LANGUAGE LAAS EXAMINATIONS - Palso and we walk home together. Some of the other kids in my class...


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JUNE 2014

NAME ...............................................................................


Level A1

Certificate Recognised by ICC


Do not open this booklet until the exam starts.

The order of the exam papers is: PART A Listening, PART B Reading & Usage, PART C Writing.

Time allowed for all three parts: 90 minutes

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LISTENING EXERCISE 1: Numbers 1 to 8


Write the letter of a picture, A to F, in each of the spaces, 1 to 8. You will use some letters more than once.

1. ____ 2. ____ 3. ____ 4. ____ 5. ____

6. ____

7. ____

8. ____

Α LISTENING (25 points) Time: approximately 20 minutes

As you listen to the recording, mark your answers in this booklet.

Answer all the questions. Give only one answer for each question.

After the end of the recording, you will have 3 minutes to transfer your answers onto your Answer Sheet. Mark them in 2H or HB pencil.



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LISTENING EXERCISE 2: Numbers 9 to 15

CLOTHES PROBLEMS Match the correct problem from the box with each person, 9 to 15. Write its letter, A to H, in the space beside the number. You will use only seven of the letters.


9. ____ Christine

10. ____ Jack

11. ____ Billy

12. ____ Mrs Thompson's husband

13. ____ Carla

14. ____ The presenter, Andy

15. ____ Mrs Thompson


A. button off shirt

B. lost a sock

C. legs of jeans too long

D. trousers too small

E. shoes too tight

F. jacket sleeves too short

G. lost favourite hat

H. paint on T-shirt

[Type text]


READING & USAGE EXERCISE 1: Numbers 16 to 25

Read the texts. Then do the exercises on page 4.

How do you go to school?

B READING & USAGE (50 points)

• You are advised to spend about 40 minutes on this part of the test.

• You may mark your answers on this booklet while you are working on them.

• Answer all the questions. Give only one answer for each question.

Patrick, 6 years old

My older brother, James, walks to school with me every morning. After

lessons, James always stays for football practice. So, my mum comes to get

me and we walk home together. Some of the other kids in my class walk

home with their friends. I want to do that but my mum says it isn’t safe.

There’s too much traffic in the street by the school. Maybe next year I can

walk by myself. I hope so!

Jill, 10 years old This year I can walk to and from school with my friends. Finally!

Before this, I had to walk with my sister, Debra. Mum said I had to,

but I didn’t like it. Debra and her friends talked about clothes and

music. They never talked to me. I thought about school, my teacher,

the weather. Boring! But now Debra goes to a school for older

children in a different building. So, now I can walk with my friends.

We talk about clothes and music. I love it!

Daniel, 16 years old

Well, I’ve done it all. When I was little, my mother took me to school.

Then, when I was a bit older, I walked with my friends. And now, I take the

school bus. I started going to a new school this year. I have new friends

now and we sometimes have fun on the ride home. But, I’m often tired

and the bus can be noisy. Also, I like a little fresh air after a day in class. It’s

too far to ride my bike, so the bus is the only way.

[Type text]


Choose the correct picture to match each sentence, 16 to 18. Mark its letter, A to D, on your Answer Sheet. You will use only three of the letters.

16. This is Patrick on his way home.

17. Jill now gets to school like this.

18. Daniel goes to school like this.

Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence, 19 to 25. Mark its letter, A, B or C, on your Answer Sheet.

19. Patrick’s brother has football practice ____ lessons. A. every day after B. every day before C. twice a week after

20. The street near Patrick’s school isn’t safe because there ____. A. are too many children B. are too many cars C. is no traffic light

21. Jill is ____ her sister, Debra.

A. younger than B. older than C. the same age as

22. Jill and her friends talk about ____. A. Debra and her friends B. the things Debra talked about C. their studies and teachers

23. When Daniel moved to his new school, he also ____. A. had more fun B. made new friends C. got a new bike

24. Now, Daniel goes to school on ____. A. his bike B. foot C. a coach

25. ____ likes the way he/she gets home from school.

A. Patrick B. Jill C. Daniel





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READING & USAGE EXERCISE 2: Numbers 26 to 30

Choose the correct word to fill each gap. Mark its letter, A to F, on your Answer Sheet. You will use only five of the letters.

READING & USAGE EXERCISE 3: Numbers 31 to 35

Choose the correct word or phrase to fill each gap in the text. Mark its letter, A, B or C, on your Answer Sheet.

31. A. fast B. faster C. fastest

32. A. lot of B. lots of C. many

33. A. win B. won C. winning

34. A. there B. they’re C. their

35. A. anything B. nothing C. anybody


George loved football and he was a very good player. He ran

__(31)__ than the other boys on his team. He also kicked the

ball well and scored a __(32)__ goals. George’s coach was

happy, because his team __(33)__ all of their matches. At the

end of the season, the boys and __(34)__ parents had a big

party. George was so happy he couldn’t say __(35)__. He just



Do you play your favourite computer game with your mouse or

do you __(26)__ the keys? Do you like fast games with lots of

noisy fights? Some young people do, but others __(27)__ these

games are boring. They like to think when they __(28)__.

In Minecraft, you have to think to

__(29)__ your town. Warcraft has

things to read and you can learn

new words when you play. Candy

Crush is very popular now. You can

play it on your phone when you

__(30)__ for the bus.

A. say

B. let

C. wait

D. use

E. build

F. play

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READING & USAGE EXERCISE 4: Numbers 36 to 40

TABLES Here are some pictures of tables. Choose a picture to match each statement about the tables. Mark its letter, A to D, on your Answer Sheet. You will use one letter more than once.

36. The vase on this table has some flowers in it and there’s a seat beside the table.

37. The baby’s legs are under the table. His blanket is on the floor.

38. On each side of the room, there’s a table with a lamp on it.

39. There’s nothing on this table. But, I like the blue-green colour!

40. We can see a picture on the wall between the two tables.

READING & USAGE EXERCISE 5: Numbers 41 to 45

Lisa is new in town and Mike is giving her directions. Match one of Lisa’s answers with each thing Mike says. Mark its letter, A to G, on your Answer Sheet. You will use only five of the letters.

Example: Mike: You look lost. Can I help you? Lisa: ___(EX)___

The answer is A. Yes! I want to find the post office.

Mike: You look lost. Can I help you? Lisa: __(EX)__

Mike: Well, there’s a post box across the street. Lisa: __(41)__

Mike: But you’re looking for the post office. Lisa: __(42)__

Mike: Oh. Well, do you see the third traffic light? Lisa: __(43)__

Mike: You stop. The post office is right there. Lisa: __(44)__

Mike: No, don’t cross. It’s on the corner. Lisa: __(45)__

Mike: You’re welcome. I’m happy to help!





A. Yes! I want to find the post office.

B. Yes, I see it. So, I walk to the third light. And then, what do I do?

C. Do I have to cross the street?

D. Oh, I’m not sending a letter.

E. Well, that’s easy! Thanks!

F. Yes, I’m meeting a friend there.

G. But, it’s hard to find, isn’t it?

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You have ONE writing task to do. Choose either Topic A or Topic B.

Write your task in about 70 words on your Answer Sheet.

TOPIC A: Look at this picture of Carol and her friends. In about 70 words, describe the picture and say what is happening in it.

Use the words under the picture. Add any other words you wish.

Begin like this: The little park near the school is ugly and dirty. ...

C WRITING (25 points)

• You are advised to spend about 30 minutes on this part of the test.

• You may use a blank sheet of paper as a draft.

• Write your task in the space provided on the back of your Answer Sheet in pencil or pen.


park-school-be-ugly-dirty Carol-friend-clean Ben-sweep-dirt-put-bag bag-be-almost full

Jim-Maria-behind-green seat paint-wall use-yellow-paint Carol-open-new-can

Tom-draw-tree-wall have-green-leaf Sam-plant-flower now-park-look-pretty!

[Type text]



TOPIC B: Look at the pictures of Jen and her family. In about 70 words, write what happened.

Use the words below each picture. Add any other words you wish.

Begin like this: Last summer, Jen wanted to go on a trip. ...

summer-Jen-want-go-trip remember-Aunt Lucy-Paris

mum-call-Aunt Lucy like-idea-a lot

father-buy-ticket pay-€200-return ticket

brother-take-airport carry-bag-help-get-plane

wait-Jen-airport-Paris be-happy-see-Jen

go shopping-sightseeing have-great time






ANNC LAAS Listening Test, June 2014. Copyright, Panhellenic Federation of Foreign Language Centre Owners, Athens, Greece.

[intro music]

ANNC Hello, students. This is your A1 Listening test. Before we start, please make sure that your name and code number are on the front of your Test Booklet.

[5 sec]


[A1 - 1 – WEATHER]

ANNC Now, open your Test Booklet. As you listen, write your answers in this Test Booklet. At the end of the test, you will have time to mark your answers on the computerised Answer Sheet.

Now, let's go on. Look at Listening Exercise ONE. You can see six pictures of different types of weather. Each picture has a letter. You will hear EIGHT questions about the pictures and you will use the letters to match each picture to a question. You will use some letters more than once.

Now, take a short time to look at Listening Exercise ONE in your Test Booklet.

[20 sec]

ANNC Good. Now, when you hear each question, write the letter of the correct picture in the spaces, 1 to 8, at the bottom of the page. You will hear this exercise just once, but you will hear each question twice. Are you ready?

Number 1. It often rains in London. So Edward wears his boots and a plastic raincoat when he rides to school. Where can you see Edward?

It often rains in London. So Edward wears his boots and a plastic raincoat when he rides to school. Where can you see Edward?

Just write the letter of the picture in space number one.

[3 sec]

Number 2. In the summer, the sun shines and Lara goes to the beach. She goes swimming and so does her dog, Elmer. Where can you see them at the beach?

In the summer, the sun shines and Lara goes to the beach. She goes swimming and so does her dog, Elmer. Where can you see them at the beach?

[3 sec]

Number 3. Beth and her parents are going to her aunt’s house because a big storm is coming. Where can you see Beth and her family’s car?

Beth and her parents are going to her aunt’s house because a big storm is coming. Where can you see Beth and her family’s car?

[3 sec]

Number 4. It's lovely to ride a bicycle when the weather's good. But sometimes, we have to ride a bike when it's raining. Which picture shows someone on a bicycle in the rain?

It's lovely to ride a bicycle when the weather's good. But sometimes, we have to ride a bike when it's raining. Which picture shows someone on a bicycle in the rain?


[3 sec]

Number 5. Susie lives in Atlanta. It’s usually very warm there, but this week it’s cold and there is snow on the trees at the beach. Susie doesn’t like this weather! Where can you see Susie?

Susie lives in Atlanta. It’s usually very warm there, but this week it’s cold and there is snow on the trees at the beach. Susie doesn’t like this weather! Where can you see Susie?

[3 sec]

Number 6. Shamir lives in a very hot, dry city. It never rains and there are only a few trees. Which picture shows Shamir?

Shamir lives in a very hot, dry city. It never rains and there are only a few trees. Which picture shows Shamir?

[3 sec]

Number 7. Vasillis lives in a village in the mountains. In the winter, there is a lot of snow. But Vasillis likes cold weather and he never misses school. Where can you see Vasillis?

Vasillis lives in a village in the mountains. In the winter, there is a lot of snow. But Vasillis likes cold weather and he never misses school. Where can you see Vasillis?

[3 sec]

Number 8. A big storm with lots of wind can break windows. So, everyone covers their windows with wood. Then, they get in the car and go to a safe place to wait for better weather. Which picture shows this?

A big storm with lots of wind can break windows. So, everyone covers their windows with wood. Then, they get in the car and go to a safe place to wait for better weather. Which picture shows this?

[3 sec]

That's the end of the first exercise. Take a short time to finish your answers.

[10 sec]

[no repeat]



313 wds

ANDY – adult male MRS T – adult female ANNC

ANNC In this exercise, you will hear a radio programme. Before you listen, take a short time to look at the questions for Listening Exercise TWO in your Test Booklet.

[20 sec]

ANNC Good. You will hear The Fashion Show with Andy Howell. He’s talking to Mrs. Thompson about her family’s clothes. As you listen to the conversation, match a problem from the box with one of the people, 9 to 15. Write its letter, A to H, in the space beside each number. You will use only seven of the letters.

Now, here is the conversation. Are you ready?


ANDY Welcome to The Fashion Show! The Thompson family have had some problems with their clothes. Mrs. Thompson is calling to tell us about it. Hello, Mrs. Thompson!

MRS T Hi, Andy.

ANDY So, what was the first problem?

MRS T Well, the weather got warm last month, and my daughter Christine wanted to wear her old blue jacket. But she’s grown since last year and the sleeves were too short for her.

ANDY So, what did you do?

MRS T Christine gave the jacket to her little sister, Carla. It's perfect for her.

ANDY Good idea! Next problem?

MRS T Well, my son Jack found a really nice pair of jeans in the sales. They were cheap, and they looked great, but the legs were much too long.

ANDY So what did you do? Did you make the legs shorter yourself?

MRS T No, I didn't. I took them to a little shop in my street. The man there has a sewing machine and he made them shorter.

ANDY Great! What next?

MRS T My other son Billy spilled red paint on his favourite T-shirt. I washed it, but the paint was still there.

ANDY It's very difficult to get paint out, isn't it?

MRS T Yes, we had to throw the T-shirt away.


ANDY Too bad!

MRS T Then, a button came off my husband’s best shirt.

ANDY Did you take it to the man at that little shop?

MRS T No, I sewed the button back on myself. It wasn't difficult.

ANDY Great. Anything else?

MRS T Well, Carla lost her favourite hat. She can't find it anywhere.

ANDY That's a shame. I hate losing things. Last week I lost a sock. One sock. I've got no idea where it is! And I think you had a problem, too, didn't you?

MRS T Yes, I did. I ate too much this winter and I’m a little fatter than I was last year. Now my favourite pair of trousers are too small. Much too small.

ANDY Oh dear. Are you going to buy a new pair?

MRS T Yes. I'm also going to try to eat less!

ANDY [laughs] Good luck and thanks for calling! [fade] Next week, we’ll be …

[music + 3 secs]

ANNC Now take a short time to look at your answers. Then you will hear the radio show again.

[15 sec]

ANNC Now, here is the radio show again. Are you ready?

[repeat, include music ‘The Thompson family ... to ... Next week, we’ll be …']

ANNC That's the end of the second exercise. Take a short time to finish your answers.

[15 sec]

ANNC That's the end of the listening test. You now have a short time to mark your answers on the computerized Answer Sheet. Mark them in pencil. Thank you.

[exit music]

1 C 41 D2 A 42 F3 F 43 B4 C 44 C5 E 45 E 6 B7 D8 F9 F

10 C11 H12 A13 G14 B15 D16 D17 A18 C19 A20 B21 A22 B23 B24 C25 B26 D27 A28 F29 E30 C31 B32 A33 B34 C35 A36 C37 A38 D39 B40 D


Parts A & BA1
