Latin America: Shaped by History Jeopardy Early Civilizations 1 Early Civilizations 2 European...



This civilization settled in Tenochtitlan, the former Lake Texcoco

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Latin America: Shaped by History Jeopardy

Early Civilizations 1

Early Civilizations 2

European Exploration 1

European Exploration 2

Independence and Democracy

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$600 $600 $600 $600 $600

$800 $800 $800 $800 $800

$1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000

This civilization lasted from A.D 300 to A.D 900

and they settled in Central America and

Southern Mexico

This civilization settled

in Tenochtitlan, the former Lake Texcoco

Name three types of crops the Mayans used to be


Who sits at the bottom of the Aztec Social Class


Name all six groups in the Aztec Social Class

Chart (from top to bottom)

Where did the Incas settle? What modern day country did they


Where was the Incas center of religion, trade,

learning, and government?

Name two things the Incas were famous for

creating or using

What are some of the Aztec accomplishments in terms of

Science and Technology? Name three of them.

What are three modern day countries where the

Incan Civilization spread?

Define conquistadors

Columbus thought he was exploring the East Indies. Where did he really settle?

Which civilization did Hernan Cortés conquer?

What two nations were trying to colonize South


What three things did the conquistadors use to conquer

their enemies that their enemies had never seen?

Who are mestizos?

Which civilization did Francisco Pizarro conquer?

What were the two provinces Spain controlled?

What disease did the Spanish conquistadors and their men carry with them

that wiped out many villages?

What is the Treaty of Tordesillas?

These _______ were people who had Spanish parents but were born in

Latin America.

Who is the man who helped Brazil gain independence in


This man helped liberate Venezuela and Ecuador . He was the greatest Latin American Revolutionary


Who is the Argentine who served in the Spanish

Army and helped Peru and Chile gain independence?

Name three economic issues (problems) some

Latin American countries faced after they gained their independence.