together!) “Ten Commandments” -- August 28 – San Diego Courthouse “Apostle’s Creed” -- September 11 – St. Paul’s Cathedral “Lord’s Prayer” -- September 25 – Mission Bay “Sacraments”-- October 16 -- TBA meet at church 9am CONFIRMATION SUNDAY -- OCTOBER 31, 2010 -- 10:30AM

Please keep our Confirmation Students in your thoughts and prayers as they travel, study and grow in the covenant of their baptism. And keep travelling, studying and growing in the covenant of yours!

SVLC will have our own recording of this amazing Assembly on DVD! Stay tuned for opportunities to see and hear engaging presentations, informational Bible Study, encouraging speeches, inspirational sermons and more!

SVLC Vistas The Season after Pentecost June 2010

Report on the Pacifica Synod Assembly in May

As a Shepherd of The Valley voting member at the 23rd Annual Gathering, I was both humbled and inspired as I witnessed the many ways in which the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is reaching out to serve the needs of others in the name of Christ. Whether it is helping fight malaria in Africa where 1000 people, mostly children die each year of this preventable disease, rebuilding in New Orleans where the needs are still so great, helping support The Invisible Children, feeding the homeless in San Diego or the many other missions in which we are involved, the ELCA is there.

Presiding Bishop of the ELCA Mark Hanson led us in an uplifting worship service stressing the need to be together in Christ in every part of our lives. In Bible Study the Reverend Andrea DeGroot-Nesdahl provided insights into the way The Book of Acts remains relevant to our lives today. Synod Bishop Murray Finck, re-elected to a 4th term, spoke to the need to restructure and rebuild in our synod following a year of disharmony rising from decisions made at last year's gathering. We remain strong in our faith and in our organization. Both he and Bishop Hanson stressed that the time is here to stop focusing on our disagreements and celebrate our unity in the mission of Christ.

Those at the gathering were especially joyful at the presence of over 50 members representing our Lutheran Youth Organization. LYO also crafted a well thought out resolution to establish in each congregation an active program to protect our children from abuse. This was overwhelmingly adopted by the assembly.

Yours in Christ, Barbara Norton

Connecting Beyond Ourselves in Mission for Christ


THANK YOU FROM TACO Wow! A HUGE thank you to everyone who supported Empty Bowls. TACO raised over $11,000 and counting! Thank you to Lynn Render and Kathleen Sorahan who worked tirelessly to make this event a huge success. We are so blessed by those who give so much of their time and of themselves. We had a great group of people from the Pacifica Synod Assembly who came down to TACO to help serve an extra bagged lunch on Friday afternoon on May 7th. Thank you also to the volunteers who came back extra just to help these people serve. We posted a sign that morning that we would have an extra meal and served 75 people! That is with almost no advertising at all!! The volunteers were from San Diego and Orange County who are interested in and currently serving the poor in their communities. It was a wonderful group to be with and they were very excited about the work that happens here.

We are short on men’s socks. New, athletic-style socks are best * Again, thank you for your support of TACO through all that you do. Rachel Line, TACO Volunteer Coordinator

* Hey, SVLC! Look for the TACO Socks Box reappearing in a narthex near you... Let's fill it up again quickly!

As Common Ground wraps up another school year we give thanks to Barbara Norton, who serves as our liaison to Bancroft Elementary. Time and again Barbara has "come to the rescue" to serve the needs of the students and teachers. End-of-Year events included book distribution, teacher appreciation, the Girls' Tea and Gentleman's Lunch. Thanks also to the many who help Barbara and donate to this ministry.

SVLC Vistas The Season after Pentecost June 2010

Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church 10842 Fury Lane La Mesa, CA 91941 - 7305 Phone: (619) 670-7656 web: www.svlc.org email: svlc.lamesa@gmail.com

Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church Our vision: Extending God's welcome to all we meet along the way.

Rev. Daniel Roschke, Pastor Office 670-7656 pastor.dan.svlc@gmail.com Mrs. Judy Ellingson, Parish Administrator Office 670-7656 Mr. Ron Blake, ABC Barn Director Office 670-3898

Sunday Worship Services - 8:15am and 10:30am, Sunday School thru June 6

Beginning June 13, NEW! Summer Schedule 9:30 am Nursery care provided for young children.

Catch us now on Facebook and Twitter under the name SVLC La Mesa.

Please send corrections/additions to Vistas to the Vistas Editor, Alvin Fenner: alvinf.svlc@gmail.com

And Guess What? The 50th Anniversary of SVLC is just a year away! Contact the church office if you would like to help plan the celebration -- And start gathering your photos, mementos and memories...

Did You Know? Violet Erie was a ballet, tap, and ballroom dancer? Did you know that Vicki Wilson is a painter? Did you know that Mark Campillo is a poet? And we’ve had a surge of artistic inspiration this recent Pentecost season!

Don't Forget...the first Sunday food drive on June 6. Bring non-perishable food to SVLC for the pantry at Crisis House. Many families struggle during the summer months when schools are closed and lunch programs are not available – so pick up some extra groceries on your next shopping trip.
