Kerry Kirkwood Chair of Governors - Hartford High … Kirkwood – Chair of Governors Principal at...


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Kerry Kirkwood – Chair of Governors

Principal at Sir John Deane’s Sixth Form since 2012. I have been a Governor at

Hartford Church of England High since 2012. I have been a teacher in secondary

and sixth form education for almost 30 years and it continues to be a great

privilege and joy to work in partnership with children and young people in order to

support them to reach their full potential. I have been a Governor at three schools,

one primary and two secondary schools, I find the role incredibly rewarding.

Ruth Stanley – Vice Chair of Governors

A Governor since 2009 and a member of the Governing Body who was successfully involved in the decision to make the school a Voluntary Aided Church of England High School. I am currently Vice Chair of Governors and previously Chair of the Premises and Pay Committees. Born in Northwich I spent 25 years in the City of London as a NatWest Corporate Business Development Manager and have found the challenges and disciplines of governorship to be most rewarding. I am proud to be a governor at Hartford Church of England High School and will continue to be actively involved in promoting school value

Hilary Agar I became a Foundation Governor in October 2016 when the Governing Body was reorganised to reflect the Church of England status. I am a retired registered nurse having worked in nurse teaching and latterly in health promotion in general practice. I have been a magistrate in Cheshire for over 30 years gaining much experience in both criminal and family jurisdictions. Alongside the governing body I have elected to become a member of the school's welfare committee and am looking forward to using any transferable skills acquired as a nurse and as a magistrate.

Tracey Ames Tracey Ames was a parent governor at Hartford High school and became a Foundation Governor in 2012 Tracey is the lead governor for Child Protection. She is a member of Christchurch and works as an employed barrister.

Helen Barber I have lived in Hartford for 30 years and am delighted to have this opportunity to support and serve Hartford Church of England High School as a Foundation Governor. I currently work as the Education Officer at Chester Cathedral where I manage school visits from many and various schools as well as leading on Safeguarding. Prior to this I taught for over 30 years as a Secondary School teacher holding responsibility in both pastoral and curriculum arenas and teaching across all key stages.

Michael Calloway I was elected as a Parent Governor in September 2015 and I seek to reflect the views of pupils and parents. My approach is to adopt a challenging and questioning attitude in evaluating the work of the School and the School’s performance data so that Governors are sufficiently informed to work in partnership with the Head, and his leadership team, to provide strategic direction to help deliver high standards of education and achievement. By way of my background and relevant competencies, I am the vice-chair of the Hartford Manor CP School governing body and chair of its sub-committee addressing Teaching, Learning, Standards and Behaviour. My professional competencies require me to undertake review and challenge of complex contractual, strategic and

technical plans and costs in a highly technical industry.

Michael Holland (Headteacher) I started work at Hartford High School in 2000 as Deputy Headteacher. In 2005 I was appointed Headteacher and, along with the governing body, I led the school through the process of becoming a Church of England school in 2012. I’m passionate about ensuring excellence in all that we do at Hartford and I’m proud to work on such a pro-active, caring and talented governing body.

Jeremy Hunns I have lived in Hartford for almost 25 years, having moved to the area with work (ICI back then). I am a chemical engineer by training and after working for ICI and subsequently ABB in a variety of roles, I moved to National Grid where I am responsible for developing and managing the compression strategy for the Gas Transmission business. I am a Lay Reader at St John’s and involved with leading services and preaching there as well as being actively involved with three rural parishes near to Whitchurch. Having benefited from an excellent secondary and university education I am passionately committed to an education system that allows all children to flourish and to achieve their potential across the whole of the ability spectrum. My wife and I have three children, the youngest of whom will be starting at Hartford Church of England High School this coming September.

Caroline Mackenzie I have worked in education ever since leaving school myself! As a local primary Headteacher of a church school and a regular worshipper at St John’s, Hartford, I believe that it is important to encourage pupils’ spiritual growth as well as their academic achievement. I am dedicated to ensuring that quality experiences are provided through education, which ensure that all young people reach their full potential, becoming confident, resilient and caring. I am enthusiastic and dynamic; and am very much looking forward to working with the rest of the governing body and staff to build on the good aspects within the school and help to take the school forward.

Paul Marklove A Staff Governor since 2012, I have taught at Hartford Church of England High School, for the last 10 years. I began my career as an NQT PE teacher in 2004, having graduated with a BA (Hons) degree and then PGCE in Secondary Sport from Middlesex University and Liverpool John Moores University respectively. A year later I then became our School Sports Coodinator , responsible for the development of primary school staff and pupil engagement within our local cluster primaries. This has led to a fantastic Hartford Church of England High School accolade, awarded by the Youth Sport Trust, of being one of only 27 schools in the country which have been awarded Gold standard for the last four consecutive years, since its inception for our high level of participation and competitive engagement within all areas of school sport. I am also an active member of Barnton Community Nursery & Primary School, Parents in Partnership Committee where my daughter currently attends. This role brings a valuable link between the parents and school allowing a positive channel of communication to enhance pupil development with parental support.

Ian Mills I am now partially retired, still do some part time consultancy work. Before that I worked for a large conglomerate IT company in a number of roles, both professional and managerial. I have been a Governor at Hartford High, both with and without the CoE, for so long that I can’t remember exactly, it has to be nearly 30 years now. I believe good Governance is vital to a happy and successful school. I see the Governor’s role as one of oversight and direction not day to day management. To do this properly is both harder and more onerous than it sounds. I am thankful for the efforts of my fellow Governors in achieving the changes and progress we have made.

Richard Morris

My name is Richard Morris and I have been a governor at the school since 2012. I

have a daughter at the school in Year 10 and my son will be joining the school in

September 2016. I have experience and interest in the financial, buildings and

maintenance areas of the school and I work as a Facilities Manager for the Church of

England locally. I am also vice chair of governors at Hartford Manor primary school,

again with a focus on finance and buildings. I live near to the school and am

involved with local organisations that provide great opportunities for the community

such as Northwich cricket club as well as assisting in running local events particularly

the Hartford Christmas fair. My current and past employment has developed my

skills in financial, project and facilities management which I bring to my role as a


Heidi Nickson I graduated from Cardiff University with a 2:1 in Business Administration. I joined my family business (Forresters) in 1996, and have seen the company transform from a turnover of just over £1 million to its current turnover of £50 million. Originally we had a staff of 30 people and primarily specialised in cutting raw chicken. We now employ 185 staff, and supply mainly fresh cooked chicken to the retail sectors (such as Aldi, Lidl and Iceland). Forresters was and still is owned by our family. My father retired 8 years ago, and now it is run by myself, my brother and our Sales Director. As I have seen the business grow from its infancy, I have experienced all aspects of the business. I have spent time in Sales, Purchasing, Finance, Quality Assurance, Personnel and production. We are proud to be a local business, employing staff from our surrounding area. I love working with my team, most of whom have grown with the business. As I have spent many years in various departments within the business, I feel that my knowledge and skill set is very rounded, and may be of value in all aspects of school life and governorship. Running a school, is in many ways similar to running a business.

Revd Carol Seddon I have always had a strong interest in education and I began my working life as a full time secondary school music teacher, During this time I married David and we had four children. In order to gain more flexibility in my life, I started my own music teaching and performing business. Twenty years ago I went into prison ministry where I worked with young offenders as a full time chaplain. Nine years ago I transferred into parish ministry and became Vicar at Holy Trinity and St Luke's Northwich. During this time I have visited Hartford Church of England High School to take assemblies and have thoroughly enjoyed meeting the pupils I have always been aware of the challenges of educating people of all ages. The world and its demands are constantly changing and challenging us. For me the role of those who seek to bring the benefits of a good education to others must include understanding the culture and needs of those we are teaching but also seeking to expand these horizons. I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible. Revd Carol Seddon Vicar of Holy Trinity Castle and St Luke's Winnington

Rev Mike Smith I have been involved as a minister at the high school since arriving in Hartford parish

in 2001, including regularly conducting assemblies through the years. I was a Local

Authority governor prior to the school’s change to VA status and as the Vicar of

Hartford now serve as an ex-officio member of the governing body. I have been a

governor at the school for around 10 years in total. I am also Chair of Governors at

Hartford Manor Community Primary school.

Enid Barlow I am a retired mathematics and science teacher who has worked in a variety of schools in Cheshire. I have been an active member of Northwich swimming club both as a swimmer and treasurer and I am now a keen supporter and volunteer with Northwich Rowing Club, giving me valuable experience of our young people. I have been a governor at Hartford for over 20 years with a keen interest in the finance and welfare off the school.

Maurice McBride I was born in Portsmouth and after school I studied Mechanical Engineering at Cardiff University. My first job was in the telephone industry working on the design team of the first push button telephones. After a couple of years, I decided on a career change and joined the Royal Navy as a Helicopter pilot. I served at all the Naval Air Stations, flew many different types of helicopters, served on several ships and saw a lot of the world. I also spent a lot of time teaching new pilots in the classroom, in helicopters and in simulators. I left the Navy after 16 years, although I continued to fly helicopters with the Navy reserve for a further 12 years, and went into civil aviation as an airline pilot. I flew Boeing 757s and 767s for First Choice flying from Manchester to all the usual holiday destinations and occasionally further afield. I retired 6 years ago. I moved into Hartford in 1990 and became a Governor as soon as my daughter started at primary school and became a governor at Hartford High School in 2002. I am currently Chairman of the Finance and Resources Committee.

Mrs Sue Mills - Associate Governor Responsible for Pupil Premium Achievement

I am ‘Mum’ of 2 boys, currently in Year 7 and Year 11. I am delighted to have the opportunity to work with Hartford’s Governors, to ensure positive outcomes for all our children. I am the Head Teacher of Cuddington Primary School, having been a Head of a Primary School in Frodsham. I was the Deputy Head Teacher at Sandiway Primary for 7 years before this. My experience of school leadership is extensive, where I have particular passions for P.E and Sport, Special Educational Needs and the achievement of children who are in receipt of Pupil Premium.

Cuddington Primary School Responsibilities include; Safeguarding Lead, Educational Visits Lead, SENDCo (Special Educational Needs and Disability), Quality of Teaching and Learning, Quality of Leadership and Management.
