Kentucky Pest News, November 12, 2013


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  • 8/14/2019 Kentucky Pest News, November 12, 2013



    Number 1362 November 12, 2013


    Stunted Pines and Brown Needles: Diplodia Tip

    BlightNicole Ward Gauthier, Extension Plant Pathologist

    Diplodia tip blight is a serious disease of matureAustrian, Scots (Scotch), and Mugo pines inKentucky. The disease is caused by the fungus

    Sphaeropsis sapinea. In the landscape, tip blight isnormally not observed until pines reach about 12

    years old and begin to bear cones. Continuousinfections (3 to 5 consecutive years) can greatlyweaken and eventually kill affected pines.

    Infection occurs in spring; however, diseasesymptoms (Figure 1) become more obvious in mid-to late-summer and fall. Needles in early stages ofdevelopment stop growing as a result of shootinfections. These stunted needles eventually die andturn straw-colored (Figure 2). Infection progresses to

    healthy needles and cones (Figure 3).

    Disease Management

    Apply fungicides (chlorothalonil,propiconazole, or thiophanate methyl) to

    trees just as buds swell in spring. Apply asecond spray when the candles are about half

    elongated and a third spray as needles beginto emerge from the needle sheaths.

    Remove and destroy dead twigs, branches,and cones as they occur. Do not prune whentrees are wet.

    Destroy all blighted needles, twigs, andcones debris as they fall to the ground. Thefungus overwinters in debris, especially

    infected cones and diseased needles.

    Trees under stress tend to be moresusceptible to tip blight. Fertilize and water

    trees as needed to promote vigor.

    Lexington, KY 40546

    LANDSCAPE TREES-Stunted Pines and Brown Needles: Diplodia Tip



    -RecurringPythiumin the Greenhouse


    Figure 1.

    Symptoms of

    Diplodia tip blight.
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    Figure 2. Stunted needles turn a straw-color.

    Figure 3. Cones may also become infected with the Diplodia tip

    blight fungus.

    For more information on tip blight or pine diseases:

    Needle Cast Diseases of Conifers

    5.pdf Twig, Branch, and Stem Diseases of Pine

    Department of Plant Pathology, ExtensionPublication page


    Recurring Pythiumin the Greenhouse

    Nicole Ward Gauthier, Extension Plant Pathologist

    One of our local greenhouse growers struggled withPythium infections in pansy earlier this year. Now,

    poinsettia are infected with the same rootrotting/damping off fungus (Figures 4 to 7).

    So, why wouldPythiumbe a recurring problem?Simple. Sanitation.

    Sanitation is critical for greenhouse production,landscapes, orchards, and gardens. In this

    greenhouse, fungal propagules are obviouslyspreading via debris, hoses, shoes, tools, drainagewater, and more. Also,Pythiumfavors soillessmixes, where there's no competition. Growers shouldverify that potting mix is not contaminated and that

    containers are sterilized before reuse.

    Moreover, greenhouses must be disinfested betweencrops, so that disease-causing propagules are notcarried over from one crop to another.

    Once a greenhouse is infested withPythium,fungicides are required for disease management. A

    single fungicide application will not be sufficient tomanage disease, so a regular schedule should be

    employed. Rotate fungicides by FRAC group (mode

    Figure 4.



    due to


    root rot

    results in

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    Figure 5. Pythium root rot causes a discoloration and decay of

    the small absorptive roots (feeder roots).

    of action), avoiding two consecutive applications of

    any particular group and observing maximumnumbers of applications per season. Fungicideseffective againstPythiuminclude:

    mefenoxam (Subdue MAXX) FRAC 4 etridiazole (Truban/Terrazole) FRAC 14 propamocarb (Banol) FRAC 28 dimethomorph (Stature) FRAC 40 phosphorus acids (Aliette, Alude, Vital)

    FRAC 33

    etridiazole + thiophanate methyl (Banrot)FRAC 14 + 1

    For more information on disease management ofpoinsettia or other greenhouse crops:

    Greenhouse Sanitation

    Fungicides for Management of Diseases inCommercial Greenhouse Ornamentals

    Poinsettia Diseases

    Figure 6. Infections cause the outer layer of the root (cortex)

    to easily strip off, leaving a narrow core of inner vascular


    Figure 7. Infections can extend up the stem.
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    Julie Beale and Brenda Kennedy, Plant DiseaseDiagnosticians

    Recent samples diagnosed in the Plant DiseaseDiagnostic Lab have included anthracnose crown rot

    on alfalfa; bitter rot on apple; brown heart fromboron deficiency on turnip; white leaf spot(Mycosphaerella) on Chinese cabbage; tomatospotted wilt virus on greenhouse tomato; Pythiumroot/stem rot on poinsettia; Cercospora leaf spot on

    hydrangea; Botyrosphaeria canker on ash; tip blighton pine; and Rhizosphaera needlecast on spruce.

    Note: Trade names are used to simplify the information

    presented in this newsletter. No endorsement by the

    Cooperative Extension Service is intended, nor is criticism

    implied of similar products that are not named.