JUPITER By: Rebecca Langman. Jupiter’s Symbol Jupiter’s Origins Named after the Roman god of...


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By: Rebecca Langman

Jupiter’s Symbol

Jupiter’s Origins

Named after the Roman god of the sky and the heavens, Jupiter.

This is because of it being the biggest planet.

Discovery of Jupiter

Galileo Galilei was the first to see Jupiter. He discovered it when he found four

large moons orbiting Jupiter. He discovered it with his rudimentary


Jupiter’s measurments

Mass: 1.898x10^24 Volume: 1,431,281,810,739,360 Km^3 Density: 1.33 grams per cubic

centimeter Jupiter would sink in a body of water Gravity: 24.79 m

Jupiter’s atmosphere

Made up of mostly hydrogen 10% of helium Little amounts of ammonia, sulfur,

methane and water vapor. Very thick atmosphere


Order from the sun: 5th Distance from the sun: 741 Km/4.95 AU Distance from Earth: 628,743,036 to

928,081,020 Km


It varies to -108.15 degrees Celsius to 35,500 degrees Celsius.

That is -7.21 times the temperature of earth and -4.9 times the temperature of Florida.

Composition and appearance Jupiter is a gas giant, so it doesn’t have

a rocky surface. It is made up of liquid molecular

hydrogen, liquid metallic hydrogen, rock and ice.

Jupiter is very large and is a bone/orange color. It has streaks of red and spots of brown.


Jupiter’s rings are dark and faint. They are made of rock and dust. They were discovered in 1980. There are three rings.


On Jupiter, water is found in the form of water vapor.


The weather is very cold and there a frequent storms.


Jupiter has 67 moons and they were discovered in 1979.

They are small, 6.2 miles in diameter.

What if a human traveled to Jupiter?

A human being would be crushed by the gravity.

They would also be poisoned by the atmosphere and would be absorbed.

Something special

There 100 year long storms on Jupiter! One famous storm, which was named

the red spot, has been going on for at least 400 years.


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