Leadership Management Administration


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The Process






Leadership in practice is about being a captain in a ship. It’s a sole position that requires one with the right blend of knowledge, skills and ability to move the group or team in a constant and consistent upward acceleration towards achieving its vision. A Leader does not usually work with a crowd, or even a group of individuals, usually a Leader identifies an individual who can serve as “his clarifier” and together they work out how the group is “Managed”.

Management Management is a group of individuals with different but complimentary skills, knowledge and abilities working together with a leader in order to serve as a support to him or her in the quest of moving a general body in a constant and consistent upwards/forward advancement towards achieving its vision. Management is usually a Team, and should necessarily go through the cycle of; Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing and Adjourning. In this team, the clarifier usually “should” emerges a Successor of the Leader.

Administration Administration requires working with the crowd, interplaying with the foot-soldiers directly.

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The terms Administration, Management and Leadership are not different styles of people-management, rather they are stages that people evolve from and into, in their quest for helping a group to achieve their vision or as it may, their mission.

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There are no styles of leadership rather there are levels of leadership development; starting from administration, to management and the end point is leadership.

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Every time people are stuck in the process, there is a chaos.

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At every point in time, very few men evolve deliberately from each of the process this is represented by a 5%.

25% get pulled up by leaders who saw their potential for management.

70% others get stuck!


Leadership1. Leadership is a product of process: No one appears into leadership. 2. Consciously or unconsciously every leader who ever emerged, went through all the stages of the process. 3. Leaders that emerge from the blues fail easily because most times they start “Administration” while in



A Leader’s responsibility with people is completely reduced, but his major focus is on the VISION of the group.

People are the Manager’s assets and their responsibility is to appropriately manage it for the purpose of appreciating its value.


The most important word in Leadership is TRUST 2-Way trust:

The Leader is TRUSTED by his Managers, The Leader TRUSTS his Managers.


TRUST is the foundation for Leadership. TRUST is a product of responsibility at the various level of a

leader’s development.

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