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Brief Overview

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Leadership ability determines a person„s Level of Efffectiveness

Personal and organisational effectiveness is proportional to the strength of the leadership

Leadership Ability Check

• People„s Skill

• Planning and strategic thinking

• Vision

• Results

“The higher you want to climb, the more you need leadership.The greater the

impact you want to make, the greater your influence needs to be.“

“Personal and organisational effectiveness is proportional to the strength of


1.The Law of the Lid ( Capability Limitation )

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2. The Law of Influence( Dynamic Personality )

Myths about Leadership

Management is not Leadership

• Management focusses on maintianing systems and processed, Leadership is about influence

• Managers maintain directions ,To change/move people in a new direction , you need influence ( Leadership )

• „ Management is different from Leadership „

Entrepreneurship is different from Leadership

“Enterpreneurship is about seeing opportunities , going after them and using them to make profits.“

Knowledge ( Power and intelligence ) does not necessisarily make you a Leader

Being first / being a trendsetter is not the same as being a leader“

“It is not the position that makes the leader , it„s the leader that makes the position“

Factors you rely upon to influence

Character - who you are

Relationship- who you know

Knowledge – what you know

Intuition – what you feel

Experience - where you„ve been

Past Sucess – what you„ve done

Ability – what you can do

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3. The Law of Process ( Systematic hard work/Learning)

Difference between an Event and a Process

An Event

Encourages Decision

Motivates People

Is a calendar issue

Challenges People

Is easy

A Process

Encourages Development

Matures People

Is a culture issue

Changes People

Is difficult

The Phases of Leadership Growth

1. I don‟t know what I don‟t know

2. I know that I need to know

3. I know what I don‟t know

4. I know and grow and it starts to show

5. I simply go because of what I know

“The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his time when it comes”

“ To lead tomorrow , learn today “

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4 . The law of navigation ( Direction )

“ Anyone can sheer the ship but it takes a leader to chart the course “

Navigators see the trip ahead

Navigators draws on the past experience

Navigators examine the conditions before

Navigators make sure their conclusions represent both faith and fact

Predetermine a course of action

Lay out your goals

Adjust your priorities

Notify key personal

Allow time for acceptance

Head into action

Expect problems

Always point to the successes

Daily review your plan

“A Leader is one who sees more than others see, who sees farther than others see and who sees

before others do”

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4. The law of Navigation

Barriers to successful planning

Fear of change


Uncertainty about the future

Lack of imagination

“It is not the size of the project that determines its acceptance , support and success . It‟s the

size of the Leader “

“No matter how much you learn from the past , it will never tell you all you need to know for the


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5. The Law of Addition ( Training /Mentoring )

How to add Value

Value others

Make yourself more valuable to others

Know and relate to what others value

Do things that God values.

“It is improper for one person to take credit when it takes so many people to build a

successful organisation “- JIM SINEGAL ( COSTCO )

“The bottom line in leadership isn‟t how far we advance ourselves but how far we advance


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6. The Law of Solid Ground ( Trustworthy )

Trust is the foundation of Leadership

To build trust , a leader must exhibit




Character communicates




“Character makes trust possible, and trust makes leadership possible. That is the law of solid ground.”

How to earn respect

“ By making sound decisions, by admitting their mistakes and by putting what‟s best for their followers and

the organisation ahead of their personal agendas.”

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7. The Law of Respect ( Human Values )

Gaining respect

Natural leadership ability

Respect for others




Value added to others

“One measure of leadership is the caliber of people who choose to follow you”

“ The leader must know, must know he knows and must be able to make it clear to those about him that he


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8. The Law of Intuition ( Intelligence )

How Leaders think

Leaders are readers of their Situation

Leaders are readers of Trends

Leaders are readers of their Resources

Leaders are readers of People

Leaders are readers of Themselves

Three levels of leadership Intuition

Those who naturally understand leadership

Those who can be nurtured to understand leadership

Those who will never understand leadership

“Who you are dictates what you see“

“Natural ability and learned skills create an informed intuition that makes leadership issues

jump out at leaders“

“Improvement is impossible without change“

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9. The Law of magnetism ( Attractive Personality )

People you attact is determined by the following characteristics







Leadership “

“Who you attract is not determined by what you want. It is determined by who you are.“

“If you think your people are negative, then you„d better check your attitude.“

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10. The Law of Connection ( Communication skills )

How to connect with people ?

Connect with yourself- Must know who you are ( Confidence )

Communicate with Openness and Sincerity

Know your audience

Live your message

Go to where they are – Break all the barriers

Focus on them , not yourself

Believe in them

Offer direction and hope

“Its leaders job to initiate connection with the people“

“People don;t care how much you know until they know how much you “

“You can„t move people to action unless you first move them with emotion. The heart comes

before the head“

“To connect with the people in a group, relate to them as individuals“

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11. The Law of Inner Circle( Core team )

Who should be drawn into your inner circle?

Do they have high influence with others?

Do they bring a complementary gift to the table?

Do they hold a strategic position in the organisation?

Do they add value to you and to the organisation?

Do they positively impact other inner circle members?

Plus do they display



Good Character

“A leader„s potential is determined by those closest to him“

“You can do what I cannot do. I can do what you cannot do.Together we can do great things “

“ Identify , Cultivate , Recruit “

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12. The Law of Empowerment( Development/Mentoring )

Barriers to empowerment

Desire of job security

Resistence to change

Lack of self worth

“Only secure leaders give power to others“

“Leading well is not about enriching yourself – its about empowering others“

“ To push down , you have to go down with them “

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13. The Law of the Picture( Lead by example )

Who should be drawn into your inner circle?

Mission provides purpose – answers the WHY question.

Vision provides a picture – answers the WHAT question.

Strategy provides the plan - answers the HOW question.

Modeling insights for Leaders

Followers are always watching what you do.( Lead by action )

Its easier to teach what„s right than do what„s right.

We should work on changing ourselves before trying to improve others

The most valuable gift a leader can give is being a good example.

“Great Leaders always seem to embody two seemingly disparate qualities . They are both

highly visionary and highly pratical.“

“Leaders tell but never teach until they practice what they preach “

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14. The Law of buy-in

It„s not an either/or proposition

When followers don„t like the leader or the vision they look for another leader.

When followers don„t like the leader but they do like the vision , they look for another leader

When followers like the leader but they don„t like the vision , they change the vision.

When followers like the leader and the vision , they get behind both.

15. The Law victory

Leader find a way for the team to win. Components of victory

Unity of vision.

Diversity fo skills

Leaders dedication to victory and raising the players to their potential.

“The leaders finds the dream and then the people. The people find the leader and then the


“People don„t at first follow the worthy causes. They follow worthy leaders who promote

causes they can believe in.“

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16. The Law of the big momentum ( Law of inertia )

The truth about momentum

Momentum is the great exaggerator

Momentum makes leaders look better than they are

Momemtum helps followers perform better than they are

Momentum is easier to steer tha to start ( Newton„s first law of motion )

Momentum is the most powerful change agent

Momentum is leader„s responsibility

Momentum begins inside the leader.

“Leader always find a way to make things happen.

17. The Law of priorities

Leaders understand that activity is not necessarily accomplishment. ( 3 R„s )

What is Required?

What gives the greatest Returns?

What brings the greatest Rewards ?

“Leaders get out of their comfort zones but stay in their strength zone.“

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18. The Law of Sacrifice

Sacrefice is the heart of leadership

There is no success without sacrifice

Leaders are often asked to give up more than others

You must keep giving up to stay up

The higher the level of leadership , the greater the sacrifice.

19. The Law of Timing

Good leadership timing requires many things

Understanding- firm grasp on the situation

Maturity- if the motives aren„t right , timing will be off

Confidence- People follow leaders who know what must me done

Decisiveness- Clarity of thought ( no confusion at all )

Experience – If leader don„t posses experience, then they need to gain wisdom from others who

do possess it

Intuition- understand the morale and momentum

Preparation- must create the right conditions if they are not right

“When the right leader and the right timing come together , incredible things happen.“

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20. The Law of explosive growth

How to achieve explosive growth

If you develop yourself, you can experience personal growth

If you develop a team , your organisation can experience growth

If you develop leaders , your organisation can achieve explosive growth

“To add growth , lead followers, to multiply , lead leaders.“

21. The Law of Legacy.

Leaders understand that activity is not necessarily accomplishment. ( 3 R„s )

Know the legacy you want to leave

Live the legacy you want to leave

Choose who will carry on your legacy

Make sure you pass the baton

Achivement comes when you do big things yourself

Success comets when you empower followers to do big things themselves

Significance comes when you develop leaders to do great things with you

Legacy comes when you put leaders in position so do great things without you.

“A life isn„t significant except for its impact on other lives.“

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Think it over

Leadership is a matter of






Factors affecting the outcome of any war

Moral Influence


Accustomed to conditions




Fair Performance Appraisal – Reward and Punishment


Sternness Courage




5 P‟s – “ Prior preparation prevents poor performance”

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Think it over

Negative traits of a Manager

Micromanaging employees

Not trusting people

Being Harsh



Lack of acknowledgement/appreciation


Do not

Speak Loudly


Be Harsh

Be forceful

Answer what is being asked, Find why it is being asked
