Knowmads Hanoi magazine team 4



Knowmads Hanoi offers international, creative business education for teams of young Changemakers in Hanoi. We focus on personal development and entrepreneurship to help our students to make a positive difference in their world. Read their stories about their inspiring journey!

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GMC/T FACILITATORS GMC is quite famous truck brand but that is not what

we mean. The definition of GMC is a best facilitator team we ever know. They are passionate, enthusiasm, energetic, knowledgeable. They are warm hearted and brave.

Inspiring, funny, creative and talkative, aggressive and strict, Guus has been leading us all through a learning journey with many ass kicks and always with full of energy. He always raises people up with his passion and cool live attitude.

Generous and understanding, detail-oriented, nice and fun, Chris encourages our passions to become alive. He brings the feeling of calmness, curiosity and knowledge.

Artistic, caring and loving, Mer with her kind heart always comes to lead us embracing our fears and insecurities whenever we are scared and lost. She is emotional and honest, the more she expresses herself, the more we love her characteristics.

Trang is our IT witch and moments catcher with the down-to-earth passion about food and eating.

Without them, we would not have been bonded, linked and connected as much as we have now.

Table of contents

o About Knowmads

o Meet Team 4

o Precious Moments

o Individual Stories

About Knowmads Hanoi

Knowmads Hanoi is an alternative education platform designed to

teach its’ students how to teach themselves. Under the supervision

of a team of facilitators with a variety of skills and expertise,

Knowmads students seek to answer the most fundamental and

personal questions about who they are, what they want from life

and how to get there. Knowmads is more than just a school, It is a

community united by one important belief.

Real change starts with


Loud, Childish, Stumble, “Dangerous”, Insecure,Thoughtful, Kid, Distracted, Boy,

Artistic, Unique, Confident, Deep thinking, Brave, Caring, Positive, Calm, Warm hearted

Bossy, Hardcore, Knowledgeable, Stubborn,

Philosophy, Cute, Funny, Helpful, Sincere, Dictionary

Serious, Pretty, Confident, Strong, Cool, Professional, Smart, Brave, Courageous

Sexy, Wild, Moody,

Distracting, Handy, Social, Lovely, Lady, Pretty, Yuppie, Confusing

Pinkie, Nomadic, Exhausted, Words, Experience, Care-free, Alone, Funny, Dreamy, awkward, Wanderlust

Japanese, Grunge, Cool, Sweet, Mad, Quiet, Special, Comic, Style, Fantasy, Attractive, Smart, Artistic

Minion, Blue, Angel voice, Sweet, Tough, Princess, Cute, Talent, Drawl, Pure

Wise, Strict, Adviser, Lovely Grandmother, Caring, Open, Funny, Thoughtful, Encouraging, Innocent, Mysterious, Mature

Bright, Chicken dance , Wild, Laugh , Wild, Fun, Trustworthy, Straightforward, Cool, Honest, Beautiful, plain soul

Cool, Shine, Passion, Rocky, Nice, Smile, Lovely, Shy, Fun, Honest

Hugger, Pretty , Shy,

Cute, Emotional, Brave, Adventurous, Candy, Lovely, Hero, Wild

Cutie, Adorable, Shy, Hug Hater ,Perfectionist, Smile, Pure, Young, Interesting, Shy, Innocent, Beautiful, White, Rose

Pretty, Energy, Emotional, Smile, White, Pretty, Small,

Honest, Cute, Cool, Bright, Smart

Rabbit, Smart, Creative, Shy, Cute, Sweet, Charm, Panda, Lovely, Kind-hearted, Unassuming, Naïve

Graceful, Nice, Cold, Teacher,

Focus, Closed, Sweet, Attractive, Mild,

Precious moments

Quynh Guitarist

The story I told at the interview was about the card reading. It was said that there were 3 cups of tea in front of me that I could see, and another one behind without my awareness. I went to Knowmads to find out that cup of tea. But till the end, I realized that cup of tea is not any of my abilities or talents that need to be found out, but the willingness to learn through the lifetime, to accept challenges, not wonder too much but really take a hand to form ideas into action.

Huong the kid

The most precious moment

that I will always remember

about Knowmads and team

4 was the check in session

with the joke when we made

a hugging circle. At that

moment, I realized how

important this team and

Knowmads is to all of people.

Precious moments

Trang Pear

The moment this morning when we

all already become closer friends,

we draw our journey together. That

was the most beautiful picture I

have ever seen in my life, the

picture of all emotions, confusion,

trust, fear, love, excitement,

wildness, bonding. Wonderful smiles

on everyone faces lit up our

Knowmads family. Today is the day

that I feel the most happy

throughout the journey.

Ngan Do I have experiences many precious

moments at Knowmads when

someone cried, when we hugged

each other in a big circle, when I

felt so connected with others, when

we laughed together, when we

played games, when we had

breakthrough moments, when we

felt emotional, when we realized the

changes in ourselves through the

program and so much more. It's not

about the destinations, it's about the

journey we have been through


Precious moments

Linh Cappu

Keep on going no matter how hard it is~

Starting with a black heart and cold mind,

I jumped into Knowmads knowing nothing

about what would come. However, I was

confident about one thing: I would

definitely meet many interesting and

inspiring people at Knowmads.

I love travelling, and joining Knowmads was

such a journey: a short-period journey that

was interesting and full of joy but also

difficult and challenging. Being presence

was a must, so I enjoyed the journey being

a traveler, not just a tourist.

Got interested in the first few weeks, then

got totally lost and confused during the rest.

But that’s the journey was about. There

were fun moments, and there were sad

ones. But all in all it was full of happiness.

Knowmads, eventually as what it’s called, is

mad, but in a good way.

Linh Cappu

Like a bird just escaping from its cage,

hesitating to flap its wings at the

beginning then flying freely up into the

blue sky. At Knowmads, I forget

everything and only "me" - myself exists in

this world.

Kim Dung

Precious moments

Each journey will teach you a lesson, and

the Knowmads journey gives me lots of it.

“Face the fear”, “just do it”,

“acceptance”, “gratitude”, “learning by

doing”, “invisible learning”, “third

spaces”… the list goes on. And when

you’re truly drowned into something, there

is no way out: eventually I am in love with


So if at the first day I came to Knowmads, I

was a lonely – simple – balance girl, after

Knowmads I am still a lonely – simple –

balance girl, but being painted with many

different colors that I haven’t thought that

I have them in me. And this miracle comes

from the most precious thing I get from

Knowmads – neither lessons nor the project

– but FRIENDS.

Duong Do


At Knowmads, I have experienced a lot

of wonderful things and gone through

a lot of ups and downs in term of

emotion. Looking at my own journey at

Knowmads, I am feeling so surprised

that I was able to learn a lot in such a

short time and how open-minded all

people are here... Knowmads is such a

perfect environment. I have made a lot

of special connection with many friends

and also gotten to know more about

myself while working on my personal

project - Real life comic. So Inspiring

and Wonderful journey!

Precious moments

Everytime I look at eyes, I see

the strong bond between you

and I. Around you, I feel the

power to do anything, to start

the engine-me, to create the

future, to change the world,


Thang Dinh

Precious moments

I hate the JOKE but I love the moment

that I realize how much I care about

Knowmads our Team.

I love the moment that I feel free and

strongly believe in myself after Red

Paper clip challenge. I was sick and

headache and get very frustrated

about the topic of “money”. The

instructor of the challenge confused

me for the beginning but after

experience that, I was learning by


I love all the activities that everyone

can join and contribute to the value

of group. I love Magazine Challenge

and also Reflection Journey the most

because we are all do together,

create something together.

Hien Do

Precious moments

It was the paper clip

challenge. My team didn’t

win that time, but It was so

funny and nice when

Everyone tried to sell the

paperclip for the strangers.

That was the time I

understand how exhausted

to sell things and make

money on the street. The

team atmosphere was


Giang Hana

Precious moments

Lan Huong

The moment I cherished the

most so far at Knowmads was

the check-out when we all sat

down and share our guts and

emotions. To me, it was the

most magical moment where

we were showing our true

colors, being honest and

talking about our visions. The

best thing is that we were all

deeply connected to each

others in a very human way.

I cried a lot when hear

someone have intention to quit.

The big circle of hugs made me

better but I couldn’t image

someone leave. We’re in a

team and each of us is a piece

of a puzzle. It can’t become a

beautiful picture if any piece


Giang Vu

Precious moments

Cormac My most precious moment

during the Knowmads course

was the first time we did

Authentic Relating. It is not

often where I experience

something that feels totally new

and totally life changing. It felt

like discovering a scientific

method to deal with things that

I have been struggling with for

a long time. The feeling of

community that was created in

such a short space of time was

truly remarkable

Traveling all around…

Finding the next life destination

Unexpected destination approach…

Processing and moving with doubts

Nevertheless arriving to the new land…

Generous welcoming yet challenging…

Loud sounds of traffic and music…

Confused moment on one evening…

Strangers all around every where turn…

Talking and non stop talking – no end


Meeting the best guy – Mr. Dude

Another beautiful community

approaching in life…

Strangers became friends

Another new challenging culture –

culture shock!

Meeting up with the team are full of

mysteries…. And stupid jokes

Excitement to the attention grabbing

early morning with the “Check – in”

Also the tiredness and frustration during

the “check-out”

What actually is the precious


Just be there - every moment was

precious (confusion, awkwardness,


Cee Chada

Precious moments

The world that I always want to live in is the one which is always


All people around the world are


and we will all together focus

on dealing with our

natural problem.



I am the person who usually wears socks in class. I feel

cold in my feet all the times with air con but my heart is

always get warm when I am in class, do creative

things, learn new awesome things, know more cool

friends with other team members. The best thing is I

can see my self-reflection well, really had some time to

take a step back and connect all my stuff, find the link.

I would not make it without Team F and our Team 4. I

found the way to living by doing something I like. I

started with small steps and do not know if it going to

be success or big business yet but the thing I know for

sure that the real change starts with myself. It is not

important to the end of what can I do, all it matter is

how can I learn from that and how grow I am. I trust

the process and I trust myself.

Perfectionist Hug Hater Phuong

Perfectionist Hug Hater Phuong

The Big thing is about commitment Recently I've realized what I'm missing the most is not skills but the commitment to what I'm doing. The changing in my habits would change my life completely. Not to make a big thing, but make small things everyday. I commit to make 2 things I don't normally do everyday. I will let someone know these 2 tasks to keep track of me. Thanks to Trang's advise, I will write 3 pages of thoughts every morning even though it will not be make sense at first. I will not bring cell phone to the toilet (Chris' copywrite). First thing to do when I'm at work every morning: make tasks and finish them in priority order. Live independently in Vietnam is hard, especially with low income. Even though I'm struggling with financial crisis, I still believe in 3 things which I will not be regret when I spend money: education, parents, and charity.


Who I am?

A person who is quiet outside but

noisy inside.

Why do I join Knowmads?

My heart want me to step out my

comfort zone

How is my journey look like?

Curious + Shy + Don’t know what to

do with my passion -> Dare to

change -> Feeling sad + confused -

> Happy to change a small thing ->

Feeling down a gain ->Believe in

myself -> Lean in the difficulties

+having fun.

Giang Vu

What I’ve learnt so far?

If you don’t start with yourself first, you can’t solve your problems.

Yes, I came to Knowmads with a lot messy thoughts about my

idea. During the interview before Knowmads, I was quite

enthusiastic talking about my project but when Guus asked

some personal questions like: “What will you do when you are

feeling down? Who do you exactly want to become after

Knowmads finish? What skills do you want to learn from

Knowmads?...” I stucked. Shit, so embarrassing, I didn’t know

what to do and just wait for someone take my hand and lead


After some weekens in Knowmads, I realized that I was too hurry

to achieve something and ignored my feeling. Why I have tried

to put myself into a tiny box? Just have fun and take an

adventurous journey. Don’t set the rules to limit myself.

Knowmads has provide me a good tool to deal with my ideas, to

bring it from paper to reality. Super exciteddddddddddddd!!!!!!!

Occupation: Translator

I can translate from Vietnamese to

English and vice versa (of course),

draw, make film, take photo, do

accounting and work as a pr


I am a quiet troubled person who

loves animals and taking care of

them, humans, books (novels and

philosophy), arts, films, music,

photography, travelling, fashion,

innocence, nature and a lot more.

I always love to see everyone

being kind to each other so let’s be

kind and be mad!

Lan Huong

There was a girl who always

dreamed and had many

idea/plans in her mind but she

didn’t know what to do with all of

those thought. She has an office

job which everyone said its good

for a girl to work there. She speaks

a few languages but she doesn’t

know what to do with all of them.

It was once she thought its fine to

live with her stable life. But then,

she decided to break the ice. She

went to Knowmads. She wanted

to change. Change something

that she evendidn’t know. Just

need a change in her life, get out

of her comfort zone. She was

always lonely. People think shes a


Giang Hana

When she was in Knowmads, she found out that she is not

alone. She s surrounding by crazy and coolest people and it

makes her feel warm. That feeling she didn’t have such a long

time.And she knows she needs to move on with her projects, all

she needs its confidence and keep faith in her heart.

Being in Knowmads, It means:

Get crazy as you can and you re supporting to be crazy.

Be wild cause no one gonna judge you

Do anything you want cuz its possible

Luck comes to who is ready

Don’t wait, you re capable of doing it now.

Travel as much as you can.

Love yourself more.

And the most important: Real Change starts with yourself.

"For me, people are always the most important factor. I do things in life with people in mind." "When I just found the true values flowing throughout my body and soul, connecting the brain and heart, whenever I go, I am always aware of the things letting me go and lifting me up, always feel the contentment inside no matter what the world out there brings elation or tragedy" "The more stories I listened from dear friends at Knowmads, the more I admire them, the more I love them, the more I feel thankful about my lucky life, and the more I see my mind filled with treasures. Great people around are still living and coloring different immense worlds in my little life. I know I am a value. But without them, the separated me would be nothing."


Individual profile: - "You start to be phenomenal by believing in yourself, it's all about you" - That's what I was told by a friend and what I have been telling people, but through the Knowmads journey I have actually realized how powerful it is to believe in yourself because real change starts with yourself. - "One starfish at a time, everything counts no matter how small it is" - I have created the habit of putting a little more effort every time I do something since I started my vegan journey a while ago. I have realized how small changes can lead to big results.


- At the end of the day, what we human all

desire is just happiness. I love to give love and

being loved. I always have the strong wish for a

better world without war and violence, without

greed and jealousy where there is only love

and a world in which people accept each

others' differences.

Knowmads definition: A journey to your inner


Before I came to Knowmads, I was stuck with my past, my present and my future. Honestly, I came to Knowmads without hope. My past really destroy all the hope what I had. In the first time of life, there are no one told me that I can not do some thing. It’s always about what do I want to do, what do I like and how can I do that. I haven’t had a real hug for longtime until Knowmads. It make me realize that I had dream about future. Now, I am ready for anything which will come. I learned that “Trust in yourself with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding”

I trust in myself and what I gonna do. I am not sure that all the thing that I do are good. But in the end, It will have a good purpose behind that. That is the most important thing I get form this very little home.

In this home, I had to think, do even that I do not have any experient. Practise is the way we learn. You may have no lession after the first time, however when you do it the second time you will really understand what should you do. “If you never did the thing you shouldn’t do, you’ll never feel good about doing the thing you should” - Frank Underwood.

Pain party is the most interesting during Knowmads. We recognize that how close we are. It’s much more than friends. I really love our hugs, the moments when we lying down together, dance, sharing our story, look at other people eyes, ask the silly questions,etc.


Sometime, just enjoy the moment and watching you. That is my happiness ~_~ (I’m really jealous with Dude :”<)

About Knomads: Weird, crazy, fun, Knowledgeable, keep learning Profile: Thoughts I would like to be able to help people as much as I can. I can't tolerate to see people in pain and no one help them. Sometimes I get nervous to do it as well as people decode the message wrongly. I can’t just live to work and earn, anything that is just too business related and not able to be useful to others makes me sad. Peace makes me fly. Words Sight and touch. I see big nature, my heart trembling, I feel excited, I smell freedom, and it taste fun. Traveling with curiosity and doubt. Actions Meeting people, traveling, hide in nature, reading from comic to history, play sports, go diving, and get lost, a bit of singing and sometimes dancing



Habits Why not... if it is better for me, my life, and people around. Sounds interesting natural balance is the best. I would say to be strong, trusting to the idea and goal, love it and do it. Values Hmm not sure what to answer for this... explorer in some ways, kind, tough, calm, comforting, Considerate / cooking, baking, traveling, consulting, meditating, communicating, painting and so on. I can't force myself to do things that I don't feel right and that ended up problematic to me. Well might sound weird spirituality, angels, guidance help me to be where I am and where to be next. Destiny A place where everyone just consider each other as human, no race, no discrimination. Life where it is full of nature where we communicate with our heart, being logical but understandable. Life where magic is heard like how people using Apple brand. I want life where things are peaceful and people are honest and sincere. A place where you can fly, walk, swim, dance and people smile with pleasure and not sarcastic. A place where you see angels, fairies, God, or what so ever creatures it will be. And where eating isn't necessary because happiness is the food of our soul.

Trang Pear

Thoughts My big dream is to travel around the world, be an Ambassador of young people to contribute building the world. My passion is photography, I love to take photos of people I meet, places I visit. I am thinking to connect photography with social work. Photography can be a great weapon to promote social activities. Words I love to experience life, taste life essence. I guess this travelling the world help me learn more about myself to more appreciate what I have, how lucky I am, how I should support unlucky people. Actions When helping people, I feel happy and fulfilled. That motivates me to contribute more to the society. From time to time I organise charity trip, raise fund to donate to orphanage, Social centers. Habits I think I am courage enough to better myself, to develop me further. I have to break the normal routines, change my habits. I guess I need a partner to go with me, support me in this journey Values Loving people sincerely and happy to help people are my essence. I am honest with everyone and to myself. I enjoy every little things in life. I wish everyone understand themselves and understand how to value life, enjoy life. Destiny I want to live in a society where people are supportive, loving each other, no jealousy, no unhealthy competition. I want to train myself to understand and accept all people, be more generous, be more supportive and helpful to people.


I fear for the path the Human race is on. We are in need of some sort of second enlightenment. We need to stop making the mistakes that we have already realised are mistakes. A new global consciousness needs to be created if we are to have a chance of repairing the immense damage we have done to ourselves and to the planet. I believe mass organisation is neccessary but only possible with a coherent analysis of the world that truly speaks to the reality of peoples lives around the world. A new narrative to describe our history and the bigger social, economic and cultural landscape that we all fit into. Reactionary politics of fear have to be subverted from below by a more effective, democratic movement. I am and always have been passionate about social justice and adamant in my conviction that global capitalism has robbed us of our ability to have real control over our own societies. We have taken a back seat to the interests of market forces, market forces which will continue to decimate human lives and the planet in the name of "growth". I believe a global consciousness is beginning to take shape. It has yet to be fully described or understood but the signs of its existence are numerous. I want to identify how I can be most useful in the cause of designing a plausible alternative to the bleak future offered by neo liberal capitalism.

Linh Cappu

Individual things

From deep inside each people is the incredible ability to understand. Don't waste that talent and become nonchalance. Feel the power run in your blood and you will find the strong, lively connection among us all.

In my ideal worlds, people and everything don't have physical appearance. We are just souls wandering around the universe. We communicate with each other with under- standing and consciousness. We can see each other clearly and accept others with their true nature. We become pure, sincere and free. Since we are souls, we can travel as far and as long as we want. So we can see different worlds, meet different souls and accumulate knowledge as much as we want. It's the fantasy of the world with absolute freedom and no boundaries.

Kim Dung

What is my passion?" I haven't got my answer yet but I know that I am ready and happy with the process of figuring it out. "Real change starts with yourself"

Dung Tran

“Luck comes when you are ready. Luck always favors for those who are well-prepared.” There also came another valuable thought like “You are only a failure if you don’t learn some lessons from your failure and stop trying.” “There was also a lesson of giving up on what people had tried hard enough.” “For the new thing, the first time is always suck, but it gets well for the next times.” “What I know and what I don’t know are pretty much the same. But there is a huge amount of I don’t know what I don’t know. If people change the process way of thinking as they make it happen first, everything will fall into the right place at the right time.” At this point, I start to doubt the knowing-things me. I am thinking whether the knowing-things me really protect me or actually prevent me from taking action. I came to Knowmads with a clear idea in mind that I am looking for something new but actually, most of the time I’ve resisted to Knowmads. Why do I act that way? Is there any fear or resistance? Why are they? I guess I should spend more time to look back and reflect on it….
