KOL KINLOSS רומא Emor NEWSLETTER OF FINCHLEY SYNAGOGUE …assets.kinloss.org.uk/upload... ·...


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4 / 5 MAY 2018



WWW.KINLOSS.ORG.UKShabbat commences at 8:14pm and terminates at 9:25pm Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat at 7:30pm

HASHKAMA 7:45amin the Liora Graham Beit Hamidrash, followed by Kiddush and a short shiur.

THE MINYAN 9:30amin the Nissan and Rifca Deal Hall. Kriat Hatorah by Neil Nachshen. Rabbi Andrews will address the Batmitzvah, Lana Henley.

SEPHARDI SERVICE 9:00amin the Sephardi Synagogue, led by Rabbi Heller and Reuben Gorji.

MAIN SYNAGOGUE 9:15amled by Chazan Eli Sufrin. Kriat Hatorah by Jacky Lax and the Barmitzvah, Jojo Nemetnejad. Rabbi Lawrence will speak.


Shabbat Morning8:30am: Sephardi Synagogue

Talmud Tractate Berachot by Rabbi Heller

9:00am: Deal HallRambam: The Laws of Shabbat

by Rabbi Dr Raphael Zarum

9:15am: Youth Breakfast Banter Breakfast and Parasha Shiur

Benchers Cafe with Barry Colman

There will not be a Study Group this week

Shabbat Afternoon

4:30 - 6:00pm Bnei Akiva

6:50pm: Daf Yomi Shiur in the Nemetnejad Room

7:25pm Pre-Mincha Shiurby Rabbi Nisan Andrews

8:05pm: Mincha followed bySeuda Shlishit

Shiur by Rafi JosephEveryone is welcome

9:25pm: Ma’ariv

There will be a Joint Kiddush in the Kinloss Suite this week at the end of the Services sponsored by Corinne and Jack Nemetnejad on the occasion of

Jojo’s Barmitzvahand Lynda and Mark Henley on the occasion of

Lana’s Batmitzvah

THE KIDS’ MINYAN 10:45amin the Newman Room, Yrs 5 and 6

י״ט א״ר תשע״ח

Mazeltov to Jojo Nemetnejad on his Barmitzvah and Lana Henley on her Batmitzvah.

We extend a warm welcome to their family and guests.

YOUTH SERVICE 9:45amin the Liora Graham Beit Hamidrash, under the direction of our Youth Director, Barry Colman.


Some Thoughts on the SidraBY RABBI MICHAEL LAITNER

Emor StatisticsMitzvot: 63 of the 613 mitzvot, 24 positive and 39 prohibitionsVerses: 124 (15th longest of the 54 Sidrot)Words: 1614 (22nd longest)Letters: 6106 (23rd longest)Today’s Haftarah: 17 verses (joint 15th shortest of the 80 Haftarot)


Sidra 740 513 672

Haftarah 761 528 1176

The Omer and Israel ...

‘And God spoke to Moses saying, ‘Speak to the Children of Israel and say to them, when you come to the Land which I am giving you and you shall gather you harvest, you shall bring an Omer from your first harvest to a Cohen.’ (Vayikra 23:9-10) These verses introduce the Mitzva (commandment) of bringing the Omer offering, which, as Rash explains, is an amount of produce brought as a tithe to a Cohen. This is part of the process leading to the Korban HaOmer, an offering brought on the second day of Pesach, which leads to the familiar ritual of counting the Omer which links Pesach and Shavuot. Why does the Torah state ‘when you come to the Land’? This phrase might seem self-explanatory, for where else than in the Land of Israel would Bnei Yisrael fulfil an agricultural mitzvah such as the bringing of the Omer, which is linked to the Beit Hamikdash (Temple)? The great medieval commentator Ramban writes that each of the Moadim (festivals/Yom Tov) mentioned in this week’s Sidra are introduced with a new, specific Mitzva for each particular Yom Tov in addition to the generic Mitzvot of every Yom Tov. The new specific Mitzva for each Yom Tov reminds Bnei Yisrael about the particular message of each particular Festival. Since Shavuot is the culmination of the Omer counting period, Shavuot’s material in this week’s Sidra is introduced by the mitzva of the Omer, so that the Omer is a mitzva relating to Shavuot. The mitzva of the Omer and the subsequent counting help us to ‘grow’ spiritually into the festival of Shavuot and the giving of the Torah. The Omer links the physical redemption of Pesach to the subsequent ‘mission statement’ for the Jewish people at Mount Sinai with the giving of the Torah, which we celebrate on Shavuot. The entirety of the Mitzva of the Omer provides an opportunity for spiritual growth, an opportunity most fully applicable in the Land of Israel where the offering was brought but also with application in the Diaspora through a focused counting of the Omer. Perhaps the Torah wishes to emphasise that the Land of Israel offers greater opportunities for spiritual development and as such notes the specific role of the Land of Israel in the Mitzva of the Omer. Divine Providence decreed that Yom Ha’atzmaut would occur during the counting of the Omer. The events of Yom Ha’atzmaut in 1948 have facilitated millions of Jews’ arriving and living in the Land of Israel. The Omer period is perhaps then an appropriate time for this new beginning of Jewish life in Israel. Just as the Omer reminds us of the spiritual benefits of the Land of Israel and prepares us for Shavuot, we pray that the State of Israel, especially as it celebrates its 70th anniversary, continues to help us move from physical redemption to greater spiritual redemption in a similar way that the Omer links Pesach to Shavuot.

Shabbat Shalom

Drawing Inspiration from our Scholars

One of the remarkable graves we visited on the recent Chief Rabbi’s trip to Europe was that in Frankfurt of R’ Shimshon Raphael Hirsch. For many of the Rabbonim, including Chief Rabbi Mirvis, Hirsch (1808-1888) is a personal inspiration. His was a manifestation of Torah that incorporated, rather

than excluded the wisdom and culture of his era. His combination of “Torah with Derech Eretz” has seen him identified as one of the pillars of Modern Orthodoxy and he has certainly inspired many of its teachings. Attempts to pigeonhole and appropriate him diminish his profound and enduring impact on Jewish scholarship.

Hirsch is particularly known for his works Horeb (a presentation of Jewish law and observance), his “Nineteen Letters” confronting the challenge of Emancipation in Oldenburg, his commentary on the Torah and his attacks on both the emerging Reform Movement and also the embryonic movement towards religious Zionism. While his love of Israel is clear in his works, he had profound concerns at the politicisation of religion as a vehicle to encourage autonomy and Aliya. Hirsch was a candidate for Chief Rabbi of the British Empire in 1844. He lost convincingly to Rabbi Nathan Adler who secured 121 of 135 votes. Hirsch polled just two.

A remarkable feature on Hirsch’s grave is the final inscription which does not read ה'צ' ב' נ' ת ' which is an acronym of “May his soul be bound up in the bonds of eternal life.” Rather the words written in full state בצרור החיים הצרורנפשו – “His soul is bound up in the bonds of eternal life.”

On this week’s Parasha of Emor, Hirsch writes that the repeated expression אמר in Vayikra 21:1 rather than the more familiar דבר in teaching mitzvot, implies teaching which is not just the presentation of law. Rather, it is chinuch (education) which internalises comprehension, a

sense of purpose and an understanding that we are a part of a chain of transmission.

This approach was writ large on Sunday when we hosted twenty scholars for our third Day of Inspiration. Between 500 and 600 joined us on the day – and, in conjunction with Mizrachi, our presenters reached over 3,000 over the Shabbat. Thanks to everyone who participated and contributed to the buzz of excitement and learning Torat Eretz Yisrael, which filled Kinloss from 9.15am through to almost 11pm.

There are a couple of places left on our trip to Cambridge and the Cairo Geniza on Tuesday (8th May). We have a special programme arranged in which we’ll be able to see some of the unique manuscripts and fragments from the Ben Ezra Synagogue in Fustat (Old Cairo) from 870CE onwards. Please sign up on http://www.kinloss.org.uk/cambridge

On Wednesday evening, I’ll be commencing our new Zionist Visionaries Programme. It’s a great course with a specially prepared coursebook and resources. There are more details in Kol Kinloss and you can sign up on http://www.kinloss.org.uk/visionaries

We are also looking forward to our Shavuot programme with Keynote speakers R’ Aubrey Hersh and Debbie Stone. R’ Hersh will be familiar to many who have enjoyed his guiding of our tours. Debbie is Associate Director of Education at NCSY in America and was a great success in last year’s programme. There is the facility for a light Yom Tov meal before the Tikkun Leil (meal approx. 10:30pm) please book in on http://kinloss.org.uk/shavuotmeal

Wishing everyone a Shabbat Shalom and looking forward to seeing you soon,

R’ Jeremy Lawrence

THIS WEEK’S HAFTORAH BY RABBI ANDREWS This week’s Haftorah, Yichezkel (Ezekiel) 44:15-31, focuses on how priests will conduct themselves in the future after the construction of the third Bait HaMikdash (Temple). While the correlation to the Torah reading’s rules for the Cohanim (priests) is clear, there are some differences. Likewise, the structure of the Temple itself differs in important ways from how Shlomo Hamelech’s (King Solomon’s) Temple is portrayed.

One difference the Talmud takes note of is how the physical size of the future Temple will be larger than its predecessors. This is not without precedent, however, as the first Temple was much larger than the Tabernacle in the desert. This would indicate that the dimensions were not fixed, but proportions based on the number of people who would require access to the Bait HaMikdash.

The changes in ritual mentioned in the Haftorah reading such as a prohibition against a Cohen marrying a woman who has never been previously married or a widow to anyone other than a fellow priest poses a more significant problem as there is no such biblical constraint. A Cohen, other than the Cohen Gadol (High Priest) may marry a widow without any restrictions. Some commentators, such as the Radak, explain that this qualification is described not as a mandated requirement, but as a voluntary stringency which, as long as it is not confused with Torah law, would be permitted.

I’ve seen some Rabbis suggest that the future Temple, for all its importance, would be largely separate from the ordinary life of most people. If so, while priests will still perform the Temple service, they might identify other aspects of their job as more central, such as teaching the nation.

If you find yourself at Kinloss over the course of the day, please stop by the office to say hello! I can usually be found there during the regular office hours (except Thursday).

Kids Pre-shavuot torah FactoryJoin us as we explore how a Sefer Torah is made and written.

Sunday 13th May, 2018 2.30 – 3.30pm and 3.30pm – 4.30pmNursery - Year 4

Participants are especially involved in this fascinating workshop!The Torah Factory shows the making of a Torah scroll.

Starting with rawhide, the process is followed through tanning and sanding

until the parchment is complete.Participants examine Tefillin and Mezuzot etc.

Participants can then try their hand at Scribe Arts using a quillwww.kinloss.org.uk/kidstorah


12:15pm - Parasha Shiur with Rabbi Nisan Andrews 1:00pm - Speaker - Rabbi Shlomo Odze in the Liora Graham Beit Hamidrash

Cost: £5, payable on the door, includes a light lunchor to book, please email ket@kinloss.org.uk or call us on 020 8349 5269

Wednesdays 9th, 16th, 30th May and

6th, 13th and 20th June

JOJO NEMETNEJADMazeltov to Jojo on his Barmitzvah.

Jojo is the youngest of 5 siblings, and an excellent uncle to Netanel and Asher.

He attends JFS school and participates in a weekly Drama club.

He loves his sports, including swimming, table tennis, tennis and football, whether on Fifa or for HMH in the Watford league.

As part of his Barmitzvah, Jojo is a regular attendee of Daf Yummy, has

been packing food for GIFT, has also participated in the Maccabi Fun Run raising money for Magen David Adom, and participated in a charity walk

from Kinloss to the London Eye for a homeless shelter.

LANA HENLEYMazeltov to Lana on her Batmitzvah.

Lana has three siblings, Joseph, Maya and Eva.

She attends JFS, and her hobbies are Art, Reading, Tennis and Climbing.

As part of her Batmitzvah charity work Lana has done volunteering work for GIFT.

* Corinne and Jack Nemetnejad on their son Jojo’s Barmitzvah. Mazeltov also to siblings Avraham, Gabrielle, Natalie and Sophie, and to Grandparents Ruby Nemetnejad and Mimi Elbaz. Remembering with love Avram Nemetnejad and Dan Elbaz z’’l at this joyous time.

* Lynda and Mark Henley on their daughter Lana’s Batmitzvah. Mazeltov also to siblings Joseph, Maya and Eva and Grandparents Souham Cohen and Barry & Beryl Henley. Remembering the late Esther Henley and Joseph Tahan z’’l at this special time.

* Michelle and Benjamin Peters on the birth of their son Noah Ari Chai. Mazeltov also to grandparents Jeffrey Lasky, Michael and Ann Peters, Yvonne Lasky andGreat grandparents Arthur and Rita Lasky and Elizabeth Adley.

* Stephen and Susan Barnes on the birth of their Granddaughter Harper Noa. Daughter to Annabel and Jonathan Swead sister to Willow Vida.


We will be screening “A Tale of Love and Darkness” (2015)Influenced by his mother’s (Natalie Portman) stories and poetry readings, young Amos

Oz (Amir Tessler) grows up in 1940s Jerusalem and becomes a famous writer.

£3 members, £4 non-members. Refreshments provided.



KINLOSS AGMwill be on Sunday 13th May 2018

at 8:00pmAll members are welcome to attend

KINLOSS YOUTHKinloss Youth Express Yourself!

Shabbat Emor

Breakfast Banter 9.15am in Benchers Café – Breakfast and Parsha SchmoozeYouth Minyan 9.45am in the Liora Graham Beit Hamidrash

Thank you Asher Renton who will be leining his Bar Mitzvah sedra.

Summer Chill6.30pm – Minchah in the Nemetnejad Room

followed by Seudah Shlishit with the community Board games, table tennis, friends, nosh and much more

Rabbi’s Monthly MunchJoin Rabbi Lawrence for Davening, breakfast and a morning schmooze!

This Sunday 6th May - Second Shacharit 8.15am in the Liora Graham Beit HaMidrashParents and boys & girls in years 7 & 8.

Pre-Bar Mitzvah boys are encouraged to bring tefillin with them.

Learn2Lead With Streetwise UK

Tuesday 8th May, 7.30 – 9pm in the Nemetnejad RoomFor youth in years 9 & 10, alternate Tuesday nights

Learn2Volunteer concludes Tuesday 15th May

Daf YummyThursdays during term time

Join us every Thursday evening from 7.45 – 9pm in the Liora Graham Beit HaMidrashas we tuck into fresh Pizza and learn the ‘Daf’ in Gemara Succah and topical Jewish subjects

Girls and Boys years in school years 8 - 11£5 per person, includes Pizza, chips and drinks

Save the Date! – Project ImpactSunday 13th MaySunday 10th June

Tikkun Leil - Motsei Shabbat 19th MayKeynote speaker: Debbie Stone, Associate Director of Education NCSY

Shavuot BBQ - Monday 21st May, 1pm in the Youth FlatYears 11 - 13

Flip Out - Kinloss Club & Kinloss Youth are going trampoliningSunday 3rd June, 6.30 – 8pm

Years 5 - 10£13 per person


Fifa World Cup with Kinloss YouthWe will be showing special screenings of all of England’s World Cup campaign this summer!

Tribe World CupSunday 8th July, 2pm @ Power League, Mill Hill

5-a-side football tournamentYears 7&8 and Years 9&10

£12 per playerRegister at www.kinloss.org.uk/worldcup

Save the Date! – Tisha B’Av Youth programmeSunday 22nd July

Save the Date! – Roller Disco Monday 23rd July

Shabbat ShalomBaz, Chaz, Micholi and Amalia

youth@kinloss.org.uk 07792 460091



* Security Team 3. If you have any queries, please speak to Martin Shiers on 07831 836 031, or email securekinloss@yahoo.co.uk* Susan Sperber Kosky, Karen Cooper and Nicole Martin of The Welcoming Committee * Mozelle Onnie, Lindsey Kutten, Rochelle Belmont, and Estelle Belmont of the Kiddush Rota Team

Alexander Kramer (9) Rafaela Golding (11)Ellie Compton (11) Sacha Bassalian (9)Rafi Gershon (9) Dena Stock (9)Gila Lester (8) Sasha Renton (2)

Mazeltov to the children in our community celebrating their birthdays this week:

9:45am Games Room in the Newman Room with Rav Melachi0 - 4 year olds with Sara Keen in the Kinloss Suite Foyer Reception up to School Year 2 with Natalie Sommer in the Avram Nemetnejad Room (2nd Floor)School Years 3 - 4 - with Dina Sufrin in the First Floor ClassroomsThe Kids’ Minyan - with Rav Melachi in the Newman RoomAll Children’s Services will start at 10:45am followed by Kiddush

SERVICES see front שבת)page)



Mon Tues Weds Thurs Fri

Shacharit 1 7:30am 7:30am 7:00am 7:00am 7:00am 7:00am

Shacharit 2 8:15am 8:30am 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am

Sephardi Shacharit 8:00am 6:45am 6:45am 6:45am 6:45am 6:45am

Mincha & Ma’ariv 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm Mincha/Kabbalat


SHARED RE ADING GROUPOur next Shared Reading Group

will take place TUESDAY 15TH MAY 2018

at 2:00pm in Benchers CafeFor more information, please speak to:

Kate Fulton on 07801 911 481 or email


The 4th Annual Women’s Reading of Megillat Rut will take place on Monday 21st May

If you would like to participate as a reader please be in touch with Mandy Lawrence.No prior experience is necessary and help with preparation is available.

All girls aged 12 and above and women are welcome to participate.

Mandy Lawrence - mandylawrence4@gmail.com 07467 497148

Seudah Season If you would like to sponsor, or co-sponsor, a

Seudah Shlishitplease call Dalia Hajioff on 07711 386 615

or email dalia@hajioff.com or contact Shimon in the Office.

The Seudah Season is from 28th April – 25th August (Exc 21st July).

Cost to sponsor is £250.Next week’s speaker is Rabbi Michael Laitiner


SUNDAY 08:00am Daf Yomi (NR)

MONDAY 07:40am Daf Yomi (NR)

TUESDAY 07:40am Daf Yomi (NR) 10:30 Friendship Club (DH)19:30pm Learn 2 Lead (NR) 15:00pm Super Soccer Stars (DH)19:45pm Gemorah Shiur with R’Andrews (BM) 20:00pm Ulpan Ivrit (MN)

WEDNESDAY 07:40am Daf Yomi (NR) 10:00am Mother and Toddler (DH)08:30am Rambam with R’Lawrence (BM) 10:00am Art Group (MN)12:15pm Lunch and Learn (BM)19:00pm Bat Programme (NR)20:00pm Zionist Visionaries Course (BM)

THURSDAY 07:40am Daf Yomi (NR) 10:00am Hartbeeps (NR)19:30pm Daf Yummy (BM) 18:00pm Table Tennis (DH)

FRIDAY 07:40am Daf Yomi (NR) 10:00am Mother and Toddler (DH)

BC = Benchers Cafe NR = Nemetnejad Room BM = Liora Graham Beit Midrash MN = Marilyn Newman RoomDH = Nissim and Rifka Deal Hall PS = Persian Synagogue



FINCHLEY SYNAGOGUE USEFUL PHONE NUMBERSRabbi Jeremy Lawrence: 07501 895 124 Rabbi Nisan Andrews: 07407 764 854

Shimon Gillis, Director of Operations: 020 8349 5264Shul Office: 020 8346 8551

Tuesday 8 MAYHilary Batchat MotherBenita Brown MotherElena Charlton FatherMia Lyons MotherMarian Orlans FatherStephen Pincus MotherMark Pope FatherJohn Simons SonMonica Simons SonDeirdre Steinberg MotherDavid Watson Father

Thursday 10 MAYMarian Birnhak FatherFrances Cohen FatherJudith Jackson SisterJudith Jackson Mother

Wednesday 9 MAYSylvia Fisher Mother

Monday 7 MAYScott Aaron FatherBarbara Frank MotherMonica Simons MotherLilian Williams Husband

Sunday 6 MAYLillian Mayer FatherMichael Monty Father Friday 11 MAY


Shabbat 5 MAYSusan Barnes FatherAsnat Nematnejad MotherAlan Rubenstein FatherAviva Vyner Mother

CONDOLENCES TO:* Andrew Harris and Michelle Mitchell on the passing of their mother Ruth Harris Z’L* Family of the late Sidney Benjamin Z’L

TOMBSTONE CONSECRATIONS:SUN 6 MAY 11:00am in Bushey in memory of Seymour KraftMON 7 MAY 1:00pm in Bushey in memory of Louis LewisTUES 15 MAY 10:30am in Bushey in memory of Philip Silverman SUN 27 MAY 12:00pm in Bushey in memory of Goldie DanielsSUN 27 MAY 12:00pm in Willesden in memory of Jack Fisher

Hospitality – if you would like to be invited for a Yom Tov or Shabbat Meal

or if you require help or support, please call Rochelle on 0208 349 5263,

or email welfare@kinloss.org.uk. All messages treated in the strictest


ANIM ZEMIROT CLUBCome and learn to sing

Anim ZemirotOur club meets every Shabbat at 10:15am

in the Robing Room.Boys of 6 and over welcome.

Led by David Lesser


184 Ballards Lane, N3 2NV

will be on

Shabbat 12th Maystarting at 9.30am

Please email lawrence@susser.co.uk

to confirm attendance
