Keeping Fit and Active Health- Chapter 4. What does the S is SAFE stand for? sleep


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Keeping Fit and ActiveHealth- Chapter 4

What does the S is SAFE stand for?


What do we call movement that uses energy?

Physical activity

Exercise that prepares your heart and muscles to work hard.


Ability to bend and twist comfortably


Using your muscles for a long period of time without them getting tired

Muscular endurance

What does the E in SAFE stand for?


Guidelines on ways to build fitness

Activity pyramid

What activity is this? How often should it be done?

Strength and flexibility; weight lifting, dance, crunches. 2-3 times per week

Exercise that increases your

heart rate for at least 20 min.

Aerobic exercise

What does the A in SAFE stand for?


Exercise that uses up the oxygen in your muscles faster than the body

can replace it

Anaerobic exercise

Ability to use your muscles to lift, pull, or push.

Muscular strength

Having a healthy circulatory system is known as

Cardiovascular fitness

What activity is this? How often should it be done?

Light exercise; playtime, yard work, soft ball. 2-3 times per week

What is one benefit of physical activity?

Feeling more relaxedHealthy weight

Good cardiovascular fitness

Give examples of safety equipment

Helmet, shin guards, knee pads, shoulder pads, chest protector, mouth guard,

elbow pads

What does the F in SAFE stand for?

Healthful food choices

What 3 things do you do as part of the fitness test?

Sit-and-reach, crunches, and the one mile run

What activity is this? How often should it be done?

Regular Activities; walking, taking the stairs, housework. Everyday

List two physical activities that you could do in the winter?

Ice-skating, sledding, skiing, and building snow sculptures

What happens to your body while you sleep?

Repairs old cells, fights infection, and build new cells

Lower self esteem is a benefit of physical activity.


True or False

List two physical activities that you could do in the summer?

Swimming, beach volleyball, biking, etc.

What activity is this? How often should it be done?

Sitting still; small amount of time

What do we call the large, flat muscle that helps pull and push

air into and out of your lungs


Name an aerobic exercise

BicyclingRunning/joggingWalking quickly

What activity is this? How often should it be done?

Aerobic Exercise; biking, running, swimming, soccer, hiking. 2-3 times per week for 30 min.

Name an anaerobic activity

StretchingWeight lifting


What would you use to help build a fitness plan?

Activity pyramid