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James Macon Simonson

INTS 3300

L1-D1 Preventing Cyber Child Pornography

Professor Gibbs

When addressing the issue of cyber child pornography I almost cringe when I think of

how something so morally wrong could be popular or sought after by individuals and certain

“circles” around the world. I know it is closed minded not to be realistic about the issue but it is

certainly a disturbing and prevalent problem today with the internet access that people have.

I have a large interest in Psychology, Sociology, Exercise and Sports Science, Marketing,

Hospitality Management and History. Like others, there are more disciplines I enjoy as well but

these really highlight my interests. I listed Psychology first because I like to think I know, or at

least understand why people act or say the things they do and think. I grew up learning from a

father who attained a degree in Psychology and worked as a Police Officer for twenty-two years

in central Texas. He currently teaches anger management and misdemeanor theft classes in the

same county. He always took the time to sit down with me and analyze the situation I was

struggling to understand. I also think that I learned a great deal about Sociology through his help

and through my own trials and tribulations. My experience and interests encompass the

remaining disciplines I’ve listed. I firmly believe that Psychology, Sociology, Marketing and

History could all provide help in understanding and analyzing ways to solve the problem with

cyber child pornography. I think each of these disciplines provide far different methods of study

for the topic. I also think solving the issue is a ridiculously difficult task but understanding it is


My areas of concentration within my degree plan are History, Sociology and Restaurant,

Hotel and Institutional Management. I haven’t taken a theory class in college yet, but I do think

that a few of my Sociology classes have helped me create my own theories based off the

information provided for study. I also haven’t taken a class in research methods outside of core

English courses that stressed research and documentation for a short period during the semester.

Through a Sociological perspective we can study the issue at hand in a variety of ways. For

example, in a previous class I took from Dr. Betty Stout on Travel and Tourism we learned that

Cambodia has an abnormally high rate of sex trafficking that particularly emphasizes the part

that children play in that. I know this isn’t cyber child porn but it falls into the same realm of

immorality and similarity. I also think that observing this situation through a historical

perspective we can remember that certain revered historical figures like Michaelangelo was said

to prefer the company of young boys. This took place before cyber anything was available. If

true, why was that okay? A hospitality aspect requires people in the industry to be on the lookout

for possible situations that just don’t look right. A hotel employee/ manager should be able to

identify red flags if there is a possible scenario such as child trafficking taking place in their

work establishment.