Knowledge is Power · Step 4 Working with MySQL databases Step 5 Displaying MySQL databases Part 2...


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Knowledge is Power

A wise man has great power, and a

man of knowledge increases strength

(Proverbs 24:5)

Database Server Setup using MySQL

on CentOS 6.3

Jeong Chul

Computer Science ITC and RUPP in Cambodia

Database Server Setup using MySQL on CentOS 6.3

Part 1 Developing Database Step 1 Basic database terminology Step 2 MySQL packages Step 3 MySQL Configuration Step 4 Working with MySQL databases Step 5 Displaying MySQL databases

Part 2 Database Administration Step 6 Changes of tables and records Step 7 User Management Step 8 Backup MySQL database Step 9 Checking and fixing database

Part 3 MySQL GUI tools Step10 GUI tools - phpMyAdmin, MySQL Workbench

Step 1 Basic database terminology

MySQL creates, configures, and communicates with databases.

A database is an organized collection of data.

A database will consist of tables.

Tables contain records (sometimes called rows), and records contain

fields (sometimes called columns) :

Field 1 Field 2 Field 3

Field name Name Age Favorite Color

Record 1 Jeong Chul 30 Green

Record 2 Kim Chan 40 Blue

Record 3 Sophon Pho 22 Black

Step 2 MySQL packages

1.MySQL packages ( # rpm –qa | grep mysql mysql-devel-5.1.67-1.el6_3.i686 mysql-libs-5.1.67-1.el6_3.i686 mysql-5.1.67-1.el6_3.i686 mysql-connector-odbc-5.1.5r1144-7.el6.i686 mysql-server-5.1.67-1.el6_3.i686

2.Install packages # yum install mysql-server mysql mysql-devel mysql-libs mysql-connector-odbc

3. MySQL files and directory /etc/my.cnf //configuration file /var/lib/mysql //data dir /var/log/mysqld.log //log file /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysqld //starting script file /usr/bin/mysql* //mysql binary files

Step 3 MySQL Configuration

1. MySQL user/group account (/etc/passwd) mysql:x:27:27:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/bash

2. Choosing options # vi /etc/my.cnf

# /usr/libexec/mysqld –verbose –help | less

3. Service startup # service mysqld start

# chkconfig mysqld on

4. Adding administrative users # mysqladmin –u root password mypassword

5. Process and port checking # ps –ef | grep mysqld

# netstat –nat | grep 3306

6. Checking that MySQL is working # mysqladmin –u root –p version proc

Step 4 Working with MySQL Databases (1)

1. Starting mysql command # mysql –u root –p mysql> status mysql> select version(), curdate(); 2. Creating a database a. mysql> create database data; b. # mysqladmin –u root –p create data mysql> show databases; mysql> use data; mysql> drop database data; 3. Creating table mysql> create table name ( -> id int not null auto_increment, ->firstname varchar(20) not null, ->lastname varchar(20) not null, ->city varchar(20) not null, ->cur_date timestamp(8) not null, ->zipcode varchar(10) not null, -> primary key (id) );

Step 4 Working with MySQL Databases (2)

4. Adding data to mysql database table a. Manually entering data mysql> use data; mysql> show tables; mysql> describe name; or show create table name; mysql> insert into name values (‘’,‘Tom’,’Win’,’Phnom Penh’, ->now(),’11111’); mysql> select * from name;

b. Loading data from a file Create the file using Linux text editor Each record must be on its own line Separate each column by a Tab character Any blank lines result in blank lines in the database table mysql> load data local infile ‘/root/name.txt’ into table name; mysql> select * from name; mysql> source /root/sakila/sakila-schema.sql; mysql> source /root/sakila/sakila-data.sql;

Step 5 Displaying MySQL databases

1. Displaying all or selected records mysql> select * from name;

mysql>select * from name where lastname = “Jeong”;

mysql>select * from name where firstname = “Chul” or firstname = “Tom”;

mysql> select * from name where firstname = “Chul” and lastname = “Tom”;

2. Displaying selected columns mysql> select firstname,lastname,zipcode from name;

mysql> select firstname,lastname,city from name where firstname = “Chul”;

3. Sorting data mysql> select * from name order by lastname;

mysql> select * from name order by city;

Step 6 Changes of tables and records 1.Altering the structure of mysql tables a. Adding column mysql> alter table name add curdate timestamp; b. Dropping column mysql> alter table name drop column curdate; c. Changing column mysql> alter table name change city town varchar(20); d. Changing data type mysql> alter table name change zipcode zipcode interger;

2. Updating and deleting mysql records a. Updating records mysql> update name set city = “New York” where firstname = “Chul”; b. Deleting records mysql> delete from name where firstname = “Chul”;

3. Deleting table mysql> drop table name;

Step 7 User Management (1)

1. Creating user mysql> create user ‘tland'@'localhost' identified by ‘mypassword';

2. Granting access a. Full privileges mysql> grant all privileges on data.* to ‘tland’@’localhost’; mysql>select host,user,password from mysql.user where user = ‘tland’; b. Limited privileges mysql> grant delete,insert,select,update on data.* to tland@localhost; mysql> flush privileges; mysql> show grants for tland@localhost;

3. Changing user passwords mysql> set password for ‘tland’@’localhost’ = password(‘Newpassword’); mysql> grant usage on data.* to ‘tland’@’localhost’ identified by ‘newpass’;

4. How to access Database # mysql –u tland –p data // data = database name to access

Step 7 User Management (2) 5. Revoking access a. Revoking specific privileges

mysql> revoke update,delete on data.* from tland@localhost; .

b.Revoking full privileges

mysql> revoke all privileges on data.* from tland@localhost;

c. Checking the result

mysql> show grants for tland@localhost;

6. Rename user

mysql>rename user ‘tland’@’localhost’ to ‘chul’@’localhost’;

mysql>select user from mysql.user where user = ‘chul’;

7. Deleting user

mysql> drop user chul@localhost;

Step 8 Backup MySQL database (1)

1.Binary Versus Text backup

Binary – a copy of the files in which database contents are stored

Text – a dump of database contents into text files

2. Binary backup using mysqlhotcopy

# mysqlhotcopy –u root –p password data /usr/local/src/

# ls –l /usr/local/src/data

3.Text backup

1) Back up from the Command Line using mysqldump

a. Backup one database

# mysqldump -u root -p data > data.sql

b. Backup certain tables

# mysqldump -u root -p data name address > data_backup.sql

Step 8 Backup MySQL database (2)

c. Backup more than one database at once

# mysqldump -u root -p --databases data data2 > 2database_backup.sql

d.Back up all the databases in the server at one time

# mysqldump -u root -p --all-databases > allbackup.sql

2) Back up MySQL Database with Compress

# mysqldump -u root -p data | gzip -9 > databackup.sql.gz

3) Remote server backup

# mysqldump –u root –p –h data > data.sql

4. Restoring MySQL Database

# mysql -u root -p data < data.sql

Step 9 Checking and fixing databases

To use to check and repair corrupted databases

1.Table files in /var/lib/mysql/data

.frm : contains the definition or the table

.MYI: contains the table’s index

.MYD: contains the table’s data

2. Stop mysql daemon

# service mysqld stop

3. Check all database tables at once

# myisamchk /var/lib/mysql/data/name.MYI

# myisamchk /var/lib/mysql/*/*.MYI

4. Fix a corrupted database

# myisamchk –r /var/lib/mysql/data/name.MYI

# myisamchk –o /var/lib/mysql/data/name.MYI //slower, older

Step 10 GUI tools for MySQL (1)

1.phpMyAdmin on Linux a. web-based tool written in PHP to manage the MySQL database b. phpMyAdmin Pre requisites Php 5 or above, MySQL 5 or above, Apache installed & running c. Installation of phpMyAdmin # wget

1.el6.rf.i686.rpm (32bit) # wget

1.el6.rf.x86_64.rpm (64bit) # yum install phpMyAdmin d. phpMyAdmin configuration Blowfish secret # vi /usr/share/phpMyAdmin/ $cfg['blowfish_secret'] = 't}T*_xZaN8z}5S*UTd}7UPByGu]}=1UT8|gv##zj=vNy|6'; Access testing http://localhost/phpMyAdmin/

Step 10 GUI tools for MySQL (2)

2.MySQL Workbench on Windows

GUI tool supported by Oracle

SQL development, Data modeling, Server administration


Need to permit remote connection on MySQL

mysql>grant all privileges on *.* to 'root'@'%' identified by ‘pass’;

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Database Server Setup using MySQL

on CentOS 6.3

Thank you & God bless you
