Language Booklet Grade 8


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Language Booklet Grade 8


Module 1A (A Job Worth Doing) Reading

word Meaning


1. Inspiration Someone or something that gives you ideas for

doing something.

2. Motivation Eagerness and willingness to do something

without needing to be told or forced to do it.

3. Diversity The fact that there are many different ideas or opinions about something.

4. Opportunity Chance.

5. Challenge Something that tests strength, skill, or ability,

especially in a way that is interesting.

6. Focus To give special attention to one particular person

or thing.

7. Creativity The ability to use your imagination to produce new

ideas, make things, … etc.

8. Innovation Something that is new and modern.

9. Worth How good or useful something is or how important

it is to people.

P.8 , 9

10. Golf course The area where golf is played.


11. Risky Involving a risk that something bad will happen

12. beat To win against someone in a fight, war,

or competition.

13. Demanding Requiring much time, money or effort.

*I have heard it is one of the most demanding courses at the university.

14. Quality How good or bad something is.

15. Imaginative Having or showing an ability to think of new and

interesting ideas / having or showing imagination.

16. Run out To come to an end.

17. Limited Small in amount or number.

18. Ethical Having to do with questions of right and wrong.

19. Hacker A person who hacks into a computer system.

20. Criminal Someone who commits a crime.

21. Method A planned way of doing something.

22. legal Connected with the law.

23. Illegal Against the law.

24. Technique A way of doing an activity that needs skills.

25. Sophisticated Complicated / A sophisticated person: is

intelligent and knows a lot, so that they are able to

understand complicated situations.

26. agent A person who does business for another person, a

person who acts on behalf of another.

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27. Well connected Knowing people who hold positions of power.

28. Client A customer or someone who receives services.

29. Negotiate To have formal discussions with someone

in order to reach an agreement with them.

30. Adviser A person who suggest things or gives an opinion

about what should be done.

31. Anxious Worried and nervous.

32. Employment Having a job.

33. Require To need something or make something necessary.

34. Patience The ability to wait, or to continue doing

something despite difficulties, or to

suffer without complaining.

35. Rewarding Giving you a good feeling that you have done

something valuable, important, … etc.

36. Corporation A large company or group of companies that

is controlled together as a single organization.

37. Financial Relating to money or how money is managed.

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Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. His .................... for lending me the money was to show others that

he had lots of money, not because he wanted to.

a. inspiration b. creation

c. motivation d. innovation

2. There is a lot of ....................... in our school because we have

students from all over the world.

a. diversity b. methods c. welfare d. profit

3. A society that takes care of everyone is a/ an… ................ society.

a. flexible b. sophisticated c. ethical d. passionate

4. The job is so ................. that Lawrence has no time to enjoy himself.

a. anxious b. demanding c. flexible d. imaginative

5. Being a famous basketball player has many… ............ rewards.

a. creative b. passionate c. financial d. flexible.

6. The artist's ........................... comes from the beautiful scenery.

a. inspiration b. corporation c. negotiation d. combination

7. The students had a great ................... to visit one of the best

museums in the world.

a. challenge b. technique c. reward d. opportunity

8. Dr. John finds his work as a doctor to be .................. He

enjoys making people healthy.

a. sophisticated b. rewarding c. required d. qualified

9. This diamond necklace seems very expensive. It is .............. at

least half a million.

a. takes b. worth c. wins d. requires


10. Samantha and her husband ....................... a deal for the new house.

a. negotiated b. employed c. qualified d. rewarded

11. The company is still searching for the ................. who caused

damage to their site.

a. chef b. hacker c. agent d. adviser

12. Ola is a real… .................. that's why she got a job in sales.

a. criminal b. sophisticated c. employed

d. people person

13. The job qualifications .......................... to be patient and able to

work under pressure.

a. employ b. worth c. reward d. require.

14. We have to stop at the nearest station as our car ...................... of


a. gave up b. ran out c. held up d. do without

15. In some countries it's........................ for people under eighteen to

drive a car .

a. limited b. ethical c. legal d. required

16. Thomas comes from a ................................. family with a very

good education and lots of money.

a. well connected b. people person

c. ups and downs d. world wide

17. I have a/an .................... access to the files on this computer

without a password.

a. Illegal b. limited c. occupied d. required

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18. Rowland is a/an ................ artist and his paintings are very


b. imaginative b. interactive b. sociable d. criminal

19. Parents are always .................about their children's future.

a. anxious b. patient c. sophisticated d. ethical

20. Charles, my financial .............................. , told me not to buy this


a. agent b. client c. adviser d. employer

21. Achieving dreams needs ...................... and determination.

a. legal b. innovation c. patience d. limitation

22. Our school decided to replace books with computer as a way to

bring ...................... to education.

a. creation b. imagination c. determination d. innovation

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Module 1A Confusables P. 10

Word Meaning

Earn to receive money as payment for work that you do (earn


Gain to get something that is useful

Win to achieve first position and/or get a prize in a

competition, election, fight, ……. etc.

Word Meaning

Job A regular and official work that you do, and receive

money (a salary) for your work. It is also called

a profession or an occupation.

Work The word work is more general than “job . “work” refers

to general efforts and activities done to accomplish a


The place where you do your job.

Career A job that someone does for a long time.

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Word Meaning

Chef A person who prepares food for people to eat.

Chief Highest in rank or authority/ most important or main

Word Meaning

Salary money that you receive as payment from the

organization you work for, usually paid to you every


Wage the money earned by an employee, esp. when paid for

the hours worked.

Profit money that is earned in trade or business,

after paying the costs of producing and selling goods

and services .

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. He accepted to work in this company as they offered him a very good


a. wage b. profit c. salary d. income

2. The company seems to achieve success as the up this


a. wage b. profit c. salary d. income

3. During his long .......... in advertising he won numerous awards

and honors.

a. job b. career c. occupation d. work

4. Andrew works hard to ................. his living to support his family.

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a. earn b. win c. gain d. reward

5. He is not in good terms with his manger , so he decided to leave

…………… in his company.

a. job b. career c. occupation d. work

6. All the students can ............. access to the library and they gym.

a. earn b. win c. gain d. reward

7. The ..................... problem we have in the area now is the spread of


a. chef b. chief c. shift d. share

8. When she left college, she got a................................ as an editor in

a publishing company.

a. job b. work c. career d. task

9. He is hoping for a................. in the field of engineering.

a. job b. work c. profession d. career

Module 1A (A Job Worth Doing)

Vocabulary P.10-11

Word Meaning

1. Employee Someone who is paid to work for someone else.

2. On strike To refuse to continue working because of

an argument with an

employer about working conditions, pay levels,

or job losses.

3. Job cuts The reduction of the number of workers.

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4. Employ To have someone work or do a job for you

and pay them for it.

5. Staff All the people who work for the same business.

6. Unemployed Not having a job that provides money.

7. Welfare A government program for poor or unemployed

people that helps pay for their food , housing,

medical, ….etc.

8. Trainee A person who is learning and practicing the skills

of a particular job.

9. Fired To remove someone from his job.

10. Out of work Have no job

11. Intern someone who is finishing their training for a

skilled job especially by getting practical

experience of the work involved.

12. Make ends meet To have just enough money to pay for the things

that you need.

13. Access The right to enter a place to use something, see

someone, ........ etc.

14. Innovative Being new and not similar to anything else.

15. Essential Important

16. Along with In addition to someone or something else.

17. Confide To tell something secret or personal to someone

who you trust not to tell anyone else.

18. Flexible Able to change or be changed easily according to

the situation.

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19. Passionate Having strong feelings about something and

enjoying something very much.

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. This is a very ..................... gadget that helps you identify all types of


a. innovative b. creative c. imaginative d. sensitive

2. The factory employees were .................... for a whole week. They need

salary raise.

a. flexible b. on strike c. out of work d. job cut

3. Her family went on… ........... after both her parents lost their jobs.

a. strike b. welfare c. intern d. method

4. On some days I work a lot and On other days I don't. I have


a. passionate b. flexible c. innovative d. access

5. It's ................... to have antivirus software installed in order to protect

your computer.

a. flexible b. passionate c. essential d. innovative

6. Things are quite difficult at the moment , but at least we are trying to


a. job cut b. well connected c. make ends meet d. people person

7. After being an ............... for a year, the manager offered me a job in

the company.

a. employer b. intern c. staff d. agent

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8. My cousin used to work in a chocolate factory, but now he is

………………….. as the factory closed down.

a. unemployed b. adviser c. patient d. passionate

9. Caroline is so ...................... about art .She paints all the time.

a. flexible b. passionate c. essential d. innovative

10. Our manager told us that there will be 20 ................... by the end of

the month because of the financial problems in the company.

a. welfare b. job cuts c. unemployed d. hacker

11. Mike got… ............. last week and now, he is looking for a new job.

a. strike b. advised c. fired d. stuck

12. Nancy is ........................ and she needs to find a job as soon as


a. job cut b. well connected c. welfare d. out of work

13. The new educational system gives the students more

……………… choose the subjects they want to study.

a. flexibility b. diversity c. creativity d. visibility

14. Laura spent few month as a ................ waitress before being an

actual waitress.

a. agent b. trainee c. employee d. client

15. The hotel manger decided to ........................ Roger because he had

a lot of work experience.

a. work b. job c. participate d. employ

16. The manger ....................... in Mark. He always gives him the difficult

tasks to do.

a. confides b. employs c. accesses d. creates

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17. The ................. of the hotel was very friendly and always ready to


a. staff b. clients c. adviser d. trainees

18. The kids met their father with a wide smile and

………………..greeting when walked into the house.

a. flexible b. anxious c. essential d. passionate

Module 1A (A Job Worth Doing) Listening & SpeakingP.12

Word Meanig

1. Career


The chances for the future that somebody's job can

give him

2. Promotion The act of raising someone to a higher or

more important position or rank.

3. Socialize To talk to and do things with other people in a

friendly way.

4. Productive Doing or achieving a lot , working hard and

getting good results.

5. Bonus Money added to someone's wages, especially as

a reward for good work.

6. Set up To formally establish a

new company, organization, system, way of working,

……… etc.


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7. Take off To do very well or be successful in a very short time

8. Start up Small business that has just been started:

9. grant An amount of money given especially by

the government to a person or organization

for a special purpose

10. Enterprise An organization, especially a business, or

a difficult and important plan, especially

one that will earn money.

11. entrepreneur A person who starts a business and is willing to risk

loss in order to make money

12. bankrupt A person, business, ..etc., that is unable to pay debts

13. Chief The person in charge of a group or organization,

or the ruler of a tribe.


1. Chief Executive

Officer (CEO)

The person with the most authority in a large company

2. Chief Financial

Officer (CFO)

Is the head of the finance department: Financial


3. Chief


Officer (CTO)

The person who is responsible for

the technical needs of a company or organization

4. Chief


He is an HR manger who engages employees,

motivates them and raise their performance



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Officer (CHO)

5. Chief Executive

Officer (CEO)

The person with the most authority in a large company

6. Long –term Continuing a long time into the future.

7. Self – employed Not working for an employer but finding work

for yourself or having your own business

8. Fringe benefits Something that you get for

working, in addition to your pay,

that is not in the form of money.

9. Run a business To be a manger of a company

10. Have a head for


To have abilities to mange and deal with companies

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. The .......................... business man doesn't know how to find money

to pay his debts.

a. Fringe benefit b. bankrupt c. chief d. entrepreneur

2. Ray is an excellent student so he got a ................ to study at

Harvard University.

a. Bonus b. profit c. grant d. debt

3. The risks of being .............................. are as many as the benefits.

a. fringe benefits b. self- employed c. long –term

d. enterprise



4. Mr. Roger deserves this .................... more than anybody else. He is

the most trusted person to manage the department.

a. socialization b. satisfaction c. welfare d. promotion

5. Fred's boss gave him a ....................... for his great work.

a. bonus b. welfare c. satisfaction d. debts

6. It was a ................. day today. We sold a lot of cars.

a. grant b. bonus c. productive d. promotion

7. When Mark was twenty one he .................... his own business.

a. took off b. set up c. ran out d. gave up

8. Her career …………………when food critics voted her restaurant

the best in the company.

a. took off b. set up c. ran out d. gave up

9. This company achieved a great success because customer

………………. is their number one priority.

a. bonus b. promotion c. prospect d. satisfaction

10. Ted moved to Australia because there were a lot of

…………………. for him there.

a. career prospect b. self-employed c. long-term d. bankrupt

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Module 1B Reading

P 14 , 15

Word Meaning

1. carpentry the skill of making and repairing wooden objects.

2. value how useful or important something is.

3. apprenticeship a period of time working as an apprentice 4. picture to imagine something

5. workforce the group of people who work in a company, industry, country, etc.

6. split To separate something or break into pieces.

7. apprentice someone who has agreed to work for a skilled person for a particular period of time and often for low payment, in order to learn that person's skills.

8. Only so much Being of a limited number.

9. benefit a helpful or good effect, or something intended to help.

10. First -hand To experience something yourself instead of just hearing

11. theory general principles and ideas about a subject. 12. At hand Available , nearby

13.Set someone straight *To direct with fixed attention.

*To make sure that someone understand something clearly.

14. demonstrate To show something that others see how it works.

15. A win-win situation A situation when everybody involved get benefits and advantages.

16. sum A total amount of something (money) 17. quality How good or bad something is

18. trade A skill needs a use of hands such as mechanics or carpentry.

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19. internship A way of training a job for profession as a doctor, journalist..etc.

20. occupation a person's job: 21. beneficial Helpful, useful for something.

22. labor Worker

23. enthusiastic having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.

24. free ride something obtained without effort or cost:

25. charity generous actions or donations to aid the poor, ill, or helpless:

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. He spent his gap year working as a/ an ..................... at dentistry.

a. apprentice b. internship c. client d. patient

2. Let's …….. Lucie ........... and tell her that she can't do anything

without telling us.

a. put -away b. give –up c. set - straight d. run-out

3. Having a part –time job means that your time will often be

…………. between your workplace and college.

a. workforce b. split c. benefit d. apprenticeship

4. Recycling and reusing garbage can be .................. to the environment. a. adviser b. enthusiastic c. beneficial d. anxious

5. It's a state –of –the -art gadget that's why Mrs. Tena will ..................... how

it works.

a. access b. split c. benefit d. demonstrate

6. 7. Janet was very ....................... when I suggested going camping with a

group of friends next weekend.

a. enthusiastic b. beneficial c . required d. patient

8. The children went door to door asking for donations for a ........... raising

money for children living below the poverty line.

a. re ride b. labors c. charity d. quality

9. the students had the chance to get ................. experience in journalism by

visiting a radio station where they presented a short radio show.

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a. win-win b. first –hand c. people person d. well connected

10 ........................ a weekend at the beach, wouldn't it be wonderful?

a. picture b. access c. demonstrate d. split

11. I keep a file of all my students' marks, so if anyone has any questions,I

have all the information I need ....................... to answer them.

a. at hand b. at the moment c. at midnight d. at home

12. You'll get to see Africa and I'll get to write my book about gorillas, so it's

a situation.

a. at hand b. free ride c. win- win d. first hand

13. There's ....................... that this cell phone can do .Why don't you buy

another one?

a. win –win b. only so much c. first-hand d. free ride

14. This necklace is so precious .It has a great historical…………….

a. internship b. access c. benefit d. value

15. The government is offering more programs that have great ............... to

low income families.

a. benefit b. trade c. quality d. theory

16. Many ................... which were previously considered only for men, are

now becoming more and more common for women.

a. career b. occupations c. work d. workforce

17. Our business is successful because we offer a high ............. service at a

reasonable price.

a. trade b. charity c. quality d. value

18. As a part of his… ...................... , Michael worked a temporary job at the

law office to gain experience.

a. labor b. occupation c. partnership d. apprenticeship

19. Angie took a course to become a hairdresser and learned everything

about the ……………...

a. trade b. theory c. quality d. charity

20. Jane has a summer a local TV station .She enhances her

skills to be a TV viewer.

a. trade b. career c. workforce d. internship

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Module 1B Listening


colleague A person who works with you: a fellow worker.

avoid To stay away from someone or something

bothering To cause someone to feel troubled , worried or concerned

annoying To cause someone o feel slightly angry.

Cope with Deal with

excuse a reason that you give to explain why you did something wrong.

deadline a time or day by which something must be done.

confident Having a feeling or belief that you can do something well or succeed at something : having confidence

Office clown Joking around all the time.

Office bore To be serious and show who can use humor within limits.

humor Funny or amusing quality

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. Sean looks stressed .She has ................. tomorrow and she hasn't

finished her research yet.

a. theory b. deadline c. internship d. access

2. She threatened to call the police if he didn't stop ............... her.

a. Coping with b. avoiding c. bothering d. excusing

3. I try to ................... supermarkets on Saturdays - they're always so busy.

a. delay b. avoid c. annoy d. bother

4. I asked the coach if I could be ............ from hockey practice as my

knee still hurt.

a. avoided b. excused c. trained d. fired

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5. I don't mind to accept doing difficult tasks. I am ................... about my

ability to do them perfectly .

a. confident b. eager c. enthusiastic d. annoyed

6. Sandra has a great sense of humor. She is the… ............... , but she

leaves an impression that she's not serious about her work.

a. office bore b. office boy c. office girl d. office clown

7.He had so much pressure on him in his job that eventually he just

couldn't ................. with his manger.

a. annoy b. bother c. cope d. excuse

8. Despite his illness, he is still able to look at life with a sense of……….

and enthusiasm.

a. humor b. fear c. boredom d. annoyance

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Module 1B Writing

P16 ,17

Conjure up To create a picture/image of something in somebody's mind

adapt To change in order to suit new situation

foreign coming or belonging to a different country

blog a web site on which someone writes about personal opinions, activities and expressions

aspect One part of a situation , problem , subject …., etc.

In a nut shell Used to say something briefly, in short or in few words.

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. A successful author is the one who is able to ........................ a picture

of his writing for his reader.

a. Sum up b. come up c. conjure up d. start up

2. I got used to waking up early for work. At the beginning it was difficult

but I ........................ quickly.

a. bothered b. adapted c. conjured d.


3. W went to Paris last summer. I can't find suitable words to describe

such a trip. ............................. , our trip was amazing.

a. In a minute b. In a nut shell c. brief d. sum up

4. His illness affects almost every ...................... of his life.

a. blog b. access c. theory d. aspect

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Module 5A Reading P: 56, 57

1. Appalling (adj) being terrible

2. Designer (n.) person who imagines how something could be made and draws plans for it

3. Interior designer Someone who decorates the inside building

4. Transformation (n.)

A complete change in the appearance or character of something or someone, especially so that they are improved

5. Expert (n) a person with a high level of knowledge or skill relating to a particular subject or activity:

6. Manufacturer (n.)

A company that produces goods in large numbers

7. distant (adj) Far away

8. Racetrack (n) A path or road, usually circular and with a hard surface, on which runners, cars or bicycles, etc. race, or the whole area in which this path is situated, including buildings

9. Specialized (adj) Relating to one particular area or designed for a particular purpose

10. climb into (phr.v)

get in the car

11. Advance (v.) To develop and improve something

12. At one's fingertip available

13. Browse (v.) to look at the products that a business sells in case you find something to buy.

14. Bar code (n.): A group of thin and thick lines and dots that a computer can scan and read to find information about the product

15. Scan (v) To move light over a surface to copy it or get details from it

16. Eradicate (v.) To get rid of and put an end to something.

17. Turn up (phr.v) To appear or to show up somewhere

18. Convenient Allowing you to do something easily and without

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19. specify (v.) To give the exact information

20. Virtual (adj) Not existing physically , but rather online

21. Replacement (n) Something that takes the place of something else

22. Costly (adj) Very expensive

23. Locksmith (n) A person whose job is to fix locks, copy keys etc…

24. Function (v) To work

25. disappointment The sadness that somebody feels when things don't

happen as planned or hoped fore

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. Mary didn't .................. the color of the blouse she wanted because she

liked all its colors.

a. function b. specify c. eradicate d. scan

2 ............................... have made shopping easier for customers and sellers.

a. Bar codes b. Locksmiths c. Carpentry d. Experts

3. Customers are invited to ................ a huge collection of electronics and

home appliances.

a. facilitate b. scan c. browse d. eradicate

4. The hospital is unable to provide the highly ..................... care needed by very sick babies.

a. virtual b. costly c. specialized d. distant

5. The Internet has led to the ................................. in shopping habits.

a. disappointment b. replacement c. locksmith d. transformation

6. Germany is a major ....................... of motor cars.

a. manufacturer b. bar code c. replacement d. expert

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7. Jane's behavior at school was extremely ............. today. All teachers

are angry with her.

a. appealing b. distant c. virtual d. appalling

8. The ................................. asked his client what colors he likedand

what style he would prefer.

a. expert b. interior designer c. labor d. locksmith

9. You have to check the car engine before you....................... and start

up your car.

a. climb up b. climb down c. climb into d. climb out

10. Medical science is constantly ............................. towards the cure

for the illness.

a. advancing b. browsing c. specify d. scan

11. Dr. Conrad arrived at the Central Hospital to ........... people's pain. a. erase b. eradicate c. scan d. replace

12. Until we have more evidence at our ............... , we can't accuse John to

be the murderer .

a. doorsteps b. homes c. feet d. fingertips

13.The result of the test was a/an ................... ! I expected better grades.

a. disappointment b. eradication c. advanced d. convenient

14. Although I ordered the item a month ago, it still hasn't .…in the mail.

a. turned around b. turned on c. turned down d. turned up

15. It might be more .................... to use a calculator, rather than adding the numbers yourself.

a. convenient b. appalling c. specialized d. specified

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16. Cell phones can't ............... without batteries.

a. design b. manufacture c. function d. browse

17. A lot of people nowadays are obsessed with… .............. shopping. It facilitates buying products rather than going to the shops yourself.

a. advanced c. virtual c. appalling d. costly

18. My brother was filming the race yesterday and he had to step over

the but fortunately their cars were gone.

a. locksmith b. racetrack c. track suit d. distance

19. The company decided to make a ........................... for the old equipment

with more fashionable ones.

a. transformation b. decoration c. replacement d. manufacturing

20. It was too ............... to fix her car after the accident, so she decided to buy a new car instead.

a. advanced c. virtual c. appalling d. cos

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Module 5A Vocabulary P. 58


Exactly used when you are giving or asking for information that is completely correct

Literally actually, exactly

Actually in fact or really

Scenario a description of possible actions or events in the future

Situation the set of things that are happening and the conditions that exist at a particular time and place

Case used when a situation is of a particular type

Event anything that happens, especially something important or unusual

Memorize to learn something by memory; to remember it

Remember to be able to bring back a piece of information into your mind

Remind to make someone think of something they have forgotten or might have forgotten:

Unique being the only existing one of its type or, more generally, unusual, or special in some way:

Single Only one

Rare not found easily

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combine to (cause to) exist together, or join together to make a single thing or group

connect to join or be joined with something else

match something which is similar to or combines well with something else

❖ Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. My father helped me .............. the short text that I had to read out in front

of my class.

a. remember b. remind c. learn d. memorize

2. In the museum you can see .......... works of art made of glass.

a. single b. unique c. combined d. connected

3. The dress ................. stylish lines with an attractive floral print for a

classically feminine look.

a. combines b. memorize c. matches d. connects

4. This year's Olympic Games will be the biggest ever sporting……………

a. scenario b. event c. case d. situation

5. It tastes ................ the same as the real thing, but has half the fat

a. exactly b. literally c. actually d. frankly

6. These shoes ............ my bag perfectly.

a. combine b. memorize c. match d. connect

7. The worst ............... is that we lose two or three thousand pounds.

a. scenario b. event c. case d. situation

8. I called Jane and .......... her (that) the conference had been cancelled.

a. memorized b. reminded c. learned d. remembered

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9. Each person's genetic code is ........ except in the case of identical twins.

a. rare b. single c. unique d. strange

10. I'll just ...... the printer to the computer and then we'll be ready to

work. a combine b. memorize c. match d. connect

11. I didn't ............... see her - I just heard her voice.

a. exactly b. literally c. actually d. frankly

12. It's very .................... to find someone who has such qualities.

a. single b. unique c. rare d. fair

13. Jobs are hard to find but in his ............ that's not the problem

because he has so much experience.

a. scenario b. event c. case d. state

14. I can ........................ people's faces, but not their names.

a. remember b. remind c. learn d. think

15. Quite frankly, I think this whole ................ is ridiculous.

a. situation b. event c. case d. state

16. You haven't been listening to a ................ word I've been saying.

a. rare b. single c. unique d. strange

17. She told me that she would never talk to me again if I talk toomuch

but, of course, I didn't take it …………

a. exactly b. literally c. actually d. frankly

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Adjectives P. 58

1. Pleased / Pleasing (adj.) Being happy and satisfied / giving happiness

and pleasure.

A. The artist was ...................... with the result of the painting. B. It was very ......................... to speak to my old friend after so many


2. . Disgusted / disgusting (adj.) Having a strong dislike of someone or something / used to describe someone or something that you cannot stand looking at or eating.

A. We were all ....................... by the food at the restaurant. Ittasted

awful! B. The raw fish looked ........................... and Jane didn't want to eat it.

3. Alarmed/ Alarming (adj.):Frightened/ Frightening; causing fear or stress

A. The government was ............................... by the rise in the number of

accidents. B. The sudden decrease of clean water in the area is……………….……..

4. Disappointed / disappointing (adj.) Not happy with something because it is not as good as expected. / not as good as expected; not satisfactory

A. We were ......................... by the restaurant because both food and

service were bad. B. The team‟ s performance was ........................ ,again.

5. Embarrassed/ embarrassing (adj.)Feeling ashamed or uncomfortable / causing shame

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A. I was very ……… when Kate told everyone about by problem. B. My brother's behavior at school was ………………..

6. Confused/ Confusing (adj.)Being unable to understand what is

happening / not easy to understand

A. Louis was ............................. by the lecture.

B. This story is ...................... It's hard to understand what is going on.

7. Depressed / Depressing (adj.)Being very sad/ Finding something to be

very sad

A. Anna is ......................... after reading the book. B. The weather is .........................because of the non-stop heat.

8. Fascinated/ Fascinating (adj.) being very interested in someone or something/ very interesting and exciting.

He became totally ....................... by the book he was reading as it was

very …………………..

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P. 58

Verb Nouns + ation

Decorate decoration

Transform transformation

Inform information

Act Activation

Explain explanation

Apply application

Cancel cancelation

Imagine imagination

Inspire inspiration

Motivate motivation

Verb Noun + ion

Introduce introduction

Describe description

Satisfy satisfaction

Connect connection

Prevent prevention

Verb Noun + ment

Advertise advertisement

Replace replacement

Disappoint disappointment

Announce announcement


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Module 5A Listening & Speaking P. 58 , 59

Word Meaning 1. Intense Extreme and forceful or (of a feeling) very

strong 2. Predict To say that an event or action will happen in the

future, especially as a result of knowledge or experience

3. Humor The ability to find things funny, the way in which people see that some things are funny or the quality of being funny

4. Globe The world

5. Fury A lot of anger

6. Wearable Clothes that are wearable are easy to wear

7. Mysterious Strange, not known or not understood

8. Futurist Someone who studies the future

9. Estimate To guess the cost, size, value, etc. of something

10. Wealthy Having a lot of money and possessions 11. Sensible Having or showing good sense of judgements

12. Time capsule A box that contains goods from the present time which will be opened in the future.

13. Time machine

14. Time traveler

A machine that allows you travel various periods of time

Somebody who travels in time.


❖ Choose the correct answer.

1. When I got home, I found a .................message attached to the front


a. wearable b. global c. mysterious d. wealthy

2. She was .................... enough to stop driving when she got too tired.

a. wealthy b. sensible c. famous d. active

3. Jules Verne was a/an .................. who wrote about things that later


a. globe b. futurist c. designer d. entrepreneur

4. He suddenly felt an ................. pain in his back.

a. intense b. active c. mysterious d. wealthy

5. There was .................. in her voice when she came in and saw the mess

we made.

a. humor b. fury c. fun d. comfort

6. We can ................ changes in climate with a surprising degree of


a. prevent b. specify c. eradicate d. predict

7. Unlike a lot of women's fashion magazines, this one features clothes

that are both affordable and ……………..

a. bearable b. wearable c. sensible d. predictable

8. They ............ that the journey will take at least two weeks.

a. estimated b. motivated c. imagined d. inspired

9. Even a speech on a serious subject should be leavened with alittle ……………….. a. fury b. humor c. connection d. announcement 10. She is a superstar all around the ……………..

A.Earth b. space c. planet d. globe

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Module 5B Reading P: 62-63

Words Meaning

1. Set (v.) To happen in a place or a certain time.

2. Futuristic (adj.) Strange and very modern, or intended or seeming to come from some imagined time in the future.

3. A trance (n.) A temporary mental condition in which someone is not completely conscious of and/or not in control of himself or herself:

4. Trustees (n.) a person, often one of a group, who controls property and/or money for another person or an organization:

5. Council (n.) A group of people who decide on the rules of a place

6. Finance (n.) the money that a person, company, or country earns and spends

7. Establish (v.) to start a company or organization that will continue for a longtime

8. Consequently (adv.) as a result; therefore

9. Shadow (n.) a dark area made by something that is stopping the light

10. Stir (v.) To move slightly

11. Instantly (adv.) immediately

12. Satisfaction (n.) a good feeling because you have done something well

13. Assure (v.) to stop someone from worrying by telling them that something is certain

14. Gaze (v.) to look at someone or something for a longtime

15.Fascination (n.) the state of being very interested in something or attracted by something

16.Tremble (adj.) to shake because you are frightened or cold

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17. Clear one's throat to make a noise in your throat before you speak, so that you can speak without any difficulty

18. Confused (adj.) not able to think clearly or to understand something

19. Disbelief (n.) the feeling of not being able to believe that something is true or real:

20.Play a joke on someone to make someone believe something that is not true as a joke

21. Respond (v.) To say or do something as a reaction to something that has been said or done

22.Comprehend (v.) To understand

23.Resemble (adj.) To look like

24. Knob (n.) a round handle, or a round button on a machine

25.Three- dimensional (adj.)

having or appearing to have three dimensions (= length, width, and height)

26. Figure (n.) a person that you cannot see clearly

27. Outfit (n.) all the clothes that you wear at the same time, usually special clothes

28.Reflection (n.) the image of something in a mirror or on any reflective surface

29. Sigh (v.) to make a noise when you breathe out, often because you are sad

30. Echo (v.) If a sound echoes, you hear it again and again, usually because you are in a large, empty space.

31. Gasp (v.) to take a short quick breath through the mouth, especially because of surprise, pain or shock

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❖ Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. The far Right and the Far Left are common ....................... at any country. a. trustees b-political parties c-globe d-residents

2. We ................. because it was so cold. a. trembled b. echoed c. tricked d. sighed

3. Her latest novel is a ................... thriller, sets some time in the late twenty- second century. a. finance b. future c. futuristic d. futurist

4. We have made something that ........................ glass but doesn't break. a. respond b. resembles c. trust d. disbelief

5. I've got a cowboy ............. for the fancy dress party. a. outfit b. wearable c. uniform d. model

6. He doesn't seem to ................ the scale of the problem. He can't even figure

a. echo b. predict c. establish d. comprehend 7. She could see her ................... in the water, shimmering in the moonlight.

a. shadow b. reflection c. bar code d. knob

8. When they announced that Chris had won the first prize, he ............... in astonishment. a. browsed b. predicted c. established d. gasped

9. "If I could ............... some connection to Vodafone Firm " Fred said, "or Mobinil Frim, I'd have a great job." a. respond b. establish c. resemble d. comprehend

10. The angry secretary turned the porcelain ................... , pushed the door opened and handed her resign. a. knob b. shadow c. council d. memories

11. Being home alone, Calvin trembled when he heard distant footsteps ………..through the corridors.

a. Sighed b. echoed c. gasped d. responded

12. Annette ……. admiringly at Warren as he spoke. She couldn't turn her eyes away. a. stared b. set c. remembered d. gazed

13. The father's gaze went over the boy's marks in ........................ with his great effort.

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a. shadow b. reflection c. satisfaction d. respond 14. As a child, the money that she inherited was controlled by her uncles as

……….. a. trustee b. council c. scenario d. adventurer

15. "The doctor says that he is not in danger," the mother repeated witha …………….of relief. a. sigh b. fascination c. trance d. case

16. I asked her what the time was, but she didn't ………………. a. cooperate b. predict c. clear d. respond

17. John has enjoyed cooking since he was young and .................. grew up to become a chef. a. intently b. instantly c. consequently d. literally

18. Being lost in the forest, little Eric trembled when he saw the dark …………. of the trees. a. shadow b. trance c. outfit d. fascination

19. I could never understand men's ..................... with football. I always thought it is a boring thing

a. transformation b. browse c. fascination d. racetrack

20. The Local................ is holding a meeting about making improvements to the area.

a. trustees b. council c. outfit d. echo

21. Peter is studying ............. in order to become an Accountant Consultant. a. finance b. financial c. future d. futuristic

22. My mother......... me that we would go to the park after I finish myexams. a. gazed b. comprehended c. predicted d. assures

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Module 5B Writing

Word meaning

1. Advertisement (n.)

A picture, short film, etc. that is designed to persuade people to buy something

2. Permanent (adj.) C always or for a longtime

3. Residents (n.) People who live or have their homes in a place

4. Volunteer (n.) Someone who works without being paid, especially

doing work that involves helping people 5. Sustainable (adj.) Being used without being completed or used up.

6. Venture (n.) an attempt at something new that has danger involved

7. Candidate (n.) Somebody who is taking a test or applying for a job

8. Requirement (n.) 9. Inquire

Something that is needed to need someone or something

10. Fascinated with (adj.)

Very interested in

11. Mission (n.) Important job to be done

12. Appreciate To feel grateful for something

13. Recreation(n.) (A way of) enjoying yourself when you are not working

14. Provide To give someone something that they want or need

15.In advance (adv.) Beforehand

16. At earliest convenience (n.)

As soon as possible

17.Innovative (adj.) Using new methods or ideas

18. Dynamic (adj.) Full of new ideas and energy

19.Enthusiastic (adj.) Very interested in something or excited by it

20.Opportunity (n.) A chance to do something good

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❖ Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. There is no question that mothers promise their children ............... and unconditional love as long as they are alive.

a. permanent b. beneficial c. sustainable d. wearable

2. No doubt, the Internet allows more ........................ methods for social communication among people around the world .

a. single b. rare c. innovative d. tremble

3. The new Suez Canal gave the Egyptians the ..................... to prove that Egypt is the land of determination.

a. shadow b. outfit c. reflection d. opportunity

4. Charlie Chaplin, a famous comedian said “ I am what I am: an individual, ……………………and different from others.”

a. tremble b. unique c. shadow d. reflection

5. For now, volunteers‟ ................................. in the national Park is to help endangered animals to breed.

a. investment b. prevention c. mission d. inquiries

6. Young teenagers are ..................... by video games; especially FIFA games.

a. single b. confused c. trembled d. fascinated 7. It was a risky ………of him to invest all his money in the stock market. a. mission b. fury c. venture d. recreation

8. Companies try to sell their products using ............................... in form of placards, television spots and print publications.

a. fascination b. advertisements c. requirements d. scenarios

9. Young .................. minds are the real hope for having a better future full of energy and enthusiasm.

a. trembling b. dynamic c. confused d. resembled

10. Many of the earth's resources are running out and the governments are looking for ................. energy sources.

a. sustainable b. functional c. dynamic d. disappointing 11. Working with young children ................. a great deal ofpatience. a. gazes b. requires c. resembles d. comprehends

12. Being a mother, She feels that her family doesn't really …………… her ,which hurt her deeply

a. remind b. connect c. appreciate d. stir 13. I think that the best ..................for the job is Brendon. He isreally

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dynamic and enthusiastic . a. trustee b. volunteer c. candidate d. council

14. Applicants must satisfy the ............. for admission to the university.

a. connection b. recreation c. fury d. requirement

15. Sam, You really don't seem very .......................... about the party - don't you want to go tonight?

a. enthusiastic b. dynamic c. disappointed d. embarrassed

16. Shopping can be considered as ladies' best way for ................. and enjoyment.

a. recreation b. mission c. motivation d. imagination

17. He entered the United States in 1988 as a permanent …………… because of his marriage to a U.S. citizen.

a. single b. candidate c. resident d. individual

18. The company's head office can… ..................... information on the recent projects that have been done.

a. remind b. provide c. comprehend d. match

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Module 6A Private Lives Reading P: 68-69

Words Meaning

1. introverted (adj) Being shy

2. Extroverted (adj) Being outgoing

3. Category (n.) Something divided into groups

4. Stability 9n.) The state of being stable.

5. Fond of ( v.) Being interested in something or someone.

6. Trustworthy (adj) Able to be relied on as honest or truthful.

7. Let down (v.) To disappoint.

8. Sensitive (adj) To be often upset by the things people say or do

9. Criticism (n.) The expression of disapproval of someone or something based on perceived faults or mistakes.

10. Conflict (n.) Huge disagreement or argument.

11. Confident (adj) Certain about your ability to do things well

12. Free spirit (adj) Somebody who acts the way they want without doing what is usual in society.

13. Spontaneous (adj)

Occurring as a result of a sudden inner impulse/something unplanned.

14. Theoretical (adj) Concerned with or involving the theory of a subject or area of study rather than its practical application.

15. Philosophical (adj)

Relating to the study or writing of philosophy.

16. a bore (adj) A person or a something that is boring.

17. Mere (adj) Used to emphasize how small or insignificant someone or something is.

18. Principles (n.) Morally correct behavior and attitudes.

19. Optimistic (adj) Hopeful and confident about the future.

20. Excite (v.) To make somebody feel enthusiastic.

21. Scholar (n.) A person that has a lot of knowledge about a specific topic.

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22. Exhibit (v.) To put something in show where it can be seen by the public.

23. Intuition (n.) The ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.

24. Logic / reason (n.) The use of reason, or the science of using reason.

25. Rational (adj) Based on or in accordance with reason or logic.

26. quick witted (adj) Showing or characterized by an ability to think or respond quickly or effectively.

27. Natural born (adj) Having a particular position by birth.

28. Decisiveness (n.) Having the power or quality of deciding and displaying no or little hesitation.

29. Willpower (adj) The ability to control your thoughts and behaviour in order to achieve something.

30. Compassionate (adj)

Feeling or showing sympathy and concern for others

31. Observant (adj) Quick to notice or perceive things.

32. Individual (n.) A single human being as distinct from a group.

33. Emotional (adj) Showing strong feelings.

34. Conform (v.) Comply with rules, standards, or laws.

35. Sensitivity (n.) The quality or condition of being sensitive.

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❖ Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. Sam Kept arguing for hours but no one could understand the …………….. behind his belief to ban private cars in the city.

a. logic b. intuition c. category d. criticism

2. Only great leaders who enjoy the put an end to civil war among their people.

a. sensitivity b. decisiveness c. conflict d. conforming

3. Sam, the book that you are looking for is in the science fiction …………

a. personality b. category c. logic d. principles

4. Sometimes it is a must to .................. with the rules even though you Don't agree with them.

a. confined b. confirm c. conform d. confident 5. I can't resist Sushi, I am really .................. of it. I can eat it everyday. a. find b. found c. fond d. fined

6. The .................. between Elizabeth and Caroline is so deep that both can't stand the existence of one another.

a. Intuition b. sensitivity c. stability d. conflict

7. Some people can't accept....................... from others easily. They believe it is a way of interfering in their own business.

a. criticism b. communication c. logic d. change

8. Most mothers depend on their ................... when dealing with their new babies.

a. fascination b. intuition c. attention d. sensitivity

9. The fans felt that their team has …………..them ……. when they lost the final match.

a. cope….with b. conflict …with

c. let …..down d. live …

10. This year, Vodafone has spent ................. 1000,000 $ on advertising their services in Egypt.

a. trustworthy b. direct c. spontaneous d. mere

11. Greg is great when it comes to ........... ideas but he finds difficulty to put his ideas into actions

a. spontaneous b- theoretical c-popular d-rational

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12. I am on diet and it took me a great deal of .................... not to eat the chocolate that Carla offered me.

a. difficult b. confident c. willpower d. sensitive

13. Gillian is really ...................... She manages to come up with solutions to every problem she faces.

a. trustworthy b. quick-witted c. willpower d. emotional

14. William Wordsworth believed that poetry is ............... He believed that poetry cannot be planned.

a. individual b. spontaneous c. emotional d. theoretical

15. Sam was never ..................... person he used to like being with others. He became so when he lost his dog.

a. introverted b. extroverted c. disappointed d. observant

16. I am not interested in reading science fiction stories, I think they are very …………..

a. bored b. bore c. mere d. sense

17. Edmund was not a .......... person. he planned to get rid of his father and his brother as well.

a. confident b. extroverted c. introverted d. trustworthy 18. No ................. person would such a thing that he doesn't need. a. rational b. logic c. conforming d. compassionate

19. George will notice that you took his CD player from his room. He is very ……………

a. sensitive b. willpower c. observant d. compassionate

20. Mother Teresa was a very .................. person who spent her life volunteering to help others.

a. rational b. introverted c. trustworthy d. compassionate

21. The weather is really.................. this summer; it suddenly turns from being very hot to be mild.

a. mere b. rational c. unpredictable d. spontaneous

22. William Wordsworth is a ......................... poet. He had great talent and imagination

a. willpower b. natural-born c. observant d. compassionate

23. Our school is very proud of its talented students that it …………their artwork in the main hall.

a. exhibited b. expressed c. let down d. concentrated

24. One can't change his ..................... according to the circumstances.

a. principles b. principals c. responsible d. individual

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25. Joining the university ........................... Harry's parents. They felt extremely happy and proud of their son.

a. existed b. exciting c. excited d. existence

26. I couldn't understand their ....................... discussion about the real meaning of happiness

a. philological b. philosophical c. spontaneous d. compassionate

27. My sister Beranda is a ...................... person. She enjoyed travelling alone without being worried about what the future may bring.

a. rational b. free spirit c. quick-witted d. compassionate

28. Al-Hasan Ibn Al-Haytham is a great ....................... who made great changes in the field of Optics.

a. rational b. dreamer c. scholar d. reliable

29. Don't talk about the diet matter , Sarah is so .................... about her weight and gets upset easily.

a. sensitive b. sensitivity c. senses d. sentimental

30. Despite being very cold outside but Sam is such a/ an …………. person who accepts my invitation to hang out.

a. observant b. dreamer c. introverted d. extroverted

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Module 6A Vocabulary P: 70

Adjectives Meaning

1. Aggressive (adj) Angry and violent

2. Ambitious(adj) Wanting to achieve success in something, life.

3. Conscientious(adj) Being responsible and making an effort to do things carefully and correctly.

4. Greedy (adj) Never being satisfied with what you have, always wanting more.

5. Selfish (adj) Caring only about one's own interest.

6. Snobbish(adj) Having the attitude of people who look down on others because they think they are better than them.

7. Stubborn (adj) Not willing to change.

8. Tolerant (adj) Able to accept other people's views or behavior.

9. Irritable (adj) Becoming angry or annoyed easily.

10. Generous (adj) Willing to give money, time, help, etc. to others.

Idiomatic expressions with the verb break:

Idiom Meaning

1. Break a promise To not do something that you should do

2. Break the news To make something known, usually unpleasant, to someone.

3. Break a / the habit To no longer practice or do something.

4. Break the ice To make people feel relaxed by saying or doing something especially at the beginning of a discussion, meeting, class, etc.

5. Break the law To do something illegal.

6. Break a/ the record To beat a previous record. 7. Break the rules To refuse to obey standard behavior.

8. Break the silence To say something or make noise after a period of

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9. Break someone's heart

To make somebody feel very sad.

❖ Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. In spite of the fact that Ice hockey can be considered as a/ an ……………….. game, I enjoyed attending every match this season.

a. snobbish b. selfish c. generous d. aggressive

2. It was a brilliant idea to play a party game to break the .............. among the newcomers.

a. silence b. law c. ice d. record

3. “Was it …………… have ten pieces of cakes at a time.?” asked the little Tom.

a. generous b. greedy c. snobbish d. tolerant

4. Gertrude decided to replace her faithful husband with another soon after his death out of.................. reasons

a. selfish b. snobbish c. generous d. greed

5. The former Minister has decided to break the ............................ about the government corruption after a long period of quietness.

a. news b. ice c. silence d. law

6. Refusing to dance with village girls, Elizabeth thought that was a ……………… of Mr. Darcy.

a. selfish b. irritable c. stubborn d. snobbish

7. Sarah had finally broke the .................. and told her parents that she Couldn't pass the final exams.

a. news b. record c. rule d. silence

8. The journalist had been waiting for an hour to interview the movie stars and was starting to feel ................. He couldn't wait that long

a. snobbish b. conscientious c. irritable d. tolerant

9. Lisa broke the ..................... when she drove the wrong way on a one- way street.

a. silence b. law c. ice d. record

10. Mary Fisher was able to break the world ................ at the New Zealand short-course swimming championship in Auckland last Thursday 13th August.

a. rule b. record c. habit d. silence

11. Interrupting others while talking is really annoying, so try to break the

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a. rule b. habit c. record d. law

12. Listening to Darcy's cruel criticism really broke Elizabeth's…………. a. rule b. heart c. record d. news

13. It is said that parents are intensely ..................... for their children. They always wish them the best in life.

a. ambitious b. greedy c. tolerant d. generous

14. History is made by those who are able to break the ………… . People like Christopher Columbus.

a. record b. news c. promise d. rules

15. Everyone admired Nelson Mandela of South Africa as a real ………. leader who was able to lead his country to its independence.

a. aggressive b. greedy c. conscientious d. tolerant

16. Mahatma Gandhi had a …………………….character which enabled him to lead India to independence against the British rule. He refused to use any British goods or clothes.

a. tolerant b. stubborn c. aggressive d. irritable

17. Mother Teresa was a real ...................person who lived most of her life for others.

a. generous b. greedy c. conscientious d. selfish

18. I think parents become more .................................. of children in public places than being at home.

a. ambitious b. tolerant c. stubborn d. selfish

19. Listening to his constant criticism about everything in life made me really …………………

a. generous b. snobbish c. tolerant d. irritable 20. Laura said that she would help me but she broke her ……………….. a. rules b. promise c. law d. silence

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Module 6A Vocabulary P. 72-73

Words Meaning

Sibling (n.) A brother or a sister.

Spouse (n.) A husband or a wife.

Words Meaning

Inheritance (n.) The money that somebody gets when a friend or a relative dies.

Heritage (n.) Features like history, traditions or buildings that belong to a society.

Words Meaning

Ancestor (n.) A person that is a relative and lived in the past.

Descendant (n.) A person who lives after someone and is related to them, like children, grandchildren, great- grandchildren.

Words Meaning

Marriage (n.) A relationship between a husband and a wife that is legally accepted

Wedding (n.) The celebration and the ceremony in which two people get married.

Words Meaning

Bride (n.) A woman on the day of her wedding.

Groom (n.) A man on the day of his wedding.

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Words Meaning

Nuclear family A family unit that includes a father, a mother and the children.

Extended family The part of the family unit that includes members like aunts, uncles, grandparents.

Words Meaning

Grow To increase in size.

Grow up To gradually become an adult.

Raise To take care of a person until he becomes an adult.

Phrase Meaning

A good judge of character Somebody who has a good instinct about understanding another person's character.

In his DNA A part of his personality/ character. At heart Basically.

In his nature In agreement with his character or personality.

Deep down Basically.

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❖ Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. The problem of housing is ......................... worse and worse everyday. The government needs to find an effective solution.

a. raising b. growing c. growing up d. getting

2. One of the Indian tradition is that the ......... is dressed in red on her wedding day

a. ancestor b. descendant c. pride d. bride

3. Though Gamal Abd Elnasr is a great Egyptian leader but his ……………are from the Sudan.

a. groom b. ancestors c. heritage d-descendants

4. In 60 percent of the households it is said both …… went out to work.

a. grooms b. spouses c. brides d. extended family

5. I got such a big nuclear family; I have five …………………

a. brides b. grooms c. spouses d. siblings

6. Ismail Pasha “Khedive Of Egypt” is a/an… ............. of great Mohamed Ali; the founder of modern Egypt.

a. ancestor b. descendant c. nuclear family

d. inheritance

7. In 1960 UNESCO started a project to try to save the temple of Isis from Philae, as it is considered as one of the greatest ................. of the world.

a. Inheritance b. ancestor c. heritage d. descendant

8. The happy couple has finally announced their ....................... date to be next Friday.

a. marriage b. wedding c. bride d. groom

9. Successful ................................. needs to be built on mutual understanding and real respect.

a. wedding b. extended family

c. marriage d. inheritance

10. King Lear deprived his youngest daughter Cordelia the right to have any ...................... after his death.

a. descendant b. culture c. heritage d. inheritance

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11. Cinderella never considered her stepmother and her greedy stepsisters as her …………………………..

a. spouses b. siblings c. extended family

d. nuclear family

12. After losing her mother Snow white expected her stepmother would be able to ................... her as her natural daughter.

a. raise b. grow up c. grow d. rise

13. In some countries it is a tradition to find a spouse among your ………….family.

a. nuclear b. inheritance c. sibling d. extended

14. Failing to build ................... family means losing the basis of any social organization.

a. extended b. nuclear c. heritage d. spouse

15. Some ..................... have to go through some difficult experiences as a tradition of some tribes to gain his bride.

a. siblings b. marriages c. grooms d. brides

16. Although Sam would never admit it, but ....................................... Sam learnt that he was a real criminal for murdering his cat.

a. hardly b. in his DNA c. deep down

d. concept

17. You shouldn't judge people on their appearance, or you wouldn't have a good……………………………………………

a. Judgment of a character

b. judge of a character

c. Judgment of personality

d. judge of personality

18. Although William Shakespeare started his career as an actor but he learnt that he was a writer ……………….

a. in hand b. in heart c. in his nature

d. at heart

19. Believing in ghosts was not ………….. Hamlet's ............................ but he couldn't resist his father's ghost request.

a. at …hand b. in….nature c. deep…down d. at… heart 20. Alan has always dreamt to be a pilot. It is ………….. his …………... a. at …hand b. in….DNA c. deep…down d. at… heart

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Module 6B A reunion of identities Reading P: 74-75

Word Meaning

1. Stereotype is a fixed general image or set of characteristics that a lot of people believe represent a particular type of person or thing.

2. Geek Unfashionable person with hardly any social skills.

3. Nerd A person who lacks social skills and studies all the

time. 4. Joke A person who is really athletic and into sports. 5. Loner A person who prefers being on his own.

6. Bookworm A person who spent most of his time reading.

7. Socialite A person who likes to spend his time in a fashionable social events.

8. Class clown A person who likes to entertain the rest of the class by being funny and silly most of the time.

9. Reunion The act of meeting up again and uniting to after a long time.

10. Identities Who somebody is , personality and characteristics

11. Takes pleasure in

To enjoy something.

12. Blabbing the news

to talk carelessly or too much, often telling others something you should keep secret.

13. Desperately Used to show that somebody wants or need something very much.

14. Bond with To get closer to somebody.

15. Rumor A piece of information about somebody or something that might not be true.

16. Crave To want something a lot.

17. Made fun of To laugh at somebody or something

18. Messed up Not neat and not clean.

19. bassoon A large long instrument with a metal piece for blowing through.

20. Bowling alley A building in which you can go bowling, or the narrow track along which balls are rolled during a bowling

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21. Outcast back Someone who doesn't belong in his main social area (work, school, the street) Has only a few friends, but usually doesn't really hang out with them.

22. Encyclopedia A book or a set of books providing information in alphabetical order about different subjects.

23. Bully To harm somebody physically or with words.

24. Look down on To underestimate someone.

25. In awe of To be totally fascinated and amazed by somebody or

something. 26. Muscular Having big muscles.

27. Confidence The quality of being certain of your abilities or of having trust in people, plans, or the future.

28. Rely on To need a particular thing or the help and support of someone or something in order to continue, to work correctly, or to succeed.

29. Adjust To change something slightly, especially to make it more correct, effective, or suitable.

30. Trophy A cup or other prizes given to a team or a person fore winning at something.

31. Misanthrope A person who doesn't like other people and

avoids involvement with society.

32. Miserable Very sad and unhappy.

33. Fit into to feel that you belong to a particular group and are accepted by them .

34. Grumble to complain about someone or something in an annoyed way .

35. Groan to make a deep long sound showing great pain or unhappiness .

36. Inspire to make someone feel that they want to do something and can do it .

37. Fearful frightened or worried about something

38. 39. To one‟s


Doing something very well with a pleasing results.

40. Flaw A fault, mistake or weakness

41. Idealist Someone who believes that very good things can be

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achieved, often when this does not seem likely to others

42. Honk one's horn

To make a loud sound with your car.

43. judgmental Having an opinion 44. Realization When something becomes real

45. Adulthood The time in your life when you are an adult and not a child

46. Attitude a feeling or opinion about something or someone, or a way of behaving that is caused by this .

47. Affection Care and love

Phrasal verbs

Phrasal verb Meaning

1. Cling on something To try very hard to keep something

2. Go on To move to the next step.

3. Sign up for something To officially join something; a gym or a course at the university.

4. Work out To deal with something successfully; to solve a problem.

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❖ Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. Gandhi's confident leadership ................. his Indian followers to achieve stability.

a. went on b. inspired c. worked out d. meant

2. It's no surprise she's leaving - she never really ............ into our community.

a. groaned b. fitted c. failing her health d. grumbled

3. It's often very difficult to change people's .................. towards accepting criminals into the society again.

a. closeness b. farewell c. attitude d. realization

4. I can't believe it, Steven wasn't ...................... of staying alone in New York without his parents.

a. fearful b. fear c. frightening d. frighten 5. You cannot call Jack a nerd person. He doesn't fit that ……………. a. reunion b. stereotype c. bassoon d. satisfaction 6. Diana held her new baby with great …………………….. a. affect b. effect c. effective d. affection

7. Jack used to be a/ an ..................... when he was younger. He used to exercise a lot.

a. nerd b. geek c. athletic d. loner

8. Mary was different from other girls. She spent most of her time in the library. She is a real ………………...

a. nerd b. geek c. joke d. bookworm 9. Smith used to ........... his little brother because he was small and shy. a. realize b. bully c. rely on d. adjust

10-All his friends call him ............. He keeps all his classmates laughing all the time. a. class clown b. geek c. nerd d. loner

11-Susan ………on her friends all the time but sometimes it seems very annoying

a. pays b. help c. clings d. makes fun

12-It is the teachers‟ roles to encourage their students to gain ................. to achieve success. a. confidence b. realization c. affection d. rumor

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13- Hamlet is looking ................ for an evidence to reach the truth about his father's death. a. judgmental b. fearful c. desperately d. miserable

14- All teachers and students were ..................... of Roy's ability to give a hand to everyone. a. fascination b. in awe c. fearful d. spouse

15- Suddenly, Sarah .................... her horn to warn the dog the crossing the street before she hits it.

a. clicks b. honks c. groans d. makes

16- You can't call Jane a dreamer for seeing good in people. She is rather a /an ............. person

a. idealistic b. nerd c. geek d. sensitive

17- The fingerprint on the murder weapon made it easy to find out the murderer's…………………….

a. character b. identity c. person d. personality

18-At First school day, little children usually keep .......................... until they meet their mothers .

a. take pleasure b. kicking and screaming

c.honk their horns d. cling on

19-I wanted to ..................... a computer course but the fees were very expensive.

a. work out b. sign up c. go on d. cling on 10. Jason got his degree in Art and ......... to become a real painter

a. went on b. signed up c. worked out d. at… heart

20-History cannot be considered as objective. It always leads people to ……………..attitude towards events, leaders.. etc...

a. miserable b. fearful c. aimless d. judgmental

21-Some people like to follow Hollywood's ................ about their favorite Celebrities

a. flaw b. realization c. rumors d. encyclopedia

22-At the first school day, little children usually keep ......................... until they meet their mothers.

a. take pleasure

b. kicking and

screaming c.honk their horns d. cling on

23-Bill Clinton has became social ....................... since rumors about him being dishonest spread in the White House.

a. nerd b. outcast back c. geek d. jock

24-Sam had to take the final exam twice to reach his ……………….

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a. realization b. affection c. satisfaction d. ceremony 25-In our family it is a tradition my grandpa had started to have a big family ………………. in the Lesser Bariam.

a. Identity b. fight c. affection d. reunion

26-Hamlet is a typical tragic hero of William Shakespeare whose ……………….. “Revenge” led to his down fall.

a. realization b. rumor c. stereotype d. flaw

27-Hamlet made a .............. attempt to murder his mother but he couldn't resist his gentle nature.

a. misfit b. pathetic c. fearful d. pointless

28-No one can stand Jason anymore because he keeps ................. almost about everything in his life. a. persuading b. bullying c. groaning d. grumbling

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Module 6B Writing P: 76-77

Word Meaning

1. Initially In the beginning or at first.

2. Determine To decide

3. Gene part of a cell that is passed on from a parent to a child and that particular characteristics

4. Factor One of many reasons

5. Sociology The study of society and the relationship between people in society

6. Psychology The study of the human mind and feelings

7. Shed the light To make something clear

8. Physical Relating to the body

9. Cultural Relating to the habits, traditions, and beliefs of a society

10. Circumstances The facts or events of a situation

11. Develop To change into a different stage 12. Education T and learning in a school or college

13. Beliefs A strong feeling that something is true or real

14. Custom Traditions

15. To a great extent Used to say that something is true, but is not the whole truth

16. Will The power to control your thoughts and actions

17. self- improvement

The process of making yourself better than before.

18. Combination A mixture of different people or things

19. Take into consideration

To have something in mind that help to take the right decision.

20. Ignore To not give attention to something or someone

21. Keep in mind To remember someone or something that may be useful in the future.

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Choose the correct answer:

1. The British army's desire to keep the Indian people in ignorance

……………….on their lies.

a. brought up b. shed the light c. took into consideration

d. kept in mind

2. After great .................... Jessie succeeded in changing her personality from being shy into a shiny extroverted person.

a. combination b. develop c. self-improvement d. circumstances

3. Sarah showed great interest in studying ................ in the university. She desires to be a psychiatric.

a. psychology b. sociology c. physics d. realization

4 ................. we thought that would be a great failure, but the plan worked out to achieve exceptional success.

a. Initially b. Finally c. Although d. Despite

5. One can't determine the identity of the American society. It is originally formed of a wide ..................... of different nations.

a. realization b. combination c. consideration d-satisfaction

6. A study was made to ............... the factors that led to bullying among teenagers in schools.

a. deny b. determine c. consist of d. play

7. Jack took into ................... the medical benefits to accept the offer to work for Vodafone.

a. mind b. consideration c. factor d. genes 8. Safety is an important ........................... in car design. a. role b. gene c. influence d. factor 9. Smith is a real artist. It is in his …………………… a. circumstances b. environment c. gene d. factor 10. To some ................. genes are responsible for our personalities. a. extent b. extract c. exact d. exist

11. Susan found it difficult to give up her country .................. whenshe moved to India. She even couldn't understand theirs.

a. ideas b. customs c. costumes d. will

12. for some ....................... reasons, Ahmed felt at home when he travelled to Turkey. He felt they share us some habits and traditions

a. physical b. cultural c. fearful d. pointless

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13. Hamlet found it impossible to ignore the ................. in which his father died.

a. society b. factor c. circumstances d. knowledge

14. All teachers and friends advised Thomas not to join the championship this year but he .............. them

a. determined b. Influenced c. ignored d. remained 15. In my ................... I think stereotype shouldn't exist. a. mind b. belief c. gene d. idea

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Grammar Revision Sheet


Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) between brackets:

1. We had a party last Thursday. (Every Thursday)


2. I went to the club yesterday. (sometimes)


3. She lives at 12 Grant Street. (Where…?)


4. Ann does the washing up twice a week. (now)


5. The canary sings in the morning. (Listen!)


6. I am crying because I haven't passed the exam. (Why…?)


7. I was sleeping and my sister entered the room. (while)


8. While we were doing the homework, the pen fell. (when)


9. She didn't wash the dishes. (yet)


10. He lived in England in 1995. (since)


11. They haven't studied English since 2000. (for)


12. The tailor finished the dress at the end of the month. (by)


13. The phone is ringing. I want to answer it. (will)


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14. The ladder is broken. He is going to fall. (think)


15. The Adams family watched Harry Potter film yesterday. (today)


16. We have just run out of fuel. (few seconds ago)


17. The students have the intentions to participate in the charity



18. Joe is talking to his friends now. (yet)


19. He has found a job at a travel agency for this summer. (is)


20. I studied Math last night. (What…?)


Rewrite the Following Sentences:


1- The sky is full of dark clouds. (rain).


2- She has the intention to join the faculty of Medicine. (is)

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------

3- He has made all the necessary arrangements to move to London.(is)

………………………………………………………………………………………. 4-

He comes home .I will finish studying (by the time)


5- The train to London leaves at 9 o'clock (tomorrow)


6- They plan to buy a new flat, They buy it (next winter)


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Affirmative Negative Interrogative Short Answer

I eat I don't eat Do I eat? I do

You eat You don't eat Do you eat? You do

They eat They don't eat Do they eat? They do

We eat We don't eat Do we eat? We do

She eats

She doesn't


Does she eat?

She does

He eats Hedoesn'teat Do he eat? He does

It eats It doesn't eat Does it eat? It does


3rd person singular (he, she, it)

In the affirmative, the 3rd person singular takes the ending -s: sleep ~ sleeps, take it takes the ending –s

sleep sleeps

When the verb ends with a consonant + y we change the y toi , and then add–es:

cry Cries study studies BUT: play plays

Verbs ending in -s, -sh, -ch, -x, -o take –es watch watches go goes

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EVERY afternoon, Sunday, week, summer, year, ... AFTER – BEFORE: work, school, breakfast, lunch, ..

ONCE/TWICE/THREE... TIMES (once a week, twice a month, three times a

year, .. in July, on my birthday, at (mid)night, ...


He grows vegetables in his garden.

N: -He doesn't grow vegetables in his garden.

I: - Does he grow vegetables in his garden?

We use the Present Simple:

1. To describe habitual / regular actions, daily routines

• Dad drinks coffee with breakfast.

• I play tennis twice a week.

2. For general truths or natural phenomena

• Cuckoos don't build nests.

• The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

3. For permanent situations: where we live, study or work

• My brother works in a hospital.

• Her sister studies History in Vienna.

4. For fixed timetables and programs such, as journeys, exhibitions, performances, etc. There is often a future time reference

• The plane leaves at 10.15.

• The TV programme starts at 8.00.

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5. For successive actions in the present (eg. when broadcasting athletic events, games...)

• He passes the ball to Johnson, who shoots and scores a goal.

• He gets up, has breakfast and leaves for school.

6.When making suggestions

• Why don't we take a taxi?

• Why don't you call her?

7.In exclamatory sentences beginning with Here or There

• Here comes the train!

• There he goes!


In the Present Simple, adverbs of frequency come before the main verb and after the auxiliary (am/is/are). • He always works hard. • My friend is never late for school.

Always, Often, Usually, Sometimes, Rarely/Seldom, Hardly, Never

Notice: Because the adverbs: rarely, seldom, hardly and never have a negative meaning, we always use them in affirmative sentences. • He never phones me.


Present Progressive Tense


I am / I'm sleeping I Am not / I'm not sleeping Am I sleeping?

You are / You're sleeping You are not / You aren't sleeping Are You sleeping?

He is / He's sleeping He Is not / He isn't sleeping Is He sleeping?

She is / She's sleeping She Is not / She isn't sleeping Is She sleeping?

It is / It's sleeping It Is not / It isn't sleeping Is It sleeping?

We are / We're sleeping We are not / We aren't sleeping Are We sleeping?

You are / You're sleeping You are not / You aren't sleeping Are You sleeping?

They are / They're sleeping They are not / They aren't sleeping Are They sleeping?


I- • Is thebaby sleeping?

-Yes, he is.

-No, he isn't .

II- • Are the boysworking?

-Yes, they are.

-No, they aren't.

Spelling Rules:

1) When verbs end with an -e, after a consonant, we drop the -e before

adding -ing

2) When verbs end with a consonant (except -w, -x) after a vowel which is

stressed, we double the consonant before adding -ing.

But: fix - fixing, mix - mixing, vow - vowing, enter - entering

3) When verbs end with -I, which comes after a vowel (even if not stressed), we

double the -I before - ing.


4) When verbs end with -ie (lie, die, tie), we change the -ie to -y before

adding –ing


We use the following time expressions and adverbs with the

Present Progressive (having the meaning of now):

at the moment /at present/right now/nowadays

for the time being/these days/still


My sister/work/at home/present

My sister is working at home at present.

We use The Present Progressive:

1. For actions happening now/at the moment of speaking

• The children are playing now.

• Bill is having lunch at the moment.

2. for actions/situations happening temporarily but not necessarily

at the time of speaking

• I am studying for an exam this week.

• Ann's working in a cafe for the summer.


We also use the Present Progressive for actions already planned/arranged for the near future. In this case, the Present Progressive has a future meaning.

• They are moving to Spain next week.

• Jim and Susan are getting married at six.

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Stative Verbs

- Some verbs are not usually found in progressive tenses, even when they describe the moment of speaking. They are called

stative verbs and the most common are: 1. Senses:

(see – hear – taste – smell) 2. Emotions / Feelings:

(like – love – hate – want – dislike – need – prefer – care – forgive)


( Forget - remember - remind - know – believe - understand - realize – suppose) OTHER STATIVE VERBS

Other verbs, also found in simple tenses, showing possession, permanent state, etc. are the following:

belong to – cost – matter – notice – possess – contain - look -

mean - own - seem


Some of these verbs, however, can be used in progressive tenses

as well as in simple tenses but there is a change in the meaning.

1• She has a fast car. (=owns, possesses) He is having lunch. (=eating)

2• I seesomeone. I hope it's Father Christmas. (=sense of sight) We are seeing Jacknext weekend. (=meeting)

3• This jug holds 1 liter. (=can contain) • Anne is holding the jug. (=has in her hands now)

4. I think youare right. (in my opinion) Heis thinking about his problems. (considering)

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Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:

1. They always remember to dotheir homework. (never)

2. What time is your plane scheduled to arrive at Heathrow? (does)

3. Helen rarely goes to the theatre. (often)

4. John never stops crying. (always)

5. He plays table tennis once a week. (at the moment)

6. Eric has a bath every morning. (at the moment)

7. He doesn't study at weekends. (at present)

8. The canary sings in the morning. (Listen!)

9. He always arrives early for work. (never)

10. I have a meeting with Liana tonight. (seeing)

11. Marry seldom visits her grandfather. (does)

12. I always forget to lock the door. (remember)

13. Look! The London train is coming. (comes)

14. These flowers are very expensive. (cost)

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This/ That/ He... + be + superlative degree + Pr. Perfect

The Present Perfect Simple is often used after adjectives in the

Superlative degree as follows:

➢ I have never answered such an easy question.

➢ This the easiest question I have ever answered


Module 3-a

Present Perfect


This is the most important thing I've ever done.

He's the best work I've ever accomplished in my life.

This is the most beautiful baby I haveever seen.


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The Present Perfect Simple is also used to express absence

of an action.

The Present Perfect Simple is also used to express absence of



He hasn't worked for 3 weeks.

I haven't seen her since my birthday.


• I haven't seen them for a week.

I haven't cooked lamb for 2 years.

The last time I cooked lamb was 2 years ago.

It's (been) two years since I (last) cooked


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However, we can express the same meaning in two

other ways: No




1. The last time He drove a car was two years ago.

He hasn't driven a car for two years.

2. The last time you helped me was ages ago.

You .....................................................................................................

3. John hasn't used this camera for two months.

The last time ......................................................... ............................

3. I haven't spoken to her for three years.

The last time .........................................................................................

5. My father hasn't smoked for three months.

The last time ........................................................................................

6. I haven't had a pizza for ages.

The last time ........................................................................................

7. The last time we had so many guests was two years ago.

We haven't ....................................................................................

8. The last time I bought a new shirt was three months ago.

I .................................................................................................

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1. I haven't read an English magazine for a long time.

It's (been) a long time since I (last) read an English magazine

2. I haven't watched the news on CNN for a week.

It's ..................................................................................................

3. It's a long time since she ate any fruit.

She ............................................................................................. ....

4. I haven't heard from her for a month.

It‟s ..............................................................................................

5. It's been a long time since I last took an aspirin.

I .....................................................................................................

6. It's been four months since it last rained.

It ...................................................................................................


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Present Perfect

{Special Cases}


We've been in this flat for two years.

I have been in America since 1990.

Tom has been in his office since the noon.


The children have gone to school.( they are still outside, they are not at


Dad has gone to work. ( He is still out or may be on hisway home)

We've been in this flat for two years.

Where have you been? It's a long time since I've seen you.

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is used to show that someone has been in a

place (living, working, etc.) from a specified

time in the past up to now. No




We've been to England twice so far.

Have you ever been to Australia?

The children have been to school.

A. PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE (been/gone - to/in)

1. Have you ever ..........been to……..Sweden? Yes, I've ........been…….

there twice.

2. Tom isn't in. He.................................... the park again.

3. Which places ...................... you ......................... since you arrived?

4. I ......................................... Athens since I left school.

5. "Where's Pam?" "She's ......................................... Paris for a few days."

6. "Are you going to the baker's?" "I've already ......................................

the baker's."

7. Tom has ........................................ the zoo today. He'll be back soon.

8. She's .......................................... the same flat since 1999.

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is used to show that someone has visited a place

but is no longer there.



When we refer to the first,

second, third... time we have

done something, we use the

Present Perfect Simple in the

following structure:




I have never been to a circus


This the first time I have been to the


I have watched to this film before

This is the second time I have watched this film.

This is the first time I've driven such a big car.

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However, when we refer to the

last time we ever do something

we use the Present Simple or

Future Simple.

• This/That/It is the last time I

go/will go there. (Promise

(for the present or future)

BUT • That was the last time 1

went there. (for the past)

Present Perfect Progressive is used to

Express actions beginning in the past and still continuing

(focus is on the action) - mostly with since (point of time) or

for (period of time)


❖ Rewrite the following sentences using the words in the brackets

1. I haven't had a party for a whole year. ( This is …)


2. The last time he had a car accident was three years ago. (This is )


3. He hasn't been abroad for more than ten years. (It's )


4. The last time she went to the dentist was a whole year ago. (It's )


Elizabeth has been watching too many videos. (It was too much time.)

The boys have been playing PS3.

The students have been doing their homework.

Present Perfect Progressive is used to

Express Recently completed actions (focus is on the action)

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YOU will be responsible for your learning as much

as WE are. We will put forth a 100% effort to assist you

in your learning.


Rewrite the following sentences using the words in the brackets.

1. David started working for the company fourteen years ago (been).

…………………………………………………………………………………… ……

2. Louis always enjoys painting since he was a young boy. (has)

…………………………………………………………………………………… ….

3. When did you start learning English? ( How long)

…………………………………………………………………………………… ……

4. Well, I began taking lessons in March. (been)


…… 5- I started to clean the house from nine o’clock and now I’m

exhausted. (all day)


…… 6- Anne and her husband moved to their flat ten years ago

(living )


7- Dad started running grandpa’s business when he was twenty. ( has)


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Choose the correct answer:

1. Have you been to Latin America ................... ?

a- before b- already c- never d- ever

2. We ................... for the manager for ages but he hasn't

arrived yet .

3. a- waited b- are waiting c- have

been waiting d- wait

4. When people see Becky and Jane together, they think they .......... each

other for ages, but in reality they have just met.

a- know b- knew c- have been knowing d- have known.

5. The applicants who haven't been interviewed ...... are waiting in room C.

a- now b- ever c- already d- yet.

6. Julie................. to be star in a Hollywood film.

a- wanted always c- has always wanted

b- has always been wanting d- is always wanting

7. How long… ............... Since you last heard from your cousin?

a- it was b- was it c- has it been d- it is

8. This is Mrs. Edwards, whose husband has ..................been elected vice

president of the city council.

a- ever b- recently c- before d- so far.

9 ....................... yesterday's film? I personally thought it was boring.

a- Have you liked b- You have liked

c- Did you like d- You like

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The Future Simple (I shall/will (I'll) phone, You will (You'll) phone, He

will not (won't) phone, Will they phone?...) is used to make promises,

threats, predictions, requests and on-the-spot decisions.


SHALL /WE... ?

We use Shall I/we...? when we offer to do sth for sb else, ask for

instructions or advice or make suggestions.


Future Simple Vs Future Progressive

I will buy you a magazine later. (promise)

I'II tell your mother! (threat)

Will you do me a favaur? (request)

They will be here soon. (prediction)

I'll open the windows. (on-the-spot decision)

Shall I, get you a drink? • What shall I do now?

Shall we call him now or later on?

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We can also use the Present Simple or : Progressive with future meaning in the following

We use the phrase be going to for future plans or personal intentions which we have been


Present Simple: for timetables and programs. • The banks close at 1.00 tomorrow. Present Progressive: for definite actions already arranged for the near future (often with time adverbs/expressions).

already decided.

• He's going to look for a new job. • We're going to get married in two months. We can also use be going to when we have signs from the present situation that something will probably happen now or in the near future. It's going to rain. NOTE: There is little difference

between be going to and the Present Progressive (with future meaning) except that with the Present Progressive our plans more definite.

He's flying back with British

Airways next week.

We're meeting after school.

We're going to play at 4. We're playing at 4.

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The Future Progressive [I will/shall (I'll) be trying, You will (You'll) be trying,

We will/shall not (won't/shan't) be trying, Will they be trying?] is used for an

action which will be in progress at a given future period of time.


Future Progressive

I'll start work at 8 o'clock. (from ….to …. • then)

I'll be working from 8 to 3.00 and I'll finish at 3.00.


• At this/that time (tomorrow)

• This/next week

• After school/work

Choose the correct answer

1. I think he ............... to Cairo next week.

a- travelled b-has travelled c-will travel d-is travelling

2. Watch that runner! He ..................... win the race.

a- will b-is going to c-is d-must

3. sorry, I can't come to the cinema tonight. I .................. over time

a- am working b-will work c-will be working d-will have


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4. Sara's plane ……………. at 8 tomorrow morning, so she has to be in

the airport at 6 in the morning .

a- Has flown b-will fly c-will have flown d-flies

5. Experts expect that the Earth ...................... severe water shortage.

a. will face b. faces c. will be facing d. will have faced

6. They ...................... chemistry next year. They have planned that.

a-study b-is studying c-are studying d- are going to study

7. The train… ..................... to Aswan at 6 pm tomorrow.

a-is leaving b–leaves c-will leave d-is going to leave

8. Please mum, let me go to the dancing party, I promise, I ……home late.

a. am not going to come b. am not coming c. won't come d.

will be coming

9. Hennery will have a shower as soon as he his room.

a. will finish b. finishes c. is finishing

d. will have been finishing

10. liz ............. Law in Paris next year. It's arranged.

a. Will study b. is going to study c. will be studying d. is studying

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Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:

1- He comes home .I will finish studying (by the time)


2- I will write Sam a letter tomorrow. (at this time)


3- I packed my bags to travel to Rome. (am )


4- He has made all the necessary arrangements to move to London.(is)


5- We are going to be at Paris next week ( by the next week )


6- She will write the essay at 4 o'clock . ( by six o’clock )


7- Tom will do his homework tonight. (at nine o'clock)


8- She plans to join the faculty of Medicine. (is)


9- The ladder is broken , he is going to fall. ( I think )


10- The phone is ringing. (will)


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Use future (Simple/Progressive)

1. You ....................... (regret) this. I give you my word.

2. Come to the cinema with me. You ............. (love) the film.

3. (you, post) this letter for me, please?

4. It's getting hot. ...................... we ............... (switch on) the air


5. I'll be very busy tomorrow. I ....... (make) phone calls to all our clients.

6. John believes he ............................. (get) a job soon.

7. Do you think Paul .................... (know) the answer to the quiz?

8. I ...................................... (still/play) on my computer at 5.

9. Don't call me between 10 and 11. I ........... (drive) to London at that


10. “We've run out of coffee.” “OK. I ...................... (buy) some at the

supermarket tomorrow."

11. Susan: Andy, hurry up. Time to go.

Andy : I ........................... (be)ready in a minute .

12. Ray: Has Collin phoned yet?

Gwen: No, he ……………….. (call) as soon as the train................. (arrive).

13. Sam: Call me tomorrow afternoon at five?

Brad: Tomorrow at five I .................... (fly) to


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Grammar Revision Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:

1.I haven't played tennis since I was on holiday. (When)


2. I've never heard such a sad story.(ever)


3. When has Peter found a job? (since)


4. When did he leave? (ago)


5.It's the best movie I have ever watched.(never)


6.She got married at the age of 25.(when)


7.Soha has just told me the news.(ago)


8.She has never read this novel before.(ever)


9. We've never been to Canada before. (first)


10-The last time Mona ate Pizza was in 2005.(since)


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11- Mum bought me a shirt. It's in the cupboard. (The shirt)


12-This is the library. I borrowed the books from it. (which)

This is the library ………………………………………………………

13- The architect has designed the bridge. He is far intelligent. (who)


14- Mrs. Carter is a professor in the university. Her daughter won a

scholarship. (whose)


15- Vienna is a fantastic destination. My Uncle lives there. (where )

………………………. ………………………………………………………..

16-My brother broke the shelf. I like to put my books on it. (which)


17-My friend is from Canada. He studies engineering. (who)


18-She is reading a useful book. (The book)


19-I prefer to spend my vacation in Hurgada as it is a nice place.



20-A lot of people like winter. They spend a nice time then. (Winter)


21-This is my friend. I trust her so much. (whom)


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Is there any difference in the meaning between the two verbs in bold?

No, there is no difference in the meaning between the two verbs

What is the speaker doing in each sentence?

The speaker is giving general advice.

• In which sentence does the verb mean is expected to?

In the second sentence, the verb means a piece of advice.

• What does the verb in the other sentence mean?

It is used to suggest an action or express advice for a particular



Modal verbs Should- ought to – had better

Read the examples below and answer the questions that below

You ought to call the police if he threatens you again.

You should see a doctor if the pain continues.

I think he’d better stay in bed for another day, or else he will get worse.

Alex should study before the exam.

I should have handed in my research paper yesterday.

We should have done our homework yesterday.

The students should have paid attention to the school policy.

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Did the speaker hand in his research paper yesterday?

No, he didn't

How does the speaker feel about it? Why?

He regrets it, because he or they didn't do an action in the past.

• Did Rod eat all the chocolate?

Yes, he did.

• Does his mother think he did the right thing?

No by using this structure she expresses her criticism about something

that happened in the past and was wrong.


“Mum my stomach hurts.”

“You know, Rod, you shouldn't have eaten all that chocolate”

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E.G You ought to have let me know you weren't coming NO


Students are required to sign and

adhere to a behavior contract with the

school for the benefit of both student’s


Choose the correct answer

1. You .............. tell your mother the truth about the broken vase.

a. ought b. should c. better d. ought have

2. You ............................... lectures more often.

a. should attended b. had better attend c .ought attend

d. ought to attended

3. You had.............................. visit your grandmother before you leave

for England.

a. should b. had c. ought to d. should have

4. I ............... tell the caretaker that the elevator is out of order.

a. ought b. better c. should d. ought to have

5. You ......................... me yesterday that you can't come to dinner

a. should tell b. should have told c. ought to tell d. ought told.

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Rewrite the following sentences using the words in the brackets :

1. It is not a good idea to eat so much before going to bed. (not)


2. I wasn't able to get a table at that restaurant because I hadn't made a reservation. (should)


3. Mathew made a terrible mistake to trust a stranger with all his money.



4. Candice eats a lot of chocolate and she's putting on weight. ( better)


5. Jack makes lots of spelling mistakes when he writes a composition. (should)


6. Add some butter before serving this dish. (You)


7. You ought to study harder for your exams if you want to pass this year. ('d better)


8. It was necessary for him to do his homework but he didn't. (should)


9. You shouldn't wasteyour time. (better)


10. My advice to you is to sleep early. (had) …………………………………………………………………………………………….

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Must – Have to – need- Don't Have to - Don't need to - /needn't


Personal obligation or prohibition

in the present or future

Have to+inf

External obligation in the

present or future.

Negative Past \Don't have to

had to


Doesn't have to

Didn'thave to Past

I must finish this by tonight. (I say so) personal obligation

You have to drive on the left when you are in London (it's the law)

The teacher said, “You have to study well for tomorrow's quiz.”

External obligation

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Need to +inf : expresses necessity in the present or future

Don't have to / don't need to / needn't +inf: expresses absence of

necessity in the present or future

Didn't have to / didn't need to /: expresses absence of neceesity in the past

(something wasn't necessary and may or may not have been done.)

Needn't have : expresses absence of necessity in the past (something

wasn't necessary but it was done.)


When I was at school, I had to wake up at 7 o'clock everyday.

Expressing necessity and absence of necessity:

I need to know how many people will be at the party.

You don't have to call us again. (it's not necessary) She

doesn't need to send her CV again.

You needn't to buy some more soft drinks, we went to the supermarket.

I didn't have /didn't need to pick the kids from school. They will come by

the bus.

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There's a lot of sugar in the kitchen. You needn't have bought any

more. (it wasn't necessary, but you did it.)

Rewrite the following sentences:

1. He took a taxi though it was a short distance. (not)


2. We are obliged to follow the rules. (must)


3. It wasn't necessary for him to attend the party, but he did. (not)


4. Dad said that it's necessary for me to eat healthy food. (have)


5. I want to know who will go on this trip. (need)


6. It was important for them to revise their lessons. (had)


7. Ahmed didn't have to paint the wall. (not)


8. It's not necessary to buy stationery. I have enough. (not)


9. It's not necessary for her to go shopping today. (She)


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Main verb

You need to go out

Modal verb

I don't need to go out. I needn‟t go out.

Do you need to go out? Need you go out?

(No difference in meaning.)



Can Is used to express ability in the present

Could Is used to express ability in the past


10. It wasn't necessary for Sandra to buy a new mobile phone. ( didn't)


11. It was necessary for Mandy to attend the meeting. (had)


Choose the correct answer

1. You ............... pay attention to your teachers.

a-had better b-ought c–should d-could

2. Yesterday I parked my car in a no parking sign. I ................. that.

a-couldn't do b–shouldn't do c-shouldn't have done d–mustn't do

3. It's the most useful lesson I ...................... since I joined this class.

a-was attended b-have ever attended c-attended d-attend

4. You .................. worry about the money. I have enough with me.

a. need b. have to c. needn't d- don't

5. John is grown up now. You ................... worry so much about him.

a. don't have to b. must c. had to d-needn't

Can /could

Tom can drive a car though he is only ten years old.

Sam could speak clearly when he was five.

I have some free time tomorrow, so I'll be able to work on this project.

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1. Can / Will When asking someone to do something: When you are asking

someone to do something, use “can” or “will” (more informal):


Sorry, I won't be able to go to the party on Thursday. I have school

next day.

Don't say “will can” or “won't can” – it's another common error in English!

I could draw well when I was five. ( general ability)

I was able to leave work a little early yesterday. (ability in particular


Could you bring me a glass of water, please?

Can you bring me a glass of water, please?

Can / Will, Could/ May / Would (Request)

Can you help me with the ironing?

Will you please put out your cigarette?

Can/ May I have some coffee, please?

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2. Be able to/ could Could express a general ability in the past.

Was/ were able to express ability in a particular situation.

1. Be able to

Is used to express ability and forms all tenses, it is used when can and could can't be used.






3. Could / May / Would When asking someone to do something: When you are asking

someone to do something, use “Could”, “may” or “would l” (more formal and polite request)


Will you pass me the salad, please?

Can / Could, May, Might

Can I ask a question, please?

Can we go home now.

Could I ask a question please?

Could we go home now?


May I ask a question please? May we go home now?

You can go home now if you like. You can borrow my pen if you like.

You may go home now, if you like.

We can go out whenever we want. Students can travel free.

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We use can to ask for permission to do something.

Could is more formal and

polite than can

May is another more formal

and polite way of asking for

We use can to give permission

May is a more formal and

polite way of giving

We use canto say that someone

has permission to do something


Students may travel free.

Mustn't / Can't (prohibition)

You mustn't enter into the room (not allowed)

We can't park here. (not allowed)

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences below.

1. A: What are your plans for the weekend?

B: We are going to / about to visit my aunt and uncle in Bristol.

2. A: Can you do me a favour?

B: Sure, as soon as I finish / will finish cooking dinner.

3. Look at those clouds. I think it is raining / going to rain soon.

4. In two months I am going to work / will have been working in this

company for four years.

Mustn't/ can't +inf

They express that something is prohibited, not allowed,

forbidden or against the law in the present or future

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May is a more formal and polite

way of saying that someone has


Vandalism is prohibited.

Student/teacher desks and chairs are school

property. Any misuse of such items will be

considered vandalism and should be treated


5. By the time you wake up, I will arrive / will have arrived in Barcelona.

6. A: I really feel very sleepy.

B: I make / will make you some coffee.

7. When will your train have left / does your train leave?

8. My neighbour will have travelled / is going to travel to Paris.

Rewrite the following sentences using the words in the brackets:

1. I don't think John is able to pass the driving test. (can't) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. It is not allowed to attend school without the proper uniform. (can't) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. I'm sure someone helped you. You didn't do it by yourself. (must) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4. Billy looks unhappy. Mam wants you to help him? (Can) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5. Why did you speak to her so rudely? (should) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6. I gave him much more information than necessary. (need) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

7. There was no need to have made such a fuss in public. (needn‟ t) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

8. You don't need to pay him. (is) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

9. Without doubt it is against the law to have a bribe. (not)

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---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. They don't have to ask before they go out. (necessary)

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. It wasn't necessary for you to drive me to work. (have)


12. It's impossible that you hear what the little boy is saying because of the loud noise. (not) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

13. It is possible that Sue will be late this evening. (might) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

14. I'm sure Davidisn't going to the party tonight. (can't) ----------------------------------------------------------------------

15. We are obliged to wear a uniform for school. (have) ----------------------------------------------------------------------

16. It was your duty to inform the authorities. (should)

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Who and that refer to people.

They are used to combine sentences


Relative Clauses

(Defining / Non –defining Relative Clauses)

The woman who lives across the road is my aunt.

I read the news about a lucky man who made the grade.

I read the news about a lucky man that made the grade.

That's the woman who bought my car.

She has got a smile that reminds me of childhood memories.

A film study, which is a branch of Media Studies, is a very popular optional


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Which and that refer to things.

They are used to combine sentences .




This is a professor whose laptop was stolen.

This is my friend whose mother is my teacher.

Tom whose car was broken, couldn't attend the class today.

Relative Clauses Relative clauses are introduced by relative pronouns (who,

which, that, whose) and relative adverbs ( where, when )

Adverbs Place time Where When

I am working in Cairo where I was born.

Brad and Angelina always spend their holidays in Florida where they got


Sam moved to London in 1999 when he got his first baby.

Samantha got her new post last month when she presented the new



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1. Defining Clauses

Paris is a city I've always wanted to visit.

2. Non-Defining Clauses

Tom's mother, who is 78, goes swimming every day.

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Defining clauses tell us which person or thing, or which

kind of person or thing, is meant.

Non-defining clauses add extra information, separated by

commas in writing, and intonation in speaking. Note




Omitting the relative pronoun

Object Clauses

“That's the flat I was looking for”

➢ 2. Non-Defining Clauses

Join the sentences using who, which, whose, that or where:

1. My colleague is from Wales. He plays tennis every weekend there.


2. This is Mrs. Carter. Her daughter won a collegescholarship.


3. Their album was released last year. It went to number 1 in the charts.


4. My sister is moving to New York. She will study Fine Artsthere.


5. This is the library. I borrowed the book from It.


6. Jessica was talking to a man. He bought the house next to hers.


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“I poured him a glass of wine, which he drank at once”

The relative pronoun cannot be left out in a non-

defining clause.

The relative pronoun can be left out in object

clauses in both speaking and writing if they are




t e



7. They were building a school. It was destroyed by the fire.


8. I am driving Emma's car. Emma is away on holiday.


9. These actors live in London. Most of them have studied there.


10. The Lord of the Rings was filmed in New Zealand. New Zealand is a

wonderful country.


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Countable & Uncountable Nouns

Singular Plural one dog two dogs

one horse two horses one man two men one idea two ideas

one shop two shops

1. There are at least twenty Italian restaurants in Little Italy.

2. Megan took a lot of photographs when she went to the Grand Canyon.

3. Your book is on the kitchen table.

4. How many candles are on that birthday cake?

5. You have several paintings to study in art appreciation class.

6. There's a big brown dog running around the neighborhood.

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Countable nouns are for things we can count using numbers. They have a singular and a plural form. The singular form can use the

determiner "a" or "an". If you want to ask about the quantity of a countable noun, you ask "How many?" combined with the

plural countable noun. NO


Uncountable nouns are for the things that we cannot count with numbers. They

may be the names for abstract ideas or qualities or for physical objects that are too small or too amorphous to be counted (liquids, powders, gases, etc.). Uncountable nouns are used with a singular verb. They usually do not have a

plural form.


1. There is no more water in the pond.

2. Please help yourself to some cheese. You will like it.

3. I need to find information about Pulitzer Prize winners.

4. You seem to have a high level of intelligence.

5. Please take good care of your equipment.

6. Let's get rid of the garbage.

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Uncountable nouns can be paired with words expressing plural concept. Using these words can make your writing more specific. Here are some examples of how to format interesting

sentences with uncountable nouns.


Garbage – There are nine bags of garbage on the curb.

Water – Try to drink at least eight glasses of watereach day.

Advice – She gave me a useful piece of advice.

Bread – Please buy a loaf of bread.

Furniture – A couch is a piece of furniture.

Equipment – A backhoe is an expensive piece of equipment.

Cheese – Please bag ten slices of cheese for me.

Some common uncountable nouns:

Fluids: water -coffee- tea – milk….

Gases: stream – air – oxygen- smoke – smog- pollution……

Solid materials: ice – bread- butter- meat – cheese- gold- iron –

silver- glass- paper……

Particles: rice – sand - salt - chalk – corn- dirt- dust- flour-

Pepper- sugar

Abstract nouns: beauty –confidence- courage- education-

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enjoyment- fun- happiness- health- help- honesty-

knowledge- justice- laughter- luck- music-

patience- peace- pride- progress- recreation-

significance- sleep- truth- violence- wealth- slang

advice- information- news- evidence- vocabulary

proof- time space- energy- homework- grammar

Languages: Arabic –English – Chinese.

Fields of study: chemistry- engineering- history- literature-physics.

Recreation : baseball- soccer- chess- tennis.

General activities: driving – studying- swimming- travelling- walking

Natural phenomena: weather – fog – hail- lightning – rain- sleet- snow-

thunder- wind- darkness- sunshine- electricity-

fire- gravity….

Using (a few- few & a little- little)

A few Ex: She has been her only two

weeks, but she has already

made a few friends.( positive


A few& A little give a positive idea;

they indicate that something exists.

A little Ex: I am very pleased. I have

been able to save a little money

this month. (Positive idea; (I

have saved some money

instead of spending all of it.)

Few Ex: I feel sorry for her. She has

very few friends. ( negative

idea; she doesn't have many

friends; she has almost no


Few &Little (without a) give a

negative idea. They indicate that

something is largely absent.

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Little Ex: I have very little money. I

don't even have enough money

to buy food for dinner. (

negative idea: I don't have

much money; I have almost no


Complete the sentences with (a few- few- a little-

little-much- many)

1. Do you have .............. minutes? I'd like to ask you ……questions. I need ………….. more information.

2. Ann's previous employer gave her a good recommendation because she

makes ............ mistakes in her work.

3. After Rodeny tasted the soup, he added ................. salt to it.

4. I don't like a lot of salt in my food. I add .............. salt to myfood.

5. The professor lectured very clearly. As a result, ............ students had

questions at the end of the period.

6. I like music. I like to listen to after dinner before

I begin studying.

7. Jim is having a lot of trouble adjusting to grade 8. He seems to be

unpopular. Unfortunately, he has ........... friends.

8. I have to go to the post office because I have ................. letters to mail.

9. Everyday Max goes to his mailbox, but it is usually empty. He gets


10. We're looking forward to our vacation. We're planning to

spend……………………..days with my folks and then .................... days

with my husband's folks. After that, we're going to go to a fishing resort in


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11. Driving down town to the stadium for the baseball game was easy. We

got there quickly because there was ....................... traffic.

12. My friend arrived in the United States................... months ago.

13. I think you could have some help. Let me giveyou… ................... advice.

14. Because the family is very poor, the children have ................ clothes.

15. I waited for ................. minutes and then tried to call him again.

16. We have very .................... chance of reaching London before

lunchtime; it's still another 100 miles away.

17. Unfortunately, he has ……money to live on, as his salary is quite low.

18. There wouldn't be so many accidents if there was ............. traffic on the


19. Last month was a good month for the company. We found ................ new

customers and also increased our profit.

20. The taxi driver spoke ................... English. I couldn't understand him.

21. We have to speed up as there is very ..................... time to finish the

project. The deadline is next Friday.

22. There were ..................... people than usual in the supermarket.

23. I have ....................... money but more than I did ten years ago.

24. It will take me ................... time, but I'm sure everyone will learn how to

use the new software

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Rubric for composition correction:-

SP. Spelling mistakes

ST. Structural(sentences &

paragraphs )or

grammatical mistakes

PI. Poor ideas

PV. Poor vocabulary

Punc. Wrong punctuation

T.S Too short

T.L Too long

IR. Irrelevant

Rep. Repetition

Prep Wrong prepositions

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An e-mail

An informal e-mail is usually sent to a friend, a relative or an acquaintance.

Note lay out below.

A brief phrase

that indicate what

the content of the

e-mail is.

Greeting: on the left hand

side of the page. Put

comma after the name

Paragraphing: write in

blocked paragraphs

leaving blank line in

between the paragraphs

Singing off: on

the left hand

side of the

page. Use your

first name







Dear Elieen,











Greeting Set phrases for opening


Set phrases for

closing paragraph

Signature ending

Dear Tom,

Dear Mum,

How are you (keeping/


Well, that's all for




Dear Aunt Sue,

Hi Karen!

It was nice to hear from you.

Thank you / thanks for your


Well, I'd better finish

off here.

I must go now.

All the best

Take care

Hello Bill!

Note :

It's taken me ages to reply,


See you soon.

Keep in touch.

Bye for now

Dear brother I've been meaning to get

back to you, but….

Dear friend

Dear cousin

Just thought I'd drop you a


Informal letter

Greeting: on the left

hand side of the

page. Put comma

after the name.

Indent paragraphs:

start the first line of

each paragraph

under the comma.

92 Park Lane


Surry KT18

18 June 20….

Dear Betty,











Your address:

on the right

hand side of

the page (not




Below the


Singing off: towards the middle of the page (e.g. love, best wishes).Don't forget the comma followed

by the first name written underneath

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Formal letter

Address of the

person or company

you are writing to.

Your address: on

the right hand side

of the page (not



Position of the

person you are

writing to and / or

name of company

(start one line below

the date).

Greeting: on the left

hand side of the

page. Put comma

after the name.

leave a blank line

before and after the


92 Park Lane


Surry KT18

18 June 20…

The personal Manger

Waterstone Bookstore

103 Brunswick St


Kent KT20 68R

Date: Below the


Paragraphing: you

can indent or write

in blocked

paragraphs leaving

a blank between the

paragraphs. Note

that when using



everything begins

Singing off: on the

left hand side of the

page, followed by a


Dear sir or Madam, /Dear Mr. Jones,






on the left hand

side of the page,

except your

address and the


Your signature and

your full

nameclearly written


In a formal letter, when you don't know the name of the person you are writing to, begin with Dear Sir /

Madam and end with Yours faithfully. When you know the name of the person you are writing to, begin

with Dear Mr. /Miss / Mrs./ Ms. /Dr + surname and end with Yours sincerely. In American English, Yours

truly and Yours sincerely are commonly used in both cases.


Writing techniques

Introduction Strategies


Guiding lines for writing

There are varieties of writing techniques you can use to make your composition more interesting to the reader.

To begin or end your easy you can;

Address the reader directly. I.e.: write as if you were speaking to her/him.

Ex: You can imagine what life would be like without water.

Use direct speech. To give somebody's exact words, quotation from a famous person or someone who has influenced your life, a proverb or saying. I.e (a well-known phrase)

Ex: After all “a friend in need is a friend indeed.”

Use a rhetorical question I.e. a question that does not expect a reply.

Ex: What would modern societies be like without computers?

You can start a narrative by setting scene. I.e: by using the senses to describe the weather, atmosphere, surroundings and also to create mystery and suspense.

Ex: It was a cold winter's night. The wind was blowing hard as Jack was walking down the dark empty street.

You can also use a variety of adjectives, adverbs and verbs to make your composition attractive to the reader.

Ex: “Hold on!” Helen screamed to Bob as she desperately tried to help him get out of the freezing water.

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Use summary Information I.e A few sentences explaining your topic in general terms can lead the reader gently to your thesis. Each sentence should become gradually more specific, until you reach your thesis.

Ex: Which is better, classical or pop music? Some people believe that classical music is superior. However, I believe that these types of music offer something different to the world of entertainment.

Finish the paragraph with your thesis statement.

Ex: It was a bright, sunny morning when Jill Wilson waved goodbye to her mother. “Have a nice day at school- and be careful!” called Mrs. Wilson. The birds were singing as Jill stopped on the old wooden bridge to look down at the ducks on the water below. She sighed deeply and said, “What a wonderful day.”

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Read the following beginnings and endings and identify which

writing technique(s) the writer has used in each.

Why are people so

obsessed with the

weather? Inmyopinion,

the climate plays a major

role in the way we behave



I am sure that most of you, at

some point in your lives, have

considered starting your own

business. However, I doubt

that many of you have actually

done so …………………..


It was a dark stormy night.

Fran was alone in the wooden

cabin at the top of the snow-

covered mountain. The wind

was howling and Frank was

afraid. Suddenly, there was a

strange scratching at the

door. …………………..

Mason woke up to the sound of rain

drumming on rooftop. Exhausted

from the previous day, he slowly got

out of bed and made himself a cup

of coffee and some breakfast. He

decided to call in sick as he felt too

weak to go to work.


No doubt, teenage years difficult can be time. But as George

Bernard Show once said, „life is not meant to be easy; but take

courage, it can be delightful.”


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Writing techniques

Conclusion Strategies

• Stress the importance of the thesis statement, • Give the essay a sense of completeness, and • Leave a final impression on the reader.

• Play the “So What” Game. If you're stuck and feel like your

conclusion isn't saying anything new or interesting, ask a friend to

read it with you. Whenever you make a statement from your

conclusion, ask the friend to say, “So what?” or “Why should

anybody care?” Then ponder that question and answer it. Here's

how it might go:

You: Basically, I'm just saying that education was important to


Friend: So what?

You: Well, it was important because it was a key to him feeling like

a free and equal citizen.

Friend: Why should anybody care?

You: That's important because plantation owners tried to keep

slaves from being educated so that they could maintain control.

When Douglass obtained an education, he undermined that control


You can also use this strategy on your own, asking yourself “So what?”

as you develop your ideas or your draft.

• Return to the theme or themes in the introduction. This strategy brings

the reader full circle. For example, if you begin by describing ascenario,

you can end with the same scenario as proof that your essay is helpful in

creating a new understanding. You may also refer to the introductory


paragraph by using key words or parallel concepts and images that you

also used in the introduction.

• Synthesize, don't summarize: Include a brief summary of the paper's

main points, but don't simply repeat things that were in your paper.

Instead, show your reader how the points you made and the support and

examples you used fit together. Pull it all together.

Include a provocative insight or quotation from the research or reading

you did for your paper.

• Propose a course of action, a solution to an issue, or questions for

further study. This can redirect your reader's thought process and help

her to apply your info and ideas to her own life or to see the broader


Point to broader implications. I.e, if your paper examines the revolutions

or another event in the Civil Rights Movement, you could point out its

impact on the Civil Rights Movement as a whole.

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1 All in all, even though Mr. Norton looks like a mad

scientist, he is one of the kindest and most understanding

teacher I've ever had. I am sure that if you had met him,

you would agree with me.

It was 4 pm and she was exhausted but happy.

“Well, I suppose what they say is true – The early

bird catches the worm,” she thought to herself as

she turned off her laptop.



Match the beginning to the suitable ending. What type of

writing are the extracts from?

❖ Beginnings A

It was autumn morning. Margarita is still in her pajamas. Turned

on her laptop and sat at the kitchen table. Thinking of the

amount of work she had to do, she sighed. “How am I ever going

to get this done?”

I am sure most of you have been influenced by advertisement at

B some point in the past. In my opinion, advertising simply

persuade people to buy things they don't need.

Mr. Norton is our chemistry teacher. I'll never forget the first time we

met him. He was in the school lab wearing a long white coat,

and he was about to mix two very strong- looking liquids. “Keep

back. He said “this is a very dangerous experiment.” C


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3 In conclusion, I think that advertising should be controlled

so that consumers are not misled and persuaded to

purchase goods they don't need. After all, as Alan H.

Meyer, an advertising executive, said „The best as is a good



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Writing style

The writing style you are using depend on the type of composition

you are writing, the situation and the intended reader. Therefore,

you should not use the same style of writing for every composition.

The two main types of writing style are formal and informal.

However, not all styles of writings fall under these categories. For

example, in a letter to somebody you don't know very well or in an

article for student's magazine, the style used is neither formal nor

informal, but a blind of the two, Known as

semi- formal.

➢ Formal style is characterized by:

1. Formal expressions, advanced vocabulary, longersentences.

Ex: Taking everything into considerations, it can be said that the

facilities offered are of poor quality

2. Formal Linking words or phrases:

List points

Add more points

Give an example


Set Phrases

Firstly, to begin/ start with, in the first place,

finally, last but not least

In addition to this, furthermore, what is more,

also, apart from this, besides, another point

worth mentioning is, moreover, furthermore, ….

For example, such as, particularly, especially,

take for instance

In fact, as a matter of fact….


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Express contrast Although, in spite of, despite, however, but

Express cause/


Because of, as since, due to, owing to

Express results /


Therefore, in this case, for this reason,

consequently , as a result

Sum up In conclusion , to sum up, all in all, on the whole,

taking everything into account

Ex: Mobile phones are extremely useful for people who travel frequently.

However, it can be dangerous.

3. No use of short forms ( I'm there's I've)

Ex: I would be grateful if ………….. (instead of : I'd be grateful if…….)

4. Impersonal tone, I.E use of passive, no description of feelings.

Ex: late this evening, twenty –year old Tim Mc Cormack was pulled to

safety after being trapped under debris for more than ten hours.

5. Factual presentation of the information.

Ex: The Town Hall, constructed in the late 1800s, was seriously damaged

by fire in 1909.

➢ Informal style is characterized by:

1. Everyday expressions, vocabulary and idioms.

Ex: I thought I'd drop you a line……, Thanks a million….

2. Frequent use of short forms ( I'm there's I've)

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Ex: I won't be able to come to your party as I'll be away on business trip.

3. Informal phrasal verbs.

Ex: Lucie takes after her father

4. Simple linking words of phrase; ( I.e BUT , SO BECAUSE , AND )


Ask for information I'd like to know

I was wondering about…………..

I want to find out……….

Could you tell me

Give information I want to tell you …….

About the information you asked for

You should know………………

I have to say………………

Express agreement I agree that………………..

You are right about…………….

Offer to do


I could……………..

I'd be more than glad to

If you don't mind, I'll …………….

rains a lot her so it's better take an umbrella with you.

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5. Short sentences:

Ex: Thanks a lot for the invitation. I'd love to come.

6. Personal tone :I.e use of first personal pronouns :

Ex: I've got great news. I found a new job.

7. Descriptive tone ( use of adverbs andadjectives)

Ex: It was a bitterly cold winter morning.

➢ Semi formal style is characterized by:

1. Less formal language

2. Less frequent use of short forms, formal linking words or phrases or

the passive.

3. Respectful polite tone.

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ar B


Which is better, classical or pop music? Some people believe

that classical music is superior. However, I believe that these

types of music offer something different to the world of



❖ Read the extracts below and answer the questions that follow:

I would be grateful if you could attend to this matter as soon as possible. I hope to he from you soon

Anyway, that's my news for now. I hope you're enjoying the holidays as much as I am. Write back and let me know how you are getting on.

regarding the outcome of the situation. Yours sincerely Mathew Drake

The purpose of this report is to assess the gymnastic room in our school. This report

describes and evaluates three important features of the

Love, Harry


The rescue team began their search for the lost skiers at dawn. The missing family was located a few hours later by a search helicopter, and they were lifted to

safety. No one was so E

gymnastic room D injured, but they were taken to hospital suffering from the cold.

Which extracts use:

Short forms? Factual presentations of the information? Everyday expressions, idioms and informal?

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You have seen this announcement in an international magazine.



Module 1 An Article


Think of an

interesting title.

1. Dream job.

2. The ideal job: dream or



Making an


comment about

the topic you are

writing about:

E.g ”The ideal


1. Everybody dreams of

having the perfect job,


2. Which job allow you

to… ....... ?.

3. What comes to mind when

you think about the ideal


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Main part

( paragraph


Refer to one

aspect of the job

you are


Refer to another

aspect of the job

1. What is special about the

job that makes it ideal for


2. Do you need any

requirements or

qualifications for this


3. What personal qualities

or skills do you have that

make you suitable for the




Make general

statement to

sum up your

ideas and say

how you feel.

1. In a nutshell, this job


2. Call me a dreamer, but


3. My next step is to ….

4. I plan to…….

5. Of course, I will have to











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Module 5 A formal letter/ an email asking for information

You have seen this advertisement in the Dally News and you are

interested in making some inquiries to obtain additional information.



Use formal


not first name.

1. Dear Sir /Madam,

2. Dear Mr. / Mrs./ Miss + last




Use set of

phrases to

refer to the


you have seen

and state why

you are

1. I am writing with regard to

your advertisement about……

in (+ name of the newspaper/

magazine + date ) / on 9+


2. I am interested in requesting

further / additional

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writing. information.

3. I am writing as I would like

you to inform me about……

4. I would like to make some

inquiries about…..

Main part

( paragraph


Ask for the

information in

a formal, polite

and organized




questions are

more formal

and more

polite than



1. I would like to know if /

whether …………….

2. I would be interested in


3. I would be grateful if you

could inform me


4. Could/ would you please

provide me with further

information concerning




State anything

you want to


1. I would be grateful if you

could / would reply me as

soon as possible.

2. Thanking you in advance for

your time and assistance.

3. I look forward to hearing from

you at your earliest


Signing off Use formal

signature ending /


Your sincerely,

Yours truly,

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1. Personality

2. Common interests No


➢ No man is an island and we all need


➢ What is important when choosing a



Module 6 An Essay

In your English class you have been talking about friends and

friendships. Now your teacher has asked you to write an essay. Write

your essay using all the notes given and give reasons for your point of



Introduction Main body Conclusion


introduce the

topic of the


a. Refer to the personality

traits you consider


b. Refer to whether it is

important for friends to

have common interests.

c. Refer to your own idea.

Summarize your

opinion and make a

general comment on

the issue. .

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Set Phrases

List points Firstly, to begin/ start with, in the first place,

finally, last but not least

Add more points In addition to this, furthermore, what is more,

also, apart from this, besides, another point

worth mentioning is

Give an example For example, such as, particularly, especially,

take for instance

Express contrast Although, in spite of, despite, however, but

Express cause/


Because of, as since, due to, owing to

Express results /


Therefore, in this case, for this reason,

consequently , as a result

Sum up In conclusion , to sum up, all in all, on the whole,

taking everything into account

Give your In my opinion/ view, personally, I believe, the way

I see it, from my point of view, I am in favour of,




• Many people believe / think / argue/ claim that…….

• It is very common view….

• It is often said that…….

• There is no doubt that………….

• It is common knowledge that……………

• There are those who believe that……………..

• Although it is true……………..

• …..must take into consideration ……

• ………….is something that cannot be ignored …………

• Something else that we should keep in mind is the fact that………….

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opinion my belief is that






























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