KMI Pulp Moulding Systems Egg Flats -...


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KMI Pulp Moulding SystemsEgg Flats

System #2CE: 1,440 flats per hour, 12,182,400 per year

System #6CE: 2,160 flats per hour, 17,884,800 per year

System #14CE: 3,600 flats per hour, 31,104,000 per year

System #16CE: 4,310 flats per hour, 36,851,760 per year

System #18CE: 5,280 flats per hour, 45,041,040 per year

For more information, specifications and costing, on these systemsor other systems please contact:

KMI Pulp Machines Inc.

Don Kennedy don@kmipulpmachines.comMonique Kennedy

www.kmipulpmachines.comPhone: 905-954-0777Fax: 905-954-1777

These 54” moulders are designed for egg flats ,egg cartons and other low profile products.

KMI Moulder

KMI Pulp Machines

The ProcessIt starts with waste material such as ONP (news print ),OCC (corrugated) and/or any other processed fibrous material

KMI Pulp Moulding System 2CEProduction Rate:1,440 trays per hour , 12,182,400trays per year

KMI Pulp Moulding System 6CEProduction Rate:2,160 trays per hour , 17,884,800 trays per year

KMI Pulp Moulding System 14CEProduction Rate: 3,600 trays per hour , 31,104,000 trays per year

KMI Pulp Moulding System 16CEProduction Rate:4,320 trays per hour , 36,851,760 trays per year

KMI Pulp Moulding System 18CEProduction Rate: 5,280 trays per hour , 45,041,040 trays per year

KMI Pulp Moulding Systems arebuilt in modules for simplifiedshipping and on site assembly.

Our systems are built from heavystructural steel and coated witha durable Epoxy paint.

M350 Moulder with 150 Hp Vacuum system

At KMI we fabricate our mouldingprocess components from durable heavygauge stainless steel in our shop inNewmarket.

All our pipes for water, process water,vacuum and air are stainless steel This isfor durability and corrosion resistance.

1150 Gallon pulping systems

1500 gallon stainless steel pulper

3200 Gallon stainless steel white water tank

Stainless steel vacuum tanks

60 Hp vacuum skid

Dryers & Heat Recovery

Our dryers are built to match the production rate of our moulders, as well as tomatch the requirements of the product they are drying. This is helpful becauseit is more efficient to use only the amount of energy needed to dry the product(no wasted space being heated or extra energy being used). We achieve this byassessing your company’s needs, and building a complete system tailored toyour needs, instead of providing a system that ‘best fits’ your needs.In KMI dryers the drying temperature is set manually in each zone (and iscontrolled automatically), to match the current product being produced. Thetemperature can be changed when switching to another type of product. Thiscontrolled drying process ensures that your products are being driedeffectively for the best possible product quality. It also ensures that you arenot wasting energy by over drying certain products, which do not require ashigh a temperature.By controlling the temperature of each individual zone the first zone can beextremely hot without causing damage to the product. This will accelerate thedrying process. The second and third zones will be cooler.

Typical dryer zone with crossover exhaust duct and heatexchangers in the exhaust airto recover energy. This heatenergy is returned to the dryeras hot dry air to reduce the useof fossil fuels. The remainder isreturned to the white watertank to be used in the process.The air is then vented outside.

KMI has a unique water andenergy recovery system that isunlike other manufactures outthere. All our conveyor dryershave heat recovery systems.These systems capture the heatenergy in the exhaust. We thenuse a makeup air supply fanthat returns this energy backinto the dryer to be used overand over again. This processcan reduce the use of fuel inthe dryer by up to 50%. As aresult of these heat exchangerswater is also recovered andreturned back to the processsystem through the use ofgravity.

System #6C unloaded and placed on site with one forklift

Dryer heat exchange system

D341, 45 foot 4 pass dryer

D341, 45 foot dryer

D341, 45 foot dryerD341, 45 foot dryer

KMI Dryers being moved and placed with forkliftsD341, 40 foot 4 pass dryer

D341, 40 foot 4 pass dryer burner side

D341, 40 foot 4 pass dryer with packing table D341, 40 foot 4 pass dryer with stacker

KMI Dryers being unloaded with a forklift

The pulpers work in sequence and arecompletely automated. You push the startbutton and pulper #1 fills up to the pulping level,the lift bin is loaded with paper manually, andthen dumps into the pulper automatically. Thepulper then pulps for a preset time (on thepanel) and then automatically fills up to the finalusage level. At this time the pulper drive goesdown to low and a green light comes on(located on the operators panel) indicating thetank is ready to use. This tank is selected andautomatically fed into the pulp circulationsystem and through a vibrating screen formoulding. When the tank is empty a red lightcomes on (pulper #1), the operator then selectspulper #2 (which has already gone through thesame process as pulper #1). Then pulper #3and so on.

Paper weighing and auto dump lifts


Pulp Agitation

Pulp Screening

3200 gallon white water storage tank

Die and decal wash systemTransfer air wash and oiler system

White Water Tank

The white water tank has anautomatically controlled heatexchange system that takes heatfrom the exhaust of the dryer andmaintains a set process temperature.This system also continuously filtersthe white water to removecontaminants. All water returned tothe white water tank from the sealwater tank and the vacuum tanks arealso filtered. The white water tankhas an agitator that helps removesmall fibres that made it into thetank and pumps them into thepulpers. This allows you to use thesystem for longer periods of timebefore cleaning.

We also capture energy from the sealwater of the vacuum pump to reducethe need for a cooling tower. Thisprocess captures energy, and returnsit back to the process water using apassive heat exchanger. The endresult is recovered energy that canbe used to reduce costs. This warmpulp will increase drainage in theforming process. The result of thiswill be tighter formed product withless moisture that dries easier. Thiswill also give you a better product.

M300 moulder with a 60 Hp vacuum system M300 moulder with a 120 Hp vacuum system

Heat exchange systems in exhaust duct

At Kimberley Marketing Inc.our pulp moulding systemsare matched to ourcustomers productionneeds. We then combinedryers to match theproduction rates of themoulders.

Our pulp moulding systemsoffer a comprehensiverange of solutions to matchthe specific needs of thepulp moulding industry.

The standardization of oursystems helps to maintainquality. This combined withcontinuing innovation and awillingness to modify ourpulp moulding systems tomatch our customers’individual needs helps ussatisfy your company’sproduction requirements.

Folding egg cartons require after press and printing.Dies can be provided with the moulding system.
