Kuda Supermarket


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  • 8/9/2019 Kuda Supermarket


  • 8/9/2019 Kuda Supermarket


    An outline of TM supermarket Gweru branch

    According to Besser (2008), retailers use a variety of formats to display their wares.

    While some merchants use "power merchandising" tactics more than others, the overall

    goal is the same: present the merchandise in an inviting and informative manner. Studies

    show that consumers spend 15 to 20 percent more in stores they find to be well stocked,

    pleasantly kept and "fun."

    Below are some of the aspects that I discovered at TM supermarket Gweru branch when I

    did my research.

    Open invitation: Store layout begins outside the supermarket, a bit like 'kerb appeal'

    when selling a home, Geary (2007). The front entry and exit points of TM

    supermarket are very large and always open. This allows the customer from out side to

    see what is being displayed and attract him or her into the supermarket.

    Tendency to look right: Baumler (1995), argued that, it has long been known that

    over 75% of customers tend to look right when entering a supermarket - it's simply the

    way the world is. For this reason the area immediately to the right of the entrance and

    the decompression zone is used to display special offers and promotional items. TM

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    supermarket also agree with this suggestion because their entrance is to the far left of

    the building and to the right we have a vast of products.

    Layout: Many times, the layout is designed to help customers move through the store.

    The classic floor design is used at TM supermarket. It is a grid layout where aisles run

    parallel and perpendicular to each other. This uses floor space well and simplifies

    stocking. The customer wont feel like in a maze.

    Flow and Appearance: The aisles at TM supermarket are so wide to such an extend that

    three trolleys can pass each other. Wide, open aisles are nice because bumping into

    shelving or other customers can be quite frustrating Carter (2008). Sometimes displays

    are extended into aisles intentionally, which impedes passage but ensures prominence.

    Positioning and Arrangement: TM supermarket uses vertical merchandising. Vertical

    merchandising places like items together in a column, usually putting large things on the

    bottom and small things at the top. Waters (2008) defined vertical merchandising as the

    placement of merchandise from top to bottom on a fixture, rather than from side to side.

    By presenting an assortment of merchandise vertically you will expose customers to a

    greater variety of your assortment at eye level. And, since the customer is naturally

    inclined to read at eye level from left to right, and buy at hand level, this technique looksgood and encourages purchases. Arrangement at TM supermarket is done in many ways:

    style, price, color, size and so on, depending on what works best. For example drinks are

    arranged according to their flavours.

    Cross merchandising: is also used at TM supermarket. Cross merchandising displays

    related items jointly, such as hanging bottle openers in the same area as the bottled

    soda, Mitchell (2009). Cross aisle merchandising puts related items on both sides of

    the aisle to keep related goods together. Items that complement each other are often

    found close together to entice customers to buy more. One will fire find ladies wear

    along with other cosmetics at both sides of the second aisle.

    Stirring: Seasonally TM move the products that are being promoted on that specific

    season to the front ends of the aisles. For example the Back to School promotion. Moving

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    merchandise can make it appear as though the retailer is changing inventory and bringing

    in more stock than is actually the case. It can give an appearance of diversity and change.

    Clearance racks may be used to pull customers through other lines of merchandise.

    Endcaps, Dumpbins, and Cutcases are also used by TM supermarket: Endcaps are

    displays at the end of an aisle, dumpbins are large hoppers full of merchandise, and

    cutcases refer to merchandise in the original container. Feigenbaun (2008) noted that,

    cutcases convey a low-budget, bargain-basement image. Endcaps and dumpbins are

    usually used to highlight sale, sundry or seasonal items. They are changed frequently and

    are intended to promote impulse purchases.

    Essentials at the back: TM supermarkets hit upon the idea of placing the essentials, such

    as bakery and butchery, at the back of the shop. This is in order to make people have to

    walk past the rest of the produce, and heighten the possibility of impulse buys, in order to

    get their necessities. Customers must walk past seasonal products and special offers to get

    to the bakery and butchery. The technique maximizes the exposure of less commonly

    bought goods

    Point Of Sale: Whilst you are waiting to pay retailers often install Point Of Sale displays,

    this is the case in TM supermarket who install racks of chocolate to tempt bored children

    waiting with their parents. Some other small items are placed at the point of sale to

    reduce the risk of shoplifting or for change.

    Face-Out Merchandising: Face out refers to positioning the front of the merchandise

    facing the customer Kizer and Bender (2007). With boxed product, the packaging

    graphics usually have a good side -- a photo or colourful graphic to indicate what is

    inside the box -- that makes a great face-forward presentation.

    Face-out presentations have more buy-appeal, since the front of the product or graphic

    enhancement on the box is usually more interesting and colourful than the "side face" of

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    the merchandise. Customers can also see the front of the product without having to

    struggle to get the item from the shelf.


    1. Baumler S (1995), Power Merchandising, retrieved from


    2. Besser T (2008), Product Positioning and Merchandising in the retailers outlet,

    retrieved from www.discoveryarticles.com

    3. Carter S (2008), Psychology of Supermarkets, retrieved from


    4. Feigenbaun E (2008), Things are Looking Up, retrieved from


    5. Geary D (2007), Merchandising for Sales and Profits: promoting impulse sales,

    retrieved from www.impactvisual.com

    6. Kizer and Bender (2009), How to Help Your Product Sell Itself, retrieved from

    www.kizerandbender.com7. Mitchell P (2009), Design a Better Retail Outlet, retrieved from


    8. Waters S (2008), Creating Attractive Displays, retrieved from

