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Disusun Oleh:

Nama: Aprilia Puspasari, SE, MM

NIDN : 0326047702




TAHUN 2021



1.1. Latar Belakang Kegiatan

The COVID-19 pandemic has had many impacts on the industrial world, almost all lines of

work, even the education sector, have stopped for the teaching and learning process in the

classroom. One of those affected is MSME business actors, because let alone MSMEs with

limited capital, large business actors also feel the impact. Decreased market demand which in

turn slows down the pace of the world economy. The shift in economic activity is now changing,

online transactions may be heard more often than cash transactions, apart from the fact that there

is a shift from manual to digital but also to avoid direct human contact because it is still in a

pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic has lasted more than a year and has hit the business industry

both on a national and global scale. The pandemic has also disrupted other fields, such as

education, sports, entertainment and tourism. It takes extra energy to awaken the business industry

both on a national and global scale. The pandemic has also disrupted other fields, such as

education, sports, entertainment and tourism. It takes extra energy to awaken the business world,

especially MSMEs, innovation and creativity from business actors are also needed and policies

from policy makers are needed by making policies that favor MSMEs, because MSMEs are in

direct contact with the community, besides of course contributing to the pace of a country's

economy. This international seminar activity is expected to provide positive energy, especially

for the world of small and medium businesses in an effort to continue to exist in the midst of the

covid 19 pandemic. This seminar was held by Ahmad Dahlan University online through the Zoom

application. The activity will take place on March 23, 2021.

1.2. Maksud dan Tujuan Kegiatan

The purpose of this Webinar is to provide an overview of how the COVID-19 pandemic has

greatly influenced the influence of the industrial world in all fields and how this pandemic must

be handled creatively and innovatively, especially for small and medium-sized businesses in

Southeast Asia. The goal is to provide strategies and innovations to MSME entrepreneurs how to

make small and medium-sized businesses in Southeast Asia survive and rise from adversity in the

midst of a pandemic that has hit the world, provide input to the government on how to issue

policies that favor MSMEs and provide various alternatives. for business actors, especially small

and medium businesses to be able to continue to develop their business in the midst of this




2.1. Bentuk Kegiatan

This online international seminar webinar activity is held virtually through the zoom

application by Ahmad Dahlan University. The event took place on Tuesday, March 23, 2021.

There were four speakers at this international seminar. The first speaker Dr. T.R. Kalai Lakshmi.

The second speaker Dr. Purwoko, M.M. The third speaker Dr. Umol Syamsyul Bin Rakiman. The

fourth speaker Dr. Nora Elizabeth F. Maniquiz.

2.2. Pelaksanaan Kegiatan

Seminar activities are held on:


Date : March 23rd 2021

Time : 04.00-17.00 wib

Organizer : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Media : Join Zoom Meeting

Short link :

Meeting ID: 864 9823 1058

Passcode: webinaruad

This workshop activity as resource person D r . E m a N u r m a y a

The contents of the workshop material explain :

This international seminar began with remarks from the Chancellor of the Ahmad Dahlan

University, Dr. Muchlas, M.T. followed by the main event, namely the presentation of the material

by the speakers. The first speaker Dr. T.R. Kalai Lakshmi. he discussed the Study on the Use of

Social Media by Indian MSMEs after the Covid Scenario. Social media marketing is a form of

digital marketing that uses social networking platforms to carry out marketing activities. Why use

social media marketing for several reasons; The number of people using the internet has grown to

4.54 billion, 3.80 billion social media users as of January 2020, More than 5.19 billion people use

mobile phones, The average internet user now spends 6 hours and 43 minutes online every day,

there are 448 million active social media. The second speaker Dr. Purwoko, M.M. he explained

that in the Covid-19 pandemic, for MSMEs there are 2 questions that must be answered; How to

manage an MSME business? And how to survive and develop the MSME business. In the

conclusion of his material, he conveyed several things for MSMEs: 1. Time management is very

important in dealing with a pandemic or emergency situation, 2. The choice of strategy must be to

secure the business, 3. Capital utilization must pay attention to the principle of efficiency. The

third speaker Dr. Umol Syamsyul Bin Rakiman. He brought the theme Micro, Small and Medium

Enterprises Adaptation Strategy During Covid-19: Back to Basics. In conclusion he said several

things; firstly all business operations are affected due to border closures and restricted movement,

Consultation by experts, Developing new operational procedures specifically for pandemic

situations. He also describes the core business: Business Model Canvas such as partners, activities,

positions, relationships, segments, resources, channels, cost structure, and revenue streams. The

fourth speaker Dr. Nora Elizabeth F. Maniquiz. He conveyed the situation of MSMEs in the

Philippines by discussing the Impact of COVID-19 on MSMEs and Post-Crisis Actions Six months

after the outbreak in the Philippines. There are things to be noted along with the key findings and

policy implications; 1. Asian economies have moved into a recovery phase, but MSMEs continue

to face sharp declines in demand and incomes, 2. Work returns to normal, but pay cuts persist.

WFH has spread gradually, 3. MSMEs are tackling serious cash-out conditions, but the shortage

of working capital in 3-6 months has increased, 4. Loan repayments and tax payments remain a

major concern for MSMEs, 5. The government needs to elaborate gradual approach and policy

measures differentiated by company size and sector, 6. The prolonged pandemic requires the

government to consider it


“Innovate education and research towards

Leading-edge outcomes for all.”

“Realizing that Bicol Region needed an education institution which will provide an opportunity

for higher learning at relatively cheaper cost and with a quality equal if not better than those in the

greater Manila, considered the center for learning, I considered is a rare challenge to be of service

to the region by organizing a school that will meet those needs. By doing so, my co-organizers and

I believed that we were contributing to the social, political, economical, and cultural upliftment of

the region.”

“Education is an important strategic focus for Ayala. There is strong global demand for Filipino

talent and our vision is to deliver high quality, affordable education that can significantly enhance

the employability of our graduates.”

COVID-19 Impact on MSMEs and Post–Crisis Actions Six-month after the outbreak

in the Philippines Asian Development Bank Senior Economist Shiegehiro Shinozaki, October


Key Findings and Policy Implications

1. Asian economies have moved to the recovery stage, but MSMEs continue to face sharp drop in

demand and revenue.

2. Employment returns to normal, but wage cut remains. WFH has gradually spread.

3. MSMEs overcame serious no cash condition, but working capital shortage in 3-6 months has


4. Loan repayments and tax payments remain top concerns for MSMEs.

5. Governments need to elaborate phased approach and differentiated policy measures by firm size

and sector.

6. A prolonged pandemic requires governments to consider

In Philippines, from 3 January 2020 to 3:10pm CET, 16 March 2021, there have

been 626,893 confirmed cases of COVID-19 with 12,837 deaths, reported to WHO. As of 13

March 2021, a total of 125,066 vaccine doses have been administered.

Cumulative COVID-19 cases in Bicol based on numbers confirmed and validated by the DOH

CHD – Bicol, Updated October

3/765 16, 2020 Province/City Cases Deaths Recov. Active Albay 372 28 317 26 Camarines Norte

89 3 56 30 Camarines Sur 522 20 380 124

On March 16, 2021, the Philippine government again imposed new travel restrictions for

foreigners and non-OFW returning Filipinos, temporarily suspending their entry into the country.

The Department of Trade and Industry has reported that there are currently 1.5 million businesses

registered with the DTI, 99.6 percent of which are MSMEs. Around 90,000 or around 6% of the

1.5 million MSMEs remain closed as the coronavirus pandemic continues to cause chaos on the

economy. At the start of the pandemic, this was 38%, and then the number was reduced to 11%,

and now it is at 6%, but still it is a big number, because the ideal situation is that it should be zero.

A Small Business Surge in Digital Trade Jake Colvin Jamaica Gayle Digital lifelines for small

business Online market spaces more than geographical spaces small businesses like online

clothings, food, groceries, and a lot more. online market place and online work from home friendly

jobs Helping your Business through COVID19 – Google for Small Business!/

Claim or update your Business Profile for free Create or optimize your website Run your

business remotely Adjust your advertising List your products on Google for free Continue to adapt

to new customer behavior

COVID-19’s impact on MSMEs: What to brace for and how to cope

By Adrian Paul B. Conoza Special Features Writer, BusinessWorld

Get out of a shocked state of mind and accept the reality.

The mentality of the startup will serve as your weapon in fighting the effects of the crisis, Get out

of the mentality of being stuck in the status quo and pick up from your strengths and start looking

at what you are going to do next.

Collaboration with stakeholders and cooperation within the value chain are vital actions to take.

Revisit early concepts.

MSMEs should start minimizing their inventory, accounts receivable, and accounts payable.

Maybe you can outsource some functions or you can turn them over to consultants who can run

them over for you because you don’t need them on a day-to-day basis for the business.

Digital transformation, or bringing aspects of your business online, has become key, whether it is

from a marketing standpoint, from an order-taking standpoint, from a payment standpoint, from a

delivery standpoint, and even from a work standpoint.

The “new normal” gives entrepreneurs more protocols to follow, such as wearing masks and

distancing from each other at work.

Accept the new reality caused by the crisis; assess the damages and the funds you need to bounce

back; negotiate to banks for restructuring loans, to landlords for lowering rents, and to employees

for their salaries; re plan and innovate your businesses; and pray for guidance and protection.

Entrepreneurs should maintain a “resiliency” mindset, keeping in mind that in every crisis there is

an opportunity.

COVID-19: How to ensure Business Continuity and Manage Risks? Muhammad Yasir Fayyaz,

April 17, 2020, Entrepreneur, Asia Pacific. The prime responsibility of corporate is to ensure the

implementation of basic emergency measures as described or recommended by the World Health

Organization (WHO) or their country’s health authority.

The following risks are vital to be assessed:

Infrastructure Risks Data Risks Cyber Risks Employee Risks Business and Operational Risks

Government Support to MSMEs

30 days grace period for commercial rents falling due upon MSMEs that have temporarily ceased

operations within the ECQ period, without incurring interests, penalties, fees, and other charges.

The Small Business Corporation (SB Corporation), is setting up a P1 billion Enterprise

Rehabilitation Financing facility Micro enterprises, in particular, may borrow as much as

P200,000, while small enterprises may borrow up to P500,000.

SB Corporation also offers a one-month moratorium on loan payments to its MSME borrowers

and partner financial institutions.

In the Philippines, the government has announced a PHP 27.1 billion fiscal package which

comprises support to the tourism and agriculture sectors.

Separately, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), the country’s central bank, has announced a

series of regulatory relief measures for the banking sector. These relief measures are intended to

encourage banks, in turn, to provide financial relief to their borrowers.

Banks are also expected to suspend all fees and charges imposed on online banking platforms

during the period of regulatory relief.

Philippine Tax Reliefs for MSMEs

Provision of small wage subsidy to employees of small businesses

Removal of the percentage tax of IPOs

Tax break for lenders and borrowers

Tax break for businesses with operating losses

Leadership in the Face of COVID 19 Andrew Weir, 17 March 2020 Clients, staff and regulators

need to hear from you regularly. Surround yourself with your best leaders. Resiliency plans will

need to evolve. Be a force for good.



3.1 Kesimpulan

The speaker explained in full detail the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Southeast

Asia region. Almost all are affected, both large companies and SMEs. Therefore, all parties must

work hand in hand to overcome and make MSMEs survive and continue to exist. Policies and

innovations are needed so that MSMEs can survive and get through this pandemic while

consistently standing strong. MSMEs must innovate, one of which is by utilizing social media for

marketing. On the other hand, the government must also make rules and policies that favor


3.2 Saran

This activity is very useful to provide enlightenment, especially for business actors such as

MSMEs. Due to the pandemic, business activities are disrupted and hampered, so this international

seminar activity can provide an overview and alternative strategies that may be applied by MSMEs.



International Webinar23 Maret 2021

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan


Adaptability Strategies of Micro Small Medium Enterprise During the Covid-19 in Asia Countries

Menimbang : 1. Bahwa perlu di adakan pelaksanaan Seminar dalam rangka Seminar. 2. Untuk keperluan tersebut, pada butir 1 (satu) di atas, maka perlu dibentuk

Peserta Seminar.


Pertama : Menugaskan kepada saudara yang tercantum sebagai Peserta

Aprilia Puspasari SE, MM

Kedua : Mempunyai tugas sbb:Melaksanakan Tugas yang diberikan dengan penuh rasa tanggung jawab.

Ketiga : Keputusan ini berlaku sejak tanggal ditetapkan, dengan ketentuan apabiladikemudian hari terdapata kekeliruan akan diubah dan diperbaiki sebagaimanamestinya.

Jakarta,16 Maret 2021LPPM Universitas Bina Sarana InformatikaKetua

Taufik Baidawi, M.KomTembusan

- Rektor Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

- Arsip

- Ybs

Aprilia Puspasari, S.E, M.M.
