KISS Rulesheet Version 1-0


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KISS Rulesheet Version 1.00 (July 24, 2015)

This version should be considered incomplete and I welcome and encourage additions,

corrections, and editorial suggestions to improve the document.

Note: Red text indicates items that may be incorrect or for which more information is needed.

New To This Version

• Everything

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Notes and Disclaimers ......................................................................................................................... 3

References and Special Thanks ............................................................................................................ 3

Machine Versions ................................................................................................................................ 4

KISS Pro ........................................................................................................................................... 4

KISS Premium .................................................................................................................................. 4

KISS Limited Edition (LE)................................................................................................................... 4

Design Credits ...................................................................................................................................... 4

Abbreviations ...................................................................................................................................... 4

Playfield Layout ................................................................................................................................... 5

Rules ................................................................................................................................................... 6

Basic Features .................................................................................................................................. 6

Skill Shots..................................................................................................................................... 6

Light Bumper Shot ....................................................................................................................... 6

Army Combo (Hurry-Up) .............................................................................................................. 6

Kiss Combo (Hurry-Up) ................................................................................................................. 6

Front Row .................................................................................................................................... 6

Backstage Pass ............................................................................................................................. 6

2x/3x/Colossal Bonus ................................................................................................................... 7

Cities (???) ....................................................................................................................................... 7

Songs (Modes) ................................................................................................................................. 7

Lick It Up ...................................................................................................................................... 7

Hotter than Hell ........................................................................................................................... 7

Black Diamond ............................................................................................................................. 7

Deuce .......................................................................................................................................... 8

Detroit Rock City .......................................................................................................................... 8

Shout It Out Loud ......................................................................................................................... 8

Rock and Roll All Nite ................................................................................................................... 8

Features towards KISS Army and Rock City Wizard Modes ............................................................... 8

Love Gun Multiball � Star Child .................................................................................................. 8

Instruments � Space Man ........................................................................................................... 8

Demon Multiball � Demon ......................................................................................................... 9

Band Members on Bumpers � Cat Man ...................................................................................... 9

Mini-Wizard Mode: KISS Army ........................................................................................................ 9

Wizard Mode: Rock City .................................................................................................................. 9

Bonus .............................................................................................................................................. 9

Extra Balls ...................................................................................................................................... 10

Specials.......................................................................................................................................... 10

Strategies .......................................................................................................................................... 10

Quotes............................................................................................................................................... 10

Bugs and Potential Problems ............................................................................................................. 10

Easter Eggs ........................................................................................................................................ 10

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Notes and Disclaimers This rule compilation and tips sheet is, to the extent possible (in light of the subject matter

being the property of Stern and Kiss), freeware. It can be modified, updated, or revised,

provided only that credit to the original author(s) remains intact. It can be published or

otherwise distributed, provided only that such distribution is effectively free.

This sheet is written and maintained by Scott Tiesma, tiesmasc at yahoo dot com. If you have

any questions or comments or additions or corrections, please forward them on to me or edit

the rulesheet and update the version as a living document.

KISS the pinball machine is the property of Stern Pinball (, and a

trademark of the licensor. The author(s) disclaim all interest in any trademarks or other

intellectual property referenced herein. Various images were duplicated from Stern Pinball’s

website and promotional materials. This will be removed if requested.

References and Special Thanks

Design credits obtained from the Internet Pinball Database


Special thanks to people who have contributed to this rulesheet (in no particular order):

• TBD (need to get references from pinside posts)

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Machine Versions

Three versions of KISS have been created by Stern and are described below.


• Virtual ball lock in demon head

• Static Star Child figure

• White GI

• Pro specific translite and cabinet art

KISS Premium

• 3 ball lock in demon head

• Levitating ball across stadium at start of Love Gun Multiball

and associated ball diverter mechanism in ramp

• Drop target in Star Child play area

• Animated Star Child figure

• Star Child amplifier decoration

• KISS Drop Targets

• Colored GI

• Premium specific translite and cabinet art

KISS Limited Edition (LE)

• Same as Premium except

• LE specific mirrored backglasss and cabinet art

• Red legs, armor (with flipper button protector), and hinges

Design Credits

• Design by: John Borg

• Art by: Kevin O’Connor (the same artist who did the Bally

1978 KISS pinball)

• Dots/Animation by: tbd

• Mechanics by: tbd

• Engineering by: tbd

• Music by: KISS

• Sound by: tbd

• Software by: tbd


• LE – Limited Edition

• tbd

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Playfield Layout

This is a glossary of the shots and features that will be referred to during the discussion of the

game. The items are, in general, described starting from the lower left and proceeding counter-

clockwise around the main playfield. Please forgive muted coloring; it was the only way I could

make the reference numbers stand out.

1. Left Outlane

2. Left Inlane 1

3. Left Inlane 2

4. Slingshots

5. Flippers

6. Right Inlane

7. Right Outlane

8. Shooter Lane / Manual Plunger –

Deposits into right orbit above


9. ARMY Standup Targets

10. Spinner

11. Right Orbit

12. Right Ramp

13. Light Lock Targets

14. Demon Head

a. entrance

b. spinning demon disc

c. ball eject from mouth

d. virtual lock in pro, real lock

in Premium and LE

15. Center Ramp

16. Star Child Saucer

17. Game Controlled Drop Target (only

in Premium and LE)

18. STAR Targets

19. Star Child Slingshots

20. Star Child Mini Play Area Entrance


21. Pop Bumpers

22. Scoop

23. Left Orbit

24. KISS Standup Targets (Drop

Targets in Premium and LE)

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Basic Features

Skill Shots

In version 1.03 of the software there are no skill shots (that I’m aware of).

You do have the choice of a long plunge which will send the ball around back to the bumpers or

a short plunge which will drop it in the right orbit so that it falls past the spinner to the right

slingshot or flipper.

Light Bumper Shot

Balls which go down the leftmost inlane will light a bumper shot. These do not time out and

stack. Each bumper shot essentially lights one of the characters represented on a bumper.

Collecting these are shown in the middle of the lower playfield.

I believe that collecting all 4 bumpers awards the Cat Man character (blinking not solid).

I also believe that collecting in these characters increases their respective bumper values where

white lighting is worth 5,000 points, green 10,000, and purple 15,000 per hit.

Army Combo (Hurry-Up)

The center ramp is lit for a hurry-up award.

?? What about ARMY targets ??

Kiss Combo (Hurry-Up)

The left orbit is lit for a hurry-up award.

?? What about KISS targets ??

Front Row

Front Row is a left outlane ball save. When lit the ball will still drain but a new one is served up

in the shooter lane and auto-plunged. Front Row is lit when you complete the KISS targets.

(And I think it can be stacked.)

Backstage Pass

When lit and collected at the scoop the Backstage Pass gives the player a mystery award.

Backstage Pass is lit when you complete both the KISS and ARMY targets. Possible awards


• Super Bumpers - bumpers worth ??? for up to XX hits

• Super Ramps – next 10 ramp shots worth 750k each

• Super Targets - targets (?KISS, ARMY, STAR, Lock?) worth ??? for up to XX hits

• Light Extra Ball

• 2x Bonus

• 3x Bonus?

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• Colossal Bonus?

• More tbd???

2x/3x/Colossal Bonus

I’m not aware of how to earn these bonuses. I did notice once while playing that the game said

something like “starting 2nd stage” and the 2x bonus lit up… but I don’t recall if this was during a

song/mode or during a multiball….

The 2x bonus is also randomly awarded by Backstage Pass. I don’t know if 3x or Colossal are awarded in

a similar fashion.

Cities (???) At the start of the game you can select a city with the left flipper button. After that I’ve never seen an

option to change it. I don’t believe the selected city makes any difference beyond some call outs during

play. The available cities are: Detroit, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles, Houston, New

Orleans, Atlanta, Orlando, Tokyo, London, New York, San Francisco, and Mexico City.

Songs (Modes)

Songs are the basic modes within the game. At the start of the game you can use the right

flipper to select the desired song/mode you wish to play. After that new songs may be selected

and started at the scoop if New Track is lit. New songs may also be available for selection at the

start of a new ball if greater than ??50% progress towards completion of a song??? occurred on

the prior ball.

To light New Track ???you must complete a song???

In general for most modes you simply shoot the lit shots. Hotter than Hell is a bit different and

described below. The songs are:

Lick It Up

This mode starts with the 2 neighboring shots (star child and middle ramp) lit. If you hit the left

shot the two shots will move one to the left. If you hit the right shot the two shots will move

one to the right. Hit XX shots to complete the song and relight the shots.

Hotter than Hell

This mode starts with no shots lit but the KISS targets blinking. Hit a KISS target and a shot will

become lit. Then collect that shot. Repeat until the mode is complete after XX shots are

collected. Then repeat until you select a new track.

Black Diamond

This mode starts with the right orbit lit. After collecting this shot then ?1 or 2 other shots? are

lit. Keep hitting lit shots until the mode is complete. Then repeat until you select a new track.

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This mode starts with the left orbit and star child shots lit. Hitting either one of them moves

the shots one to the right. Continue to do this until all ?6? shots are collected to complete the

song. Then repeat until you select a new track.

Detroit Rock City

This mode starts with all shots (left orbit, star child, middle ramp, demon, right ramp, right

orbit) lit. Collect a shot and the light will turn off. Mode is complete when all shots are

collected. Then repeat until you select a new track.

Shout It Out Loud

This mode starts with the middle ramp lit. After collecting this the two orbits will be lit. After

collecting both of those the ?three other shots (star child, demon, right ramp) will be lit?. The

mode is complete after all shots are collected. Then repeat until you select a new track.

Rock and Roll All Nite

This mode starts with the middle ramp lit. After collecting this ???another shot is lit???. Collect

this and repeat until all shots are collected. Then repeat until you select a new track.

Features towards KISS Army and Rock City Wizard Modes

Note that you can determine your progress towards KISS Army and Rock City based upon the

lighting of the KISS character lights (Star Child, Space Man, Demon, Cat Man) in the center of

the playfield just above the 2x insert. When all are lit and at least one is flashing KISS Army will

be lit at the scoop. When all are solidly lit Rock City will be lit at the scoop. So how do you light

these characters?

Love Gun Multiball � Star Child

Spell STAR to enable. To start get lucky and have the ball fall into the Star Saucer or shoot the

right ramp (when lit).

Starting this multiball will light Star Child in a blinking fashion and the song Love Gun will begin


During this multiball ???shoot the lit shots for jackpots???

To solidly light Star Child requires ??? (?a super jackpot during Love Gun Multiball?)

Instruments � Space Man

Shooting the right ramp when “Instrument Power On” is lit will light an instrument for

collection. Shooting the lit instrument shot will then collect an instrument. The four

instruments and their shots are:

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• (Paul’s) Guitar – Star Child shot

• (Ace’s) Guitar – Center Ramp

• (Gene’s Bass) Guitar – Demon Head

• (Peter’s) Drums – Left Orbit

After collecting all 4 (the first time) you'll get an extra ball lit at the scoop.

After ?5 or 6? you get the spaceman to be lit (blinking). (How many for solid?)

An additional extra ball is available after 45 more instrument collections.

Demon Multiball � Demon

Hit the two Light Lock shots (one on each side of gene's head) and then lock balls in the Demon

head for progress towards Demon Multiball. Three locked balls will start this feature. The locks

can be stacked prior to collection.

During this mode the song Calling Dr. Love plays and jackpots are available at all major shots

(?which unlight after collecting but shots to Gene will relight one?). ?5 jackpots lights super

jackpot at ???

Band Members on Bumpers � Cat Man

?? I think a blinking cat man is lit by collecting all 4 bumpers. ??

?? I think a solidly lit cat man is lit by maximizing all 4 bumpers. ??

?? Or is this spinner related??

Mini-Wizard Mode: KISS Army

Kiss Army is lit at the scoop when all band members are lit and at least 1 is blinking. This is an

add-a-ball multiball with lots of jackpots. ??? More ???

The song ?Love it Loud? plays during this mode.

Wizard Mode: Rock City

Rock City is lit at the scoop when all band members are solidly lit.

??? More ??? Do you have to play Kiss Army first ??? Are these both wizard modes or is Kiss

Army a lower level (mini) wizard award???

What song?


End of ball bonus is calculated based upon how many of each of the below were collected

• KISS targets

• ARMY targets

• Bumpers

• Instruments

And then this is multiplied by the 2x/3x/Colossal Bonus.

Note that these items are all recorded in the bottom middle of the playfield.

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(What happens if you collect 6 KISS targets… what about if you spell KISS 3 times, …?)

Extra Balls

Collect 4 instruments

?Completing songs?

Mystery award

More to be determined



?completing songs?

?mystery award?

More to be determined

Strategies To improve you odds of hitting the STAR targets some have suggested that holding the flippers

up reduces the power and gets better bounce. I also find that nudging is very beneficial.

I like to start the game with Detroit Rock City since all shots are lit. It seems like it is then easier

to get scoring going… but I don’t’ really know how scoring between the modes differs.

I also like to go for instruments to get the extra ball and the Spaceman as I go through modes.

And Iock balls in the Demon whenever possible.

Lastly, get backstage pass whenever you can as the Super Modes are generous with the points.

This section needs your input. Please consider contributing.

Quotes To be determined

Bugs and Potential Problems

• SDTM after gene expels from mouth? Add a ball saver?

• Here is a SDTM fix suggested by LOTR_breath: For the Gene head eject you can adjust

the power of the kick out. BUT, you can also remove the plastic behind Gene's head,

exposing four screws. There are cutouts in the clear plastic so you can get a screwdriver

on them. Loosen the screws and while pushing the eject at the mouth as far to the left

as possible, re-tighten the screws. Source:

• To be determined

Easter Eggs • More to be determined
