Khani New Final Project


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  • 7/29/2019 Khani New Final Project.



    1 Name of the company

    Synergy Media P.V.T Ltd.

    1.2 location of the works and registered office:

    94.3 My fm works in 7 states having 17 radio stations all over the India.

    Main Branch is in Noida.

    Registerd office address one Fm 94.3, B- 1 Sector-4,


    Other branches of 94.3 My fm are :-

    Madhya PradeshIndore, Bhopal, Jabalpur, GwaliorChhatisgarhRaipur, Bilaspur

    RajasthanJaipur, Jodhpur, Udaipur, Kota, Ajmer

    GujratAhmedabad, Surat

    PunjabChandigarh, Jallandhar, Amritsar


    1.3 Main business & product range / what services they provide.

    Synergy media pvt ltd 94.3 my fm is a service provider company. Radiocity does not produce any products. It can be divided into two.

    (A) primary :- Give advertisement on the radio and sell songs

    (B) secondary:- They make add and they make remixs of various songs.

    1.4 Form of organizations :-

    There are mainly three types oforganozations:-

    Sole proprietorship Partnership company

    (A)Sole proprietorship :-

    Sole proprietorship is the form of organization where there is solelyone owner of the business he mainly takes decision of the businessregistration of the firm is not mandatory any person with limited capital

    can start the business.

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    (B) Partnership:-

    Partnership is the form of organization where there are solely two orowners of organization decision are taken by the owners profit sharingratio is decided by the partners registration of the firm is mandatory andand partnership deed must be in written where each partners profitsharing ratio is mentioned. Need of capital in partnership type oforganization is more.

    (C) Company :-

    Company is the form of organization where there are solely largenumber of owner. Company is seprate legal entity from owner they are

    not same. Company is the child of law it can be ended by law.

    94.3 fm is the company form of organization

    94.3 my fm can be mainly classified into service company.

    company do not produce any product but only play songs and give add



    Organization is a system of co-perative activities of two or morepersons (chester Bernard)

    The establishment of authority relationships with the provision forco-orientation between them, both vertically and horizontically inthe enterprise structure. Koontz o Donnel

    Organization is the form of every human association for theattainment of a common purpose. Mooney and Reiley

    Organization Design

    Organization dessign is a formal, guided process for integrating thepeople, Information and technology of an organization. It is used to match thefrom of the organization closely as possible to the purposes the organizationseeks to achive. Through the design process, organizations act to improve theprobability that the collective efforts of members will be successful.

    Typically, design is approached as an internal change under the guidance

    of an external facilitator. Managers and members work together to define the

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    needs of the organization then creates system to meet those needs effectivel.The facilitator assures that a systematic process is followed and encouragescreative thinking.

    Organization is mainly flows in the hierarchy divieded into three parts

    Top management Middle level management Bottom level managemt.

    (a) Top level management

    Top mangemtn is responsible for the policy making appeal and review ofoperations consists of board of directors, manager, managing directors,managemt agent or secretaries, top level management consists of those whohave the authority to take important policy decisions. Top management isrefferd to as of highest level or director level. The person belonging to this levelneeds conceptual skill.

    The most important part and brain of organization is the top management.Top management consists of board of directors, companys president and vice

    president. Top management is the body responsible for policy making appeal


    RJ RJ RJ Schedular RJ


    Pro ramin HeadMusic Mana erCo Writer Promo Producer

    Marketin De artmentAdministrative De artmentProduction De artment

    Regional Head

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    and review of operations. The issue of instructions on the basis of policyformally laid down by the board of directors really constitutes the topmanagement. They also work as th communicator.

    Top level management consists of those who have the authority to takeimportant policy decisions. Top management is referred to as the highest level.

    The dgree of success of business unit mainly depends on th degree ofefficiency of its top level management.

    The top level management of 94.3 my fm Ahemadabad consists offollowing persons:-

    Regional manager Mr. Rahul joshiIn Ahemadabad 94.3 My fm at top level management is regional manager he

    is at the top level management he is at the top most in the hierarchy. Heexecutes all the task and manages every activity. He is responsible for thesuccess and failure of his company in Ahemadabad. Authority has beendelegated to him from his head office and he is liable for his work. He interactwith there big customer and deals with them on contract basis. He give idea ofinnovation like from September 2009 onwards all shows have been changed thisis due to him and his sincere efforts and his active participation in the work.

    (b) Middle level management:-

    Middle level management is an important link between the top level andthe lower level management. This level includes departmental heads, sectionalheads and experts. The work that is being done at this level is to establishharmony between the top and the bottom level management which is theprimary need for the accomplishments of enterprise objectives. At this level

    following functions are being performed.

    To implement the orders of the CEO. To prepare plans and budget for the department and present these before

    top level management.

    To take steps to increase efficiency and effectiveness of the workingdepartments.

    To help the top level management in policy decesions. To supervise the working of the department, get information, give

    directions and pass on the information to the top leve.

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    1.Copywriter is AditiCopywriter is the core person in middle level management

    because she writes advertisement which is played on radio.Genrally when client approaches company for add dependsupon product and seconds of add he wants to play on radio.She initiates the task by writing add.

    2. Promo producer:After the advertisement had been written only verbal part is

    over. In this sound effects and music is to be mixed thusafter add has been written and completed by promoproducer, he mixes sound effect and music in the add whichgives new life to it.

    3. Programming head :Programming head is the person who decides programme

    to be played on air on radio he decides what to speak and notto speak because care should be taken while speaking onradio one cant speak vulgarity on radio. Thus he is the

    person who program every shows.4.Music manager :

    Music manager decides which songs to play it depends

    upon the trend and program. After programming head deciedthe program when some space is left music manager replacethis place by song.

    5.Scheduler :The word schedule itself sounds like timetable during

    program 4 links are given to RJ (radio jockey) in 1 hour.

    Time of each link and how many songs are to be playedduring left time is decided by scheduler. Schedule isprepared in advance before the program. Scheduler has alsoright to change or edit the schedule.

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    (c) Bottom level management:-

    At this level effective work is being executed and hence it si also calledthe functional level. The supervisors at the bottom level are the representativesof the management. Following are the functions done by them:-

    To get instructions and orders and program for work from the sectionslofficers.

    To plan for the daily routine. To maintain proper human relations, so that the morale of the workers

    increases, co-operation is obtained and thir greviences is redressed.

    To consider about the training and development, promotion and transfersetc.

    The person in the Bottom level management are those who execute workwhat middle level has given to them. Here in radio city 94.3 my fm is nothaving any labor but bottom level consists of team of rjs (radio jockey). Theyspeak on air they interact with the real audience public.

    RJ Praban Kumar:-He brings government advertisement genrally government is having

    fix budget to spend on advertisement. Thus he motivates govt. departmentto give advertisement on radio for spreading some awareness eg. Swine


    RJ Tushar:-He interacts with the public and take interview of the celebrities

    recently he took interview of actor Shreyas Talpade. This interview are

    being played on radio on air.

    RJ Abijeet:-He is the person who is specialize in bringing add from corporate sector

    like Nirma, Reliance finance, Dharmdeep infrastructure, etc he convince

    them and make contract with them for giving add on radio. He also bringother outside add.

    1.5) Brief history of the organization :-

    History of the radio.

    The station was started by a young Swede, Nils-Eric Svensson, whohad studied radio and television in USA and had worked for a short period at

    the Swedish state run broadcasting company. "Sknes Radio Mercur" leased airtime from the Danish pirate radio stationRadio Mercur, that had started
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    broadcasting a few months earlier from aPanamaregistered ship "Cheeta",anchored ininternational watersbetweenCopenhagen, Denmark, andMalm,Sweden. The broadcasts were on theFMband, and covered only the denselypopulated southwestern part ofSweden.

    In 1958, recorded music was limited to 60 minutes per day by theSwedish Radio, and pop music was represented by two or three recordings. Thenew radio station played only music, accenting pop music, and was an instantsuccess, capturing 70 - 80% of the listeners during its limited broadcastinghours.

    History of MY FM 94.3

    The new wave of private FM radio which started in 1999 promptedthe group to make a foray in FM where the group decided to apply as a seriouscontender in the second round of license allotment by the Government.

    In order to utilize the immense print potential of the group in someof the major cities and towns of the country, the group strategically bid for 18licenses and won 17 out of them, the only one left out being Baroda.

    Synergy Media Entertainment Limited is a wholly owned companyof the Bhaskar group who has acquired these licenses in the 17 cities.

    History of the companys Ahemdabad branch

    Synergy Media Entertainment Limited (SMEL), a Bhaskar Groupcompany, has launched '94.3 MY FM, Dil Se' in Ahmedabad on July 21 2007.,to provide a whole new FM music experience. This is the sixth station of 94.3MY FM after Jaipur, Chandigarh, Jalandhar, Bhopal and Udaipur.

    Offering a bouquet of great music, interesting programs and tongue-in-cheek anecdotes, the new channel is a welcome change for the choice starvedcity that had only one FM channel since the past five years! MY FM is one of

    the most exciting brands in the radio space and has seen unprecedented successdue to its excellent understanding of the local market.

    Harrish M. Bhatia, Business Head, MY FM 94.3, We have a great

    customised offering designed to appeal to the people of Ahmedabad and I amsure that the channel will be a runaway hit. Ahmedabad is an important marketfor us and we are sure MY FM will be a great success. Media planners andadvertisers will find it easier to choose a radio station which helps them reachout to their target audience in 7 states and 17 cities".,_Denmark,_Denmark,_Denmark,_Sweden,_Sweden,_Sweden,_Sweden,_Sweden,_Sweden,_Denmark
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    1.6) Misssion vision

    94.3 my fm is a inovative company it has its mission for the coming

    future its goal are as follows :-

    94.3 My fm is currently working in 7 states and having its radio stationsin 17 cities thus companys goal is to expand nationally.

    Currently 94.3 my fm is no 2 in Ahemadabad after Mirchi leading theposition of no 1. But radio city 94.3 my Fm goal is to be in top 3nationally . for which company has made innovative plans.

    1.7) Business Philosophy :-

    To understand consumer Pychology, according to that prepare Marketingstrategies, design advertizement so that it can be easily consumed by theconsumers and there main aim is to provide service can easily be practiced.

    In other words they understand consumers need. There behaviour atdifferent period of time. According to this they design differrent shows and playdifferent songs. Thus during songs they does there task of giving adds in the

    form that consumer like to listen.Eg;- like in the morning when eople gets ready to go for work , mind isfresh and energetic they would like to listen songs thus this is the time to playpop songs, rock type of songs, and give adds of new sale or discounts they willkeep in mind for the whole day. Thus effective marketing can be done.

    1.8) Finnancial information:-

    Not applicable

    1.9) Special achivments :-

    Some of the specialc achivments of the company are as follows:-

    Harrish M Bhatia, busines head of94.3MYFM was presented theRadioPersonality of the Year Award at the recently held 3rdIndys Awards .

    FM is the official radio partner for Emerging India Awards 2008,India's ... avenues for SMEs all over the country.

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    1.10) Existing management group:-

    Popular Profiles at 94.3 MY FM - Synergy Media

    Entertainment Ltd. - Dainik Bhaskar Group. Here are some personnel

    at Top level management and Middlle level management. They are the

    part pf the hierarchy.

    Kanika Madan Bains, Senior Executive - Corp. HR Ashish Saxena, Manager Sales & Marketing virender singh, Facility manager chanchal jain, Asst. Manager Sales- Marketing Rajendra Bansal, Network Engineer Harish M Bhatiya business head. NIkhil kumar , Accounts Department.
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    2) Marketing :-

    What is market ?

    Market is a place where buyer and seller directly or indirectly doestransactions.

    What is Marketing ?

    Marketing is the concept evolved during 1950s

    Marketing consists of the performance of business activitie that direcctthe flow of gods and servises from producer or supplier to the consumers or end

    users ( American Marketing Association

    Marketing is the business process by which products are matched withMarkets and though which transfers of ownership are efffected. (cundiff and -still)

    Marketing is the human activity directed t satisfying needs and wants

    through exchange processes. (Philip Kotler)

    Selling and Marketing are two different concepts . the term selling meanexchage of good and services. While Marketing is broad concept it meansexchage of goods + consumers satisfaction.

    4 pieces of Marketing Product Promotion Price Place

    94.3 My fm is producing entertainment through radio whithout anycharge.2.1) Organization of Marketing Department :

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    From the above chart we can derive that :-

    On the top level there is marketing manager who co-odinates thedepartment. He decides the strategies as he is the experiened person.

    And then follows the hierarchy to the department where different RJ sdoes different task of marketing:

    1. Rj Tushar :- Interacts with the celebrities and takes there inteviewwhich is played on air.

    2. Rj Praban Kumar:- Brings advertizement from the governmentdepartment.

    3. Rj Abhijeet:- Interacts with the public and brings advertizementfrom the corporates. Eg. Nirma

    Thus different Rj are given different different tasks thus they can be

    specialized in the specific area. Others are also there doing there given tasks.

    2.2) Product planning / Service planning :-

    A service is any act or performance that one party can offer toanother that is essential ly intangible and does not result in the ownership ofanyting. Its production may or may not tied with the physical product.

    What is planning?

    Planning is forecasting in advance future activities in order to getopportunities and determining future risks and finding ways to redue thoseuncertainities.

    What is service planning?

    A company which is classified mainly as service providingcompany provides branch of servises they have to plan in advance thereactivitites in order to bear competition and always has to be innovative. Thusthey plan there service in advance so that they can effectively provide serrvicein future.

    94.3 My fm is a service sector company they mainly play songs andgive advertiement. Thus mainly they provide 2 major services.

    1) Play songs 2) Advertizement.

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    As they are very innovative so they have chaged there shows fromseptember 2009. All there old shows are replaced by new.

    After last years campaign called Change the Rules, Stay Cool,the new Dimaag vs. Dil campaign is the major clutter breaking

    campaign from MY FM this year1. The morning show will have the segment Aankh Khuli toh Dil Yeh

    Bola which will have the RJs involving listeners to speak up and discuss

    various issues of public interest.

    2. 11am-2pm followed by an exciting new request show calledDil Chahta Hai.

    3. During Afternoon Meter down.4.Naughty Raatein and Oye Hoye Meenakshiare the latest

    offerings for the night show.

    Apart from the new programmes, a plethora of new segments

    have been developed to bring MY FM closer to its listeners The evening segment titled Dil Ki Bhadaas will play the listening

    ear at MY FM and the RJ will hear out listeners calls for de-stressing

    A new weekly segment titled Jo HukumMere Aka in themorning drive-time will have the RJ doing anything the listenersask him/her to do.

    The evening show will also have a segment called Loudspeakerwhich will focus on regional and close-at-hand issues and discusssolutions.

    On weekends night show called Rock The party is conducted inwhich all Retro song remixes are played and party songs , remix ofold songs new Songs are being played.

    2.21) Service Range:-

    Company which are mainly classified as service sector company theremain aim is to provide service. Thus they provide range of services meansvarious types of services. Major service might be less but this serrvice can befurther divided into segments.

    ( Primary) 94.3 My fm provides range of services.

    94.3 MY FM provide major two services:-

    Playing songs

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    AdvetizementsA)Playing songs:-

    They are tied up with saregama and T-Series for music they cannot playsongs of other company as they are not tied up.

    They play manytype of songs like Retro song, old song, Remix songs,Pop songs etc.

    B)Advertizements:-They provide range of advertizements .

    Secondary production is done by the company

    From the above chart we can see that company does marketing throughadvertisement and produces advertisement and remake of songs.

    They make advertisement, edits them, prepare them in a attractiveway.

    They make remix of old songs latest songs which are mostlyplayed on weekends.

    Then after producing advetizements they play on air on Radio.

    Range of adds they play are as follows :-

    1. Monolouge adds:- where only one person speaks and explains or giveintoduction about the product.Eg Nirma add :- Washing powder Nirma, Washing powder Nirma,Doodh si safedi nirma se ayi rangeen kapda bhi khil khil jaye sabki pasad

    Nirma, Washing powder Nirma, Nirma.Here only 1 lady speaks.

    94.3 MY FM


    Adds Remix of



    Play Adds

    and songs

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    2. Dialogue Adds:- Two or more persons explains or give introductionabou the product or service.Eg add of Dharambeep infrastructure:-

    1 person speaks A project of 2500 flats, now get your dream come true,by getting your dream house at cheaper rate.2 person speaks Hurry up for booking at Vasna Ahemadabad, 100%loan paper ready. A Swaminarayan group.

    3. Song type of adds:- here advertizement is made up of songs where oneperson sings and words of song explain about the product. Jingle is madeof the product.

    Eg . jhoomle jhoomle, . jhoomle jhoomle, re Z ke sangShri vengtashwara Rai Z 501 pan masala15 sal ki umr ke liye hanikarak.

    4. Rjs Mention:-Here Rj introduces about product in the stylish and innovative manner.

    Eg. Rj Ekta spoke shamurs song Let the Music Play is a nice song &

    this song will be more effectve if it is played in a luxurious car at a full

    volume with the digital stereo sound system. It is her dream to owe aluxurious car & play this song in her new car.

    Now this dream can be true with Reliance Finance all your dreams

    will come true with Reliance Finance.Motto of Reliance Think high , Gain High.

    5. Conversational Adds:-Here there is conversation between two persons and during this

    conversations they explain about the product in the innovative andeffective way.

    Eg: Customer: hume yahaan jane doVillan: tum yahaan nahi ja sakte(then comes hero)

    Hero: Inhe jane doVillan: tum kaun hoHero: Rishte me to hum mahangai ke baap lagte hain,naam hai

    National HandloomKharidye sab cheeze,kapde,jute,cosmetics,sab kam dam par.

    National handloom,opp.Law garden,C.G. Road,Ahemadabad

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    6. Sales message, Spreads message about any calamities like Bomb Blasts,or might be some disease like Swine Flu, cancer awareness Etc. duringcricet match live score are also expressed on air.

    2.22) Product / Service Branding:-

    The first branding strategy decision is whether to develop a brandname for the product. Today, branding is such a strong force that hardlyanything goes unbranded. So called commodities do not have to remaincommodities. A commodity is a product presumably so basic that itcannot be physically differentiated n the minds of consumers.

    Over the years, a number of products that at one time were seen asessentially commodities have become a highly differentiated as strongbrand emerge in the category. In the Indian context, Captian Cook wasone of the benads that used mass media advertizing to differentiate salt,

    based on it property of free flow

    MY FMs image among the youth who have been deeply impressed by

    its brand philosophy Jiyo Dil Se.The brand was decided as MY FM. As it is a right reflection of the

    one-to-one relationship with an emotional ownership of the medium withthe listeners.

    Mr. Harrish M. Bhatia says, We are very excited to launch our newn as it further strengthens ourbrandphilosophy while constantly offering

    innovative and novel content to our listeners. MY FM has become well

    recognized with the tag line of Jiyo Dil Se and to further consolidate our

    brand philosophy, the new campaign has been developed keeping the

    listeners preferences and profile in mind.

    2.23) Service Packing

    Not applicable.

    2.24) New Product devlopment:-

    94.3 My fm is the innovative company. Company does innovationduring time to time. From september 2009 company is changing its shows.Company is launching new shows after intense research. To tackle competitioncompany has to decide some different policies.

    After last years campaign called Change the Rules, Stay Cool,the new Dimaag vs. Dil campaign is the breaking campaign from

    MY FM this year.

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    Several new on-air concepts have been developed to providelisteners with an addedzing.

    Company through intense research found out consumer pchycology andthere perefernce during different different time.

    1) Early morning (dawn time)Arati songs are being played.2) Morning time when people go for work slow or Melody songs are

    played.3) After then during day time songs range increases.4) During afterrnoon pop songs, remix, Rock songs are being played.5) During evening when people are tired returning home Retro songs

    are being played.6) English songs are played during mid-night in the show My World94.3 My Fm is tied up with Saregama thus new songs of Saregama are


    3 back 2 back songs are played. Also during afternoon in the show jo bhi

    Dil Chahe songs on request are played.

    If some Businesman has given some ticket or voucher for marketing. On thebasis of this they will arrange some show.

    Eg. If Wide-Angle has given 6 tickets for new movie DO Knot Disturb then

    for Marketing this ticket they will arrange Quiz , they will ask question like whois the heroine or director or this picture is the copy of which Englissh movie ,for this fatafat dial kijiye 504321. The person who give correct answer willwin.

    2.25) Product Life cycle stage:-

    Product has the life cycle to asserrt four things:-

    Product have a limited life. Product Sales pass through disticnt stages, each posing differrentchallenges, opportunities, and problem to the seller. Profits rise and fall at different stags of the product life cycle. Products require different marketing, finnacial, manufacturing,

    purcchasing and human esource strategies in each life -cyclestage.

    A)Product life cycle:- Introduction :- A period of slow sales groeth as the product is

    introduced in the market. Profits are nonexistent ecause of

    heavy expenses of product introduction.
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    Growth :- A period of rapid market aceptance and substantialprofit improvement.

    Maturity :- A slowdown in sales Growth because the producthas achived acceptance by most pottential buyers profit

    Stabilize or decline bec of competition. Decline :- Sales show a downward drift and profits erode.

    As 94.3 My fm. Is the innovative company, company does lot ofchanges so Product Life cycle Stage is limited. They continuous make changesin there shows.

    Genrally they make contract with the customer for fixed period orlimited period. According to the wish of customer they give advetizement. Egtill Diwali , Navratri or when the product is known in the market.

    Eg . if some sale is there In the Paldi they will advertize according to thecontract if sale closes contract period is over advertizement will also come toan end.

    Thus company has to find newnew customer for gettingadvertizement.

    2.3) Market Segmentation :-

    What is Segment marketing?

    A market consists of group of consumers who share a similar set of needsand wants.Thus marketor target those group of people having same taiste. Thuswe distinguish between car buyers who ae primarily seeking low cost, basictransportation, those seeking a luxurious driving experience, and those seekingthrills and performance.

    We must be careful not to confuse a segment and sector. A car company

    might say that it will target young, middle income car buyers.

    A flexible market offering consists of two different parts ; a nakedsolution containing the product and the service elements that all segmentmembers value, and discretionary options that sme segments members value.Eah option might carry additional charge.

    Market Segments can be divided into 3 different patterns

    Homogeneous preferences : A market where all tge consumers haveroughly the same prefernces. The marjet shoes no natural segments. We

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    would predict that exsisting brands would be similar and cluster aroundthe middle of the scale.

    Diffused Preference :- At the other extreme, consumer prefernce maybe scattered throughout the space indicationg that consumers vary freatly

    in their preferences. The first brand to enter the market is likely toosition itself to appeal to the most people. A second competitior couldlocate next to the first brand and fight for the market share. Or it ouldlocate in a corner to attract a customer group that was not satisfied withthe center brand.

    Clustered Prefernces:- The Market might reveal distinct prefernceclusters called, natural market segments. The first in this market has threeoptions. It might position in the centre, hoping to appela all groups.

    Companys major target is youth. The statement made byMr. Harrish M.

    Bhatia All new shows and segments have been developed keeping in mind theYOUTH, a common goal of creating an on-air platform which listeners canrelate to and get closely involved with.

    As Radio is the on the local basis, thus for the business purpose company targetlocal businessman.

    Company understand consumer taiste, prefernces, behaviour during differenttime, according to this company play adverrtizemtnt on Air.

    Company follows common schedule of playing adds, which is aplicable tomost of the Radio listners:-

    It starts from morning 7am till 11 pm.

    During 7am-11amTarget is Family

    During morning when whole family is together getting ready going to theoffice , business etc. now during this time company give advertizementtargeting whole family but they are in hurry so light adds are played. Eg IssueDivya Bhaskar and get Guaranteed gift of 4 fair glow soap.

    During 11am-2pm- Target is House wife, Businesman (share brokers)

    During Affterrnoon when house wife are in house getting relaxed after therework they are more interested in playing there favourite songs so My Fm has

    brought up new show Jo bhi Dil Chahe here you can send your request for

    songs. Also they try to find out sale to get there goods at cheaper rate andadds of new jwellery shops . During this shareholders and businesman are busyin there work little bit they also listen radio so adds related to them like stock

    exchanges report, are given.

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    During 2pm-5pm- Target is Youth

    After 3 pm mostly youth are free from School ,colleges they are more interstedin purchase new bike, new clothes, and would like to win Movie tickets foodvouchers, so they would participate in quiz competition. And adds related tothem are given eg. National Handloom Mehangai not allowed adds of Caf

    coffee day.New restaurent opened some where new offer in Dominos or if newbranch is opened in new area etc.

    During 5pm- 9pm- Target is working class working in offices.

    After 6 pm mostly office work people return back to there home they like tolisen Retro songs. And this is the time of reminder all of them what they hadlisten adds during morning about New Movie release, about new offers inproducts like Home appliances.

    During 9 pm- 11pm- Target is Families (insurance, house)

    This is the time when all the Member of the family are together , majordecisions like purchasing new house, or purchasing new insurance polisies, arebeing taken during this time only. Because they can decide their budget discussthere views and decision can be taken. Like eg. Vedica Exotica Luxurious

    Bunglows staring from only 20 lac Rs. Sample house ready.

    2.4) Pricing :-

    Just for any business activity to be performed properly, its objective mustbe determined; similarly, pricing is not possible unless a definite objective isclearly defined.

    What is price?

    Ordinarily it is interpreted to mean Money value recived againstexchange of goods or services.

    For eg. If a television set is exchanged against rs. 4000, the price of T.v.set is rs 4000, per set.

    A)Objectives for Pricing :- Sustain in the market :- if there is intense competition company cannot

    charge more price care should be taken in deciding the price of theproduct.

    Increase market shae:- most of the firms are ready to reduce there pricesof their products, thus they can increase their share in the market.

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    Price stability :- some of the leasing firms which care for long term intertsof business, aim at price stability.

    To maximize Profit :- firms having monopoly or brand name can chargepremeuim prici for their product in thus they can maximize their profit.

    94.3 My Fm sets price by taking into the cosiderations abovesteps:-1) Company charge for advertizement is / second

    2)Company charges 100 rs / second.

    3)If a businessman wants to give advetizement for 2000 second per daythen charge would be comparatively lower then the businesman who wantto give add for 2000 second per week.

    4) Price of the advertizement is fixed when contract is prepared.

    2.41) Factors considered while setting the prices:-

    Distribution channels:- the distribution channel and the rate ofdiscount and commission to be paid also affect price policy of thecompany.

    Demand and supply: As a general rule, the market forces ofdemand and supply determine price of any commodity.

    Cost of product :- cost of product is an important factor affectingprice of a producr. In India price is fixed generally os the basis ofproduction cost and a certain % of profit is added to it.

    Competitors price : The nature if competition depends mainly onthe nature of business. Some business are highly competitive someare vice-versa.

    Goal of the company : If a company can pursue a price policyindependently, it will adopt a price policy, such that its goalwhatever may be, is achived.

    Service : Many buyers give importance to the sellers services asmuch as to the quality of the product. If sellers services aresatisfactory, they will ready to pay a higher price for theirproducts.

    Seasonal fluctuations :- some business are seasonal their demandof products is more during that season.

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    The factors affecting 94.3 My fm for setting price are:-

    1) Price mainly depends upon competition there is oligopolytype of situation in the Radio market. Thus if competitiorscharge about 100 per second company also has to chargeabout 100 / second.

    2) Other factor influencing price is seasonal changes likeduring Diwali, Navratri, EID, when marketing is morecompany charges more.

    3) If some firm has done contract for longer period for moreseconds company will charge him less if contract is smallcompany will charge more.

    Eg. Suppose if Nirma wants to give add for 100 seconds aday and for 1 month. And if Deepkala junction want to giveadd for 80 seconds per day and for 15 day. Company willcharge Nirma about 80 rs / second and Deepkala junction for100 r / second.

    2.42) Pricing Approaches:-

    In the company Radio jockey brings the advertisement from variousareas eg corporate, Government, local market etc. Thus contract for fixed period

    is made on that basis price is fixed.

    In the local Market in Ahemadabad, the share of Mirchi is 38% andshare of My Fm is 33%. Thus Mirchi demand is more and Radio Mirchi alsocharge rs 100 / second .

    Company organizes shows in Fun Republic or Vishal Mega martconducted by RJs. where they keep some competition and win prize to the

    people. Live interview of the celebrities are Recorded and questions printed areasked.

    Company is facing cut throat competition its competitors are not only, Radio mirchi, Radio city 91.1, vivid bharti, 93.5 Red Fm, but Television , printmedia etc. because also does Marketing.

    2.5) Channels of distribution :-

    Channels of distribution means the process through which goods are

    produced and are transported to the market.

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    94.3 My fm Channel of Distribution is as follows:-

    Rj s find the customer from the local market and makes thecontract. Sometimes they bring the ready add for sending on air.

    Copywriter writes the advertisement in the second stage as per thecontract seconds of the add are fixed for that much second onlyadd is to be made and played on air.

    Third stage Promo-producer adds some music and sound effects tothe advertisement to make it effective and attractive.

    Scheduler is the person who schedules the advertisement andaccording to that advertisement is sent on air. He prepare scheduleon the basis of this schedule different adds during different timeare palyed.

    Goods can be supplied to the market through many ways through

    Wholesaling Retailing Corporate

    But this is not applicable in Radio. In radio city 94.3 My fm songs areplayed in Ahemadbad and allover India. But station wise songs are played so itsdistribution network genrally is wide. But if we compare with brach wise then itis narrow as it is limited locally. Genrally they do not charge people for

    listening songs and adds. They do not have exact price.

    Company is having various kinds of customers for which company doesmarketing they are as follows :-

    Retailers :- Reliance fresh, More, Big Bazar, National Handloom Corporate :- Nirma, Havmour, Reliance Finance etc. Regional ;- Automobile, Telecom for regional marketing. Government;- Health department of Gujarat or state wise give add.

    2.52) Decision about the channel:-

    94.3 My Fm is a service sector company so company does not use anykind of channels of distribution.

    But corporate like Reliance finance, Binani cement, approach companyfor their advertisement on radio.

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    2.6) Sales Promotion/ personnel selling :

    Building 94.3 fm into a hapenig blue chip brand is not a matter ofchance. Its development has been the result of intensive research, top qualityprogrammning, and aggressive marketing. It keeps the brand elevant tocustomers and remain high on recall quotient.

    As the companys main task is Marketing it undertakes followingpromotional steps :-

    Fixed commercial time (FCT) :- According to this strategycompany prepares schedule in this schedue advertisement aredivided / hourly basis. In one hour they cannot give more then 10minutes of advertisement. Thus 10 minustes they into four links 2

    minutes add , 15 minute song, 3 minutes add, 15 minuttes song.Thus during gap of minutes adds are played. Government haslegalized only 10 minuted / hour for advertisement.

    Sponsorship :- Some businesman who wants to do Marketing bysponsoring the shows they has to pay some amount . By doing thison air Rj will speak this show is brought 2 u by Name of thesponsor eg. Deepkala junction.

    Thus company sale shows Eg. In the afternoon show Jo Dil

    Chahta He is sponsoured byBrand Factory . thus during thisshow Rj will speak this show is brought 2 u by Brand Factory.Now get Jeans, Shirts, of new looks only at Brand Factory.On the birthday of Big B Amiatbh Bachan the show wasorganized Sirf bachan brought 2 u byBinani cement

    Capsule :- This is the innovative way of Marketing. This directattacks on the customers pchychology . And it is very effective.

















    Advertisement & Songs /Hour

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    Genrally capsue is used to cure some disease but here capsule isused as a tool of Marketing.

    In this fix packaging is done in the form of eg. Is Diwali kaFashion janiye shirt, T-shirt, Tops, Jeans, with Cotton House.

    Eg. Gadget Guru, Janiye naye naye Mobile ke bare me , nayi nayitechnology ke bare me Brought 2 u by Idea.

    Sale songs :- My fm 94.3 has full authority to sell songs they cansell song to any businesman or any company.Eg . this song is brought to u by Binani cement.Eg. Vodafone users just dial 54321 to copy this song 15 rs /month.

    Rj Mention :- Radio Jockey with their creativity present theproduct. They speak in such a way that if we listen we would like

    it as a fun but in real they do marketing. They tell everythingabout the product.Eg. In Delhi this innovative step was taken place. Show was goingRj suddendly mention mere yahan ek machar gus gaya me

    koshish kar raha hu, kar raha hu par nikal nai raha this continuedfor the whole show and at the end RJ spoke mene jaise hiMorteinlagaya Machar Bhag gaya.

    2.61) Sales Promotion tools & programme:-

    94.3 My Fm is associated with Divya-Bhaskar through whichcompany does advertizent. Divya Bhaskar also gives add on Radio.

    94.3 My Fm is planning for Multi fequency funda, through whichvarious links which are divided for hindisongs, English songs, Gujarati songs.

    Songs on request are played by the Rjs. And for fun show for whichlistner waits comes every 3 times a dayIrfan city center. In this show charactername Irfan gets call from some person and he does comedy.

    Various promtional activities has been infused and injected with panache. Like

    SKINDRED - Live at Hard Rock Cafe, Bangalore, 24 Oct 09Teri Deewani -

    Kailash Kher Live-In-Concert, An evening of Romantic and intoxicating ghazals

    by Jaswinder singh, 14 oct 09, Sonu Nigam Live at Bandra Fort. 9 october 09,

    Shaa'ir n Func Live at Ta Blu Music Festival. This has led the company edge

    over the competition.
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    2.62) Public relation tools & Decisions for sales force management:-

    As company is associated with the society company is the part ofsociety . company is largely depends upon the society . in order to know thetaiste and preference of the public company does various activities inorder tointeract with the public.

    1. Company takes interrview of the celebrities in order to know the latesttrend in bollywood and to know bollywood gossips.

    2. Send your request for your favourite songs thus know the prefernce of theyouth. Through SMS or E-mail.

    3. Organizes program in the Mall, where Public is allowed to sing song, andshow there talent. Thus come in contact with public and let them win foodvouchers and many Gifts.

    4. Approches various colleges, & organizes show for showing talent of theyouth & on their talent basis selects Mr & Mis Ahemdabad. Encouragesstudent to show their talent.

    5. RJ watch different latest released movie and give Stars to the movie thuslet public know about the result of the movie.

    6. Sometimes Rj also does trip 2 other country & share there experiences.2.7) Advertising :-

    94.3 MY FM does lots of Advertisement. The Bhaskar Group is one of

    the largest media groups of the country and is the largest read newspaper groupin the country with over 2.67 crore readers. Synergy Media EntertainmentLimited is a wholly owned company of the Bhaskar group who has acquiredthese licenses.

    Thus 94.3 MY Fm is the part of Bhaskar group which is national widespread, so company gives advertisement in Divya-Bhaskar news paper. Thuscompany can advertize in any part of the country its regional news in the Divya

    Bhaskar newspaper.

    Genrally company advertize the new updates or schedule if company isstarting new shows or company advertize about program if it is going toorganize any where.

    Another source company advertize is its Web site www.myfmindia.comIf some song request is to be done then this source is used and also companyputs all its updates on it.

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    2.71) objectives of advertising :-

    The brand was decided as MY FM. As it is a right reflection ofthe one-to-one relationship with an emotional ownership of themedium with the listeners. For creating one to one relationshipone needs to create awareness , market advertisement so that letthe listners know about different shows of the company.

    Changes in the shows have been made by the company fromSeptember 2009 thus to let knw listners about the change add mustbe done.

    For attracting new customers they have to give adds.

    2.72) Budgets:-

    Not Applicable.

    2.73) Strategies & Tools :-

    Company is innovative company is having many strategies and tools:-

    A)Strategies; Company changes its advertisement price as per demand

    During festival when demand for giving advertisement onradio is more company charge higher price comparativelywhen demand is for giving adds is low during times pice islow.

    They do lot of research to involve listners.B)Tools:

    Radio Jockey takes live interview by inviting celebrities, theyask questions about their new movie release or abou threrpast.

    sometimes celebrities like Amitabh Bachan will speak hi thisis Amitabh Bachan aur ap sun rahe he MY FM jiyo dil se.

    Some shows are organized like Dil Ki Bhadas where youare given freedom to speak against any person you hate. Andperson who speaks best against any person also winvouchers.

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    2.74) Marketing Research :-

    94.3 My Fm does lots of research in order to compete in the market andmaintain its share and also finding its listners preferences, views , taiste, andattitude. For this company does research in the following way.

    Recently since September company has changed its shows these showswere decided after intense research with Ormax, a leading researchagency.

    The creative idea for the campaign stems from a recentlyconducted comprehensive survey in 7 leading markets of MY FM whereresearch results mapped the audience profile and preferences acrossvarious time bands.

    The new campaign has been designed after a lot of research and not onlyare the content and packaging changing The Dil vs. Dimaag conceptemphasizes on the listeners inherent desires to live to the fullest and

    enjoy with MY FM, in true Jiyo Dil Se style. Recently during last month company gave form in Divya Bhaskar asking

    questions relatedto songs played on 94.3 MY FM. Research is also done through its websites there is online form available

    like Name, Email address, comment. Thus they can easily get the requireinformation.

    2.76) International Marketing:-

    94.3 MY FM is divided among 17 major cities and among this theyconcentrate on local market. Their major target are local businessman.

    Thus no international business is done by the company. Nationallybusiness is done.

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    3. Findings:

    94.3 MY Fm is the part of Bhaskar group. Thus both throughmutual co-ordination helps each other in giving advertisement.

    The major benefit in the radio is it can be listened while driving ordoing any work.

    Company is launched in Ahemdabad since 2 years yet it has doneexpansion in 17 cities which sounds progressive.

    The company can be mainly classified into service sector form oforganization.

    MY FM 94.3 is an innovative company Company does changesfrequently.

    Company does not give any kind of training to the Rj. The company charges rs 100 / second depends upon demand. There

    is no stability in the price. Company s Market share is 33% and Mirchis share is 38% thus it

    lies on 2 position Marketing by playing on air adds and playing songs is the major

    service company provide. In the 94.3 MY FM product life cycle is for Limited period. Company is only tied up with Saregama for playing songs. Company genrally target youth. Company do not do aggressive advertising. Company is only for local market basis no international business is

    being done. Company sales song to any person or business firm. Company is planning Multi Frequency funda . here various links

    for Hindi, Gujarati, English songs are being played. Company organizes shows in the Malls for interacting with the

    public. Compay also markets Movie tickts given by Multiplexes like

    WideAnglefor this they organize quiz show and ask question

    from the movie the person who wins will get movie tickets. Company does lots of research for knowing changes in the taste ,

    preferences, trend etc.

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    4) Suggestions :-

    94.3 My Fm is the Blue chip. Yet there are some suggestionsafter preparing , analyzing, interpreting Brief Marketing report.

    Company had been started in 2006 since then companyhas been expanding in 7 states and 17 cities it soundsprogressive.but yet they are behind Mirchi which isworking in 25 cities having 25 different Branch. Socompany must increase its branch.

    Company is only tied up with Saregama for songs yetthey cannot play songs of Big Tv etc. Thus company

    should also tied up with other Music companies. In the company there are 88 % male workers and only

    12% female workers thus there is large disparity betweenmale and female workers which should be reduced.

    Companies target is to expand Nationally by starting 450new links and also stand in the top three stations socompany should work hard and try to gain more marketshare .

    Company is playing 3 back 2 back songs while Radio city91.1 is playing 4 back 2 back songs. Thus they shouldplay more songs.

    On Red FM 93.5 Pappudiya is played it is the comedyshow , here interview of celebrities are taken in thecomedy form which is far better than Irfan City Centre.

    Their rate of advertisement fluctuates constantly so theyshould not fluctuate price more. This will led negative

    impact on its customers. There are interactions with public is also not well

    compared to Mirchi and other competitors.

    They do not much advertize, company is the part ofBhaskar still they advertize much less company shouldincrease advertisement.

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    5) Conclusions :-

    It was the great experience to visit the best 94.3 MY FM. I am very gladbecause I was the part of the visitors who visited the most popular radio fm in

    Gujarat. It was a good Experience to know about the workings and how theyoperate channel. The staff was very much helpful in providing information.Specially Marketing manager and Rj Tushar of programming department gavecomplete information about the marketing and how they sent on air Songs andadvertisement. A conference was held between Marketing manager and us and Iwas the part of that conference.

    We can study and analyze this Development of My FM 94.3 byundertaking the SWOT analysis of MY FM 94.3. SWOT analysis meansstudying the four main aspects of an organization which leads to its success ar

    failure. These four aspects are :-


    STRENGTHS:1) Brand Name :-

    The brand was decided as MY FM. As it is a right reflection ofthe one-to-one relationship with an emotional ownership of themedium with the listeners .

    2) Popularity:Company is associated with Bhaskar group, which is having

    2.67 crore readers thus 94.3 My Fm becomes the combination ofthe goodwill of Bhaskar group as well as itself.

    3) Talented personnel:In the 94.3 My Fm. Work is decentralized to every Rjs and area

    is allotted to them they work as per there area thus they becomespecialize in their field. Thus company practice Fayols principle ofDivision of labor.

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    WEAKNESS1) Mainly focused on youth and young population:

    My FM does lots of research on youth and prepares itsstrategies on its basis. But there are also Middle age persons who

    are addicted towards Radio their taiste and preferences are notconsidered.

    2) Disparity among Male and Female workers :-The ratio of male wokers and female workers is 88 % Male &

    33% female which itself proves disparity company should realizethat female Rj are more effective and committed then Male Rj.

    3) comedy shows are less :-

    They only have Irfan city center as its comedy show which isnot sufficient and effective compared to Papudiya.

    OPPORTUNITIES1) Expansion into more cities:

    MY Fm 94.3 is having great opportunity of expansioncompany started since three years expanded in 7 states and

    17 cities, yet they can expand to more no of states.

    2) Increase audience base by starting some new program

    catering to different age group:

    MY Fm 94.3 has done changes in all shows fromSeptember 2009 thus the company has become hot favoritefor young. And also company play songs at Mid-Nightwhich is demanded by youth. The company every yearintroduces new campaign. The new campaign, which waslaunched today across all 17 MY FM stations, reloaded with theleading characters Dimaag and Dil, with Dil winning over MYFMs audiences.

    Threats1) Govement Regulations:

    On PVT Radio stations there are many Regulations, thus there

    is need for libralisation .Even as radio broadcasters are pressing for

    allowing news, the Information and Broadcasting Ministry is stillunwilling to permit private FM channels to broadcast news despite

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    recommendations by (TRAI) Telecom Regulatory Authority of India

    and FICCI. However, Ministry sources said I&B Ministry Ambika

    Soni feels that a via media should be found where the channels

    can be permitted to broadcast some programmes other than just

    playing music.

    2) Several others emerging players in the industry:

    Company is facing cut throat competition, its major competitoris Mirchi which is on no 1 and other competitiors are Radio city 91.1, red Fm93.5, vivid bharti, big fm 92.7.

    The competiton is not limited upto the radio but its anothercompetitor are Print media, people reads newspaper every day early at morning.

    Television through which corporate give advertisement national wide thus shareof radio in national wide add is only 5.% .

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    Sr No. Title Page No.

    Chapter 1) Name of the company:-

    1.2) Location of works & Registered office

    1.3) Main Business & Product Range

    1.4) Form of Organization

    1.5) Brief History of Organization

    1.6) Mission & Vision

    1.7) Business Philosophy

    1.8) Financial information

    1.9) Special Achivements

    1.10) Existing Management group

    Chapter 2) Marketing :

    2.1) Organization of Marketing Department

    2.2) Product planning/ service planning

    2.21) Service Range

    2.22) Product / Service branding

    2.23) Service Packaging

    2.24) New product development

    2.25) Product Life cycle stage.

    2.3) Market Segmentation

    2.4) Pricing

    2.41) Factors considered while setting the price

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    2.42) Pricing Approaches

    2.5) Channels of Distribution.

    2.51) Types

    2.52) Decision about Channel

    2.53) Corporate

    2.54) Retailing

    2.6) Sales Promotion, public relation, personnel selling

    2.61) Sales Promotion tools & programme.

    2.62) Public Relation tools

    2.7 ) Advertizing

    2.71) Objectives

    2.72) Budgets

    2.73) Strategies and Tools

    2.74) Evaluation

    2.75) Marketing Research

    2.76) International Marketing

    3) Findings

    4) Suggestions

    5) Conclusions

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