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The closest here to the definition of kitchenware, this tea kettle shows off a sleek design, and certainly would be considered usable in a kitchen by most people.

This glass sculpture by Dave Chihuly is meant to be a wine bottle. Visibly, however, it is obvious that such a container cannot be easily used. Just imagine trying to pour wine out of it. Yet as a

decoration in a wine cabinet, it certainly would fit.

Many of these pseudo-normal “kitchenwares” are characterized by their false appearance. At a distance you might see them as normal dishes, yet close up, there are stark differences. This

one photograph shows utensils that may not be so easy to eat with.

Is this meant to be a pile of dishes or an overall picture?

This teapot cannot hold any water so can it be used in a kitchen? If not, then can this be considered kitchenware? Apparently this piece of “kitchenware” seeks to test the very

definitions of what it is.

This appears to be a deconstruction of a pile of dishes in a sink. The meaning perceived from this harshly skewered set of cups and dishes is one laughing at “normal” kitchenware waiting to

be washed in a sink and asking how this is so different.