King of Glory Lutheran Church, ELCA Annual Congregational


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King of Glory Lutheran Church 2020 Annual Report page 1

King of Glory Lutheran Church, ELCA

Annual Congregational Meeting Report

December 13, 2020

King of Glory Lutheran Church 2020 Annual Report page 2

Table of Contents

Pastors’ Reports 3, 4

Leadership Team Report 4

Ministry Team Reports

Adult Faith Formation 4

Youth Faith Formation 5

AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) 5

CEM (Caring Eucharistic

Ministry) 5, 6

Family Promise 6

Christmas Bazaar 6

Generosity Team (WGS) 7

Gifts of Joy Ministry 7

Glory Garden 7, 8

God’s Work Our Hands 8

Lutheran Campus Ministry Team 8

Music & Worship 8, 9

Nursery 9

Personnel 10

Prayer Shawl 10

Property 10

Quilters 10

Stephen Ministry 10, 11

Technology/Sound System 11

WELCA (Peace Circle) 11

World Hunger 11, 12

Treasurer’s Summary 12

Ballot 13

King of Glory Staff

Ruth Ann Loughry Senior Pastor

Debra Abbott Associate Pastor - Faith Formation

Dr. Jane Andrews Music Director

Kathy Gustad Office Admin/Editor

Kathy Pensack-Rinehart Worship Accompanist

Kathy Hansen Choir Accompanist

Robyn French Nursery Attendant

Darrell Phelps Custodian/Property Maintenance

2020 Church Council

Officers Eric Backsen, President

Bryan French, Vice-President Mark Francis, Treasurer

Judy Richardson, Secretary

Members at Large Lynn Hamilton

Ron Lamb Roxane Salazar

Ted Schmidt

King of Glory Lutheran Church

2919 N. Wilson Avenue

Loveland, CO 80538

Phone (970) 669-5983

Fax (970) 669-5984



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Congregational Meeting, Sunday, December 13, 2020 – 10:00 AM ZOOM Mission statement: As God’s people, graced by differences, nurtured by the

Spirit and gifted to serve, we invite and welcome all to grow in faith.

Pastor Ruth Ann Loughry - Annual Report “I am about to do a new thing, now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? ….I will make a way in the wilderness….” (Isaiah 43:19-20)

Dear King of Glory members and friends,

My heart is full of gratitude for everything that our congregation has accomplished during 2020. With God’s help through the Holy Spirit, we have continued to Worship, Grow and Serve. As you read through the following pages, you’ll see how ministry has continued. God’s people of all ages have grown in faith. We have heard the Word and been fed by the Sacrament. God’s means of Grace have sustained our spirits. It hasn’t been without its challenges. Not all members have computer access. The unintentional consequence of putting ministry “on-line” over the internet, has precluded some from social community. To you, we’ve mailed sermons, prayers and devotions. Gifts of Joy have been delivered right to those member’s porches to remind them they are not forgotten. We continue to fight loneliness, depression and pandemic fatigue. Several families have moved away. Individuals came to the font desiring to be baptized. A couple of our precious friends have departed into eternal glory. In those ways, it has been a ‘normal’ year. But it wasn’t normal. What I am so proud of is this: God led us through adaptive change in new and healthy ways. Ministry continued! We were co-workers in the Kingdom! Your KOG Leadership Team is now looking forward to our monthly meetings. Instead of simply reporting, we’re asking questions about where God is moving and how we can be the best leaders at this moment in time. Thank you for learning adaptive change, Leadership Team! Your staff adapted ministry and thought outside the box. We had Friday Afternoon Club to connect and fellowship. Choir members sang along with computers instead of standing alongside a piano. Lessons and resources have been hand delivered by Pr Abbott, just like the old ‘circuit rider preachers’. In her case it’s been ‘circuit driver preacher.’ You adapted! You purchased about two million school supplies for students! You received ‘fast food’ Holy Communion in the circle drive. You learned zoom and were dedicated to weekly studies and a new way to worship. You donated hundreds of pounds of fresh food and canned food to God’s hungry ones. How fabulous is that? I wish to thank Pr Deb, Kathy Gustad, Dr. Jane Andrews, Darrell Phelps, Kathy Pensack-Rinehart, Robyn French, and Kathy Hanson. It is my pleasure and privilege to serve God’s people with you. A particular note of appreciation goes to Leo Salazar who has devoted hundreds of hours to recording, editing, and producing our daily devotions and weekend worship services. None of us are quite certain what 2021 will bring. But now more than ever, I trust that God is at work amongst us bringing new life and new hope. Can you see the new thing God has brought into our midst? God is the light no darkness can destroy! Amen.

As God’s people, Graced by Differences, Nurtured by the Holy Spirit, and Gifted to Serve We Invite and Welcome all to Grow in Faith.

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Associate Pastor Report “Be still, and know that I am God!” Psalm 46:10

2020 will always be remembered as the year of the pandemic. This has been a year of challenges that most of us never expected to face. We have had to find new ways to communicate, learn, shop, work, serve and worship. For many of us we have spent more time at home than we ever have before. Even the most difficult challenges have things to teach us. I believe that our response as a congregation to this pandemic has shown the deep compassion and creativity our God has given us for such a time as this. Being a Christian does not mean that we will never go through difficult times. It means that God will be with us and support us when we do. As we continue to live through this pandemic I hope we will be centered in our love for God and each other. In those moments when we feel alone and tired and overwhelmed let’s take a deep breath, be still and know that God is with us. It has been a privilege to be your partner in ministry this year!

Pastor Deb Abbott

Leadership Team/President’s Report I know that we will all remember 2020 as a year filled with unique times, and many challenges. Who would have ever thought that IN PERSON worship services could come to a screeching halt? Who could have imagined the devastation of the largest fires in CO history in our backyard? Even in uncertain times, the KOG staff has remained busy. With the support of the congregation, Pastor Deb has moved to full time to grow the faith formation within KOG, as well as helping with worship. Our ministries continue to thrive, and our congregation continues to adapt so we can keep doing God’s work, with our hands. This year our Leadership Team monthly meetings moved to Zoom. It was a bit of a challenge at first, but we now have the hang of things. We always have a full group, and I appreciate everyone’s input into the decisions we make as a group for the whole of the church. I know that our entire leadership team group is anxious to be back in the sanctuary to worship and see all of our KOG family. (I know my kids are anxious to be able to have a donut after service.) God willing, 2021 will have us back in the building…singing songs, hearing the word in the sermons, and of course…in person Pastor’s jokes. Eric Backsen, Congregation President

Adult Faith Formation: In May we resumed adult Sunday morning classes and have continued each week via Zoom. We’ve grown together as a group, getting closer as we know one another and discuss. Our topics have included:

• Lectio Divina (praying the scriptures) • Race Discrimination • How to think Theologically • Wisdom Literature • Faith and Politics • Vocation

Anyone is welcome to join us at 10:00am each Sunday. Weekly Gospel studies are on Thursdays. This group continues to support one another and grow together as we learn from the Gospel lesson. From the May Sunday Lectio Divina sessions, a small group wanted to continue. Therefore six of us

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meet weekly on Fridays to pray the scripture through this ancient practice. A new Lectio ministry was born!

Pastor Ruth Ann

Faith Formation “Hear, O Israel: The Lord is our God, the Lord alone. 5 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. 6 Keep these words that I am commanding you today in your heart. 7 Recite them to your children and talk about them when you are at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you rise”. Deuteronomy 6:4-7 This year faith formation moved almost completely into the home and online for all of us. When 2020 began we never would have imagined that we would be worshiping, praying, studying, teaching and serving from our homes and all of our devices. I am amazed and humbled by the creativity, perseverance and adaptability of our church! There were many things that we were unable to do together or at all this past year like Vacation Bible School, camp, service trips and retreats. And yet, we added new ministries like daily video devotions and faith formation home kits for families as we continued to pass on the Christian faith to people of all ages. In this pandemic year we moved Bible Study, Adult Education, Sunday School, Confirmation and youth gatherings online. During the warmer months we gathered together outside in small groups: our young families met in the park; our youth met outside at KOG and Zion and Trinity; and many visits happened on front porches! Whether we gather together online or in person the ministry of the church continues! In the year ahead we will continue to offer educational, service and community building opportunities to help us all learn about God and love God and our neighbors. Thank you for sharing this life of ministry with me!

Pastor Deb Abbott

AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) Chapter begins at KOG In November the Leadership team approved the beginning of a new ministry: Alcoholics Anonymous. A person who has been worshipping at KOG for several years approached us about using the building with a very small group of people. This group is just getting started and hopes to grow in members once the pandemic is over. Currently they will be meeting in person and by zoom. We are excited to welcome AA into our life of sharing the Good News. God does amazing things through AA! Welcome!


Caring Eucharistic Ministry-CEM The Caring Eucharistic Ministry began mid 2019 with the purpose of bringing “the church” to our home centered members. Each of the CEM team members would go to the recipient’s home, no matter if it was a house, assisted living/memory care or a skilled nursing facility. They would share some time together as friends and then read the liturgies, a recent gospel/sermon and then share in communion. It was a very meaningful time for both the giver & the receiver and there have been numerous friendships and bonds created with the home centered members of our congregation.

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The onset of Covid-19 changed things for many people including the CEM and even though we couldn’t meet in person, that did not end the ministry. Instead it has been kept alive by sending frequent inspirational cards, mailing of devotionals and phone calls to our home centered members, to remind them that they are not forgotten. When we are past the threat of COVID-19, the CEM team will then resume the in-person communion celebrations that we once knew and are so meaningful to many.

Denise Francis

Family Promise 2020 COVID-19 has caused many organizations to create new ways to operate their programs. Family Promise continues to depend on church support to assist with their homeless families. King of Glory is an active host for these families throughout the year. We generally host four times a year. During this time we provide evening housing, meals, and a variety of activities for the entire week. Since, we as a congregation were not gathering within the church, we did not feel comfortable housing others due to the uncertainty of the pandemic. Many of the other Church Hosts found themselves in the same situation. The Program Manager reached out to all of the volunteers and stated they would be housing the families in a hotel. This felt like a better option to keep everyone safe. King of Glory was able to give monetary assistance to support these families. Just as we would have, had they been within our church during our hosting week. We will continue to keep in contact with Family Promise and offer further assistance as we begin the new year.

Nancy French

Christmas Bazaar The Bazaar took an unexpected vacation this year because of the COVID-19 pandemic. While we made the decision back in May to cancel the event, it was with some uncertainty. Now as we see the current situation, we know it was the right decision – the only decision we could make. Still it was disappointing to the many dedicated KOG members who have worked so hard to make this a special annual event for the entire regional community, not just King of Glory. And we have compassion for the organizations who received the proceeds of our efforts in past years – knowing they will not receive those funds in 2020. But there is still bright news. Our resilient KOG members found other ways to raise money or collect food for the organizations we support to help make up that shortfall. Donations authorized by the Leadership Team, food drives for KidsPak, and increased fundraising support for LuMin and Sky Ranch still enabled our generous congregation to meet that collective desire we have for outreach into our community. And we know there is another year ahead. We do not know what will happen for future Bazaar opportunities but the spirit and desire to provide a wonderful service in which we all can have opportunities to participate will survive any pandemic. Who knows where the Spirit will lead us in 2021 but one thing is certain – generosity is alive and well at King of Glory and we will find opportunities to express that generosity no matter what happens!

Leo Salazar, Team Leader

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Generosity Team and the Worship/Grow/Service Appeal Thanks to you, members of King of Glory, the second year of our generosity appeal to our congregation is successful. One hundred eighty-nine statements of intent were sent, and as of this date, 91 statements of intent received in return for a total 2021 commitment of $310,072. The congregation will now fulfill the request to purchase new sound and video equipment ($20,000) which will live-stream worship once the pandemic is over. In addition, a part-time position will be funded ($10,000) to manage the live-streaming and our social media. Thank you for your financial support! We are very pleased that we have met our goal with those who have responded to our call for statements of intent. If you have not yet responded to our request, we would be overjoyed to receive yours today! A special note of thanks to Kathy Cisar, Ed Young and Peg Isakson for taking their time to inspire us with their Temple Talks.

-- Pastor Ruth Ann, Gordon & Kathy Cisar, Liz Melton

Gifts of Joy Ministry The Gifts of Joy ministry began in September of 2020. It is a Leadership Team approved ministry, combining the efforts of the Caring Eucharistic Ministry, the Stephen Ministry and the KOG Communion Drivers. The goal is to remind our home centered, grieving, singles, etc, that they are not forgotten and to help them feel connected to church, when they don’t have emails or computers. We found that the isolation that Covid-19 has created for many, seems to have hit these people the hardest. We are spreading the Gifts of Joy to 40+ people at this time and have shared communion kits along with Gifts of Joy such as, “Boxes of Sunshine”, “Lil Punkins”, “Bags of Gratefulness” and more. We have received numerous thanks in the form of cards, phone calls and smiles, being touched that someone thought of them. Some of the thank you cards included: “To be treated & remembered is much appreciated”, “The Gift of Happiness”, “It was Indeed a Thrill to receive this care package”, “It really made me happy!”, “Thank you for thinking of us”. We do not know what the year 2021 holds, but our intentions are to continue with the Gifts of Joy ministry through the year. We know that the people directly impacted by this ministry will be as ever changing as their needs and situations. But as we move forward, we plan to reach out to them, possibly to mark a new season or a special holiday, by providing them with a special “Gift of Joy”.

Denise Francis

Glory Garden We had another successful year with a tremendous amount of participation from an expanded number of people. We have twenty-one garden beds, two compost bins, the monarch-pollinator beds, various flowers in our painted tire planters, and the grape vines. The Glory Garden provides opportunity to members and non-members alike to be responsible for a designated plot, or to work collectively on the plots designated as KOG. Three new families joined us. One was a KOG member and two were non-members. Because of COVID-19 we asked each family to take care of their garden bed as well as adopting an extra KOG bed. Spring planting and fall clean-up was done individually and not as one large group together. Social distancing and KOG masks were used in the garden. Produce is donated to House of Neighborly Service’s food program and the Food Bank of Larimer County. We donated close to 600 pounds of produce this year collectively to the two organizations.

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We replaced another of the oldest beds with a new design raised bed as well as the bean trellis. Much of our seeds, plants and the materials used this year were donated, so we did not use the full amount budgeted. The amount recommended for 2021 should be sufficient, given continued expected donations. Thanks again to Orchards ACE Hardware for the generous contributions it made (thanks to Jerry Welter for making that happen). Thanks to so many people who helped at all levels of interest in making the garden a success in this unique year. Everyone is welcome to participate at whatever level of interest in the garden. It is YOUR Glory Garden and we continue to bloom where we are planted.

Roxane Salazar

God’s Work Our Hands On Sunday, September 13 congregations throughout the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America participated in local service opportunities. Our Loveland Lutheran congregations of Zion, Trinity and King of Glory sent 43 people out to 43 locations to chalk encouraging messages and raised more than $2000 for Loveland Habitat for Humanity. Thank you to everyone who donated to Habitat, nominated people to be chalked and chalked driveways and sidewalks! God’s work goes on, even and especially during a pandemic, through us!

Pastor Deb Abbott

LUTHERAN CAMPUS MINISTRY TEAM (LuMin) Special THANKS to the King of Glory members who provided and served Sunday dinners to Lutheran Campus Ministry beginning last fall: Sarajane and Bob Grandia, Pat DesJardin, Stephanie Beyers, Roxane and Leo Salazar, Sally Specht, Peg Isakson, Pam Breitbarth and Kristi and Tom Aberle from Trinity. The students were always thankful for our good meals and conversation. Due to the Pandemic, our season was cut short, and we have been unable to continue this ministry. However, some members of the team contributed food cards to help the students in need this fall. We look forward to returning to this ministry when it is safe.

Jan DesJardin

Music and Worship—Dr. Jane E. Andrews Oh, my, what a year!! This year seems to have begun in late February/early March and to have lasted a number of years. With the knowledge of the COVID 19 virus, we began virtual services…NO CHOIR, which became a super spreader. Talk about a loss of lifestyle---this was it! Thus, we began a new chapter in music and worship at King of Glory. We tried the A-Capella app which needed a professional sound person to sync everything---Not a good choice. Then, Zoom was the next try—there was a delay from the pre-recorded music to the singers. Again, not the best. Finally, BandLab where we needed to learn the free program, but it would give us some choral music and finally something with which we could work. But in order to use BandLab, we had to learn the program and find people who would not only be able to sing, but who could navigate the program. During this pandemic, we have been told it is good to learn something new…well then, I should be in good shape!

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So, presently, we have settled on a virtual worship format of around 30-40 minutes. The length of the service was not random. After watching many different services from different churches, the most effective time online was around 30-40 minutes. We still wanted music, scripture, sermon, prayers, and communion and not only pastor and staff involvement, but also congregant involvement. We also are so very fortunate to have Leo Salazar, who has learned and implemented our virtual services. He continually explores and masters different things we can do virtually.

Our worship planning team of Pastors Ruth Ann and Deb, Kathy Pensack-Rinehart, Leo, and I meet via Zoom every two weeks for advanced planning. Our staff of the two pastors, Kathy Gustad, and I meet every week to keep the communication flowing. Following the liturgical year, we talk through and plan each service, trying to maintain liturgical integrity while providing some variety. We have used the Celtic, Feast and Celebration, and Holden liturgies, as well as a more standard format. We recently put together “Come Sunday—Faith through Music.” Working for over a month on this service, we presented music, scripture, and reflection with a variety of music genres.

Nick Balogh has found Lectors and people reading the prayers. Our KOG Ringers have distance-rehearsed and recorded for different services. Members of the choir have provided music for services. Robyn French, Lorelei and Camilla Karspeck, the Auker family, and Matthias, Abbey, and Elias Lohmer have also added music for our services. A special thanks to Jim Good for his work with BandLab. Kathy Pensack-Rinehart continues to be a steady hand, providing music wherever it is needed. Many thanks to Stephanie Beyers for her recorder playing in the Celtic Service. Mark Manges and his quintet, Hands On Brass Band, and Glory Stringers string quartet have enriched our services with different timbres, styles, and genres of music.

We are looking forward to the Advent and Christmas Seasons. We have a children’s program scheduled that is family-distanced, telling the Nativity story. Maybe we can’t have our KOG Singers for the wonderful Advent/Christmas music, but we can hear our choir with a return of special music from the 2019 season. Boy, do I miss those people!

In conclusion, this has been such a new experience for all of us in planning and sharing worship. Because there is no history of what we “should” do in a pandemic, it has also become a very creative time and also a time of much flexibility. I feel blessed to be involved with a worship team, staff, and congregation who are open to a variety of worship and music. It continues to be a joy to be at King of Glory!

Dr. Jane Andrews 2020 Nursery report Due to COVID-19 many programs within the church came to an abrupt halt in order to adhere to safety expectations. Because we were no longer gathering within the church for worship, and because of social distancing we were not utilizing the (Nursery Position) within the church. We did get creative and made it a point to connect in person with the children for a quick hello and to deliver some fun activities to keep them occupied. As the months progressed we were able to meet weekly at a nearby park to connect and play games. We are now gathering in small groups within the church to safely participate in Sunday School.

Robyn French

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2020 Personnel Team Report The King of Glory Personnel Team has had a complex and unique year in 2020. COVID -19 put us in lockdown and we had to work out how to provide services through a pandemic and keep operations running. We needed to decide, can we keep staff or do we need to make some hard decisions? We recommended and the Leadership team agreed that with the SBA loan and continued generous monthly giving we were able to keep all eight staff at their full pay throughout 2020. We also found where we were deficient in 2020.

Our digital media capabilities and online presence needed to grow up fast. A very large thank you to Leo Salazar for stepping up and helping us make this happen. All the time Leo put in was completely voluntary. I cannot express enough what he has done and continues to do for King of Glory. With that being said and through the Worship, Grow, Serve campaign, we will be looking to expanding our staff by adding a Video Production/Social Media position in 2021.

Thank you to all the staff! Your flexibility, hard work, and continued dedication to this organization is incredible. Also a Very Big Thank You to the congregation. Your continued giving has been a blessing!

Bryan French

Prayer Shawls Our prayer shawl team has also still be knitting and praying while they make beautiful prayer shawls. These are given out to anyone who needs some warmth and tender, loving care. The team has also made hats which were sent to St. Joseph Native American school. Anyone interested in joining can contact Barb Bracken Bartel. Thank you Knitters! Property Team 2020 The Property Team of KOG worked behind the scene to maintain and improve the property during this COVID year. Regular grounds maintenance-- lawn mowing, watering was accomplished by Pat DesJardin, Darwyn Kietzmann, Jim Brossia, Jerome Beckman, Gordon Cisar, Ed Young and Ted Schmidt. Fall Cleanup Day was 11/07 and included Christmas tree lighting in front of church by Pastor Deb and Brad Abbott, and Randy Pfeiff. Gordon and Darwyn cleaned gutters, Mike Dodge, Pat, Darwyn, Pastor Ruth Ann raked and loaded lots of leaves into Darwyn and Pat's trailers for recycling.

We did accomplish two significant projects in 2020-- having 2 steps demolished and a ramp placed up to the Fellowship hall on the east side. We also replaced the 20+year old furnace and AC units for the Sanctuary with a high efficiency units and 6" thick air filters. Prior to replacement we had Monster Vac of Denver clean all the ductworks under the Sanctuary and throughout the offices---the first cleaning in 42 years.

Ted Schmidt Quilters King of Glory quilters have been hard at work this year sewing in their homes. To date they’ve taken close to one hundred quilts to House of Neighborly Service. They also delivered 15 to victims of the fires. We pray that each person or household that receives a quilt will be wrapped in warmth and love. Thank you quilters! You do fabulous ministry! Stephen Ministry We have been blessed to collaborate our Stephen Ministry program with Zion. This joint partnership gives us the ability to combine two great congregations into one amazing ministry. Our Stephen Leaders and Ministers are working harder than ever, especially now, to support and walk

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this journey with their care receivers. This pandemic has created an additional need for Stephen Ministry. We continue to work together, set goals, and meet our expectations. COVID-19 has created a few challenges; however, we are continually brainstorming to seek ways to continue our mission despite the obstacles. Zoom Meetings have been valuable to connect our Pastors, Leaders, and Ministers. This technology allows us to have our monthly meetings and keep everyone safe. Our Stephen Ministers are doing a phenomenal job at creating ways to meet with their care receivers and assist during this unpredictable time. This is a great team who are proud to be serving a much needed ministry here at King of Glory.

Nancy French

Technology/Sound System Remember when we made the improvement to the decades old sound system? It seems like forever ago, right? This global pandemic sure does have a way of making time pass by quickly. While we were only able to utilize our amazing new sound system for a short period in early 2020 (before COVID), the system that KOG invested in will be ready and able to compliment any future improvements we make in the realm of video/streaming. I know that for 2021, one of our Worship/Grow/Serve initiatives is for improvements to the phone systems and internet connection in the office. Hopefully, with better internet capabilities (Comcast or possibly Pulse), we can explore doing live streaming of services and broadcasting in real time.

Eric Backsen

WELCA (Women of the ELCA) Although our WELCA Peace Circle hasn’t been meeting in person, we continued to make our monthly donations. We collected around $100 this year to donate to a ministry of the church, at the pastors’ discretion. Thank you Peace Circle! We miss seeing you at church! World Hunger Team Although support for ELCA World Hunger is a year-round focus for many members of this congregation, the hunger team concentrates its primary fundraising efforts during the season of Lent, culminating with a special “second” offering on Easter weekend. In 2020, we again participated in the ELCA World Hunger 40 Days of Giving program. We distributed brochures, calendars, devotion booklets, jar wrappers/jars, and coin boxes. The display table, bulletin inserts, and worship videos featured stories of how ELCA World Hunger helps people in poverty build sustainable futures. HOWEVER…the COVID pandemic hit in mid-March, resulting in and immediate halt in our programing for Lent AND no second offering on Easter Sunday. Generous offerings to ELCA World Hunger have continued, however, and we have collected $12, 450.57 through the end of November. While this is several thousand dollars behind our efforts in 2019, there is still time to catch up! Just make a contribution on the World Hunger line in VANCO or write a check to King of Glory with ELCA World Hunger in the memo line. This is also the season for Good Gifts…go to to browse through ideas sure to please everyone on your gift-giving lists! You can also pick up Advent Calendars and devotion books and Good Gifts cards and ornaments at the Advent Display near the front door of the church.

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We all hope for a safer and healthier year in 2021 … and a return to our regular Lenten/Easter emphasis!

The World Hunger Team, Carol McDivitt

Treasurer’s 2020 Summary Peace to all as we enter the final month of 2020. It has been a year that has brought serious new challenges and new discoveries to us, and one that will never been forgotten. These new realities extended to managing our budget and finances as well. As we approach the end of this year, I am humbled yet gratified to say that the financial foundation of King of Glory is sound and stable. This is due to your continued faith and by extension your generosity. The following is a quick summary of finance and treasury events from 2020.

1. It appears that we will fulfill our 2020 budget goals on reaching $413,000 in general contributions and offerings. We also met all of our obligations during the year. This is the manifestation of your faith as this was accomplished in a year wherein it was a challenge to meet in-person after March. This is a blessing that benefits all and we want to extend our gratitude to you for your continued kindness. This gives us confidence in recommending a budget of $443,000 in general contributions for 2021.

2. We chose to support a mission of maintaining our employees on the payroll throughout this difficult year. This effort was helped greatly by the continued dedication of your contributions coupled together with our participation in the government sponsored Payroll Protection Program, (PPP). Through our local bank, Independent Financial, we accessed a PPP loan for $49,500 in May. These funds were used to maintain our payroll and to pay for critical utility expenses during an 8-week period in May-July. The loan includes a 100% forgiveness clause for borrowers who maintained their personnel. We will exercise the forgiveness clause in cooperation with our bank during December.

3. Our mortgage is provided by the Mission Investment Fund (MIF), an ELCA organization. In an act of generosity and compassion, MIF created a program to defer principal payments on mortgages for a two-month period. Our monthly principal payments are approximately $4000 so that meant that we were allowed to defer approximately $8000 in principal payments. Those payment have been deferred until 2022.

4. Important projects funded in 2020 with our self-funded Capital Improvement Fund included new furnaces and a thorough duct cleaning. This project will enhance our air circulation and we will all benefit when we return to in-person meetings. Additionally, a new handicap ramp has been constructed outside the Fellowship Hall and funded from our Worship, Grow, Serve fund.

5. As the year progressed it became evident that the 2021 budget needed to increase in areas that enhanced our online service and messaging capabilities, our postage and delivery systems, and our Parish Life. You will see this shift as you review the budget. In 2020, the fires also caused much destruction and damage and resultant need for Sky Ranch as they reassemble during 2021.

This year marks the end of my term as Treasurer. It has been a privilege to be of service to such a fine church and the people who make it so. Thank you for your kindness and confidence and blessings to all. Mark Francis

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King of Glory Annual Congregational Meeting

Ballot, December 13, 2020

1. Shall the 2021 budget for King of Glory proposed by the Leadership Team be approved?

YES_____ NO_______

Proposed 2021 Budget:

Income $458,000

Expense $543,161

2. Shall the following slate of candidates be approved to serve on King of Glory’s Leadership Team?

YES______ NO________

Executive Council: Officers President: Eric Backsen – 1 year remaining on 2nd term

Vice President: Bryan French – 2nd 2 year term

Treasurer: Ron Lamb – New 2-year term

Secretary: Judy Richardson – 1 year remaining

At Large: Lynn Hamilton – 1 year remaining

Joe Sayers – 1 year term

Jan DesJardin – 1 year term

Randy Pfeiff – 2 year term

Please vote yes/no by email to Judy Richardson

by Saturday evening, 12/12. If you prefer to wait and ask questions

during the meeting, please email your vote during the meeting

on Sunday morning, 12/13. Thank you!

[Leadership Team members leaving at 2020 year end:

Mark Francis, Roxane Salazar, Ted Schmidt]
