Knights Scroll - Cornerstone Christian AcademyKnights Scroll Cornerstone Christian Academy May 2018...


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Knights Scroll

Cornerstone Christian Academy May 2021

S3655 Duncan Lane, Viroqua, WI 54665 634-4102


• Percussion/Drum set (We can fix ones that need it) • Band instruments • Music stands • Nature magazines • Seed starting pots • plant grow lights • Bird feeders and seed • 500– and 1000-piece puzzles—good quality • Small manipulative monthly or seasonal items for Pre-K/Kindergarten (buttons, mini erasers, foam, wood pieces, aquarium rocks, etc) • Kids’ tweezers • Play foam (Amazon) • Math War (Amazon) • Mini Motor Math (Amazon) • Answer buzzers (game show buzzers)

(Amazon) • Didax Educational Resources CVC Spelling Board Game

Graduation will be Friday, May 21 @ 7:00 p.m. at

Church of Christ, Viroqua

Tuesday, May 18 @ 7:00 p.m. Lighthouse Baptist Church

From the Administrator Greetings,

Well, here we are, focusing on the end of the school year already!

As we plan and think about graduation, plan end-of-year field trips, and even prepare for next year, I am encouraged by the good year that we have had here at Cornerstone. We have much to be thankful for, despite everything going on in the world.

The high school will be going on an end-of-the-year little getaway in early May to Hidden Hills, which is near Stoddard, WI. This is a small locally owned and operated farm resort. The students will do a reenactment of the Civil War, using paintball guns, and we will also be camping there overnight.

I want to acknowledge our two graduating seniors this year: Hallia Baird and Deacan Carpenter. Hallia joined Cornerstone in 10th grade and has been a blessing to the school with her quiet demeanor and giving spirit. Deacan has been a part of CCA since pre-Kindergarten and has always been faithful to help at all school events and fundraisers. While we will miss them, we look forward to celebrating their graduation on May 21.

As we look forward to next fall, I am happy to report that we have all staff returning, for which I praise the Lord! We are already ordering curriculum for next year; therefore, I would like to encourage early reenrollment of your students if possible so that we can fully anticipate our needs.

Thank you for your continued support of CCA.

Nicholas Lavy

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Prayer Warrior list:

Praises God’s love and forgiveness

Spring is here and summer is just around the corner

Cornerstone is able to meet face-to-face daily

Generous giving

Faithful volunteers

God is faithful and in control

We can pray anytime, anywhere and we never get a busy signal when we call on God

Requests Health and safety for students, staff, and CCA


Students and staff will stay focused and finish the school year strong

Covid will end

MMT performances will be a blessing and honor and glorify God

Seniors as they seek God’s will for the future

Good weather for end-of-the-year camping trip

Financial needs will be met

America’s government leaders

Wyatt Lavy and Caleb Bergum in the army

Students and staff will stay close to God this summer

Safety and good health for CCA families

Cornerstone will be a witness and a blessing for Christ in our community

We choose faith instead of fear

We treat one another as we ourselves want to be treated (Matt. 7:12)

Cornerstone Christian Academy

Quality Christian Education

We appreciate your prayers in these areas so very much! We know that James 5:16c says, when a be-lieving person prays, great things happen. Thank you for praying for us each and everyday and each time you pass by Cornerstone.

WOW! It’s hard to believe we are in our last quarter for this school year. In Bible, we have memorized all 26 ABC verses, as well as Matthew 6:9-13, Psalm 100, Psalm 23, and John 3:16-17. We just finished the Bible lesson about Jesus’ triumphant entry, last supper, trial, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension. This past week we studied Moses’ birth, the burning bush calling, the ten plagues against Pharaoh and Egypt to let God’s people go, and the 10 Commandments.

The Kindergarteners have learned roughly 30 blends and diagraphs. The students are able to circle the blends and mark vowels in words they read. The students are busy reading at school and home. They are becoming good readers, working at reading smoothly and with good expression.

For Math, we have been adding and subtracting up to 10. We count to 100 by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s, and we can tell time to the hour, half hour, and quarter hour.

We have finished our unit on countries of the world. We are just starting a new science unit; we have been studying our five senses and doing activities to see how our senses work. It is amazing how much the students have learned this year!

For Phy Ed, the high school and elementary students enjoyed decorating kites together on Monday, then we enjoyed a beautiful, windy day of flying our kites on Thursday. -by Mrs. Skrede

Hello from the 1st- and 2nd-grade room! We only have 6 more weeks of school left! How exciting is that?! We here in Mrs. Berg’s room are full of excitement as we look to reviewing what we have

learned throughout the year. We just finished learning about Peter and Saul. We are reading a book about Adoniram Judson (God’s Man in Burma) the missionary. We have also finished learning about Native Americans and have started learning about the Pilgrims. We have learned about plants in Science and are growing our own, and we are also working on an experiment with celery. The new chapter we start tomorrow is about faces. In Math, 1st grade is learning about adding doubles, reviewing fact families, and weighing items; 2nd grade is learning grams, liters, kilograms, centimeters, meters, and how to measure and add sides and lengths. In English 1st grade has one book left, and they will be

finished for the year. Yay!! -by Mrs. Berg

Cornerstone Christian Academy

Quality Christian Education

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1st & 2nd Grade



I can hardly believe how quickly this year seems to have gone! It has been a blessing to get to work with such wonderful students and to watch them grow and mature.

We have been looking into many different topics in Bible. All of these are centered around the idea that anything is possible with God, including forgiveness

of sin. Currently, we are going through the forgiveness of sin in the Old Testament and after Jesus came. We will also spend time looking into walking close to God, leaning on Him, and the peace He can give us. As we get ever closer to the end of the year, we are doing more projects to use the knowledge that we have

learned this year. Students will be using what they learned in Math to end the year with making a full-scale model of the school, including furniture and wall color.

Students are reading and writing poetry. We read the book Out of the Dust while talking about the Great Depression. This really made what we were talking about in Heritage Studies come alive for them! Next, we will finish the year with Number the Stars as we finish Heritage Studies with WWII.

Students have been doing Science Fair projects this past month. They are enjoying doing experiments on their own!

We have also been doing Science Fair projects with the third and fourth graders. The students worked together to make a raised garden next to the school. The plan is to add plants throughout this next month.

What a wonderful way to end such a blessed school year! -by Miss Primmer

This is the final newsletter of the year! It’s hard to believe that we have made it through the entire year with relatively few hiccups. But God has been good, and here we are. As we wind down the final month of the school year, we look forward to what is coming: summer and warm weather and spending lots of time outdoors; and letting what has been learned from the books take second place to what will be learned in nature; and spending time with family and friends. I have enjoyed the smaller class size this year. I have had the opportunity to structure the classes to fit the students. I hope that, as they move forward, I have had a small part in bringing the love of learning to them. We will be spending this month tying up loose ends and finishing up projects. We have a puzzle on the back table that will be the final puzzle for this year. We have plants that will need to find new homes. We have books that we are reading out loud to finish up. We need to finish up a chapter or two in Math and English. A science project or two is still in the works. All in all, I would say it has been a good year. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement this year. God is good. -by Mrs. Bergum

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Cornerstone Christian Academy

Quality Christian Education

5th & 6th Grade

3rd & 4th Grade


Memorials April 2021

Musical Notes

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Cornerstone Christian Academy

Quality Christian Education

Financial Update God has continued to bless us greatly this month with our finances!

Giving this month included tuition payments, general donations, and memorials. Thanks to your financial support, we were able to pay bills, payroll, and other expenses without hesitation, which is a blessing. Next month we will be holding a fundraiser at CCA on Friday, May 7, at 7 p.m. Just by you and your friends/family attending this free financial seminar, Life Group will contribute $50 per couple to CCA. So come and bring friends! It is a great way to get more information and knowledge about finances and support CCA at the same time. If you want to register to attend, contact -by Miss Busche

Musical Ministry Team had the honor of ministering at Bad Axe Church. This church has always been a staunch supporter of Cornerstone, so we pray that we were a blessing to them! On Sunday, May 2, MMT will be ministering at New Life Community Church at 10:00 a.m. We will lead the congregation in some songs and perform our skit “The Bible—Just Another Good Book?” Also, on Sunday, May 30, MMT will be ministering at the Viroqua Church of Christ at 10:15 a.m. We pray that not only we will be a blessing to these two churches, but also to our whole community. The elementary students are busily working on Kings, Dreams, and Schemes: The Adventures of Daniel for this year’s Spring Program. The students love it when you attend their activities, so please come on Tuesday, May 18, at 7 p.m. at Lighthouse Baptist Church! You won’t want to miss this fun, informative program about the life of Daniel! -by Mrs. Walker

David Ramsett David & Maureen Ramsett

Wayne Wirts Ronnie & Joyce Clark

Jacob Wedwick Arden & Lila Mae Halverson

Kenneth Williams Ronnie & Joyce Clark

Bernelle Olson Jon & Jeanne Larson

Arden & Lila Mae Halverson

Bob Selin Jon & Jeanne Larson

Doris Parr Arden & Lila Mae Halverson

Ron Felton Alice Fauske

Mrs. Clark is the math, Spanish, yearbook, and keyboarding teacher here at CCA. Her husband owns Clucker’s Repair. Her favorite color is blue, and she

has taught here for 18 years. Her favorite book besides the Bible is “The Sword of Shannara”, and her favorite movie is “Steel Magnolias”. Her favorite food is pizza, and her favorite verse is John 11:35, “Jesus wept,” because it shows his compassion for us and that he suffered, like we do. -by Mark

Student Profiles


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May 2 Mrs. Berg 9 Elsie Holmgren 17 Danielle Lavy 18 Miss Primmer June 23 John Leer


Cornerstone Christian Academy

Quality Christian Education

Meet the Staff

Regina Whitaker is in 2nd grade here at CCA. She has been here for 3 years, and she is 9 years old. Her favorite color is yellow, and her favorite animal is a tiger. She has 4 sisters and 7

brothers (two of whom come to school here at CCA). When she is at home, she likes to bother her brothers. She has 3 birds and a fish at home. When she is here at school, she likes to do math. Her favorite food is pizza, and one of her favorite verses is John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” -by Tiffany

Elementary School

From what we get, we can make a living; what we give, however, makes a life. –Arthur Ashe

I will love the light, for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars. –Og Mandino

God always gives His best to those who leave the choice with Him. –Jim Elliot

The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. –H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination. –Jimmy Dean

The secret of getting ahead is getting started. –Mark Twain

Deacan Charles Carpenter is a senior at Cornerstone this year and has attended this school since Pre-K. He enjoys making random things and being outside, and his favorite place to be is at the river. He likes springtime because of the nice outdoor

weather and because his birthday is in the spring. He has three pets at home: two dogs named Bruiser and Toodles and a cat named Leo. His favorite subject at school is English, and his favorite book to read is the Bible. His favorite verse in the Bible is Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. If he could go anywhere, Deacan said he would just stay here, because all of his friends and family are here. His favorite quote is: life is like a roll of toilet paper: the more you get into it, the faster it goes. If he could meet anyone, he would love to meet Desmond Doss, the hero of Hacksaw Ridge. His favorite song is “Dear Younger Me” by Mercy Me. If there was one thing Deacan would want people to know about him, it’s that he is helpful, kind, and fun to be with. -by Amelia

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Cornerstone Christian Academy

Quality Christian Education

Senior Senior

Hallia Baird turned eighteen on February 15. She came to CCA in 2018 after p r e v i o u s l y homeschooling and is now a

senior. Her favorite classes are Bible and Apologetics because they are informative and she enjoys learning about God. Her favorite verse is Esther 4:14, “For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Her favorite book is A Wrinkle in Time, and her favorite movie is “Hacksaw Ridge”. She enjoys listening to a good song regardless of its genre. She loves springtime and rainy weather. Hallia likes darker or more natural shades of green. Her ideal getaway would be a solo vacation deep into the woods. However, then she might have to go without her favorite food, taco salad, as well as her favorite drink, milk (from a Jersey, of course). In fact, her family has their own cow, a dear little Jersey named Cambi. As her nephew (Elisha Kauffman, age 2) puts it so simply yet perfectly, “You have it all if you have milk.” And God, of course. Besides milking her cow, Hallia enjoys debates and raising succulents. Hallia says that her friends and teachers are what she’ll miss the most about Cornerstone. -by Trula

Don’t forget these important dates...

Cornerstone Christian Academy

Cornerstone Christian Academy

S3655 Duncan Lane

Viroqua, WI 54665

School Office: (608) 634–4102

Fax: (608) 634–4162

Return Service Requested

May 6 National Day of Prayer Muffins for Moms 10-11 High school camping trip 21 Elementary field day Graduation @ 7 p.m. 18 Spring program @ Lighthouse @ 7:00 28 End of quarter; 12:06 dismissal Elementary awards program @ 10:30
