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Nama Sekolah: SMP N 2 PundongMata pelajaran: Bahasa InggrisTingkat: SMP kelas 1 semester 1Topik: FamilySkill: SpeakingAlokasi waktu: 45 menit

SpeakingStandar KompetensiMengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

SpeakingKompetensi DasarMengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima.

INDIKATOR (micro skill)Speaking -Siswa dapat berkomuikasi dengan menggunakan bahasa inggris secara lancar.-Siswa dapat berbicara sesuai dengan tekanan kata sehingga makna dari pembicaraan mudah di pahami.

TUJUAN PEMBELAJARANSpeaking-Siswa mampu memahami dan membedakan pengucapan kata yang bunyinya hampir sama dalam bahasa inggris.-Siswa mampu berbicara menggunakan grammar Pronoun, Adjective, Noun, Preposition + nominal sentence, this, that, those, these di dalam percakapan

Materi - Kata baru yang berkaitan dengan topik My Family- Grammar nominal sentences- Teks speaking yang berjudul My Family

Langah-langkah pembelajaranAwal:-Guru menyapa siswa.-Guru mengajak siswa untuk berdoa.-Guru mengabsen siswa.-Guru Brainstroming mengenai topik “Familly”.Kegiatan inti:-Guru mengajarkan kata-kata baru.-Guru mengajarkan grammar: nominal sentences-Guru mengajarkan kepada siswa tentang anggota keluarga.-Siswa menjawab pertanyaan dari listening teks.-Siswa berlatih dialog dalam teks.-Siswa berlatih membuat dialog bersama dengan grup yang berkaitan dengan topik my family.-Siswa menampilkan dialog mereka.

Kegiatan akhir:-siswa membuat dialog sebagai tugas rumah.-guru memberikan feed-back.-guru menanyakan apakah siswa sudah jelas dengan matari yang di ajarkan.-guru memberi tahu topik yang akan dipelajari selanjutnya.-guru menutup pembelajaran.

Penilaian:Guru menilai siswa berdasarkan apa yang sudah dipelajari di dalam kelas. Apa yang didapat oleh siswa didalam mempelajari materi, menguasai materi, dan mengerjakan task adalah hasil nilai siswa.


Mengetahui,Kepala sekolah Guru Pembimbing

_____________ _____________




Brainstorming about the topic.

-Guru menunjukan gambar dengan mengunakan laptop yang sudah dihubungkan melalui perangkat LCD dan ditampilkan melalui LCD dan memperkenalkan salah satu anggota keluarga.

1. The media is using laptop (As a media that can help the teacher in provides many materials like picture, video, and etc. and actually can used in learning speaking)

- The teacher uses laptop with provide many pictures and saved inside of it. In the class the teacher shows pictures using laptop that conected through LCD device and the picture showed on LCD. After that the teacher introduces one of picture family to students.

2. LCD (As a media that can help the teacher to show a picture, a video, and etc.)

- Trough LCD the teacher can explains the topic of learning with specific, clearly, and actually the teacher gives all about the information that students need in learning English. Using LCD the teacher can tells all the learning material with modern technology, actually it makes learning be easier and be efficient.

(good morning class, which is the father (with pointing one of the picture on the LCD)?, which is the mother (with pointing one of the picture on the LCD)?, and etc.)

(hello students, can you mention your family member please (with showing many pictures from laptop and showed through LCD) and etc.)

3. Speaker Active (As a media that can used by the teacher to make the voice be loud in speaking class)

- Using speaker active can help the teacher easier to tell the voice or the material, because students can hear the voice well and student try to imitate and repeat about what the speaker said.

4. Dictionary or other media that can support and used in learning speaking.

- The teacher and students is using dictionary English-Indonesia as a source to find the meaning of words between English and Indonesia language. Dictionary English-Indonesia used by read and looking for the meaning of words if in class the teacher and students need in learning activity.


Task 1

1. Learn the words, repeat to say the word, and pronounce them like the voice of speaker active.

a. How to say the word of “Father”?, can you repeat it like the voice of speaker active?

b. How to pronounce word of “Father”?

c. How to say the word of “Mother”?, can you repeat it like the voice of speaker active?

d. How to pronounce word of “Mother”?

2. The teacher can asks to students to open their dictionary and find out the meaning of the word.

Family: keluargaFather: ayahMother: ibuSister: kakak perempuanBrother: kakak laki-lakiParents: orang tuaSon: anak laki-lakiDaughter: anak perempuanUncle: pamanAunt: bibiGrandfather: kakekGrandmother: nenekNephew: sepupuSibling: saudara kandungMariage: pernikahanBrotherhood: persaudaraan

Relation: hubunganBaby: bayiChild: anakChildren: anak-anak

Task 2Fill the words based on the pictures!

Father Mother Grandfather Grandmother Old brother

Old sister Uncle Aunty Cousin Nephew

Young brother Young sister


Simple Present “Nominal Sentence”



A studentA doctor


At the schoolAt the homeIn the park

I AmYouWeTheyThe parents


Task 3

1. Create a sentence with nominal using the word!

2. Create a sentence with adjective phrase using the word!

Language function

Example:-He is my mother.-He is my father.-My mother and my father are good parents.


Introduce my familyJoe : Hello, Jane. Good morning.Jane : Hi. Good morning.Joe : How are you?Jane : I am fine. Thanks.Joe : I will introduce my family.Jane : sure, thank you.Joe : Jane he is my father. His neme is Jaelani.Jane : hello Mr Jaelani how do you do?Mr Jaelani : hi Jane, how do you do.

Joe : and she is my mother. Her name is Fatimah.Joe : Hello Mrs Fatimah. How do you do.Mrs Fatimah : hi Jane, how do you do.Jane : I glad to know your parents Joe.Joe : Me too, thank you.Jane : You’re welcome.

Task 41.Who are do the dialogue in the text? (Joe, Jane, Mr. Jaelani, Mrs. Fatimah)2.Who is the name of Joe’s father? (Mr. Jaelani)3.Who is the name of Joe’s mother? (Mrs. Fatimah)4.What is the expression when Jane meet with Joe’s parents? (he feels glad)5.What is the synonym of “glad”? (Happy)


Students are supposed to create a dialogue about my family in groups. Name of family: Mr. Jaelani’s family. The wife is Mrs. Jaelani (Susi) and the son is Dino…and etc.

Tio: Who’s your father Dino?

Dino: My father is Mr Jaelani.

Tio: Who’s your mother?

Dino: My mother is Mrs Susi.

And etc………


Students are supposed to create a dialogue about my family in individually that different of the group before. Name of family: Mr. Ahmad’s family. The wife is Mrs. Agnes and the son is Justin…and etc.

Look for the method or the technique for teaching speaking:

- Brainstorming about the topic (Teacher giving or showing students a picture using a laptop through LCD and introduce or explain about it).

- Giving many new words to develop student vocabulary in speaking English (Teacher giving students many new words to develop student vocabulary in speaking for they can understand many words when they practice).

- Giving additional information about grammar that used in the speaking text (Teacher giving students additional information about grammar for they can speak well).

- Giving example about speaking text (Teacher giving students example about speaking text for they can imitate and then they can make or practice using different speaking text).

- Giving many tasks for students that have relation with the topic (Teacher giving many tasks for students for they can improve their ability in doing tasks or home assignment).

Look for the media for teaching speaking:

Laptop (As a media that can help the teacher in provides many materials like picture, video, and etc. and actually can used in learning speaking)

- The teacher uses laptop with provide many pictures and saved inside of it. In the class the teacher shows pictures using laptop that conected through LCD device and the picture showed on LCD. After that the teacher introduces one of picture family to students.

LCD (As a media that can help the teacher to show a picture, a video, and etc.)

- Trough LCD the teacher can explains the topic of learning with specific, clearly, and actually the teacher gives all about the information that students need in learning English. Using LCD the teacher can tells all the learning material with modern technology, actually it makes learning be easier and be efficient.

Speaker Active ( As a media that can used by the teacher to make the voice be loud in speaking class)

- Using speaker active can help the teacher easier to tell the voice or the material, because students can hear the voice well and student try to imitate and repeat about what the speaker said.

Dictionary or other media that can support and used in learning speaking.- The teacher and students is using dictionary English-Indonesia as a source to find the

meaning of words between English and Indonesia language. Dictionary English-Indonesia used by read and looking for the meaning of words if in class the teacher and students need in learning activity.

The media that can used in teaching English is picture media:

1. Understanding Media Images:The word comes from the Latin media that the medium is the plural word, which literally means an intermediary or an introductory message from the sender to the receiver. Whereas in the Great Dictionary of Indonesian, the media is a tool (a means of) communication, such as newspapers, magazines, radio, television, films, posters and banners.Regarding the function of the media itself originally we recognize media as a tool in the teaching and learning activities that provide visual experience in children in order to encourage motivation to learn, clarify and simplify the complex and abstract concepts become simpler, concrete, and easy to understand.

2. Function of picture media:Nowadays with the development of technology and knowledge, the media teacher works as follows:• Help facilitate learning for students and also make it easier for teachers teaching.• Provide more real experience (abstract becomes concrete).• Attractive greater student attention (nets, not boring).• All students can be activated senses.• More attract attention and interest of pupils in learning.• Can evoke worlds of theory with reality.

3. Benefit of picture media:The benefits of the use of images as a medium of education are as follows:• Media images can explain the notions that cannot be described in words. "One picture is worth a thousand words" or a picture is worth a thousand words. By drawing tools students will be easier to understand the lesson is to show pictures of the words or verbal understanding.• Pictures can generate interest for something new to be learned. By using media images, children increasingly broad horizon of experience, perception is getting sharper, and concepts by itself is getting full, so the desire and interest to learn new always arises.• Images can correct wrong notions Media images can convey notions or information in a way that is more concrete or more real than can be conveyed by words spoken, in print or in writing. Because that picture makes sense or something more meaningful information. Abstract thinking ability is only acquired by the exercise and built upon previous experiences with the real reality. By looking at the same hearing, the person who received the lesson, information and counseling, doubts or misunderstandings can be avoided effectively.• Images can overcome the limits of space and time. Through the images can be shown to students pictures of distant objects or that happened some time ago.• Images can overcome the power shortage capable human senses example: small objects that cannot be seen with the eye can be enlarged so that it can be seen clearly.• The benefits of media images in the instructional process is the presentation and explanation of the information, messages, ideas and so forth with and without using verbal languages, but it can give the impression.

Cara menggunakan media gambar didalam pembelajaran speaking:

Guru mempersiapkan beberapa gambar tentang foto keluarga dengan menggunakan laptop yang kemudian ditampilkan melalui LCD.

Guru memperkenalkan foto sebagai media pembelajaran dan menerangkan tentang foto tersebut secara oral atau lisan terhadap siswa didalam kelas.

Guru pertama kali memberikan informasi secara umum dan kemudian secara spesifik tentang foto yang digunakan didalam media pembelajaran:- Guru memberikan informasi tentang seluruh anggota keluarga.- Guru memberikan informasi tentang beberapa anggota inti keluarga.

Guru memberikan pengenalan tentang nama-nama anggota keluarga dari media gambar didalam bahasa Inggris (vocabulary).

Guru mengajarkan bagaimana cara membuat suatu percakapan/dialog tentang keluarga menggunakan media gambar (create a dialogue).

Murid mempraktikan bagaimana cara berbicara/berdialog dengan teman lain yang bertemakan keluarga.

Guru memberikan pertanyaan atau kuis dari media gambar yang digunakan didalam pembelajaran (giving questions or quiz for students).

Media gambar yang digunakan didalam pembelajaran adalah tentang foto keluarga:
