King of the North Draft3


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  • 8/12/2019 King of the North Draft3


    King Of The North

    Event Address, contact and list submission

    VenueThe Outpost, Sheffield, 30 Furnival Gate Sheffield, South Yorkshire S1 4QP

    Date13thJuly 2014

    Telephone - 0114 2752172 Lists submission, rule queries to or@Lordy_war

    Ticket payments via The Outposts website or phone the above number

    Parking is 1 on Sundays, right next to the shop

    Event Rules

    22 Places available

    3 games all using the Battleline scenario


    Tickets are 17.50 which includes lunch (14 if tickets paid for at Return to Tollheim tournament)

    Lists are to be submitted beforeMonday 7ththJuly

    Armies dont have to be painted however unpainted armies will not gain the 4 bonus tournament points (see

    additional tournament points)

    Proxies may not be used EVER! Models from other ranges are fine as long as they clearly represent the model

    they are being used for.

    Proxy armies may be used (such as Annies Chaos Gnomes) as long as the models clearly represent the units

    they are being used as (Buckets of bugs type armies will be cast into the Chaos Warp)

    This event will be using the Lordy Hammer composition pack attached with the pack

    Prizes include store credit for the following:

    30 for first place, 20 for second place, 10 for third place, 20 Best Painted


    9:00-09:30 am registration, fire drill and Q&As

    9:30-12:00am Game 1

    12:00-12:45 lunch and best painting votes

    12:45-15:15 Game 2

    15:30-18:00 Game 3

    18:15Results, Awards, Raffle

    Additional Victory points

    Fleeing units at the end of the game generate half victory points

    Fleeing units at the end of the game that require a double 1 due to casualties, generate full victory points

    Characters and mounts are worth separate victory points, this include units such as the Screaming Bell etc.

    Units (not characters or single models) reduced to25% or less than their starting size are worth half victory


    Additional Tournament points

    You will receive 3 tournament points for handing a correct list in before the deadline

    You will receive 3 tournament points for using a fullypainted army, including basing You will receive 1 tournament point if your army has painted & textured movement trays for all units

    You will receive 3 tournament points for making a ticket payment before the deadline. (Tickets not paid for

    before the deadline will be offered to reserves)

  • 8/12/2019 King of the North Draft3


    Scoring system

    The games will be scored using the 20-0 system as follows:





    0-149 10-10150-299 11-9

    300-449 12-8

    450-599 13-7

    600-749 14-6

    750-899 15-5

    900-1049 16-4

    1050-1199 17-3

    1200-1349 18-2

    1350-1499 19-1

    1500+ 20-0

    Lordy Hammer Comp Pack

    General Comp

    No Special or named characters are allowed

    A maximum of 2 wizards may select spells from the same lore, this doesnt include race specific loresor bound

    lores such as Sisters of the Thorn etc

    No more than 20 infantry models plus up to two characters (infantry only) may enter buildings, a maximum of 6

    monstrous infantry and one monstrous infantry character may enter buildings

    No unit may swift reform into a building The folding fortress or Power scroll may not be taken

    No army may generate more than 2 power dice or dispel dice per phase, including channelling

    No more than 12 power dice can be used in a magic phase

    No army may include more than 4 War machines

    All BSBs from older books may take mundane equipment available to them

    Characters will only take one wound from the following spells, Dwellers Below, Final Transmutation, the

    Dreaded 13thspell

    Battlescrolls may not be taken

    Comp breaker

    If you have a themed army that breaks the comp conditions please contact me, if its not something ridiculous and is Themed/Fluffy Ill probably allow it, for example, two Khorne Skull Cannons may be taken in a full

    Khorne daemon list, however a list with 15 core Chaos Warrior Chariots does not make a themed list, it just

    makes you a filthy gamey bastard and will be refused.

    Draft 3

    This is the third and final draft, no comp will be added/removed now unless something is majorly wrong. I will

    continue to update the pack with Q&As as they come at me

    Slow Play

    Hopefully this wont be an issue, but to ensure all games get finished on time we will be using a slow play


    to those who slow play (2.5 hours is plenty of time to finish a game)

    Failure to complete games within 6 turns will incur the following penalty

    Once = Warning issued, Twice = 3 Point penalty, Third time = 5 Point penalty

  • 8/12/2019 King of the North Draft3


    Race Specific Comp


    Beastmen armies may take an extra 200pts when building army lists

    May generate 3 power dice and 3 dispel dice per phase

    May take 3 wizards with the same lore


    May generate 3 power dice and 3 dispel dice per phase

    Daemons of Chaos

    Skull Cannons are 0-1

    A maximum of 8 Beasts of Nurgle may be taken and maximum unit size of 4

    The Rock of Inevitabili ty may not be taken

    Plaguebearer units can be a max of 450pts including command and magic standards

    Models will only ever benefit from a magic weapon that it is currently using, carrying the Sword of Swift Slaying

    for example will not give you the benefit of ASF if you choose to use another Magic Sword in combat

    Dark Elves

    Characters mounted on Dark Steeds 0-3

    Executioner and Witch Elf units may not exceed 40 models

    Maximum of 4 units of fast cavalry


    Gyrocopters are 0-4

    Cannons are 0-2

    Chaos Dwarfs

    A Maximum of 1 each of the following may be taken, Hellcannon, Magma Cannon, Deathshrieker

    Kdaii Destroyer, Hellcannons and Irondaemons count as war machines

    Chalice of blood may only be used at the start of the magic phase

    High Elves

    Banner of World Dragon and Frostheart Phoenixes are 0-2 combined

    White Lion units can be a maximum of 450pts including full command and magic standards

    Loremaster doesnt count towardsthe maximum number of wizards using the same lore .


    Skink Skirmishers are 0-3

    Mounted Scar Vets and Mounted Old Bloods are 0-3 combined if a Slann Mage is taken

    A Slann Mage Priest with Wandering Deliberations does not count to the maximum number of wizards using

    the same lore

    Ogre Kingdoms

    Ironblasters, Hellheart and Dispel scroll are 0-2 combined

    A maximum of 8 Mournfang models may be taken

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    Orcs and Goblins

    Savage Orc BigUn units may not exceed 40 models

    Bolt Throwers dont count to the War machine cap

    Mangler Squigs, Doom Divers and Rock Lobbers are 0-5 combined


    Slave units may not exceed 50 models

    Hellpit, and Warp Lightning cannon are all 0-2 combined

    A maximum of three from the following may be taken Hellpit, Doom Wheel and Warp lightning cannons

    Gutter runners are 0-2 and a maximum of 20 models

    Doom Rocket, Brass Orb 0-1 choice combined

    Giant rat units below 100pts are 0-2

    The Empire

    Great Cannons and Steam tanks are 0-2 combined

    Steam tank counts as a war machine A maximum of 8 Demigryphs may be taken

    War Alter doesnt count towards the rule maximum of 2 wizards choosing the same lore

    Tomb Kings

    Tomb Kings armies may take an extra 200pts when building army lists

    May Generate 3 power and 3 dispel dice per phase

    May take 3 wizards with the same lore

    Vampire Counts

    Dire Wolf units are 0-4 Ethereal units including charactersare 0-4combined

    Red Fury, Ogre Blade and Terrorgheists are 0-3 combined

    Warriors of Chaos

    Daemon Princes and Core Chariots are 0-4

    A Daemon Prince with the Daemonic Flight may not take soulfeeder

    A maximum of 4 flyers may be taken

    Third eye of Tzeentch, Talisman of Preservation, Armour of Destiny, max 1 on the same model

    Chimeras are 0-2

    Wood Elves

    Max 70 Asrai long bows, Hail of Doom Arrow counts as 5, Waystalkers count as 3, Waywatchers count as two

    A maximum of 20 Waywatchers can be taken

    Waystalkers 0-3

    Ambushing units 0-4

    Text highlighted in red were changes made from Draft 1

    Text highlighted in green are changes made from Draft 2

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  • 8/12/2019 King of the North Draft3


  • 8/12/2019 King of the North Draft3


    Q. Will open ground count as terrain for the purposes of the 'Curse of Anraheir' spell from Lore of Beasts?

    A. Yes open ground will cause dangerous terrain tests, also note that any wounds caused by the curse of

    Anraheir are not magical.

    Q. Can units that fire like Warmachines such as Steam Tanks and Iron Blasters pivot before shooting? A. No