Key Stage 4 Information Evening Lady Lumley’s Loves Learning


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Key Stage 4 Information Evening

Lady Lumley’s Loves Learning

Dave Brailsford’s philosophy

“Firstly, you need a team with the skills and motivation to succeed”

“Secondly, you need to understand what you want to achieve”

“Thirdly, you need to understand where you are now”

“Then, you need to put a plan in place to see how you can get from where you are now to what you want to achieve”

“Also, it’s important to understand the ‘aggregation of marginal gains’.  Put simply….how small improvements in a number of different aspects of what we do can have a huge impact to the overall performance of the team

Information Evening Outcomes

To understand targets-where they come from and how we use them.

To understand the importance of life and work during KS4.

To understand the importance of work experience in planning for the future.

To have a better knowledge of what is available in Sixth Form/post-16.

Key Stage 4 – “Understand where you are now”

New courses New challenges

Key Stage 4 – where do you want to be and how are you going to get there?

Richard Bramley– Headteacher-Target Setting

Lorraine Phippen Deputy Headteacher-Key Stage 4 Student Support

Laura Mead - Work Experience

James Ambrose- Assistant Headteacher and Head of Sixth Form

Target Setting

Target Setting is based on ? Talk to the person next to you.

Where do you think targets come from?

Target Setting is always based on

The relationship


past performance and

future performance.

What you did in the past is an

INDICATOR of how well you

will do in the future.

Past performance and Future performance

For a large sample of p


KS2 versus KS4 scores

In the next slide, Key Stage 2 scores are

compare to Key Stage 4 scores .

These are for the same students over a

space of 5 years.

The scores Fred Bloggs got in his KS2 test in

1999 are compared to Fred’s KS4 scores in


KS2 average point score



4 ac



nt s


KS2 average point score


4 av


e po



eKS4 versus KS2 average point score - England

There is relationship between past and future exam performance

KS2 average point score


4 av


e po



eKS4 versus KS2 average point score - England

There is relationship between past and future exam performance

Thinking Time

Any surprises?

Anything in what you've heard you didn’t know already?

Anything you don’t believe?

Why bother setting targets?

Whole School Level

Subject Level

Student Level (the most important)

KS2 to KS4 – the real picture

The next slide shows every student in Lady

Lumley’s young person's KS4 scores plotted

against the expected KS4 score based on

their KS2 scores from 5 years earlier.

What do you expect it to look like?

This is actual data about Lady Lumley’s students from 2010.

Expected KS4 score calculated from KS2 average point score

Negative value-added

Positive value-added


Targets are not a PREDICTION they are an


If you (as a student) and we (as teachers and

parents) are doing our job right, you should meet

your target and even exceed it.

Expected KS4 score calculated from KS2 average point score

All these people have exceeded their target grades

Target Setting

Where do the Targets come from?

We use a national system for setting targets. This compares us with the top 25% of

schools nationally Predicts a student’s GCSE grades based

upon their prior attainment at Key Stage 2 and 3.

What does this mean for my child?

It is a guideline for your child’s attainment at GCSE.

Students and teachers can strive to exceed targets.

Two assessed pieces of work every half term enable us to track student performance closely.

Students who are showing signs of struggling in a subject can be identified more readily and supported.


All exams will take place at the end of the course and form part of the overall GCSE grade.

It is important that you know the dates of any exams and controlled assessments and avoid booking holidays or medical appointments.

Controlled Assessments

Controlled assessments have replaced coursework in many subjects.

The assessments are carried out under exam style conditions, throughout the course.

The results count towards the final GCSE grade.

Student Support Team in Key Stage 4

Subject Teachers Subject Leaders Form Tutors Pastoral Support- Sarah Monkman Attendance – Natalie Lazenby

What happens if there is a concern about a student in a subject?

Subject Teacher

• Intervention at classroom level- discussion with the student about the issue. Work with the student to improve the situation. Possible attendance at drop-in sessions

• If the student continues to be a concern the Key Stage 4 Student Monitoring Form is used to alert Subject Leaders for further intervention

• The student planner should be used for communication with home.

Subject Leader

A meeting with the student to discuss the concerns and agree targets for improvement.

Communication with home – phone call/letter.

Alert Student Support team and the Form Tutor

Issues to do with vocational courses are referred to Christian Walton

Form Tutor

The Form Tutor should have an overview of each student in their tutor group.

Through weekly planner checks and individual interviews and monitoring of the learning diary tutors will be able to keep a close check on progress.

Tracking and Monitoring Progress-How does this work?

Information from staff. Data generated through pieces of assessed

work each half-term.

Reporting Home- What does this tell me?

TARGET GRADE - the minimum grade that you should aim to achieve in the examinations at the end of Year 11. It is based both on prior attainment that is achieved at the end of Key Stages 2 and 3. 

CURRENT GRADE – the GCSE grade that you achieved based on actual assessed pieces of work. At this stage in Year 10 this may be lower than Target/Forecast.

FORECAST GRADE – the GCSE grade that your teachers expect you to achieve by the end of Year 11 based on performance so far. 

ATTITUDE TO LEARNING - Your attitude to learning. The grades are: 1 = excellent, 2 = good, 3 = some concerns, 4

= serious concerns

How do we use the information from reports?

To celebrate success

1. Postcards

2. Letters To reinforce interventions already in place

1. Meeting with student- tutor/student support

2. Mentoring

Further support

Fronter- Home Learning

Home Learning tasks on Fronter.

Check planners.

Drop-in sessions

During lunchtimes Advertised via bulletin boards and


How can parents/carers get involved?

Home Learning- check Fronter Check the planner- communicate with tutors/staff. Subject specific concerns- contact Subject Leaders-

contact details are in the information booklet. General concerns/questions- Sarah

Monkman/Lorraine Phippen Attend consultation evenings and Parent Forum

meetings Student attendance at school…….


This is SimonHe has 90% attendanceIs that good?What does this mean?


Simon thinks this is pretty good. So do his parents, are they right? 90%attendance = ½ day missed - every week!! (Would your boss like you to be off work this



Absent half a day every week


Lets look a little closer…..

1 school year at 90%

= 4 whole weeks of lessons MISSED!!


What impact might this have on Simon?

Research suggests that 17 missed school days a year = GCSE grade drop in achievement (DfES)

The greater the attendance the

greater Simon’s achievement.


The school wants to aim for a target of above 95%

Be part of the success story!

We want to work in partnership; the students,

parents and the school working together in

order to achieve the best possible outcomes

for each individual.


Work Experience

Thinking about the future…

Lady Lumley’s School Sixth Form

Why Further Education (FE)? Gain/consolidate transferable skills Greater independence Explore your interest in specific subjects Meet new people Improve your career prospects Improve your potential for earnings

What courses can I do?

Lots of choice!

At LLS Sixth Form we offer a wealth of Level 3 AS/2 and BTEC qualifications

Why LLS?

Excellent pastoral and academic care Quality teaching and learning experiences Terrific facilities Work Experience Personal Development Programme Comprehensive UCAS support Student Voice Enrichment Charities/fundraising Christmas Dinner!

Ensuring your success…

Why LLS?

Ensuring your success…

National ‘ALPS’ data shows four year trend of improvement at A Level standard

For three out of the last four academic years Lady Lumley’s School has achieved the highest points score per examination entry, at A Level standard, across the Ryedale Sixth Form partnership and compared to Scarborough Sixth Form College (DCFS data)

Entrance Requirements…

Minimum: 5 X A*-C Grades

An achievable target?


A Simple Message… Make the most of the opportunities that

present themselves Take responsibility for your future Build positive working relationships with

staff. Be happy and content! Enjoy success

Post 16 Opportunities-Raising Participation Age

Students, by law, must be in education or employment linked to training for at least two more years.

One day a week of accredited training.

“We are always striving for improvement, for those 1% gains, in absolutely every single thing we do.“

Dave Brailsford

Achievement - Something that has been accomplished, especially by hard work. (Collins English Dictionary)

These Students Achieved

