KOPLAS e-Novice marec 2012



Tema tokratnih e-Novic je prebijanje pločevine. V njih vam bomo predstavili nov model prebijalnega storja EUROMA MBX 6, stroj za brušenje orodja MATE ValueGrind™, za konec pa smo za vas pripravili še novo rubriko - “Priporočila in rešitve za prebijanje”, ki jo za vas pripravljamo v sodelovanju z proizvajalcem orodja za prebijalne stroje MATE iz ZDA. Rubrika bo namenjena predstavitvam novosti, priporočil in rešitev s področja orodij za prebijanja pločevine.

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e-Novice MAREC 2012

Prebijanje pločevine

Tema tokratnih e-Novic je prebijanje pločevine. V njih vam bomo predstavili nov model prebijal-nega storja EUROMA MBX 6, stroj za brušenje orodja MATE ValueGrind™, za konec pa smo za vas pripravili še novo rubriko - “Priporočila in rešitve za prebijanje”, ki jo za vas pripravljamo v sodelo-vanju z proizvajalcem orodja za prebijalne stroje MATE iz ZDA. Rubrika bo namenjena predstavit-vam novosti, priporočil in rešitev s področja orodij za prebijanja pločevine.


Nov model prebijalnega stroja EUROMAC: 20.000€ cenejši od MTX Flex različice!

Z veseljem vas obveščamo, da bo od meseca maja naprej pri EUROMAC-u na vojo nov model prebijal-nega stroja: MBX AUTOINDEX 6 1250/30-2250.

Stroj bo narejen na principu uspešnih in dobro sprejetih različic MTX Flex 6 & MTX Flex 12, ki sta pridobila ugled in sloves kot Euromac-ova visoko zmogljiva prebijalna stroja.

Vsakdo ne potrebuje “visoko zmogljiviega” in posledično dražjega prebijalnega stroja. Pri odločitvi o investiciji v prebijalni stroj je potrebno upoštevati realne potrebe, potrebno produktivnost in nenazadnje tudi omejitve v proračunu.

Pri modelih prebijalnih strojev EUROMAC BX in ZX, je potrebno priznati, da so ti namenjeni proizvod-nji enostavnejših izdelkov, ki jih je mogoče pokriti že z samo nekaj orodji. Čim se poveča potreba po menjavanju orodij, ki je posledica kompleksnejših in raznolikih izdelkov to povzroči poseg na stroju (menjava orodij v multiool-u) s tem posledično pa vpliva tudi na čas izdelave.

MTX FLEX 6 ali 12 rešujeta zgornji problem, še več, tehnično sta izpopolnjena. Stroja sta v veliko primerih produktivnejša od naših potreb, poleg tega pa tudi primerno dražja!

Prav za takšne primere, ko kupec ne potrebuje vi-soko produktivnega prebijalnega stroja in neka-

terih funkcij kot so preoblikovanje z vlečenjem in graviranje je namenjen MBX. MBX uspešno pov-ezuje potrebno produktivnost s stroški investicije v takšen stroj. In cena: 20.000,00 EUR cenejši od modela MTX6 Flex. V zakup lahko vzamemo vaš stari prebijalni stroj.

V želji ponuditi cenovno dostopnejši stroj so v EU-ROMAC-u standardizirali nov model na eno samo različico z omejenim številom dodatne opreme in možnosti. V letošnjem letu bo na voljo prva serija 10 tovrstnih prebijalnih strojev EUROMAC MBX.

Nakup prebijalnega stroja EUROMAC je v primerja-vi z vloženimi sredstvi najoptimalnejša rešitev. Do sedaj smo prodali že 96 prebijalnih strojev EURO-MAC, prav vsi pa delujejo v zadovoljsvo kupcev.

Eden od kupcev stroja MTX Euromac, Evrotehna iz Kraljeva, ki je pozneje kupil tudi zmoglivejši prebi-jalni stroj je izjavil: Sedaj ko imam oba stroja in jih lahko primerjam vam lahko potrdim, da je Euromac več kot vreden vloženega denarja.

Značilnosti prebijalnega stroja MBX AUTOINDEK 6: 3 AUTOINDEX “D” postaje 360° & 3 fiksne “D” postaje: vsaka“D” post-aja je lahko opremljena z Multitool 4 - 6 - 10 orodji ali Monopunch (tipa Thick Turret A - B - C - D ); na Autoindex postajah se lahko vsa orodja rotirajo v 360°.

Standardna oprema: 1x Multitool XMTE6 ali XMTE4•Programsko nastavljiva dolžina hoda prebijača•Avtomatsko pozicioniranje prijemal preko CNC krmiljenja•Avtomatsko mazanje posameznih orodij in Mulitoolov•Sistem enostavnega nalaganja pločevine s pomočjo 3 pnev-•matskih cilindrovSamostojno stoječ komandni pult•Standardi software (Toppunch®)•Standardne mize s ščetkami•Prednje preklopne mize dolžine 830 mm •UPS Sistem •Zunanji sistem hlajenja za temperature višje od 30° C•Držala za matrice: 2x velikost D, 1x velkost C, 2x velikost B, •1x vmesnik B / AVmesniki za prebijače: 1x D / C, 2x D / B, 1x B / A•Set orodja & manometer zamerjenje pritiska•Navodila za delo s strojem (tiskan & elektronski format)•Pripravljeno za teleservis (potrebna je internetna povezava)•USB ključek •

Tehnični podatki:

Model MBX 125/30-2250

Sila (kN) 300

Hod Y osi z Multitoolom (mm) 1300 / 1250

Hod X osi z Multitoolom (mm) 2250

Avtomatsko preprijemanje na X osi (mm) do 10.000

Hidravlno voden servomotor ni na voljo

Natančnost pozicioniranja (mm) +/- 0,1

Število dvosmernih Autoindex postaj 3

Hitrost Autoindex rotacije (rnm) 174 *programsko nastavljivo

Hitrost Y+X osi (m/min) 90

Odprtje prijemal (mm) 11

Maksimalna hitrost prebijanja (1/min - pri hodu 1 mm)

Nibliranje - korak 20 mm (udarcev /min) 250

Nibliranje- korak 1 mm (udarcev/min) 600

Min. / max. debelina pločevine (mm) 0,6 / 6

Max. masa plošče (z zmanj. pospeševanja) 150

Max. Ø orodja - postaje Autoindex 85

Operacijski sistem Windows® XP

USB vhodi 6

Velikost tanka za olje (l) 135

Inštalitrana delovna moč (KW) 8,5

Približna teža (kg)

X = 2250 7000

Skupna velikost (mm)

X = 2250 4000 x 3530

EUROMAC BMX (Simbolična slika)



Komandni pult

MATE ValueGrind™Podaljšajte življnsko dobo prebijalnega orodja!

Cenovno ugoden•

Kompaktna velikost•

Vrhunska obdelava brušene •površine

Enostavno in varno upravljanje•

Nizki stroški vzdrževanja in obra-•tovanja

Enostavno vstavlanje orodja•

Enostavna inštalacija•

Mate-ov brusilni stroj ValueGrind™ je namenjen brušenju prebijal in matric z namenom ohranjanja optimalne ostrosti orodja in s tem maksimalne kakovosti izdelkov, ki jih izdelujete z vašim prebijalnim strojem.

Brusilnim stroj ValueGrind™ je namenjen brušenju orodij tipov Thick Turret (A-E postaje), Multi Tool, Trumf style (1 in 2), Thin Turret & MT ali Murrata Wiederman. Stroj je prilagodljiv vašim potrebam, izberete samo fiksirni set (glede na tip orodja, ki ga uporabljate) in tip električne napeljave.

Akcijska ponudba: že od 7.500,00 €*

* Ponudba velja do 30.04.2012

Trumpf Style vpenjalni set

Thick Turret & MT Style vpenjalni set

Thin Turretvpenjalni set

Murata Wiederman vpenjalni set

Tehnični podatki:

Dimenzije Dolžina:



820 mm

520 mm

675 mm

Teža 160 kg

Napetost 208 V oz. 400 V

Fazni motorja 3

Krožna frekvenca 60 oz. 50/60 Hz

Tok max. 5,5 A

Delovna moč 1080 W oz. 960 W

Vrsta zaščite min IP 54

Hitrost vrtenja brusilnega kamna 2000 / min

Delovni hod vretena 56,0 mm

Delovni hod 0,02 mm

Kotni premik roke 180°

Premer brusnega kamna 160 mm

Max. premer matrice 159 mm

Max. višina matrice 40 mm

Max. dolžina prebijača A,B: 208 mm, B,C,D: 97 mm

Max. premer vpetja prebijača 121 mm

Natančnost nast. višine brusa 0,02 mm

Kot brušenja 0° - 8°

Prostornian posode za hlad. tek. 6 litrov

Oglejte si posnetek delovanja brusilnega stroja na našem kanalu:


Prednosti brusilnega stroja ValueGrind™:Viskoko kakovostno brušenje in ravnost brušenja zagotavljajo:

Jermenski pogon, ki zagotavlja optimalno rot-•acijo brusnega kamna.Velik diamantni brus z notranjim hlajenjem, ki •je oblikovan tako, da lahko hladilno sredstvo preprečuje nastanek ožganin in razbarvanja brušenega orodja.Tog in robusten dizajn.•Enostavna in hitra nastavitev za brušenje •kakršnega koli obdelovanca, ki ustreza velikosti magnetne podlage.

Omogoča hitrejše brušenje večjih orodij, saj ima:Velik motor s katerim je možno brusiti matrice •Thick Turret do E velikosti. Velik bruslini kamen (160mm).•

Minimalno vzdrževanje:

Stroj je izdelan iz visokokvalitetnih delov.•Stroj uporablja diamantni brus, kateri ne zahteva •dodatne obdelave.Prozorna posoda za pregled nivoja hladilne •tekočine.Enostaven dostop hladilne tekočine do zadnjega •dela brusilnika.Hladilni zasloni, ki močno zmanjšajo količino •brusilnih delčkov in omogočajo lažje čiščenje.

Enostaven za uporabo:Prenosna namizna oblika se lahko uporablja •praktično kjerkoli - tudi na omejenem prostoru.Prednastavljen za brušenje orodij tipa Thick Tur-•ret, Multi Tool, Trumf style, Thin Turret & MT ali Murrata Wiederman.Enostavno brušenja več vrst orodij - z uporabo/•nakupom drugega fiksirnega setaVse kar morate narediti po nakupu je razpakiran-•je, dodajanje hladilnega sredstva, priključitev na el. omrežje in že lahko pričnete z brušenjem.


Robustna konstrukcija preprečuje da bi se stroj, •med uporabo premaknil ali prevrnil.Gumb za varno ustavitev stroja in minimalno •izpostavljen brusilni kamenToniran polikarbidni varnostni ščit•Hladilna tekočina zaradi sten stroja v obliki kadi •ne škropi izven delovnega območja stroja


1295 Lund Boulevard Anoka MN 55303 Phone 763.421.0230 800.328.4492 Fax 763.421.0285 800.541.0285



THE PROBLEM: Fabricators use a variety of methods to separate multiple parts from a sheet of material. A frequently used method places small tabs between parts by programming the spacing of a slitting punch. While the tabs keep the parts intact during punching, they can be difficult to remove and often leave rough or sharp edges that usually require a secondary operation to remove.

THE MATE SOLUTION: Using a Mate EasySnap™ tool (below) solves these issues because it allows you to build in a way to snap parts out of sheet metal without using a slitting or punching tool. EasySnap allows fabricators to simply snap punched components out of sheet metal by hand, making life much easier. Since EasySnap leaves a clean, smooth edge, there is no need for secondary operations. EasySnap uses a V-line stencil machined onto the face of the upper and lower tools. As the tools penetrate the sheet, they create a line of weakness (snap-line) in both surfaces of the sheet metal. The sheet metal can then be snapped apart by bending the material along the snap-line. The actual depth of penetration and force required to snap the part is dependent on the ductility and thickness of the material being punched. It also keeps parts removal easy since the parts simply snap off the sheet.


EasySnap™ lines

EasyBend™ lines

Illustrations of a part made using EasySnap™ (and EasyBend™). (Left) Flat part after EasySnap and EasyBend lines created. (Center) Same part after EasySnap portions removed with burr-free edges. (Right) Same part, after sides are bent up with EasyBend. The sides will separate easily with burr-free edges.


1295 Lund Boulevard Anoka MN 55303 Phone 763.421.0230 800.328.4492 Fax 763.421.0285 800.541.0285



THE PROBLEM: Fabricators use a variety of methods to separate multiple parts from a sheet of material. A frequently used method places small tabs between parts by programming the spacing of a slitting punch. While the tabs keep the parts intact during punching, they can be difficult to remove and often leave rough or sharp edges that usually require a secondary operation to remove.

THE MATE SOLUTION: Using a Mate EasySnap™ tool (below) solves these issues because it allows you to build in a way to snap parts out of sheet metal without using a slitting or punching tool. EasySnap allows fabricators to simply snap punched components out of sheet metal by hand, making life much easier. Since EasySnap leaves a clean, smooth edge, there is no need for secondary operations. EasySnap uses a V-line stencil machined onto the face of the upper and lower tools. As the tools penetrate the sheet, they create a line of weakness (snap-line) in both surfaces of the sheet metal. The sheet metal can then be snapped apart by bending the material along the snap-line. The actual depth of penetration and force required to snap the part is dependent on the ductility and thickness of the material being punched. It also keeps parts removal easy since the parts simply snap off the sheet.


EasySnap™ lines

EasyBend™ lines

Illustrations of a part made using EasySnap™ (and EasyBend™). (Left) Flat part after EasySnap and EasyBend lines created. (Center) Same part after EasySnap portions removed with burr-free edges. (Right) Same part, after sides are bent up with EasyBend. The sides will separate easily with burr-free edges.


1295 Lund Boulevard Anoka MN 55303 Phone 763.421.0230 800.328.4492 Fax 763.421.0285 800.541.0285



THE PROBLEM: Fabricators use a variety of methods to separate multiple parts from a sheet of material. A frequently used method places small tabs between parts by programming the spacing of a slitting punch. While the tabs keep the parts intact during punching, they can be difficult to remove and often leave rough or sharp edges that usually require a secondary operation to remove.

THE MATE SOLUTION: Using a Mate EasySnap™ tool (below) solves these issues because it allows you to build in a way to snap parts out of sheet metal without using a slitting or punching tool. EasySnap allows fabricators to simply snap punched components out of sheet metal by hand, making life much easier. Since EasySnap leaves a clean, smooth edge, there is no need for secondary operations. EasySnap uses a V-line stencil machined onto the face of the upper and lower tools. As the tools penetrate the sheet, they create a line of weakness (snap-line) in both surfaces of the sheet metal. The sheet metal can then be snapped apart by bending the material along the snap-line. The actual depth of penetration and force required to snap the part is dependent on the ductility and thickness of the material being punched. It also keeps parts removal easy since the parts simply snap off the sheet.


EasySnap™ lines

EasyBend™ lines

Illustrations of a part made using EasySnap™ (and EasyBend™). (Left) Flat part after EasySnap and EasyBend lines created. (Center) Same part after EasySnap portions removed with burr-free edges. (Right) Same part, after sides are bent up with EasyBend. The sides will separate easily with burr-free edges.



1295 Lund Boulevard Anoka MN 55303 Phone 763.421.0230 800.328.4492 Fax 763.421.0285 800.541.0285



THE PROBLEM: Fabricators use a variety of methods to separate multiple parts from a sheet of material. A frequently used method places small tabs between parts by programming the spacing of a slitting punch. While the tabs keep the parts intact during punching, they can be difficult to remove and often leave rough or sharp edges that usually require a secondary operation to remove.

THE MATE SOLUTION: Using a Mate EasySnap™ tool (below) solves these issues because it allows you to build in a way to snap parts out of sheet metal without using a slitting or punching tool. EasySnap allows fabricators to simply snap punched components out of sheet metal by hand, making life much easier. Since EasySnap leaves a clean, smooth edge, there is no need for secondary operations. EasySnap uses a V-line stencil machined onto the face of the upper and lower tools. As the tools penetrate the sheet, they create a line of weakness (snap-line) in both surfaces of the sheet metal. The sheet metal can then be snapped apart by bending the material along the snap-line. The actual depth of penetration and force required to snap the part is dependent on the ductility and thickness of the material being punched. It also keeps parts removal easy since the parts simply snap off the sheet.


EasySnap™ lines

EasyBend™ lines

Illustrations of a part made using EasySnap™ (and EasyBend™). (Left) Flat part after EasySnap and EasyBend lines created. (Center) Same part after EasySnap portions removed with burr-free edges. (Right) Same part, after sides are bent up with EasyBend. The sides will separate easily with burr-free edges.


1295 Lund Boulevard Anoka MN 55303 Phone 763.421.0230 800.328.4492 Fax 763.421.0285 800.541.0285



THE PROBLEM: Fabricators use a variety of methods to separate multiple parts from a sheet of material. A frequently used method places small tabs between parts by programming the spacing of a slitting punch. While the tabs keep the parts intact during punching, they can be difficult to remove and often leave rough or sharp edges that usually require a secondary operation to remove.

THE MATE SOLUTION: Using a Mate EasySnap™ tool (below) solves these issues because it allows you to build in a way to snap parts out of sheet metal without using a slitting or punching tool. EasySnap allows fabricators to simply snap punched components out of sheet metal by hand, making life much easier. Since EasySnap leaves a clean, smooth edge, there is no need for secondary operations. EasySnap uses a V-line stencil machined onto the face of the upper and lower tools. As the tools penetrate the sheet, they create a line of weakness (snap-line) in both surfaces of the sheet metal. The sheet metal can then be snapped apart by bending the material along the snap-line. The actual depth of penetration and force required to snap the part is dependent on the ductility and thickness of the material being punched. It also keeps parts removal easy since the parts simply snap off the sheet.


EasySnap™ lines

EasyBend™ lines

Illustrations of a part made using EasySnap™ (and EasyBend™). (Left) Flat part after EasySnap and EasyBend lines created. (Center) Same part after EasySnap portions removed with burr-free edges. (Right) Same part, after sides are bent up with EasyBend. The sides will separate easily with burr-free edges.


1295 Lund Boulevard Anoka MN 55303 Phone 763.421.0230 800.328.4492 Fax 763.421.0285 800.541.0285



THE PROBLEM: Fabricators use a variety of methods to separate multiple parts from a sheet of material. A frequently used method places small tabs between parts by programming the spacing of a slitting punch. While the tabs keep the parts intact during punching, they can be difficult to remove and often leave rough or sharp edges that usually require a secondary operation to remove.

THE MATE SOLUTION: Using a Mate EasySnap™ tool (below) solves these issues because it allows you to build in a way to snap parts out of sheet metal without using a slitting or punching tool. EasySnap allows fabricators to simply snap punched components out of sheet metal by hand, making life much easier. Since EasySnap leaves a clean, smooth edge, there is no need for secondary operations. EasySnap uses a V-line stencil machined onto the face of the upper and lower tools. As the tools penetrate the sheet, they create a line of weakness (snap-line) in both surfaces of the sheet metal. The sheet metal can then be snapped apart by bending the material along the snap-line. The actual depth of penetration and force required to snap the part is dependent on the ductility and thickness of the material being punched. It also keeps parts removal easy since the parts simply snap off the sheet.


EasySnap™ lines

EasyBend™ lines

Illustrations of a part made using EasySnap™ (and EasyBend™). (Left) Flat part after EasySnap and EasyBend lines created. (Center) Same part after EasySnap portions removed with burr-free edges. (Right) Same part, after sides are bent up with EasyBend. The sides will separate easily with burr-free edges.


1295 Lund Boulevard Anoka MN 55303 Phone 763.421.0230 800.328.4492 Fax 763.421.0285 800.541.0285



THE PROBLEM: Fabricators use a variety of methods to separate multiple parts from a sheet of material. A frequently used method places small tabs between parts by programming the spacing of a slitting punch. While the tabs keep the parts intact during punching, they can be difficult to remove and often leave rough or sharp edges that usually require a secondary operation to remove.

THE MATE SOLUTION: Using a Mate EasySnap™ tool (below) solves these issues because it allows you to build in a way to snap parts out of sheet metal without using a slitting or punching tool. EasySnap allows fabricators to simply snap punched components out of sheet metal by hand, making life much easier. Since EasySnap leaves a clean, smooth edge, there is no need for secondary operations. EasySnap uses a V-line stencil machined onto the face of the upper and lower tools. As the tools penetrate the sheet, they create a line of weakness (snap-line) in both surfaces of the sheet metal. The sheet metal can then be snapped apart by bending the material along the snap-line. The actual depth of penetration and force required to snap the part is dependent on the ductility and thickness of the material being punched. It also keeps parts removal easy since the parts simply snap off the sheet.

EasySnap™ lines

EasyBend™ lines

Illustrations of a part made using EasySnap™ (and EasyBend™). (Left) Flat part after EasySnap and EasyBend lines created. (Center) Same part after EasySnap portions removed with burr-free edges. (Right) Samepart,aftersidesarebentupwithEasyBend.Thesideswillseparateeasilywithburr-freeedges.


1295 Lund Boulevard Anoka MN 55303 Phone 763.421.0230 800.328.4492 Fax 763.421.0285 800.541.0285



THE PROBLEM: Fabricators use a variety of methods to separate multiple parts from a sheet of material. A frequently used method places small tabs between parts by programming the spacing of a slitting punch. While the tabs keep the parts intact during punching, they can be difficult to remove and often leave rough or sharp edges that usually require a secondary operation to remove.

THE MATE SOLUTION: Using a Mate EasySnap™ tool (below) solves these issues because it allows you to build in a way to snap parts out of sheet metal without using a slitting or punching tool. EasySnap allows fabricators to simply snap punched components out of sheet metal by hand, making life much easier. Since EasySnap leaves a clean, smooth edge, there is no need for secondary operations. EasySnap uses a V-line stencil machined onto the face of the upper and lower tools. As the tools penetrate the sheet, they create a line of weakness (snap-line) in both surfaces of the sheet metal. The sheet metal can then be snapped apart by bending the material along the snap-line. The actual depth of penetration and force required to snap the part is dependent on the ductility and thickness of the material being punched. It also keeps parts removal easy since the parts simply snap off the sheet.


EasySnap™ lines

EasyBend™ lines

Illustrations of a part made using EasySnap™ (and EasyBend™). (Left) Flat part after EasySnap and EasyBend lines created. (Center) Same part after EasySnap portions removed with burr-free edges. (Right) Same part, after sides are bent up with EasyBend. The sides will separate easily with burr-free edges.


1295 Lund Boulevard Anoka MN 55303 Phone 763.421.0230 800.328.4492 Fax 763.421.0285 800.541.0285



THE PROBLEM: Fabricators use a variety of methods to separate multiple parts from a sheet of material. A frequently used method places small tabs between parts by programming the spacing of a slitting punch. While the tabs keep the parts intact during punching, they can be difficult to remove and often leave rough or sharp edges that usually require a secondary operation to remove.

THE MATE SOLUTION: Using a Mate EasySnap™ tool (below) solves these issues because it allows you to build in a way to snap parts out of sheet metal without using a slitting or punching tool. EasySnap allows fabricators to simply snap punched components out of sheet metal by hand, making life much easier. Since EasySnap leaves a clean, smooth edge, there is no need for secondary operations. EasySnap uses a V-line stencil machined onto the face of the upper and lower tools. As the tools penetrate the sheet, they create a line of weakness (snap-line) in both surfaces of the sheet metal. The sheet metal can then be snapped apart by bending the material along the snap-line. The actual depth of penetration and force required to snap the part is dependent on the ductility and thickness of the material being punched. It also keeps parts removal easy since the parts simply snap off the sheet.


EasySnap™ lines

EasyBend™ lines

Illustrations of a part made using EasySnap™ (and EasyBend™). (Left) Flat part after EasySnap and EasyBend lines created. (Center) Same part after EasySnap portions removed with burr-free edges. (Right) Same part, after sides are bent up with EasyBend. The sides will separate easily with burr-free edges.


1295 Lund Boulevard Anoka MN 55303 Phone 763.421.0230 800.328.4492 Fax 763.421.0285 800.541.0285



THE PROBLEM: Fabricators use a variety of methods to separate multiple parts from a sheet of material. A frequently used method places small tabs between parts by programming the spacing of a slitting punch. While the tabs keep the parts intact during punching, they can be difficult to remove and often leave rough or sharp edges that usually require a secondary operation to remove.

THE MATE SOLUTION: Using a Mate EasySnap™ tool (below) solves these issues because it allows you to build in a way to snap parts out of sheet metal without using a slitting or punching tool. EasySnap allows fabricators to simply snap punched components out of sheet metal by hand, making life much easier. Since EasySnap leaves a clean, smooth edge, there is no need for secondary operations. EasySnap uses a V-line stencil machined onto the face of the upper and lower tools. As the tools penetrate the sheet, they create a line of weakness (snap-line) in both surfaces of the sheet metal. The sheet metal can then be snapped apart by bending the material along the snap-line. The actual depth of penetration and force required to snap the part is dependent on the ductility and thickness of the material being punched. It also keeps parts removal easy since the parts simply snap off the sheet.


EasySnap™ lines

EasyBend™ lines

Illustrations of a part made using EasySnap™ (and EasyBend™). (Left) Flat part after EasySnap and EasyBend lines created. (Center) Same part after EasySnap portions removed with burr-free edges. (Right) Same part, after sides are bent up with EasyBend. The sides will separate easily with burr-free edges.



Pogostost brušenja je odvisna od kvalitete ma-teriala, debeline pločevine, dimenzij prebijača in načina prebijanja. Ne čakajte, da na zgornjem robu pločevine nastane radius in na spodnjem velika igla. V primeru neostrega orodja tudi stroj prebija glasneje. Če orodja ne brusite, boste morali orodje zamenjati 3- 4x prej, kot bi bilo potrebno.


Če želite podaljšati življenjsko dobo orodja, je potrebno redno brušenje. Orodje brusite, ko orodje izgubi popolno ostrino in se na robu formira polmer 0,13 mm. Na tej točki je namreč že z manjšim odvze-mom materiala mogoče popraviti ostrino prebijača. Pogostejše brušenje ima namreč boljši učinek, kot če čakamo, da prebijač postane povsem top. Na ta način orodje zdrži dlje, prebija bolj fino in potrebna je manjša sila.

Za brušenje prebijalnega orodja priporočamo, da upoštevate naslednje:

Orodje pravokotno vpnite v vpenjalno napra-1. vo ali na magnetno ploščo brusilnega stroja. Pri enem hodu, je priporočljivo odvzeti samo med 0,03 in 0,05 mm debeline materiala. Hode nato ponavljate dokler ne dosežete željene ostrine. Normalno odvzamete med 0,13 - 0,25 mm materiala.

Pri uporabi standardnih brusov iz korunda, 2. naj bo trdota »D« do »J« in zrnatost 46 do 60. CBN brusi so zelo dobra izbira. Namen-jeni so za najzahtevnejša brušenja, a niso obvezujoči.

Če brusilna plošča med uporabo otopi, se 3. zamaši z odbruski ali če pride do geometri-jskih odstopanj, morate brusilno ploščo po-ravnati z enozrnatim ali večzrnatim diamant-nim poravnalnim orodjem.

Hladilno sredstvo naj se med brušenjem 4. nanaša kolikor je možno blizu mesta brušenja.

Za konec še na rahlo pobrusite robove, da 5. odstranite kakršnekoli igle in pustite rob z 0,03-0,05mm radiusa. S tem boste zmanjšali možnost krušenja.

Po brušenju orodje razmagnetite in ga 6. posprejajte z lahkim oljem, da preprečite ko-rozijo.


Kot pri brušenju prebijačev, veljajo enaka priporočila tudi za brušenje matric; vpnite jih v vpenjalno napravo ali pa postavite na magnetno ploščo in upoštevajte priporočene nastavitve brušenja. Po vsakem brušenju preverite debelino matrice in če je potrebno naredite popravek.

Ponovno brušenje je potrebno ko na rabu nas-tane 0,25 mm radusa!


1295 Lund Boulevard Anoka MN 55303 Phone 763.421.0230 800.328.4492 Fax 763.421.0285 800.541.0285



THE PROBLEM: Fabricators use a variety of methods to separate multiple parts from a sheet of material. A frequently used method places small tabs between parts by programming the spacing of a slitting punch. While the tabs keep the parts intact during punching, they can be difficult to remove and often leave rough or sharp edges that usually require a secondary operation to remove.

THE MATE SOLUTION: Using a Mate EasySnap™ tool (below) solves these issues because it allows you to build in a way to snap parts out of sheet metal without using a slitting or punching tool. EasySnap allows fabricators to simply snap punched components out of sheet metal by hand, making life much easier. Since EasySnap leaves a clean, smooth edge, there is no need for secondary operations. EasySnap uses a V-line stencil machined onto the face of the upper and lower tools. As the tools penetrate the sheet, they create a line of weakness (snap-line) in both surfaces of the sheet metal. The sheet metal can then be snapped apart by bending the material along the snap-line. The actual depth of penetration and force required to snap the part is dependent on the ductility and thickness of the material being punched. It also keeps parts removal easy since the parts simply snap off the sheet.


EasySnap™ lines

EasyBend™ lines

Illustrations of a part made using EasySnap™ (and EasyBend™). (Left) Flat part after EasySnap and EasyBend lines created. (Center) Same part after EasySnap portions removed with burr-free edges. (Right) Same part, after sides are bent up with EasyBend. The sides will separate easily with burr-free edges.


1295 Lund Boulevard Anoka MN 55303 Phone 763.421.0230 800.328.4492 Fax 763.421.0285 800.541.0285



THE PROBLEM: Fabricators use a variety of methods to separate multiple parts from a sheet of material. A frequently used method places small tabs between parts by programming the spacing of a slitting punch. While the tabs keep the parts intact during punching, they can be difficult to remove and often leave rough or sharp edges that usually require a secondary operation to remove.

THE MATE SOLUTION: Using a Mate EasySnap™ tool (below) solves these issues because it allows you to build in a way to snap parts out of sheet metal without using a slitting or punching tool. EasySnap allows fabricators to simply snap punched components out of sheet metal by hand, making life much easier. Since EasySnap leaves a clean, smooth edge, there is no need for secondary operations. EasySnap uses a V-line stencil machined onto the face of the upper and lower tools. As the tools penetrate the sheet, they create a line of weakness (snap-line) in both surfaces of the sheet metal. The sheet metal can then be snapped apart by bending the material along the snap-line. The actual depth of penetration and force required to snap the part is dependent on the ductility and thickness of the material being punched. It also keeps parts removal easy since the parts simply snap off the sheet.


EasySnap™ lines

EasyBend™ lines

Illustrations of a part made using EasySnap™ (and EasyBend™). (Left) Flat part after EasySnap and EasyBend lines created. (Center) Same part after EasySnap portions removed with burr-free edges. (Right) Same part, after sides are bent up with EasyBend. The sides will separate easily with burr-free edges.


1295 Lund Boulevard Anoka MN 55303 Phone 763.421.0230 800.328.4492 Fax 763.421.0285 800.541.0285



THE PROBLEM: Fabricators use a variety of methods to separate multiple parts from a sheet of material. A frequently used method places small tabs between parts by programming the spacing of a slitting punch. While the tabs keep the parts intact during punching, they can be difficult to remove and often leave rough or sharp edges that usually require a secondary operation to remove.

THE MATE SOLUTION: Using a Mate EasySnap™ tool (below) solves these issues because it allows you to build in a way to snap parts out of sheet metal without using a slitting or punching tool. EasySnap allows fabricators to simply snap punched components out of sheet metal by hand, making life much easier. Since EasySnap leaves a clean, smooth edge, there is no need for secondary operations. EasySnap uses a V-line stencil machined onto the face of the upper and lower tools. As the tools penetrate the sheet, they create a line of weakness (snap-line) in both surfaces of the sheet metal. The sheet metal can then be snapped apart by bending the material along the snap-line. The actual depth of penetration and force required to snap the part is dependent on the ductility and thickness of the material being punched. It also keeps parts removal easy since the parts simply snap off the sheet.


EasySnap™ lines

EasyBend™ lines

Illustrations of a part made using EasySnap™ (and EasyBend™). (Left) Flat part after EasySnap and EasyBend lines created. (Center) Same part after EasySnap portions removed with burr-free edges. (Right) Same part, after sides are bent up with EasyBend. The sides will separate easily with burr-free edges.



1295 Lund Boulevard Anoka MN 55303 Phone 763.421.0230 800.328.4492 Fax 763.421.0285 800.541.0285



THE PROBLEM: Fabricators use a variety of methods to separate multiple parts from a sheet of material. A frequently used method places small tabs between parts by programming the spacing of a slitting punch. While the tabs keep the parts intact during punching, they can be difficult to remove and often leave rough or sharp edges that usually require a secondary operation to remove.

THE MATE SOLUTION: Using a Mate EasySnap™ tool (below) solves these issues because it allows you to build in a way to snap parts out of sheet metal without using a slitting or punching tool. EasySnap allows fabricators to simply snap punched components out of sheet metal by hand, making life much easier. Since EasySnap leaves a clean, smooth edge, there is no need for secondary operations. EasySnap uses a V-line stencil machined onto the face of the upper and lower tools. As the tools penetrate the sheet, they create a line of weakness (snap-line) in both surfaces of the sheet metal. The sheet metal can then be snapped apart by bending the material along the snap-line. The actual depth of penetration and force required to snap the part is dependent on the ductility and thickness of the material being punched. It also keeps parts removal easy since the parts simply snap off the sheet.


EasySnap™ lines

EasyBend™ lines

Illustrations of a part made using EasySnap™ (and EasyBend™). (Left) Flat part after EasySnap and EasyBend lines created. (Center) Same part after EasySnap portions removed with burr-free edges. (Right) Same part, after sides are bent up with EasyBend. The sides will separate easily with burr-free edges.


1295 Lund Boulevard Anoka MN 55303 Phone 763.421.0230 800.328.4492 Fax 763.421.0285 800.541.0285



THE PROBLEM: Fabricators use a variety of methods to separate multiple parts from a sheet of material. A frequently used method places small tabs between parts by programming the spacing of a slitting punch. While the tabs keep the parts intact during punching, they can be difficult to remove and often leave rough or sharp edges that usually require a secondary operation to remove.

THE MATE SOLUTION: Using a Mate EasySnap™ tool (below) solves these issues because it allows you to build in a way to snap parts out of sheet metal without using a slitting or punching tool. EasySnap allows fabricators to simply snap punched components out of sheet metal by hand, making life much easier. Since EasySnap leaves a clean, smooth edge, there is no need for secondary operations. EasySnap uses a V-line stencil machined onto the face of the upper and lower tools. As the tools penetrate the sheet, they create a line of weakness (snap-line) in both surfaces of the sheet metal. The sheet metal can then be snapped apart by bending the material along the snap-line. The actual depth of penetration and force required to snap the part is dependent on the ductility and thickness of the material being punched. It also keeps parts removal easy since the parts simply snap off the sheet.


EasySnap™ lines

EasyBend™ lines

Illustrations of a part made using EasySnap™ (and EasyBend™). (Left) Flat part after EasySnap and EasyBend lines created. (Center) Same part after EasySnap portions removed with burr-free edges. (Right) Same part, after sides are bent up with EasyBend. The sides will separate easily with burr-free edges.


1295 Lund Boulevard Anoka MN 55303 Phone 763.421.0230 800.328.4492 Fax 763.421.0285 800.541.0285



THE PROBLEM: Fabricators use a variety of methods to separate multiple parts from a sheet of material. A frequently used method places small tabs between parts by programming the spacing of a slitting punch. While the tabs keep the parts intact during punching, they can be difficult to remove and often leave rough or sharp edges that usually require a secondary operation to remove.

THE MATE SOLUTION: Using a Mate EasySnap™ tool (below) solves these issues because it allows you to build in a way to snap parts out of sheet metal without using a slitting or punching tool. EasySnap allows fabricators to simply snap punched components out of sheet metal by hand, making life much easier. Since EasySnap leaves a clean, smooth edge, there is no need for secondary operations. EasySnap uses a V-line stencil machined onto the face of the upper and lower tools. As the tools penetrate the sheet, they create a line of weakness (snap-line) in both surfaces of the sheet metal. The sheet metal can then be snapped apart by bending the material along the snap-line. The actual depth of penetration and force required to snap the part is dependent on the ductility and thickness of the material being punched. It also keeps parts removal easy since the parts simply snap off the sheet.


EasySnap™ lines

EasyBend™ lines

Illustrations of a part made using EasySnap™ (and EasyBend™). (Left) Flat part after EasySnap and EasyBend lines created. (Center) Same part after EasySnap portions removed with burr-free edges. (Right) Same part, after sides are bent up with EasyBend. The sides will separate easily with burr-free edges.


1295 Lund Boulevard Anoka MN 55303 Phone 763.421.0230 800.328.4492 Fax 763.421.0285 800.541.0285



THE PROBLEM: Fabricators use a variety of methods to separate multiple parts from a sheet of material. A frequently used method places small tabs between parts by programming the spacing of a slitting punch. While the tabs keep the parts intact during punching, they can be difficult to remove and often leave rough or sharp edges that usually require a secondary operation to remove.

THE MATE SOLUTION: Using a Mate EasySnap™ tool (below) solves these issues because it allows you to build in a way to snap parts out of sheet metal without using a slitting or punching tool. EasySnap allows fabricators to simply snap punched components out of sheet metal by hand, making life much easier. Since EasySnap leaves a clean, smooth edge, there is no need for secondary operations. EasySnap uses a V-line stencil machined onto the face of the upper and lower tools. As the tools penetrate the sheet, they create a line of weakness (snap-line) in both surfaces of the sheet metal. The sheet metal can then be snapped apart by bending the material along the snap-line. The actual depth of penetration and force required to snap the part is dependent on the ductility and thickness of the material being punched. It also keeps parts removal easy since the parts simply snap off the sheet.

EasySnap™ lines

EasyBend™ lines

Illustrations of a part made using EasySnap™ (and EasyBend™). (Left) Flat part after EasySnap and EasyBend lines created. (Center) Same part after EasySnap portions removed with burr-free edges. (Right) Samepart,aftersidesarebentupwithEasyBend.Thesideswillseparateeasilywithburr-freeedges.


1295 Lund Boulevard Anoka MN 55303 Phone 763.421.0230 800.328.4492 Fax 763.421.0285 800.541.0285



THE PROBLEM: Fabricators use a variety of methods to separate multiple parts from a sheet of material. A frequently used method places small tabs between parts by programming the spacing of a slitting punch. While the tabs keep the parts intact during punching, they can be difficult to remove and often leave rough or sharp edges that usually require a secondary operation to remove.

THE MATE SOLUTION: Using a Mate EasySnap™ tool (below) solves these issues because it allows you to build in a way to snap parts out of sheet metal without using a slitting or punching tool. EasySnap allows fabricators to simply snap punched components out of sheet metal by hand, making life much easier. Since EasySnap leaves a clean, smooth edge, there is no need for secondary operations. EasySnap uses a V-line stencil machined onto the face of the upper and lower tools. As the tools penetrate the sheet, they create a line of weakness (snap-line) in both surfaces of the sheet metal. The sheet metal can then be snapped apart by bending the material along the snap-line. The actual depth of penetration and force required to snap the part is dependent on the ductility and thickness of the material being punched. It also keeps parts removal easy since the parts simply snap off the sheet.


EasySnap™ lines

EasyBend™ lines

Illustrations of a part made using EasySnap™ (and EasyBend™). (Left) Flat part after EasySnap and EasyBend lines created. (Center) Same part after EasySnap portions removed with burr-free edges. (Right) Same part, after sides are bent up with EasyBend. The sides will separate easily with burr-free edges.


1295 Lund Boulevard Anoka MN 55303 Phone 763.421.0230 800.328.4492 Fax 763.421.0285 800.541.0285



THE PROBLEM: Fabricators use a variety of methods to separate multiple parts from a sheet of material. A frequently used method places small tabs between parts by programming the spacing of a slitting punch. While the tabs keep the parts intact during punching, they can be difficult to remove and often leave rough or sharp edges that usually require a secondary operation to remove.

THE MATE SOLUTION: Using a Mate EasySnap™ tool (below) solves these issues because it allows you to build in a way to snap parts out of sheet metal without using a slitting or punching tool. EasySnap allows fabricators to simply snap punched components out of sheet metal by hand, making life much easier. Since EasySnap leaves a clean, smooth edge, there is no need for secondary operations. EasySnap uses a V-line stencil machined onto the face of the upper and lower tools. As the tools penetrate the sheet, they create a line of weakness (snap-line) in both surfaces of the sheet metal. The sheet metal can then be snapped apart by bending the material along the snap-line. The actual depth of penetration and force required to snap the part is dependent on the ductility and thickness of the material being punched. It also keeps parts removal easy since the parts simply snap off the sheet.


EasySnap™ lines

EasyBend™ lines

Illustrations of a part made using EasySnap™ (and EasyBend™). (Left) Flat part after EasySnap and EasyBend lines created. (Center) Same part after EasySnap portions removed with burr-free edges. (Right) Same part, after sides are bent up with EasyBend. The sides will separate easily with burr-free edges.


1295 Lund Boulevard Anoka MN 55303 Phone 763.421.0230 800.328.4492 Fax 763.421.0285 800.541.0285



THE PROBLEM: Fabricators use a variety of methods to separate multiple parts from a sheet of material. A frequently used method places small tabs between parts by programming the spacing of a slitting punch. While the tabs keep the parts intact during punching, they can be difficult to remove and often leave rough or sharp edges that usually require a secondary operation to remove.

THE MATE SOLUTION: Using a Mate EasySnap™ tool (below) solves these issues because it allows you to build in a way to snap parts out of sheet metal without using a slitting or punching tool. EasySnap allows fabricators to simply snap punched components out of sheet metal by hand, making life much easier. Since EasySnap leaves a clean, smooth edge, there is no need for secondary operations. EasySnap uses a V-line stencil machined onto the face of the upper and lower tools. As the tools penetrate the sheet, they create a line of weakness (snap-line) in both surfaces of the sheet metal. The sheet metal can then be snapped apart by bending the material along the snap-line. The actual depth of penetration and force required to snap the part is dependent on the ductility and thickness of the material being punched. It also keeps parts removal easy since the parts simply snap off the sheet.


EasySnap™ lines

EasyBend™ lines

Illustrations of a part made using EasySnap™ (and EasyBend™). (Left) Flat part after EasySnap and EasyBend lines created. (Center) Same part after EasySnap portions removed with burr-free edges. (Right) Same part, after sides are bent up with EasyBend. The sides will separate easily with burr-free edges.


Problem: Vzrok: Rešitev:Temne lise in/ali razpoke na površini

Neustrezeno hladilno sredstvo Povečajte dotok in smer nanašanja hladilnega sredstva

Neustrezen brus Uporaba bolj grobih zrn, mehkejšega brusa

Neustrezna geometrija brusa Spustite glavo za 0,005-0,020 mm in poravnajte brusPomikajte prečno pribl. 1,25 m/min

Oster zvok pri brušenju in/ali slaba površina

Prekomerno odvzemanje materiala Manjši odvzem materiala; počasneše prečno podajanje

Neustrezni brusilni kamen Uporaba bolj grobih zrn, mehkejšega brusa

Neustrezna prevleka ali zamašen/glaziran brus Poravnajte brus in nastalo glazuro na površini brusa



Možen vzrok za hitrejše krhanje prebijačev pri prebijalnem orodju je napačna zračnost. Ta mora biti 20-25% debeline prebijanega materiala. Pri naketerih INOX materalih tudi 15%.

Pri delnem prebijanju (izsekovanje, nibliranje, razrez) lahko bočne sile deformirajo konico prebijača in zmanjšajo zračnost na eni strani. Zaradi tega lahko pride do tega, da prebijač poškoduje matrico, kar povzroči postopno uničenje tako prebijača kot matrice.

PRIMER BRUŠENJA ORODJAV nadaljevanju bomo prikazali primer obrabe prebijalnega orodja v primeru, ko orodja ne brusimo in v primeru, ko orodje brusimo redno vsakič ko nastane radius 0,25 mm.

OBRABA KADAR NE BRUSIMO REDNOŠtevilo udarcev Obraba orodja (radius) Opravilo

100.000 0.25 NE BRUSIMO

50.000 0.50 NE BRUSIMO

25.000 0.75 NE BRUSIMO

10.000 1.00 BRUSIMO 1 mm

Po 185.000 udarcih smo odvzeli že 1 mm materiala!

OBRABA KADAR BRUSIMO REDNOŠtevilo udarcev Obraba orodja (radius) Opravilo

100.000 0.25 BRUSIMO 0,25 mm

100.000 0.25 BRUSIMO 0,25 mm

100.000 0.25 BRUSIMO 0,25 mm

100.000 0,25 BRUSIMO 0,25 mm

1 mm materiala smo odvzeli šele po 400.000 udarcih!

V zgornjih tabelah je enostaven prikaz razlike med nerednim in rednim brušenjem prebijalnega orodja. Če želite življensko dobo orodja še bolj podaljšati lahko brusite orodje, ko se na robu formira radius 0,13mm!

KOPLAS PRO d.o.o., Nova Pazova

KOPLAS d.o.o., Ljubljana

Razstavni prostor: INDUSTRIJSKA ZONA BB, 22330 Nova Pazova, Srbija

Razstavni prostor: MOTNICA 11, 1236 Trzin, Slovenija


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