King Rehoboam 931-913 BCe526e47bf4e2472754b4-44be4380f60e10a01075b3cee295ac7e.r70.cf2.rackc…Said...


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King Rehoboam

931-913 BC

age 41, probably chosen by Solomon as successor

inherited Solomon’s whole kingdom, both North and South

tensions between the North and South concerning: taxes

forced labor

representation in government

Queen Mother role in Judah’s royal court

always noted in the king’s introduction

Rehoboam’s mother was Naamah

She was Ammonite, one of Solomon’s foreign wives

in the line of Christ, like other non-Israelite women (Mt 1)

Said to be descended from the incestuous relationship of Lot with one of his daughters (Gen 19)

originally a nomadic tribe

settled in the highlands East of the Jordan River, where the Jabbok River runs down from the edge of the desert

capital - Rabbah

national God – Moloch (also known as Milcam)

oppressed Jabesh-Gilead, which was saved by Saul (1 Sam 11)

insulted David’s messengers(2 Sam 10)

defeated by David and Joab (2 Sam 12)

10 tribes revolt and reject Rehoboam (931 BC)

they form the Northern Kingdom, called Israel

2 tribes, Judah and Benjamin, remain with Rehoboam

they form the Southern Kingdom, called Judah

God spoke to Abraham and promised the land.

Jacob bought a plot of land.

Joshua had all Israel confirm the covenant during the Conquest.

The city was set aside as a city of refuge.

Joseph’s bones, brought up from Egypt, were buried here.

The ten tribes rejected Rehoboam as king.

First capital of the Northern Kingdom, Israel

tried to impose Solomon’s

forced labor policies on the


sent Adoniram, the chief of

forced labor

Adoniram was stoned to

death by angry northerners

and Rehoboam fled in his


civil war looms, between the

North (Israel) and the South


roles of an OT prophet:

ministered to the people

confronted kings and priests when not keeping the Law

announced God’s coming plans including judgment

performed miracles

advised the king and his court on religion and politics

kept written records of the king’s reign


chosen by God

could hear God’s voice

could speak publicly

obeyed even when hard


Who was Shemaiah?

no personal references concerning his background

stopped a civil war between North and South (1 Ki 12:22)

met with leaders and delivered God’s judgment (2 Chron 12:5)

received God’s message of mitigation (2 Chron 12:7-8)

kept written records of Rehoboam’s reign (2 Chron 12:15)

Who was Iddo? a seer

recorded events of:



Rehoboam’s son


historical records – written down by prophets and

court secretaries

1 and 2 Samuel

written by an unknown person, possibly a priest or Levite

probably wrote all of Joshua, Judges, 1 and 2 Samuel, 1

and 2 Kings

1 Samuel covers Samuel, Saul, and the early years of David

2 Samuel covers David’s reign over the United Monarchy

1 and 2 Kings

1 Kings covers the transfer of power from David to

Solomon, and the early days of the Divided Monarchy

2 Kings covers the Divided Monarchy in both North and

South, the fall of the Northern Kingdom to Assyria (722),

and the fall of the Southern Kingdom to Babylon (586 BC)

1 and 2 Chronicles

originally one single book

written by an unknown person, called the


written after the Babylonian Exile and the

return to Judah


genealogies from Adam to after the Exile (1 Chron 1-9)

David’s reign (1 Chron 10-29)

Solomon’s reign (2 Chron 1-10)

Kings of Judah (2 Chron 11-36)

1 and 2 Chronicles

source material from: Genesis

1 and 2 Samuel

1 and 2 Kings

uses other source material not found in Kings

interested especially in: theology

the Davidic line

the Temple

Sources mentioned in Chronicles

The Book of the Kings of Israel

The Record of Samuel the Seer

The Record of Nathan the Prophet

The Record of Gad the Seer

The Prophecy of Ahijah from Shiloh

The Visions of Iddo the Seer

The Record of Shemaiah the Prophet

The book of the Kings of Judah and Israel

The Record of Jehu son of Hanani

The Vision of the Prophet Isaiah the Son of Amoz

The Record of the Seers

The Book of Laments

probably Pharaoh Sheshonk 1, ruler of Egypt in the XXII Dynasty, Third Intermediate Period, 945-924 BC

under Solomon, many trade routes controlled by Israel

Pharaoh Sheshonk attacked Israel to regain trade with Phoenicia and other countries

His increased influence in Byblos, one of the Phoenician city-states, is indicated by a statue base found there with his name on it


attacked the Southern kingdom (1 Ki 11, 2 Chron 12)

apparently also attacked the Northern kingdom

the military campaign was in about 925 BC

on the Bubastite portal, at the Temple of Karnak, the Pharaoh recorded a list of towns conquered

there are 150 towns listed. Jerusalem is not visible among them, but not all the names are legible.

a commemorative stele,

found in Meggido, has a

cartouche with Sheshonk’s


from the Jerusalem palace,

he took 300 gold shields

also carried off the

treasures of the Temple

when his son, Osorkon I,

took the throne, he

donated huge amounts of

gold to temples in Egypt.

Plunder from Judah?


What good leadership principles did the elders

propose to Rehoboam?

To whom did Rehoboam listen?

to the people?

to older advisors?

to the prophet Shemaiah?

to God?

What roles did the prophet Shemaiah play in

the kingdom of Judah?

What saved Rehoboam from total destruction?

Where do you lead in your life – home, school,

church, work, community, etc.?

Tell the group what you learned from the passage

you read.

How did Rehoboam show leadership?

Was his leadership effective? Why or why not?

How does the prophet Shemiah interact with him?

Who is Shemiah listening to?

Who is Rehoboam listening to?

What leadership principles can we draw from

Rehoboam’s example?

How can these principles help you lead better?

Arrogance yields nothing but strife;

Wisdom belongs to those who seek advice.

(Prov 13:10)

A gentle answer turns away wrath,

but a harsh word stirs up anger.

(Prov 15:1)

Jeroboam Ia labor official over the tribe of Ephraim

under Solomon

leader of the northern rebellion

first king of the Northern Kingdom

His story is told in:

1 Kings 11:26-40

1 Kings 12, 13, 14
