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Bioethics and Health Law

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Tergopoh-gopoh.....!!!!ETHICSTHE DISCIPLINE DEALING WITH WHAT IS GOOD AND BAD AND WITH MORAL DUTY AND OBLIGATION (Websters).ETHICS OFFERS CONCEPTUAL TOOLS TO EVALUATE AND GUIDE MORAL DECISION MAKINGMEDICAL ETHICS IS A DISCIPLINE / METHODOLOGY FOR CONSIDERING THE IMPLICATIONS OF MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY / TREATMENT AND WHAT OUGHT TO BE (Univ of Washington School of Medicine)BioetikaStudi interdisipliner tentang problem yang ditimbulkan oleh perkembangan di bidang biologi dan ilmu kedokteran, termasuk dampaknya thd masyarakat luas serta sistem nilainya, kini dan masa mendatang.Lebih luas dibanding hanya sekedar etika klinik / etika kedokteranSelalu berpedoman pada kaidah dasar moralPenting ????? ethical issues raised by the rapid advances in science and their technological applications should be examined with due respect to the inherent dignity of the human person and universal respect for, and observance of, human rights and fundamental freedoms .UDBHR (2005)Penting ?????3 topik kunci masa depan :InternetBioetikGlobal warmingJacques chirac (2001)BackgroundTuskegee siphilis expNazi Human exp Technological advances in such diverse areas as organ transplantation and end-of-life care Cloning, stem cells therapyetc1927 : Fritz Jahr The term Bioethics (Greek bios, life; ethos, behavior) "anticipated many of the arguments and discussions now current in biological research involving animals" in an article about the "bioethical imperative," as he called it, regarding the scientific use of animals and plants.1970 : Van Rensselaer "global ethics," a discipline representing a link between biology, ecology, medicine and human values in order to attain the survival of both human beings and other animal species.1970s, bioethical think tanks and academic bioethics programs had emerged. Among the earliest such institutions were the Hastings Center (originally known as The Institute of Society, Ethics and the Life Sciences), founded in 1969 by philosopher Daniel Callahan and psychiatrist Willard Gaylin, and the Kennedy Institute of Ethics, established at Georgetown University in 1971The publication of Principles of Biomedical Ethics by James F. Childress and Tom Beauchampthe first American textbook of bioethicsmarked a transformative moment in the discipline.

Medical humanitiesMedical humanities is an interdisciplinary field of medicine which includes the humanities (literature, philosophy, ethics, history and religion), social science (anthropology, cultural studies, psychology, sociology), and the arts (literature, theater, film, and visual arts) and their application to medical education and practiceBiotechnologyMedical Science & technologyCloning - technologyReligionLocal wisdomOther contextual featuresAutonomyBeneficenceNon MaleficenceJusticeEthical dilemmaEthical breachesEthical conflictMedical intervention

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