Kille Mahuli and Palasgad


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Kille Mahuli and Palasgad


As Aniket missed our last trek of Harishchandragad, he was desperate to compensate the loss. So I agreed to join him for the trip. After studying 3-4 forts, we zeroed in Mahuligad.

Team Members:

1. Mahaveer Jain2. Aniket Dorle



1. Bed & chadar2. Short3. Water bottles (at least 3 litres of water)4. Glucon-D5. Food for a day (which we missed!!!!!!)6. Trekking or sport shoes

Optional:1. Knee caps2. Sun goggles, cap (in summer)3. Stick (for balance & self defense)


24th April 2010:

We started from Thane at 21:20 by Aniket’s Activa. Aniket prepared ‘Thecha’ for our next day food & we were suppose to carry ‘Bhakri’ from hotel. However we could not get it. Hence, we decided to get it from any Dhaba on the way to Asangaon.

We reached at one of the Dhaba on highway at around 22:20 Hrs. We had our dinner there including poli-bhaji which Aniket brought. We restarted journey by 22:40 Hrs. Here we forgot to get ‘Poli’ or bread packet from hotel.

We reached at Mahuli village around 23:30 Hrs. We reached at first temple (Maruti Mandir). We surprised to see the lock at gates. So we decided to go back to village & enquire about another mandir. We got help from a local guy (Shravan Vithu Vagh) who dropped us at Mahuli Mandir. Fortunately its gates were opened.

We dropped Shravan back to his home & came back to Mandir.

As we were about to sleep, one group of 8 person came to Mandir. They were to go to fort at night itself. They asked us join them as we were new to place & even did not know the way. However, as we got tired off & probably we could not match up pace of climbing with them, we denied & decided to go as per plan.

We slipped in our beds peacefully.

25th April 2010:

Early in the morning, Aniket woke up around 05:00 hrs. We got ourselves ready. As we thought that parking Activa in Mandir could be dangerous, we went ahead to a under construction resort (2 minutes away from Shiva Mandir & just near the Ganapati Mandir). We parked vehicle at the cost of Rs.25/-.

We started our journey from Ganapati Mandir where marking board was available. To our surprise, everywhere we found arrow marks indicating route to fort. This route is ‘Shidichi Wat’ (Route of Ladder).

Soon after few minutes, Aniket started huffing & puffing.

During this walk, we observed that lots of trees were burnt to ashes. Why? We don’t know.

After trek of around two hours, we reached to area called ‘Ghodyachi Maan’ (Horse Neck) as it resembles to neck of a horse. It is very narrow patch. After crossing this, we came across a big rock to climb up.

From here onwards after half an hour we reached to staircase. Although purpose of putting staircase is good, the design of staircase makes situation more unsafe. After crossing staircase we reached table top.

Gad Mahuli:

Immediately after reaching to top, one can see a small water tank.

Here also arrow marks are available to go to Mahadarwaja caves. Other way goes to Kalyan Darwaja towards Bhandargad. After 15-20 minutes’ walk from here, one can reach to Mahadarwarja.

Under a tree, there is some ruins of the fort & a shiva ling. Water source is available here which is a very small square tank. Water was clean & sweet.

As we did not bring the food, throughout the trekking we kept on eating Karavande wherever we found.

After reaching here, we drank ‘Kairi Panhe’ courtesy Aniket.

Now we wanted to move around fort. As no guide was available, we did not know how & where to start. Ultimately we selected one path. It ended up in to dead end. So we came back & chosen another way. It also ended up in dead end. So ultimately we selected last path, which was leading to ‘Palasgad’.


We kept on walking in to jungle. It was very dense forest. Even though we had a big knife & a stick for our defence, at the corner of our mind there was fear. Very soon we found that we are trekking down. So we had doubt whether we are descending the Mahuli fort or what? But then again we remembered that to climb Palasgad one has to descend Mahuligad.

Some of the finds of this trek are one parasite, house build insects (we are not sure which insects do such a beautiful & artistic structure).

After trekking of half an hour we reached top of Palasgad. We have seen a tree with fruits of size bigger than apple. We could resist ourselves to taste it. Can anybody tell, what is this fruit & is it eatable?

We could see ruins of a (might be) buruj or house.

We just followed a path without any diversion. Ultimately we reached a point from where we could see dam of Tansa. After spending some time there, we trekked back to Mahuligad.

During this trek Aniket could see a very big snake which I missed.

Return from Mahuli:

We reached back to Mahadarawaja by 12:00 hrs. our yesternights trek-mates were cooking some food. They offered to lunch with them. We immediately accepted the offer & ate bread, kanda-papad bhaji & our thcha.

After good lunch, we had nap of 1 hour & started our return journey by 14:25 hrs.

Very soon we reached to Ladder. Aniket had a mind block to climb down the ladder. So slowly we climbed down the ladder & the rock phase also very easily passed. After sessions of photography we reached bottom by 17:00 hrs.

We got our vehicle safe from the resort & then went to Shiva Mandir. Washed ourselves & to our surprise one family was there in hutment near to Mandir. They provide food, etc for the trekkers if we tell them in advance.

Contacts are:

Mrs. Suvarna Thakre

Phone Number: +919209526268.

We had tea & some biscuits & started our journey to Manas Mandir (Jain Temples)

Manas Mandiram (Jain Temples):

I was surprised to see such a huge area developed with beautiful temples. I immediately recalled places like Palitana.

After having photography session, we returned to Thane.
