La Voz November 15 - December 15, 2013


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  • 8/13/2019 La Voz November 15 - December 15, 2013


  • 8/13/2019 La Voz November 15 - December 15, 2013


  • 8/13/2019 La Voz November 15 - December 15, 2013


  • 8/13/2019 La Voz November 15 - December 15, 2013


    4 15NOVIEMBRE -15 DICIEMBRE, 2013- w

    4 15 NOVIEMBRE -15 DICIEMBRE, 2013-


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    Por Delani WeaverTraducido por Camilo Torres

    Generacin Outreach, una organizacinlocal dirigida por su propietario JusnOrz, ha realizado diferentes eventostodos los sbados durante el mesde octubre como parte de su serie#RememberOctober 31 das degenerosidad. Cada evento tuvo sunombre y se centr en un tema deservicio y compromiso comunitario.El lmo evento, realizado el lmosbado de octubre en la tarde, se tulCambio de Imagen Expreso.

    La Iglesia Joy Community en la calleGoodman estaba llena de eslistas,barberos, msica, la juventud localy fotgrafos; mientras los jvenes

    reciban un cambio de imagen omakeover completo. Los recortes yeslos eran gratuitos, al igual que laropa provista para los parcipantes.

    Les estamos dando a los jvenesun cambio de imagen, ropa nuevay peinados nuevos, dijo Orz.Simplemente les estamos dando algo

    de conanza porque normalmenteno reciben este po de ayuda. As

    que denivamente es una bendicinpara ellos. Tenemos grupos comoPhu Concepts auspiciando la ropa.El Instuto de Barbera Sharp Edgezauspiciando los recortes, mi esposaAlexis y su amiga Latrice peinando alas nias. As que estamos pasndolabien y tratando de darle conanza a losjvenes haciendo que se vean bien.

    Los muchachos fueron elegidos a travsde Bethel Express, un grupo que formaparte de la Hermandad Crisana de laIglesia de Bethel en la avenida Este,dirigido por Michael Peace. El grupoaende a jvenes entre las edadesde seis a 12 aos, proveyndolescomida, mentora, educacin bblica y


    Adems, varios estudiantes de barberadel Instuto de Barbera Sharp Edgezdonaron su empo y destrezas pararecortar a los chicos.

    Richard Johnson, asistente de instructoren Sharp Edgez dijo, La escuela siempre

    quiere ayudar a la comunidad cuandopodemos, y los recortes son nuestra

    manera de ayudar. Queremos hacer ladiferencia y ser una buena inuencia. Yesta es una buena oportunidad porquealgunos de los muchachos puede quese inspiren a ser barberos o eslistas alestar nosotros aqu.

    Las chicas fueron renovadas conpeinados de la esposa de Orz, AlexisOrz, y la eslista de Divas Design HairStudio Lachelle Roberts.

    Me encanta peinar cabello. Me alegraceptar la oportunidad cuando surgi.Todos los eventos han salido muy bieneste mes, as que estoy contenta. DijoOrz.

    Otros eventos de Generacin Outreachdurante este mes fueron:

    Generacin Outreach EventoComunitario, octubre 5.Da de Anuncios de Servicio Pblico,octubre 12.

    Generacin Wipe Out, octubre 19.

    Cambio de Imagen Expreso, octubre 26

    Este mes nos ha ido muy bien, dijoOrz. Tuvimos una buena candadde personas que asiseron a cadaevento. La pasamos muy bien con laparcipacin de Lovely Warren enel evento de anuncios de serviciopblico. La Fundacin de la Policade Rochester don dinero paracada evento. Senmos que estamoslogrando un cambio posivo a travsde la ciudad. La segunda temporadade la Generacin Nocias comienzaen noviembre 30 en CW16. En eneroestaremos ofreciendo programasdespus de clases, ensendoles a losjvenes sobre ocios y profesiones,y dndoles mentora sobre literacia

    nanciera y comportamiento en elempleo. Simplemente queremosconnuar logrando cambios posivosen nuestra ciudad.

    Generacin Outreach finaliza la serie #RememberOctober 31 das degenerosidad con un Cambio de Imagen Expreso

  • 8/13/2019 La Voz November 15 - December 15, 2013


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    AT NO COST585.546.3700


    By Delani Weaver

    Generaon Outreach, a local

    organizaon owned and operatedby Jusn Orz, has held a dierentevent every Saturday during themonth of October as part of his#RememberOctober - 31 Days ofKindness event series. Each eventwas given an event tle and centeredon a theme of community serviceand involvement. The last event ofthe month, held this past Saturdayaernoon, was called MakeoverExpress.

    Joy Community Church on GoodmanSt. was lled with local hairstylistsand barbers, music, local youth andcameras as young boys and girlsreceived head to toe makeovers. The

    haircuts and hairstyles were free, aswell as the clothing that was providedfor the kids.

    Were giving young children newmakeovers, and new ouits and newhairstyles, Orz said. Were justgiving them some condence becausethey dont normally get things l ike this.So, its denitely a blessing to them.We have groups like Phu Conceptssponsoring the clothing, Sharp EdgezBarber Instute sponsoring thehaircuts, my wife Alexis and her friendLatrice doing the hairstyles for the girls.So, were here having a good me, andjust trying to build the kids condenceby making them look good.

    The kids were chosen through BethelExpress, a group based out of BethelChrisan Fellowship Church on EastAve., led by Michael Peace. The groupcaters to children between the ages ofsix and 12, providing them with food,mentoring, academic and biblicalteaching.

    In addion, several aspiring barbersfrom the Sharp Edgez Barber Instutevolunteered their me and skills to cuthair for the boys.

    Richard Johnson, sta assistantinstructor at Sharp Edgez said, The

    school always wants to be able tohelp the community when we can,and haircuts are our way of helping.We want to make a dierence andbe an inuence. Right here is a goodopportunity because some of the kidsmight be inspired to be a barber orhairstylist by us being here.

    The girls were freshened up with newhairstyles by Orzs wife Alexis Orzand Divas Design Hair Studio stylistLachelle Roberts.

    I love doing hair. I was happy to agreewhen the opportunity came up. All ofhis events have gone really well thismonth. So, Im happy, Orz said.

    Addional Generaon Outreach eventsthis month included:

    Generaon Outreach CommunityEvent, Saturday, Oct. 5

    Public Service Announcement Day,Saturday, Oct. 12

    Generaon Wipe Out, Saturday, Oct.19

    Makeover Express, Saturday, Oct. 26

    This month has gone really well,Orz said. We had a good amountof people show up to each event. We

    had great me with Lovely Warrenshowing up to the public serviceannouncement event. The RochesterPolice Foundaon donated money forevery event we had. We feel like weremaking a posive change throughoutthe city. Season two of GeneraonNews is coming out Nov. 30 on CW 16.In January, well be holding aer schoolprograms, teaching kids careers andtrades, and mentoring them in nancialliteracy and employment equee. Wejust want to connue making posivechanges for our city.

    Generation Outreach Ends #RememberOctober - 31 Days of KindnessSeries with Makeover Express

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    6 15 NOVIEMBRE -15 DICIEMBRE, 2013-

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  • 8/13/2019 La Voz November 15 - December 15, 2013


    15 NOVIEMBRE -15 DICIEMBRE, 2013- 7

    15 NOVIEMBRE -15 DICIEMBRE, 2013- 7


    Si quieres estudiar en un ambienteacadmico con excelentes profesores,parcipar acvamente en programasculturales, sociales y deporvos, yaplicar lo que has aprendido a losretos del mundo real, debes considerarestudiar en la Universidad de Brockport.

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    Admisin al Colegio de Brockport

  • 8/13/2019 La Voz November 15 - December 15, 2013


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    I havent met a parent or guardian yetthat doesnt want the best for their

    child. As parents, we all dream of ourkids being the best they can be. And,

    most of us rely on the school systemto educate our children, yet we dontalways do our best to ensure that ourkids are in school every day.

    But, if they are not in school, they cantlearn. Its really that simple!

    Regardless of whether a child isabsent from school for a valid reason,chronic absences may aect his or heracademic success. According to anorganizaon called Aendance Works,one out of ten kids in kindergarten andrst grade are chronically absent.

    In addion, the percentage of chronicabsences can vary based on factors likethe familys economic status, whetherthey are homeless or if theyve moved;and, with each situaon, the numberof days a child is absent increases.

    Studies have shown that chronicabsences as early as preschool canbe a predictor of lower test scores for

    kids, as well as poor aendance andretenon in later grades.Children who dont come to schoolalso miss out on fundamental skills likereading and math.

    And, if children dont read procientlyby third grade, they are less likely tocatch up, causing high dropout rateslater in schools. Children with verylow reading levels, by the end of thirdgrade, would need about 40 hours ofintensive literacy experiences eachweek for a year, in order to catch up totheir peers.

    Those are just a few examples ofhow chronic absences can aect our

    childrens success in school. Childrenshealth and well-being, transportaon

    and weather are other factors thatkeep children from being in school. Asthe winter season begins, prepare forthe cold temperatures by making sureyour child has what he or she needs toget to school safely and warmly.

    Also, consider scheduling your childs

    appointments during the breaks oron the weekends. And, wheneverpossible, in the event that you mustmove within the city or out of state,consider moving during the summer,when school is not in session, so itdoesnt aect your child.

    If we insll good aendance habits atan early age, children will carry thosehabits into their future college-livesand careers. As parents, we can controlthese factors by making aendance apriority.

    So, the next me you decide to keepyour child home from school, thinkagain.

    The RCSD, other community agenciesand daycare centers are joining forcesto educate parents, and the communityat large, on the importance of dailyaendance and its long-term eects onchildrens success.

    Presently, children and families withchronic absences are being contactedby school ocials and home visits arebeing conducted. So, do your part as aparent, grandparent, aunt or uncle andmake sure the kids in your family orcommunity are going to school everyday.

    Remember, you are your childs rst

    teacher and best advocate!

    La Asistencia ImportaChILD AND FAmILY


    Attendance Matters

    T r a d u c i d opor StevenFarrington

    No heconocido aningn padreo guardin

    hasta ahoraque no quieralo mejor parasu hijo o hija.Como padres,

    todos tenemosel sueo de

    ver a nuestros hijos ser lo mejor quepuedan ser. Y la mayora de nosotroscontamos con el sistema escolarpara educar a nuestros hijos, pero nosiempre damos nuestro mejor esfuerzopara asegurar de que nuestros hijosestn en la escuela todos los das.

    Pero si no estn en la escuela, nopueden aprender. Es as de fcil.

    No importa si un nio est ausente poruna razn vlida, las ausencias crnicaspueden afectar su xito acadmico.Segn una organizacin llamada LaAsistencia Importa, uno de cada diez

    nios en el Jardn de Nios y el primergrado enen un problema con lasausencias crnicas.

    Adems de esto, el porcentaje deausencias crnicas puede variarbasado en factores como el estadosocioeconmico de la familia, si enen

    vivienda o no, o si se han mudado; ycon cada situacin, aumenta el nmerode das que un alumno est ausente.

    Los estudios han demostrado quelas ausencias crnicas tan tempranocomo en la preescolar predicen notasms bajas en exmenes para los nios,

    adems de la mala asistenciay retencin en aos posteriores. Losnios que no vienen a la escuelatambin se pierden las destrezasfundamentales como la lectura y lasmatemcas.

    Y si los nios no leen con uidez parael tercer grado, es mucho menosprobable que puedan alcanzar a sus

    compaeros, y eso causa tasas msaltas de abondono en la secundaria.Los nios con niveles bajos de lecturapara el n del tercer grado necesitarancomo 40 horas de experiencia cada

    semana por un ao para alcanzar a suscompaeros.

    Estos son solo unos ejemplos de cmolas ausencias crnicas pueden afectarel xito de nuestros hijos en la escuela.La salud y bienestar de los nios,el transporte y el empo son otros

    factores que impiden que los niosvayan a la escuela. Como empieza latemporada de invierno, preprese paralas temperaturas bajas asegurndosede que su hijo tenga todo lo quenecesita para llegar a la escuela seguroy cmodamente.

    Adems, considere hacer las citas parasu hijo durante los recesos de escuelacuando no hay clases o los nes desemanas. Y cuando sea posible, en casode que usted deba mudarse dentro dela ciudad o fuera del estado, piense enhacerlo durante el verano, cuando nohay clases para que no afecte a su hijo.

    Si educamos a los nios para que

    tengan buenos hbitos de asistenciaa una edad temprana, ellos llevarnesos hbitos hasta sus vidas y carrerasen la edad universitaria y ms all.Como padres, podemos controlar estos

    factores haciendo que la asistencia seauna prioridad.

    Entonces, la prxima vez que decidedejar a su hijo en casa, piense otra vez

    El RCSD (Distrito Escolar de la

    Ciudad de Rochester), otras agenciascomunitarias y centros de cuidado denios estn uniendo sus fuerzas paraeducar a padres y la comunidad enterasobre la importancia de la asistenciadiaria y los efectos de largo plazo en exito de los nios.

    Hoy en da, los nios y familias conausencias crnicas estn siendocontactados por ociales de lasescuelas que estn haciendo visitasen las casas. Entonces, haga su partecomo padre, abuelo(a), o o a, yasegrese que los nios de su familiao comunidad vayan a la escuela todoslos das.

    Acurdese, usted es el primer maestropara su hijo, y uested es su mejordefensor.

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    15 NOVIEMBRE -15 DICIEMBRE, 2013- 9

    reCeta delBarrio

    NeiGhBorhood reCiPe



    3/4 taza de azcar 1 1 /2 libras de calabaza (peladas ycortadas en trozos de 1 pulgada) Agua para hervir la calabaza 4 huevos 1 lata de 12 onzas de leche evaporada 1 lata de 14 onzas de lechecondensada 1 cucharada de extracto de vainilla 1 cucharadita de canela (molida)


    1- Calentar el horno a 350 Fahrenheit.2- Derrer el azcar poco a poco y concuidado en una cacerola a fuego medio.No apure el procedimiento. Queremosque la azcar se caramelice, no que sequeme.

    3- Una vez que el azcar se hayaderredo completamente, se vierte enun molde de an o molde para pastelde cristal de 8 pulgadas. Ponga a unlado.

    4- Coloque la calabaza picada enuna cacerola con suciente agua.Pngala a hervir y mantenga hirviendo

    hasta que la calabaza est erna,aproximadamente 20 minutos.

    5- Escurrir la calabaza en un colador.Despus mjela con un majadorde papas, o la puede moler en unalicuadora o procesador de alimentos.

    6- En un envase de mezclar, bata loshuevos, calabaza y los ingredientesrestantes. Mezcle bien.

    7- Vierta la mezcla en el molde yapreparado. No se preocupe si la azcarse ha endurecido. La azcar se derrercuando el an est cocido

    8- Ponga el envase de cristal en otro

    envase de hornear ms grande y luegollene el molde ms grande con aguahirviendo hasta que el agua alcanza ala mitad del molde.

    9- Ponga en la parrilla del centro delhorno y hornee por una hora. El centrode an debe estar rme.

    10- Dejar enfriar a temperaturaambiente. Luego lo puede voltear alrevs en un plato de servir, decorar yservir.

    Buen Provecho!


    3/4 cup sugar 1 1/2 pounds pumpkin (peeled andcut into 1 inch chunks) Water for boiling the pumpkin 4 eggs 1 12-ounce can evaporated milk 1 14-ounce can sweetenedcondensed milk 1 tablespoon vanilla extract 1 teaspoon cinnamon (ground)


    1- Preheat oven to 350 Fahrenheit.

    2- Melt the sugar slowly and carefullyin a heavy saucepan over mediumheat. Dont rush it. You want the sugarto caramelize, not burn.

    3- Once the sugar has completelymelted, pour into a an mold or 8 inchglass pie plate. Set aside.

    4- Place the cut up pumpkin in a potwith enough water to cover. Bring

    to a boil and connue to boil unlthe pumpkin is fork tender, about 20minutes.

    5- Drain the pumpkin in a colander.Then mash with a potato masher; orpuree in a blender or food processor.

    6- In a mixing bowl, beat togetherthe eggs, calabaza and the remainingingredients. Mix well.

    7- Pour the mix into the prepared glassmold. Dont worry if the sugar is hard.It will melt when the an is cooked.

    8- Place the glass dish inside a largerbaking pan and ll the larger pan with

    boiling water unl the water reacheshalfway on the outside of the mold.

    9- Place on the center rack in the ovenand bake for 1 hour. The center shouldbe set rm.10- Allow to cool to room temperature.Flip upside down onto serving plaer,garnish and serve.

    Buen Provecho!



    COMEDY SHOWPhotos provided by The Puerto Rican Fesval Commiee

    Saturday November 2nd, 2013Stardust Ballroom, 41 Backus Street Rochester, NY

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    10 15 NOVIEMBRE -15 DICIEMBRE, 2013-

    COvEr STOrY

    Por Diana Casais(foto de la portada: Diana Casais yRicardo Arnaiz)

    Rochester LA VOZ tuvo la oportunidadde entrevistar a Ricardo Arnaiz, un

    director de cine mexicano que estpor dar a conocer en el 2014, ELAMERICANO, una pelcula realizadacon un equipo de trabajo en el queparcipan Mxico y Los Estados Unidos.

    Arnaiz - Antes que nada quiero decirque estoy muy contento de estaren Rochester y es una sorpresa muybonita conocer toda esta gente lanatratando de comunicar lo que somosa todos los nios de diferentes racesculturales. Es innegable que somosms que hermanos en Los EstadosUnidos, hemos demostrado quevenimos aqu no solo a cumplir nuestrosueo, sino tambin para ayudar aotros a hacerlo. Ahora yo me siento

    muy afortunado porque he tenido laoportunidad no solo de demostrar loque es Mxico a travs del cine sinotambin de parcipar, dar trabajo yoportunidad para que conozcan msde nosotros en los Estados Unidos.Me encanta esta experiencia, puesnos hemos encontrado con gente muybonita dando a conocer nuestra nuevapelcula.

    Daa- El tulo de tu pelcula nos dicemucho Ricardo, Por qu el nombre ELAMERICANO?

    Arnaiz - Siempre me llam mucho laatencin el termino Americano, porquelos mexicanos decimos que la gente

    de Estados Unidos son Americanosy realmente los Americanos somostodos. Somos todo el connente y fueun concepto que me gust muchsimo.

    Daa Eso es!

    Arnaiz- En algn momento un mexicanollega a decir: Por qu ellos dicen queson Americanos si yo tambin lo soy?Incluso hay una parte en la pelcula enque aparece esa discusin sobre Yosoy mexicano, pero soy americano yme gust mucho el concepto, porqueal hacer una pelcula con este tulo,muestra una alianza entre dos pasesde alguna manera unidos con esteconcepto.

    El AMERICANO, es una pelcula que nosolamente habla de los Estados Unidossino tambin habla de toda LanoAmrica.

    Daa- Tus personajes centrales dedonde son?

    Arnaiz - Empiezan en Mxico, elpersonaje principal es CUCO, un pericomexicano con el alma de un nio yl admira a un sper hroe lano deHollywood, a quien decide ir a buscarcuando el circo donde sus padrestrabajan se encuentra en problemas.l viva en Cholula, una ciudad pequeade Puebla, un lugar con gran coloridoy arquitectura colonial. Me gust estaciudad porque es una forma de resaltarla idendad de Mxico.

    Daa Y decide entonces viajar?

    Arnaiz Si encuentra un mapa, queen realidad en un mantel, que eneuna ruta para el norte y los pjarosnormalmente emigran al norte.Entonces me pareci muy interesanteesa comparacin, esa metfora y lva hacia el norte, cruza la frontera ycuando cruza la frontera.. Estuvimoscerca de seis meses discuendo elguin de como queramos mostrar esefenmeno.

    Daa Porque es una parte muydelicada.

    Arnaiz Queramos que como sonpjaros, lo primero que nos vino a lacabeza fue, va a haber polleros No?

    Como eran aves pues tena muchalgica Sin embargo decidimos, comoen todas nuestras pelculas, tenervalores. Y si bamos a hablar de Mxicotambin queramos hablar bien de losEstados Unidos, no queramos decirque los mexicanos tenamos que ira los Estados Unidos y que bamosa salvar el pas, ni tampoco que hayque discriminar. Queramos hacerlas cosas de la mejor manera as queseis meses estuvimos hablando entremexicanos y norteamericanos, estebueno estadounidenses. La idea esque no queramos tampoco decirque se pasan sin papeles, porque lasautoridades y las leyes son como son.As que para ser muy respetuosos

    decidimos hacerlo de esta manera:Ellos llegan a la frontera, les hacenpreguntas, los pjaros mexicanos nosaban exactamente qu hacer y alnal les hacen unas preguntas Cuconuestro personaje principal contestacon mucha honesdad y les dicen..Pasen. Entonces se acerca un ratna preguntarle al ocial Por qu losdej pasar? A lo que l responde Sisabes que son pjaros? Ellos pudieronhaber volado y para qu pasan porac? Ni los hubiramos visto!... Peroellos decidieron pasar por aqu y hacerlo que deben hacer y eso se llamahonesdad as que son bienvenidos alos Estados Unidos de Amrica.

    Daa- Muy bien!

    Arnaiz As fue que nos tom seismeses encontrar un forma de resaltarcomo en los Estados Unidos cuandoactuamos con honesdad, como esnuestro caso, nos reciben con losbrazos abiertos.

    Daa Qu mensaje les daras t alas generaciones hispanas que radicanen los Estados Unidos y se encuentranen busca de su idendad?

    Arnaiz Que lo importante de todoes: Creer en uno mismo, no importasi ests o no en tu pas. Es el mensajeprincipal y creo que ene muchatrascendencia. La idea es que noimporta de dnde eres sino lo que teres y lo que ests haciendo, si eststrabajando y eres honesto. Mientrashagas eso puedes ser bienvenidoen cualquier pas, no hay fronteras

    realmente, son conceptos que ideamosnosotros mismos. Cuando respetamosy demostramos que traemos cosasbuenas, las fronteras desaparecen.

    Daa Ricardo sabemos que trabajascon un equipo mulcultural de gentesmuy profesionales, pero culesconsideras que son los smbolos quecaracterizan tu trabajo como ArstaCreavo?

    Arnaiz Pues me gusta resaltar loscolores, la arquitectura de Mxico, porejemplo las guras de los personajesde EL AMERICANO estn hechas contexturas y colores parecidos a las obrasartesanales mexicanas.

    Daa Nos podras decir cul fue elsueo inicial que te impuls a empezarcon tus creaciones como cineasta?

    Arnaiz Cuando era muy pequeo megustaba dibujar y soaba con hacercine, posteriormente hice mi primerapelcula LA HIJA DE LA NAHUALA.Cada pelcula ha sido el inicio de unnuevo sueo, pero lo importante detodo, es que al concretar un sueo,tenemos que seguir otro nuevo conmetas ms altas. EL AMERICANO param representa la posibilidad de podertrabajar con Hollywood y aunqueestamos por llegar al estreno, s muybien que estos son los primeros pasos.

    Daa Es parte del camino.

    Arnaiz Si, es parte del camino, quecada vez nos muestra metas quepodran parecer inalcanzables.

    Una Entrevista con el Cineasta Ricardo Arnaiz

    By Diana Casais(cover photo: Diana Cassais andRicardo Arnaiz)

    La Voz Rochester had the opportunityto interview Ricardo Arnaiz a Mexicanlm director. Arnaiz came to Rochesterrecently to raise awareness of hisupcoming animated lm, El Americano,a lm he is direcng with a teaminvolving Mexico and the United States.

    Arnaiz-- First of all I want to say I am

    very happy to be in Rochester andit is a very nice surprise to meetso many people communicang amessage of oneness even though weare all children of dierent culturalbackgrounds. It is undeniable that weare more than brothers in the UnitedStates. We come here not only to fulllour dream, but also to help others todo the same. Now I feel very fortunatethat Ive had the opportunity not onlyto demonstrate the Mexican tradionsthrough lm but also to parcipate

    in providing jobs and opportunity formany in the United States. Its been agreat experience as Ive made manynew friends as Ive traveled publicizingour new movie.

    Daa- The tle of your lm says a lot;why the name El Americano?

    Arnaiz The term has always caughtmy aenon. Mexicans say that theAmerican people are Americans butwe are all Americans really; were just

    across the connent. I liked the term.

    Daa Thats it?

    Arnaiz As Mexicans we someme say:Why do they say they are American ifI am too? Theres even a part in thelm where the discussion come up ImMexican, but Im American and I likedthe concept because to make a moviewith this tle and to show an alliancebetween the two countries somehowlinks with the idea of the movie.

    An Interview With Film-maker Ricardo Arnaiz

    Contd on next page

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    12 15NOVIEMBRE -15 DICIEMBRE, 2013-

    12 15 NOVIEMBRE -15 DICIEMBRE, 2013-


    Here are two important safety tips foryou to remember:1. Protect yourself from a silent killer. Carbon monoxide is a

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    If you are an RG&E natural gas customer and need to report

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    problem, call us at 1.800.743.1702.

    He aqu dos consejos de seguridadimportantes para que usted recuerde:1. Protjase de un asesino silencioso. El monxido de carbono es un gas

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    Every year, more than 100,000 childrenin foster care are available for adopon.Many spend more than ve yearswaing for permanent, loving homes,according to the U.S. Department ofHealth and Human Services.

    To raise awareness and help thesechildren nd permanent adopvehomes, each November theChildrens Bureau, in partnershipwith AdoptUSKids and Child Welfare

    Informaon Gateway, sponsorsNaonal Adopon Month. Theiniave, which has been held yearlysince 1995, also serves to celebrateadopon and recognize families withadopted children.

    The month-long celebraon alsoincludes Naonal Adopon Day, whencourthouses naonwide parcipate innalizing hundreds and hundreds ofadopons simultaneously. This year

    it is being held on November 23rd. In2012, more than 4,500 children wereadopted during the Naonal AdoponDay celebraon in almost 400 ciesacross the United States.

    Prospecve adopve parents canlearn more from such organizaonsas the Childrens Bureau ( and theNaonal Adopon Day Coalion(, which has

    helped nearly 44,500 children movefrom foster care to permanent families.

    All across the country, local state andcounty departments of child and familyservices are hard at work seeking

    people who are considering starngor expanding their families throughpermanent adopon.

    Source: State Point Media

    November is National Adoption Month


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    1 Troy actor, Brad5 Idea of oneself8 Not up12 Light beige13 Hasty escape14 Humdinger15 Base for sauces16 Back again17 Reverse18 Prepare to be knighted20 Canned meat22 Watery lm24 Adherent of an Indian religion27 80 year old31 Fraternity leer32 Daybook33 Pen part35 Tender40 As a result of (2 words)

    41 Street abbr.42 Unpleasant guy44 Birch family tree48 Toward dawn51 U.N. arm, for short53 Fountain order54 Dog pest55 Not a thing56 Bookies quote57 Greenish blue58 Word on a quarter59 Wyle of ER


    1 Benet2 Desktop symbol3 Real4 Promgoers rental5 Imp6 Needleshes7 The eang of raw food8 College graduates9 Hair style10 Vulcans mind m___ in StarTrek11 Two singers19 Part of a relay race21 Balloon ller23 Very cordial25 ____ Point, California26 Troop group27 Connecve word28 Neighbor of Libya

    29 Vegetarian staple30 ___ so fast!34 To stay the same36 Merry37 Old verb ending38 Ferlity clinic stock39 English admiral in history43 Assortment45 Unfashionably dressed person46 Icelandic poem collecon47 Precipitate48 Bank method of funds transfer,for short49 Pub pint50 Large quanty52 Long used

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    15 NOVIEMBRE -15 DICIEMBRE, 2013- 15

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    ww w. su p p g j os .c om

    Tips for Protection from Identity Theft and Financial Vulnerability

    FiNaNCes & me LAS FINANZAS &YO

    The editorials wrien in this newspaper is the opinion of the writer and does not reect the views of La Voz newspaper, Minority Reporter Media Group or its publisher.

    All of us are exposed to the possibilityof identy the in one form or another.And, despite the fact that technologymakes life easier, it also makes us morevulnerable to becoming vicms of thiscrime.

    Identy the can manifest itselfin many ways, not only throughcyberspace, but also possibly throughthe stranger sing next to you.

    So, we have to constantly protect allof our personal informaon, such asour names, social security numbers,addresses, phone numbers, documentswith signatures and important datesand more. In the same way, to protectour credit history, we should becareful with account numbers, bankinginformaon, insurance, investmentsand benets such as social security ordisability.

    If you are a person that is doing yourbanking electronically, do not usepasswords that are easy to decipherlike wedding dates, anniversaries,

    birthdays, names or nicknames. Createa strong password with symbols,numbers and leers, and use a dierentone for each account or via electronicaccess.

    In addion, when you access youronline bank accounts in order to maketransacons, check that it is safe, andbe sure to close your session properlyat the end. Also, constantly monitoryour transacon history, either viaelectronic bank statements or onpaper, and aer you review them makesure they are destroyed. If you noceany irregularies, nofy your nancialinstuon immediately to proceedwith research protocol.

    In addion, pay aenon to the oponsoered by your instuon that willhelp in monitoring your account. Forexample, you may have the opon toreceive nocaon messages to yourphone or email for every transacon,or for account management. Otherimportant informaon includes thefollowing: do not write your passwords

    down on paper or store them in yourwallet; be careful with the personalinformaon you provide by telephone;do not sign cards on the back anddestroy your receipts aer successfullycompleng purchases, or aercompleng the terms of a warranty;whichever case is applicable.

    In addion, do not throw away anydocuments that have your personalinformaon without destroyingthem rst. If you have the capability,digize important documents thatrequire your signature. Moreover, forpeople who shop and use tradionaltransacons, be careful when lling inbank deposit slips, and do not exposeyour account numbers or the amountto be deposited.

    Never verbally provide your accountnumber, social security number orbalances; always provide wrieninformaon to the bank ocer. Ifyou are in or at an Automac TellerMachine (ATM) area be careful, andprotect your password.

    If you lose your debit or credit card,nofy your bank for cancellaon to

    prevent abuse. Another way to beaware of identy the is through theannual review of your credit history.There are now lending houses thatoer free services, or at least servicesat a reasonable cost, for this type ofmonitoring and alert service. If youhave access to this type of service, Ihighly recommend it.

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    16 15 NOVIEMBRE -15 DICIEMBRE, 2013-


    cafecito literarioy Un rbol Crece en Brooklyn de Betty Smith


    Analizar una obrade Bey Smithun siglo despusde ser escrita,por un grupode inmigrantes,que residen en elestado de NuevaYork, fue unaexperiencia muy

    e n r i q u e c e d o r a .As fue como la

    novela Un rbol Crece en Brooklynse convir en una vivencia en la quepudimos comparar la visin inmigranteen dos diferentes pocas, encontrandoas las siguientes observaciones:

    Desde principios del siglo XX elacceso a la educacin ha sido percibidocomo vehculo para mejorar la calidadde vida de las futuras generaciones.As fue como la familia de FrancieNolan, personaje central de estanovela, fue inspirada por los consejosde una abuela inmigrante, en cuantoa la importancia de leer diariamente a

    Shakespeare y la Biblia. La educacinpara las familias siempre ha sido unode los temas de mayor importancia,sin embargo tanto en Un rbol creceen Brooklyn como en la vida actual detodo inmigrante nos encontramos conlas mismas inquietudes en cuanto alalto costo de la educacin universitaria.

    En el Cafecito Literario secompareron experiencias de muchospadres de familia, que para dar a sushijos una educacin universitariase han visto forzados a inverr losahorros desnados a la vejez, como el401K (fondo de rero) o incluso hanllegado a vender sus casas para cubrirlos estudios universitarios de los hijos;que en algunos casos se han reusado aterminar sus estudios por contemplarotras prioridades de vida como elcasarse o por embarazos inesperados.

    Un rbol Crece en Brooklyn,nos describe todo un peregrinar deprivaciones econmicas que se vanamainando conforme Francie Nolan va

    adquiriendo una mejor preparacin.Sin embargo, con tristeza, vemos queen aquella como en esta poca, lograruna educacin universitaria representaun privilegio nicamente para las clasessociales ms favorecidas.

    Esta obra maestra nos hizocontemplar las problemcas socialesa las que se enfrenta una sociedadamericana de carcter tan cosmopolitacomo Brooklyn, donde la asimilacincultural es un elemento acvo ymodicador constante del lenguaje y lacultura de muchos grupos sociales queson fusionados como Americanos,pero tambin son clasicados comohispanos, judos, alemanes, irlandeses,etc. Sin embargo estas clasicacionesancestrales son dadoras de idendadesde dudosa credibilidad, que aun enla actualidad siguen siendo tema deinterminables discusiones.

    Denivamente los personajesde Bey Smith se encuentran en la vidacodiana de la realidad inmigrante en

    los EstadosU n i d o s .M u c h o sm i e m b r o sdel CafecitoL i t e r a r i or e p o r t a r o ns e n t i r s eidentif icadoscon diferentesp e r s o n a j e s ,como FrancieNolan, la aSisi, Kae,Johnny, etc.

    Esta novela aborda tambintemas que siguen siendo problemas deactualidad a nivel familiar y social en losEstados Unidos como: la presencia delalcoholismo en la familia, la rivalidadfemenina entre madres e hijas o enel rea laboral y la marginacin degrupos inmigrantes debido a la falta deldominio del idioma ingls.

    Translaon by Steven Farrington

    Analyzing a work by Bey Smith acentury aer its being wrien bya group of immigrants residing inNew York State was a very enrichingexperience. So it was that the novelA Tree Grows in Brooklyn becamelike an experience in me in whichwe were able to compare the visionof immigrants in two dierent meperiods, thus nding the followingobservaons:

    Since the beginning of the 20thCentury, access to educaon has beenperceived as a vehicle for improvingthe life of future generaons, so itwas that the family of Francie Nolan,the main character of this novel, isinspired by the advice of an immigrantgrandmother, regarding the importanceof a daily reading of Shakespeare and

    the Bible. The importance of educaonfor families has always been one of thethemes of major gravity. Nevertheless,both in A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, as intodays life of any immigrant, we ndourselves with the same worries aboutthe high cost of university educaon.

    In the Cafecito Literarario (theLiterary Caf) we shared experiencesof many parents, who, in order to givetheir children a college educaon, haveseen themselves forced to invest theirsavings desned for their old age, like intheir 401K (rerement fund) or theyveeven had to sell their houses in orderto cover the studies of their studentswho in some cases have refused tonish their studies in order to considerother life priories like geng marriedor unexpected pregnancies.

    A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

    describes to us an enre pilgrimageof economic privaons that we seedecreasing as Francie Nolan keepsacquiring a beer preparaon.Nevertheless, we see with sadness thatin that me, as well as this, geng acollege educaon represents a privilegemade only for the more favored socialclasses.

    This masterpiece made usthink about the social problems whicha North American society with acharacter as cosmopolitan as Brooklynconfronts. It is one where culturalassimilaon is an acve element thatconstantly modies the language andculture of many social groups thatare fused as Americans but are alsoclassied as Hispanics, Jews, Germans,Irish, etc. Nevertheless, these ancestralclassicaons are given as idenes ofdoubul credibility that even today are

    sll a topic of interminable discussions.

    Denitely, the characters ofBey Smith, even today, can be found indaily life of the immigrant reality in theUnited States. Many members of theLiterary Caf reported feeling like theyidened with dierent characters, likeFrancie Nolan, Aunt Sisi, Kae, Johnny,etc.

    This novel also covers themesthat sll are problems currently onthe family and social level in theUnited States such as: the presenceof alcoholism in the family, femininerivalry between mothers and daughtersin the area of work and marginalizaonof immigrant groups due to the lack ofbeing able to speak English well.

    Literary Cafe and A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith


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    18 15NOVIEMBRE -15 DICIEMBRE, 2013-

    18 15 NOVIEMBRE -15 DICIEMBRE, 2013-

    Las nuevas opciones de MyDMV danmayor servicio al cliente y reducen lasvisitas a la ocina de DMV

    El gobernador, Andrew M. Cuomo,anunci el 4 de noviembre,que elDepartamento de Vehculos y Motores(DMV, por sus siglas en ingls), haexpandido los servicios ciberncosde manera que los motoristas deNueva York puedan rpida y fcilmentetener acceso al archivo de su licenciade conductor y puedan renovar oremplazar una licencia de conductor,permiso o tarjeta de idencacin deno conductor, todo desde el sio webde DMV.

    En vez de esperar en lnea en la ocinade DMV, los neoyorquinos ahorapodrn renovar o remplazar su licenciade conductor, vericar el nmerode infracciones marcadas en formade puntos en contra de la licencia ymuchas cosas ms, todo con el clic deun botn, manifest el gobernador

    Cuomo.La expansin de los serviciosciberncos del departamento deDMV forma parte de los esfuerzos quemi gobierno lleva a cabo con movo dehacer que el gobierno estatal de NuevaYork sea ms accesible y de uso fcil.Insto a los neoyorquinos a que trancensu prxima transaccin de DMV enlnea.

    Adems de los servicios indicadosanteriormente, los usuarios puedentambin vericar la direccinregistrada; restricciones o comentariosadicionales adjuntos a la licencia; elnmero de infracciones en la formade puntos registradas en contra

    de la licencia; e informacin sobresuspensiones o revocaciones y lospasos a seguir para rerarlas. Losservicios estn disponibles a todapersona que abra una cuenta gras enel sio web MyDMV y es parte de lainiciava de servicio al cliente que llevaa cabo esta agencia.

    El comisionado del Departamento deVehculos y Motores, Barbara J. Fiala,coment lo siguiente, El lema de lainiciava de servicio al cliente es quelas transacciones sean ms rpidas,fciles y convenientes. El nuevoservicio cibernco es una ventaja nosolamente para los usuarios en lnea,sino que tambin para los que tenganque ir personalmente a una ocina deDMV, dado que el empo de esperatambin se ver reducido.

    Los clientes que ulicen los serviciosen el sio web MyDMV para obtenerinformacin sobre la licenciade conductor y dems transacciones,

    tambin podrn registrarse para recibircorreos electrnicos de renovacin yrecordatorios de inspeccin; compraruna copia del expediente de conductor;registrarse para votar y registrarsecomo donante de rganos y otras 35transacciones ms disponibles en esemismo sio.Toda persona portadora de una licencia

    puede abrir una cuenta gras en elsio web de DMV, MyDMV en: ( El proceso de inscripcin

    es fcil. Todo lo que ene que haceres suministrar los datos impresos enla licencia y los lmos cuatro dgitosdel Seguro Social. Adems se le pedirregistrar un nombre de usuario ycontrasea asociados a la cuentalos cuales necesitar para futurastransacciones en ese sio web.


    New MyDMV Opons IncreaseCustomer Service and Help LessenVisits to DMV Oces

    Governor Andrew M. Cuomoannounced on November 4th that theNew York State Department of MotorVehicles (DMV) has expanded its onlineservices, making it easier for New Yorkmotorists to quickly and easily view the

    current status of their driver licenseand renew or replace a driver license,permit or non-driver ID online throughthe DMV website.

    Instead of waing on line at the DMV,New Yorkers will now be able renew orreplace their driver licenses, check thenumber of points on their license, andmuch more with the click of a buon,

    Governor Cuomo said. This expansionof the DMVs online services is part ofmy administraons eorts to make allof State government more accessibleand convenient for New Yorkers. Iencourage all New Yorkers to considergoing online for their next interaconwith the DMV.

    In addion to the services listed abovecustomers are also able to check theaddress they have on le, any drivingendorsements or restricons, thenumber of points on their license,and informaon about suspensionsor revocaons and the steps they cantake to clear them. The new service isavailable to those who establish a freeMyDMV account on the DMV websiteand is part of the agencys CustomerService Iniave.

    Commissioner of Motor VehiclesBarbara J. Fiala said, The goal of ourCustomer Service Iniave is to makeour enre operaon fast, easy andconvenient. This new online service is awin not only for the customers who goonline but also for those who need tovisit an oce since wait mes at DMV

    oces will also be decreased.

    While accessing driver licenseinformaon and transacons, MyDMVonline customers can also sign up toreceive email registraon renewaland inspecon reminders, purchasea copy of their driver record, registerto vote and enroll as an organ donor,along with more than 35 addionaltransacons that can be completed onthe DMV website.

    Customers with a driver license cansign up for their free MyDMV accountat the DMV website ( up is easy and requires thecustomer to provide informaon thatis printed on their license documentand the last four digits of their SocialSecurity number. Customers alsoselect a username and passwordwhen establishing an account thatwill allow them to conduct addionaltransacons in the future.

    Governor Cuomo Announces Expansion of Online DMV Services toInclude Viewing License Status and Ordering Document Renewals and



  • 8/13/2019 La Voz November 15 - December 15, 2013


    15 NOVIEMBRE -15 DICIEMBRE, 2013- 19

    15 NOVIEMBRE -15 DICIEMBRE, 2013- ww 19


    Dishonoring Craig Heard


    The editorials wrien in this newspaper is the opinion of the writer and does not reect the views of La Voz newspaper, Minority Reporter Media Group or its publisher.

    In 2003, Iproduced ashort lm tledR.P.D.: Badges

    of DISHONOR,C O R R U P T I O Nand MURDER!in which I gaveCraig Heardsmother, TammyW e s t b r o o k ,

    an opportunityto express her

    feelings over the tragic loss of her son.

    Heard, a student at Charloe MiddleSchool was shot and killed by Rochesterpolice ocers Serge Savitche andHector Padgham on June 10, 2002,

    His crime? Reportedly hanging out withthe wrong crowd.

    On that summer morning, Craig endedup behind the wheel of that stolen car.

    Rochester police ocers purportedlyspoed Craig several mes, but didntpull him over.

    In the end, reports said the Rochesterpolice ocers stalked Heard, followinghim as he turned onto Girton Place, asmall dead-end street o Park Ave.,where they cornered him.

    They cornered an unarmed, scared,young black kid who had made somemistakes, in my opinion. Mainly,

    not picking and choosing his friendscarefully.

    Minutes later, the Rochester police

    ocers shot Heard twice in the head,killing him instantly.

    The ocers claimed that Heard drovethe car toward them, and they didnthave me to move out of the way.

    As I interviewed Heards mom, shecried as she talked about her son, whileholding his sweatshirt.

    She talked about what a great kid hewas.

    She talked about how he would makehis lile brother breakfast, and how hislile brother had no idea that he wouldnever see his big brother again.

    As a lmmaker exposing incidents inwhich innocent people have been killedby police, my goal has been to give thefamilies some closure by giving thema plaorm on which to express theirpain. Thats something mainstreamnews media, with their sensaonalism,and the way they cut and edit stories,doesnt do.

    I did that for Craig Heards mom.

    I gave her that.

    And, when some in the community,including Lonsberry, blamed her for her

    sons death, and called her a bad mom,I went to bat for her.

    I defended her.

    Which is why I was very sad to see, 11years aer his death, Craig Heard slldoesnt have a gravestone at his gravein Rochesters Mount Hope Cemetery.He doesnt have a gravestone, despitethe fact that the city of Rochester paidCraig Heards mom $350,000 to selea wrongful death lawsuit she ledagainst the city and the RPD.

    Tammy Westbrook couldnt spend afew hundred dollars to get her son agravestone?

    In fact, if it werent for a small,weathered, faded, plasc marker thatfuneral homes use to temporarily

    mark a grave aer a burial, which hassomehow lasted 11 years; no onewould even know that Craig Heardsgrave is there.

    In my opinion, he deserved beer.

    He deserved beer friends.

    Not a bunch of individuals he thoughtwere his friends, who probablynegavely inuenced him into drivingthat stolen car; and, as a result, startedthe chain of events which led to hisdeath.

    I think he deserved beer.

    Craig Heard deserved beer than tobe called an animal and a wolf byBob Lonsberry, who mocked his tragic

    death in an arcle by wring Bang,bang. Dead as Hell .

    He deserved beer than to be shot inthe head by trigger-happy Rochestercops.

    He deserved beer than to be shot bycops who were then cleared, and nevercharged with killing a scared, unarmedyoung man.

    And Craig Heard deserved to have agravestone marking his nal resngplace.

    Especially since his mother collected$350,000 for his death.

    ----------------------Davy V. is Cuban-American acvist,writer, blogger and award-winninglmmaker. Known for his blunt andraw style, most of his work centeringaround exposing police misconduct,corrupon, and other injusces. Healso has a passion for interviewingand wring about interesng people,and covering topics, issues, and eventswhich mainstream media oen ignores.Davy Vs work can be seen in a numberof online and print vehicles includinghis YouTube channel and the popularwebsite

    M u yoportunamente,en el da ocialde los muertos,la DirectoraE j e c u t i v adel CondadoMaggie Brookspuso el lmoclavo en lasaspiraciones y enel arduo esfuerzodel comit

    republicano dela ciudad y los

    buenos ciudadanos de Rochester, NYque se hacen llamar republicanos estemes cuando ella apoy a Lovely Warren

    para alcaldesa.

    Sin duda que el fallecido, amado ypoderoso director republicano delcondado, Steve Minarik, se revolvi ensu tumba, cuando la gura republicanade ms alto puesto local electo dion a cualquier compromiso previstoo representacin de los eles de supardo que viven en la ciudad alrespaldar pblicamente a la candidataa alcaldesa demcrata Lovely Warren,con su anguo nmesis demcrata BillJohnson a su lado.

    S que la Sra. Brooks arm que ellaestaba all como una gura pblica, peroella no puede separarse del pardo

    que representa y de las personas quehan apoyado y han dado sus votos a sufavor, por esa razn. Tambin es casiinconcebible pensar que el presidentedel pardo republicano del Condadode Monroe no diera su aprobacinantes que el endorso fuera hecho.

    Como si el de que no hubierancandidatos a alcalde ni a los cincoasientos del Ayuntamiento que fuerona la reeleccin, en la tercera ciudad msgrande en el estado, fuese desolador, lainsignicancia de los republicanos de laciudad y cmo ellos son vistos por los

    lderes a nivel del condado no podaser ms claro.

    Siempre he respetado a Maggie Brooksy no tengo idea de cules eran susverdaderas intenciones cuando lohizo pero lo que est claro es quelos republicanos de la ciudad han sidomenospreciados, y el que cedierantodos los asientos de la ciudad y luegoofrecer este apoyo sin precedentes,asegur un solo pardo en el gobiernoen la ciudad de Rochester por otrageneracin. Que manera de reunir alas las. Que comience la ceremoniafnebre!

    Da de los Muertos: Puede el Partido Republicano Resurgir?


    Very ngly, on the ocial Day of theDead, County Execuve Maggie Brooksput the nal nail in the aspiraonsand hard work of the City RepublicanCommiee and the good cizens ofRochester, NY who call themselvesRepublicans earlier this month whenshe endorsed Lovely Warren for Mayor.

    With deceased and beloved formerpowerhouse Republican County Chair

    Steve Minarik no doubt turning inhis grave, the highest ranking local

    elected Republican ocial put torest any expected commitment to, orrepresentaon of, her partys faithfulwho live in the city by publiclyendorsing Democrat mayoral candidateLovely Warren, with former Democratnemesis Bill Johnson at her side.

    I know Ms. Brooks claimed she wasthere as a public cizen, but she cannotseparate herself from the party she

    represents and the people who havesupported her, and have cast their

    ballots on her behalf, because of it.Its also almost inconceivable to thinkthat the Monroe County RepublicanChairman didnt give his approvalbefore the endorsement was made.

    As if not running candidates for mayorand the ve city council seats that wereup for re-elecon in the third largestcity in the state wasnt bleak enough,the insignicance of city Republicans

    and how they are viewed by leadersat the county level couldnt be clearer.

    I have always respected MaggieBrooks, and have no idea what her trueintenons were when she did that butwhat is clear is that city Republicans aretaken for granted, and that concedingof all city seats and then providing thisunprecedented endorsement, ensuredone party rule in the City of Rochesterfor another generaon. Way to rally thetroops. Let the memorial service begin

    Day of the Dead: Can the Republican Party Rebound?

  • 8/13/2019 La Voz November 15 - December 15, 2013


    20 15NOVIEMBRE -15 DICIEMBRE, 2013-

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