kt tunstall




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The video opens on a long shot of KT Tunstall and her band behind her playing the introduction music.

Due to the extreme low level lighting, Tunstall and the band are in complete darkness and we can only see their silhouette.

This means that we don’t know for sure who the performers are and we are just assuming it is Tunstall as it is her song.

The video continues to cut between abstract close ups and mid shots of Tunstall and the band in darkness and this suggests that Tunstall is trying to attract an audience who are only interested in her music, rather than her image.

This is a common convention of other artists from the Alternative Rock genre.

When the performer begins to sing the clip cuts to a close up of Tunstall, indicating that she is the main performer out the members shown.

However, the slight low angle tilt and extreme dark lighting hide her face and this means the audience focus on her voice rather than her look.

As she continues to sing the camera does not move but the lighting becomes brighter so that we can finally see the performers face.

She is shown to be wearing natural make up with casual hair, suggesting that although she cares about her appearance she is not overly make-uped.

Whenever the performer is singing she is filmed and this means that the video consists of shots that are a majority her.

During the instrumental parts the song the band is also filmed but their instruments are the main focus and their faces are hardly shown.

This indicates that Tunstall is the main performer and the focus of the video.

Halfway through the video, a different version of the singer enters and also begins to sing.

The other version of Tunstall is dressed in smarter clothes and her hair and make up is more professional and precise than the first version we see.

The two then begin to sing opposite each other, as though they are battling each other, and the hectic and fast pace of the editing at this point of the videohelps to emphasise this.
