LAMP - August - October 2015



THE LAMP NEWSLETTER - August - October 2015

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2015 August - October Volume 8 / Number 5

THE LAMP NEWSLETTER“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” (Psalm 119:105 KJV).

MRS. WANDA J. BURNSIDE, Founder and PublisherMINISTER SANDRA HICKMAN, International Ministry Leader: Australia


MINISTER MARY EDWARDS, EditorMISS SHANNON CROWLEY, Typesetter and Graphic Designer

MAMA! Save Your Son! Part 2: God has a Supernatural Plan for Your Son

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We will NEVER FORGET!911

September 11, 2001 – September 11, 201514th Anniversary

Dear Lord, We need YOU!

Dear Readers,

I have heard from so many readers concerning the theme of my recent newsletter, Mama! Save Your Son! When I began getting feedback and comments due to this theme, my heart broke. I have heard from mothers of every race, age, economical level, and religious belief. These dear mothers have expressed their deep concerns and heartfelt stories about their own sons. Oh, how I hold each mother in my prayers.

I have also heard from a dad. Yes, just from one man. However, I am thankful because he took the time to write

to me and shared his concerns. He is a leading businessman in our community. He is a committed and loving father of two sons. His comments were touching and so right about many things.

WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?Every day the news and media swamps us with bad reports of violence in our neighborhoods, cities,

schools, and just about everywhere. We see young men gunned down and splatter in their own blood. Some are in gangs committing horrible acts of crime, There are those who are innocent yet, they get blown away – KILLED - in the crossfire or just because…no real reason.

There is an evil plot to destroy our young men…and our little boys, too. There is every kind of destruction present among us aimed at getting rid of our sons, grandsons, and the young men among us. What and who do we blame it all on? The Lord knows that the finger pointing and blame has widely been spread around.

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BLAMED: Schools are not relevant to what is really needed for our boys and young men. BLAMED: The church is caught up into raising money

and building a bigger church. They are not investing in what is really needed for our boys. BLAMED: None of the government programs work because we don’t get enough funds to make it work. BLAMED: Families are broken and can’t be fixed until their deadbeat dads are fixed.

BLAMED: There are too many single mothers who are unable to control and raise their sons in the home. BLAMED: The police and law enforcement agencies can’t

work with these rebellious, hotheaded, hostile, and troubled boys. They are damaged goods! The BLAMED game goes on endlessly.

Is it hopeless to change the circumstances concerning the boys and young men in our society today? Can we get a grip on what is happening to our boys and young men? If so, what can we do?

IT’S BEYOND ME! Out of frustration and feeling inadequate to do anything for young boys who are

greatly influenced by their friends, by what is being offered on television and every other media attraction and vast distractions, we throw our hands up! Now, that is a good thing. We shouldn’t do this in defeat or for giving up, but to surrender to God! So many of us have not completely allowed God to get involved in the lives of our

sons. I said it and mean it.

I get upset when I listen to mothers who say that they can’t do anything with their son or sons because he needs a man or dad in his life. I have seen families where the father is living right under their noses and he is not a real part of the family…he is working overtime and absorbed in getting the job done. He works and comes home to rest to go back to work. It is a cycle where he never knows what is going on. So, what about that?

Then we have women who are bitter because the boy’s dad is totally negligent concerning what he should be committed to do. We have women or mothers who have separated and divorced from “that man” for various reasons and that is the end of that! They have said every evil thing against the boy’s dad and accused him of everything. Mama might be justified for

everything that she feels and says about him, but Mama’s angry words have destroyed or ruined the relationship that their sons need from their dads.

Well, yes there are two sides to everything and I know that many of you are tense right now and feel strongly justified in hating the day that you had anything to do with that man who came into your life and you had his baby boy. You never thought things would end up like it has and you have turned your back on “that man!”

Okay. And there still remains that son of yours all tangled up in trouble and confused about a whole lot of things. So, what do you do?

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STEP OUT and SEEK GODIn the Bible story about Moses, his mother was married. She had a husband, but the Bible did not state

his name. His name was not significant, because the story was about how Moses’ mother dealt with her son. That was major to our Lord.

We find that Moses’ mother looked upon him as being very good-looking, handsome. She saw something very special in her son. So, she was determined to protect him from the evil threats and killings of Pharaoh against the first born sons of the Hebrews.

Moses’ mother hid him for three months somewhere in their home. She kicked into SuperMama! She hid him as long as she could to make sure that nothing would happen to him. She did not want him killed.

Then, when she could no longer keep him hid safely in their house, she put her other plan in order. I know that she had been thinking about what to do all of the time. She didn’t wait until it was too late. She jumped right into action when it was time to do plan B which was to make an ark for Moses to float down the Nile River.

What a choice she had decided to do! She worked on the ark herself. She made sure that it would be strong enough to hold Moses. She did all she could so that the ark would float and not sink! She had a lot of nerve to do a truly daring thing like that. I can’t even imagine how she could do that.

I wonder if she discussed this plan with her husband? Was there an argument going on up in their household about what she planned to do? What did Moses father say? Did she even tell him about her plan. I mean, come on, just think…she was sending their son Moses down the mighty Nile River! Moses was a baby!

Regardless of what was going on up in their house and what was happening in their nation, Mama had a HUGE PLAN to save her son’s life!

She trusted God to step in and do something supernaturally much stronger than her fear of what Pharaoh planned to do. She stepped out on faith and trusted in God in spite of what Pharaoh was doing. Pharaoh ordered that the first born sons of the Hebrews be killed, but she locked her faith in believing that God would do something supernatural for her son!

A SUPERNATURAL BLESSING!When Moses’ Mama released him in her homemade ark to float down

the river, she actually was releasing him into God’s hands. She stepped out of her natural fears, worries and concerns. She positioned herself to do all that she could to save Moses. She had a purpose and plan for everything that she was doing.

Because of her faith, God moved in. She activated the power of God to move in her situation and concerns to save her son, Moses. When she stepped out on faith, everything lined up for her to get that supernatural blessing for him.

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Mama was empowered to make things happen! Miriam, her daughter and Moses’ sister, became attached to this move. That’s what happens when you release yourself into the hands of God. Miriam wanted to see what was going to happen. She became one of the major players in the supernatural move of God. She became attached to this move and was right there when her brother, Moses, floated right down to the bathing Pharaoh’s daughter and her helpers.

God moved in the heart of Pharaoh’s daughter to open the ark and to discover baby Moses safely inside. She decided to keep him, but she knew she did not have flowing breast milk to fed and nourish him. Quickly Miriam responded and spoke right up telling them about how she knew someone who could provide that needed food for baby Moses. It was their own Mama…Moses’ Mama!

Look how God allowed it all to work out. Moses’ Mama miraculously received him back to take care of him. She was even paid for doing this! Pharaoh’s daughter paid her for what Moses’ Mama could do naturally and lovingly.

MOSES! MOSES!Moses life was fully amazing. He had supernatural encounters throughout his life. God used him and

worked through him to save a nation! God spoke to him. Moses was a great man!

GOD HAS A SUPERNATURAL PLAN FOR YOUR SONS!Mamas! Mamas! It is time to seek God to move supernaturally on your behalf for your sons! Get in position

to allow God to work through you to bless your son(s). Step out on faith and move to save your son(s) from destruction!

Look at your baby son, your little boy, that teenage son, your young man son, and your adult son with faith and hope for God to save your son! Even if your son is grown and living on his own, there is hope for him! Become that steadfast praying mother who doesn’t give up! Rely on God to save your son. Put your complete confidence in God and He will position you to be used to bless your son! Don’t give up! Don’t give in! Stand strong in the Lord! God has a supernatural plan for your son. He will change things if you can believe it!


Mamas, some of you have sons locked away in a jail, a prison, or living in gang life. Your heart has been so broken over what has happened. You feel like it is hopeless for you and your son(s)…God still have a supernatural plan. Hold on and trust God.

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MINISTER SANDRA HICKMAN, Ministry LeaderThe Lamp Newsletter Headquarters - AUSTRALIA

Greetings from AUSTRALIA…

Saving Our SonsMany mothers have faced monumental hardships to save their sons. Only

a mother’s love can navigate this heart-torn emotional journey. But when the jagged edges of your frayed and torn emotions are just too much to bear, God steps in and that’s when you surrender it all. You know that this is a God-sized problem and His shoulders are much bigger than yours!

I am continuing my previous article about my grandson, Jordan, whose life has been a journey of love and miracles. His life was saved by God who then handed the baton to his Mama Tari who is my daughter. Through prayers and steadfast faith in God, we have seen amazing miracles concerning how God came in and moved in Jordan’s life. There were physical challenges and gross medical concerns for Jordan at his birth. But, we have seen God do miraculous things every step of the way over these years.

God’s love is the greatest love of all and it’s through that love that you really find the enormity of the beautiful passion and meaning of L O V E.

The following is my poem describing that kind of amazing love.

Love Is . . .

“It’s when you can love a person this much and still breathe!”

That’s how it was when he was bornHe came into this world dead... flat lined Our emotions ran good and bad.Loving him hurt so much Resenting the doctor hurt so much Everything hurt!

He was eventually revived... Watching him struggle to live hurtBut he did live!I thanked God!

He was here yet he was lost to usOn the eighth dayHe turned a corner and came back!I don’t know where he went...But I know God was there!I think God took him for a purposeA Jeremiah 29:11 purpose...And then gave him back.

I can’t imagine a world without himI cannot think of him being just a memorySomeone who was there, only in my faded past...

A painful memory which could never have stoppedI can’t imagine being unable tofully remember his beautiful little faceOr searching my mind for the memories of his features

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Those beautiful big dark brown eyesThe black picture perfect “painted on” sculptured eyebrows The soft cherubic cheeks,His darling little mouth which, if could have spoken...Would have told us unimaginable things

He came into this world like a Tsunami, Sweeping away all our hopes and dreams! Everything felt lost,And everything changed...Bad dreams are only supposed to happen in your sleepBut this nightmare hit us when our eyes were wide open!

It was too much to bearI searched my mind for reasonsTo shed some light... But it was dark in thereThere was nowhere to hideI wanted to... but I couldn’t

They needed me!My daughter, her husbandAnd my new heart’s love ...My newborn grandchild ...He needed me!So, numb and broken...I got off my knees and I carried on

Light came!Prayers were prayedHa! Across the nation people prayedGod heard and HE came!And along with God, forgiveness came

Spastic Cerebral Palsy... Yes.But joy was ever presentThe battle was long and arduous Often-times it still is But, the candescent joy remainsA constant reminder of a living loving God

I watched him as he walked away one dayAnd the word “spectacular” came!With his faltering gait and semi clenched fistsBeautiful olive brown skin, muscular armsTousled black hair... So handsome He is spectacular!

He is a young man now...God has been good!The life that this baby boy was given has brought him into his futureThough it wasn’t the life we asked for ...We have been touched, changed and made better for itBetter because his being here brings hope and the candescent joy!

His name is Jordan... Beloved of the Lord His journey is not over yetIt’s just beginning!The beginning of the awesome plan of God!

“It’s when you can love Jesus this much and still breathe! © 2015 SLH

The Lord wants to save our sons! CONTACT INfORMATION : Email: facebook:

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FIRST LADY CHRISTINE V. MITCHELL, Ministry LeaderThe Lamp Newsletter Headquarters - UNITED KINGDOM

Greetings from LONDON…Dearest Mothers,

Along the theme of Wanda’s article “Mama, Save Your Son,” whatever the circumstances may be that you face, know that the Lord feels the longing and cry of your heart. He cares. He understands. He loves you with an everlasting love. He knows you have tried your best, probably struggling alone. His help is at hand always - every day. He knows the anguish you feel about the things that everyone can see, and He knows the heartache about the unseen battles of which others may not be aware. God sees…He cares. He is our “refuge and strength, a very

present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1 KJV). His ears are open as we cry to Him. The psalmist David said, “In my distress I called to the LORD; I cried to my God for help. From his temple He heard my voice; my cry came before Him, into His ears” (Psalm 18:6 NIV).

Here is my heartfelt and united prayer for sons. I strongly feel that these words are the echo of the cry of your heart:

A PRAYER FOR SONSDays of worry, hearts full of fear

Lord, we know Your coming is nearCrime and violence, grief and shame

Problems .. far too many to name

Mothers clutching at strands and strawsfathers walking through the doorsLord, You know the tears, the grief

The hearts that cry, that long for relief

Touch our sons .. please bring them backProtect and keep them from evil attacks

Shine Your light and let them seeThat You, dear Lord, can set them free

Lord, we pray that they may knowYour mighty love, that they may grow

To walk right into their destinyTo be the people You called them to be

Grant them Lord an abundance of grace O give them strength to win life’s race

Intervene throughout this landCover them with Your mighty hand

Help them, Lord, to make righteous choicesClosing their ears to erring voices

Draw them Jesus, close to YouThere is nothing You cannot do

Upon Your word, O Lord, we standBring to pass Your will, Your planShow our sons Your perfect ways

We give You GLORY, thanks and praise!!


© 2015 Christine V Mitchell All Rights Reserved


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RAMELLE T. LEE is an author, poet, speaker, and business women. In 2006, she founded Touching Your Heart Ministries to reach people who feel hopeless and sad-hearted.

In 2005, Ramelle published, Step in His Greatness. Over the years, God has mightily moved in this powerful prophetic book. She has sold 1,000 copies of her hardcover edition. In 2015, she will release her paperback edition.

Author Lee has been featured on Christian talk radio programs, at retreats, workshops, women’s conferences, literary marketplace expo’s, book festivals, church programs, public library events, and other organizations. She has taught using her book in The Called and Ready Writers.

Since 2004, Author Lee has published more than forty poems and numerous godly inspirational writings. She has ministered to people with nearly 7,000 copies of her various poems. Through the years her many articles, messages, and poems have been published in books, magazines, The Lamp Newsletter, and online ministries.

In 2012, Author Lee became a business owner and manager of three gift basket ministries: the Red and Gold Heart Basket, the Purple Royalty Basket, the David’s Armor Basket for men. The other baskets contain unique gifts for women and children. She is also minister leader and partner with Wanda J. Burnside in Treasures from Heaven Ministry. They were as a team in the business of producing and selling inspirational specialty gifts.

In 2003, she joined The Called and Ready Writers founded by Minister Mary Edwards. This is where Author Lee’s writing ministry was birthed. She is a lifetime member of The Called and Ready Writers and serves as an Administrative Assistant and the Membership Chairman. In 2015, she was inducted into the Legendary Author Group.

Author Lee is a dedicated member of Greater Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church in Southwest Detroit, Michigan. Reverend Dr. Randolph Thomas is her pastor. Author Lee was employed at Henry ford Health System for 31 years. She worked in the Health Information Management Department in Detroit, Michigan.

Author Ramelle T. Lee Mrs. Michele Gardner Barnes

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MRS. MICHELE GARDNER BARNES is an inspirational writer, motivational speaker, storyteller, and poet. Michele is an historian and civil rights activist. She strongly promotes and participates in civic responsibilities and duties.

She is greatly involved in touching the lives of children, the youth, senior citizens, and people deeply in need of sound advice and help. She daily is involved with the lives of others, be it family members or friends, who need someone to help them with any challenge and difficult in life. Michele manages to find time in her busy schedule to invest in others in their struggles and trials.

Michele is a community worker. She is an advocate for neighborhoods and schools in the Detroit area. She also works with other communities and schools where her children and grandchildren live. She is committed to volunteer work and aiding others in their endeavors.

She is vastly involved in community services and activities for the youth and senior citizens. Michele has an enormous heart for working with the seniors and the sick in her family and community. Michele regularly visits senior citizens. She is always amazed by their memory of the gospel hymns, scriptures, and their determination to live, which Michele feels is truly due to their strong faith. Her desire is to leave them inspired to continue to be of good courage and to fight the good fight of faith. Michele’s main interest is for them to know that they are loved.

Michele has been married to her husband, Michael Barnes, since 1972. They have four adult children, two daughters and two sons. They are blessed to have nine grandchildren that they lovingly mentor and train to excel in life.

She attended Marygrove College in Detroit, Michigan. Michele worked and retired as a Holiculture Tech for TrueGreen Chemlawn, Inc for several years. She was also employed at the Detroit Renaissance Center as one of their top specialist in flowers and plant care. Michele organized and founded a group of twelve singers called the Metropolitan Christmas Choral. Her musical group sings Christmas carols and gospel hymns during the Christmas holiday at various locations. In her earlier years, she worked with her mother and family with the Palm family Bible Study Group.

Michele gives heartfelt tribute and honor to her greatly loved grandfather, the late Elder Minor Palm, Sr. and her dearly loved mother, the late Missionary Lorraine Gardner, for their spiritual guidance and Christian upbringing. Her favorite and empowering scripture is, “I can do all things through Christ that strengtheneth me” (Philippians 4:13 KJV). This was her mother’s favorite scripture and it has now become her strong anchor.

She attends Sunday services at Reverend Solomon Kinloch’s Triumph Church with her daughters and their families.

(*I am so proud to be her cousin, too! –Wanda J. Burnside)

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I N T H E S p O T L I G H T …

MR. W. BERNDARD WHITE, p.E.,founder and president


1120 W. Baltimore St. • Detroit, MI 48202-2906P: 313.872.6700 • f: 313.872.7397

“Built in Detroit”DETROIT. The name and the mention of that

city, DETROIT, create negative and positive imagines on minds. There is an ugly stain and stigma on this city due to numerous reasons. The ugliness ranges from a vast multitude of devastating things and problems that really have hurt the city’s imagine, growth, development, schools, communities, government, economy, businesses, and a gross list of other problems.

Nevertheless, Detroit is well known for major things, places and people, too. Detroit is world renown for Motown, gospel music, the car industries, prize-winning boxers, Belle Isle Park, the soda pop companies: Faygo and Vernors, Better Made Potato Chip Company, and much more. Detroiters boast that Stevie Wonder, Aretha Franklin, Tommy Hearns, Dr. Ben Carson, Mother Rosa Parks, a massive amount of dynamite gospel artists, and a multitude of other greats are some the roots of Detroit.

MEET DETROIT’S PRIDE: MR. W. BERNARD WHITEAs black as the reputation that this city has, we must see it as a black velvet lining for diamonds to sprinkle

and shine! It is an honor for the Lamp Newsletter to feature Mr. W. Bernard White, the founder and president of White Construction Company.

Mr. White definitely looks at Detroit as a place to add numerous diamonds to shine brilliantly on this black velvet canvas. He has faithfully accomplished this with his huge and extremely successful productive construction company. Vacant lots and desolated land that would be more places to pile old tires and mountains of garbage within Detroit have been transformed into beautifully designed and constructed buildings. Mr. White and his company, White Construction, has made a major imprint on this city for nearly thirty years. His company has been headquartered in Detroit since 1989.

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HistoryWhite Construction was not the first to make renovation an innovation. But the company has undoubtedly

capitalized on that niche, making it a multi-million dollar construction services firm, headquartered in Detroit.

White Construction was founded on July 31, 1989 in Detroit, Michigan, when founder and president, W. Bernard White, P.E. departed from the security of steady employment and forayed into entrepreneurship.

Encouraged daily about the importance of getting an education by his grandmother (Rosa Smith), Bernard White grew up on the west side of Detroit with his mom, two sisters and brother (while staying in the upper flat with his grandmother). After graduating from Chadsey High School, he began pursuing his degree in Construction Engineering, while working full time during the day as a Draftsman at the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department.

Initially failing his trigonometry class, he refused to quit, continued to pay his own tuition and persisted. By the third year, he began earning A’s. He graduated in 1980, Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Construction Engineering from Lawrence Technological University. He passed the State of Michigan Professional Engineer’s licensing examination in 1981and was registered as a Licensed Professional Engineer in the State of Michigan.

Bernard joined Turner Construction where over eight years he learned the nuts and bolts of providing construction management services. White then moved to Walbridge Aldinger assigned as a project manager on a $110 million pumping station at the Detroit Wastewater Treatment Plant. Even with his success and great experiences at Turner and Walbridge, Bernard eschewed the idea of being the perpetual employee and set his sights on becoming an employer. In 1989, 34 year old Bernard White took his life savings and transformed his reverie into a reality...White Construction.

The recession of the time was a blessing in disguise for White Construction, because many cash-strapped businesses would not invest in new construction and were opting to renovate and redevelop existing structures. As a small company, renovation was something that could be done quite easily and quite readily, giving White Construction an opportunity to carve their own position into the industry.

White’s adventure began with an initial sales goal of $10 million in 5 years - a number he admits to pulling out of the air as it sounded like a good projection. He amazed himself when it actually happened five years later.

Since then, the start up company has grown to a full service Construction Management firm. White Construction has had its hand on numerous and major Detroit landmarks.

Now that White Construction has passed through the “adolescent” to the “adult” stage, White Construction’s forward vision is to go from a “Good” to a “Great” Company.

*Information taken from the website of White Construction.

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Some Amazing HighlightsSince 1993, Mr. White has received more than 50 awards for his immense accomplishments and many

achievements. 2015 featured Projects in Detroit, Michigan:

Campus Martius Park•Police and fire Headquarters•New Sinai-Grace Emergency Department Addition•Selected as Construction Manager for the Kemeny Recreation Center in the •Historical Delray Community.M-1 Woodward Avenue Streetcar Project•The Arena District Project•

White Construction – “Constructing Your Vision...Since 1989”Services:

Pre-Construction Services•Construction Management•General Contracting•Design-Build•

A LIFE BUILT ON A TRUE FOUNDATION: JESUS!Mr. White has great integrity and a stellar record of accomplish in his industrious construction business.

He gives credit to the godly upbringing that he was given by his loving mother, Mrs. Muriel White, and his nurturing grandmother, Mother Rosa Smith. Both of these precious ladies in his life are now deceased, but they were pillars of teaching Christian principles and Biblical truths. They believed and trusted God in their daily walk of life. His mother, Mrs. White, was forthright and a woman of great faith. God used her mighty to sing gospel music that moved the hand of God in your life.

His grandmother, Mother Rosa Smith, stood for holy living and developed character in the lives of those that she touched in many ways. Mother Smith was an educator. She was a wise woman who applied her knowledge and wisdom to teach others to become a person of merit. She also led the women at our church, Greater Miller Memorial Church of God in Christ, as a caring and concerned Church Mother.

Mother Smith and Songstress Muriel White helped to shape the lives of their children, grandchildren, great-grand children, and their generation. They had a standard for living that impressed everyone that they touched in their family, their many friends, and the church. Mr. W. Bernard White is a mighty man because he followed the guidance and training of his mother and grandmother. Today, he stills cherishes and honors what he was given from them as a child.

In closing, I can testify to Mr. White’s legacy. I was blessed to know his mother and grandmother. They also helped to shape my life, too. Years ago, Mr. White was one of my Sunday school students in my Young Adult class. In my class, he was a Bible scholar and dedicated to studying the word of God.

He has a strong foundation. God has blessed him to accomplish great things. Mr. White is a marvelous example of what God will do in your life when you yield your life and ways to Him. It also reveals the impact a “Mama” can have on her son, such as Timothy’s mother, Eunice, and grandmother Lois. (2 Timothy 1:5)

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JeannePausing to see god Clearly

Writer, sPeaker & teaCher

“Come and see what God has done…” Psalm 66:5

“Insightful, Relevant, Gifted and Transparent ~ Jeanne connects the Truths in Scripture to the ordinary events of life.”

Download my Ministry One sheetDownload my Hands-On Blogging Workshop Brochure

Jeanne shares her heart in this message

fOLLOW JEANNE:facebook: Twitter: @jeannedoyonLinkedIn:

JEANNE IS A GRADUATE Of:2014 Advanced Christian Communicators2011 Christian Communicators2006 She Speaks2001 Speak Up with Confidence

Step into His Greatness

Come Journey with Me into God’s Greatness

Ramelle T. Lee


The Miraculous Healing



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Broadway in Detroit and One Direction Media Group Presents


Mama’s Got A Plan November 12 - 15 at The Fisher Theatre

Tickets on sale Friday, September 18

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DETROIT, MI, September 16, 2016 – Award-winning director TJ Hemphill, who has steadily climbed to the stature of one of the country’s best playwrights and directors, has crafted another smash hit play, Mama’s Got A Plan, which will appear at Detroit’s Fisher Theatre, November 12-15, 2015. Tickets will go on sale friday, September 18 at 10:00 AM at the fisher Theatre box office, all Ticketmaster locations, by phone at 1-800-982-2787 and online at or Additionally, tickets can be purchased at GODs World, located at 13533 W. Seven Mile Road, in Detroit, starting on friday, September 18.

Mama’s Got A Plan stars Detroit native Redaric Williams (The Young and the Restless) as Josh, a man who gave up a promising career to help his dad with their church. Grammy-nominated gospel singer and Detroiter, Lisa Page-Brooks, is his power-hungry wife, Maxine. Her only desire is to become the first lady of the church, all for the wrong reasons. When Josh’s younger brother David, returns home from prison, he throws a monkey wrench into her plans as members of the church gravitate to the ex-con’s powerful anointing. Her scandalous schemes, designed to send him back to prison, rock the family and tear the brothers apart. Other stars appearing in Mama’s Got A Plan include Claudia Jordan (Housewives of Atlanta) and BET’s Sunday Best Winner, Tasha Page Lockhart. Love, forgiveness, and powerful singing underscore another hit play for Hemphill, who is poised for another great run on the stage.

The gifted writer from Detroit first received recognition from his play Perilous Times, which enjoys the honor of being presented many times at various Detroit churches and venues year after year. Hemphill exclaims, “I have really been blessed to write and direct this play and others throughout the years.” The recently retired educator took his Christmas play; I’ll be Home for Christmas and revamped it for all seasons after encouragement from hundreds that the play should be on tour. “I’m excited about the way the play has turned out because it still has all the powerful and thrilling scenes that the original work possessed,” says Hemphill.

Performance times for Mama’s Got A Plan appearing November 12-15 at the fisher Theatre, located at 3011 W. Grand Blvd. in Detroit, are:

Thursday through Saturday evening performances at 8:00 p.m. • Saturday matinee at 3:00 p.m.• Sunday performance at 4:00 p.m.•

Tickets for Mama’s Got A Plan range from $36.50 - $51.50 (includes facility fee only, not parking) and will go on sale friday, September 18 at 10:00 AM at the fisher Theatre box office, all Ticketmaster locations, by phone at 1-800-982-2787 and online at or Additionally, tickets can be purchased at GODs World, located at 13533 W. Seven Mile Road, in Detroit, starting on friday, September 18. for group sales (10 or more) please call (313) 871-1132 or email Performance schedule, prices and cast are subject to change without notice.

The Broadway In Detroit Series at the fisher Theatre is sponsored by Chrysler. As part of this sponsorship, the latest and hottest Chrysler vehicles will be on display at the theatre.

for more information, please visit follow Broadway In Detroit on, Twitter @BroadwayDetroit and Instagram @Broadwayindetroit.

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I’m up late. But, before I turn in, I was thinking of all of us who go to bed each night so tired…so drained…often asking God, “Remember me?” Sometimes we often feel like whiners, but we are smart whiners. We know who to whine to! We know who is listening, who really cares, and most of all, we know God knows! GOD WAS THERE, RIGHT WITH US!

So, before we go to sleep, I want to say this for you and for me, “Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord, for watching over us!” I know I’m waking up with the “joy” of having one more day. One more day to wake up alive! We can face the challenges that we must face knowing, yes knowing, I can do all….not some…ALL THINGS through Christ that strengthens me! We are on the battlefields and we must fight to live!

Nobody told me that the road would be easy. God has brought us too far to leave us! I’m smiling and I hope you are, too!

Love you! Michele

Mrs. Michele Gardner Barnes

Youtube clip of

Sabrina Paul singing


at a special radio show called

Premier Unsigned

Guitar accomplishment is by her finance Elliot


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Herb Metoyer is a Louisiana Creole gentleman who graduated from Southern University, Baton Rouge, LA at the early age of nineteen (19). He is a retired military officer and helicopter pilot, and a recent retiree from General Motors where he served as a Test Engineer in GM’s Testing Laboratories.

Herb is an accomplished composer who experiments with all music genres. He is also one of the few (maybe the only) African-American folk song writers to emerge during the 1960’s era. And although he has composed a number of jazz songs, his favorite medium today is still “folk.” You might say that he is a musically enhanced “Storyteller” & “Poet.” Much of his music concerns civil rights, people & children he has encountered during his lifetime, and other topical subjects such as war, historical events and personal observations.

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He performs utilizing both the guitar and synthesizer, sometimes playing a harmonica which hangs around his neck, and a bass drum with his foot.

His vinyl album recorded in 1965 on MGM’s VerveFolkways Label entitled “Something New,” has become a classic folk album that has been selling on ebay as a collector’s item. Even today, he still receives fan mail relative to this album.

When released, Herb’s first album received a “four Star” rating by Billboard magazine. He was a Helicopter pilot in the military at the time. But once he was promoted to grade of Major, the military cut his budding music career short, claiming that his activities as a singer/songwriter were unbecoming of a field grade officer. So…, Herb gave up performing in favor his military career.

One of Herb’s most prized accomplishments, however, is the fact that one of his songs “Mother, Fools are A Long Line Coming” is on the “moon” in the Time Capsule. It was recorded by Fred Neil on his “Sessions” album by Capitol. This was the album selected by the astronauts to be encased in the time capsule that was placed on the moon.

During his youth, Herb performed on the same shows along side such great artists as Joni Mitchell, fred Neil, Mike Taylor, Josh White (Senior & Junior), Odetta, Vince Martin, Judy Collins, Phil Ochs, Mayon Weeks, Danny Potter, and Steve Biggs.

During his latter years, Herb concentrated on writing and book publishing. In 1984, he became a founding member of the “Detroit Black Writer’s Guild,” a non-profit organization devoted to improving literacy and training potential authors. With this organization, he held the posts of Senior Editor, Executive Editor, Chairman of the Board, and Executive Director.

To his credit, he completed two novels and published over twenty books for other authors.

In his seventies, Herb focused on his music. His last CD, “Here I Am Again” was released in 2004. He also released a new CD titled “This Is The Time.”

Mr. Metroyer died on July 30, 2015. In addition to his wife, Gerri of 59 years, Mr. Metoyer is survived by sons Jeff, Angelo, Hermes and Michael; daughters Yolanda Metoyer and Valerie Schroder; four sisters; a brother; 11 grandchildren, and 10 great-grandchildren.

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Prayers are extended to the precious family of…..

ELDER DAVID E. SHORT of Lansing Michigan

June 22, 1942 – September 5, 2015Elder Short was employed at General Motors in the Oldsmobile

Division for 30 years, retiring in 1993. He was also a retiree of the Lansing School District and a member of New Hope COGIC. He leaves to cherish his memory: his devoted wife, Evalene; son, David Vincent (Lisa); daughter, Tramella (Steven); nine grandchildren; and a host of other relatives and friends.

OUR SICK AND SHUT-IN…Dear God, Heal our loved ones and precious friends in the Name of Jesus. Bring a speedy recovery! Heal them! We ask for deliverance! Thank You.

Mother Lurene Brooks of Detroit, MI Mother Esther Mitchell of the UKMrs. Donna Goodrich of Arizona, MI Mr. Philip Mitchell of the UKDonna’s brother, Mr. Melvin Clark Ms. Kathryn Mitchell of the UKDonna’s daughter, Patty Mrs. Shirley Hickman of AustraliaMr. Simmie Lee Burnside, Jr. Mr. Colin Hickman of AustraliaMrs. Barbara Lee of Detroit, MI Mrs. Katie Holloway of Detroit, MIPlaywright RonShear Brooks of Ypsilanti, MI Miss Regina M. Palm of Detroit, MINaomi J. Palm of Detroit, MI Mrs. Henrietta Barney of Detroit, MI

URGENT PRAYER REQUEST…URGENT PRAYER REQUEST….URGENT!I received this very urgent prayer request from a dear friend concerning someone she knows. No name is given and it is not necessary because God knows all about this dear person. Please join in prayer for

this dear one.

I have been losing my eyesight. After seeing various doctors and an MRI, they have concluded that I have a brain tumor & will need to have surgery. I must admit that the thought of having

my head cut open and my brain operated on is scaring me even though I am a Christian. If I don’t have the surgery, I will most likely lose any vision I have left which is not much. When the

doctor told me, I was stunned. It was the last thing I expected to hear. I am still trying to come to terms with it. I will be going to a hospital on Tuesday to meet with a neurosurgeon.

He is supposed to be a cutting edge doctor. Can you please pray for me to be brave and for the doctor to do a good job? Thank you.

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AUGUST BIRTHDAYSMemorial Birthday – August 30

My beloved dear aunt:MRS. LILLIAN PALM JOHNSON of Detroit

former:International Opera Star, Gospel Musician, Dedicated Social Worker,

Educator, Civil Rights Leader, Community Leader, Government Official,Church Leader, wife, and much loved by family member.

former Member, Greater Miller Memorial Church of God in Christ in Warren, MI

85th Birthday Celebration!MRS. HENRIETTA ELAINE BARNEY of Detroit, MI

Church and Community LeaderLifetime Member of New Mt. Moriah Missionary Baptist Church in Detroit, MI

Grandmother, Great-Grandmother, and Great-Great Grandmother

August 7- Mr. Patrick Holloway of Detroit, MI…You are a tremendous blessing to so many!August 7 - Evangelist /Gospel Soloist Patricia Jennings of Three Rivers, MIAugust 9 – Mr. Michael Barnes (Husband of Mrs. Michele Barnes – our columnist) of Detroit, MIAugust 9 – Kyvonte Williams – Teenager!August 31 – Mrs. Hope Holloway of Detroit, MI

FALL BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS GALOREThe Scales family of North Carolina - The Month of September Nicky 9-13, twins Christian and

Christina 9-22, Yovonna 9-23, and Timya 9-28. Iris - October 2 and Yovontae 10-28.

SEPTEMBER BIRTHDAYSA Special Tribute Memorial Birthday – September 9

Honoring the Memory of My Greatly Beloved Mother…EVANGELIST WILLIE LEE MCCANN PALM of Detroit, MI

Her memory is cherished and always in my heart…

My mama was married to my dad, Elder Minor Palm, for over 54 years. They were always a true ministry team. Dad and mama stood together in numerous ministries, because they had a huge heart for others.

They had 3 children (Wanda (me), Rodger, and Regina). They are the precious grandparents of Jason (Stacey), Julian (Kai), and Jolayna Palm.Mama did not live to see and love her great-grandchildren: Ja’Den, Justin, and Naomi Palm. But if she did, she would adore them just like she adored us.

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Mama was a truly loving, caring, and godly woman. She sincerely loved her family. We all meant everything to her. She was a devoted homemaker always using her time to serve and bless her family in so many needed ways.

She willingly made sacrifices to see us press on in life to accomplish what was important. Mama invested her time in each one of us to see us achieve on a higher level. She always beamed with pride when we shined. But, when we didn’t reach our goal or accomplish what we desired, Mama encouraged us to not to give up. Now, this was time for Dad and Mama to pray. They prayed us through until God stepped in and helped to turn it around.

My mama respected and truly sincerely loved her mother, Mrs. Blanche McCann. There wasn’t anything that she wouldn’t do for her at anytime. She was greatly concerned about her siblings and the rest of the entire family that way, too.

She had a huge heart for others. She worked tirelessly as a leader in the following departments at Greater Miller Memorial Church of God of Christ: Sunday School, foreign and Home Missions, the Youth, the Hospitality Department, the Missionaries, Elder and Ministers’ Wives, Purity Class, Prayer and Bible Band and the Wayne County Jail Ministries.

She was a fired-up prayer warrior who was always ready to pray! Evangelist Palm, my mama, highly esteemed her pastors: Elder Whitlock, Bishop U. E. Miller and Bishop Earl J. Wright, Sr. She sincerely loved their wives and acclaimed all of their children as her own, too.

Mama was an anointed Public Relations Leader. She was an influential and prominent community leader that touched every segment of business, education, politics, and government. She was renown throughout the state as a powerful leader. Community work is what Mama treasured. Her hands gave and gave to bless others on the streets, church, government, and wherever needed.

My mama was quiet in manner, full of grace, dignified at all times, gentle and loving, but she was a force to be reckoned with! Her deep and sincere love for the Lord Jesus Christ made her empowered in faith. She was rooted in the Word of God and lived her life by letting her light shine so that God received all the glory and praise!

I was so blessed to have a godly home. Daddy, Elder Minor Palm, Jr., was a great “Sanctified Gospel Preacher” and a sweet loving father. Daddy and Mama trained us up as the Bible commands. I am thankful.

In 1955, at the age of five years old, I gave my life to Jesus. I went to Mama with my decision. She was busy ironing clothes but stopped immediately when she saw me running to her in tears. I cried out, “Mama! I want to be saved!” Mama bent down and picked me up in her arms…kissed me and my tears...then she knelt down and told me to do the same. She prayed me into salvation. My soul was blessed by her powerful prayers! I am saved today because my mama led me to the Lord. Thank you, Jesus for saving my soul!

At the age of eight years old, I received the infilling of the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit in 1958. I was at home and the Spirit of God came upon me…I began to speak in another tongue…Mama heard me. She ran to me. We prayed together. Then, she called my grandfather Elder Minor Palm, Sr. Mama told him and he prayed with me over the phone as Mama rejoiced, clapped, laughed, and cried. lived your life for the glory of God. You birthed me into this world as my precious mother… and you lead me to my eternal home. I am living to see Jesus…and see Daddy…and you, dearest Mama.

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Memorial Birthday – September 16Wanda’s sweet sister-in-law


Elizabeth was employed for nearly 40 yearsat Harper Grace Hospital in Detroit, MI

former Member, Bailey Temple Church of God in Christ in Detroit, MIShe was very caring about others. A faithful and true friend to many!

Mrs. Johnnie Mae Johnson of Detroit, MIMrs. Clara McCann of Beachwood, OHSeptember 14 - Mr. Terry Whitsitt of UtahSeptember 21 – Mr. Stanford Holloway of Detroit, MISeptember 26 – Missionary Margaret Beason of fort Worth, TXSeptember 30 – Ms. Peyton Holloway – Teenager!

OCTOBER BIRTHDAYSOctober 1 - Brigette Ivey, Ramelle’s nieceOctober 2 - Isabella, Minister Sandra Hickman’s granddaughter October 6 – Poet and Author Jess Marie aka Jessica Smith

October 11- MINISTER MARY EDWARDSThe Editor of the Lamp Newsletter

“Thank you for your wonderful services to this newsletter. You have been a part of this newsletter ministry since the beginning in 2008. I am grateful for your dependable and invaluable work as the editor. May God bless you tremendously beyond your


Author Ramelle T. Lee will always and forever cherish the friendship of her closest friend who went home to be the Lord this year….

Memorial Birthday – October 23In Loving Memory


October 23, 1952 - february 4, 2015 She was an active member of Oak Grove AME Church in Detroit, MI

Dr. Robert Brumfield, PastorMs. Rodgers was employed at Wayne State University for 40 years.

October 23Mrs. Carolyn Toussaint of Sarasota, fL

October 25Elder Rodger Palm

of Detroit, MI

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From Australia….


Emilee Wicks!Twice MVP Match Award

2015 Season Coaches AwardEMILEE WICKS is the granddaughter of Minister Sandra Hickman, the

ministry leader in Australia. Emilee’s mum is Bindi Wicks. Emilee is the third daughter out of four daughters.

The three eldest girls in the Wicks’ household all play in the WABL (Western Australian Basketball League). Kaelee in Under 14’s Division 1, Molly in Under 14’s Division 2 and Emilee is in Under 12’s. division 2 The family were all very happy for her to receive these awards and to be featured on the Teams Online MVP Awards is just awesome. It was a beautiful surprise!

Emilee plays WABL (Western Australia Basketball League) for her hometown team - MANDURAH MAGIC in the Under 12 Division 2 competition.

WABL is the League competition in which all the State Metropolitan Clubs compete. WABL competition provides a platform for all young upcoming players to be chosen to play for the Western Australian State Teams, which compete nationwide. It also extends through to adult WABL Competition as well.

“Both of my daughters, Tari and Bindi, played in the WABL and went on to play for Western Australia in the National Championships and Touring Teams in the States of Perth, Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Adelaide and Tasmania. They competed in a basketball tournament in Singapore as well. We were a BASKETBALL family through and through!! Their father was a State Level Coach and I was a State Team Manager. So, now we see it coming through in my granddaughters. They are all great young players in their respective teams. Emilee was so thrilled to win the MVP Match Awards, the Season Coaches Award and to be featured on the Online MVP Awards!”

May God greatly bless all of the Weddings, Anniversaries, and Engagements celebrated in August- October!

We have no new births to report in this issue. However, if anyone wants to let us know about the coming arrival of babies in November and

December 2015, please let us know.

Rejoice with those who rejoice... Romans 12:15

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A MILLION THANKS!Special thanks and sincere appreciation are extended to several wonderful and caring

people who are generously supporting, promoting and contributing to my ministries. It is impossible to accomplish anything completely on your own. However, if you seek and trust God for His help and guidance, He will send others to work alongside of you and lead you on your journey.

I am so thankful and blessed by the following precious people who have recently done great things for me…

Dearest Beverly,

You have tremendously blessed me by promoting my book, DON’T MESS WITH ME! Who Do You Think You Are? I am so thankful that you posted my book on the Tribe Book Shelf in June 2015. I am amazed by the outpouring of interest in my book in the United States and across the world! I never imagined that my book would receive over 530 hits and going online. To God be the glory!

Thanks for also featuring me in the 2014 radio interview on the “Woman at the Well” broadcast. Your profound and razor sharp interview dug deep into my book. You allowed me to promote the purpose and mission of my book to your wide listening audience. This is every writers dream. You gave me a major opportunity to advance and speak to the masses through your enormous platform.

God brought us together amidst your busy schedule and great demands in your businesses. I shall never forget how God did this. Our God is amazing!

Author Ramelle T. Lee has heartfelt gratitude to you for posting her book, Step into His Greatness, on the Tribe Book Shelf, this summer, too. Her book is also extremely popular in this online posting. She is excited about what God is doing.

Beverly Black Johnson, the CEO of Gumbo for the Soul International, home

of Gumbo for the Soul Publications and TRIBE

Family Channel™. Renown publisher and author.

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GOD BLESS MINISTRY SUppORTERS…Mrs. Caroline (Carolyn) Thomas of Southfield, MI


Missionary Trudy Hansberry of Detroit, MIYou continue to be a huge blessing in my life. I am grateful for your orders of my ministry products, gifts,

books, and poetry items. With each purchase and gift that you have purchased from my ministry, Write the Vision Ministries and Media Productions, International, the lives of others have been blessed. God bless you for your kindness and considerations.

He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness.

You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way, which through us will produce thanksgiving to

God. For the ministry of this service is not only supplying the needs of the saints but is also overflowing in many thanksgivings to God.

2 Corinthians 9:10-12

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Closing Message…

IT’S JuST A TESTMeditation Scripture:

Psalm 118:6 (KJV)

“The LORD is on my side; I will not fear: what man can

do unto me?”

Author Ramelle T. LeeFounder, Touching Your Hearts Ministries

Keep your head up high and know that I am with you always. You don’t have to be weary and sad of heart because you think you are alone. Know that I am right here walking beside you. You have nothing to fear.

Let not your heart be troubled. I will stand with you and keep you from falling into a place of destruction. You have everything you need to be strong. I have given you courage to walk by faith and never look back. I have given you My peace to calm your spirit and given you grace to run this race.

You are on the right course. Just stand still and let Me lead you where you should go. You will not lose your way, because I am guiding you every step of the way. You will not walk in the pathway of darkness, because I will show you the light of mercy. You will be steadfast and unmovable, because I will keep you in a place where you will receive the comfort you need to walk through the valley of your situation.

Do not fear what man can do to you. You have the stamina to survive, because I have given you the precious Holy Spirit to allow you to mount up with wings and soar like an eagle. I have given you the ability to make the right choices and follow the right course for your life. You will survive all the pitfalls that come to challenge your spirit and your faith. I have given you supernatural strength to meet every obstacle that is placed in your path.

When adversity comes to test your faith…look to the Lord to deliver you out of your distress. Allow Me to fight your battles and give you the strength to walk in victory. fear not. You have the ability to withstand every test that you are given in life. Why?

Because I will be there to encourage your heart to walk in love. Be strong in My everlasting power and let Me see you through any test that comes to conquer your spirit.

When you know Me and know what I can do for you, no weapon formed against you will prosper. This is only a test. The battle is not yours. It’s the Lord’s. Stand still and firm in your faith. Know that I can work wonders in your life. Know that I will give you the strategy to survive. Just walk in the anointing that I have given you and you will survive every test that comes to challenge your mind, body and spirit. You will proclaim with a smile and a shout…when the devil is defeated. “It’s just a test and God has given me the victory!”

Contact Information: Author Ramelle T. Lee, P.O. Box 119, Lincoln Park, MI 48146 -0119,

Email:, phone number: 313-680-4429 and Facebook.

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O Lord, Thank You!This year, 2015, we are observing special anniversaries….

20th Anniversary of our ministry….WRITE THE VISION MINISTRIES and MEDIA PRODUCTIONS, International

1995- 2015The following is lists of the various projects and ministries that we are over:

Matchless Love Back to School Give-a-waysLord Bless the Children Gospel TractsGreen Pasture Cards Motivational PostersInspirational Cards Anointed Poetry VideosPrecious Princess-Girls (4- 12 years old) Harvest Time MinistriesOnline Books Bible for Girls!I am Precious –Young Ladies/ Women’s Ministry Especially for YOU CardsFriendship Gift Bags Youth Today on their WAY!Men’s Ministry – Men of Valor Military Outreach

And….THE LAMP NEWSLETTER since 2008!


Free to girls 5 – 10 years old.Write the Vision Ministries and Media

Productions, Internationalis offering a free Bible to girls through the

Precious Princess Ministries.Sign up NOW for a Bible!

Bibles will be distributed at the

4th Annual Christmas Bazaar in December

To be held at the Detroit/Dearborn


More details to come.

We have walked by faith in God. He made a way for each of these projects. It has been so amazing to see how He blessed us to come through time after time for us to do this work! Glory to God!

My husband, Simmie Lee, has stood with me in everything. Through it all, he has remained a special covering over me. We have seen so much! Thank God for the lives that have been changed! Thank the Lord for His blessings! We are very grateful for those who have helped us down through these years!

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Psalm 138:7 KJV

Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt

revive me;thou shalt

stretch forth

thine hand against

the wrath of mine

enemies, and thy

right hand shall save


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Award-winning Writer and Poet

Wanda J. BurnsideReleases her Newest Book:




CAN YOU SURRENDER ALL TO JESUS?Sex outside of marriage * An abusive childhood * Sexual affairs * Uncontrolled temper * Addictions * Anger *

Life challenges * Domestic violence * Unforgiveness * Bitterness * Abortions * Haunting past * Shame

DOES JESUS STILL LOVE YOU? WHEN WILL THE MISERY STOP?Sorrow - Hopelessness - Painful Situations - Low Self-Esteem


I SURRENDER features: BIBLICAL TRUTHS for Every Situation!Poetry that addresses each situation. * Articles and Stories * Bible scriptures

O R D E R T O D A YOnly $14.95 Includes Shipping. Inquire about the special price for orders of 10 books or more!

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Address:____________________________________________ City, State:___________________ Zipcode: ________________

For more information: (313) 491-3504 or wtvision@hotmail.comChecks should be made payable to and Mailed to:

Wanda J. Burnside P.O. Box 125 Dearborn, MI 48121-0125

Award-winning Writer and Poet

Wanda J. BurnsideReleases her Newest Book:




CAN YOU SURRENDER ALL TO JESUS?Sex outside of marriage * An abusive childhood * Sexual affairs * Uncontrolled temper * Addictions * Anger *

Life challenges * Domestic violence * Unforgiveness * Bitterness * Abortions * Haunting past * Shame

DOES JESUS STILL LOVE YOU? WHEN WILL THE MISERY STOP?Sorrow - Hopelessness - Painful Situations - Low Self-Esteem


I SURRENDER features: BIBLICAL TRUTHS for Every Situation!Poetry that addresses each situation. * Articles and Stories * Bible scriptures

O R D E R T O D A YOnly $14.95 Includes Shipping. Inquire about the special price for orders of 10 books or more!

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Address:____________________________________________ City, State:___________________ Zipcode: ________________

For more information: (313) 491-3504 or wtvision@hotmail.comChecks should be made payable to and Mailed to:

Wanda J. Burnside P.O. Box 125 Dearborn, MI 48121-0125

Award-winning Writer and Poet

Wanda J. BurnsideReleases her Newest Book:




CAN YOU SURRENDER ALL TO JESUS?Sex outside of marriage * An abusive childhood * Sexual affairs * Uncontrolled temper * Addictions * Anger *

Life challenges * Domestic violence * Unforgiveness * Bitterness * Abortions * Haunting past * Shame

DOES JESUS STILL LOVE YOU? WHEN WILL THE MISERY STOP?Sorrow - Hopelessness - Painful Situations - Low Self-Esteem


I SURRENDER features: BIBLICAL TRUTHS for Every Situation!Poetry that addresses each situation. * Articles and Stories * Bible scriptures

O R D E R T O D A YOnly $14.95 Includes Shipping. Inquire about the special price for orders of 10 books or more!

# of Books ________________________________ x $14.95 = _________________________________ Total Enclosed

Name:____________________________________________________________________ Phone #: _______________________

Address:____________________________________________ City, State:___________________ Zipcode: ________________

For more information: (313) 491-3504 or wtvision@hotmail.comChecks should be made payable to and Mailed to:

Wanda J. Burnside P.O. Box 125 Dearborn, MI 48121-0125

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CONTACT INFORMATION: Mrs. Wanda J. Burnside, Publisher. The Lamp Newsletter.

Please contact me with your comments, requests and advertisement opportunities. My rates are reasonable. Advertise your special event, anniversary, wedding, birthday, and other activities.

P.O. Box 125, Dearborn, MI. 48121-0125. Phone: 313-491-3504. Email:

Website: • facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Chocolate Pages

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