Kre-Alkalyn Research Booklet


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I suppose it's possible that some small

company or entrepreneur has discovered

a stabilization process that eluded one

of the top laboratories in the world that

works with creatine, but I highly doubt it.

  -Industry Expert 

  Doubt no more...

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Revolutionary Sports Nutrient Break-Through

Patented and Patents Pending in numerous countries around the world


Kre-Alkalyn® is a huge leap forward in sports nutrition technol-

ogy. It has major implications for explosive sports, and is making

old technology creatine obsolete.

• Liquid Convenience Sports Drinks Are Now Possible.

• More Pronounced Explosive Power And Energy!

• More Strength (5%+ greater than conventional creatine)!

• Better Power To Weight Ratio! (No water retention problems)

• Improved Nimbleness!

• Improved Speed!

• Faster Muscle Gains Possible – If Desired

  (If used in conjunction with heavy weight training and a diet high in protein)

• No Water Retention and no other side effects like conventional creatine.

In addition Kre-Alkalyn®

 has a number of other significantbenefits that are still subject to patent applications around the

world and hence cannot yet be revealed. In other words, Kre- Alkalyn®

 is simply a whole lot better than we can even say

right now!


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© Copyright 2004. IVD. All Rights Reserved.

Table of Contents Page

1. Executive Summary 1

2. Index 3

3. Important Points For Manufacturers/Formulators 4

4. Creatine Monhydrate: Background / History 5-7

5.   Kre-Alkalyn®7

6. Creatinine 8

7. Frequently Asked Questions 9-11

9. Profiles Of Various Creatine Products On The Market 12-15

10. Conversion Time Results - Creatine to Creatinine

  Test results of various products on the market 16-19

11. Analytical Diagnostic & Pharmaceutical Validation Tool

  Using Near Infared Analysis - Technical Description 20-22

12. The Metabolic Acid Buffer 23-31

1845 Main St.

Billings, MT 59105


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Explosive Sports

Kre-Alkalyn®  is the ideal product for explosivesports athletes. It gives superior strength increasesand power over conventional creatine (5%+). It can

be used just on the days athletes are training orcompeting - making it, if desired, more economical

to use. Because Kre-Alkalyn®  does not cause

water retention is another important reason why it is

more ideal for explosive sports athletes. It yields farbetter power to weight ratio because you get supe-rior strength improvements and no water retention

(no extra weight to carry). It also means the athlete

will be a lot nimbler - able to dodge, duck, sprint and jump better. Using higher doses DO lead to improved

strength increases yet again. However note particu-larly when used with a carbohydrate/insulin spikingformula and every day in succession, it may cause

water retention. We have noticed this when usinghigh doses of 5–7.5g with an athlete weighing 80kg.

TakingKre-Alkalyn® with simple carbohydrates to

increase the uptake through the insulin spike effect,

yields a more pronounced effect than taking Kre-


 in isolation (for obviousreasons).

Sports Drinks

This is the ‘holy grail’ of sports nutrition - to put cre-atine into a convenient sports drink and keep it

stable. With Kre-Alkalyn® this is now made pos-

sible. A convenient sports drink will leads to big sales

increases. If a consumer can easily access the drinkfrom the 1000’s of convenience stores in each coun-try, this will lead to much higher impulse sales. Be-

cause Kre-Alkalyn®  requires NO LOADING this

means it is even more ideal for this type of productas it gives instant results within just 1 hour of taking

it! We recommend a combination of simple and com-plex carbohydrates for a better, longer energy boost-ing effect.


Women absolutely LOVE Kre-Alkalyn®!They get a lot stronger when using it, they see re-

sults faster and they don’t get the bloated look ofconventional creatine! There is a whole new mar-ket application here. Many women have avoided

using conventional creatine in the past becausethey hated looking bloated. This is no longer a prob-


Team Kre-Alkalyn will HelpOur scientists will help you formulate any type ofproduct using Kre-Alkalyn. From sport nutrition-

general nutrition, from funcional food-gums.

Real GainsAnother point to make, but this is an education

issue, because Kre-Alkalyn® does not cause

water retention, all of the gains made while usingit are real gains! With conventional creatine,once you stop you loose the water retention and

hence loose a lot of the ‘weight gained’.



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Creatine Monohydrate

History / Background: Creatine was discovered in the late 1800’s. It

wasn’t till the 1970’s that Creatine’s true benefits were discovered by

athletes who used it in the Olympics, to help maximise their explosive

energy. Over the years it has become one of the biggest selling sports

supplements in history.

The goal of every athlete is to maximize energy levels. One of the bod-

ies primary short burst energy sources is adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

The body uses creatine in its process of naturally replenishing ATP. When

you exercise or tense a muscle, force is produced. That force is trans-

lated into a muscle contraction. In order for the muscle to function prop-

erly, it requires energy. The energy it uses comes from several different

sources, but the primary source comes from the nutrients that you ob-

tain from your diet. These nutrients are then broken down & absorbed;

they will then continue on in the system for usage. One of the com-

pounds that is formed, after several complicated processes and reac-

tions, is adenosine triphosphate (ATP). When muscle energy is needed,

this ATP is broken down one step further into a chemical called adenos-

ine diphosphate (ADP). With this process of ATP being broken down

into ADP, energy is released and used by the contracting muscles. With-

out this in sufficient amounts, your muscle would not be able to work or

perform properly. The body naturally produces creatine (about 2 grams

per day).

Muscle can only store so much ATP, typically only giving about 5-10

seconds of muscle exertion before those storage receptors are depleted.

This results in muscle failure along with bio energetic depletion or ATP

depletion. When this happens, your body tries to restore its immediate

source of ATP by borrowing a high energy phosphate from a chemical

called creatine phosphate (CP). Muscle cells store the chemical CP inthe same way it stores ATP. If high intensity exercise goes beyond 10

seconds, your body will continue to try and restore its ATP levels by a

process called glycolysis. This process is complicated and is a slow

method of restoring ATP levels, especially for the anaerobic athleteswho require instant energy to maintain and sustain high-powered muscle

contractions. By orally supplementing with creatine, you can enhance

your body’s storage levels of CP. As the muscle runs out of ATP it canrecharge itself by borrowing this CP phosphate molecule. Research has

shown that by supplementing with 5 grams of creatine, 4-6 times a day,for 2 or more days, the human body showed a significant increase intotal creatine concentration.


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Athletes discovered orally supplementing creatine boosted the body’s

stores and extended the length of explosive bursts and strength levels.

Creatine monohydrate has proven itself a very effective nutritional supple-

ment for many athletes. You cannot supplement with just ATP or CP,

due to the fact that these chemicals are destroyed in the gut. Therefore,

creatine supplementation is the best route to go. The main advantageof taking creatine is the fact that cellular concentrations after adminis-

tration is stable and is not prone to being lost.

The most commonly used oral creatine supplement is creatine mono-

hydrate. The most commonly used amounts has varied from 20 to 30

grams daily. It has been taken in powder, capsule, tablet & liquid form.

With current creatine products, we have been instructed that creatine

should be taken in water, with fruit juice, an acidic effervescent, and/or

acidic fruit flavored drink mixes. The amount of fluid that has been sug-

gested for it to be taken with varies from 300 milliliters, to mixing to

taste. Other forms of creatine have also been used, such as creatine

citrate, creatine phosphate & creatine pyruvate. The method of intake

that has been recommended is the same as creatine monohydrate.

Many so-called ‘improvements’ have hit the market place over the last 5

years, each claiming to be the best. Some advertisements have even

started to inform us that impurities found in other company’s products,contain higher amounts of creatinine (a poison and toxic by-product)

than theirs. Yet the same side effects reported with creatine use in

general, were also reported with these so-called pure creatine


As comforting as all these ads may seem, it is a far cry from the whole

truth. Creatine Monohydrate is known for its stability, once manufac-

tured, only if kept in a powder form and stored in a cool, dry place. All of

their testing was done in a dry powder form and under strict lab condi-tions. Of course, this was conventional creatine’s only stable form.

What has not been known till recent, is that most of the creatine being

injested had already converted over to creatinine. Once activated with

water, juice or any other fluid, most of it converts over to creatinine.

Athletes have been consuming as much as 20-30 grams of creatine to

maximise the effect, but less than 1-2 grams was actually still creatine

by the time they had swallowed it. The rest of it had already converted

over to creatinine, which caused a number of side effects in some people

including:- stomach cramps, indemia, being bloated, excess


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water retention, dehydration, cottonmouth, headaches, liver problems, lack

of energy, creatinine poisoning and impaired renal function. The body’s

natural defense to a toxin is to try and dilute the toxin with water and flush

it from the body.

Recent reports in the news media by a group of French scientists, claimed

that using large amounts of creatine monohydrate, over an extended pe-

riod of time, might cause cancer. They went on to state that this is due to

the large amounts of creatinine found in the blood stream.

I wonder, Where might the creatinine have come from?


(US Patent number 6,399,661. Numerous International Patents Pending)

A new ground breaking development in the Dietary Supplement and Sports

Nutrition Industry is the use of NIR technology (Bran+Luebbe Infraprover

II) for routine purity and stability tests. It provides accurate evaluation of

ingredient quality through all stages of the manufacturing process without

compromising the sample. The technology was being used by the team

who developed Kre-Alkalyn® , to test a variety of products available on the

market. These same products were then tested after activation with fluid.

What was discovered was that immediately after adding water or liquid to

creatine, a significant proportion of it rapidly converted over to creatinine.

Most of the creatine serums and liquids had virtually no creatine left. The

effervescent and fruit drinks were the worst, due to the low pH levels. Only

a percentage of what is being consumed is still creatine, which the body

can use. Worse, some of it has converted to the toxin creatinine.

Our researchers developed and extensively tested a successful novel

method of keeping Creatine stable after adding water or any liquid, whichis now referred to as Kre-Alkalyn®. Not only is Kre-Alkalyn® stable in a

powder form, but also is completely stable after water or liquid activation.

This means it is safe (since it does not convert to creatinine), and you

need much less since the creatine conversion loss problem has now been

eliminated. This allows you not only to consume creatine without concern

about creatinine levels in the body; you only need a fraction of what you

have been using previously, to get the full potent effect. Because Kre-

 Alkalyn® is a creatine source, which never converts, it can now be added

to, and kept in liquid form, for extended periods of time.


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1). A waste product in the blood that results from the normal breakdown  of muscle.


2). A component of urine and the final product of creatine catabolism;

  formed by the nonenzymatic dephosphorylative cyclization of

  phosyphocreatine to form the internal anhydride of creatine.

(PDR MedicalDictionary)

3). Creatinine(CRN) is a by-product of the creatine production. The

  ingested creatinine is waste for the body and is excreted by the

  kidney. (Degus Ger-many)

4). Creatinine is excreted by the kidneys. (Greys, Anatomy & Physiology)

5). Normal Creatinine clearance levels in healthy humans:

Men .97 to 1.37 mg/dl (97-137 ml/min)

Women .88 to 1.28 mg/dl (88-128 ml/min)

 (St. Vincent Healthcare, Department of Pathology, Billings, MT)  (American Kidney Foundation)

6). Creatinine clearance levels above1.37 mg/dl (for men) and

1.28 mg/dl (for women)

  is dangerous to healthy kidneys.  (St. Vincent Healthcare, Department of Pathology, Billings, MT)

(American Kidney Foundation)

7). Increased creatinine levels produces additional stress on the kidneys.

  Continued stress may damage kidneys long term.

8). Damaged kidneys are non reversible.


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New Advanced Form

Patented and Patents Pending Internationally including the USA and Europe.

• The ONLY form of creatine completely stable and 100% bio-available after adding to

  liquid, water or juice. It can now be made into a liquid convenient sports drink!

• 10% – 30% Strength Increases (5%+ greater than conventional creatine)

• Pronounced Performance Enhancement – short burst sports and weight training

• More Effective – gram for gram

• No Side Effects

• No Loading Phase Necessary

• Helps Promote Lean Muscle Gains

  (if used with appropriate weight training and a healthy balanced diet rich in protein)

Many people are reporting big improvements in strength after taking Kre-Alkalyn®

in doses as little as only 1.5g for only 1-4 days! Kre-Alkalyn®  is the new Super

Stable and 100% Bio-Active Creatine.


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to completely stable Kre-Alkalyn® drinks

and serums). It also ensured the new bufferedcreatine would pass intact through thestomach and at full strength into the bloodstream.

Q. So what does this all mean?A. Simply a better, more effective form of

creatine. You can opt to use less what youused to, no loading, get a better effect andwith none of the side effects from takingconventional creatine, nor the possible long-term risks of continued use over a period of

years. Kre-Alkalyn®  is superior - full stop!

As good as conventional creatinemonohydrate was, this new form is a big leapforward again. Its like comparing a 1950’s

sports car to a modern F1 car.Q. Why aren’t other brands marketing it yet?

A. Kre-Alkalyn® is brand new. Innovative

and progressive supplement companies willrecognise this products full potential and willbe quick to bring it to the market. Othercompanies unfortunately are slow adoptersor have a ‘follow the pack’ mentality. Theytypically are two to three years behind

research breakthoughs but sometimes even20-30 years behind. Competitive athletes willwant to use the best nutrition technologyavailable. Don’t be a sheep, find out how goodit is yourself.

Q. Kre-Alkalyn®  is Buffered Creatine

Monohydrate - what is it buffered with?

A. We call it buffered creatine. The bufferingtakes place in the synthesis process, allowing

us to retain a safe, high pH.Q. A strong alkaline will burn human tissue inthe same way as a strong acid will it not?

A.  This is food grade technology – sameanalogy as a 3.0 pH acid will burn the skin,yet you can drink a soda pop (pH 3) that hasused phosphoric or citric acid).

Q. Once it hits the stomach will it no longerbe stable because of the strong acids

present?A. Kre-Alkalyn®

is also designed to buffer

the stomach, raising the pH long enough forabsorption.

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSConversion problemQ If I understand this correctly the new datasays that a significant proportion of the creatinemonohydrate I have been taking converts tothe toxin creatinine within minutes when addedto any liquid be it juice or water etc. So I could

be in effect taking a lot of creatinine (a toxin)and very little of actual creatine monohydrate.How is this so? I have been using creatine foryears and got a good effect from it. Pleaseexplain.

A.  The best way to explain it is, your bodymakes around 2 grams per day. When yousupplement 5000mg of creatine you probablyonly get the benefit from part of the actual doseyou took. The additional milligrams on top of

your 2 grams your body naturally produces,would give an increase in the pool of creatineavailable. That is why good results were stillbeing experienced. You just have to startlooking at it differently. Most of the creatine maybe lost when added to liquid, and more isconverted when passing through your acidicstomach. Note: some companies were pointingto the virtual lack of creatinine in their powder,as proof of purity of their powder over othersources. In most cases this was true but onlywhile it was still in its powder form.

Q This new form of creatine monohydrate -

Kre-Alkalyn® says it never converts to the

toxin creatinine. How does that work?A. Our researchers discovered that whilecreatine monohydrate is nice and stable andpure in its powder form, as soon as you add it

to a liquid, it is no longer stable and rapidlyconverts to the by-product toxin creatinine.What they discovered was, the speed ofconversion was directly proportional to the pHof the liquid it was being added to. Merelyhaving it added to a strong alkaline drink didnot solve the problem due to the digestionissue, of it having to pass through the highlyacidic stomach. They discovered if theybuffered it with an alkaline greater than pH12

then it remained completely stable in any liquidfor long periods of time (now opening the way


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Laboratory Spectrum

Analysis Profiles

Various Creatine

Products Available On The Market


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Laboratory Test Results

Conversion Rate(measured in 15 second intervals)

Creatine to Creatinine

of various products on the marketonce added to water or a liquid


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Technical Description


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Bran+Luebbe InfraProver II

The Bran+Luebbe InfraProver is a polarization interferometer Fourier

transform NIR instrument based on principles of HPCS (High Performance

Crystal Spectroscopy). The system uses a moving crystal wedge to obtain

FT Interferograms for the materials being tested, resulting in a substantial

reduction in sensitivity to vibration compared to traditional lab grating and

FT instruments.

The design of the instrument allows presentation of a wide variety of

sample forms to the system via software control without changing the

hardware. Two options are available for solids. A 2-meter fiber optic probe

enables “probing” of containers in the reflectance mode. Materials can be

scanned directly in the containers or through plastic packaging material.

Alternatively, the Solid Presentation Accessory (SPA) permits

spectroscopic interrogation through the base of a vial when the vial is

placed on the optical window of the SPA. Tablets or capsules can also be

analyzed with this accessory. Liquids were scanned in the transmission

cell, a “built-in” cuvette chamber located in the center of the InfraProver.

Long term stability of the instrument is achieved via internal laser

referencing for all wavelengths ensuring wavelength accuracy and


Near Infrared technology scans the product in its entirety. Mathematical

algorithms then separate the chemical or physical properties of interest

from the rest of the matrix. Samples are therefore analyzed “as -is” with

no sample preparation


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www.kre-alkalyn.netU.S.A. 406-245-5793

The InfraProver was specifically developed for the pharmaceutical industry

so it is designed to meet GLP, GMP, GSP principles, and FDA &

Pharmacopeia guidelines. Many pharmaceutical companies have validated

the instrument for their applications.

Assay methods have been developed. Purity can be determined, giving

the information if raw materials have been spiked or doped. In some cases,

NIR has shown that similar materials were substituted or co-mingled with

incoming raw materials.

Method development can be turned around to adapt the technology to new

products or new formulations.

Library Identification Method –

Identification is performed using a Library model. Several batches of each

raw material are placed in glass vials, which are placed on the optical window

of the Sample Presentation Accessory (SPA). The InfraProver scans the

raw materials through the glass vial. Mathematical modeling is used to

determine acceptable radii and residual for each material in factor space.

When an unknown sample is scanned, the Mahalanobis distance radii and

spectral residual are evaluated in relation to those used to develop the

library model. If the radii and residual are within the established criteria for

a material, the InfraProver will confirm that the identity is ok. If the radii and

residual are not within the established criteria, the InfraProver will inform

the user that the identity is not ok, will print out a list of nearest materials to

the one scanned.


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US Patent# 6,399,661

Part II

“The Metabolic Acid Buffer”TM

by Jeff Golini

 BioCeuticals Research & Development Analytical Laboratory

a division of All American Pharmaceutical & Natural Foods Corporation


The United States Patent office issued Patent #6,399,661 to Kre-AlkalynR on June

4, 2002 as the only patented buffered creatine in the World.

Kre-AlkalynR’s preferred function is to increase creatine and creatine phos-

phate stores in the human system. The reason for this is as follows:

When you exercise or tense a muscle, force is produced resulting in muscle

contraction. In order for the muscle to function properly, it requires energy. This energy

comes from several different sources, but primary from the nutrients obtained from

your diet which are broken down & absorbed. One of the compounds that is formed

after several complicated processes and reactions, is adenosine triphosphate (ATP). When

muscle energy is needed this ATP is broken down one step further into a chemical called

adenosine diphosphate (ADP). When this process of ATP being broken down into ADPoccurs, energy is released and used by the contracting muscles. Without this in suffi-

cient amounts, your muscle would not be able to work or perform properly. The goal of 

athletes is to maximize the efficiency of their energy systems, which in turn boosts their

athletic performance.

Muscle can only store so much ATP, typically giving about 5-10 seconds of 

muscle exertion before those storage receptors are depleted. This results in muscle fail-

ure along with bioenergetic depletion or ATP depletion. When this happens, your body

tries to restore its immediate source of ATP by borrowing a high energy phosphate from

a chemical called creatine phosphate (CP). Muscle cells store the chemical CP in thesame way it stores ATP. If high intensity exercise goes beyond 10 seconds, your body

will continue to try and restore its ATP levels by a process called glycolysis. This pro-

cess is complicated and is a slow method of restoring ATP levels, especially for anaero-

bic athletes who require instant energy to maintain and sustain high powered muscle


By orally supplementing with Kre-AlkalynR, you can enhance your body’s stor-

age levels of CP. As the muscle runs out of ATP it can recharge itself by borrowing this

CP phosphate molecule. Research has shown that by supplementing with 1.5 grams of 

Kre-AlkalynR daily for 2 or more days, that the human body will show a dramatic in-crease in CP concentration.

You can not supplement with just ATP or CP, due to the fact that these chemi-


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cals are destroyed in the Gut. Therefore supplementing with Kre-AlkalynR is the only

way to increase these storage levels. Remember, the main advantages of taking Kre-

AlkalynR is the fact that cellular concentrations after administration are stable and are

not prone to being lost or converted to creatinine after activation.

 As published in our first research book, the main problem with all other exist-

ing creatine supplementation is their inability to deliver a concentrated and stable amountof creatine to the system. Our research proved that these prior creatine arts actually have

the human body ingesting creatinine , a poisonous and toxic by product. Due to the

conversion rate of creatine to creatinine in all other creatine products, many negative

and dangerous side effects have been documented. These side effects are caused by the

body’s defense to the toxic compound creatinine. Creatinine is flushed in the kidneys,

which is our bodies internal defense mechanism to save itself from this ingested poison

by diluting this toxin with water.

 Listed below are a few of the more common complaints & aliments of creati-

nine poising from creatine.:*Stomach cramps



*Excess water retention


*Cotton Mouth


*Liver problems

*Kidney problems*Lack of energy

*Impaired renal function

Kre-AlkalynR Physiology:  Among the people who question the validity of a buffered

or alkaline creatine, the biggest question is, “What happens to your buffered creatine

once it reaches the stomach, which is highly acidic?” We have heard this question not

only asked by consumers, but also educated medical doctors. Some have tried to state

(out of ignorance) that you can not drink an alkaline creatine with a pH higher than

neutral but they argue it is O.K. to drink a creatine acid mix with a pH lower than neutral.

The point being, it is safe to drink a pH 12 if done correctly as it is safe to drink a pH 4,

from a diet soda.

Basic human anatomy taught us that in order to digest food and kill bacteria

and viruses, the good Lord created our stomach to maintain a pH value of around 3.

When we eat food and drink water, the pH value inside the stomach goes up, depending

on the over all pH of what is ingested. Upon ingestion of a substance, our stomach

internal feedback mechanism detects this consumption and signals the interior walls to

secrete more hydrochloric acid. This signaling process is on going until the stomachsacidic level is achieved. Again, ignorance says that a buffered creatine will convert to

creatinine in the stomach just like any other creatine product.


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However, by going back to our high school anatomy and physiology books,

we’ll re-discover how the stomach wall produces hydrochloric acid. As we read on we

will find that your stomach does not contain a hydriodic acid reservoir, just awaiting the

ingestion of food, but that the walls produce this acid instantly on a as-needed basis.

Incidently, if there were a such a reservoir or pouch, this acid would burn right through

the stomach wall!The components in the cells of the stomach wall that produce hydrochloric

acid (HCl) are carbon dioxide (CO2), water (H2O), and sodium chloride (NaCl) or po-

tassium chloride (Kcl).

Or as we scientist like to write:

NaCl + H2O + CO2 = HCl + NaHCO3, or KCl + H2O + CO2 = HCl + KHCO3

As we continue to read our anatomy books, we’ll also discover that the byproduct

of making hydrochloric acid is sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) or potassium bicarbonate

(KHCO3). As our buffered creatine is mixed with these bicarbonates they pass through

the intestines and into the blood stream, all the while continuing to neutralize excess

acids in the blood (Lactic Acid). By only looking at the pH value of the stomach alone,

it seems that Kre-AlkalynR patented buffered system would never reach the bloodstream.

But research shows that upon the ingestion of Kre-AlkalynR there is a net gain of alkalin-

ity in the body. When the stomach pH value rises higher than 4, the stomach knows what

to do to lower it, but if the pH value goes below 4, for any reason, the stomach doesn’t

know what to do. Hence you take a antacid, such as TUMS® (GlaxoSmithlkine), to

neutralize the acid in your stomach This will relieve acidic stomach gas pain. When youingest low pH creatine fizzes and drinks very little hydrochloric acid is produced by the

stomach wall. This results in small amounts of alkaline buffer being produced and intro-

duced into the blood stream, resulting in a low blood pH..

The next series of terms are important, as their meanings helps to understand

the full scope and mechanics behind the world renown invention of US Patent# 6,399,661,

Kre-AlkalynR, “The Metabolic Acid Buffer”TM.

pH: A well know Danish biochemist named Soren Sorensen, invented the pH system in

1909. A solution’s pH is defined as the negative logarithm, to the base 10, of its hydro-

gen-ion concentration. This concentration is expressed in moles of hydrogen ions per

liter of solution.

The letters pH are a universal number used by all scientists to indicate the con-

centration of hydrogen ions in a solution. The “p” stands for “potenz” (the potential to

be) and the “H” stands for Hydrogen, therefore pH stands for potential hydrogen.

Metabolic Acids: This term refers to all the body’s acids except carbon dioxide. Meta-

bolic acids are not respirable; they have to be neutralized, metabolized, or excreted via


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the kidneys.

Acidosis: Acidosis is a condition in which the body’s fluids tend to have a higher acid

content than normal. The body has a variety of ways to compensate for mild acidosis,

but prolong acid ingestion will result in weakness, headache, heavy or rapid breathing.

Severe acidosis can lead to acidemia, which is a build-up of acids in the blood, resulting

in a coma or death.

Metabolic Acidosis: Metabolic acidosis arises from Kidney failure due to decreased pH

levels and creatinine poisoning. Metabolic Acidosis is a clinical disturbance character-

ized by an increase in total body acid. Most creatine supplements are delivered in a low

pH or acidic solution. These low pH creatine’s, combined with low pH sodas, drinks,

foods & deserts has shown to cause this dangerous clinical disturbance that hinders

athletic performance.

Lactic Acid: Lactic acid is the most famous “Metabolic Acid” that hinders athletic per-

formance and is the term used most commonly to describe the intense pain felt during

exhaustive exercise. Lactic acid is a nasty compound produced by almost all tissues in

the human body. This acid is formed by glycolysis, which is a chemical process in

which glucose is broken down to pyruvic acid. This process (glycolysis) causes the

release of carbon dioxide, water and energy (ATP). When there is an excess of pyruvicacid, lactic acid is then formed. Our bodies response to a normal build up of lactic acid

is to transport the buildup from the cramped muscle via the blood stream to the liver

where it is converted back to pyruvic acid, then to carbon dioxide, water & ATP.

Contracting muscle obtain this ATP from glucose stored in the blood stream

and from glycogen that is stored in the muscles. At first, pyruvic acid and small amounts

of ATP are generated. The pyruvic acid, mixed with oxygen is converted to carbon

dioxide, water and ATP. As muscle continue to contract with exercise, the circulatory

system can not keep up with the supply of oxygen. In this condition (which could occur

in seconds for some), most of the pyruvic acid produced in the breakdown of glucose is

converted to lactic acid. As this acid is produced in the muscles, it immediately leaks out

into the blood stream and is carried through out the body, causing a impairment to the

body’s normal function resulting in muscle fatigue. As more oxygen becomes available,

the lactic acid is converted back to pyruvic acid, then into carbon dioxide, water and

ATP. But unfortunately by this time, most humans will have quit exercising to allow the

body to re-oxygenate.

As stated, lactic acid is a by-product produced by muscle tissue in order to

obtain energy by metabolizing glucose in the absence of oxygen. Lactic acid in largeamounts is formed during strenuous exercise, which leads to muscle cramps, fatigue and

failure. Lactic acid fatigue is commonly called “the burn or hitting the wall”. Scientists,


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athletes and the rest of the human population all agree on one thing; Lactic acid is not

our friend, but our foe when it comes to normal muscle function.

Low pH creatine supplements: Besides the fact that most of the creatine products on

the market are mixed with acids (to make them taste good while being nice and fizzy)

and the research that lead to US Patent # 6,399,661 proves these low pH creatine’s once

mixed with water or juice are instantaneously converted to creatinine, there is another

scientific and biological reason not to ingest these acidic mixes. By lowering the human

systems pH, these products cause the body to slip into acidosis leading to fatigue, lactic

acid build up and decreases in energy. So the question is, “Doesn’t this defeat the

whole reason why you are taking a creatine product?”  Basic metabolic research was

set aside by these creatine manufactures in attempt to justify why their product taste

better or mixed better then the next. By making the body more acidic, you are decreas-ing strength, endurance and over all athletic performance. Yes, that also means a de-

crease in reps during weight training.

“The Metabolic Acid BufferTM”

Kre-AlkalynR  is the only creatine that buffers lactic acid. Accumulation of 

metabolic acids (H+) is recognized as a rate limiting factor in anaerobic exercise. Kre-

AlkalynR‘s buffering effect assists in sparing the body’s endogenous bicarbonate stores,

prolonging muscular performance and delaying the onset of fatigue.

Lactic acid is a powerful enemy to muscle growth. Muscles work within very

narrow chemical limits, which is called your Power Zone. When you squeeze out that

last rep, or you painfully make it through the last play before half time, lactic acid levels

build up and the chemistry in your muscle drops below the Power Zone. Not only do

you feel the familiar lactic acid burn, but your muscles stop pushing weight and your

legs feel like jelly. We have all been there no matter what activity we do, even a simple

walk. No matter how much your brain wants to keep lifting, you can’t. The power is

gone and the pain is too great. After you rest for awhile, your body’s internal lactic acidfighters do their job and you do the next sets.

Bob Fritz, a famous American researcher states, “Lactic acid is the monster that

lives inside us all and only comes out when you lift hard or run fast. Kre-AlkalynR kicks

lactic acids butt. When lactic acid begins to build up, Kre-AlkalynR helps neutralize it.

Like the Calvary to the rescue, Kre-AlkalynR rushes to the muscle group that’s lifting

and disarms lactic acid.”

Like the famous antacid, called TUMS® (GlaxoSmithlkine), which neutralizes

acid in your stomach, Kre-AlkalynR neutralizes lactic acid in your muscles. The advan-tage of antacids is that they start neutralizing stomach as soon as they reach the stomach


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Kre-AlkalynR’s patented buffer system immediately neutralizes the acid in the

stomach, protecting the buffered creatine from creatinine conversion. The acidity is

reduced and Kre-AlkalynR is ready for absorption. After entering the duodenum, bicar-

bonate ions are secreted to further alkalinize the Kre-AlkalynR for absorption into the

blood stream. What a powerful combination!

Acid-Base Physiology:

Basic acid-base physiology shows us the body has an internal buffering system

that protects us from normal acid production. The quantity of respiratory acids pro-

duced per day by non active humans is easily calculated. The average person produces

200 milliliters of carbon dioxide (respiratory acid) per minute, which equates to 288

liters per day. Since each gram molecule of gas occupies 22.4 liters, approximately 12

moles of CO2 (carbon dioxide) is produced daily. This is a very large quantity of acid,

but our body effectively matches this elimination through the lungs.

By contrast to CO2 production by non active humans, very little metabolic acidis produced. We have measured only about 0.1 moles (100 mEq) of acid per day. This

normal metabolic acid production is matched by the kidneys, which is able to process far

less then the quantities of the lungs.

The power of the lungs to excrete large quantities of CO2 enables them to com-

pensate rapidly for athletic performance. Unless the respiratory system is diseased or

damaged, the lungs can stimulate a rapid response even to severe acidosis from CO2, and

bring about equilibration within a few hours. Contrary to the lungs, the kidneys smaller

capacity to metabolize acid buildup is quite slow, sometimes taking a day or two forequilibrium to occur.

Research taken from the Swan & Pitts Experiments, gave us a good starting

point of experimenting on human subjects to determine what our body’s internal buffer-

ing system can handle. In the Swan & Pitts Experiments, dogs received an infusion of 

14 mmols H+ per liter of body water. This caused a drop in pH from 7.44 ([H+]=36

nmoles/l) to a pH of 7.14 ([H+]=72 nmoles/l). That was a rise in [H+] of 36 nmoles/l.

Besides drinking creatinine (from the conversion of creatine to creatinine at a low pH),

 just think about the results of drinking an acidic creatine supplement every day at a pH

of 3.5 to 4.5? What does this have to do with absorption? You guessed it, not a thing.

Laboratory Studies:

1). NIR Analysis of stomach:

* 1.5 grams of creatine monohydrate mixed with water and added to

stomacher at pH 3, raised stomach pH level to 3.5, with remainderof creatine being converted to creatinine.

*1.5 grams of effervescent creatine mixed with water and added to


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stomacher at pH 3, raised stomach pH level to 3.9, with remainder

of creatine being converted to creatinine.

*1.5 grams of creatine fruit flavored powder mixed with water and

added to stomacher at pH 3, raised stomach pH level to pH 3.4, with

remainder of creatine being converted to creatinine.

*1.5 grams of Kre-AlkalynR mixed with water and added to stomacher

at pH 3, buffered stomach pH level to 9, keeping buffer creatine

stable with ample time for absorption, with no conversion to creati-



2). Arterial blood gas:

*A low HCO3 level detected on a SMA (Sequential multiple analyzer)

was the first clue to metabolic acidosis.

*A further and more accurate test can then be performed by a ABG

(arterial blood gas) analyzer, which its measurements are based on

the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation.

The Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation mathematically de-

scribes the relationship between blood pH and components

of the H2CO

3 buffering system.

pH = 6.1 + log (HCO3 /H



We use the following equation to calculate H2CO



3 = PCO

2 x 0.03

3). Serum chemistry:

*This type of test was used to detect elevated Creatinine levels in ure-

mic acidosis, resulting from increase ingestion of creatinine and kid-

ney failure to excrete this toxin.

4). Complete blood count:

*Checking WBC (white blood cells) and finding elevations in the to-

tal count, also shows a serious consideration septicemia, which

causes lactic acidosis.


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5). Urinalysis:

*A low pH was a quick detection method for acidemia.


Scientific Facts: Kre-AlkalynR is the Worlds ONLY creatine supplement that

buffers lactic acid and enables a high concentration of cellular creatine to be


Common Facts: Kre-AlkalynR is the only form of creatine that Kicks Lactic

Acid’s, BUTT!


1). US Patent #6,399,661

2). Wendy Lou Jones, MS, BA, “More Bio Fuel”, 2001

3). Integrated Bimolecular Corporation

Tucson, AZ

4). Karen L Stavile, MD, Associate Director at State University of New York Health

Science Center at Brooklyn, “Metabolic Acidosis”, Research 2001.

5). Stephen W Borron, MD, MS, Associate Clinical Professor, George Washington Uni-

versity Hospital, “Lactic Acidosis”, Research, 2001

6). BioCeuticals Research & Development Laboratory, 2001. Creatine-vs-Kre-AlkalynR

upon ingestion, Jeff Golini, Executive Scientist & Charles Burchell, Associate Director

of Chemistry..

7). Adrogue HJ, Madias NE: Changes in plasma potassium concentration during acute

acid-base disturbances. Am J Med 1981; 71(3): 456-67.

8). Adrogue HJ, Madias NE: Management of life-threatening acid-base disorders.


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New England Journal of Medicine 1998; 338:26-34: 107-11.

9). Emmett M, Narins RG: Clinical use of the anion gap. Medicine (Baltimore) 1977

January; 56(1): 38-54.

10). Fulop M: Serum potassium in lactic acidosis and keto acidosis. New England Jour-

nal of Medicine 1979; 300(19):: 1087-1089.

11). Richardson RM, Halperin ML: The urine pH: Am J Kidney Dis 1987; 10(2): 140-3.

12). Muller-Plathe O: A nomogram for the interpretation of acid-base data. J Clin Chem

1987; 25(11): 795-798.

13). Fulop M: A guide for predicting arterial CO2 tension in metabolic acidosis. Am J

Nephrol 1997; 17(5): 421-424.

14). Kwong SC, Brubacher J: Phenformin and lactic acidosis: a case report and review.

J Emerg Med 1998 Nov-Dec; 16(6): 881-886.

15). Mitchell JH, Wildenthal K, Johnson Jr RL: The effects of acid-base disturbances on

cardiovascular and pulmonary function. Kidney Int 1972; 1(5): 375-389.

16). BioCeuticals Research & Development Laboratory, 2000. Various Creatine vs Kre-

AlkalynR studies upon ingestion.

17). Kellum JA: Metabolic acidosis in the critically ill: lessons from physical chemistry.

Kidney Int. Supp, 1998; 66: S81-86.

18). Mitchell JH, Wildenthal K, & Johnson Jr RL: The effects of acid-base disturbances

on cardiovascular and pulmonary function. Kidney Int. 1981: 20: 799-809.

19). Greys Anatomy & Physiology, 1979.


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 BioCeuticals Research & Development Laboratory3039 Grand Avenue, Suite B

 Billings, MT 59102 ______________________________________________________________________________  Date:  December 1

th, 2001

Study: Creatine-vs-Kre-AlkalynR 

  US Patent 6,39,661 (BufferedCreatine) upon ingestion

Purpose of Study: To measure the stability upon ingestion of Creatine-vs-Kre-


Procedures: 18 Name brand products were purchased off the shelf from Retail

Stores in Billings, Montana. Six Creatine Monohydrate products,

Six Effervescent Creatine mixes, Six Creatine in Fruitflavor/Dextrose, mixes were randomly chosen.

Six Lots of Kre-Alkalyn were chosen

Step 1:  All creatine products were tested for:

Total Creatine levelsTotal Creatinine levels

Total Dicyanimide levels

Total Dihydrotriazine pH

All lots of Kre-Alkalyn were tested for:Total Creatine levels

Total Creatinine levels

Total Creatinine levels

Total Dicyanimide levelsTotal Dihydrotriazine


These test were done on an “AS IS or DRY BASIS.

Testing Method:

FTNIR Analysis by: Identification performed by FTNIR, against in-house external library standards obtained

from Sigma & produced by HPLC. / Quantification by FTNIR against external librarystandards obtained from Sigma & produced by HPLC

Testing Equipment: Bran & Luebbe InfraProver IIFTNIR

HPLC Analysis by: Analysis performed by HPLC using Intersil ODS-2 5um (250x4.6mm) and 25 min.

gradient elution with 0.1% phosphoric acid buffer in H20 and 0.1% phosphoric acid inacetonitrile. External reference standards obtained from Sigma-Aldrich.


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Step 2:

All 24 products were activated with water according to the label.

Step 3:

All 24 products were placed in a stomacher at pH 3 for 15 minutes to simulate digestion.

Step 4: After 15 minutes of digestion simulation in stomacher, all 24 products were tested for:Total Creatine levels

Total Creatinine levels

Total Creatinine levels pH 


Product Amount Used:

Elemental Creatine

pH of Stomacher

after addition of


Total conversion to

Creatinine at 15

minutes of digestion

Creatine 1 1.5 grams 3.5 100%

Creatine 2 1.5 grams 3.5 100%

Creatine 3 1.5 grams 3.5 100%

Creatine 4 1.5 grams 3.5 100%

Creatine 5 1.5 grams 3.5 100%

Creatine 6 1.5 grams 3.5 100%


Effervescent 1

1.5 grams 3.9 100%


Effervescent 2

1.5 grams 3.8 100%


Effervescent 3

1.5 grams 3.8 100%


Effervescent 4

1.5 grams 3.8 100%


Effervescent 5

1.5 grams 3.9 100%


Effervescent 6

1.5 grams 3.9 100%

Creatine Fruit

Drink mix 1

1.5 grams 3.4 100%

Creatine Fruit

Drink mix 2

1.5 grams 3.4 100%


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Creatine Fruit

Drink mix 3

1.5 grams 3.3 100%

Creatine Fruit

Drink mix 4

1.5 grams 3.5 100%

Creatine FruitDrink mix 5 1.5 grams 3.4 100%

Creatine Fruit

Drink mix 6

1.5 grams 3.4 100%



1.5 grams 9.0 0%



1.5 grams 9.0 0%


1.5 grams 9.0 0%



1.5 grams 9.0 0%



1.5 grams 9.0 0%



1.5 grams 9.0 0%

1). NIR Analysis of stomach:

*1.5 grams of creatine monohydrate mixed with water and added to stomacher at

 pH 3, raised stomach pH level to 3.5, with remainder of creatine being

converted to creatinine.

*1.5 grams of effervescent creatine mixed with water and added to stomacher at

 pH 3, raised stomach pH level to 3.9, with remainder of creatine being

converted to creatinine.

*1.5 grams of creatine fruit flavored powder mixed with water and added to

stomacher at pH 3, raised stomach pH level to pH 3.4, with remainder of

creatine being converted to creatinine.*1.5 grams of Kre-Alkalyn

R  mixed with water and added to stomacher at pH 3,

 buffered stomach pH level to 9, keeping buffer creatine stable with ample time

for absorption, with no conversion to creatinine. 


Eighteen Name brand creatine products were activated and digested. All eighteenconverted 100% creatinine. Since there was no creatine left in these products, no creatine would

 be absorbed into the blood stream, only creatinine.

Six Kre-Alkalyn lots were activated and digested with 0% conversion to creatinine. All

creatine remained intact and would be absorbed into the blood stream.

Test performed by Charles Burchell, PHD.


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“How Dangerous is Creatinine?”  by Jeff Golini

 BioCeuticals Research & Development Analytical Laboratorya division of All American Pharmaceutical & Natural Foods Corporation

Conversion rate of Creatine to Creatinine in market place products

Product Instant Conversion Once Activated Total Time For Conversion

Product  Instant





seconds 30 

seconds 1

minute 2

minutes 3




Creatine inwater  

PH 7 

Yes 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 8.4


Creatine in fruit juice

PH 3 

Yes 50% 90% 100% !00% 100% 43 seconds

Creatine FruitFlavored drink


PH 3 

Yes 50% 90% 100% !00% 100% 43 seconds

Creatine ineffer-vescentmixes

PH 3 

Yes 50% 90% 100% !00% 100% 43 seconds

Creatine in protein mixes

PH 7 

Yes 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 8.4minutes

Creatine insports drinks

PH 3 

Yes 50% 90% 100% !00% 100% 43 seconds

Liquid Creatine& serums

PH 4 

Yes 30% 40% 50% 70% 77% 2.8minutes


PH 12 No  0%  0%  0%  0%  0%  Never 


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I. Metabolic Toxicity of Excess Creatinine In the presence of normal kidney function (and the absence of artificial ingestion), the

level of serum creatinine generated is closely monitored via a series of physiological regulators.

The normal amounts of the toxic waste creatinine are kept very low.But, when creatinine is ingested from the conversion of creatine to creatinine

(instantaneous conversion when activated with a fluid or ingested), concomitant metabolic

abnormalities can be observed in-vitro, and in-vivo in animals and in humans. This ingestion of pure creatinine is toxic to humans and animals.

Lis and Bijan (1970) observed a sedating or stupefying property of creatinine when it wasinjected into mice. Giovanetti (et al., 1969) demonstrated that injecting dogs with creatinine

could chronically intoxicate them. In addition to their observations of the animal’s aberrant

 behavior, creatinine was also responsible for a significant decrease in the animal’s erythrocytesurvival time. The addition of creatinine to normal human blood initiated a significant increase

in spontaneous hemolysis. This same red cell lysing pattern was observed in normal humanvolunteers whom had ingested creatinine. Golini and Golini (2004) also observed a sedating

effect when creatinine was given orally to mice. Mice were unable to run on wheels and showed

the same stupefying property reported by Lis and Bijan (1970).Balestri’s research in 1970 gave us further evidence of this potential membrane-

associated molecular blockade by showing that creatinine was able to effectively inhibit glucose

utilization by erythrocytes.

II. Mutagenicity and Carcinogenicity of Creatinine

It has been postulated that exposure to dietary creatinine may play a very significant part

in the initiation of cancer (most probably bowel and bladder cancer) in man. (Doll and Peto,

1981; Felton, et al., 1994). Creatinine’s ability to cause chromosomal damage and mutations incultured cells has been confirmed, as has their carcinogenicity in mice and rats (Aeschbacher,1991) and in one instance, in monkeys (Adamson, et al., Felton et al. 1994)

III. Creatinine: Friend or Foe? Fact: 1) Creatinine- A waste product in the blood that results from the normal breakdown of

muscle. (Medline)

2) Creatinine- A component of urine and the final product of creatine catabolism;formed by the nonenzymatic dephosphorylative cyclization of phosyphocreatine to

form the internal anhydride of creatine. (PDR Medical Dictionary)

3) Creatinine- Creatinine (CRN) is a by-product of the creatine production. Theingested creatinine is waste for the body and is excreted by the kidney. (Degussa,Germany)

4) Creatinine is excreted by the kidneys. (Grey’s Anatomy & Physiology)

5) Normal Creatinine Clearance levels in healthy humans:

Men - .97 to 1.37 mg/dl (97-137 ml/min)Women - .88 to 1.28 mg/dl (88-128 ml/min)

(St. Vincent Healthcare, Department of Pathology, Billings, MT & American

Kidney Foundation)

6) Creatinine clearance levels above 1.37 mg/dl (for men) and 1.28 mg/ml (for women)is dangerous to healthy kidneys. (St. Vincent Healthcare, Department of Pathology,

Billings, MT & American Kidney Foundation)


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  7) Increased creatinine levels will damage kidneys

8) Damaged Kidneys are nonreversible. 

Conclusion: Do you want to be ingesting gram levels of creatinine? 

Answer:  NO

I think by now it is very obvious that creatinine that is ingested from the conversion of

creatine-creatinine is toxic, dangerous and even life threatening.

Creatinine is thought to be the major cause (possible the sole cause) of renal failure.Studies (such as Rooney, et al., 2002) using animals and humans have reported renal damage

from the ingesting of creatinine. By taking creatine (that has converted to creatinine) these

healthy human volunteers were shown to have induced abnormalities in pancreatic insulinsecretion and changes in glucose homeostasis, resulting in renal failure.

Edmund’s (et al., 2001) studies, using a rat model of cystic kidney disease, reported thatwhen regular creatine monohydrate supplementation was given, larger and faster cyst growth and

exacerbation of disease progression was observed. This was due to the conversion of creatine to

creatinine.Various types of glomerulonephritis, diabetic glomerulosclerosis, and glomerular

amyloidosis in humans, a significant correlation exists between the severity of fibrosis of the

renal cortical interstitium and tubular atrophy resulting from chronic interstitial inflammationand serum creatinine concentrations (Bohle et al., 1986)

Today, more than 20 million people in the United States have some form of renal disease,and more than 350,000, the US alone, require regular dialysis in order to stay alive. Renal

failure with the exception of toxic drug over dose or injury related acute failure) is a stepwisedeterioration process that is cumulative. This means is shows up gradually, and only after a

substantial percentage of the organ has suffered damage. This stepwise progression stems frommore than one primary ‘insult’ to a specific facet of the organ’s filtration system. Creatinine

 poising, un-stable creatine, & residual manufacturing contaminants in creatine play a big part in

this failure. (Benzi 2001: and 2000)

So, contrary to what some Doctors and PhDs think, creatinine is dangerous!


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BioCeuticals Research & Development Analytical Laboratory 

2003 Main Street

Billings, MT 59105

(406) 245-573 ext 201 (406) 252-1811 Fax





Purpose of Case Study (1)

Reason for Study (1)

Definitions (1)



Results (3)


Conclusion (4)


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BioCeuticals Research & Development Analytical Laboratory 2003 Main Street

Billings, MT 59105

(406) 245-573 ext 201 (406) 252-1811


Date: May 5, 2002 

The purpose of this study is to show that Kre-AlkalynR  (US Patent #6,399,661) increases

endurance in human beings.

Kre-AlkalynR  is manufactured by All American Pharmaceutical & Natural Foods Corporation &

comes in powder, liquid, capsules, softgels and tablets. Capsules were used for this study do tothe convenience for administration and exact doses being administered.

The reason for the study is to prove weather Kre-Alkalyn

 increases endurance in athletes.

Kre-AlkalynR  (US Patent #6,399,661) is buffered creatine, that is completely stable.


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The Testing

Due to the complexity and many functions of the chemical, a direct case study approachwas taken. Since the product is Patented, there was no need to prove what was already knownand was not important to do a double blind test. Instead, we wanted to find out how effective

Kre-AlkalynR  was for increasing endurance with out any changes to diet, workout programs or

activity levels.

Test Group 1 Group 1 was composed of professional male football players who are currently involved

in a heavy workout schedule (pre-season), with all being season veterans to this beginning part of

the season. Their position were wide receivers and defense of backs The body weight for thisgroup at the beginning of camp was as follows:

Subject A: 185 lbsSubject B: 187 lbsSubject C: 190 lbs

Subject D: 195 lbsGroup 1 started and finished with Two 750 mg capsules of Kre-Alkalyn

R , which were

administered in the A.M. This went on 7 days a week for 6 weeks. Body fat, body weight,strength, endurance & stamina were measured before starting Kre-Alkalyn

R . Any aches and

 pains were also noted.

Test Group 2 Group 2 was composed of professional male football players who are currently involved

in a heavy workout schedule (pre-season), with all being season veterans to this beginning part ofthe season. Their positions were running back and linebacker. The body weight for this group atthe beginning of camp was as follows:

Subject E: 225 lbs

Subject F: 227 lbsSubject G: 235 lbs

Subject H: 237 lbsGroup 2 started and finished with Two 750 mg capsules of Kre-Alkalyn

R , which were

administered in the A.M. This went on 7 days a week for 6 weeks. Body fat, body weight,strength, endurance & stamina were measured before starting Kre-Alkalyn

R . Any aches and

 pains were also noted.

Test Group 3 Group 3 was composed of professional male football players who are currently involved in a

heavy workout schedule (pre-season), with all being season veterans to this beginning part of theseason. Their positions were offence of line and defense of line. The body weight for this groupat the beginning of camp was as follows:

Subject E: 315 lbsSubject F: 330 lbs

Subject G: 340 lbsSubject H: 380 lbs

Group 3 started with Two 750 mg capsules of Kre-AlkalynR

, for the first week,increasing to four 750 mg capsules at week 2 and remaining on that amount. Capsules were

administered in the A.M. This went on 7 days a week for 6 weeks. Body fat, body weight,strength, endurance & stamina were measured before starting Kre-Alkalyn

R . Any aches and

 pains were also noted.


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The Results 

After a full 6 weeks of testing, the following were the results reported:

Test Group 1

Over all energy levels seemed to have increased, with a total body fat % being lowered by 1 %.All reported increased endurance levels through out the two a day (times 3 hour) practices.Recuperation between practices increased along with strength levels. Group 1 out performed,

out endured and out played other athletes of the same position through out the 6 week period.

Test Group 2

Over all energy levels seemed to have increased, with a total body fat % being lowered by 2 %.

All reported increased endurance levels through out the two a day (times 3 hour) practices.

Recuperation between practices increased along with strength levels. Group 1 out performed,

out endured and out played other athletes of the same position through out the 6 week period.

Test Group 3

Over all energy levels seemed to have increased, with a total body fat % being lowered by 3.5 %.All reported increased endurance levels through out the two a day (times 3 hour) practices.

Recuperation between practices increased along with strength levels. Group 1 out performed,

out endured and out played other athletes of the same position through out the 6 week period.

All three groups reported less aches and pains then they other athletes on the team. Each subject

reported feeling better, had more energy, more endurance, more stamina that ever in the past.


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From the testing and research done with the product Kre-Alkalyn, we so conclude that this product is very effective for increasing endurance and stamina, while eliminating fatigue due tolactic acid build up.

These 12 subjects are professional athletes who were into pre-season training and are very intuned with their bodies. All athletes are continuing on the program along with the rest of theteam for later evaluation as the season progresses.

In finial summary conclusion, this laboratory has found Kre-Alkalyn to be a very safe andeffective was to increase endurance. It also is this laboratories conclusion that Kre-Alkalyncould be effective for weight loss and joint pain.


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 BioCeuticals Research & Development Analytical Laboratory3039 Grand Avenue

Suite B Billings, MT 59102 


Date: February 10th

, 2003

Study: Study administering Kre-AlkalynR  US Patent 6,399,661 - vs- Placebo to

12 endurance athletes in the off season phase

Purpose of Study: To see if Kre-Alkalyn increases Energy, Endurance & Stamina in athletes.

Procedures: 6 subjects were administered 1.5 grams of Kre-AkalynR  in the A.M. and 6

subjects were administered 1.5 grams of a placebo in the A.M. for 8

weeks. No changes were made to diet or off season training.

Endurance & Stamina levels were tested at the beginning of the study and

every 2 weeks for 8 weeks.

The testing equipment used was Life Fitness computerized bicycles.

These systems are able to monitor heat beat and revolutions per minute.

Results: The pretest showed that both the placebo group and the Kre-AlkalynR  

group were all at about the same Endurance & Stamina levels. They were

 barely able to work up and maintain a level 5, at 100 rpm’s for 20 minutes.

Placebo Group: Not much progress was made from Week 1 to Week 8. At the end of

week 8, placebo group could work up and maintain a level 6, at 100 rpm’s

for 20 minutes.

Stamina was still at 20 minutes while endurance was increased slightly to

level 6.

Kre-AlkalynR  Group: Results were fantastic. At the end of Week 8, Kre-Alkalyn

R  group was

able to work up to and maintain a level 15 at 100 rpm’s for 40 minutes.

Stamina increases from 20 minutes to 40 minutes. A 100% increase.

Endurance increased from level 5 to level 15 a 200% increase.

Conclusion: Kre-AlkalynR  dramatically increases endurance and stamina in endurance

athletes. Stamina increases of 100% and Endurance increases of 200%.


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 BioCeuticals Research & Development Analytical Laboratory3039 Grand Avenue

Suite B Billings, MT 59102  _____________________________________________________________________________

Date: January 10, 2004

Study: Case Study administering Kre-AlkalynR  US Patent 6,399,661 to 4 Healthyactive adults

Purpose of Study: To measure body pH, Energy Levels, Endurance Levels, & Physical Well being in test subjects.

Procedures: Two subjects were administered 750 mg daily and two subjects wereadministered 1500 mg daily for 30 days. Kre-Alkalyn administration was

taken first thing in the A.M. upon awaking.

 pH, Energy, Endurance & Physical levels were measured 3 times daily.

The first in the A.M. before Kre-Alkalyn administration, the second mid

day, and the 3rd

 in the evening. The following chart was used formeasurements.

Scale:1-5 number system 

Energy  Endurance  Physical 

1-Very energetic 1-Very 1- Feel Great

2- Fairly 2-Good 2-Good

3-So So 3-So So 3-So So

4-A bit sluggish 4-Not so good 4-Not so good

5-No energy 5-Bad 5-Bad

 pH was measured by urinalysis.

The subjects were asked to not change their diet or workout schedules. All 4 subjects were malefrom ages 25-44.


ENERGY 1. A: dynamic quality (narrative energy) B: the capacity of acting or being active

(intellectual energy) C: a usually positive spiritual force (the energy flowingthrough all people)

2. Vigorous exertion of power: EFFORT (investing time and energy)

3. A fundamental entity of nature that is transferred between parts of a system in the

 production of physical change within the system and usually regarded as thecapacity for doing work

4. Usable power (as heat or electricity); the resources for producing such power


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1. Permanence, duration

2. The ability to withstand hardship or adversity, especially the ability to sustain a

 prolonged stressful effort or activity (a marathon runner’s endurance)

3. The act or an instance of enduring or suffering

4. Capacity to endure pain or hardship, fortitude, stamina

PHYSICAL1. An emotional state or action

2. The overall quality of ones awareness and well-being

3. Strength and power


Subject 1: Energy 

Before study: 3.00 (So-So)

During study: 1.17 (Average) Very Energetic

Endurance Before study: 3.00 (So-So)

During study: 1.56 (Average) Very

Physical Before study: 2.00 (Good)

During study: 1.33 (Average) Feel Great

Subject 2: Energy Before study: 3.00 (So-So)

During study: 1.26 (Average) Very Energetic

Endurance Before study: 3.00 (So-So)

During study: 1.30 (Average) Very

Physical Before study: 3.00 (Good)

During study: 1.33 (Average) Feel Great

Subject 3: Energy 

Before study: 4.00 (A bit sluggish)

During study: 1.64 (Average) Very Energetic

Endurance Before study: 4.00 (Not so good)

During study: 1.57 (Average) Very

Physical Before study: 4.00 (Not so good)

During study: 1.76 (Average) Feel Great


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Subject 4: Energy 

Before study: 5.00 (No energy)During study: 3.76 (Average) So-So

Endurance Before study: 5.00 (Bad)

During study: 3.03 (Average) So-So

Physical Before study: 4.00 (Not so good)

During study: 3.06 (Average) So-So

% Increases: 

Subject 1: Energy: 156.4%

Endurance: 92.3%Physical: 50.3%

Subject 2: Energy: 138.9%

Endurance: 130.7%

Physical: 125.5%

Subject 3: Energy: 143.9%

Endurance: 154.7%

Physical: 127.2%

Subject 4: Energy: 32.9%

Endurance: 65.1%Physical: 30.7%

Average for study % Increases:

Energy: 118.0%Endurance: 110.7%

Physical: 83.4%

Conclusion: Kre-Alkalyn increased Energy levels by 118%, Endurance & Stamina by 110.7% and

Physical well-being 83.4%.


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 BioCeuticals Research & Development Analytical Laboratory3039 Grand Avenue

Suite B Billings, MT 59102 ______________________________________________________________________________  Date:  March 8

th, 2003

Study: Rat Study with Kre-AlkalynR  US Patent 6,399,661 (Buffered


Purpose of Study: To measure Energy Levels & Muscle Gain in rats, with test and

control animals


White male albino rats where used for this study. A control group was used along with atest group. Upon arrival to the lab both groups entered Phase I, stabilization.

Stabilization started with changing their diet to a more conventional food source. GoodProtein and Carb levels, low fat. Each rat was weighed at the start and each Monday for

six weeks. Rats were randomly selected for test group and control group.

Rats were observed for energy levels daily. Energy levels were measured by amount of

chewing, maze work & cage activity that occurred.

Rats were placed in a large 10-gallon glass cages that aloud movement and building ofnests. Chew items were also put in the cages to help measure night activity. 

Kre-Alkalyn Administration: Based on human studies, 1.5 grams per 100 kg of bodyweight was used. This worked out to 15 mcg/gram of rat starting weight.

The Start:

Both rats weighed in at 250 grams. Activity and Energy levels were extremely low. Neither rats would work a maze. During stabilization, both control rat and test rat sleep

during the day, with very low night activity. 


Animal  Weight in






  % Gained

Control 250.00 StartingWeight

Week 1 259.20 9.20 9.20 3.68

Week 2 285.80 26.60 35.80 14.32

Week 3 317.80 32.00 67.80 27.12

Week 4 344.80 27.80 95.60 37.92

Week 5 359.80 15.00 110.60 43.92

Week 6 382.80 23.00 133.60 Total  53.12 Total

 Test 250.00 Starting


Week 1 262.80 12.80 12.80 5.12Week 2 280.80 18.00 30.80 12.24

Week 3 309.80 29.60 60.40 23.92

Week 4 358.56 48.76 109.16 43.42

Week 5 381.00 22.44 131.60 52.40

Week 6 407.80 26.80 158.40 Total  63.12 Total


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Control Rat Weight Gain: Although the control rat gained 133.6 grams, he was very round

and soft.

Test Rat Weight Gain:  Kre-AlkalynR  rat gained 158.4 grams or 63.12 % increase in lean

muscle in 6 weeks. He gained 10% more than control rat. Kre-Alkalyn

R  rat was solid with no roundness or flabbiness like the

control rat. 

Control Rat Energy: Control rat was not active at all during the day. He slept in his

nest. The nest was a mess and un-organized. Chew toys were nottouched. Rat did not even come out for feeding. The only

evidence of night activity was food eaten. Control rat had noenergy or motivation to work a maze. 

Test Rat Energy Control rat was out of his nest each morning and most of the timeduring the day. His next was clean and very organized. Control

rat went through 3 chew toys during the 6 week testing, along withchewing at the top of the cage which was only accessible whenwater bottle was climbed, which he did often during the day. Test

rat was extremely motivated and energized to work a maze. Hisenergy levels were extremely high for a rat. 

Conclusion:  Not only did the test rat gain 63.12% lean muscle, but his energy

levels was increased 100% over the control rat and 100% from thestabilization week.

Kre-AlkalynR  (Buffered Creatine) increased lean muscle mass by

63.12% after 6 weeks, and energy levels increased by 100%.


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Creatine is discovered by French scientistMichel Eugène Chevreul. (Pictured on the cover)

It is first observed that creatine accumulates inmuscles as a consequence of physical activity.

1912 Researchers found that ingesting creatine candramatically boost the creatine content of muscle.

late1800’s The Germans introduce the first synthetic creatine.

1927 Fiske and Subbarow discovered creatinephosphate, and determined that creatine is akey player in the metabolism of skeletal muscle.

1928 Creatine is found to be unstable in liquids and acids.

1992 It was reported that British athletes used creatinesupplementation at the Barcelona Olympics.

1993 Creatine is introduced to the U.S. market.

Jeff Golini is awarded U.S. Patent #6,399,661 for hisinvention Kre-Alkalyn®...The world’s first and only100% stable form of creatine.


United States #6,399,661

New Zealand #519,305








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